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The Blyth Standard, 1893-09-14, Page 4
. •• DRESS GO S Our Stock this Season surpasses anything we have ever shown before. The newest makes and Colorings, wing you a dress length that no one else will have one like it Dress Trimmings are as fashionable as ever. ur Dress Goods and Trimmings match. Some months ago we gava an Import order for a line of Lady's German adeNantles kr Fall and Winter, which are to hand. We invite you to inspect them We will show you the Finest Fitting Mantles in the Market at Moderate Prices. Out General Stock i8 Large. Attractive and will compare favorably with any in thi3 busines$, 11, .11.. $ re, 11 1 , NOTICE ! The Highest Price in Cash for any Quantity ' of Tub Butter and Eggs E Dressed or Plain always in Stuck. IF you are going to build it viIJ pay you to call and get 1 Prices our building Lumber jmplement Repairing done on Short notice and in First-ClassStyle flASII & DOORS Cheap. •' O UR Shop is well equipped for all kinds of work in the aboye line and you will find it will pay you to pat- ronize nil, $18414117111 1,1,11W80 OFFICE and WORKS JU3T E AST OF G.T. R.,TRACKS, DINSLEY ST , BLYTLL • FALL FAL19, English Starlit Liniment removes all hard, soft or crab used Lumps and Blore , . Alerris, at 111ythOct. 10-11. ishes (root horses, 1 loo I Spawn] Curl s East Wawanoslialelgrave, Sept 28.29. Splints, Ring 10 e, Sweeney; htitl e Pungannun at, Dungannou, Oet, 12-13 Sprains, SON and Swollen Throat Coughs etc, Save $5t) by USO of » Ist Httron at lidusiols, odt. .o. battle. Warranted by J. M, Ilatoiltru Minglunn at Wingham, Sept 26-27. , Gerrie, Sept, 8— At•the tourtiannut Centre Huron at Clinton, Sept 26.2 / Great Northwestern held here to -day the Unions defested at Generic's Sept. 20-22. Wooten' at London, Sept. 14-21. TorontO Industrial, Sept 4.16. Conteal at Guelph, Sept. 19 21. Noeth Oxford at Woodstock, Sept. 26-27 ‘elornington and Enke at Milvertou, Sept,• 26.27. Iditettell at Mitchell, Sept. 26-27. North Perth at Stratford, Sept 28-29 North Waterloo at Berlin, Sept. 2C-28 nsT GN FAILING mANunnn Vest 1Yelliusstoa at Harriston, Sept. 61.' infuut Beasral and Won Debility, ) North Bruee Union, Port Elgin, Sep:. 28-20 Ilensull Oct. 7.8. • •• Rhoumatim Uured in Day.—With American Rheumatic cure for Itheuitut- :tisni anal Neuralgia radically cures in • .1 to 8 dor& Its action upon the system to remarkable and mYsterions. It re - :woven at 01100 the cane: and the disease lannocliatelY disappears. The first dots reitt1y netits. 75 cents, Warranted PRIZE LIST 11'ooden punt p Farm gate Stove end furniture Fanning mill Land Roller ,T,urnip drill Speel men Coopers work Scattier Churn Reaper Knife slmrpener etc 'Ilvelve Assorted Oleo • • • .13 ,c lass 18—Manufactures Ton yards home made all wool flannel Ten yards flannel, union Pair 'Ionic 'nate all wool blankets Blankets union Pete horse blanketa home spun Coverlet homespun • Rag mat Yoi'n mat ling carpet Stocking yarn home el un l'alr coarse !mote Pair Muni made gent's boots Set double lutroese Set single liarnees Saddle Collection of leathur Wingliani in baseball by 20 to 11. • W' iigha,n defeated the Gerrie Foe' - led! Club by one goal to none, RIM the lacrufsee, which was to have been played between Ilnrrieton and Wing - ham, teas declared off, NV Ingham refusing to play llarriston &aiming that they had Orangeville men on the tour. Y J; M. liLYTII MAItl(ETS. Fall Wheat 8 57 'bring Wheat . . 57 Flout per iv) . 1 75 Batley ' , . 8; Peal , (1 I ht Oats , . 82 Pork . . . 800 Eggs, per Dos. (Cash) si, 9 illasee•— - Eggs " " (Trade) , ' 19 -Batter in rolls, per fir. , . 17 "Batter In tubo . ' • , 17 Lard per tb. . 1.) phiokans per pair , 25 ,0eese . . 95 eTurkeys , 8 Ducks , . dl Hides per llu , 08 Potatoes psi.bush. 66 Hay per ton • Wood per cent 1 50 Wool per lb is —2 tlAyE Y011 • 0 8 Oe eo 1 75 45 50 111 8 25 10 11 18 18 16 25 05 07 01 50 600 2 0o 21 " ach as he thp sernengets means the hid- of the system. nag 9 are is "Delay is trouble. Dodd's danyeroue. Aleg- Kidney Pills gine lee fed h id oey prompt relief': troubles result "75 Kr cont. In Bad Blood, odisease 13 Dyspepsia, Liuer jirst cnbccd Complida, and cll.:ordered hid- the most dun- ,fl6113. gerous of 0,1, *Illyhteswell &fonts Disease, try to have a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy." without sewer- The"above age, al gooi diseases cannot ' health when th3 exist where h.dneys ale Dodd'sA'idney e slimed, they are Pills aro used,' Sold y ell deders or sent by mall or receipt ':,U t 11Vrit utrylnallod Kidney Tao. 1 I (4 44 va$.1..1•4, TERRORS OF YOUNG ANO OLD: Omuta Weeklong,. letting Memory, Lack of Snuff, Phones' Decoy, pos11,11 ety corta 1» limited'. Vitaliser. Also Perrone rn,leItty, 1)1,, 11,-4 00 01•111, t.so Ainleih,c,kcitaice 1,3$1 (arguer, hoc., la the liset, 01,01 I- nnaslons,D)4101•1Vrill(1. naaina i Mow ma' *, Sleep- lems, manna to no Sig, tzarene ladoi- penes,. Adam-, auto/log 8 ecu pang for T • treeil$P, Gradoeted inermaf to, 110 Yeege , Toronto, 031 - hen we assert that Dodd's -Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, ease, filieunutisni and all other forms cf Kidney • roubles, we are baked by the testimony of all wh.) have used them. II I OONA TO STAY CYRIL :41.1,,,,„j•,- muy:pt peke, 0,.1„„1), & T '"flotor," . „ I I, Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects of ;Iron or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak,Undeveloped Organs and Partsof Body. Absolutely un. falling Homo Treatment—Benefits in a day. Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Cott*. tries. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex. planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. • • ERE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. A SPLENDID Assortment Mt! —AN VALISES! juet opened eta at right Prices, tIsn't fiul to see them hey tIr' :tit new Styles Inwle in the largest itial best Trunk and Valise factory in canalla. 1Ve are in a IriSit 10 turn out Carter & McKenzie's Double & Single HARNESS 0 4 .1 la Class tg—Ladies Work. Anderson AND Elder -150 50 1 50 2 1 1 50 1 a -1501 1 1 1 160 1 60 1 50 1 60 100 50 50 50 60 50 50, QzrzumT sTREET, EILTTZ RAMBLING NOTE. NEWS NOTES. Tho Hamilton Spectator says; The MANY INTEUESTIN .11 Termite Globe's artist crammed 2,000 GRAPHS. Grits into it Welland hall diet can't hold 500. The Globe should be arrested for cruelty to animale, • 41, * The Toronto Evening Star has again made its appearance. It is as bright Lia ever, full of news written In a condensed, newsy form. J. W. 50 liengough, the famous cartoonist, is 75 75 75 75 ono of the staff„and the illusteations daily given are from his able pencil. We hope the Stile line come to stay this time. 0$ it Editor Sheppard 10 Saturday Night &tyke—During a time of pone: 75 wheat will never again be ft dol ler a 50 25 bushel till the world is visited by 60 25 I such wide -spread fire, flood, or panel 50 ,s5 land general convulniun of the ole - 50 2'5 !melts that I doubt if It will matter ' to the people what is the price of' 1 50 food 1 60 50 The farmers of Callitlia who 2 1 remember the good 1110011 during the 1 50 75 1 50 G nti fienn 1 htrt hand made s. 1 Gents 01 hi e sl he hand made Pillow Awns ., Pinch quilt Crazy quilt Crochet or knitted quilt .. Pair woolen socks or stockings hand made Gents mitts .. - Datelining t n sock@ or stockings Three patches 01; old punts Best piece uf plain sewing . Old ladies collection any kind of hand work, n the Misses Watson, the beet Tea to the valise of Bit Ileum wool er cotton Are so,w1c. Ent tOldOrCil HOWCIOth EllIbruidery on milk oe oath' Kensington embroidery Romeo embroidery ou linen Parlor iscreoft Sells cation Fancy panel Beet piano or table scarf Drawn work .. Mitten or Point Lace ' Best novelty in fancy work Best piece of faticy work nut on list Crewel work )ritzy wurk Java canvas work , Crochet work in silk " " cotton Crochet work in wool Bedroom slippers hand made Fancy toilet bottles and mats Best foot stool Applique work •, Fancy pin cushion 4 • Fitness handkerchief or glove case Mould work Way work Suit of 'tidies underwear Knitted lace in cotton Bead work . . Button holes (Replaying on 6 different materials Collection of ladies werk not less than six pieces or more than °twelve • Second to mete in the Comity. Our 1 steadily it,creneing trade shows that the public appreciate our work. We are using the very best stuck we can obtain 11110 111,0 bringing up our we' k above the staetlard. Our line of Sweat Pads are excellent and Cleiaptr thttn ever, Our !Menus IVO the finest line over offerc,I in Ply th, piaA::.111 line of everything usually kept in ii first...lass shop. Remember the Carter & McKenzie BUILDING LUMBEll ANT) SA\VN FitANIE fFNIBEI? —0 -- Parties wIsilleg 01 lo of 11,10Inuk & Coder Lninhcr, II.tr Iwood Pose., 0100, Phots 1.11•111111 AC 111111, 6 11/ its north of Illytt, Si thou or 1.0, 11, cal s at Siding, ne(01) fur pliers...Orbi011/111, ol bill, to Iti.1)111 P. O. or AT '1'11 g ILL,. E. LIVIN(4 •AWN, 1„„.;„,19Nicomplcted the hest I (Mg tIta. 'Cl mill in the rotinly, la [renal ol to fornali on shin teal uottet the ahoy', kinds of iu,nlr. ' Stone Chi pper nectiozw. 1..11, 111x%. . irro. • •• • • • • • 4 50 1 1 1 25 50 50 50 f 0 50 by 1 50 75 50 154) 50 50 60 75 75 60 1 60 • 60 75 50 110 50 50 50 60 50 50 75 75 60 50 50 75 75 AO so 50 s 2 Class'2o—Fine Arts Collection of oil paintings 8 2 Figure painting in oil 75 Animals grouped or single, In oil . 75 Best single picture in oil, donation by J. M. Hamilton, Toilet Case, valued at . .. , 2 00 Water color painting any subject .. 1 Crayon In portraits 1 Crayon drawing 50 Paintings on pottery 60 Pencil dra wing .. 60 Hand painting on silk, sateen, or blush 50 Palming on glass • ' 50 Pataelle any subject • 60 Oil painting marine view •• 1 50 Best cslIcctiun photographs b0 Class 2 I —Pantsand Flowers. Best collection of foliage not less than six plants or more than twelve donation by J. N. Perdue 1 6) Two getall1111110 In bloom 50 Two fuchias in bloom .... .... 60 Hanging basket 50 Beat diepluy of plants in flower, in pots, not more than 12 plants dis- tinct from all entries • • 1 Class 22—Cut Flowers, Table heroes, donation by Geo. Jenkin, It dozen photos Hand briquet I loral design or ornament Collection of Dahlias Collection of Pansies 2 50 73 50 50 Russian war—followed of course by 1 50 a ruinous collapse— have their mene ()rico stocked with algae indicating • good years when the prim of wheat I ran up to two dollars. They sow wheat, still grunilde :it the weather, and hope for it dot I•ti. a bushel. The 50 price will never conte back; even a ‘5European war would not bring it '5 back. The next war will only last 75 75 1 25 25 25 25 251' a few weeks; the ntechanleal appli- ances being perfected by the initheis are such as would kill everybody in Europe In a 6.1111ight if they could get the population within range of their engines of destruction. PARA. UMNIARY tile ALI, Wills OF ONTARIOS NEWS, llensall Fall Fair was Friday last, and although the !season wad fairly well held on early 111 attended, Lack Kennedy, of tho Central Hotel, Clinton, bas Bold out hie business to Robt. Mason, of the base line, who takes possession 011 the 2nd of October. Negututtlona for locating an organ factory in Stratford aro progreeeleg. 51r. Blatchford, el' Clinton, Js the gentleman who makes the proposl- Lien. John Prince, living near Hyde Park, is under arrest, at Lenden charged with brutally beating his stepmother. It is thought the woman will die. Mrs. Weaver, the Buffalo lady who was shot at Drumbo, by burglars, Is huproving, the bullet Intylog been • removed. Mr. Laurier addressed an immense gathering of 15101 Elgin Liberals at Ay liner un Saturday Among °there who spoke were Messrs Casey, Mills, and Charlton, 51, P.'s, and Dr. Wilstei ex -31.P. Thos, Harvey, of Hay, while attendlilg Mr. Geo. Penhale's thresh- ing, 3rd con. Stephen, the other day, fell through the scaffolding and broke his right arm between the elbow and shoulder. In a field near Kingston, a 11111111)er . boys quarreled over the possession TERN FAIR, oi a gun. During the struggle the 50 weapon exploded, and Samuel 26 0 .31.131',0 laTil TO 230D. Sherrett, aged 1,7, received tlio ontents lit his 1 lalunienha . 'flu: ft groat stir at prssent in the w111 probably die air Office. sutuding out invit a- ' . 25 exhibitors ViSit111,1111'01101-- A 't1 Ile ' I in was committe 25 tion out aitiada, in the shape of Prize Lists recently In Lie ,itore of W. Nea , lrtzni iz railmuisnes, and Witter- Walton. Tht) thlOVCS entered or'ai hake' through a cellar window, by way of Th•• SVesterit Fair Assoc were never in a better position than they 31,e :t trap door made 11100011 10 the 01001, at present the handsome cash balance of Ms not kniewii how much they Raven thousand dollars to insure against loss by weather, coupled with rho fact that for the first time in many years thorn is Ito other Fair being laid on the sante dates. The Live Stock Department is of per - smut I 118 01)11 00 financial interest to every farmer, owner or admirer of elloire animals. An endeavor is being ma,lp to 0011 1 11(3 prOiliiI1001- with their stock, whish will embrace the choicest specimens of every hrml, and In numbers eclipse our great numbers of the past 0,4 a Livo Storm ExhibitionT, flleevisaiteLker.ti Fair offers unexcelled op- portunities for -the sale and purchase of The Poultry Department, which was the admiration of not only fanciers foul breeders. but nf our visitors as well, will he considerably auginented this year, froin the fact that London is to he the selecting point for Western Ontario when, speennons for the World's Fair will be chosen, und as London and vicin- ity furnish nearly one-half of Ontario's exhibit of fowls, we aro not saying too much when Ivo remark that this year's display wilt he inost extensive. The Agricultural and Horticultural Pc- partments will especially interest those engagrs1 in the Seielleo husbandry and the admirers of these useful products The choiceat specimens of grain, 1300$1, TOON, vegetables and 'dente, comprising the lest old and the must veleable new varieties will be nn exhibition. As London is the centre of the Dthy Interests of Canada, and AS many of the winners of medals at the Columbian Ex- hibition are residents of Western Ontario a large exhiiiit of cheese toot butter Is att assured feature of this Fair. Alarge numberof Specie! Attract'ons have been arranged for already for the entertainment of the visitors, among which are 61' C Coup's Eigiescurricuhun and Professor Buckley's celebrated army of 'framed Horses, selected for their per- fection of form and intelligence, these almost human animals will give a reill,s• tic representation of BATFLE SCENE, and other fen tri even more wonderful. Professor Freyer'e EDUCATED DOtie which bold High Court Session, consist; ing ofJudge, Lawyers, .7(3 511,1 Prison - 75 er, 1611 try, on /01. hang and ltry 0110 25 of their number, beui boo erforming 25 numerous other intelligent and astonish - 25 ing tricks. dropped tho lines and was getting They have also secure:I the Imperial out uf the buggy a vivid flash it go Japanese Troupe from Tokio, Japan, lightning caused the horse to make Thoelittle fslks give marvellous ',extern - ances of novel and seesat ;oriel Acts, nit a bolt, and in running the buggy equalled h,v any other 'Freese the btrnek a fence post and the two world. Thee are also engaged to give hullos were thrown agaiest the DAY FIREWORKS, which aro wonder- fence with great force. Mrs. San.. 25 50 50 25 50 25 25 50 50 26 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 50 50 25 25 25 50. 50! 25 25 25 & I & 1 50 50 50 50 60 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 75 Special Attractions and Competitions. Lady driver, single rig, 3 to compete or no prize, 1st prize donation by Herrington & McKellar $3 1 Lady rider, 3 to compete or no prize, lot prize by J. Mason 2 Bag -pipe competition, to play Pebroch, Strathspeys and Reel 5 3 2 Denc Ing, boys or girls wider 1, Highland fling and Sword Dance 8 2 Organ competition, to play, March, Waltz and Oyertune. first evening of the 'Mow 3 2 1 Sawing Competion.—An entrance fee of 50 cents will be charged fon tad saw competing. Rules iilld liegula• Mons made known at the competition. Competition to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Anyone having taken first money at any previous cyiktition barred uut. Not less than 4 saws to chnlpetV 4 2 1 Bine I,E RAcc.-3 niile race, beet two in three !iota, four to comt.ete or nee:meting to ilhlt•s arranged by the Directors and Judges unread jay, and Judges ruling tlnal, 1st prize by Tattier Bis, silver teed ti, 2nd prize by G. F. Emerson, 'bicycle lump 5 3 1 Specimen of wilting by pupifli under 15 years of ago who have attended school within a circle of 6 mile. Blyth, at lenst 06.. days of the present y cur. Age, attendance and we g to be vouched for by their respective teachers. Following is the sa ple copy to be used :— (1) Write first and last stauzas of Hymn "Neare' ty OW to Thee." (2) Make 6 each of the I'ulluwing letters connected like EMMA t,ttttt a b d f g h k .1 pritx ye. 3) in figures and words Cubic measure ad hi arithmetic 1st prize 7 5ele. 2nd 50 de. 3rd 25 eta. 10 i wt's ea Phottogiroph, Canada's first Talking Maclaine bo iu oit ration cull malty during the Dou't fall to bear i0 Monday afternoon Richard 1leek, or while nureieg a 01111111 the w, odslied, touk to cough- ing, when suddenly the blood woe eeen to gush out, or 111, mouth in great streams. The child fitil from 1115 arms to the 'loots the level continuing to ttw ie a big etreala. lielp was procured at once 1.ut Muck was beyond 1,01p, as he choked to death in less than ileo minutes. The bursting of a blood vessel Is said to be the cause. appropriated to themselves, but It Is eetimated at 00. Other honseu In I the neighborhood were ransacked also by the midnight mrauders, but no iserions 100 01,110 eustained., ! While workieg at some repalra in the salt works, Hens:ill, five years ego a piece of steel It dged tn tho right emit of Mts Whiteside. "The wound was IT000,I and healed quick- ly. This last month my 1110 has troubled Inc so much that 1 was unable to work- Dr. Thompson of this place, opened my arm last week and removed a dieer steel nearly an Inch long. 31y arm Is getting better now." l'his 1.3 a wonderful incident and !dr. 1Yllitesiders friends will be pleased to learn of his complete recovery at an early day. The Clydesdale horses shown at tho 1Yorld's Fitly from Western Ontario arrived in London, Saturday, A valuable two•yearold filly inelutl• ed in the lot, beloPging to 311.. Snell, culft'IC,6.1iiiton, died at O'Neil's stables shortly after beteg utiloaded from the '['lie new grain warehouse of G borne & Burrows 011 the old Agri- culture Park, Goderich, will soon be ready for etorieg, the work being pushed will all need Possible. It has a capacity of over 30,000 bueliels, sk serines accident occnrred at the G, T. It. station in Lietuwel on Fri- day meriting, by which three persons were iejured, ono ot them perhaps , fitta 1 I y, Mr. Thomas Code, of Troy- bridge, had driven Mrs. Richard 11111penny, of the 11/) 1110 place, and Mrs. Wesley Stursscou, of lierristoe, into town to catch the meriting train 'Peron() A Ilea yy thunderstorm was prevailing as they reached the sation, and just tla Mr. Code hall 25 26 fs.) 25 25 fill curious and unitising. Profe,•sor Calverley the High Wire gom had five ribs broken Jind her Artist and Champion of tho Falls of shoulder dislocated. Mrs. Halpenny Niagara, has been seemed it, consider. shoulder dislocated Mrs. HalPenny, and 10110 111* able expense, and will give exhibitions jured about the head. Mr. Code, da' and might during the Fair. who citing to the side ef the buggy idronciso Bob, the Rifle 1:ing. assisted , I ce by S1/go frix le Slocum, will give exhib- itions of the most difficult feats known in Shooting,. Among other things they will shoot. living balls while standing on a Swinging 10011001. An An elaborate display of FIRE- WORKS trill be given each owning. These, together with Speeding Contests, Bicycle Raceq, and a host of other athttemac.tions ample repey all tbore who have the privilege of witnessing Special Passenger and Freight Rates have been !I rrtinrd for with all 11 tit- . wars and Exiness Com paniee StAarkw's°111-111oe.lhflindc11:::."N' r011.0a111g6ilautteirand Powders; nice to take and perfectly harmless, 3Irs. Mai y heats, sis Main 0. ri•,. 1 • „; ; fact all 1111' le— I have been troubled with severe headaches. I have tried all the remedies (holed lipar of, and hare been treated IT many doctors, but with very little good results. A friend recent - =mkt your 111, I WI 110 001110 time ago, and have found it, to be the yrentest blessing to me—in t I can truly say they are perfectly wonderful I would not he without demi for more than 1 can tell." Mr, k look, 01010011 master, G, L. "rYs: "They culea 10y winches, whit; I hat for at least three yeare.'' Price 25c. a box, O &Id by all medicine an( razge( the 115 It , Ins legs cut and bruiecil from the knees downwards, but hi 1101 811 injured, • Happy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rejoice Because 1ioott,a Sarneperllla Reamed Their Child fain Scrotal. For Screfida, Salt Rheum, and all other foul humors hi the blood of children ur adults, Hood's Sarsaparilla is an unequalled remcdy. Read this: " We Are so thankful to hood's Sarsapa- rilla for wlmt It dlil for nor MA in gal that we make this statement for the henell of other R13110113 pareats and Suffering Children Our girl was a beautiful baby, fair and plump end healthy. But when she 11'111 tee years old, sures broke out behind her ears fuid spread rapidly over her head end forehead duwn to her 0900, funl 1113 her meek. we consulted 0110 0(111' bed In Brook- lyn, but nothing did her any goad. The doc- tors said it was eau,ed by a ecatuls tumor In Lite blood. Iler hand becumo One Complete Sore offensive to the smell and dreadful lo look at. tier general !multi' waned and Alto would lay tn. a largo chrtir all day without any Ilfo or /D- erry. Tle sores caused areal Itching awl burning, so that at thaes we had to restrain Ii,, t .311111114 to prevent bC/331011113;, For a yEars She Suffered Fearfully with this terrible humor. Wing urged to by Bond's riarsapartlla we did ve. We soon noticed that she had more Ilia and appetite. Tho 111011Chle etellIcit to 11,100 01100 of I/o huillor for a shot t Onto, but it soon began to subside, the Itchlag nod Seining renated, and It: n few month 3 her Mael liter (.111101y ',lard the sore. 01ra 13 c perfectly wet?, has no evidence of lo e hone, nod 1er •;1111) 13 (111•111$ aol i1.1•1111es. 1.111'1 Scroci g!, Cloy t:rieeent 0 , sitycarnio, trod. what Jr: .. Hood's Sarsaparilla While. Mr, Geo, Houston, Jr., of Glum:tie, Avert spreading some loans , on hie lawn 11 few evenings ago he came twos') a nest of anake'n eggs. Oil break leg thein open A snake about Mile Inches lung crawled uut of each shll. 'Flit suil came from a hi 1111 111 Ilesa. The Palmerston council has decid- ed to offer It reward of $100 for evidence sufficient to convict any person or persons guilty of shooting with firearms into any dwelling house in the town of Palmerston ; also a reward of if5 to convict anyone found currying it revolver. John England, while working in the clay pit at Hoist's tile yard, Crediton, un Wedneedity, a maws of clay weighing molly two tone fell on 111in, burying hint to the neck. When extricated, the doctors found the thigh dialucated and ties hip bone bone. AltE YOU NEItVOUS, Aro you all tired out, do 'ou have tht a 01,11 fish's; or sick headache? You esil 10 relieved of all these symptoms by tea- llod's Sarsaparilla, which gives nerve, mental nod bodily strength awl horoughly purifies the blood. It alga ereatra 0 good pi (lite, cures indigestion, heart bunt and di st Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy In action and 011113 111 effe,..t. 25e. a box. A GREA'I'ICL HUSBAND. Huhbalitlia arena all ungreatit,t1 as tho following letter will proVe: "Hamilton, Oct. 27th, tSiJ2, 1 litrehy certify that the Alembray 31edicine Co. Can 1150 Itly Inoue 11 ti%timoily of the iieniticinl results alt /10! from tile 1100 of ?dem- iI ray'I' hidhey and Liver cure, having cut el my wife of kidney trouble It titrerucs toy p,ratittnle 1. H. Holii.r, lob .1 ROHS, bort h. •••••11•41.4 Itch. Alitte.tv and Scratches of every kind, 011 1,11111;111 or animals, cured in SO minutes by NVordford's Sit nititiN; Lotion, ‘Varratited by .1 31. II emilt on. Fl$F.DrUICK, 01 1 f tienntore Ave., Fut 'Lew York, lirooklyn, 10, V. This Testimonial Is an Illustration of what tIont's Samoa rIlla is dolug for tho sleit and suffering every day, from Maine to California. In the light of the..e fats who een /lay that the work of an immense rottagn like ours is not beneficent? H000'8 PILLS cur. Ilver C31,301,31(i$ billoutnass, Jaundice. Pea headache, inir•erthfie Hood y Vegetable ItIletire pre Spared to meet a leghl mate demand for a field, efflelent and reliable fatally physic. 'They are elonereury, or nil, $ purely vegetable, containing enhenp.ii stance uf any kind. Hood's Pills art (Mon (Ito etninaell, aver, rind alimentary canal, and cam Liver Complaint, Constlinit hm, Nausea, tillIontmess, headache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, 01)1 0110 idler Baling, Jaundice. .1 cold my lo t broicea uu mid a lever 'actuated by 'lumpily taking Ilona's 11113, Hood's Pills Are prepared by 0.1, hood &Co., Apothecaries, DIA.,s, Pelee cents per boo, SIMI el drusgloti ur sent by mall nu tecelpt of KIN ENT/REL r NEW COMPOUND Efiectua I Permanont Agreeable A aura cure for all Ifeadpalne, Biliousness and 8tomach Complaints 25 Cents a Fax COM11$0411040 my , STARK el-tore:A from 00.0 Th© P.. Stark friodiciao Co, TMEII050HCR 5 0 STARK'S Illaudnelte, Nenralgin nud glee! Nlee Certain rendre.. harm fetid aoi tio 10 munst, 4, aralOnir Dmitri Irv -me n.ww.alaaillierrot • TERN EAL LONDON, Sept( inloT 14111 to 23rd, 1M13 CANADA'S 1.3.1 Vonrrt: EX 111 13 ITION Es-r,t m 1.•11E0 1568 TEE OLDEST IN TIIE DMINI01, Live Stock Exhioits Entrivs close September 7th The !WA til targe -4 Stabling and 1.111ihtl'il VII receipt 01011/es. ETTER SPECIAl. ATTRACTIONS than ever before. Special Excursions from all Points For l'rize Lists and information apply to cApT. A.11', Puma:, Tilos, 'Mowers See. LESS 111LN $1 iS the ,ot;t per 00)01: tO 1100 Microbe Killer. The cne Great Cause cf Popularity 0, that it make% no Unfounded Pretensions hut Performs are that Is claimed for It. its use 311 not Only Trent. lot rine Catarrh, Treat 1)1 )110 Asthma, 111 and ( nio, 1 ',much ills, 'I mit a 1 rule 1011'3111MA imn; Treat end cure Skin Diseat,es, t awl clue Lung outics, 'Deal and cure Nei ‚/0)6 I./handers. Twatand rare Rectal Ailments, But tn. at and cure all forms of Chronic Diseasts when all else has failed. LO NoT WAIT UN'I'lL TOO LATE For sale IN all Cheteiste. Advice Free from Bend Office. PRICE—et 00 8)1, according to lazed jar. J M. HAMILTON A Vont for litSTIt, ONT. tholatess irMal '1 in eharinsay_f or tbe sure tre symiworcp indicating IIIDNICT Ar t ; ions con' plootnt 111osloe troubled, vett i1iOtIOCutO44, DIZLILIC, 31, Sour Stomach leadaclic, n, Fool% Ai etym.0 111.1111”1/11..1.1,(.1,1,3 101 PA330,73, 3,1c00 • 1105111400:01 11.41111.511 1(.1111 eyrie C000 hrillgivelmmeliatarelletandErrEcTUSX e 0 011 11)1113 11tor,..• ltiaglarny 111,111-108 Company of reterborca,;ii,tminitettl, P8ITERBOROUG11, . . ON CALL AND EXAMINE 'HIE FULLOWIN lIll1I0lIt0e1M I,11.161 I IsTON's IMPLEMEN E.N1PORIUM, QUFFN STRE nis1"1.11. 55111'F'1,51Z34, from difSerent y 104 amt prices that defy conk petition. PI.0118, II UE'ry's and Cocks:hit I's. BINDERS, agent for it o Noxell Bros. new Steel Birder, superior to all made, eimple in conetruction, light draft, great Ovine saver, durable constructium MOWERS, four different Ilinds, call and t•xnnittle our lig. 53 Newer, DRILLS, see or celebrated Hoosier Seed Drill, 00110 10 0(1011. ROLLERS, Coleumn'o Biers; Let on the market. 1YAGGONS, the Snowhall Waggon now In nee u for over 30 years acknowledged to be superior to all others wwww Ql liZAZSZITON. 00