HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-01-18, Page 1---eilreeereetIere''revelfeeireeeeeleteetSeeetee'4'''''I''' ST WRY 0! ADVELITIRINO 16 IN A ION NEWEIPAPeit. MTH P IS - VOL XIII MTH, ONTARIO, THURSIDAYJANUARY 18. 1900. OPERATIONS STU KEPT QUIET Fate of Ladysmith Now Being Settled One Way or Other. BATTLE SUPPOSED TO BE IN PROGRESS, Kruger Becoming Alarmed, Quotes More Scripture. HON Fighting at Ladysmith --British Troops (lo to Zululand -Colonial Mitch Deserting Boer Army -Buller Shelling the Rom Millions - A Lleateriant Wounded Eleven Times --(len. Carrington (14ing to the Front -War Correspondent Killed--- -France Making Hans for the 801111 -Outnumbered by Boers. UMW Meer. inn. 12.-ileit. Weel, in it direetion, although OAP is nu ter the Riot Dine in tiee caneeke, iontErma tem of the report, and, al- h!eget, het, there is a more hopeful -10D at eetabilaleel a post lit the eae- mg in offielel Metes There 111 Ilttle ese'e muntry. 'With it Curve of all !ewe; ef importance from eletwhete. sifts, be tuok up a positlott on hoe tirteral French.* forces have succeed- ', eth at goutpane Drift, on the north 1 ee in dragging a fifteen pounder to Iskie Of the Orange River, In the the minima of the steep, rocky Coles - Free State. kop, a tirousead feet above the aux- reeding plain, and on Jan. 12th, they • Warren Cremes the Tugela. &mese/fully ete Thadoh, Jan. 111.-1 special de- ROUTED a BOER CAMP leastch from Cape Town, dated Fri- 011 the plain three miles away front day. Jan. lgth, evening, announces Sierketroom, An iniereseng item of that Gen. Werreft lute erewee I the newts is that 100 Doane amortieg a Tegela River . petty el reapers, bave suceessfully ' _....._, gamete1 ell the crops, within. two The Rumor Doubted. . tittles of the coloniel camp at 'little Cap* Town, Jan. 15.-A deepateh ? ft to Amen. dated Freely last, Jan. stays: " The authorities 'lug e readved newe time Geier:LI learren hid crossed the Tugela anti oetnpie strong position north et tbe riser." .1.too report haa been cornett here • dam yesterdaybut is diseredited Official circles. Probably a Fake. • •- 'Leaden, Jane 10.-8 telegram from Keirport, Wales, sly's Mr. ittitherforl flArrili, formerly reei lent (11r,etor lit tileath Africa of the firitieb Melts Celinfie, has reeelte 1(1 call., M to 1 effect tint Celt. Bunts- ae /offered another reveree. Westminster Will lecture. W York, Jam. 15. -Toe yOlIng Welltftlalitont lute riallid from for England to Oahe ids eaym a London eaLes, e that 414 3* to merry Mitt West. Tits duke will return h Africa am a lieutenant of Imperial Yeomanry. A l'itet-f;i7Peace. New York, Jett. 10.-8 eirettlat apt pealittg for peace end ple,teling fur the Boers. eignee by 40.1 clergymen of all denonettations in the Netbsrl tride, has been &nearest to the mistirtere of --' ell Chrheilan churches In (-treat e, Seim *aye a Landoll cable. It 13101101: "Wetemech you, brethren, to me ithlince that all Rich 10 Eng - es Ott Chehalis!' iniacIples Mop. thla war hely try u-hatever ully may im (kw for Its speedy Cone' --- Atteches Arrive. Nstal, Jae. 14, -All kw for- atilltary nttaches arrivie here neerning. They vein proJecti 011 „Vitt to Cane Town, where they , twee Robert.. ARK HOURS QUITTISI feldyInsith May b; Relieved 'Before Night. London, Jan. 10.-131) to the present imported orweing of Tugela River al Warretee division matting imr. Nevertheless, tat whole Of Mesh tome as has dribbled eolith Africa during thts Wet indloaties that a coinbined mureineat 01a oomprekmelve v*otir le Plweeeslitilrilt is not nee. ROM to believe the unconfirmed Of taus Boers being lit full re. from Colenee, bemuse It tut» leartied that it column 19 pro - seeding vie, Wetness to Halmettletar to (AIT*OFF THEIR RETillAT. n mute time resedible internee - root many different scuroee In. bly potato to mommitotis lu the dissporttlen of the Tie, forces. Advices from Pieter- -Metritiburg, dated Saturday, Jana- .; ary Igth, say that lance their defeat A od January Oth, the Bowe have been their gene from tee pud- e of Lailyanith. The same eottfirine the report that 'feeShe 16111 Unallitre reached tirobler's _ 'pullout meeting the leore. An **Am at Droblerei kloof were the strongest pooltIou held by their vacation has con- y astonished the British. ARE BOERS FLrttrzwa? "Ideddeseit• of Pleternsaritsbarg have Vert ateliagos from Ladyemith, ell Jane" etc., lode r Latjysinith agent, to opening of le Ladysmith he belief preset- . leMe that the and Miteentrating where, Al eerroboca. etladt activity in the a( Qs redid ef LadimMith, ilte4treed 111 able to *ay received la Lost - r, to the effect o ell the Ma dome misled eted tide oasstastoes bie that rel town a at fighting im Optimists tee ee 0,8 smith TO -NIGHT ea:Ilta;Ato nese River, tee Beeleh force bring too weak to laterfere, A. deepateh from Pretoria saes the Federal Woe recommeticed tbe bom- bardment of Mateking during the morning of Friday, Jan. tette. A partial development Of the 1110110 tnent roterret 40 111 these despatehem on Jam 120), though by no minute the maln oteective Mittel at, (inn be re corded to -day In the formation of a strong committee of South Africans anti ex-offiebtle, with Lord Luelt, the former °evertor of Cep) Cotony and Bette') Melt Commieeloner, .11 eresi• dent. The eeepet le the remedying of the DEFECT'S OF Tilt: WAWOillalli't, Wilen Oa War 011ice'elPacComel the formet'on oi ti votes of teetth.Afritons acquaintel with the toisography of Ur country nett the Dutch and Kalil Lima( les, the (0,1118 ttee ins I .tel tha they must choose thalr own of Deere. The War Offtee (femme& but flmilly yet led. Co ilr'quently p 0.1100 11: 18)11th AfrIcaue, crack 'Motu and acquninted w tit every stream nue kepi?, are Slotting to loin the euntingent. AN a momenta enlisted man maid to it rep- reeentative of the Associated Pries: " We are not going to fight for promo. t on or the Victoria Cr0/04. We stimply want to Meet tlus Mora on their own ground and amonling Weer own methols. Onr objeet le to defeat the enemy, and rot roe eplendid but use- less risks." , olden ;fen. 16 -General Lord 'Iooefto. 'hi despatch to the War (Knee yerterday, recorded a cavalry reeonnoliteence by (len. French, lie added Moe the voitions of (tonere! Methuen add Om. lintanre were un- changed, bat mode no reference to the oiteratigne in Nettie At the monied of cabling, the lilted absolute authea tie information concerning Oen. Reiter was hie epringfield deepateli, dated Jan. Ilth. leterenarltebarg, Beltintfli mei ('apo Town have been vying with one another In vending fAtrtinte me workable reports of the moveMentil Of hi. divisions, but the fact that the censor (Mown the trettsmiseion 01 10101) despatches previa their complete Mee - curacy. The critics, disculet with fearful lit- tered the statementa Indicating the (elision of General Buller's eopunn Into three partfeoperating regeective- ly at Springfield, Cohort and Weenen. They concur in the opinion that mucb a plan would, under the moet favor- able flew, he extremely daring, us each division would be separated by two or three marches. The situation, though at Present neither understood nor underatend. able, certainly creatm anxiety. which le in no wee allayed by the rumors that the Boers have evacuated some of their etrongeet entrenchmente. It ie rerognieed that when them telly clime patentees begin to "evacuate" and "re- treat," they are getting dangerone. The military critic) of the Morning I,eader unerts, as If with personal knowledge, that "General Warren with hie (Meehan and romettang ntore wee yesterday morning five meet northwestward of Springfield, where (tonere! Buller then had his headgear - tore. This represents the feet" The critics proceed to ridicule ru- mors that do not bear out this date. went. tlhiclled Hoer Position*. Loudon, Jan. 16. -The Standard's Durban tormapondent, under date of Jan, 18th, nays a mail who Just ar- rive) there front Springfield atatee that the Ladysmith relief column is enettraped near tbel Tegela River (11S` ing the Boer petitions, which the hoe Itr.ere bad been shelling. Two bemired sad eeventy wagons Imam with store* for the LasiyamIth garrison had left Frore, It was ex- pected that the column would reath General White MondtitY eeeidng.Jeo. 1511. Mounted teatrces had rtev- ereti parties o f• 'lost* In the dime - tion of Annandale, between Frere and Esteourt. °erupted Strong Position. (northweet of Ladynnith) were drivelt out by the BOMA on Suter - (My. tenutuandant No), on the west of thetowte and the Pretoria comman- do, on the north, have taken the kopiee oommentling Uttemar'e vamp, from which they maintain a UOIltill- WAN sonlping of the British. The Pretorle commando lost I41X men killed And eix )(Tutu:143d In at' tempting to Morn the fort. Received Eleven Wound,. Estoourt, Natal, Jan. 111. -Every- thing bi quiet In Ude virdelty. There et no Inewesoket hero tent the Boers are cuateentrating elsewhere. A remarkable Incident Is reported Lo eouneetion with the charge of the Devona up Wagon Hill in the fight- ing arotutti Ladysmith' oh Jan. 6th, Lieut. 'Masterson wee orderod to wove the fire-ewept sone mei de- liver a Message. lie wag bit by three bullett,lett etravgleri 011 mei deliver- oti his ineesege, whielt ewe very im- portent. The lieutenent le doing well, altiunigh there are elevea wounds la hls body. Carrineton for the Front. London, 31111. le.-ebelereieneral Frederick Carrington, the well-known Fouth Afrlean officer, connutuuler of tete Belfaet district, has been order- ed to email Afriea. tieneral Kr leredeelek Carrington is a Pouth Afthetti moupttigner of wide experience, having lean general °in- ter commanding the forcee in the Illenlediut rebellion. --- ' Kruger Q410terf lit•ripture, Loreneo Marquee, Jan. lit Kruger has hewed a prociamat'on or- derieg nil burghers to the front. He has aim Imuecl it Weenier, dated 3.1111btil, to Boer comman.lants and bergherti, urging_ them to show more merge ht the Ttaroottal 041U90. He etaya: "Trust lit the Lord anti display ree) and promptitude. Through the Mess tag of the Lord oar great mum has been carried to Ruch it point that, With energy, we may expaat sae. cessful lame. Read Persia xxxlil. The tmenlY have fleNI tilde faith en Psalm Ix itil. Also rend Psalm ixxxie., verses 13 and 14. Do not forpet tile enemy. Create devasta- timt wherever you go lit Cape Colony. They 'else, onlI at destroy the good., a the Afrikanders 1st the Free State ie lay waste farms." .-Bresident Kruger likette the Ile Struetivenew of the Britlait to est attaek of the devil on Christ's Church, mid say.: ' "I am marehing the enere and can find no other wily poelible than that adopted by IAA We must oontinue to 1 gilt in the none of the Ler I." ltte rtiliceseem, the Transvaal offi- cial orean, euggeds, ate the wens - end the British crams the border, the induatry should be Irretrievably dest respedt "Commandeering" :a proceeding bueily .a, where the towa egleg Mouser* for Mars mer RN. beely emitted O -tim rent t said- that thereetre pearly too orit:st pfleseners en Pre- iloria, et- . • Krugetee Pullets. teohn 33. -For the word of the Lori is eget, owl MI Hie works are done in trath. leveth righteoneneos one judg- ment ; the earth is, full of the geode me, of the Lope The Lord brlageth the counsel of the hoittiteet to naught; Ile maketh the devices of the pettiest of stone ef- fect. ' I/Messed hi the nation whose God le the Lord, and the people whom Ha bath chosen for att own Inherttance Partite 83.-1. Keep not thou silence. 0 God; beet not thy Deane nad be not Mille 0 Poet For lo, thine eneesplee make a tne mutt ; and they that 'bate Thets have tif toed up the bead,. S. 'nay have taken' crafty courted sealed thy people, eat comulted against tity beitisso ands. 4. Thee hays eelel come, Mel let 1l4 ant thetn off from beteg a netted; that Hie name a tamed mot be no ' moreein reggenbrenem •6. Per they here Moidsitee togethst vale one 00aient ; bbey ere (*nada- ate *ranee thee Pod* 89.-13. 'Tema haat a mirky erase eerong teg letaideene hig.h tb,y aght Wale 14. Sostiee erd judgmeat am the habitation of thy throne; merey ani truth shall go bdere thy face. I'apo Town, Jan. 15.-A dempatth to the Angus, doted Friday Wet, III, tete. seys " Tee netberitlee have received news that Oen. War- ren has creased the Tugelat and no- cupled irtrong position north. of the river, ao to the, 18 °e per- righttig at isedriaitth. movement le ars in- .1leer Headquarters, outside 14jdy- 11 the smith, den. %k.. -The Deere oectipyleg vett Etre the roathettl «go ot 90018" kIIP (elves 6151000. Ottawa, Jail. 15. -Mr. J. M. Court - 1)07, Deputy lietieter of Finance, re. cetved a telegram to -night, etatIng that the C. 1'. It. heti donated 615,000 to the peteotle fund. lermorallied the Hoene Wake, Jlin. 16. -The torreapontlent of Lite Daily Telegraph at Eletermar teetturg, telegraphing Thursday, Jan. 11th, Nays: • " The gallantry of the Ladysmith gnriemm last Seturday hewers to Mir) (tepees/led, tf uot actually denier. arzeil, the eloere generttily. tt WA 1 1 Dint they lost 01 least, two, if tett three, !elle as agetnet our one. " Many Boers are lealleved to le ,trekkIng northward. The magietrate at Nettie, Zululatal, telegraphs Met scout* report having men many Boer innellee with *none proemolus north Via Zululand, while it European who formerly ramidel at Ihnuiee, declares thnt after the reputte at Laclymnith a number of Boer wagons loaded with dead and wounded passed through the mining townie -de, and that the Boers burnee route tif the publie buildings as they departed. Five days hove tamed since then." Teo traeteste egginem leave berm eolug excellent work in hauling heavy waitrons out of holea and 'swamp' in Natal. The; they 'accomplished with ten greatest ease The British patrolw have dierovered parties of Boers In the directien of Enneveittle, between Frere and Est. court. -- Well p111 Attlialtry 0. London, Jan. 10.-Mafeking wasep. patently • heeling its own against Re hedegere on :tannery 111. A Pretoria telegettm of that date ITCOrdlt that till, Beer legen leenbarting town on that morning. Major Betide, one of the correspondents at Mate - king, tent a runner on Jan, eth to eloolnuil with a de/vetch 'stating that the garrieon was well. -- Correspondent Killed, London, jan. 15. --Mr. Ferrand, one of the Morning Port's correepoltdente at Ladonsith, waa killed in the fight - Int that took place at Viet plum on Jan. 6th, , -- Hurrying From Delagoa, Loua, Jen. 16 d .-A emsatch to the ll at y News front Lorenzo line gum, te1 Jan. Iltit, Nays) that the regulation requiring all pereone de - wiring to enter the Transvaal to °U- tah) a lineman hi enueing heart -Nen - Ing mem( the Boers In 1 ()etagere/0 ter- ritory, who are hurrying to their holdall as rapidly es poesible, -- Blocked° Now Effective, Lonnie Marquee, Jan. 11. -The Brit. Wit blockade of the port is very strict. All stocks of food are at the lowest. Communication with the youth Is almost stopped, For several week* hundrole of permits have been waiting to go to Durban, but there let no vessel to take thetn. The only *team vowel In the harbor le a email tug. .--- Army Tailors /Rieke, tonikin, Jen. M.-Ainong the minor perMexItim of the iVar Office im a etrike among the military tallorm, whirl' calmed &My In uniforming the mew (tuns for the Items.. I,00tion, Jan. 16 -The Daily Mull publisitem the following from a sPeetal oorreepontient et Le erensot, Pranee: "After two days' enquiry I do Ilut Weltate to alert that the eelineitior Company Is not ortly wordelog night and day In tigesintattfaeture of guns end ammegitIoll for the Boessieut that ft Tnerldrefely pecked read, for thipingtt to the Trenereal RI4 heat y gueleseVergs celibre. The workmen tQl in that ere long nO estditional nat would. be despatched to the --- Flatted lite Doer Prleoners. Cape Town, Jen. lee -Mr. Webster, the Lotted etittee Assistant Secretary of the Interior, visited elle Boer pre- miere to -day, and subeequentey [fined with the admiral. Ile then visited and bid farewell to the Governor, Sir Alfred Milner, previoue to etarting for the Tranevani. To Ronne Up Cattle Raider,. 1.ontion, Jan. 15.-1 despatch to the Central Newe frees Durban, tktted Jan. 13th, snym Gait ten train hmtle 01 troopers and horse) front Gene,ral 0111 - leen eOlalaaild baVe arrived at that place, and started by train for the 'watt of the Tegelit River, where thee will leave the train and enter Zululand to operate egeinet the Boer cattle raltere, who have been CAM* lug tinned among the Zutue for two 1110110k 800,000 Metree of Barbed Wire. Hamburg, Jan, 15. -It le; reported that a *shipping' firm has undertaken the immediate dedvery of 300,003 metres of Nulled wire on en order from the Orange Free Stilts*, The Government has directed Diet move* leaving tiertnen port« for Fast., 'Afsciest Shalt himpefertit 19 • ly etelaminei to me 'that they lit no voutraband of war. flurgiters I/meeting. Cape Ilt11. 10.-8 tiespetcb to the Cape Timm from elersehel, N'ortetern Oalie Musty, dated Jen 104,8 018 that a third levy entitle ooemial burghers hail beeu meeleby the Orange Free State Boers. Ali male remittentt. between the ages of 14 and 60 years have been eoni matideered to amid the Boer forces at Stormherg. It le reporteti that many a the colonial Dutch wbo joined the Boers are now destinies( and returning to their (arum. The despateh aside that the reports that the whites in Beteutoland fear a rising of the itativeta are entirey groundleee. The natlates tare etend. Wetly loyal to the British. A speelnl pollee force numeerlog 403 men le keeping order a*eg tbe Mentos. A deliPateil to the Gaps Teem from Dordrecht dates that five alleges rebels have been eommittel there for trial. One of the accused hi charged 'trite carrying nrate, tine the others W.th furnishing information concern. ing 'BMW) movements' to the euenlY. More cams Etre pending. rands From The Mines. Logien, Jen. 10.-Tlie curreseoad 11 of tlte TAMS nt Lormau Martinez, telegraphing Wet StturInty, 01131' "the Free State has nOW eltliOd 0111 every avatlabla man, inehielag the leading wereliants, Otto have expeeted to enjoy Immunity. " Tne Volke.Wont, in the (0111110 no ertlele obviously inspired, itatieitte the gold tax an it pohtleal 111UNAI, 11(3111- :itg tlin,t it the assumption be eorreet that the bulk of the Rand wharefi te held oa the eontetent, tlertualte, France anil other county:at must ro- man:so the desirablity 01 13rIng1e5 the war to a speedy close. It snide that every tiny Do war coltinues mete the shereholtier; t17,0110. A threat of vont sentIon will be neet to enforce the tax. With the available 00ei91m04. of n considerable number of Leetiele eub- jeeta the Hoer goverment is stately ittereaeeng the *le frees the mines, thus securing funds to pey foreign- er& deployed In the Manufacture of explosives end other agents for the prosecution of the war. Tbe time mul1 come when the Imperial Government Will proclaim thet such BrAleh dub- jects will be prouecutel for treason or deprived of Bletiisin eitisenehip, "The Boer Government is feeding 14,000 British subjects. I am informed that the Portuguese Customs officiale recently wised three mows of centre - band, centaiMag field signalling ap- paratus consignee by a French tram" Will !stand Together. Leaden, Jan. 16. -Tho Birmingham Deily Mall, the organ of Mr. Josepb Chamberlain, Gaye : "We understand, on the highest autbority, that If the Government is defeated ia Parliament CO 43>8 gliaa. (ioa a the war, the Cabinet will im- mediately appeal to the country, all the Ministers having decided to stand togeteer, and not to permit any indi- vidual Meister to be made xscope. --- Outnumbered by Burrs. London. Jan. le.- Mr eieetter 1.8 Mame the lured military expert of the Morning Poet, ameerte that the Boer form in Northern Natal is larger then General Betimes and sir George White'a together, mo thet the lioere are able to leave a fort* around Ladysmith larger than that within the town, and yet to wove Gametal Bleier with a form superior to Me own. Remotes front the Boer camp at. NO 23. firm thnt the circle of Ittrattneett ham heen drawn closer b,y the °ewe iwtion of wine bine nearer the town. thaw liberating reinforcements, to otipont Oeneral Melee. The tinily News 9tInelit/4 that multitude of the ramorie that origi- ante In South Afrle•t anti Wheel are itirall currency by the English mili- tary authorithe in order to 'Mislead the Boers The war pager of the greet dallier; title morning are itlinoet bar- ren. Nevertheinee, the inetreaseute ori the toops connecting the War Office with tile onbles °enthuse to olitik, lioneynest )(loot le &Hunted on the Kimberley Railway lire, about 23 miles north of Belmont and 13 miles email of Methuen's position at Mushier River. Col. lelleheret previoue reron- natuitnt'e with the Neediest*, when tionnyelde WWI eaptured, was west of the railroad line, whereas the recent expeilltlott wftI to the east arrest the [order, rind Into the Orange Vice State towerls Jet/robed:LI, a town 15 miles due (met of efetkuen'a camp. The Ca tin- dians Wye again been working with italengtotee ea valry, who, on the first a:ease-in, reeonnoitree north of the Piet River, while our troops cleared the emintry to the mouth. More Prisoners Reach Pretoria. Cape Town, Inn, 14,-A Boer's ne• count of the ill/nutter to the First lint. talent of the Suffolk Regiment on inn. 0 hays) that eight officers and 94 men were (metered. The British attack on the Boer 110altiall MIN moist gallantly oondueted. Tee British met at the eunitait of the ridge a withering fire, by which their ittivanee way promptly eheeked, Lieut. -Col. Watson's body was (Recovered near the bodies of "those of Ms men who were slain. Twentyleeren carper; were found lit O recline of 21 yards. 'The Boer Itesses nee reported to have been eight kille 1 nd 17 wounded. -- Land Supplies Secretly. Durban, Jan. 10. -There le a Boer eolataulltl0 10 Pennetall'fl Want ry, Zululand, within 11 ,lityet march of tile Pea, with wagons. It isreedieved to be waiting for euppIttisrand eecretly it. Lutia 011V The Iluere hate looted all store, end mines In the etwunlane territere, told the ruined natives are completing the work of iketruction. --- Arlen' at ieretoriti. Pretoria, ,Tan. 10.-etette hundred and eixteen officers' and men telongIng to the eaffolk regiment passed through here to.dity as prlsonere. They are en route to Waterfall. 'rite men are all well. ()no Prisoner Commit tett . Cape Town. Jan. 12. -The trete (If rebel+ are proceedine at eterketroone Attorney Verdoetest, of liordrecht. ha; Imen (valuated fur trial by the Queenstown Circuit t'ourt on the ee.eree of high treason. The court croweel. 18)041 Dutchmen were keenly tette0(44A ht the proeeellugs. Will Receive it (evil Trial. Cam) Town, Jan, 14 --Ie. Plieher's pri mere will be tried its rebele, it, lo understood, before the Supreme Coert, ite the military authorities have tee Mrielictent, inertial law not hating been proclaintel In Cape Col - any. 1110,000 Men in the Field. Layton. Jan, 11. --The Daily Chrottl., eie publiehes to-aity a detailed date- ment, showing that 104,373 men. wheit 280 pine. are now In the field,. anti tint with the tempi now at ma or pre:while to lotI. there will b.) an nggregnte etecagth of 160,000 man, 32,000 11011tel itnli 448 guns in the ()Puree of It few weeks. Thil wtil be dame without stripping Indie, Etre/tit& nutI ireitind of their battnlione, etlffened by militia, and witienut rahting for more then 10,000 citizen eoldlere. Strittlicoun's Orley Aceepted. London, Jen, 15. -The Aesociated Prod learns that Lord Law/Monte Secretary et 'Stets for War, accept- ed ort Saturday , ot Lord Strathentia, igh 'Commie - «loner In Land PrOVIRie, Met from the Canadiett contingents, a force of at lettet 400 mounted men from Manitoba, Northweet Territote 108, Itnd Britleh Columbia, and to arm, equip and convey thou to South Africa at his own expense. An be eePert marksmen. rough relent and emote It is estinuited that the offer will involve nn expenditure of e200,000. The War Office regards Lord Strittheonit's proposal us an extra- ordinary proof of colonial patrlot- 88111 • Organize at Once. Ottawa, Jan. 14,-Ast soon a* the present contingent is ~ohm. preettratione witl be matte far UMW,' 'slug Striutheetia's Horse, It le toed WIC of the romans for nut making pniele before the offer, Whitt was reeelvel here mome days Age( Wald tbIlt it Welild interfere wtth fecrult. itse In the wait for gem peeveut (AM. tiugent. Many would prefer going In wuch a battalion am the litgh Commissioner is getting up. A.nother Sortie Frolic Kintbriee. I.orenso Aftaguez, .Taii. 12.-8 Duet darmatfral,tateblhio.s:eltmabe,tertietlytaitaniletheale,eltil:rIntigiottedr- mortle towards Katufersidatu early on 'rhey returned to Eimberlay after a brisk artillery exeliange. either side. There was epparently no damage on Belied at -the- Mintder. Motider Liter, Jan. id, (delayed in transmission). - Heavy cannonading IVRY begin] In the direetilocolki otfhle19 lee. between 5 fuel 7 o'c iputolbernr-- Mg. Two British prisoners who arrived yesterdey report that they endured severe hardships after escaping from the Bloemfontein jail. Their clothing was In rags when they arriveti here. t Boer Losses at Ladysmith. London, Jan. 13. -The Thies has the 1,1,1 ounitlt, jilmtei.)-(1111.1(By 1101,0. eraph to Weenen)-The enetny has been very (pilot lance Saturday. Na- tive scout's report greet ;esteem in the enemy's Worm over their mutual - Um. The Boer *erre gang etre fired spaamotiteally, bee there is no retro - tar bontbardmwet. The spirit of the Terrier' 1.1 greatly lestproyeel by the sueesseful remit of Saturday's het• tie. The enemy left 100 dead sot the IdePelt or otir debelOes, and were re- moving their Injured all tee next My. Their losses mutt have been heavy. An °fetter 'who wee a prisoster with the enemy during the engage - meat /*tette that at the end of the day they 'were aleolutely deinoralizett The Boer loam 111 the Ltulyeudth battle ttre loorely edinetted In Nte tot itt 1,403 killed and wounded. Commandant tie \liter owl other Free State lientiere are mei:tett to ltave beett THE 110E11 VERe•ION. The Boer version of the battle, which %ewe through Bulgier» Ageney, Wye ft glowing tribute to the gnilantry of both ethics. The tattnek, It nape was mot determined, and the defeuce equally tenacious. The liritieh were moit strongly entreneltecenuti the walla of their redoubts were skilfully loop - holed. The combat waste) close that the riflee were frequently fired at arm's length between the opposite forcesIt wax, In fact, a hand-tohand enantater, 0011 the men ott both are reporteJ to have fought Ilke demons, the horror eel bewilder- ment of the ecene presenting 0ple. ture witlemt a Intranet In the ex• perienee of those who took tort In the encounter. The Boer hose. were about 1,000 killeti anti wounded, the Free Statere being the heaviest suf• fermi. ^ illounted Ben From India. London, .lan. 15.--12ite Timm has the following 115(11(1 to -day : Colcutte, Jan. 14. -The movement to eetid bblanted volunteers) to the ;AIM fe extending rapitile. Colonel Lumsden le recteivine liberal offers of esiptort on evenly wide. lite corps will be known tie Lumedettes Florae. Putt- ee enthusiasm ts steinueli aromed that Metre have been token In l'pper India to form it fresh eerta, 5010 mtrong, recruits providing their gorsee end ameetremente. The government 4, only- neked to furnish rifles awl free etustmge by me Portugal Werned. London, Jan. 14. --The l'ortugueee Moister CP Ile: 1 to n elite nt nren a t 1144 Forelge Olfree list $tt rhiy, and since thee 1511 1 11A1e declarer! her intene tem ,e 4eng more careful in the eb. 1111 I'V1Allet1 OC *Am of a neutral at Delagoe Bay. Aimee the sink, jaer4 emonel 01 (to Adederideatere at Lar- iats() Merquea stile peobahly be cheng- cut Marti/. ...es, --- Irriteled at Holland's Queen. Lotion, Jan, lie -There in consider- able errillation here over floiland'a at- -thuds., wheel) may result in the For- age °Woe waking nnother "appoint. meet." The young Queen le intensely proelleer, arei hate wittier) to the Pope, the Kaiser ikon tee King cif Italy, beg - few them to take the &Ouellette in- itiative "to Mop tide creel fratricidal ware' She lute alma Mown lurks of favor to Dr. Leyere the Transvaal ree presentative, who, with hie agents, hes bought and shipped manktions of war and enteeted officere without hin- enlace Mice the war commenced. --- Italy a (Seed Friend. London. Jae, 14. -In Eurolle Iirit• rilu's only real friend le Italy, and she le proving a friend In need. Fiona the firet the Italian Government kat put every facility at the di/Potted of the British officers engage:I In buying mules and other things while etrictly enforcing the neu- trality principle against the Boer ferrite. Moteover, according to a Rome eorreepontient, when It was made known that the Creeeat Com- pany Mel refueed to . eel gene to Luet,atel on any Lentil, word wale wIrei to teintion fro* Rome that the famoue gatt Makers,lite Acted(*) Company, fortitude:yr ad ready for enipment it battery of big quick -firers, In every reepeet the equal of the Jerome) weapon. A bn*. galu was struck forthwith, and there le good reason to beileve that the Italian guile nre beteg Mimed from Genoa. Dr. Iwyda."`the special Transvaal envoy to Vireos., more than etimpected the Italian good faith, and mut tt written proteet to Rome No notice was taken of It beyond 8 formal neknowledietuent of Its nrrival. --- War Notes. Eetilusinsul, among the liutelt-Auter- loans In Chicago lin nt high tide over the subscriptions 11010 being taken to niti tlie nick cuid woended Boer std. tilers .A. son of C0,000 has been COI - looted, The reiwe that Lord Methuen is building A railway from oue extremity of MA position to the other, map; a London correspondent, petite to the fart that IM expect; the Boers to take the offensive, for a railway would be 01 no amietance in attack, but nterele lacrenee the British power of effective rueletautte, ftwilitating itennuinication agebnotntitt.mkaikileil8n-iist,afinit:,11.111,t,e,ia,ftinsiiir,Inte:s,,,rilntyrifl,iteepti,".i.0,,.171t,ttlielieliteiott.t,',I,n1a.tm(failwtyorritatritati,weioa4rebietrt•ioedr- 1)°N11tlitMettous Amertettne are arriving at gineIntoillin Indriall itUna,111 ir dreittvrtinag.A titilitietersa. taut of the gavel gime from polet to the (ewe, lured hy stories that a The story le a cruel hoax. Labor is plentiful, and dietreet nutting three tilreney there is melte. efany who have reeentev nilIVOil, baling RIWilt their all for passage, have betel tone pelted to approach the tenet organize. Paid (lett. Gatacre at Pordrecht, wee at Broot Feltner, and not long ago contested the Griquiland West coo- ftthietuCealipecY dahiace;itgfhalleenIlloe'ed9i*Peinreigrbs er"1411angel;ellecUil):71.1:11itilebel'‘Itel'ifIrtfir.:1:::'7:11{.iit:;e71 ' ,I,l . Or the N. W. ite P., eee from Battleford to ,eiet tile etta.100. t eonv:rotibtlium• Don for aid. recently the guest of Cecil Wattles 111ie,p,,w,ntn,,,,exi,/lt, if,i1C,0',o1;,f4,:,•:,,tiri rth,fil,rif;, 1;t1del:altele4esttluteli, Unfortunately lie mei I not pase Um Orange Free etate is making efforts to increase Re army. Every man, nat- enyman, the rebel trader who op A Reglita cleapatel, eie., c, ee, feud-, A Cape Town despatch says: The dw,.:11.,,,,..,:nriir,:f.i:it;r1iictit.,:eriii,i,,e;:t:eieu,ittilnn.t.,:eii:o.1,,.cogft1,1r0,114i,ti,ii301,1 g.q10001.81-18:10:wlhaartiktilirdlbronergoildtpneuhnereheasistoino,:ootw: 11 :eat 1 ito:n : e ety,,, tit;tthrLeiner°"411341/rtiarritrani.}. Neve rt t, parmago to Cato Tortn, Author:Os luts been granted for Oar - the** Yertgetury„ teln for sier- ted by Me R11010 OF DISSENSIONS Correspondents Say Boers are Jealous. SLIM WO BOBUTIll lad it M Hinted lay Throw tip Hie Command, IHORD lig HUMIDLY filit (leder Estimation. of the Boer Forces -A More Vieforons Cempaign Ad- vocated by Those Who Sit at Herne le London -A Big Victory Needed Now, London, Jan. 18. -The time ham come whet' the people of (treat Britain ne longer keep ilent regarding theme. management of the war. The flood- gate", of criticism have been opened and under the .tram of adverse com- ment pouring fourth reputatione are wilting. The &tern upbraiding of the Government by papers that al - mod for it century haye been tette eervative lout already been touched upon in these despatches Abuse of the War Office has always exieted, and now It le only a few deeirefte more bitter than 41 was before. What chiefly Inc eke the passing of the BrIt• WI from a period of tinsel ve tih4euh- tufa tu most sEVEltle FAULT FINDING 4/7 itt outepoken abuse of their goner. al, In the field. There are tinplate -- nut Aerie* of fierce service loalomice, and, lu Mort, ail the army's short - ming.(, which heretofore have been retly whispered In clubs, are this week finding their place In print, and not in disreputable journals, but In organs that It month ago would have fiercely denounced such tales ni putriottc, whether they were true or otherwise. 11 1. now well known that (lettere' Buller DESPISES GEN. ROBERT.e, lit,onemntalialtsidesrl(aimeehLoief,Lo Lord Kirdteliewnero"ioy Tle l (Waren Gen. Buller's feelings anti that Wolseley l tmareely on apeek- lug tertus with the Secretary of State for War. Lord Laiistiowne. To melt no flagrant extent does this ele tatty go that Lord Woeteley wrote to Lady Buller that he kttew nettle ing about Lord Iloberteappoint - went to command the British troops in South Airbus, and that Inc disaie motel of it. Without enormous ob- stacle* to OVOreOtne, nt tho way of the Boom' *tenuous reeletance -and Initial advantages, the condition of affairs between the army lendere would eunstitute a stew/Mona draw. bask te the el100098 of the British. One paper, malty well informed on service matter. &Mares it le quite edd General Buller wilt "ell:11E10W UP Hie COMMAND end Come home and be it thorn in theedde of the Government, Thle Is probably au exaggeration, but it I, /Wielded on -4 skim that be le likely to make hi if as eisageeen. ble as parelble lere Lord Robert.i. llow all thee Will end if the cam pato drag on snuoh longer. Without serious foe the better, 'no one can tell. Ttte reeignation of Lord. moleeley would not eurprise thole who know of the inner working*. Of the War Office. A great victory would probably quiet the feeling of dimeonteut Mil the day Of reckoning In Parlianteut arrived. But, lacking that, there seems PENDING AN UPHEAVAL ...• whitth bodes el for the Uovernment, the War Office, anti tome of tlie gener- als In the field, for these ranklinge aro current not vo much among the lower, reneation-lovidg cleanse but among the higitemt bort anti most evenly di- eided ereat litetaitee best citizens. Nor le the diecontent ixtufined to the Inaction of the generals. Several of the mod powerful civilian factors In Engliell life, some of them almoet aw meth financially Interested in the fu- ture of eolith Afica as the Govern- ment itself, have repeatedly urged iodide reforms in the method of car- rying on the war, not nieddileg with the pertly military Meuse:, but offer- ing for inetance to purchuee horses for the Cape, pointieg ott a better met Mei of truniqort, urglia IMRE VIGOItoUS CAMPAION, glib% Informatiott ;04 to the best (Otto towards tits. ohjee ti I t if and Quilt porting everythlue by expert wit- neeees, brought often at a great ex- pense from the Cape. di Preto learne Hutt it distinguished 1011 . e` A representative of the Aesociated, Intending a former tee/TeIl. about e dozen men who Iwo tee& tellitnry Or irregnier control Miring the reeeet t South Attlee, welted oti (:wilar1,k.,ri,iltu:{1,e4segi.klit,iiid.iirbtlie,eit.he "Bei 1 .,(3 Intelligence (term rt 'mut , ,nti‘thaT";00egnireter::11.10eneenedrotorz: $6..tiogigke: YOU ARE WR0411. tv,, outnumber theta at every point, t 11,1,11,erotamtwe-haveasivinaget theAvirdalgikeb blt.thungt„.,", Itilia"spitPas lotmalth"Sille dilseeteureging rbtriol‘ontehrz.M.efon tiehefermidWar 40)0ffrz at teems to have awakened to the see- m/mom et the position one the of- ficial* are likely to accept one of t malt daring project') ever melee., k- at, the full mops of whirl] the emitted Press Its aol 1 toro- to disclose, hut which, if wreeted, will sehitere one of the meet ems-wi- fe:wilt kniradew,p:,d,le,nvt,tykofIle We r ()flee The Imperial Yeomanry. after 1 111A 6, fliteh 1,111114' p11118', itt be- litif ganged ghtecry. ft is dawnine GO the minds of all ilrat what Great Britain ere rrack ltt8 nfl-1 ruPouguht hrr; diPeri7.r 01%I.f ilTet !a3t hbelntgeolgarra:Ivis, a cc st /tined lo bu h ek te .$ pit Itch ing tel PeouY!ing nre w b most neeled. • Rive! Cr -ms ars-.-qt-mr-relil-ttiover the tetieleatket of Moot) lessiraphy, A e glee