HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-01-18, Page 3lour„-,rrr:l�niu
mail Nature
as the .. .
entist Sees It.
"The worst of lib bu:aw" sold
His espertlemed diarist,. eagasly ex-
ploring 111° , dsptba ,o( 1,,' Victim.*
soul' with a smolt _ .4tcathed
crowbar, vitt a width:Ks .tooth, :'iz
Hist the patients all *sem to think
(hat your main idea le to tlJurd
thsir fallings an much, en possible,
AM that the• work on the tooth It.
sal a entirely peoondary. Mil Hart
rt.," ,
7e victim had ris3tt from the
olltir, with a re ed shriek of
sganY, but tritely eenk back
Intng that he had' only dons it
morels b:e lunge.
"I suspected I was getting rtlber
near the nerve there," remarked the
rotor with the `ratified' air of otle
theory has been eatetactorLJy
trnted, "As I War sey'ng-all
t, I'll go ease-+3enitetry in the
unpopular profession with the
le that exists, unless possibly
.eatehbng beats it. The doctor who
is your other diseases ie hated
lig a friend of humanity, but theman
into bolsters up your tniliug dental
s$Iturl he remembered only with the
oued hope that he'll never be met
h again. Do you gee a grateful
Ho Wine smiling happlty into the
tilt's parlor lo be looked mete
1, I guess not When the public
snms. here IL in pretty generally
' hangingonto its jaw with both herds
and' wising It were dead. Alt It wants
he to be rld ot that tooth forever, but
Al arpa as 2t seen the forceps i1
'isissages illillidgod and invents huiwell-
ate and hitnerto forgotten appolnt-
'te. Buenos in,,, It re known you
going to kirk, then I'd have
tilet bracket. Hew you didn't
t gout Abin."
removed hie luflultesltunl buts
W trona the distorted mouth and
lied While the victim Imd gulled
Rwee himself bark to it ('on
of self•eoutrol. Tanen be pick•
Old ',another trainer of Inquiet -
1 lkventlou and went on n IIteI
mom nerve ('entree,
whole, I think that the
the worst. Nut thitt
Mead the petit as '"('11,
Maud it better and they
II A great Ileal more courage In
the mush'. Little wider,
SiaTs,, they Maud It better,
they're more unreleounble *tie
take It all at heart nue hay It
up against you. Jew hurt? 1'11 look
eel and see that it doenn't stretch
' far ettau'It to get diet/seated. 1
weed to ]rove one jeltient who kept
teem on everything 1 (114, and toil
tis her views 6n it eeplfettly when-
hewever one gut a clines to talk. Khe'd
"Now, I loot &ntow that you went
testier than there eine any need ot
is -that upper might u011(r. -1u(1 you
. lMedn't have used that (Ire, prow
in tko lower tooth. It hurt /trend -
/idle. You dentists 111.0 00 careless.'
"it got so bad that 1 finally took
. to ks0V1*1I g her Mouth holt of teethe
0(2 the pretence of keeping her teeth
, %heft she'd give her tittle 1oc-
etre tor at the the
elf 1.1t tato p
gl mho 'way NM 0(1111(1 remote
rate uPerattone wan some
wonderful. Fluidly, elle wore
'*°ryes 0u that 1 had to get
her or I'd have gone Crazy. A
ua0 patient Weals Merkel; me
1x10. IS hat's that ? Tender
dere? A11 right 1'11 gore it
Cute to rout ill: It was nausea, I,y
the Way, the way that woman quit
Tae Jnot its 1 was (nxrrtetklg tome nett'
to make her quit. Bate had an ale
Ilolntment at 10 ono morning, At
ON) I had one of Myoleo accent! ire.
n merchant whom meta ilea In life is
that he harp t got any time to waste.
Bo he Met Ate tight in the elmlr with
hie hands gripiled o, the arms and
taker all that Is ; to him with
knot a groan, and the prxnplrattou
noses out and forams littia dewdrops
211s eye', but he 'ro'ver wunte
up. Am 00011 00 he get 0112
ehair he took one Tong breath
Ked` in neon a cour0a of oh
that nstnnleheti me, ae•oure
1 pen to h►. effort . Just its
hr tia.m(ddle of it, my llervoas
Arrived, mud no le mimed for,
011! stalked In and 21xe.i him with
- ft withering eye.
Igtx'rid I Moretti!' e2e cried, and If
she'd only waited tit he got through
he'd bane been penitent, tori would
dere agreed with her. But an lay last
trod tooth was still ringing the
. , ire had some wrath -left over,
pad -be gsvo her the t:enetlt aft.
t,( d 1' he Bald, ' You're the her -
fitted thing I've eacaatere I ,vet.
Yc 're worse than the darned dentist,'
he Said, a*d then he tore 100ee a free
Cyards and she went out ender
mall. i afterwards found her side
• rale an the beltway. Next day ehe
0mtt for her bill and enelooe I u tette(
on tie evils of swearing. 1 eltppu_e
ehe think* that I'm 'still mournlug her
' !os*. If yon -jab my heed tint vvay
-you're Iikety to tear a hole in your
r math tete lesser."
vfotim gave a hollow moan and
ad that if the dented was
for corns he begin et the
"That earthy does go rather gym,•
easented the operator. selecting It
dpJ�.lointat t'orkeorew apltlianom
• drtvtrlg into the nby't agnln.
qu're a rather sensitive subject.
a moment, and Mil be
YM? l thaalet
r' vetedblUcy
I40 got ops patient : leen n
by tits wax, and I've
that writers were more
talon other people, but thls
0s In b 411era, site down and
he *bole thing es
if he were getting a
h are In had shape,
it I've been working at them
waek0, on and off. Last
her!* 1 tackled a per-
sistent teeth. gad when
half ',withdrew the
the bWeanaps.
!f W M very pain•
d his head
his cie^t All of
to 1110 that the
the opera.
fiat ite'd
re grit "en.
is Iatatad.
1 0 hurry.
that torr he
yen fret Armee ?'" I asked
flip. "roe had n little berths ;•eel?:
2 nokta e' be sane, '1 had
is ▪ steep un -
would, have
gars suffering.
21 WU 0. 00ee et
a*t't. All his
at he *as a
palletise I'
One o * woe
mgt fly 11 .-
(hal a testimonial I could have got
from him:
"'hear tAir,--Your methods are *o
gaaeyttt10 that under your treatment 1
1nra2'ably experience n refreshing
Hee. Yours, etc., Toter tkuith.'
' Petition' dentistry wouldn't be in
it. What'* that! No. I know that 1.
not quite pilule*, but I'd rather you
Wouldn't elbow 3318 In the abort ribs.
itre Pet as easy to howl ani 1'11 stop.
If all patients were 1:y1. my literary
frit*, dentistry woultt be a delight.
ful profeeel:on to follow. Most people
are at the opposite extreme. The
best instance of that in my expetion°.
is the case of a young fellow who ie
.hotel ire a daaIlhtg all<t plucky toot -
ball player on one of the big college
teams. For several morning0 la 0uc-
cession I sow this chap, through the
front window, come around the corn-
er, walk mitt* up as far'ns this, &toe
a moment, put his hand to his face
and then 011k'on still more 'swiftly.
Then he nerved himself up to the
' point of mounting the steps, but
when lie reached for the bell Ins cour-
age forsook him and away he went. On
the following morning he pranced de-
terminedly up, rang the bell, and then
Lurnee and ran as if the old boy him -
Felt were after him, It 11,1 I laughed no
that I almost bore,!' a hole through
the cheek of the petiole in the chair.
"1'o' two (Inas ingeenid young giant
didn't make hex d and return, but
time. For once I regretted that I
wasn't an ndvertis:ttg defittat. Think
on the third day i18 romtde4 the corner
again, looking so worn and hollow
eyed that) I d:rtee•minal to fix him up
in Nolte of himself. As luck would
1(11)1,' It, an appointment for that hour
had Wiled, so T wan ready for lent
right then. Stationing myself near tee
outer door, I welted for the bell to
rite. 113 plan wasn't exactly in ileo
with professional dignity, but I knew
the t 000nrr or later I'd have to tackle
the Job, mud the longer t welted time
harder world 1)0 the work. The tent-
ative Damm 11p to the entrnnrc„ then
tlero was sllence for a moment and n
auppreOs00l groan. It must have been
ter seconds litter that the bell rang.
Ont 1 bumped, grabbed 111.1' man b3'
the collar, shouted, 'C'ome right in, I'm
wuitllig for you,' and the abet liOtIent
found teyself lying half In, half out of
the hallway, with my visitor on top of
mime. No; I,e hadn't knocked me down,
but the horror of tieing at that in the
clutches of n dentist had proved too
much for Mtn, and he hod falntel
dead away. Atter I'd revlyee bio, I
watt( em rattles that I didn't went to
do any work, but to my 0urprl(1e he he
Anted, 11114 utl('!2 I got .torten I found
him 110 w0r118 to handle than the nrer-
age patient. That water too (told?
Well, don't spout like a whale, please.
Yee. I'm nearly through. 0 -pen !
"That kicking habit that ,von hate
slightly developed eonrttnlrm roste n
dentist motley. That hand mirror, for
Inttanoe. I carelessly left the handle
'ticking out over the edge of the
Anne, end while 1 Wulf workhlg nt
n rnvlty I touched the button or
something, and any patent (11'1 the
reet. 1 never envy a MA 11'4 leg fly
up more quickly. The mirror Open-
ed n dozen ttltr-flap. and landed 1.
the plain geese side emdeh!n t
gets,+ to bits. It the magnifying
roe had been down, It would It met
1111' leveret dollars. team) day wimple
get tion', 1 menti to writs a mom
graph on the relation of the tdentti'
nerve to leg .action Yes, experience
Imo taught me to keep breakable are
tlelee out of tate wry when I'm deal-
ing with a sensitive pereen ; but Pre
known n man to leap out of tate chair
and net to work to mmasih thing* like
a entay man. la Sant, he wee crazy
for the moment Set front. nerems
strain, but a dash of water in the face
quieted' him down. tenet breakages/
mutely are reckunel le profit and
kill, for I don't charge a patient ter
the revolt of what le redly Involun-
tery action. Ami there aresourees
of intorno that make up for ltd Bite
down, please. That'll do. Open!
"Ona Source of profit h nmsayhig for
gold. Tide nlekgl pan Whet you are
mew when ypt► wash your mouth
!vn't used when' I'm working on teeth
What have been filled with geld. I
have n elpeohll receptacle foe t'kzyt,
After filing or cutting Into the MOO
titled tooth I have the patient'W$ON
oujs lils mouth Into a email pan, and
every month 01' s0 that parr is as.,:
. ayo;1 for gold. You'd be atlrprlsed .00'
know how much them gold fUltll*I _
cootie to in a year: I won't tell yya�*j
tote antawt, bat I have enough got(t
(01 !land titter each washing to pay
Mr an bre:tkemo, and many Dome
over for new inetrumente. There,
tlult'r all for the present. Janne back
next Tumidity."
"Doctor," mull the victim, for the
nest time nelite.tng coherent ep;ech,
"I wish you'd lutve that sign Bhanh,ged1
before i teen. beck. It's been running
through my lend Ilke au agonizing
retrnlu to the rhythm of that infer.
nal besz-atw."
He pointed to a largo and glnrlug
signboard, which, in a direct Rue
from the dentirt's whitlow, proclalm-
el from it It0Iseto, that nage &
Banger were peppered to *.ell flags
mil banners et low prim!. The dell.
test glanced at the huge blue mud
white lettering and chttokletl,
" You're not the only (1110 that
d1i"0n't like that elan," he .nil. ".1
couple of menthe ago I hod
Patient 11,0 matt who own' that bello•
Ing mud rents it to Boggs a Manger.
He neem around the corner Jule back
of It. 11'ell, he sat here for the worst
part of three mornings and be really,
had a here thee of 'it. 111 the while
he kept his eye0 fixed on Nat mem,
end when he would leave aha rhalr
, I couldemeee hie IIppir furmlug the Must:'
Bag k raanger.
Plage and Banners,
Pings and Benner0,
Baggtl k Banger,
"Tile hat day, when I toll hhn I
wee through, he rushed out of here
like n madman. A young woman was
my next mnhject, and, while I was
cutting 1n her tooth I heard her
Oh, I'm 0o glad;
" I felt pretty sure elm didn't refer
to pry operntlons, so I looked around
to mo what was up, mud there on the
roof opp(site was my into pntbnt
makhtg kindling wend of Maggs t
Banger with an axe. Wlten he hall
finished he dnnred on the ?merman
andril&nppp0e'ared. It WAS roe of those
rens of temperer* dmmutty, I sum
pose. On hie gex4 visit to we I asked
him nhont 14, and hr ginner' alcwp-
ishly, and said that he'd had to pay
the det80ges, bot It was wor$b while.
A week later the sign war replaced,
and I geese It'll etry there till I get
rich enough to hl that roof and put
tip a moving picture plant to keep
the minain of my walnuts off their
Mo. oil Ina4.-,�i imo Ho:mm.1 ,A,ranruun is,„ uu��..-:,r ' • 1 I ,
Great Enthusiasm Over the
Colonials There,
The Cape Amu of D.c. 1st con.
tabs the following report of the de•
wear) at the Canadians frau Cape
.The Citnatlian contingent reoetred
orders to fan, it about nowt, the
tluenntnndblg officer !raving Itreview+.
IY butdnutted hie medius to depart.
Notwithstanding time early
whtoh wee commenced about 12
o'clock, the residents 0>t tir'o11u Po'
and tIonieraei Road were not um
istred, and from many 01 the talk
deuces en ebundanoe of bunting wee
What. As the meet atgmrcaottal the
'road ((1*) the Howe watt around litre
a find, and Burnt the route to the
town wee luted by an male:Medic
0rowd. Farewells were waved from
tate belconlea wttiolt did not peer um
noticed by the men nor by the effl-
uent. Handed by a bugle iand and
medium to the ekirl el the pibroch,
wheel did amt neem in the least un-
common to the Canadians ears, the
txnttbtgent passed through the two
Iter of enthn lastlo spectators and
took tem route no arrttrlhggee(tti. The regi-
ment won 2n two d(vhdone, between
which came time two Maxim mem ac-
c•comisuni ed by tlleir ogtwtde, and these
Immediately attracted attention, the
So alque of the gunners and their
soldierly tlppeanule beteg much ad -
tufted. The second detachment ales
headed by tie Caps tlarrtnon Artil-
lery 1(a111. the whole Ilse exteudl'ng
from Ulm hospital road down Into
Waterknnt street. On entering the
town the crowd bterea*ed, am tfld the
enthus dams, and all along the route
shape, stores and workshops were for-
saken by men and women anxious to
take port tnthefarewell. The march
continued along Broil street and down
Bosom esanufaotitrers of the Ilnit•
elf Staten and Mood* have
to to man. prloem: Qe canto a
May a Womaii Smoke With-
out Losing Caste ? 6.,.
" Ito woman' to smokes cigarettes
Is a Indy," -Mrate Crane. in the
Harlem Police rt, In committing
Adelaide Morgan, the wife of un mem,
to the Immo pavillon at Bellevue Hoe
On the eulhjeet of whether a ('corm
Who smokes cigarettes can be a bi2y
the Herald hug obtuheed three uplt-
lona from well-known New Yurk 010
Linde Devereux Bloke -It le Immure
wrong fpr a woman to .tuoke than
for n norm. The morality of smoking
Ie merely a que.tlou of local habit, Ie
eastern countries Women amok?, but
here it goes not seem proper becalteo
we are tut accustomed to 1t, If our
mothers and grandmothers emokod
we would not 0(1(0lder it wrong and
would follow their example. A woman
who smokes etgarettel may be 1nJudI-
clone, but site cannot be eallea Im-
1s11snbeth D. Orrin!+ - Maglotrnt3
Cremes remark wag 111 010401. • Who
cares whether a w0111101 ti 11 Indy or
not, so long as site le wmtuutiv Y But
she cannot be womnuly eu long as 1 he
smokes septettes. The (habit of
smoking Is on the Merensn In \es,
York, and the woman or girl wit ,
ndopts It never falls to fall tato more
pernicious habit.. There U certain*
no woman who (100(1 not helOng to the
fnot set or to the luweet eines 4)1
wonlnnhoo 1 who does not roa0hder
smoking elgnrettew n breech of pee
pr!ety. I ran gltosinnlnnerable In-
stances of the dlgastrhW e1[gto 4113
hnh't ban hod on women fin young
glrlx. s
"Jennie June" Crony,-"Malglet'ate
,M•.r •e. .,
Fraaiiedl$tesi*Which Iter Vole
tovellhla Were Wont to Itngage.
The ) elinin .01 the late voUdoe
queen. Markt lovepei, le one of the
oldest and aunt pretentious 111 New
Orions situated In St. Ann street,
it erouohee low in its yard, seoludsd
from the public eye by a high board
fence, now in the Inst dna of de-
urepltude, but redolent of the odor
of emecti4y, for when Merle found
that mho was very 111 rite called In
Mother Church nM repented tie
vigorously as she had situs,!,
So ante died, leaving one daughter.
The daughter, Satiny reared 111 a
convent, abhors the cause ' ul her
mother's notoriety, though elm holde
fast to the worldly goner gathered
by hook and crook, Pllgrltna to this
fatuous house are teeny, but 111 whom
18811 01me the queen's room 11(101
*tannin an altar, hung with rich
Igoe and furnished with holy tel
11°10 01 direr and gold, while se1e11
waxen candles h as many ether
enndteaticka burn perpetually le'
fore the ermelt:hied Virgin, and the
daughter sari never a W0?LI about
her mother In the rob of woos,
queen, but nae much to any of Iter
in the ohmmeter of penitent.
Mario Lowest% wax n 1104119111 of
veto au Mit that, handsome lu toes,
tommentlblg hi figure, and of re-
markable intellect and force of
character. She nuu.puertulel ae a
lutirdre+lser, than learning the secrete
of many to proud old New Orlemnt
fnlully, In helping sweethearts to
s'eret meeting's and forwarding
elan'!0ttele correspondences elle had
no equal, MO cared not whether
tete mel and women mite (11(18d were
„old 111 eaptetry and vice or young
nuts liniment.
She had wonderful knowledge of
time torte properties of herbs and
-nett", and ne lees marvualoaN skill
In extracting arta compottuding
these peeves. For gain 11* revenge,
for white es blanks 'Me wintelthreel
11'alee street, but It wee not With Ad.
derle•t wee r*tolted, where a
.t� had ulrepily' gathered,
4be t of edit la we*
testi Ler the mgu rpoilie'+,
to of he• Weelcali nutlet-
patml was ggantled I, Not of
the large 11d,Reel hat been gluey flea
orated with bupting,; nn4 ever, bn1-
telly 10101 d reetad. Emery point (4
'.nntnge wax immediately taken no
by large crowd's, and time throng in the
streets, on 0eehl(2 the mounted pollee
round the curter, inmmediatel•v lined
up. The pent-up patriotism wee let
loose, and the 1'oeI(eronx cheering wag
kept up till the whole contingent
had mussel down 11114 entered the rule
wry •yard.
The Cnnadlnns crrtnluly look a ger-
vlceable lot of men, and for average
height, partials, excel any yet landed
here. Tete,' are almost to a man 121.8,114.
tit: la kiwkt and are armed with the
Lee•Metford and short bayonet. Their
equipment 1e must complete, although
it was noticeable that they did not
Wear the khaki putties elgelterel'with
thaw engaged In the cklnpafggn. No
more nattering dammed on the effb
clency of time regiment "nntd be made
than to point out Mutt It temente yett-
terdav morning that the men Mesta.
irked dad the military. authorities
TO 'greedy despatched them to the
oeoanion was a rare one, and
Ote'ylrltflo,would have gone ihreagh
1110-4 111110.4110 'Mount of discomfort
4114. ina0pveDtexas 1n order to give
their tell0w.00tetwii e s 4004 send-off.
At about 2 intim the troops wore
ordered to entrain', the order being
carried out in a mervelloteely short
ssppace of time. The men crowded into
tee carriages drawn up en either
aide of the yank, and proceeded to
make themselves! pe comfortable no
eircumetaaees would permit. Aerated
water, and fruit were torthconi ng,
and lila weather more than Justified
the onslaught made upon, both. Pro-
visions and delicacies of various sorts,
from blltting to g:ngerbeer, were
hurried into the veli and Mr. J. 1).
Cartwright was busily engaged in
storing cases of chocolate. One of the
Canadians suddenly discovered that ha
bad left a purse containing 125 in
n fruit shop, and a friendly crowd
hastened to reader 'What asOietance
they could. A pollee -sergeant was
forthcoming, and took down the de-
tails and the name of the trooper-,
Ms address for obvious reasons wart
lett rather an, open question, It 401
to be hoped that the lost money wilt
be forthcoming at once.
The Witness' Retort.
The present Lord Chancellor was
cr'oseexaminhtg a shrewd bucdle wit-
ness 001h0 Mears ago, who rather
" had" him.
' They sometimes call you a Devon -
'hire Dumpimg, don't they 1" -asked
the geutal advocate.
I telleve they do," replled the
But you oro not a Devonshire
Dumpnttg ?"
The wltnees waited t111 the laughter
,ie aoloned by this laqutry sulebted,
then he downy drawled out :
"Hey, but it I hod been a doomplingl
you lawyers 'ad 11' gobbled I up afore
now I" -Tit -Bit'. •
Noted Dwarf Dead.
George Gibson, the dwarf of Dnn-
fermine, Scotlnnl, dropped downs In
Maygate, In that city, and suddenly
expired, Gittesm Walt epwerrls of 6')
years of ago, and for the past 45
years had been known as "Wee
Geordie," He was only three feet
three Melia 1n height.
Mr. W. H. Sinclair. of Owen.Sound,
is taking steps to tenet the eleetlon
of the Town Councillor* on 4he
`cried that es the wor4 system het"
beset abolished raiepetters were Ilio•
gaile el ed to vote in meta' than
one wa
".1 HERO 0l' THE Mai moss,-
. From the London Graphic.
('rpp�y0ge might as well have weld, • 1 w•u-
111* i)h8 rate Atone isn't a Intl,).'
jut 21411 whinedoenebtJtl(ht'tlutt ix
113 deePltriental 110 0110 -mut NO
Is not n Indy, 1111) Ntorle o' wo-
Ixhaddicted to the habit of
etgarettn are greatly over-
drawn. 1 have met tr0111011 In 1111
clux,e0 of eoclety in this and other
couutrkw, and 1 never Inet but one
w0111811 who smoked cigarettes. There
hs eertainly nothing unladylike In the
hntlt, but It le "empty not the custom
in this country."
Mrs. William Tod llelumttt,-' I don't
say that tbie tutblt of smoking cigar-
ettes le wrong, but 1 don't llke tome
women ndopt it. 1 um distinctly
ngnindt It, apo 1 W011111 be verysorr''•
to think that In the future Ameri-
can women knight smoke, Personally
I know of no vvotnnu Itt New York
who entekoe, and although I belong
to many- women's claire I know of
Rohe attire such a thing would be
tolerated, We 0ttod14 not 'adopt menet
vicar, but should strive to better
ourselves. emitting Is not an advance
meat fur women, but a retrogression."
lire. Emilie L. Fernandez.-" I do
not approve of women smoking, bot I
admit that my Mem are old fashion-
ed, I do toot think tie habit of Men
etto smoking is more prevalent among
peeresses than it le among society
women. Actresses such as Miss Mer-
lowe and Mlle Adams do not smoke. I
know of many, however, who do smoke
fel the etfmulative etfeet. They
smoke to tlleir drooling rooms between
the note, I have N0en them leave the
etnge and take two or three pn(fe
from a cigarette to prevent them
from feeling fatigue after their ex.
Retail cigar (iealerm In Broadway
any flat their sales of favorite Immix
of cigarette, to women brae increased
enorrnouely. Turkllt cigarettes, they
only, have induced women to adopt
tee hnbl4 of smoking, owing to tie
m11411 0g of the tobacco and its
xtrnnge, swewt !!*Tori
Limy Brokers Nave Developed a
Phonetic Method of"Thele then.
Business mem gelernliy, ant eto;k
woken' In pnrtieuhtr, have ndupte 1 It
(11x0i nrethol of (1hhrrvlatlet nue
phonetic spelling, In order to get tieir
lettere written more quickly, anti also
to reduce the expellee (11 th" writing.
In the carious bran;lt', of trade,
says the NEW York Tribune, the worle
pinlipurlr trm(chnra
abbrnratlevlatrettoi,t013(2nt rrtlerttPnht common
words, eke the nrticle "the," ere elm-
p2y Indleated by n letter or letters.
Time opening eenteneo of the del:y
morning letter of one of the well-
kuown commtseloa house y'e-terday
reed :
T fortnightly settlements on t
Lndn. Stk. Exeltge., which begin on
Wed, will probable show quite n short
ht .Amos. 4t te, quarter, and en
adv. In them Moe lit t Lndn. mkt. to-
day la nttribnted to te. belief."
This is a fair maniple of tie way
the eysttun works. Here all word+
peculiar to broken] 0) are abbrevlatee.
Year become,. "yr.": week, "wk.";
Werra Ise, "Inc." ; market, " mkt.'' •
toremiseton, "corn." ; 1•ank, "bk." t etc.,
eThen certain other M m•:
nrr.on 11x11(20 111.0 0100 nbbreviword.ltted, 1•on0
The becomes "4" ; thin, "t+" ; that,
"tt" : 11111'°, "hv. i
T:Iere Bar It tetc, tremtmtlou0l•v eon -
lenient, fill It certainly Ie 1101 to 11
uniratiatI 1, for, like olives, it 1. not
acquired taste.
Not a Idled Reader,
"when will your new frocks lie ,lune,
:Amelia ?"
.I don't know: my dreegmaker I+
very reserved, and has not y.t token
Me into her eonfldenee."- Chicago
Dally News.
Tete' Niagara F'nlls Record In now
pabllrhed as a dally.
ready to nee her .11111 111111 wax
feared by every negro In the pity
and surrounding country
e deal-
1u black art.
1 -the boldly declared that the ser -
peat, the voudeo god, had chosen her
to deliver his messages, and every
black man and woman recognizing her
Maine bur r:ign was absolute awl en-
abled her to acomuelish many thing,'
of which it Is difficult ,or "utsidere
to torn any conception. She ocoao:on-
ally invited reporters' melee officers
nue public men to attend voudoo Meet -
Ilgs and see their innocent character
for thanl1eiven. The nothing but
shoot negro dances the aolinda and
halaboula were danced, winile
huradee.e .nuke in a box 'tat a be-
headed white rooster wer: Ow only
other actors. The whole affair was
voted dull by thus white visitors, mud
Ilhe authoress were thorough'.y heed -
The real ronrlavee were secret and
bell at 'eget, near Milneburg, usamatl
eatbuthan settlement on Lake Pea-
rhortrain, and the eve of Sat. John..
June 24th -was eepeoially; 000l*oret•
esd to the geoid celobretton of thele
idolatrous rites, Imagine a belt of
land, on one gide n funoreel`swamp
and on the other bjapk water gurg-
ling over rushee and slumps, and in
the middle of it a huge fire, with hun-
dreds ot ne(2ree0 in weirdly pictur.
esque groups squatting around it.
'rho Queen rite erect and in a chair,
the devotees ora squatted at the
ground anywhere, too they make (►
circle. Every devotee is baked gave
for loan cloths of reg kerablefs and
anneals. The Queen wears n scanty
rel garment tied about the waist,
with a blue sash, ani on bar head i.
•t rel turban. Presently an old man
begins to serum os, a two strewed
species of fiddle, with a long nook
and slim body. This fiddle i. 'veered
Twoith youngg meabrightly besmottledide bieroebeeginkinto
beat with their thumbs on tittle
dream !nada of gourds covered with
obeepekin. Now the devotees range
themselves neer a rude altar os, which
is placed a slatted box, In this( box,
viedble to all, Her the serpent, the
devil god, the voudoo,
tSltre of 1/rlrao3', tII c
(2(11(4 by atgratloa o(
ale thecer0anl,n,kr, pro•
teatattoes of fidelity, renewals 01
oaths of secrecy for the 0lolttlott of
which 1)tutl.hlneft0 le swift mid sure.
Theft the Queen, In beni;n tunes, ex-
tol. the Misdeed it etol<• for fnitlh•
ful followers of Voudo,, tied exhorts
all to have (*endow,' in her, urging
her !tearer* to meek uud take her ad.
Quickly the group breaks up end
eaolh one 00in34 te, Implore the voo-
doo god In the porton of his peados.
Perrants wi0l1 to dominate their
toasters, nn! are assured of the
power they 'Weil. Many things are
asked for. 1-'010e want money, others
creases In love. -1 low ask for the
return of the falthleee, more for
tong Ilte; many desire tweedy cure 02
dbreasc .1 withered lutg Hake (or a
3'outhhd admirer, n yomg wench
188'1 t tttU thor 8181'. f r rev art,
n'h111' still ')ether asks tax reverie
nlsm one who luta lured her adorer
n w" n
Thera is not a pa.0lat known to lin.
moa notate w•htalt 1. not incarnated
in thio halfsav'age awembly' there
IA hardly a crime which le not Invokedt
h1 elle or mother T. all tit • (lu,ea
pays careful !teed, seeing but lit-
tle, while two aged omen emcee -
Maly whisper In her earn. But each
subject in assured of the .peetly fol-
fitment of doelre by the griegrio which
the bestows upon melt. These nr0
magical combtnatbne of black aunt
white pepper, chicken feathers, frog
.kit, the toe watt of n dead mn 11 -0 u3 -
thing, everything. Money end viu•1_
one offerings ore now Intl at th0 f' et
of ti/e Queen.
Suddenly the opirlt motell her. ern -
Happy Girls.
Healthy, happy girls oftsti become
languid and despondent from no apparent
cause, in the early days of their womitn-
hood. They drag along, always tired,
never hungry, breathless and with palpi-
tating hearts after slight exercise, so that
to merely walk up stairs is exhausting,
Sometimes a short, dry cough leads to the
fear that they are going into consumption.
Doctors tell theta they, are an mic-which
means that they have too little blood,
Are you like that ?
More pale and anemic people have been made btightl entire .
and strong by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills than any other medip(t}le.
Mts. M, N. Joliette Berthler, Que., writes: "My daughter, log .•.•+
titre -it, It d, been rentorei to good health through the use 312 Dn,
11',:II':nu1 Pink I'IIM. She was ear feleble, ber blood was poor tend"'
watery, and she 18,14 tronbted wllh headache*, poor appetite, dial -
nem, and always keit tired. After ua'.atg four boxes of Dr. 1Vllliama'
Pick Pills elm in enjoying as good health as any girl of her age,
and we are glad to give the credit to your grand medicine. Mothers ,
will make no 'Met eke if They Insist upon thew young daughters tak-
ing Dr. W1llinm» Pink Pills."
Do not take anything that does not bear the full name "Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People." It is en experiment and a hazardous one to use
A substitute. Sold by all dealers or poet paid at Lo cents a box or six boles
For $8.5o, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville.
Mg the box In which the eerpeat Iles,
she 1830 It un the floor and stands
upon the 11(1. Now her body quivers. Ie
convulsed from head to loot ; the
queen become* a vcrltablo pythoness
as site pmuounces the serpept'r or -
steles. There nee flattering promlem
110F011/0, to others better cureIngs, and
to ani now mandate* aulaveratve of gov-
ernment tied olnttrary to low end or-
der, -but W1Uo11 every devote) is bound
to obey blindly be an oath to ,offer
denim ranter thani;btet traitor to hie
queen end her More. '
A FBI;sz1l5,P o10Y.
Laws 'and Ittlquette That !Melt
Human Slaughter.
Ill*story contains precedents for all
the Incidents of the present struggle,
mays the London Naval and ?Jittery
R cord,
Tne prnettee of the Boers In picking
out officers nae been much commented!
011, and opinions have been expreseel
that If it le not ngnhlst the lava it 11
eertnlnly agein.t the etiquette of war -
Now tin queen deeerib(ma a large tar- Imre. Toe Iron Duke eerttinly thought
cls. 11to thle enter candldnte0 for nd- e) -In ort t,oI milieu y
mission to vnude0 meethermhl ,, fwd nt 1Yntertexo, and said he 1;;;',11":„1,,(1,4',1„.11,1
packets of ]kerbs, horsehair and Illth I c sit of \np I o d w lthi 1 rang' ; 1 well
err 1Itrtt0t In their hams, The (peen I la d her,ruux mu haul. "Au, uo; 1 ot-
lit htl3' strikes meltneo[rhyt0 011 the 1,ot allow It,' hmstnutly and .empht=' .
head with a small paddle, and a, the Orally rxclalmal tt' duke. It 4
f'idle nlld t11 (, lk uTit"• nta•21,r0 nli, nip ,filo Imnloers Of rnmmaltemen tV fl4„
titin !Ater otter:'
launches into a quint. In v g the enemy's' wounded tea' -
ell 1 Bonito hon, hen ! Mute skill and attention ar their ovine•,-,,
• the British and Boers are following ,
'the example of all civilised nations"
mince the Geneva Convention wan
adopted. In the l'rt,elan hospitpis
atter Konlggrats, when nearly 20.001
svamtiad were lett on the field, It was
food that Prusmlune and Aaetrlat'
were lying elle by gide, all under tin+
tsars of Prussian surgeons, tended and
normal by It large maul or of Prussian
ladles and by mat* Slitters of Chalet; .
In the Franro-German war the wound•
ed on either gide were frequently left
in the enemy's handl. " Atter the 1x1 t-
tle of Coulmiere," mays Capt. 11. Brnpk"
°'bury llt filo evidence boon) the Iced
Crow's Borlety, "(leran wnd
e1 had to ba takenallthe 001.0 oftlbyouthe•
French neatens* alone." in the erne:'
WAy a large proportion of French
wounded fell to the German ourgeonm.
Wellington aattoipeted General ,fou•
bert's and Sir George White's Cour
terry to relative of their mortally
wounded sfoapy.11'IId
Joseph'bngo(tefell into
handm. TtM Qncrn's letters be n'ns
obliged ter ttt•taiu as they contained
(1101(12 tnfor mewl which it was right
to withhold, but when therm (1(W 14113'
race to the King's daughters,
were 111 d,ltcnte health, he bt-
741'►ably meal a flag of truce to mho
outposts with the latest newts, .
In It long war there often wrings
Its a pun1nhirehll) between the me
cone a poste of o poging armee, so that
they do not injure or !ahem ea1
the general
al deir of llhere indetdams+ let her, rr('ept hl the eomrse of xersobs
ills (2('0cral dehrluul, theta V wlhl 1 nere,xnry nlo'ep(eutl. Murry (40220e
Nereamhlg 11ud rlapp'ng Ot honest Wax • . are tokl of French and EagitoIl SW,
lug olf arms, 890428(2 of (281.1 040. ? dire" Ilpt,ehe numerous wore betweru
gnaxhblg of teeth, and laceretlon of mho two tountrtee drlllklugg'',� smokin,pr,
flesh, medics, ►irgaul1g, ricking, et(ltting end generally hobnobbing Il
fainting -pandemonium. 1)erive1 of time inttervnlo of battle. In thle
naso. they hill foardn(2 and 2rntlt. P3reneev au January of 1844 the
Ing at the mouth, 111111 the orgv Is, French eurprlrtrl one of FJBI'tl pr,.tn
over until mho ext nnnler'snry. on the ,!dour. TJahr was In return
for the werpriee of a French post by
STIR IN RNNMORE tell+ anal Dto. tee noon ly ha etanean
reptlgntI, to tee friendly hablt0l4llg
e osmtnhlehel between the French and
Brltlsh troops at the outptnte. Napier
tell, new tits Fortytthlyd was renem-
hled on an open space wlthln twenty
yard, of the enemy's gentry,
yet the letter continued to walk
Ide beat for an hour, relying
sen confidently on the customary
signal that ho platted hie knapsack on
the ground to Buse Ids ohouhMre. 1vha1
the order to advance wan glverl one of
tltu Bettlnh moldier*, having told him t1
go away, helped Item to replete hie
bag, alld tile. firing then COmnmeltc d.
The next morning, In like m °ter, the
Kenmore, Jan. 1a. -No little emu- French warned the Forty-third 'sentry
1110114 hag (10811 rouged bore by the pub- to retire. A more remltrknble Instance
Iteattoi of a letter *signed by Durhurtl happened, however, when Wellington.
Brown, In the wipers laet week. Mr. (Meimus of getting to the top of a h111
Llrovn is one of the most expert box- (weeplet by the enemy near Bnyonn&
maker•. in the country, his /Meese ordered some riflemen to drive tire
boxes, while Inodeln of gosxd worktutnl- Frmnelt away. Peeing his omen ste0llttg
- 01dp, being turnedd out In remarkably tiup'too elome, Wellington ordered therm
quick time. He 11110 the reputntiot of tnnr, but with n loud voice tumor the
hying able to drive ono -mud -a -quarter- old roldler. replied, "No tiring," an,1
item nails at the rate' (4 fivee hundred holding up the butt of Id, rifle eloped
h1 rlghteee nenntes, /1114 keep St ap 14 In a peculiar wa,v. .1t the welt-
xttadln3. tmdeit(too1l'signal, winch arrant. '•n'n
1Ir. 11r'own 21 all ('nthrtxlnxt nlx/ut mtdit have 11(26 21111 fol+ n short 121(18,"
Ixotes Kidney 1'111x. He cannot any
mho 71ren8h, who, though tic} Tonto
enough lu thelr'fnvor. And he meats !tot malnteln, would nut hn1,• Tenni!+
every word of It. Hle brother (*201 gnlehed the post without fighting, 12
thorougllJy be•llevev In Ik1dd's Kldrwy they bud leen tired 111wn, got"fly 1'e"
Ills, having seen how they Rtfeet1yl tlrcrl, and them Niguel wadd ler ha p
Durham. Deniam Brown'm letter, ne been matte tf the pxrtt 111.2 !cent eft -
oubl(elte:I laet week, to corroborated by able of pernutnent dietem.�•
hi' brother and all who know him. Tim ung of tsudxe f8 ni,'h 1hal anafMt
Many other people In Kennmore know neo nnlvermnlly aatspd,"1 a tiet11t3' Qf
iron pereonal experience tllo value of wn.r that It le with the dleepest re-
11odd', Kidney 1'111.. Whether for the (2ret that storied or its misuse have
two formerly Incurable and fatal teal• 11eta1 remtve . If it ie true that
adles, Bright's Dlee00e fwd Diabetes, the Boorm have repeatedly used the
or for any of the other formul of Kid- whit( f) ne a means for gaining
hey Dteenae-Itheumatt+m, Heart Dlm- seem unf ndlantOge over oi11on•
exile, Dropsy; Urinary and Bladlder entx, tinny hn10, In title respect, at
Complaints, Female Troubles, Bbeel least, eelvalieed (10) furthher than tide
Disorder. -Dodd', Kidney 1 Ills are Ton- fifteenth and sixteenth century war-
eldered infallible. Ikxdd'm Kidney 1'llls moire, of whom Monnvtaigne writes ht
the only nmedicine that ever 'noenl his sway headed, "Should a coral-
Brlght's 1imeage or Diabetes, and tile mender go beyond the walls of his
people here have n wonderful 201111 111 fortress W pnriey with the enemy?"
After reviewing the arguments pro
and ext -tile great respect enter -
A Jest '1'Ith :Nora!• 1011104 by Christian netlike for the
A Toroltlo lad! tvri.le+ to the Mn11
white flag and the enteral deeeltful-
y 11eee anti vtolenee of humanity w'Iten
roll Empire to any that before ['hetet- nt war -lie seems to conclude that it
mot die 07(11 two barr.,le ,l Oanadian ps better to 11881) out of the Nlemy's
apples to (r4endm in kfRl.lnd. She )r00 pxon•er uatlas( you Race n ldostnge. T(te
mpuch amused, 0n ntrival of the last spirit of thin novice wee adopted mdy'
]lttglieh mail, to tee dive the following tlhe other dray by a uewp*tper
acknowledgmt'nl, 1)hicb, jest though writer, who mwggentel that, to pne-
it be, contains n molal worthy the vent nth. Kreger repeating noel
a!lelt'.ea ,'( .,:)2.011 of (reit: putting into (ores hie threat to Vie
Anl &0 the honest f;mer packs smell/It .Ix offlnore wiro alb lento*•
hint apples up (or t0M8; 4)1.11 of won m11ee. n certain alisl(el
Th s is t he toy row 2* ktl Decks, spy to liberated, the old man's greed.
0 O o 0 O 0 *1(1, Llent.sErusmw,e wlllpot Is os, ttl.
m :1uto 1 ho 3 O IOKer dow0 o o I kept ham( nd uress.uAman. tit. Incident'
> revlewe,d by Mtmtaigus 2* mina 0d
'I'hc pbyskdans of Montreal are
aha (xuimamier who wag lured (rant
I (0rlg4 over the case of Kra hock, his mtrarurhold by a pnbile for -who
at 1N•ysar-old girl. who ham been wax ut tam Name time an attached
'teleep for fifteen days, awl In elite personal frkemd-just In time to di.
of alLt.hat medical knowedlge emu- able ltbn to ma'ape falling a vleelle to
go te, cannot be uwnke'al. (1 114110 welsp wrecker) toe Corer
Deep bnflo te,
('Ingo 1110(10 di le,
t•ange ddo le la, 'a
t'nn(2n II.
.1II John In the charm, the candidates
1legbulbng to squirm and then to dance.
'rile stage of exaltation is known as
"[neuter' vendee." 11 In nn exitedm of
frelsy ripe chances to seep ontslde the
circle the chant season and the queen
meekly turns her back. Title Ieutrui-
Ize, the txad omen, (1ndt the candid(tte
re-enters, grows agitated, convulsed,
drinks (some proffered liquor and 1uppsetex1l
into 13xterived fits. The queen strike's
him omnrtly with her paddle, nae le led
to the altar end Ix one of the order.
Next the.Queen bays her hand upon
the serpent's head, repelrhl a 'shock,
which sloe cOmtuunictatee to, Iter netgh-
t:or, and 00 on 1111411 the entire circle
ix m ronunnnlon. A tremulous motto.
lightly swaying head, 'shoulders and
atrnls, gradually hMcrem/ea to move-
ment, movement grows Int, meter-
tions cont lo[ e h O entire t
.0 v
ort 1 nt ,
The serpent, through the tQueen, 10
constantly supplying new magnetic
(orre, and nm t to belle inelrlo the box
tinkle wlhen the creature le toueliet,
low humming mound arleee fro
multitude, growing louder 1Vlid,
end ns tom -tants end flddlp.
a weird and mavng, (111000*
all fall into a electing da
Eyes roll in wild ire
and deflanee Is hl every I
and ranter the figures whir, dntB 8s,
Durham Brown's Letter Pub-
lished Last Week Cause cf
One of Many Such Canes Kenmore ---
D dd's Kidney Pills Well Knouts
There -Unanimous Corroboration
of Brown's Statement.