HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-01-18, Page 2Killarney.
jt Klllarney'e lakes and fells,
Em'reld Isles and winding bays,
tloeatahr paths and woodland delle,
Weer), ever fondly etray'e.
Boetnteous nature loves all lands,
Beauty wanders everywhere,
Footprints leave on many strands,
But her home Is surely there !
Angela told their wings and rest,
In that Eden of the west,
Beauty's hone, Killarney,
Ever fair, Killarney.
�Mtalien's ruined shrine
may suggest a parsing sigh,
But manes faith ran ne'er decline,
fifth God's wanders Moneta by -
Castle Lough and Olena Bay,
ldouataina Tore and Eagle Nest.
81111 at Stockroom you must pray,
Though the monks are now at rest,
Angels wonder d not that man,
There would fain prolong Ilte's span,
Beauty's home, Killarney,
Ever fair, Killarney.
No place else can charm the eye
With such bright and varied tints;
E''r), rook that you paw by,
Verdure brolders or besprinta.
Virgin there the green grass grows,
Every morn spring'e natal day,
Bright -hued berries daft the snows,
Spoiling winter's frown away.
often pausing there,
uty'a home, Killarney,
ver fair, Killarney.
Mode there for echo dwells,
!fakes each sound a harmony;
litany Yolo'd the chorus ewella,
Tilt it (abate la eaa$oo .
With the charmtal Meta below
deems the heav'n above to el.,
All rich rolore that we know,
Tinge the cloud -wreaths In that sky,
Wings of angels .o might shine,
Glancing back wort light divine.
Beauty's home, Killarney,
Ever fair, Killarney.
arctic Keeps the Mind Vigorous
sad the Ilody Kinetic.
My is not merely skin deep; it
down through pure, clear akin to
rounded theme and small, clean -
and compact bone, showing not
absolute health of etruoture, but
Ohb otructure Is descended from
14f11410lral structures similarly perfect.
The trace of movement atta(ued by
serm b explained by the fact that
the elIeace of a eremite aot lies 111
Ito being performed telth ease, rhythm
anti precision.
Ne nation ever paid ao much atten-
tion tq exercise sa did the tireeka, and
thee amounts for the supreme beauty.
of the Ureclah figure. In (Reece the
rtseideI0 and women had their exer-
t**, no well as the men, and It will
he nebered that Plato, In his -Re-
puede," recommends that the, (Aer-
obe should be public, eo that women
would be taught to etrtvo alter bodily
ONfeoUgn by what it a 'strong motive
n eltber men or women -vis., va11(7.
TM game of ball, which 1 counter
to be the most perfect of natural ox-
aridaw ae oontraeted with ayatem-
atlo (aerobe, was played by the (ire-
ctab maidens, and 1a often described
by Homer.
ti cannot be too clearly understood
that ottr highly specialised clvlthtatlon
eveduceo a separate epeclaRsod devel-
opMent of certain parts in certain pro-
fesUona and occupation ; Indeed, every
occupation may 1e maid to have Its
own deformity, and the famous Dr.
Bell wan able by long experience and
study of this to tell the profession or
potion of any man ata glance
110 peoullarlty of aeymmetrlcal de -
by giving an equal and eyawnetrlcul
development to every part of the hu-
man body. But the main point, after
all, is not so much beauty or propor-
tion, but health.
urea may be happy without being
beautiful, but no one can be happy
who Is not the fortunate possessor of
health and adequate strength. Now,
es M denham acid, the best doctors are
froth nor and exercise, and without
their drugs are useless. if a cheat be
week, then breathing exercises will
strengthen and doepeo R. From this
Ineressed ane new lung tiwue Is form-
ed, the blood *apply Is Increased, the
waste products are more thoroughly
and rapidly removed, and the tissue
Is hatter nourlehed., When title hat'
happened lung disease le almost an
talhtl*Nbatty. Microbes will not attack
a ' Hey tissue.
The feeble lung, with Its meagre
circulation and shallow inhalattons-
Itale of its tissue never need at an-
te 1IM (deal field for Move It Iles
014* 10 eoaeompWoyfa
04;lady who catlte to me was In
a urn -.Prime stair of consumption.
Her medical man Inktted %hal he and
oaf doctors Std failed to di her any
and he felt fare that If any -
hill could be done for her It would
m a system of exe1QMe: In three
Maiths she was a near woman ; before
coming to my 'reboot she was unable to
walk any distance, and If site at-
tempted to do so she became taint
and giddy. But at the end of a course
of exert se-almple, syetematic exer-
cise for one hour a day, followed by
a cold sponge-
and etmegth ; the badly dtaeaied lung
had became much sounder, and less
affected lung was almost well. The
elms woe deeper and more mobile. The
plumpness began to return
the change to health; before ale
Welly emaciated,
Sea treatment tor lung ills -
has the very htgheet 90eelb1e
apd I would recommend all
won t0 sandy 11. effects. The
of mune, should not be
et be feuds with apparatus of
In a similar way exercise
, liver and obesity,
exercised More would be
1101111811 with "nerves." The per-
tertedallon, the thorongh elimin-
ation of waste matter, wield make
tanpo'ralble. Indeed, I
this feeling of comfort is
11 of overtime.
e chief medical value* of
N m the fact that It la a
?kWh beth.and massage. In
TurkUh bath everything
er tided, se muting, ttty
err leirltheh
twoceime epld
,FIle TA Ito
,'.epoeition of fat, which far more than
makes up for the lose euetalned by
profuse perspiration.
But in exercise, besides this per-
spiration, ..there ie an actual burn-
ing up of this superfluous tissue, a
real chemical dlalategratlon and elim-
ination, and it hu
for two reasons; first, (here is in a
Turkish bath only a removal of the
fatty globules and the tendency for
these to Corm in the superfluous adi-
pose tissue is unchanged or even in-
creased; mooed, the deposition of
superfluous fat is a distinctly un-
beelthy act, and results from the
tact that the vital energy cannot
succeed in forming the higher pro-
teid tissue and forme instead the less
complex carbohydrate. In the better
health and vigor resulting from ex-
ercise this morbid degeueratlor of
time is cheokede
I said tbat exercise was also a nat-
ural massage. In bodily exercises,
when in changing from one posture to
another, the pressure and relaxationl
on the vedette Internal organa are
better than the finest hand manage,
RR the latter cannot reach parte which
to the former are quite accessible.
Exercise is nature's message, tar
more thorough and far-reaching than
wattle -al massage, while, unlike the
latter, there Is no possibility of its
doing harm. Anyone who knowe the
innerneas of a women's life knows
the suffering that follow from, her
'neglect of these two simple nacaall-
ties-exercise and fresh air.
Let women exorcise syet Meeferillr•
for halt an hour every day, fel ow-
ing it up by the cold etppepgee bath,
and there wilt be a fam('ne among
the doctors, who, t)o do them jus-
tice, ere never' tired of telling 00
that half their pqaIprk lies in repair-
ing our own mistakes and follies.
Feminine Fnn.
"Charlie, dear," said the young
mother, "I've Weeded on a uame for
baby. We will call her Imogen."
Parte was lost 1a thought for a
few minutes. He did not like the
name, but If he opposed it, his wife
would have her own way.
" That's nice," said be, Presently.
",My first sweetheart was named
Imogen, and she win take it as a
' We will call her Mary, after my
mother," was the stern reply.
"She's as ugly as a hedge fence."
"It's her privilege to be ugly."
"But she abuses It."-lletrolt Jour -
He -What would you do if I should
deo and leave you?
She -Leave me haw much ?
She -Harry, Kate Snowhhll has u
diamond ring that her lover, Fred Stil-
ton, gave her. Funny that you never
gave me any diamond ring.
He -Nellie, 11 le only- girls who are
not precloua in themselves who re-
quire the embelihfiment of precl000
She -Oh, Harry, - what a dear fel-
low you are: 1
Whenever she nuke mo to do any-
thing" soliloquised Mr. Meeker, pen-
slfely, "I nlwaye go and du It, like n
avld Mre. Meeker, who hap -
g In time to overhear hint,
I nek you to do anything
yo c " ye go and do it like a fool."
"Haw :hmale," - said the pompous
man in the big hat, "is your master
In Te
Mehl (Wim (eoemite to hie mode of
a IJrese)-Yee, he Is ; but if you've
cope after the footman's place, Mem
already stilted.
"When we were m'arriel," mobbed
the young wile, ""be said he loved
me with a love more enduring than
the everlasting granite '1'
' And it didn't last?" queried the
sympathising friend.
e Lowe eeheed the young wife,
drying her tel a, "It didn't last sr
long as a cad block pavement!'
n df nano -He e'a
Mia. Homespun tkt g 1) r
p y
an article says that In Fca':noon a
wife coats Ll.
Mr. Homespun (thoughtfully)-Weel,
a guld wIfe's worth it.'
Votress (severely) -If euoh a thing
emirs again, Marie, I shall have to
get another urgent
Marie -1 wish you would madam ;
there's quite enough work for two
of um.
She -So, dear Baron, you are just
come down from the mountains.
What lovely views you get there,
do you not t
Starr Baron. -Most lofty i
She -And what delicious water
tbey give you to drbnk there I
Herr Baron-Ach, yes. Dat also That
1 leen. -
He Was One of the$lggeet Thieves In
A large number of Canadian tur-
keys have been on sale at Blackburn
this week. One of them, purchased by
Inspector Turner, of the N. S. P. C.
C., had attached to one of its wings
all envelope addressed, "For the gen-
tleman who buy's this turkey' and
containing the following letter:
"Mount Elgin, Ont„ Dec. 4, 1899, -
Dear Friend, I hope you will enjoy
the eating of this turkey. I am Imre
he never paid for his raising, for he
vette are of tho Mggeet thieves In Can-
ada. He la 14 menthe' old, and weighs
85 pounds now. We sold him for two
dollars and sixty cents, or SOs 11d.
Will you tell me what he Is worth
In England. and alio how much he
wetghed when he is mold there? Yours
truly, Frank Small." As showing the
profit realized It may be elated that
when purchased In Blackburn the bird
welshed 84 pounds and sold at 8d a
pound, realising Ci, 2s Ad.
An Outgrown Ideal.
There have been .0me salutary
cltange>tt during the long reign of
Queen Victoria, one a which Is eae-
natty treated by n London journal.
It'ntltrking Hutt fainting was quite
the fashion among women when Her
Malrsty came to the British throne,
it nays: "It was proper for an en-
gagers yotm9 Lady t" 44141)44 away
if '1m 0114telt a tetter cottatnhng
the neWe M her lover having eprnin•
ed hie leg. The Queen wae thought
too I•neetwible became her volae did
not falter when she announced to
Om Hoare of (he(nnlalw her engage -
meet to Prince Albert. (U0041mptlye
Pbeio(nee were best liked by novel
readers. Girls took a pride In being
in poor health. They 0.e(1 to talk
of 1141r ailments as they now telt
of the bite sad fit,"
Horse -Show Excellence in
A horse allow costume Is pictured by
our little sketch, whose moat remark•
able feature Is the radical change hu
the shape of the skirt from the mode
prevailing the past few months. The
toilette le of biscuit -colored broad-
cloth, trimmed with self cordings, Mee
t«serting bands and rosettes, Ito side.
plaited full skirt IN ono of the Meet
and moot fashionabie of these new full
New Slide -Platted Skirt,
)dtlrte that are naiv la mode. The et -
feet -though rather etnrtltng from Its
decided, change just at first -le very
graceful and give. a de(tnble smooth -
nem and'aeatne*e ever the his. The
stylish low Imogene( hat with he
Ince trimming and white feather le
an appropriate and effective finish to
comp etc the whole. Renck nutrten,
whore dark fur Is In decidedly smart
noutrast to the bieenit tone of the
oattunle, forme the boa and muff.
With a Mem. em to the Latest 'roue')
In the J4eket World.
A new yoke ef[tict produced by a
multiplicity of roWe of machine cutch -
Ing makes this jacket odd and attrac-
tive, I°xtra ditching is also (meteor]
around the bottom, and at the hands
on the cleaves. The stitching la enrried
of to the upper parts of the sleeve,'
to give the atralght across effect so
much favored 11114 season. The einem,
put In with absolutely no fullness like
Coat With Yoke.
a man's cart, le the latest touch In
the jacket world. Kersey le especially
adapted to the maklag of tide stylish
garment. --
The Proper btnir for the Whiter of
MIS .1900. •
One of Madame 1a. 's latest ca.
prices Is to decta',f1at the proper
muff for the winter Is the plain
round one, of goodly proportions, with
a whole animal, with mounted peal,
Muff and Cape Garniture.
nestled on it. Usually this lifelike gar-
niture has the bead as le shown, but
tall hangs down from the other aide.
Thea one, however, is Dolled around
like a snake with the back paws
and tall on the top on a line with
the head, This has the advantage of
being less cumbersome beeldee being
unusual. The addition of two heads
to the cluster of tails at the throat
of the collar is a new touch dletln•
gutehing it from the mode of Inst
year, -_-_
This Han, Was Brittle.
Dir. George H. Ham, of the adv'er-
tlahng department of the Canadian
Pacific Railway, accidentally elltrpod
while emerging from the bath tub at
hi. renldence, Western avenue, To.
ronto, on Sunday morning, and broke
a couple of ribs. Mr. Ham w'IlI he eon -
Rued to bed fora few week, In con-
sequ ent
THE SMALL 1401.14 TRO1'BLEfr.
Before they had arithmetic,
Or telescopes, or chalk,
Or blackboards, Inapt and copyhooku-
R'hen they could only talk.
Before Columbus trema 1,0 show
The Would geography ;
What del they teach the little Ioye
Who wont to whore like me?
There wasn't any granunar then
They couldn't read or spell,
For books were not Invented yet -
I think 'twos just tea well.
There were not any rows of dates
Or Taws, or wars, or khvge,
Or generals, or vintorlee,
Or any of thole thee.
There couldn't be (to meek t0 learn,
There wasn't n1uN1 to know,
'Twits akar to be a boy,
Tern thousand years sago.
For history had not Istganh,
Tee world was very new-,
1 don't what
And Ill the mimeo Net' N t
The cihthMen end to do.
Now always there Is more to learn -
How ldstory dose g50)v !
And every day they find glow things
They think W0 ough '8ia lulow.
And 11 It post go on llke-ttfl u�,u
I'm glad 1 live t0 -day, i
For iwy* ten tlourand years freht
Will not have time to play 1
-A new ec1.
A marvellous top, capable of sp:'n•
Mug 4:1 1-2 Minutes ata then remain-
ing erect and still, has Leen construct -
et by trot. Chante Jacoims, fur mane
years superintendent of the New
Brunewlck, N. J., Pulite schoil4, Lut
Low of Springf0141, Moas. 'Pio Inventor
01 this top guards it carefully, and
never allows it to puss out of Ills
hands, gnye the :Now York Herald. He
has spun It Scoria of thugs before
0cleut4ete In N• w York, Philadelphia
and twiny other either. He spun It a
short tine ago before the Bosnia 13.0•
ciety or Civil Engineer', who debt 1d
one hour to Wlttt'hung it. 'I'I11 inventor
calls It it scicrttlfl: top, ntt.1 wit -a It
S not In ttse Inc lurk4 It up 111 It c(h:,n
and carries the key with him.
The wonderful top IN made of Iironzc,
and looks IYc the 1 -mall -the! humming
twit tike boys lacy in the eture4 for 5
cents. It was constructed under the
,ilreettoa 01 Prot Jnoubtix, who heal
the pieces made by several different
111Prht1ltiea. The top is spun by a
string, and the inventor alWaye spine
A oil a plate. lie has a email piece
of I,rouze, which he 91(1184 ever the
tipper end of the rod with! Ile tel
the cord art1und 11141 gime, rep ie
in a 1111111110400'
666("""1(11)1''�tp pinea8.
o1 0t0141p u 1 t,e.,ht fitlfa by tl
little. bro.ts, attaclil(teat ret the lien
and pulls the string. .1m 1111 stilt
leases the top he lenitive] the att telt
nu'ut maidenly, and the top 0p'lie on.
The pant of the top, upon which It
aping, Is atxat as large as the hetet of
It entail needle, aw:1 lo so true and
delleatathnt the resletence 14 kept at
a minimum. The Male of the top le
so balnneell thnt when the top cease
to revolve It will remain erect, unites
It to jarred. The roe that runs through
the centro le about an eighth of nn
Melt in diameter and five melees from
the sharp point on the bottom to the
elulll cap on the )090t'The 1701y top
e thele Incite in diameter.
The whole secret of the top is le-
lievel to be In the perfect balance and
the weights lnet.ie of the bronze Lgdy.
The entire top weigh, about four
ounces, and Is wound with about 10
itches of etrtng.
When Prof. Jaa`obue lectures before
801(0019 or educat'onal institutions be
hat a habit of spinning the top and
using It to 111uetrate the beauty of a
symmetrically developed body.
"4(mcas 0.x pounds 0t sugar," de-
manded a small boy, ruahring into a
grocery Mora In breatbleaa haste.
"Four cents a pound ; that'll be Si
cents," sail the man battled the coun-
ter, as he tied up his package.
"Hold on 1 I want ten pounds of
rice-w'bees that a pound e'
"Sax cents." answered the man;
"00 cents, Wbnt else did your mo-
ther send fort'
I want eight quarts of beans,
\Vhat'll they teat"
" Beans are 15 casts -a dollar
Now let ma have seven pounds of
codfish, two pounds and a halt of
tea, two quarts of vinegar, ala dozen
clothespins are three pecks of po-
tato0m," milled out the boy, reading
from a memorandum in hes hand;
"ntid give me a bell of it all, please,"
l\When the packages were all done
up and the 1411 wee ready,the grocer
handed is over with, " diyour mo-
ther sand the money 0r does *be
want them charged, sonny l'
"My mother didn't send for notb-
i:ng," was the boy's answer ae be made
swiftly for the door. "That's my
ariabmet:o lesson, and I had to have
the answer or get licked," -New York
Catholic News.
"I beg your pardon!" and w:,th a
smile and a touch of )tie hat, Harry
Edmond handed to an old man against
whom he had accidentally stumbled
the cane which he had knocked from
tie hand. "I hope I did not hurt
'Not a b::t," mei the old man. "Boys
will be boys."
"I'm glad to hear it "; and Elting
Ste hat again, Harry turned to join
his playmates,
"What do you raioo your hat to
that 011 fellow for 1" asked Charlie
Gray.��"Ile is old Gibs, the huckster."
"net makes no difference," said
Harry. "The question is not whether
he is a gentleman, but whether I am
one; an•i no true g.ntleman will be
loss polite to a man because he wears
a shabby coat or hawks vegetables
through the streets."
11.1311100 L16111'1101 :di.
The Japanese are a1Way0 doing
Something that seems peculiar to Am-
ericans but that proem to be very
practical, after all. Now what Am -
erbium would ever think of suggest-
ing that a llglttlmuse, he made of bam-
boo? I dare an7 Dome of our wise
engineers would gay "Pooh ?' very
disdainfully at such n proposition.
But the fact is that a lighthouse of
bamboo has been completed b ' the
Japanese, and 11 is said to reset the
wave', letter than any kind of woad,
A gentleman a lvertlexxl for a boy,
and nearly fifty applicants presented
tbentselvem in ttnawer. Out of the
whole number he &elected one and Uie-
11919t011 the relit. "I Should like to
know," wild u (rie(td, "on what ground
you celec1 (1 that boy, who had not a
single recommendation?" "Yon are
mistaken," stud the gentleman, "he
ihas a great maa,v. He wiped his feet
and elated the boor after him, show-
ing that he watt careful. He gave him
sept instantly to that lnnut old mai,
ehowblg that ho was thoughtful and
Lindly. He took off hie cap when he
came In and answered my qu4gtlale
promptly, showing that he was gen-
tlealanly. He picked up the book
which I had purposely laid on the
floor, and repleted It on the table,
and he quietly awaited Ills turn ht-
0teaal of pueblo; end crowding, show-
ing that Ile W04 honorable and or-
derly. Whoa I talkee to ltlhu I noticed
that 11144 clothes were brushed, and
hit 110It In order : when he wrote his
sante I noticed that his finger Halle
were dean. Ihnt't you (ail these things
lettere of recommendation? 1 do." -
Christian Standard.
"Rmerxo:" anti Mrs. Benuonstre t,
'how did you comport yourself In the
thoroughfare this morning with your
new w lhbord?"
"I fenr, ata mere," replied Enter.
fou, "that our (03tlons were scarcely
such as would tenet tntenalfy our lie
teilecte. You fee, he knows nothing
of Aurl;ttate Oomte, his parents have
forbidden hen Voltaire, he dlellkem iter.
Shakespeare, and his familiarity
with chemistry and astronomy is
enperficiai to a wearying degree, So
We made mud Ales." -Boston Counter.
Papa had been giving Tammy a
peppery lecture on the evils of careleme
hnndlIltg of [!reworks, and Tommy,
with one hand bandaged and his mead
fled up, {Lstene' gravely. When llls
father concluded and went out the
bey turned to hit grandmother.
"Grandam," he. said, "how did halm
{tet that funny twist In hie mouth?"
Blowllq; on a lighted firework when
he wan about your age, my darling:"
-1 wealthy nuns was once exhibit -
tag proudly to n younger acquaint-
ance it. table whil1I' be ba'l bought.
He enhl It was five hundred years
Md. "That 1s nothing," remarked
the young visitor. "I have In ((1y
pxeaeeaebn a table wheel 1e 1110re
Klan t"ette thousand years old."
"Three: thousaaul yearn old," mild
the itmk '' That ie lint ie. Where
wesei4 t o Premie *.
t Ind51I� l't lato
jc ",'hbe uwlt1p11eftt4t1tii oon' L'4ble.
tee tee --
"l+ XPLIl'NatT i(IN.
1'es, I'u11100 he('1aby,
And o1ii, thefday 7 bI caste
They 11111 the greatest *talking,
A -finding 1111) n ualne:
For roister wanted Ethel,
And brother 11e94 or 11111,
Wh11P 11104141 (0(011e1 Wlnifre.l
And grandma Hester Ann.
They did the grenteet talking!
But father, when 'team through,
Just culled me niter mother, dear,
And so I'm little 81111.
A poor boy with It large patch on
one knee of his trousers woe laughed
at by his echooltnates, who called
Mtn "01d Patch."
"Whj' don't you .fight him?" cried
one of the boys; "I'd give It to hlin
It he called me so"
"Oh," sold tie boy, "you don't supe
pope 1 am exhumed of my Patch, de
vou? For my part, I'm thankful
for a good mother to keep me out of
raga, I'm proud of the latch Ior her
IA1 e,'
A patch Is better than a hole, and
patched garments which are paid for
are more comfortable than new ones
which make. n matt afraid to meet
his tallor.-Ex.
Wllile-Mn, why ie that mean in the
bank cane] a teller?
Ma (who lute been endeavoring to
learn the amount of her husband's
deposit) -Probably because lie won't
tell you anything."
Teacher (trying to expiate the
word " audience ")-Now, If your fa•
they had a huge gathering what
Wolk1 Its call it
Tho Minister's Youngest -I 'epect
he'd call It a boll, ma'am.
"'Vo , It wag a drawn battle," he
said, in talking the matter over with
1410 wits.
Tho six-year-old, who was listen -
Ing wwaregent for a moment. Then he
asked, " What did they draw ft
Teacher (to little Isidor, who 1s
very poor at fraction) -If I need
threeand one:half yards of cloth for
a milt and tho cloth costa 2 3.4
gulden a yard, what will the suit
cost 7
'editor -To begin with. teacher,
three yards would be enuagh for a
cult and you could get it at on
More for 2 gulden -the sett would
cost you 6 guider.-Fligende Meet -
Your Ilttie girl looks lealthy
Mrs, Janes."
"Healthy? Her doll has ied eight
heals ghee Inst Chrietigaal."
Tommy (who has just heart his
line% read the war news with very
strong Interjectional comments).
Lct'e play Boers,
D orotlty-You hold up n white flag
and I'll way daml-Lindon Punch.
"No, Willie, you can't Interrupt
me now: 1'111 speaking to 1trs.
Half an hour Inter-" Now, Willie,
what is it ?"
" Why." Bahl Willie, " 1 jest want•
etl to tell you the water'ee flowed
over the bath tub, nand it's alt over
the (loor,"
Mother -Children, shall I buy a
laoe•paper angel for the top of the
Christmas tree?
Children flat loud chortet)-4o: gat a
candy onel
JAN. 21, 1900.
'file Preaching of.1ehn the Buptial.-Luke 31-lf
Sept. -What Is the Golden Text?
Selmol.-Prepare ye the way of the
Lord. Luke ill. 4.
What is the Central Truth ? Ex-
cept ye repent, ye shall all likewise
perish. Luke x111, 8.
What le the Topic? Preparing the
way of tho Lord.
What Ix the Outline? I. The pro -
'dewy of hauler. II. The preaching
of John. III. The work of the coming
When war the Time? A, le L'0.
Where were the Places? The wilder.
nem of Judea, Judea, Galilee, Ituraea,
Trachonitle, Abilene.
Who were the Persona? Tiberius
Caesar, Pontius Pilate, Herod, Philip,
Lysanine, Annas, Calaphae, John, Za•
Marina, the multitude, Publicans,
What are the Parallel Accounts?
Matt. Ili, 1-12; Mark 1. 1-8; John 1,
0.8, 111-28,
Commentary. -Connecting Linke. A
little more than eeventeon years
have passed fence we saw Jesus at
the Passover feast In Jerusalem. Ile
is still In mete/eon at Nazareth, but
hie forerunner appears on the ecene.
1. In the fifteenth year -Augustus
Caesar deal In Auguet. A. D. 14, but
three years before the death, in Aug-
ust, A. L. 11, he called Tlherlas to
reign with Iden, and St. Luke eve
dently reckons from that tine. Ti-
berias was a very bad mai, given
to drnnkennees and cruelty. P0ntlue
Pilate -Pilate was governor of Judea
for ten years, from A. ll, 20 to 30.
Het reign was bad. He WAN finally
bald/Mod, and Is eatd to have killed
himself. Ifs I tetrarch -Te-
rod being tetrnr'h Te-
trarch meant originally the ruler of
a fourth pare of a country, but was
afterwards used with reference to
any tributary ruler. After thedeath
of Hertel the Great hie dominions
were divided. This wan Herod Antt-
paa, tetrarch of Galilee, who bo -
headed John, and to whom Jesus
was sent at the time of His trial.
Raines Abilene -Two provinces
of Syria northeast of Judea.
Annas and Cabaphas-Calaphne
was the wendu-law of Annum, or An-
anias, and It Is supposed that they
exercised the high priest's office by
turns. Clarke thinks that Calaphae
MAO only a deputy. Came auto John
-Tete Holy Spirit came upon him in
the desert where he was living. Son
of Zneharlae-See chap. l 5.03. In
the wilderness-" The term wilder
Ileae WAR given to a district which
nus not regularly cultivated and he
3. The baptism of repentance -
John was n repentance preacher.
This wax " a baptism requiring and
representing an inward spiritual
change; the pledge of remission of
eine to those who were truly pent
tent," -Speaker's Cont,
4. AS It le written -Luke Cults atten-
tion to leulah'e prophecy regarding
the character of the coning reforma-
tion, The voleo-"The, prophecy draws
attention to the work rather than to
the worker." Tide voice was clear, die.
tinct, haul. Prepare 3o-Ttai 1(1(94 ie
titikeo from the practice of eastern
nonnrclw, who, Whenever they took tt
journey, Pout harbingers before theta
to prepare the way. The Jewish
church was the desert country.
G. (:very- valley, etc. -This Is figur-
ative language, "The word* Illustrate
le leveling force of the gospel." There
t lie it thorough preparation before
our King, will come to un. The
jar 'ifo'must "be brought low." The
crooked, diehonoet life must be
eleffruiglitentel." Let no remove the nb-
ettecth,ils of: nntelief nod carnal tie.
0. All flesh -Gentiles ae well as Jews,
Shall me- It will not be nece044nry to
depend on the testimony of others.
T. The multitude -Matthew mentions
Pharisees and Saddunees. To 404 bap -
tiled -This was a baptism unto 1.0•
pentane(); it wax not l'hrietinn bate
Hem, Oeneratton of vipers -"Brood"
of velerg. "This (1enrrt4044 llrerente dee
oeltful and mullctotw," ''A terribly ex-,
prolelee speech" IIo called them
awakes. Wae he (harsh ?
8. Frelts worthy of repentanoe-•
Jobe did not stop with •4 prefeed011,
but they must show their reforma•
tom by their e:o:4htnt. Repentance
111131ude9: r conviction ; mooed,
(vntrlt:on; third, confetelon; fourth,
reformation ; and lead* to oolvern!on.
9, The axe is laid -There to an„ al•
lesion here to a woodman., who have
log marked a tree for exclshm, lays
his alae at its root, while ho Jaye off
as outer german., In order that he
May yield more powerful blows. The
Jewtsli notion is the tree, and the
Romano the axe, which, by the juet
judgments of (tat, was speedily to
cul it dont-Clarke.
10. The paxejlLP naked -There are
three reamer; of persons Isere who
ask the same question, "What eliall
we dol" The auswere given by John
show that he understood the etas they
were prectic ng. They were moved by
Ste. faithful proachktq, and enm41 ae
honest inquirers, and he (1030 not
[imitate to deal faithfully with them.
11. Let him Impart -Tile Is a re•
markable answer, Clothe the naked
and feed the hungry, Jas. L 27. Tette
le the tete epirlt of the gospel.
12. Publicans -Tax -gatherers. An
office detested by the Jewe, yet John
does not mule= 1t.
18. Exact no more -Thom tax-gath•
avers collected taxes for the Raman
Emperor, and "they exacted more
them the Government authorized them
to do, and the serpent. they pocket-
1.4. Do violence to no man -Jahn do-
mande three theme of the soidtere.
They were not requ're1 to quit the
buelneee, but they tuna be just anti
upright and atop their wicked life if
he baptized theme.
15, Whether he were the Cheitt-
.Tolhn eptdto witlh ouch authority, elo-
quence and power that the people
began to think he was the Meeslnh.
10. One mightier than I -"Hie bap-
tism will effect what mine is powerless
to do." Not Worthy -John ehowe h'e
greatness by his relf-ahneement. With
fire -Fire le an emblem of the Holy
S 4lrit.
17. Whose fan -The fan, or the !n•
etrumont for the purging is the gospel.
Floor -Hie church. Wheat -True l s-
I:overs. Garner -The king lom of grace
here and of heaven hereafter. Fire
unquenchable -See Matt. xxv. 46.
Teaching/I.-The preaching of the
gospel Includes the annonneement of
the most fearful judgments. Great and
mond men aro always humble men.
True humility Is one of the marks of
true greatness.
Title was a thee of moral dearth
"What civil, ptroo'ltical anti morel 11114
cry le naeoclated with the 111 ret'
wh ,h Lute here mentors :.tu tette
had, indeed, become a barren wilder
nes*," The Roman Emperor wan
"despotic to his government and cruet
In iota dlaposlton." 11er1d, the ruler
of 001.14e and ferns„ it first heard
Joint gladly, but later imprisoned
and finally beheaded the faithful re,
former. Hero] wee nfterwar,l ham
Med and died 141 0)111'.
"The chnracter:slhis of Johlia
preaching. -1. It was stern, like thnt
of Eli ate 2. It was absolutely dauat.
less, , It shows remarkable insight
into the 'teethe of the people of every
deer. 4. It was ineensely practical. 5.
It propbeiees of the dawn of the k:ng-
t'om of Christ, Hie nesse 1-
Repetit ; (`2) The king,
is at hatui:; (3) Retial
God." John %,I a
'1'hera were
seals ret
tBtuoe t a
'i'he 1' della was pp
htlg the �t1 the people !Pol."? cominggL, ant they be-
g,ur toe Ive "whether ho
were the hit," "They^ began to
cotuirter that flow wee the time for
the Meaavdah to appear. The scepter
had departed from Judah, for they
had no king but Caesar, and the law-
giver was goon beneath his feet."
But John was riot taw to ufldeoeive
them regartllieg helmet
ata cleurly outletevb the work of
taws meneng of the Wallah. He is
!Mightier then I, and before him I
dolleng. He shall baptize Iron
with the Holy ghost anti with fire. I
ran only preach. repe,qetanee, but Ile
is able to bring ealvationt Rt le th,e
work of tlln Holy Cohost to regener-
ate stet also to cleanse the heart. The
faro of the Holy Ghost will dispel the
coldness and will give new energy and
tee to the soul.
Herbert's Stealings Ran Into
Big Figures.
ylohtrottl report : The feature of
Bank Ville Marie wine:., wheel oscu-
fee:l the rittentoh of the, court to -11a7,
was the cell,' 01 Lemieux, th' account-
ant, charged W,th stealing two stuns
of *21,000 and *17:1,040. The duet
w -taws WaN Hcrin,rt, tine tiler, who
teet:l/el that the whole of tiro $173,-
(100 went to \\'altar L. Fellowesbeaker, as margins foci' hucketehop
transnetomm, hettend of $125,000, ae
previously .tut 41. The Crown tried to
make out that L:au.eux was the prim.
etpal In these transactions, wheel were
carr.etl 01 make the fictitious name
of George Ball, and that Herbert, Ill
paying out the money, nete.l under
dnrtrt'o:1 of LOulleux, In erose -examen•
at 0:1 Herb.rrt weaken.d and atilnitttd
that he had speculated 0:1 his own
account, and could not say to what
proportion of the oint account profits
he was entitled, Theme speculations
iv:tb Fellowee had been going on mince
the euntmur of 18.17, and according to
Fellowes' Looks there was a loam of
:'4.8:,0",0, not *40,01)0, as previously
stated. Resides thee, Herbert had
further bucketohop speculations with
a broker name llittuhnn o1 SL, Jahn
street, to whoa he pati ns mucic as
*1,400 or 9µ1,500 a day ; but he rains
this was pertly o:1 Lemleux's account
also. Be could not state the total
amount paid to Ilhutnmt for nmrgius,
hitt It le underet4o1 to have ranched
$40,000, During all this time 111,13
tart's salary was $601 n year. leo
Ind 110 other 0onree 0l revenue, and
his personal expenses reached 31,200
to 31,500. It appeared Ihat Mr, Fel-
lowes olid buwr.nlsa with the firm of
William Weir & Stuns, and Ghat the
letter's e1: rk, Fload, got tho money
frau lllto 11 toque Ville Marie for Ru-
be -We and 1,emieux's speculation• in
the bucket4310p, but Mr, \Vii)1`.am
Weir, who was also Preaeletut of the
1a1119, swore that he knew the farm
had 411 accauut with some New York
brokers' firkin, but did' tact know if 1t
was Irellowes, azul ad ant. know Fel-
Iowan. Ile Never knew Wef.r & Sone
to buy stock through n bueketshop,
but they might have dome it without
hei knowledge. The bank itself never
bought &trek from a hurketahop, ant
vary eeldou bought stock at 4.11.
Mr. Fellowes, who was nrrealed on
Saturday, le atilt i'n No. 14 station, bail
having been refused, but he will prob-
ably appear in court to -morrow, '1'h:•
warrant (themes Mr. Fellowes with
having at different tinea unlawfully
received bank notee or bills, lee ram.'
being cement can of Canada, in lure.
(Nem $50 to 310,000 at tltne, belong-
ing to the Banque Ville Marie, know-
ing the rani notes and bills to have
been stolen from the /met bank. Mr.,
renewer; claimed in court, when ex-
amined a& a witness, that he did not
Gael that he woe abl:god to make any
ittpery- as to where his clients ob-
tained their money when they came
to him to put up mergiat and get him
to purchase stock for them. It ie no-
torious, toe, that many persons who
spearulate in margins do se under fie.
teepee names, and irresponsible per-
130VIa often represent substantial anal)
well -In -to parties, who, for remits
of their owe, do not wish to be known,
ns apeeulators.
Mother, Shaine Not 1n01et on Their
Child ren Always Being Clean.
fl'he mother who would have her
children hsallhy must not be afraid
to have thaw occes.onaldy flirty. While
c'.eanl4tes4 is akin to godliness, there
is a cloaa dirt that nom s from con,
tact with the sweet earth that in
wholesome. Have the little one;
bathed frequently, Insist that they,
come to meals wbth immaculate bands
and faces, but b,tween mettle have
them ma dremeed that they lire free
to run and romp as they will.
An overear:ful mother o[ an only
cited compl0Lwai to a pllysiclan that
her baby ens pale and delicate. Ile
askee to nee tho Wayld, and the nurse
brought. It the '2 your -obi from the
vernnea, where he had been seated on
a rug, Looking at a pectuna book. Hie
dainty nainaook frock was spotless,
no wer0 ab4o this peak k:1 boots and,
atlk socks,
What that chut1 meads n whole,
sumo dirt," was the physielan'e ver-.
diet. 'Put a g:nghone frock and ptaln, ,
a'hoes on hem one turn hem loose ate
the taws or in the froth earth. If he is
not rosy and happy In a month let me
At thea expi:ratlm of the prescribed
time 1103 baby nue transformed. The
eyes that hod been heavy were bright,
the sk',n had acquereet a healthful
glow, the crena anti legs were plump
and the languid, tired little patient
had become a ro'.le:king boy. T
freedom, [resp air and clean dirt h
In a month's erne wrought a. gun(er
change in the chi:(1's ayetem than all
the skin of th3 m-41:!^al fraternity,
conill hove effected.
Mothers who talc 4 t heir little .shoo'
boys an't girls away for earlier
should let them romp at wyll o
of doors, fieb in nth. brook, tido on t
hay 8081 wvar eLnrrng *lima and clot
ing of wide]) they need not he .t.
careful, 9 ahIY1 ie moo$ Soit un
o Ixlpny "don'ppierts," And
the mother le happier, too, it she need
nal sly "Jan'." every beer i.41 the
1L,(pare, Laaar.
John 'Alexius Hewett, jun., son of w
Ne11. Br'unewSl•k clergymen, killed
himself tot Newark, N. 1, by drinking
carbolic se4l ami laudanum.
The Toronto Cite. Board of Control
at tate nleetle; Clem morning tr'tnsel!
to endorse the loropoetsl extenelon of
the C. P. R, from (Mellott to (ioderleh,
Lady 'Ayre Motuue, doter of thee
Duke of Ifs
Dever P