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The Blyth Standard, 1895-01-01, Page 1
4siul `gimiulity Ilistcrart. IVa ' « 'dile having raised 1autbe fn 1034, J Bari',Bari',, ' I N U ramal ig; pslr abseiling' awes, -- R Coupes, i( W,1lastinge, pair, uWO AI' 1373..tlr1AVF.'3 FAIR, Iambs, 1t,Coultes, N Cumming; rata Muth, J Coultea, sr., N Cuuunilg. Downs and their grades -Aged ram, It McGowan; ehearling ram, Irl 11 Harrison; raw 'Mil It, II McGowan 1 2; pair aged euros having raided Iambi in 18J3, M 11 Harrison; pair alwarling ewes, Al ll Harrison; pair ewe hese, it uledoWau, M 11 nitril- e at; fart sbuep, ewe or a/ether, any class, ,J Coultas, sun, it Curl's); pen ufala:4p, nut Tess cutin woe 4,4 LO 41141 I'JOr ewes, alloy Inge uc 11(041, J Barr, Je9 Lulc, L:wca P 0, Goo Dalgar- uu, Maruuck P U, judges. 1'tud.-Largo breed --Aged boar, 11 Edwards, .1 Putter; brood sow llav- ' in; llt„'ro t lu 1.13.1 J Henry & Sun, If 1,e4,il.u.tn; burr; littl•red iu 1 JJ age coastl,•rc1, II k:dwuidd, 1 & 2; 1I tldre(l 4:1 3 cl J:; n}lad euneiderod, 11 3 (11(ards h L l(illllall. Small brood ---.Asci boar, J Ar- nim"; uru,4.1 sow !mottos Uttered in 14./3, iV ;ice.;., '1' 11 '1'at'lur, jr; hoar Catered 3u 18.141, 'QC eai.I Clvd, \V acute; J (Win'.;; 4.0(1 littered in 1I3J;i, age coin -Mortal, small, n w.1 1 W o tt Owens; J h , , )(.4t. pcu of pike, ultu burr and nut less than flava bows, any egg or Monti, W kicu0. J Luau, si Diligaruu, judges, till ifvilliEll of IaY1 weakness, Nervousness, Deldllty, find,,..) tae train of evils from early rnom or 1,ter excesses, the results of coerwo,k, sic k• )asworry,ete. fell strength, development In tore given to eve ryor,am arr ,o' don ul 'thabodo . Simple, natural methods, Imn • diets Improvement seen. Failure impossible. '11,000 references. (took, explanation and burled free. 11rwD mulad (sealed) ERIE MEDICAL C01, Buffalo, NIY, E eci:lc/ 'tie, Ilit altifel weather that favor- ed the iatst IVitwait'rvh Branch A;;'ri• cattend society bits year was a pleasant sUrpri(n mad 'brought out a vial' go 11 c:,lwd. • The inn t1: revel pts were very gads., thct'ry. 'l'oe illoda exhibit, to be t':tndid, was not it to th'1 high mark ovbiicll prevailed In tonnes yea's in glom '..v, but the quality of m:iii of ala' ardela s Nai tti'rit-cin00-III feet 9u good wore s'nue 3o:uples Of fruit, 01110118, rte , 11.211 111(:y w4 rt' packed immediately :lll'rtiic fair for ship - to Chico;;", there to bo adltllred by tIl"u.<nd.;. 'l'le (shi('it nt' cattle so, (31teeiali;; er3iLlr, %yhilo the shuw'iu;a' n' h.tr ', w'.uld be 1,1 rd to excel, 1'1;;'3 and ellee , were well represented, bJ(14 i❑ 1)011laws nod quality of broad, '1.141 f0w1 exhibit tens sin110. A number of bu:: ;i3O, (sitters, plows Dual other n.rtieles tvw•e 0n the grunn(b+. .1 "d'ttpmrul" 1l';I, , 1. ,11 tel' grounds, ' owere t 1 nand( a x111 1, , ''tr 4101114'. 4 , n Ln ,', u • t. at fs. '1'hc.( 1 i;1- diyi'ln:us shonil be hooded over tm the (.' e' ,',, st t i l l urvo.l s of a con. „tL{e.'u t I tsar,. keeping. The following is n IL;t of }unto wiliness; lion; 4. -henry Draught -Brood 1 mai it with f((ol by her side, '1' told, \V Well 0' 4,4(3 4'rse 1(4(11, '1''P0413, W ell wood; two, year old 1111y, IV ft,.,-,.. ? t \Vel! ood, .1 1,law; t%vo year o4, Kuld- lel,", N Cumming; 1 & 2,vent o1Q PE; ti k v, 1V \Vrlhxx1 & 2; team horses, ii .1 McKngnc, J foster, R Scutt; year old entire horse, any class, '.i' Todd. General Purpuse-Brood mare with Foal by her side. Jas Anderson, T Forbes,2 & 3; horse foal, T Forbes, • 1 & 2; mare foal Jas Anderson, '1' Rosy, two t'' tar old lliIv, ,J William= , I' J 1 look's; hyo y oar 013 gelding, l'i4 ,t es; r• •' old 1111v, )+ „ ,1 1 r1 (i. '- ' '„ t11a191 01' M''''411igs, P 11 1'a t'IUI' jr, (•1.411',1 '1'nyltr 111. J Dow. . Caroiago-lin'od Inas with teal I. I he , I ,de .i , 11;, 11..,•1, ;Trutt; spring foil, T. llrV(! 1a, A a't•otl; two yen r old filly, \ir f onto V 1 111114 1111 11 11 I Hcaa'pains, Biliousness and &onmch Complaints 25 Cents a box r .t c, "r v "y "rr:•rt d r-" dark rt V tloadad,e. ¶'ttru16•(11(1..1, tartlet•.. McCracken; cauliflower, Q David, V CHrisutIAN ENDEAVOR CONVEN• Vanorman; lung blood boots, \V ti TION, McCracken, G David turnip beets, W H McCracken, G David; mangold wurtzels, W H McCracken, T H Taylor, jr; swede turnips, .1 Henry & Son, V Vanorman; field carrots, J Dow, W Scott, early horn carrots, (1 David, (1 }I Harrison; parsnips, 0 David, W H McCracken; onions from seed, G. David, W H Islepaelien; onions any other hind, W 11 Mc- Cracken; celery, (x David, C Proctor & Fun; corn, 'd' 11 Tay'lul•, jr, .1 Duw; water withal, (1 David, C McClelland; musk melon, (1 David, 3 -as Anderson; pumpkin, (1 David, 11 McGowan; squash, U David, W 11 McCracken; citron, 0 1)1vid, W 11 MC('raekel; tomatoes, 0 David, (1 Proctor & Nod; beans, J Harrison, \V 11 :McCracken. 1) McKbl6ay, Winghau, ,fudge. Duni' Pnonucr-.Keg dairy butter not less than 50 lbs, J & J (tudcroun, .1 Williams; creek butter not les; than 21 Iia, .1 \Vlllfutns, J Duw; baltct of butter 1u rolls or prints, 0 bowler, Taylor Br1Y1; bread home made, Airs. C Proctor, Mrs J Harrison; maple McCracken; ,e sugar,WlI'1,Ctacic(t maple syrup t I f Dow. '1' l o •' Ire A lk .1 Taylor, jr, 4t, u.t , Proctor, r, J I)uw. eJudge. R(,S ,nli 1Vin Iglu I U g r Tho Huron Colpity union o1 Chri 1tian Jakd1avut' Sucietiee held Its emend an- nual convention m the Carmel Preahy- terlunCaurul1, 110ae111,,m11'riday,.tiopt. Circulars and Invitations had been freely distributed among all Maiomin- ntiete where Young Pooplo,e Societies were organized asking that delegates he appointed to attend and help to make tins convention both pleasant and prulit- awu, Nor were the (dicers d;seppuultud fur the atwud,uluu w•ud good, cud tae (110(t Interest prevailed thruugheut the S0S:aous, file 1h101'llillg session commenced at, 1ou'clock, with 1'resideat Itaudurson in the a Mir. He called upon Mr. Swann, of Hensall, for the address of welcome, Who vel ba• halt of the local societies, and the kind people of Hensall, wished the delegates to enjoy their extended hospitality. An acknowledgement was then mado ou behalf of rinse present, by the Rev, ,1 On liosr, of brussels. '1 la+ ah tIllted ut tau Wingham Conven- tion wore road and adopted. 'Fired fol- lowed report), Broin the secretary and the di110'ant suciuties of the county, (huw•nt,0 that rho Union had mado u Very marked increase over the past year, told inemsed u determination fur u moat 'run campaign t l , d the need year. u u r. KY 1 511 ar haw. Le,d eu w appointed n ar pl, nand de.eriatu to stte1W the 1rovuoial conven- tion, whit:a la to he held in St. Cathar- 1u:a, 041 October 10th 11th and 111th. LAnt1:0' DF.PAIT1rr.r1'r,- -'fatting, '1'he afteru0011 seaman waggs 0puued with t'u',1.Tuy-Pall' geese, J Harrison, Mrs, Tambiyn; crochet work; Mrs 1:11 ,°,',!1,"11;',1001:,1a 01Y,11 3111y80 IternWuicli bie1( v, s 1 & 1; pair ducks, J llareisun, 1 & L,. Iatiblyi, Allan Mo('lelland; bead areae given of the ,thouttr al and Clevtl- uur Pi mutuh Rocas .1 Harrison; work, Mrs Tnmhlyu 1 & 2; hooked land international UuLYbntious, by Pies. pair 3e uncus, ,I list ri.,uu; 1 , '2; pair shit toe woolen, '1' tirydges; honey Heudarsou, of Nensall. and A.'1'. t oo;xsr soilic,lt, Eby pair u,tuluur,o, du; pair knitting, 0 Meat Mrs }75tntbIyni olThultu11, reo olh a were then re - ;Lay utltor variety not mcuttoned, do. Rent's linen shirt, Miss MoCl-Ilnnsi,f; ported by the Nominating Committee, 1 Heu4tlti.S'Tb-1"ariL "ora V 1'411- Moffat; gelled fancy 1181hnel shirt, 1' dad approved uy the Convention: Preat- Ih no(tulrchil11, 11 richcrtu; puny, 1) BrYlbres, (1 A'La1P;!'; hrrtiding, T dent, lade, tI- .i, Cohuledlek, brussels; Showers; buggy, J Walker; double ' V1ae P,ate,duut air A lreluud, \4'tn;. T. Cooper, Clinton; carriage, ) Ilailtur; cutter, V \'au• sok 601# a, \V I1 McCracken, M100 q'l'easurer, Mina U. M. Elder, 3eufurth; uorutau; plow, '1' 11 puna, J I, Gcjl'•+ 'isfeCle(land; pair socks, .Miss McClel- Cuencillurs, 11. H• Watson, W1u,tttaut, Pl. J, ll 11:erru , landIia yield Ulla Ailsb W Il ,IlcCt•;tci C • i • woolen Y 1 rP• dew, 1 11 tied.: J 14 t' • ed.tub pair al ,U l I 4W Ila Luck low. T gloves, 1V< t 11 Alo ' i n (' Mont; 11 aI:o- \Vlagha141 Judge. t+Cade E ,1'hu 1'ruslduut'a address was full of IittAl.l--Wilite fall wljeat, 0 ;,NII' woolen nuts, (, Moffitt, 11' II goad auggushiues, amd if space would 31u,t;tt, l( 31,Gu1%'an; rod 1'"•A whelp, McCracken; log cub a4 quilt, Miss Permit WO shoull liko tallow) it printed I J a J AndcesuO, 11 MO''Iw'nu; fail McClelland, \V 11 Mee raekeu; knitted 10 full. 'Clio Cuert84,80 Eudttavor 8t der 110,4314; bprimg quilt., I( Se"tt,, 311' 1lunblyrl: pitched higher in llatllbelb. lndusheeand power lV n•,It, any laud, W quilt 1'i R Erskin 311:, Tnuhhl n: unm ever la,turo; the Haiety bud euro red l rifle t''+. 13 1 ,•'4t , . i,.Idt• ' vuu ueuce ml ,inion civ wh , Ix 1 y. 1 t civilization than its hiw a;lt !( rags," "t''",, 0r, t'o Taunblyn; railway system; it sittled toe question of 1•;,)'''...., o.3 a .1IuJ:u;4 "''" Berlin wool wu4' rnlfet, i!i1 ,Met4uuattwlau3uuu1usdmwltbuyauuataU3101r Y' u• ul e.tpoymuut. 1.a' 7u I, mall puna, ! t Ciullau(l;130rlir; wg01 work flat, ', tW' '1'Iw l'reeidoutelect, Rev, (Ie N. Cob - hal r 1'amhit n; sofa p1Now, Airs. '1'amblyll Lludick, g'avuuu excellent talk on `"1'118 ardd, Ci dl"lint; large peas, G ' •,..i' Proctor, oMoffat; fled r'. 11 '74 au; tiuu4hy, 11 SloJuwau, J l & _, cam work, A 1 n cat 1, J tot W Y Altliouglt a subjel;t that loather work, Mrs Tanlhiy n 1 & 2; ' hits utcou hoer bulked trail, yet tIto Yrus- uu. • a f11 Y'ay'lur, Blythjudge. ud rc pencil d.awing, 0 Sowler, Mrs. eau tolls gulden u aud a111y IIOW ruaauua it , j b, y p e ads ellould be . Fitter AND FLOwltas-Apples- 15u111,yrr,oll.paintln.r. 511'(. 0% u,e,t hye%ey yucety. Uu.' el russet, It Corley, J it J Altss MctJallgad; ban' 13,11;(1(4, AL,. "duns for the 1'iayer Meeting" was ,i arson; i ltkwbt, W ticddea, J 331CCI(Ilanu; einbfoldel y un kirk, Arra and alintrod)load 3 such as axceU.l0410(4 , •1 i 1'runbiyn;embroide•you Innen, Mt4 I"`1 '1'a Ammon; anew. 111 11 !larrldur , tout an, uunveu4ion, rn the utdeuaaou J & yr Brea; It I Greening, 1V Suit, 1lanahlyn 1 & 1, Mee work, Mrei which tullowed, knew of no other ways ucdd Anderson; maiden bluah, Win Tamblyn, 0 Moffatt; twine lace, Mies that was model prayer meeting, as des- laytur Bros; northern spy, McClelland, Mom Tamblyn; rag ea'pnt ( 1840 b u dams Stewart, could be ial- G Sufi sur, \1' Geddes; culverts, R A Praetor, J Owens; beet Colluctiou .alas turace Elder, of Sea[orth, with Unlet t , , ladies' work Apa't from all other t1.usuuject -The Country Socol,y," gave J And,. 1 1'.cnry &Soo;tolmal't,weet son, 31 11 Harrison; three entries in ladiea's dellnrtmeut, Mrs. nl,u1' :ow (tints to arxnatit11 u1 ru1•04 dts- tuuta (4111 w 'I na 1 uo uL don wdl bot ruc- vur!ot' 10°1(1181111. N winter applesnot named Tatnblt•u, Alias ahoy( 's of 1 na ul Mrs .J B Fergu4ph, Winghltm, Alis ii it y u,e,m duru,g the coming twelve fall r J Henn" & Son, M II -3 Corley; Harrison; I 1{ods, Brussels, sari es. Lev. Mr. Kerrin, of Bayfield, on the '^ars, 11 Wightulan, R Corley; g \vie . .-. snivel. • 'Evautulisattoa ..-1 thong the .\r pears, It Curley, Mrs Tuult'1'; _ Young, gave his ',oriental ex rleu(a u Ir.• S variety grapes, 11 \I'll,rlitlllail, ,I P'!!. 4 )1 Snaval L;nimetit r• am, T roll, ale work uuuc in 1 Liverpool, whore 1 ' 1 hard, snit or calloused Lw e 1 3 ,1119 mall 11 few ul0ut11sprevious, reselec k,3, crab apples, les, J Owens, 11 lido•( from Ien'.r`s, Blued -. a, if; 1101 1(188 than tWO Varieties' splint.. iii1 r 1300,., 1°••W fit•, ".,,I l_•u,: too (11(40 part, ut Lh.44 lm( 011 ' ,t.( I, u:1:, 413, W 11 '", ` 1, 5L•, so...." _ pure tori sato .('l Tito evening a. t- n trim sanewha r*,>. u•'.r San, ;;,! e• gl'aiµq, ,i;a Ili .1„t.oal.,ir1.t4 ,1• -ll I.( 3 1 bfii i. y m d Ll I. i/+ i. ! olltyl 01 •rt E ii)0(a'iiltitleid.t7Utitioillt:,We.reirlitiii a.ul. u \C 1%ri> I ; 1t„ •B.1'f111)}'Ori' ''Iu,,,,,,u111eV.1„}yi,o34 Ctinl.4, in 1L,tel` au eutuusiabto' "1d,urN'mlr,luuu,r put fur% ]bv`rnlv(y w w„ h • col w au,ness. uluunl;;,: et well, m hit 1114'” you ,"l4 to 1 '1"i 1mt LHON• he !>,1,1 to speak tlo tool inn Wit J 1VL'Ila Ei1 nal, • h m+ I 4t 1 wu ut • c !t a t 1111 v„ y otos ill .. r`I rl lr ne '1'heu 1 u u evt u lab tv Id, +',lit ), II •• 4%,:'11111e a4 11•tt l 1 E L spoke foi till \ set o Ls; ill u r nm H' + sarsaparilla cures ell b• Esaidtau O olio 1Vfughau, judg0 Hoods by impure Lloud nu.! 'I ul to watch tome ii turd u grua.tubt wul orouLi,—^Un1o11 IhrinE';, J eal'c I •tors l'a"' tuln'uble to u,• uttetttou, 4; •. 11 I tem. ]tis not wino I „ to w i1".taht 'rut tic sytriil does ' a ix) identified w lr blankets, 1V R Erskine, sue b rt lobar Hood's • iranry 1,1111.' nth torn Mwuuude . ricrac 130 T .ells n ', f , is 1 , bouts, I the story 0 UUt b •r tcoarse 1Sut coat ,hat n; pair t n r K •• '- Goo 1's. ell' -ills 1 n 1t1 1 1 of 1, t B • r •Oat. a 1, fifteen ld Bu110 r tt'wit> J Mad - "doe; h 11 RaleCus; pairsari - b 01 the 0: C elilurgulg el ui 3c ulan'st 14' U Rodel'us, 11 Mad- and which tri; e maade %vine, J UWuns, II Iureli ycgetlb.r Baud's 1 ll 4 _1 ' r4cy. J `. q bulli '.elma'l; best cooking stove and Rir- ,f on "t our kin of Chatham, spoke ,11110 e1.4 rtureuumplete, 0 !McLean. ;)t;v;,it '01 4.-,'.:). =.i -a'1' .1 03 For part win( (3?t'', sinuo 1t was tau judge. iodized. ? 1 • S of 0.1.,1 1 euro W Robertson, Wio;ha , 1,1:,3', 1 • Y,'lt, . p tuo'rd.►N1) VU1(1. A131.1,..3.-1'auphant ,,,..45,,,,t,,,•,,,,,-,4•.:4,70 ;tool"'; Erse £ i, 87, i'u4g w u •mt lh'um•' ;O ' 1d Nauta Y - ixttte1 bl'a11 ut potatoes, G. Datt'id, 11' lieedua; tun telt- olio, ,jl.'i r'nuuin. tLe v, ..e -_Ili dtf b'utu PI'tou 1 & Sun; beauty ,^rent, r y day Lat4Cty fd3 d•,Id hel!,14 ud uu4 Satan more to .111. - less cm'liub, C --mod or mg current. ,, ',btu) h h tuts Awl' Uf 11CbrU11, G David; any other not 1,,0 ,voce Il- other code 1.0'1 •tlbi more stool tub,,,,, ct, y I 'Iri,;htultuk4'-t, v., v, 4uat lamed llbUl'C, U lid l'lll, dl Edwards! t. yt,n0,nt wum,, hero,` tcatlll• ran :.11 like` 11 et to 1 Waage, G 1)10141, V Vauurultul; real gcther, Ir' V. ' 1. t' m this ii ilk singing was thug Cat,l ! (; David, \V 11 1"kt,.-r. .,•: r (40 lout, 4t' •nun, of St,uLt, atrlv'ti4Ci(,- and Hensel! 011011e, 111. next convent( Qqfn will he held in Chuton, the date to be decided by the EX8011 ave Committee, Fattening Cattle. In fattening cattle, as with other stock, it 33 important to secure the greatest possible gain ip the shortest time and at the least possible outlay. While cattle are on good pasturage they can be battened' ye'y rapidly by giving a good 104'd of cora, In nearly all tombs in feeding corn to , , fatten this way ie the best to cum- tuen0u'N'ith light ration and grad natty Increase until they are in Ihll feed. Moderate weather in the fall is the j mese LBttlo Hunan's best season to fatten all kings of j Is Or air,ur of Mr. W. S. Huntley, of stock. Oen advantage at this time l C'orthnd, 17, 1'., a 00,tl known car- penter and builr:cr. Ilex frank state - is that the stow" Is usually ill rood, a riot below lues only the absolute thrifty condition and can he ftttmled truth concerning her illexf and mar - very readily. The size of the ration 0(10tl0 r19000(90 by the aid ofa Hood'$ that should bo supplied (tan be beet ;ar1;13atilla. 3ho says; 3mtioterihmd by the condition of •l(.l.neod&Co.,Lowen,Mnae,t the animals, and the time to coin- `• hoar shl Twetvo yours ago 1 be1aa 3. ben llomonhe ph 41101 four yearn ago "mil" al to ,v tart 4110 phydet1m 340W me Bry(iwtt, 31 . oflitt; 'pair woolen hunt; bucretury, A. Nie Mrb0r, 444r0r,'., &W dry at Dr.va,..• en, BCHf 161517 If Ant? Don't You Fors s• it ea you want any• ,thing in Candies. Lemons a 'Ora . Bananas, ananas, r Cool Drinks. Ice r Cream G am V0001 iisll; two year old gelding, A ticx,l, V \:u1ortnaa; year, 11 Kirlib>, J Harrison; buggy horse, 111are Or gelding, J r Sl'an'ts, flirt Geddes; hack horse, mare or gelding, Ip sad- dle, J Harr; Span chrriage horses, L Lott, T Bridges; brood marts any class, '1"I'ahi; Leann horses in harness, /.ht' cl10s, diploma, '1' H Traylor, Jr. '1' 1ic11, 1Vinghan, A T McDuuald, 1 • 1u oto n judges. hus. U.%111,144. -- T1101111101 bred - Ilest c"w, .J Armour, It Curley; two year old heifer, 0 Fowler, 11 Corley: year old heifer, k W Hastings, G Sumer; heifer alit; N Cumming, 1) Cook; Leif call; 13 Lcisl1tia1, J Armour; boil «... ... ,.,..;._iy,A 460 n o,• 1. Porte,', Bark', 13 Scott; brill, it 11 Corley 1) time; herd cattle, Ua,. tulle and three feu 01118, diploma, Uor, i Graleyde-Best cow, 11 Corley, J Ar- mour, 1t J Ross; year old heifer, I r,J , lAl ultt +P sen, (,11 Proctor x r & Son; year (Id heifer, Al if Harrison, 11 Curley; leiter calf, '1' Ross, 0 Sowler; pair WO year old 0teor3, T Ross, C Pruc- o', 1 & `Sous pair year oi,i ,• sonars, It orloy, 1' Ross; isiir steer calve:', 'i' Moss, It Scott; heave, 'f Russ, ,J Ar - lour; yoke working 0x011, J & An - erste), D Cook; herd cattle not 'less tan five head, It Corby. J E Gaunt, 8t Helena, 1t Medd, uburn,' udgee. ,( •>j S(,40 Leictste•s and their W. H. Nen Rift tis the man to go to. `I tl RE317;11IB1')i1'.--I matte a £peefalty of my own Business, _-. A W. H. M CBri e S lgrades-Aged ram, N Cumming; ,1 neuro & Son; shelrlmg ram, J Con!. tes, sen, N Cumming; pair aged ewe*' In0nee feeding must he determined by the condition of the animals and ' the tine at which they • ht t m are 0 t t alar et ` k roti With under cattle un lot present condihuns one iteral k very important, t and hto P that is fatted well. The quality and condition are int - portant factors in determining the price, and in nearly all eases it will pay to feed Iiherallt until the cattle are well fattened before marketing. Especially when prices aro low conslderableloss is often occasioned by sending to market a little too soon before the cattle are fully ready, u 1 141v and often the difference In the quality makes so tnuch difference in the pried as to shut out the profits. As the supply of grilas in the pa9tains fails, good hay or cont fodder must be supplied to take Its place, and rho necessity for tt bettor variety be- comes greater. While •in fattening cattle, as well as hogs, it is quite ail Item o 1 t make 'u • 1 corn ❑ 0110 principal 1 i ration, yet it is an exoeptional case when cure alone will matte the most economical ration. Ono of'the principles of feeding that is thoroughly settled Ia aha t no material fully supplies all thq elements o' I t nutrition '1 the ii 11 e proportions to give the best galla" the 'lower cost. t c t. Uf coir, tl ,}%renter part of the feed slit be grown upon the falt'lll, Vet 1 many Cases It will pay to buy I 'an, Middling and oilmeal to feed 11 connection with the corn. 1 As long as good feed can be ecsured 1 ,he pastures it 1eof(Merge ,, I s. 00 ,,) allow the earns to run ant b c ti there W s No Hopo and o be moved t` not I should cowl rile. I could le,$nyyII! bed.• Unilcr my face were napkins eju't0kkalig redde:o4,( with blood front my ne' ik 1 ui un t ,il s ala 4 q ronld int o f m, re„(, 'III ,`Iter b/19 al.1 l't'f al10(011 llerst c^41 0,0 rnuxa lune ulrrrs to the stomach, 10 t',i, tante Illy mother said alto wanted 1., mato moa elm0 (4101, mid a",3.011 11 I w011,1 (0,10 1.1014/1 Sarsaparilla, 1 toil Iter 1t would be A Waste of Money but trading It would comfort her, I began tak- ing i .Ing It. In a few days the blaming bngaa to anb0(18, I seemed to feel a 11(11e stronger, but W01';04ltonly lkury, Iwoe soweek Icould oil tai,e ten drops of Sarsaparilla at first, In cuosit u n few Otto. I two h Cos ere' day. to a mouth 1 Goold wu111 1 asked what raw One i0 1 ac r e sown y they were W have for dinner, and sold 1 wonted something 110arty. My mother wad to happy she 11101, 14 4,as the Flrat Tatio 1 had Folt Hu1n- I' t", y for Two Yours 1 ken', 6:, with bood's Sarsnnartlla act In sit 1:1011):14 '`'Ile as well as ever In 141y 111,,. It I, 14140 R„41'''09t10 0113'11 I ren,rv0r/"1, an I r ' .5 h11 111 '' 0il'1(Ilean shwa, 4,nee, ran, to 'n,..., •h over a 4,001(1 b"1410 t7,nd.. '' G' ,4'„''I 1 ,rd • a h^mbvl lu',• es rtwas 1 1 F''„v (11.14 1140(3 lia•sftp fills, end (1':'t 1,,.::4, o axil ns L, I M w.. ne,[;a, I y Dial,•, `}rqG oyer daOUS'^,, ta,n wr;ti known (1(4 offal, 4t etelan4, ray tact 111;1 limn.), "11 a 1:01.1 feiTected fatly i hoc (1114.104110( want cod's Sarsaparilla 8001 404' 41044 le worthy the hlahtd eons e.” hood's fills ewe In,er Ills. Hood To Everybody FROM NOW TO y Vegetable rills aro pre E; pared to meet a legit) mate Armand for a tend, efficient nod relinblo faintly pbyslo. They are purely vegetable, containing no 1 g ententel, mercury, or ndnerai sub- stance of any kind. Hood's Pals set upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary canal, and cure 1.1094 Complaint, Constipation, *1(11D.1, Biliousness, Headache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after hating, Jaundice. A cold may be broken op And a fever preve1Wd by promptly taking Hood's Pals. - --- 'dose they will steep healthier, b ut ev should be kept as quiet as f0011ble. Fattening animals need druggists or ea - hut little exercise Give them 1 ,lento of water, feed regularly aI11 1'he utll(l iy Mr.1'etm'Cook, tubo that they will eat up clean, and if 111)1~ 1(e''1) 1" , l,e tnmtherlund, returned and 1, ,, tight with him, as presents fat4'nd(d for early market push tin from friend is 149 Itlond a beautiful then fnttcuin;r as much as possible and gold- nulled umbrella fur Mrs. ready market as soon as fitly aro fully ,Jaul01°; it sr. soul Inn deer}-h;coiled ready .-St. Louie Republic, 0,.„'1,(‘3,c(10,,1,, 51r, Pali' Ido also brought - •', -l nulc ' T''iah blwck•tiurm. At the A_rl'nitural Fair held at or Alc'Iaggal't, and unotha/tu a, lou etelalous New Era, -Clinton NE i •rid C 1 1 bi hat im, s It. , erful new ao r nd 1(i 4 Iver 'a 'IkL and r ety 1 .he N Headache, h eetly y vs nice to talks and per d°s PILI STAMOAAD V'i'fll'tV't' Less than Cents 7 per Month Let us Give Youareceipt Now. 0Co., .II'(sidlC. Are prepared byC. 1. P P Id 1, , • co 35 cents or box, fel J I, •vr'• Y31 Il Mass. V e 4tIk rine oa vee 1 P al din • nt mal t e.ls Nub siAt tt1 ley, a (n rnk.e •.iii' 1 g: , : ',O4 'Thornton needy trichad kleklt1 the 11 le' mouth from a vicious colt. The blow A li -? I, I'( l OC tE l out teeth, 1G EInPCO and In full- .J Mg ins the young marl broke his arta. Pu Star ESS TL&N $1 is the oust per weep to use Microbe Killers The cite Creat Cause ,f L•u'ity Is, t Ibnl(Ce one ut wh;u, ho pressure} T••••••••••••...,"”' D 3SEIIVEllI,Y POPULAR.hnrr.aA's• NI' Alexander Htansee of110 1,,, Trial Bitr,tcs:''16;100 please M- 111 ' Our readpra haven() doubt road with much u ; 30 the excel- `(;.'r,ersmtrh oin dtE sVi +dstoandcs otticnr(t ',deer I u „ n d b •it• tl nNu c lm leaal! t -t nLu ttinl,ls,regnt;diu„ cures of a most starter tion Irl 00' l e' 1r'ill Ill^ ,:"7 11 10 1 110,40 Who but formas art that Is claimed for It• i3v ;t s 111e you not only ,t, hot cure l latu•rh, o it Iw'i ('rife A(ttilitit .t and curd Bronchitis, at and cane lihoumatiam, roar tel ! cure Skil 1);bo0ses, Tat and euro Lung Tr rnhu'u, mado by f)udd's kidney pills. I sutler from headache. '111'Y have ((''i q ;u •;,lis have proven themselves to he j used 141 1094 f;uuily with 3,e 1110(1 1411is- T yht moi cure Nerv( I hese h . ue fur call discus(( of the kid•' fart(,' r stilt+. µit dug nlin-ixt Immediate q'1e.yt and coo 1(0 *1.1'!tain (,r a as L1 , 3, 1 'he, rheum • I Elief," 51r, Juhu of the well Bit treat and on • n1'V0 gild l Ila•.,' di„ . ' ''• di:Wot' s, dropsy, • known first of 4lla(a Bio lit 'o., Luu• 1 t. T1)40,,'s 11 lien all aldol, Brig non,,, Io,t, local drag/fists dun Potb•rt 1Gorks, w'r;l: t1• ” havegiv- ; 1 1,- 1., UU :40'I' 11':11'1' 'yuir, tlnit they have n very tow Hurd Ned:: yy '1111 ' e c or ow a •3 , , n,l .! r sa o is of Chronic. tiiv 1/013331. '1'10 111(1 L.iTC flact: f 11 I I um f ' d t f•1 t' 1 Mo 11 Lv 1 t'hrkuntc. d u1 i1r nevoritlJ1 w giviu ,(11': „1 `''•neun:3 J toicol'res lar Ilead))fire. ds' t relief. I h., e • moon 1 ,e'1' "r' i• Ps3ICE -yl or t:t, drea''61!1, to sized jar, mending mein being s'llml ✓' doff ' t. hh1 1 bilge eve issod. \tire ::',t a J M i7L7UN A as Anent for Duni, Orr, " 1 bbx, Hold by •`!1 Incite un de, lnrs. ',Nes toc 1 directed to our Stock o NEW MILLINERY, GOODS, MANTLES, invite , DRESS GOODS, , AIIANTL GOODS. We your Inspection oi, e s,bc Ve, MATS TL, , , , • • , ,roue. p th Lines, feeling confident of being ab1 t Oar Store is Large, filled with a general Stock of Profitable ° I' • Come in and sae them. You will be honourablyGoods to bay. treat©d NOTICE ! The Highest Price in Cash for. any Quantity I of Tub Butter and Eggs A SPLENDID Assortment -OF- 01'-- -AND- --AiD- ITALICS-ZS? ITALICS-ZS? ' 4141st opened out Carter & McKen*l -'s t right Prices, don't fail to nee devil Choy are all new St•; fes made 1.1 ho Inrgest And host '1'tuuk and Valise 'factory in Canada, We are in a position to tern out p5uble H.A.RN tangle ESS &conu tontine in the C.sint;•, Our steadily inereit ltor tendo ''"it's i 'alt the n':I'4ie t+npr'.l 1•'l ' v, y,; ties . 40•1: e,t('g alio Ve1•9' f••.i rr•,p,)(4. can ” hbtin rte tare t.l;;I4'ter i;3/ OUP l' (I, 469%'r ti,,•,;ril.,!,r,i. (340?1ine of ,:o ,lot l't.'i,, e4r ,'o.)1,,1,a '40u 010141/01 341,0, (': ; s . Our lilt-tarsaio 1,,o 1,)4411 1.5e »V',. std in boy err, r11 h':eof uverestine t"aiahy 1.8 t !,M,04Me•n•t WVtN0 f +''P 1 i' 11140111100111t1111Wh 1'h01w04 'or the cm•e 411106190 synatttddl0a iwlioat:ug 10":' ,' e'.; 1c:ctt'-"m4k:_`i, 1 '-oa are 1:'ou'1•'rt(14•', 0"031('eneus, 114,401,:, 0, 00e1. 110,4,00, Ara.atr., t+0,.r Irmo$ 1._rr•1• 'r"ole 1+0411>1• 77,1".;'O,'?r,:,7S ul' fe S7csdar',e, 1041,4 ' loon Y'1•'L'.:.1", I. a (. i !h"la, M.(anelv'ly 1' 7's:nlrav'9 L1i0lo't and rr, lwin..ivo 1110,0 (aa'•. Ilor ),17: evT.C.1.11 iii?said lrcrnbray s4ocit inn (attorney vt 40teritaist ,,,;1, iLilo,011l, el' Pr:T7,ttinG110430-1, , . O3C'f, ' 144Me. t1' Anderson AND Elder 1)1.YT11 () (4 I LETS. J t 11 Rhoumaftm Duren in a Day, -With Fall Wheat $ rq S, 5B American Rhomnatic cure for Rheuma- 17 18 Lison ant Neuralgia radically cures in • 1 m 1 70 ;1 to 8 d vs. Its action upon the system 50 52 11110008 once the cauco nn( the disease ".8 Mimed„ 1Y disappears. The first does 8 25 grelltd! l,onelits. 73 cents. Warranted br. J. 11 1 - - — Spring Wheat Clem per 10U liarh Y Yeas . (tuts . Pork . 8 80 I:;{t's, per Dog. (Cash) , 11 .1 Eggs PI ale) ( ) 12 Butter in rolls, per 1ti. , 17 1/uttor in tubs , 18 15 Chickens per pair' "G Goose • .•l 05 11u'keys g Dnaa( Judea peri!I, 08 1'',tatoes per bush. 40 1fay per ton • 5 00 Wood per Cord 1 o 11 col peril) . 113 85 4r, ie row gable and mvstorions, t re• Lar,1 per its , 00 -d 4 When we assert that 17 ER 18 181 ere,c Eu'•r. 15 Ilene a'" 011r• Alen N,•rrone Debility, Dia -D0' , 1 1.8.1, I,oce of Ambition, grunted Develop- -• a5 m. n'. 'w of Poser Nino In the Beek Ripe) lin,•Mne Drain 1u Urine, Mm1na1 Loewe; Piece- ' 05 o,,.niie,, Avenl'a to 01e1105 E0'.0a11 lad' 1 - Pharmacist, , -p.n.s Adfdrerp eeelonna 3 coal drama 101 - 07 *tlf ElT01r Graduated Toronto, Ont. • RSOFIY YOUNG AND OLD Weakness. Faulk Memory, Loot of •Phyetcar Deaf, p081004ty cured 6 • 04 o In enderson, one of the best kno* 11 and well-to-do farmers In West Missouri, was killed about 6,30' Monday morning on the O.T.R. tracks b„v allight engine. He was struck in 11 the side and knocked sixty feet. 1Vheu picked up ho wastdead. The railroad runs through deceaged's farm, and ' .ie • ata engaged r a e d drive g q up the COWS from the pasture.' The cows had got safely across the tracks int a favorite dug which Mid amen- - tallied the old man wits still on the other side when the engine was seen coining along. Fearful lest the dog - should be killed, deceased started back for him, butewas himself struck r by the locomotive. -• HAVE YOU "Backache the scavengers means the hid= of the system. neys are in "Delay is trouble, Dodd's dangerous. Neg- Kidney Pills glue leeted kidney prompt relief.” , troubles result "76 per cent. in Bad Blood, o disease ie Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous o ail, Brights Disease, Diabetes and = Dropsy." The aboue diseases eonnot exist where Dodd's Kidney 40— --------- __ first caused by n Oh disordered kid - 2 e ' , wti neys, • 21 Ilt v w w Might as well try to haus a - healthy city without sewer- age, ae good health when the h,dneys are clogged, they are Pills are used. Sold by all dealers or Ft by moll on re ript nr price Sit ,rot,. per )') 0 r alx 1' •r $..Sjo r. , : Smi'h Fe Co Toronw. i'filt( 4%"^•^-44= •< Dressed or Plain always in Stock. pay you to cal; and get $ ' Dodd's 1t Kidney Pill(10 e 13' .,, y M✓N4,JWx weNaWYV R/, r Ciu'e E ackaclie, Di )p'»' Ldln'lb:Igo, E3rigl;i't, Di' ease, Rheumatism and other forms of /f;idii Salentine American ` t' you ai c 3;('411 tot .1m4 id it R'13! A I Prices fro: our buildin L b A55440 far ) eAePfat-f . 'mate wrrn,ta. C1E0lelt PATa?: T:7, anBsaAt' tea•! + `. ,00. 1 1 „uOi4S, resin -y n. • M :gm". 1, An 1 ,. '(, •, by the testi ' e rWa1t'roy a Do An 4, 11. i,+. e. VI.'t., £its L:,.e , tif 1b, •tw',t0C! g urn er ii11;)lea'i':'Iit Il'topairing done on Short notice and in First-CassS,tyltl DOORS Cheap. 0 - -.. • A lamentable accident nceu'red on fell under the, berme feet and was Wedn04day (welling at the 5th eon. tramplarl upon, sustahting injnri(e of Kincardine, r(sult;gg in the 110:01) 'which in eight hrnud Proved fatuh of a bri!;ht little child, the oult' and Verna Irene Young, the pr daughter or Mr. and Mrs. 'P. G. lltr parents, was numbered $ Voting, of ArinoW. Him. Young and dead. child, Mr. James Tonna. and "T. (1-''+"e ill 1 Young were driving home to Aroma, C: in at single buggy. The child Iva, in Itch, Ironic land Scratches of ceche • the awls ot'.Jalues Young wl.mt the kind, on human tey.ollimala, cured in 8d 1 horse, seeing some object in front, mitrutea by 1Voo16'1d 8 Sunitaty 1ati0n. • stopped suddenly short throwing Mr. Warruuttkf b•,1. 5(. Hamilton, • Young and child out. 1'ae pour girl mends, ti i. , a' ,a Luck culla' IuJncy 1414, 'e 11ULD1NG 1i11111E11 AN11 SAWN FRAME TIMBER -o-- Parties wishing HAIR of Hemlock & Cedar ,7I 0 Citi 5M,'1104 v'1 Lumber, 11 1 l well pr;nitt;`e') frit ,,II 1J.,.Is of„,,,rk 1}1 t11e an'I I;,•.tul.;n'(1:,1.^.. ,;, r' 14: u4sa3,'lj ,e alY.'VC ilnf %drill 00 4 'Vila find it viii '1 you t0 at- nlahld at trill, fi w Ira north of ISIv10 prmca,Klviae.ens!u of till, to Ila -ern P.0. o• AT 1'1'r 'lln.r,. umber, Ilan' Wood Posts, (Tiros, PIo , t t pay P tadine oe I'. U. n, colada Nldin.;, inr 6Clo(alit ti f/ L. LI,VI IPr+ 'i't 3N, N:wilRlustco )1 ..4 thein'>1 ia';+'; CALL AND EXAMINE THE FOLLOW Implements at, MILTON'S IMPLEMEN"f nmportiUM, QUEEN SCUFFLEEls, from different styles and urines that def petition. PLOWS, }leery's and Coaksioitt's BINDERS, agent Noxon Bros rloW Stool Binder, superior to ;ill 111'14n. simple In cottar (trait, great ta iver, durable in eonetrUction. MOW 1' IlitTerent kinds, tall and oxamitto our big 33 Mower, DINT,T celebrated Hoosier Seed Drill, mine to equal. ROLLERS, ' Roller, best oii tin; market. WAGGONS, the Snowba It in thls section for over•30 yeats acknowledged to be O.