HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-01-18, Page 6Then there followed, a (leer stale- ment of his effails, with two or three same lequ(Isle to servants, 14(4 the envelope, with • the will, there was farad a certlfleato of the pdbption of "Edmund 'W'ales" by RR 1 Carpenter and 1118 wife, to: ler tt'itlt and account of the whole enaction. Br, and Afre, C'arpcuter had tray. reedn good deal durum their early Married life, and ranee, while to the far wmthwoet, they had come noose a little child who had been born in a mining dlatrfel, The mother had dead loon alter the birth of her boy, and he had been left to the doubtful cute which Could be secured In that Wild region, Ides. Carpenter lied be• IMMO immediately Interested, in the deed, and propmed to adopt It If the lnther'e fomHent could 71e gained. This was not a very difficult mat- ter, and the tabu wan oaken to Man Frartrlrlo, whey It was supposed, by Mr, and Mrs, Carpenter's ! friends, to have 'beau born, and no one else had • ever known mall now that he had Weft an (1(lollte41 son, Waiter was ae much surprivee 1144 any one by this unexpected di*clo- 0840, and, under any other circum 41.ne00, he would hRwe wondered at Sir. Cnrtpenter for haying ninth it: but. looking buck, he could not real- yae how divappolnted the noble heart- ed man m1111 Mee been with tlteeotd return which the boy had Ighveu htJn for alt ..tete caro end attecttonbe had billeted upon him ; and how he must love contrast• ad his own (1Vniter'44l loving gratitude and tender att'lntiono with the II1dUterence and almost neglect of h!s eupp 4ed ant. Edmund Carpenter was rendered teseecbless by what he had heard. It was a thunderbolt that served tecru4h lent effectually, ntut he line nota word farther to offer In obJlrtlon to the Condition of the will. 1. -?hese papers, regarding your nem- 11tt, I wed resign Into your baud» at erre," Mr. Fairbanks resumed, " and Ile (114 wail meet to Immediately pro- tege and there meet 10e 41 hole 411'1- 14 .ail' you Wiesen* We leave 04d31- A110d.4110114 011/' other dl'ooveriee. ., RS yare-1400(1 turning uu your Property tete Matto' With tee Meer.- t.on of alortly qufteker the-comptry. Now this money, ghee) yon' hate father line uplointed ms exdcutor, mutt all be relueita'lted into my lend, neat I w.Il see that Justis:! 114 dobe. 1f -Row mark you, Air. ('nrixeater, ties lea 'fere Important condition, and it very itag71m1.m0i11 ane 111 my teatime- tknt-11 you agree to this anti give no •tru(ble in thin eettlenett, no 7(440- 0:01141(441 will be taken against you, a8 Mr. It chard:eon Menke (rem adopting effere40:1-e tnkaeuree nettle( ole who leas No tang metalled the re'at'ouxhlp 1111 sea to les belovoll la'utnct or. Ml;e (Melon, oleo, le acerae to the notor- iety of a trial for the wrong tlult SW have done her. How is It, 81r -du f I Wee t0 our terms i" - tt-mrw •Ve ih"Wil yOlkin'ear that you wap not antempt to !stye the city until full aeon has beep nines to Mr. Biolt- naR Y" "Yee, 1 wear tt," "Of court. I donut ut 1115 s1 to tell you that every (re Guest tell be token 4, prevent your ding en,' lir. Fair- banks wed, with omphnt. slgnite 1'A11ee, "and new, I believe we have no further need of your presence here to' Manuel Careeater Rrote :,t this abrupt d'emtetal, looking am if years bag paired over Item eed(oe he sat du tv n. Ile shot Dior glitter of hatred Lind mal- ice at Walter, who was regard ug 114111 with real 1(Ito spud sorrow ; tion U14 eye rotted for aul Instant with u bort of delteog tenderness' upon Ruby's &vetted fete, after which he ranted and walked quietly from the MOM, 700 thoroughly vtulquieheeema !team to keep up the appearance of ..--'aatt10. may nu well 1*' stated here, that was closely "'shadowed" (11(111 be vere(1 Half lee fortune Into A1C. ,make' bards for Welter; evhich, Hilts It had to ire done, Ito wee ease! ode immediately, end after that he 1 1411 erten the city, iters again. when Walter seting abroad, 0.I0 as 1!v - 11t n noted est wae.t!ng the he hod received her. re wile gene 1 Ie-J0:c:ng over d'soorery; Walter, although M copies ger 'tool at good tical, et 1014 notl beyond the feet he iiut 1 (g to deur. Gees ' wan sent for nt once, while 1 a were wilding for her, y teid'.•'•'t the fhnf',ng of Ralph eller' will, and where elle lied kid t„ A'ltat*Upat Mr. Retied, Oil off'oell teitit leen. petted of/ edeetwale to seonte it. e toted Mrt Captor still there. The laid of the oetate was net t7 baslesn1011 until the fled of Otte- mstewllil0 She Wile to remain and let the furniture 1.n proper for stole ancitmn gale ; :to, tw oat, lyl'eeercely ' anytldilg hed d' tubed geed Ulm loneekeeper was erne limerit'ed epee learning what had tlp'lluby, but she wale over - that :the had d!erovered wIt { fehoot, and Mr. Rug - eine reepq►Pd 111 tribmplh'll"lth it to Afr, eetteare are efter wit Roby were y heats' a dieslpatecl biter resort, a bequest we 11144 adopted ()OUTER XLVLI, kuidefe yet "Cee lt4' ° Bub 4R•► worhl!y a nr pr tie aim at ("e'e'. here tiffany proved my ruin. An well tort ((g , I deserve year 0(lPrcllle runt,. tot kelttle care are en hw l,, I You e atv'..e/1g mei,ke'ndnos+ which you ThSt from lien. linrdh uty wo hail let ill for ne*.rl3 n w-rrk. Bhp (tad I taken fro% the •court 1101041' tttat.7 410 her, t cancer Cnnrdin )lace y, where itney had heisted "t ne0onipauytng het, ,u,q pvle'rll had been, unren'ttlne hl her (t((1- e, Mod SS geutln anti kine nn (f b NW hoed never done Iter Li+h. b04r.e I have forgiven y;(1 Al- , Addle," Ruby (140, ret " I It afe ae, #1101411, that 1 felt for- uqug4l when I found that you league with EI11nlnai CnNall- Wiled t1 make ran marry r,t for Robert morn than -- a(0 alone and fel/eel- 1.1 h" 'returned lira. Gordon, I leave besot false enough 'rag have shown yoar- r neer of n wemaa than tet„r e qtr *gables began, and you Meier year pittance and 74000 the first, Bat I head a dUtersnt hteafter Re make myself wortby of sad hind the repent- thd,hlpe, the pattIti 1111 Cud to further dentine:aeou. Sedate 111111 :•anted to lake her di- reeth• home with her as soon ne the trial wee concluded' for her heart head gone out to the loveay girl from the moment at her Introduction to her. But, Ruby, seeing how 1.1 Mrs. Gordon w'on, fee that her duly 0118 for the present, with her, and mho had m4swered: "Este:,* nettle me, and I meet not lois( her until she gets tech; even then elle wl''! have no one to care for her, and It Is :to drendfu, to feel that oto la all none'(( the world," She nouid not forget her own re- veal were of desa:a'llml, and her ten- der heart prompted her to throw whet symphdhy and care she could arnund the lonely wo3nen, In spite of the Injury w111cb she had done her. "11 mous to nue she la not over and above deserving of such eta-44arr1- flee," netiam had repeed; "44he bas not shown any very great Beane of her duly to you In the wet." "Wed -but she 04114 Bohemia wife; he lowed bar, and for he sake i will May with her while Rho is sick; while, tray, Estelle used 10 be very good to ale In the ell days," Rally plead- ed, In extenuathm et the offender. " Tee," thought neutron, " when everything was tonenh mei plea- sant, when there was nothing to mom her net 4(oduem8 required no effort." ' All 1 I understand ; you have been nrrlmging for a wedding," 8(110 Mea, hlordot, smiling nt her confu- sion. "Yes," Ruby confess -d, more, free:y, now that the Ice was broken; "mad- am says there is no reason why '\Va:- 1er ehou!d delay mvkiug n home for hinueet, and she wants him to le- t:ed. Besides, she says s like n p:nce to visit leoaleo n change." "Then you are dot to live with her, nor she with 'yon 7" "No; Waller want( her to (tome to cs, but she nays she 11149 lived e0 long by herse:if, she preterit to keep up her own ent8b:ishtnent, though elle an - mixes tie sial elle will come 1,0 see us often enuglr, and relay: long eneug11, to prevent 0tp' forgetting- that we have a grsedmother," Ruby concluded, tan l a ng, ' Where are' yea going.1* nye, Ruby. 7' Ruby soughed outright hl Ihie question, I don't know, Eote-be. Waller says I ado not to troub:e my head about ilea, mince 'I shell have enough else to (wimpy my attention during the next few weskit," "I 8uppes+o he will 1' ooheldered n very rich 1)1401 now', 011 11 1118 legacy from ALC. ()telemeter nit, hie c'Xpeota- tIone from Madame Howland," "Yeti, T suppose so," the younggir: answered, with a strangely glove look, "1 nen very (Ca J, Itaby, datrllnlft`" sail her sister, hearil:y', "and 1 het4t you .w11 enjoy your wealth sad po- 441110n; you da4Mrre, too, I ism sure, for you have borne poverty like an anae:." The marriage had been 1401 for the 24t11 of October, and Afr. Rugglee Mot bleeder' upon giving Ih8by a grand w0c1db14. You are like :another daughter to me," he s1dd to her tenderly, one day, when the matter was 'being dllcu0eed, "and I Welit you to grant me a father's privilege in this. Mother and 1 are going down to take po*oesolon of our new honey et the city, the first of September, told y(xl ellen be mar - reed front your old home, 1f-11 you thtgl-'you would like It." 'Oh, Mr. haggles 1" er!ed hobo, week tears start:ug to her eye8, -that I8 so keel of you. I should like It of all tiregl+; tu141-U-itobert were only he -re;' she added, eat a choking 101,n, '"I.t 11'0(11(1 01111014 swan as It 1 were really going to be aft (tote ages', ' Aura r» 't was ((rru4yett •(11(4(1, to the 44411s;negfmn et' all mirth*, :Led Ruggles, taleng Alra. (lordenl n''.de for a ('1n dentla1 enderenee, r'e- markell: 1 f we've gong to hovel title w,ddbIg !a our new houts, I (('alit eteryth'.ng done up Baser ole, mad 1 411(448 you Mole:- how to manage such tiengx bet - mother send I 'de, 411 if you'll just take! charge of the affair. l,t'lI be a relief 10 us, though ]'11 take oars of the WRVS and Means, invite 0110 yon elrpogl, 41781 $pond n, (1(11,,.1 money as 7y44(41 like, mei-don't you let that 1144aled girl want for a s'nglc thing." The eommiatio((, together with the carte blanche, jure suited Mrs. bur- den, and she mitered into the arrange - meets width all her heart; 111141 14'- t(1een them all, Ruby wee alntlaat orerwbelnud with lemine's and beau- tiful Iglfts. Her tree:teen was am Imply anti complete as the (111001:0.1 01 keel 'Tic 1:14 and the la('814 expenditure of money meld stake It..altiough she Itjrkpsteett that 1(t ought not to he so. tenets she had le) fortune of her own, "Lean rely a poor glee I haven't a Ppepeirlle of -my own," aIle said one even•, lets, to 'Walter; "pmt ono would thank, So Nee till the finery upette 0, that 1 ought to he n 1(19younito at least." Ar 11 be, bends s3 to toncb her fore- head with his IIpt, said, with a queer Lille en; le : You'tttttlserate yourself, my darl'llg -you fie tot know flow mute yeti are wort le" - Floretee and All 11113 Partridge, who, of all jouP)ga former frleale, ind proved moot faithful (hiring her ad- ve.r8ity, were obssert to be brkfe,m0lds, anal when at length the ail important day arrived, Mr. Reggie*" new rest - t ' (el:0 aniRuby's old Immo was once more ablaze from (Ake to basement, and moot exquisitely decorated im honor of the fair bride -elect. soC It wee very hone-llke and beauti- ful. Nottlbee had been disturbed In the louse, the conservatory had Mee res feed with choice plants. and It almost seemed to Ruby as if the ptart your lad been but a and dream; but with tie exo peon of a dear preweiu'e, which hurl mice helped to brighten. those lofty and elegant rooms, there was notheig Wanting, The young bridle W+ta vera' 11)0e13' In her ivory Rath( robe, with Its beau - Wel Mee ot•erdeeo, and the ntlrty veil, fastened with real orange blas ants, wil!4 the pretty urhi emnhlN .v''"'oaroely lest attractive its white sqk 11114 tulle, Tho' wedding WIWI n brtlllent affair, :lieteri.":::,41,,ottrelunrilreirticaltto Isar the (1(!11x' n i way, moIlowlned lee so fur re0uv- ab1P that 4411e 0118 4411( ' tt,p'nr w'tholtt her arm ll( e Ig. attionRf It. "'lo ,.1111 !nor sed w•ea k, :n.d . .4,1141,vain dx,k„d very hutl%uw aeleet, p(a!natlbitet 114 ,ler elegautt bhnek site (1(4)(are4l e c ane'3 rn4 ndA vvhlle faa1e!)11 traa:dmoo $ ,'dj'n pr(' Art >10 oI the Theme of ftp choles yams rnuple we're ort' Heeled bo'nji by Reeve ,' 'o In the 4log her LI(+ meld g %t Of es, raxtblee Iltade 1'!, serv,uo tenderly lmpreveive, mid Come i when, three Tame Iater, her hand IFratubated Wee most heartily ate woe aa1411t 81111 eat by R noble turd ward, for het wet sae rare a devotee eldityman, tee with well fit• wee ( ( Nt1 for the position mhe waft to oc• The certoulee pial F bad , enpy, 'Iietei a will nuke a Mealy beets est eAIJ el ere Ov 4s the 1111411t01'14 wife," Ruby (teetered ; and Woo and Caoue had effeiltee fes u Phe did, although she newsy' affirmed little tour before eAC%do%tt W the that If fuser, was any gaud In tier, real ban. alas enjoyment of lite, It wax all mg{ag to the living ' ex. reed were to settee the dlty at Ono of ample of her beautiful teeter, The night titled Marinate Howland lived to tut (td• But when the games. had departed ranee] age -lived to welcome and love and Ruby had eiclianged her wedding three Roble toys and two sweet re- deems for the trn,vo1111 ngg snit, Mr. Buge tie girls ---her great grandchildren, les drew them into the library for and due pride of her heart, and du few 184 word+, Ing the hart few years of her life lie seemed :Imply stinted, nem, lay. ale was content toire ftp her own !ug his lined tenderly upon the 'mete home and rrell0 with Walter end his bt:de's head, be meet, in a livaky tote: wife, "My dear child, ever Wilco 1 be. Mr. and Mee Ruggles were frequent knownoft I Nide teen aipar then vlaltors In that delightful home, I ever exp0l ted to tie agate In tette where they were always mast term, word after having my own tear dough. ally twelve!, and which they dee ter, and i whist to tell you that, shred was the matt charming spec horlvitortli, all that 1 have or goal tette die of henven ; and when- they we`ll belong to you. But," he added, were Cully gathered to their mete n 1:nthetc attempt to et.tile, elrs, 11114414444 fleet (old her hustkt for his eyes were full of tears slut h'a but a few months later -all thele' edea ttembayeg, "before you Want great wealth came into Itubr's` Pelt. away,. I wanted to give ,you it daaugle melon, bequeathed to her by her ter's in't'.tnl and a father's blotting, friend, with his "beet love and grate tn take the, tuck .It away 1t+meWttere tomo for all her khtdneee to n rough where 5t'll be wife, and (4ad bless you old wan." beetle 1" She sold not help feeling that the He bent and touched Ruly's forehead had rooted a Wonderful reward - with 11144 uteteatly lips, shook bandit that it wax all the outgrowth of with {falter, and thea left the mem that one simple act 01 rourtea), and abruptly, lifter having slipped IL peek• geed will on tint evening, when this age late the yotteg wife's Mics. uncultured etrenger had entered, nn • Dear o:4 meat, how peel he Is! But unbidden guest, her brother's Iloase, what le thiel" Ruby ttxke(1, stoking to offer hostage to the poet who hail from the package up Into her hour remitted the depths of 11144 renIy noble teeul'a'nor. nurture by the might of Ills gifted " Let tut examine It," he lucid, ova- pen. 441v01y, for he had known 44onething of Mr, Ruggles' Ittentiona, Ruby mddated the paper and begin to rend. "Olt, dear;' eke cried, Inughhtg, "It Ig ate of those {meeting legal deco - 'trete, such an Robert wee ;t0 have, tad I lover Could make diem out, Take it, Walter, and explain It 1f yon Another re(nsrkable cure added 4" Oto ORM"already Wag which was effected by ('atnrrhoeone, ' Waiter milled, foul gathered flo(Pp, email figure of hie wife 01040 lu hie Mr. Clmrlieaml4tunrt, of Allelfursl, arae:. welted:; " For twenty 18114 years 01114 " 1 cap explain it, alerting, creche t I a great euffeJer from Cittarrh, I the element,"ho snail, "fey bin Rnif' wee whiled' Avnll, n11 the* reae- 44ttonet dbm4ttuns n(kertised, changed my la-n- eleo confidedhieel4ego. Text lotoW, dear, Oat Our old flea, on the advice (4 my pile:001 e friend has became: immensely wealthy did everything that lay In my lower •Shu ing the Inst few yen 141" to du,' but at MetIlecarae 1eelgned " Yeti, 1 klatw." to my Soffortstlg. The dieters Kahl " I. do not ted to tell you, wither, the vette runt of too long 'tasdfug ham fund of you 110 mei lila wife to be Ilelpee, anti gave me up. fly tate loth IMeumo; yon reign health was beg:ening to tail vo rap. supreme 111 their honed Medi : 1411y teat my family be"ame nnnl1 std, last mouth, Iia. Ilaggl m attained. Finally, n neighbor ad- mnde his will bequeatllbtg every' weed me to use ('atarrhozale. and ming, 14111P cos hnndrtel thous- as I, Inde ro8,ldl( t ltd so. 1 n11 lutpp3' and do:11114, which gt»s to endow n to 44i)' tint 111 n very whorl time I certain co:iege In thee Stile- to you. wens t•tlnlpletelV curet of catarrh, II you survlve butts hem and his wide ntl.1 Nothing but Cuturrhoxoue enulm But that has nothing to do with the lune worked strep' at miracle. fly aocutneat he has Met (Oven you ; health lout been fully re :toted, and tea Is tinny n deer, of this Nitrite. no 8ymptoul14 of Catarrh have re - conveying to Mrs. Ruby Rich'rlssu turned. 1 ennnnt env ton much in end heirs forever this beautiful home prntee of your preparation. It is nil and see that It contains. you guarantee it to be. (Ruby looked amazed. "Slmp)y a dead of this estate," tee repeated, breatbloonly. "\Vhat a gift 1 but 1 thought that they were going to IIse here l" "No, that was upay a kindly plain, SO that you might be harried In your toed home. Mr. Ruggles bought the place, Intending from the Bret that ,you shou'd eventuality have it; but I doubt If they weted ever. be con- tent to break up the home where they have spent so Many,yeors of their urea. -Poor child 1 do you feel so eery, 'twee burdened with thle gift f" Wtetex ' conel,uded, smiling down upon a blank face. "t ran beetle realise it," Ruby said, yec geolei114 foully arouee. the ((- miter, bo.tutlful reel% ' "It law been made very dot nothing ran ever (eke It from y and," with a mlachlevons smelt, "eure"y, you are not empty handed, now." "0h 1 Witter ! I'm afraid that was a :'ileo foolish- of me" Ruby ro111, tushing, 'yeI, after all, with a i'cret stew of eatl1fle1hut at the fact. "But," she continued, "wham are you ant I going to do all alone In this greet house f I thought--" "Yet, i know ; yap have thought that a home ens being prepared for you eleewhoro. But 1 had leen told of thee, and I Was sort you would be happier here than anywhere else; and though 1 own 'tie rather sixt- clou4 (Or 118 alone, yet 1 Inviable we shall fled friends t+uuugh w'lo Will Le glad to help 119 (11 it." "But, Walter, It ie going to take a greet deal of money t1 keep up :well nn establIMhtuent,'' said Ruby, gravelyy, Little wleMaere 1" Inaghed the happy husband, "your experience in - street, lute made you very ettl- (matilg; but, my darling, we no: going to hare n great deal ut money, and we can afford to do about nt WP like, One thing I am nitre yell will like, and that Is to know that Mrs. Coxon ls coming to 114 housekeeper. for us; you knoll she once toed, shoe would like to emelt.) live with ,tdg' "0h, that la very good of ',you, .. ter," Ruby delightedly .exclaimed. "1 have been wondering where, the wo- man would fled a comfereytpttlle hone, mei I ant nure she will Iikelo be here. But," with a little merle "nil tole is very unexpected anti it rather Elea - tem 10111 bright dreams Hutt I have had about n little home with only one (arvent, where I wag to (10 Ho nugy things for you with my own bands!" "These dear, Mande will fled plenty to do for sue as It Is," Waiter uns- evered, kissing them wetly, "for t Intend to be a very bury ntln. I have no intention of giv- ing up my bueinees„ to I shall make Yee my 'almoner to Hee poor, when 1 cermet attend to such thIOge mS- se:i," That w -i:4 be very pleasant work, end' I know' one min do ever so much gga1 wpeaty of money. And no, \V'ne(ter,ith" boak(ng up nt him widthet a sweet nerlousne. ( that made her very owely, "lel us resolve, en this most Important day of our levee, that We w4:'1 tet ((bort a certain portion of Reutwmbrr all ,hat we hare, nn.i dedicate It to the work of he:fdng the poor and mak- We don't advert!me for mete effect, Ing other poop, happy;' but for business. W0 knots that, U "Whet all al heart," he answered, but are busine to eremite,4(kn that You tender, ', "Shall It be a tenth or n shout 1 have a prompt, 4 t remedy fifth? You elute deride that question eel hand. \erv!Ittle-nervy-pnbl eure some other time. oust now, however, has n wonderful nal Immediate corn• I have to remind you, ire. Richard-has power. it relieves 1n one minute, eon, sheet our train leaven 10 just hill's It curse In five. Pleasant to the tnete an hour, end we mull be on the mal the Into known remedy far pain. wing; hut my bright, bevatlful wife, my heart 1s fue of joy at the Thought that I nm to bring you ,back here„ ton home so worthy of you, •and where you ere so well ilttee to reeve', s . • - a . What moss can we add, but to any that In the years that came and went, these two faithfully kept the resolution mode on their wedding day. The memory of the tri'o's of hie eerily life kept Walter'44 heart green and tender, and he never turned away from a try of distress nr 0vtth- he:;i him bounty wherever there wag a caul todo good; while Ruby's brief I Dratvinn experience of poverty and care made g a rine DlatUnetlau, her a 44weet and gentle sympathizer with all who were in tremble, rand mete- a 11041(4' ens erlgbtenee In her benevolence, Many a despairing heart was comforted by her deed of mercy and love,' lire Gordon proved to be complete. ly changed by that trying experience, which had era nearly remelted to the exposure of her treachery toad 11144- 41(4)44) to the name elle bore. She was euttenid and subdued; her pride eon- i Miller's Compound iron eine; only (leered; her Affections quickened, And The End) Catarrh For Twenty Years, Dee' ors gave up the rase and 011111 i nibing could help, CATARRHOZONE Is a gautra ntee:1 (etre for CATARRH, ASTRM,t, /MONK Orris, Rolm by 1,11 druggists. Complete outfit, ennsletlag of hard rubiter In- haler aur, euf(lllettt Ikiuid fur ((1x weeks' time price 81: extya inhalant 14(1,' ler tattle. Money eisertnlly re- funded if It fillet to relieve. Trial oltdlt Bout for 10o 111 stamps. to any 1411444084, by N. C. Pollen% A. co., Klegeton. Ont. IT14 ICXI'OIL'r I'ROHIIII'l'MD. Pulpwood Front Crowe Land* Must be lounfactnred Heat. 1t Is untfeeletiod tit/it tbo llevern(ene lueve,enster uCi lido meso► net unla1414 meet'( tbu pPrgehtt one reelecting- pulintwhIrli provides for flott,ap, plioatlon of the uunuO(eturinglt'bwse to spruce hofs, time practically put- ting then' on the same basis ala maw - loge. The order in C'alaell 11111 take effect aft the (dorm of the present Hoene(' year, cls., 00th of April, and after that date no pulpwood cut on any timber limits sold by the Govern, meat can be exported front Canada. ,1 very small gnantit,v of pulpwood Ix now exported from lands on which the xettl.r* hold the patent. Tito total amount tittle exported to 18DS was clout 6,000 cords, but from fig - tires now 111111able the unmet: for 1/400 11ill etc agenetldug Ione, '71(4 order in Council Is au(0(101r Illustra- tlon of the Government's desire to retain for the people of Ontario the full profit* resulting from the pro. ducts of the foreet8, and will doubtless meet with the game (tpprov'nl Ism the order(' relating to nickel and copper, which were pawed eolith week* since, A 'lose of MIller'N Worm Powders ohauithPcaa'oy,nalle will keep the children HIIIla41n' Bracer, . B11RRgs (aside)-(400dnesn me! Hem (eines Alre, Spruce with her Smart-lopk:ng husband, and here John goo along by my side 1410p. ping and Bh(1ftling. Whitt eluel 1 tk+ to brave itim ftp? Ah 1 1 know ! (.tion) Jolmt! Jultu Did you see that handsome girl looking nt you 4 . Mr. Billings (with alacrity) - No! Where? Where, -The Weekly Tele- graph, le Wes Worm Powders are the beet In xi th'e medlclue foe children : ns alae as sugar. This Bon Wes Brittle, Air. George H. Hata, of the a1v0r- tlming department of the eanndlan POclflc hallway, neci(tentully slimmed while emerging from the bath tub at 11144 rP,lden(:e, Western avenue, To- ronto, nn $0111110 morning, and beep a couple of rlb.4. Mr. Ilam 01l1 he (con- fined to heti for n few weeks In .on. g'qurnce. ills Extensive Prattles('. "Ana how are you getting Meng?” asked the young doctor's friend. "Oh, "plendidly, Rpleudidly," was the reply. "I've been eepecielly Rua emote! in the Met two months." "Worked lip al large Practice, have you?" Ole I've had it huge peneticr, for e'er a year, but in the Istat two 'ouches I have found three patients who pay their belle," Miller'' Grip Powders ('urs, haurette! Grunlund, the (oelallet writer who mesa a arty weeks igu In Nee leek, ttlu4 a thorough Ix4Rt nits. One evening, niter Ile .had denounced the modern lad»strtal system In ease age terms, a friend remarked; "It le not so bud ate Rueatan despotlem, Is It ?" "Act quite ; the former le the worst p 00lhle ; the latter the worst 0000Mvabl0" w L'$ rents for 60 dame. A MODERN & ANT aTHAWv h1Vptla't'IreY vv GERMAN 7'homaude of Persons Literally Live flow He was Conquered by a Tiny, but Vicious Enemy. 'Coronet, December 28.-.00long the older generation, in Mullane and Mono township!, elincoe county, u0 num iv better known, nor more high- ly esteemed than William Hall, form - ere' of Mono, but now a prominent Toronto conlrnetor. Mr. Hall, in hoe younger days WON It carpenter. He was also the strongest man in the two township.. All etlee$ie spans were his delight, mud In taunt ell 11e excell- ed. His reputation as a mechanic Was equelly high. Some year% ago, Air. Hall pane 0)1141lt in a terrific rain storm, while returning }Mute on foot, alpug a coun- try road, re }torte* of estitielt seas "corduroy, "'sunning throughan ex- trusive swami. }Int the (1alkl04k,'Ile pot off the road, lege mt,epp0d into the mush and mute ehrougli wliiet the road e114 built. tfde leaktothe waist, au+1 oljiy with tl(t' greeted difficulty wee able to Tom himself. Next morning he was is a ragtag Lever, the result of the expoeur0, which would have )tilled half a dozen ordinary Men. I1 Watt several weeks before ho was trete and when he left his bed his left leg was four inches shorter that the right, Rheumatism of the most extreme type had folks/lied his sturdy adventure, anti, as file doe - tors sold, mewled him for life. tiny those who have offered with llbeuulatiem cat imtyttne1li0 tortures he eudnrcd. Dav and night, the agony burned into his nerves and (nutlet, making his life a 009aelew round of torment. Doctor after doe - ter treated him, Some proposed to eeixel a pi0(e out of the bone of the leg; ethers said nettling could do him any goal. The surgical staff of the Western Hospital, and a stere' of 'felting physicians examined 111m and decided ha amid never be cured.' (1110 doctor bled him, drawing away e large quantity of thick, etrinla, dere- colored telipxl, heavily jmUregnate4l with pus. Even this'dld'Iioi,peetugit- eitt geed: Linineeltis, Oils, and',eco, e of "patent yuedielues'J-«"were tried' witilout avail., ei;very enft be le'i'Pd there (('1144110thiltg for it but to enter till the end. Mt. Hall 1,100(1 greater ail greater difficulty evert- day,',in moving about. To walk a few mile Was hard labor, One day recently he read of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills, and concluded to try then'. He (id et, and w+l, amazed to and that his pains grow Markedly lens. He purchased a further supply of the pills, and used then,. Am he did so, hie euffcriuge emitted entirely; strength end flexi- bility returned to the ours stiff told tortured limb, and health ('4W(0 .baelt to hint in all its vigor. He is enthusiastic in his praises of Dr. Arnold's Fiuglixh Toxin Pills, which did for him whet the doctors and all other medicines lit en nada fall. ed to do -gave him the power to walk, gave kiln freedom from pk'u, gave hint strength, health mad energy. Though be is nearing the fnil measure Of the three -snore and ten years allot: tad se a 1110)1'5 life, h8 is infinitely 1(1010 sprightly, more quick and sure on his feet, than many a man in the full flush of manhood. Taking those facts into eonsidcrn- tion, his complete recovery is the more mttr8ellons., Just reflect that the most skilful (lectern in Toronto and vicinity Were unable to do inure than give hila temporary relief ; that differ- ent physicians pronounced his ease utterly incurable, that the shaft of a city hospital failed to and any means of aid for the sufferer, nsd that re- member that a few loxes of Dr. Ar nobles English Toxin Pills made a 11g0 mal: of hint -practically renewed his Immo of life -and ('8y whether' Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills are not deserving of a plate in every house11ol4. Remember Moe Chet Mr. Hall hadgiven nearly every "patent medicine" on the market a enema, fair and faithful trial before tweet- niug to nae Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills and that not one of them did him the slightest noticeable good. Then say whether or not we Bre +netifle(l 11 tai"sin" 41111 D t*- nom s rnglf,)e Toxin Pelle are the °tile tue4101118 known to -day that im n loeltive cure for Rheumatism. They are the only medicine that kills the germs that cause rheuntatiene Tide ie the one and only Way to cure the diroaa1: Dr. Anloldee English Toxin Pill,, the medicine that ceras disease by killing the germs that cause it, are sold by all Ilragg144ts at iia'. a box; maniple size Ike or sent post paid on receipt of price by The Arnold Chem- ical Co. Ltnlited, Canada Life Build- ing, 42 King Street West, Toronto. Iudleittdons, "\47ntrh t11' gr0t'er'4 bloy'," said t1n J'lnitor phllo;rglher; "If he heroes ill) lilt. Colt Colla' Whin he. Inters tIl' kitchen he has is grudge area' the house. 1f he putts on a tffn-hush grin he leptet' It tlp. 1f ire Straightens up 1114 ins'kt1 14 1 got' • oa ill' 1xxek.'-t'lai- cxig0 Palmate, Broken down systems, .hntt2rad nerves and emaciated forme are rap- idly restored by MIllare14 Compound Iran Pills. Experience allows that 44ucceat It tine less to abliity than to seal. The winner is 11e who g1v00 himself to Ids work, body and cote. --Charles Buxton. on It, Thaostuubo of Iverwnw lit ((eremite live literally "on straw," Ilutkin( It up into baskets. pluudere, loxes, kook kneeke, hats, bonnets, etc, Ihofes. eternal 'mewls lin v11 even hsan found+ l where the trade It tatlgl(t to 1111 its vnriPtlea. Rtalks of rye and wheat, 111ost of them enmbtg from Tnseal (1y , are the materbtl med. There the grain Mended for this partl0ulnr urs' is 80001 111 April and reaped in .lune. The straw require lore Auld teen - 1a1 treatment, which emel 1.11 111 ,n- )tenlre, hi penuldarly•cu(tstrnete,1 Uuxee, to the 01111, and it good deal tf manipulation in the meantime. .titer tiles 4>('I 8 Ire the straw Is put away (41:1 kept, under certain rule+, sur two year•', ale cw(nlltion being that It molt not be allowed to get wet. When ready for use It Is spread out and expr.ml for titres Newt:util'e uleitte loud (lave to the night dews told the hot etmsllhle of the lengthening days. This (wrtverts the faint green hue, hitherto kept by the straw, to brleht golden yellow. The tope and the note (the material t44 plucked tip, not cut) are removed, and the !true et gathered in bending and put into boO'l, 111 which it is submitted to >41 .l:lne by flushing under running +rater and (frying. The material it dote pim44erl in n room, sealed her. mete -ally and submitted to the ne- thu of etdpbur0ne field gait evolved 'roe burning sulphur In open brasiers. When taken out the 8truw lens 1481. 1611 golden color and Is nearly lube white. All theca praursele4 are enrrled out 111 Ita1y, and mile' after It is 8galn rnr- ried through eevern1 distinct pro comm. The straw IN fleet lot through a nuu'hlur that t'eu1ore' 1111 portions of the top, leaves and mote that ('e: mein. Another atpparatter (emotes tin junta and cute reel 8trllw Into three lengths. Theme last are gateToho to gethcr', nu(lvtrnod with venter tune Wan put through the proveen of bleuc111n with sell eturou44 acid. They rtt are finally tw , This f1m tieli the propnlou end the straw Is then divided among the worktn0n 0(141 work women, who plait It In teflon,' Man. ner,t, emerdbt; to the Uses to which It 14 to be pat. WANTED. The under.tg,.•.1 e:'d pay ten cents each for copies of the following nowepapets for the year Islet: Atwood, Ont, (lee, Aug 4.Oot. )3, Ihaadick, N, m., Telephone, Feb, 8, Marcie 1, s, Dutton, Onb,, Adynuco, Jan. 12. Florence, lett, Quill, Nee. Hampton, N,H„ \ewe, Feb. e, Mirth lo, Hepworth, Ont„ Journal, Juno 14, Regina, S,W' l e Standard, O)t, 24. sundrldge, Oal„ echo, Feb. 2 Bturwoon Palle, t)ul.., Colonisation, Pub, 2• Addro4R game to The CANADA READY PRINT CO„ It amllteat, 0111, \'easels Lost at Yea. - In all 1.141 vowels were feet at Nen h, the year ending Oct. 1, DI these 3132 were steamers and 1410 snllhlq ern ft. Wrecks weenie for 1124, col - learnt( 130, and the rest :mer :Wed to variou* Kneelents 0t d(Mlypp*art'(1 el tugetlnee. Creat Britain, with the lirgeet merchant marine of any 1111' Mom lad the smallest IFerc'ntagr of ;72,138, ()ermine' a'cupvinet nest Uwe, Anetrin-Hnngar,r comes third, Rutile fourth anti the United etat'o fetus with n perceatego of 1.11 while Norway and Roeden lave the highest, varying from 6.36 to 'eel; ler .pent. The Ixrrcentage.e, of coarse, refe to the total tonnage of tench Tll.'I e u Cold In One Day. /lateen Bromo Quinine Tab- let*. All 'truggtstt refund the money if It oaten o Cure, 260. E. W. Gr se's slg°ttature le on ekolt box. MITE NO3. 1900. • A Fles Carefully Addressed, "Amorimt, 14 a good country," wrote a Hungarian watchmaker to 1, friend at 1118 blrthplat'e. "1 have tint) bee l 011 menthe here, yeti Imre estalbashed myself lu bumineto. You will find my addre(0 on the Cord enclosed herein. A few weeks Inter the Holtgarlau re- oelved at letter, whose address read no follows; "Niglnend Berney, denier in watcher, teetk44, jewelry ; watches re- paired and node setter than new, Good priest for old gold. Jewelry ap- (iraised almost fur nothing. I)b%lllnnds Het. A barge aas,rtnlent of watch chains, finer' than gold ones. Weekly Iu1taJatmlte taken. No. -- Avenue B, In the middle of the Work." Deware o(Olntmente for Catarrh That Confute 31ercury. ea lttereury will surely demtroy the woe of smell Ned completely derange $lite whole eystnm when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such arttotee should never be need except an peeeertptioll4 from reputable play. edam, as the damage they will do Is teal told to the good you often pos- sibly derive from them. Hattie Ca• tarrli Cure, manufactured by 1e. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0„ coutaina no mercury, and is taken internally, act. Lng directly upon the band and mil• onus surfaces of the system. In buy. tag Haire Catarrh Cure be nure you get the genuine. It is taken Internee ly and made ht Toledo, 0., by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials Ove. Sold by druggists, price 715e per bot ole, Hall's FltmIby , PIlle are the beet, t BeautlfultSNnetunl. Our 0atielum i, papered with beau- liful, pictures, each earl represent- ing n package of tobacco and the whole colfecltot repr'eeenrng the ember ('1,108) epoch he cheated in i Wo yeara.They make beautiful wall paper bol to sere our gizzard we can't desk !e when we realise that every Me:torn is n glaring testimonial of our darn- ed fonl.shness,-Galena, Kon., Repute 11441(1. — Taut t:rea feeling will disappear and you will be able to oat well and 'deep well by tieing Miller's Compound Trow 1'Hs. MlIltery Motor Cycle.: The new military- motor cycle IN It terrible engine of War. The welkin) is driven by nu automatic petroleum motor, and mnunte as twenteesei'eu pound automatic Matin gun, eatable of discharging 111)0 rounds per minute while travelling along at the rate of fifteen 111111(+ an hour. If quer einem is tile, p14.% i411' 1411,.1 (4(070 out thrive, a dune of 7eter'e Worm 1'oweerit octane anally will cure. i i 3 nsu Out ever see Did ymiltver hear of met Mostcer'Mialy not. Con- sumption is a disease that invirtsbly causes loss' of flesh. If you are light In weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take SSOWS BMW sIsIon of cod liver 011 allh hypo- pbotsphlics. No remedy is such a perfect prevent- ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you And you are losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul- sion will hold every in- ducement to you for a perfect cure. All Drogglde,, eCc.. uud aa. SCOTT de BOW ss, Tamp, .. - 1'rrnwl lou lu L01111011.- 111 ondon,-lu 1+1444.44 onl,v three 1,0111478 were dls- po;ed of by the Lunduu Cremation Soul'ty, 1n li3Us the [lumber lutd deep to t'10. Odorless Closet. 'the 1.10 1-1. l'ul 11,pr(meatw eller or the Most Undo) inventions ,t lbs .age 01 the it'ay of no Indoor (IIurf. All who halve nerd tide Closet pro- nenna' It eteohttel7 ().torp (11141 ((1011. (4141 (nen ('lame It to be perfectly sane tare. 111110111811 have leen sled durt»g the 101'4 Sear and have given entire matiH11I('th111. For r4(ningue 4411,1 081001104 w814010 THg ODORLESS C1tJMA7ORI' CLOSET ('0 1L1M11.1'ON, ONT. For $1.00 4Chnrgrs Peld) Lite Sized Crayoi Portrait. send your photo with Instruction. and sem and We wit) make yon . 1'rnyou Portrait 111x 20 holies, guaranteeing you n trap like. ness. This is Mott regular price and is made to advertise our geode. Address J. E. S(H1:1,111 Cnlou Loan Hull, big, Toronto sir et, Toronin. lC.\N 'SELL 1'01' A FARM CFIKAP and on easy term, ;well Inn provot whit good water and the best sell and climate on earth, M. ORNSON, Curtis, Neb. LOCAL PORTRAIT ADRNTA WANTED for MOO,good chance : postal for pparnoulere, J. It. chell, 31 Union loan building, Tor. onto, NOTICE TO HORSE OWNERS. aloe well -known fact that Home troubled with Heaven it ''Codon Prairie pesters, are mon Cured of the ..Cava. PRAIRIE WEED Heave Powder eomponed of the Prairie Wed "which ham bMn found eo effectual 111 curing Heaven," tombined with other valmbleremedlel agents, and will prove an effectual remedy for Heaves sad Coughs In Horses and ('atth. 26 cants per package at all Druggists, or ma( .d by M, F. 90Y, Chemist, Port Elgin, Ont. WANTF.II-(1001+ GENERAL AND LOCAL agents for the Continental I,Ifo Insuranoo 10(1(1any: choke dl+telcos and literal 001.- tract1 to good men. Apply 21 King Mreet won, 'Toronto, Ont. "1 and them the best preparation far coeds, coughs and asthma." -Mel. B. A. WATSON, Tempetanee Lecturer. BROWN'S Troohss' OF 00170)4 Bold In boxrtohly-Avoid Imitations, i Virgin a Homes. You earn all about Virginia lands, soil, water, climate, reerur000, product& Mules berrle4, mods of cultivation.__ ppr10844, etc„ by reading the VIRGINIA FARMER. Send pec for three months' eobsortptlon to FARMER CO', Emporia, Va w Sausage Casings--tatNoione Ira , "„ English sheep and American Hog C8111110. - reliable goods at right nitres. pinta,, RLACKWELL a Co., Toronto, WINTER TLRM OPENS JANUARY end, goo Central lab» IStRATFORD, ONT When cost of tuition, board, etre eu tp of training, rpreens,id prons In studies, ike a situation *flat are 0f getting best t olop aro o onelt ered, our eolle¢.Is she bent troll Canada for you. Our Catalogue gives roll partioulare. Write for one. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinolpal. 166 PetULARIONO atl wInled and bond In nen volume. A mud enliroaon nd M owl Gem, sentimental, qts h. ear, comic: it veritable tronas or the wnrld'epo m- er and burtWl ,enure. Prix, 10 ran”, nwtp,hl. 1001114,44(411CIMUuAo,., 711'unee St., rueomr, 1';111. FITS PERMANENTLY CURED 11Y Dr Klin* Great Nerve mato No near nervousness after ant da use. Send to 011 Aroh street, Ph1 a, dolphla, Pa, for treatise and free e2 trial bottle/ For male by f, A. Harts Inn/ Notre Dame arse' Montreal, Qua. EDDY'S MT6HE8 fIBVE fl WELL•EflftNED REPUTATION. DON'T EXPERIMENT WITH UNKNOWN BRANDS. IT LEiiDS TO Hf10 RESULTS, • maim