HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1893-09-14, Page 3131A " OMB MOURN :IIT A.M. TO MOUT; P. MAILslitIVE 1 !NM NOrtii- 7:15 /MIL And 4$15 port a • 4 )0 o Sollt11-10:23 and7112p.in. MAILS ettOsE G ing North-10min. and 6:15 pall i4outil -7 ;Mir awl 3:50 p.tu. STANDA21.32. Published aVery Tintrstia yltiorning at the cams, Queen -St., Mitchell Block A CLOSE RELATION. CHAPTER X, The rain fell in etraight !huts as we alighted at the door I had not expected to enter again. The pour upon thereof drown• ed the noise of onr arrival to the solitary occupant of the harry. With +he delicacy that never failed, Elsie said she would go upstairs with Rosalie and dry her shoes, the sohni of which were demp, she was sure. I tapped ist the library tinor, anti it owung a little on the Lampe, the bolt not baying caught in the socket I'd y kneel( was unheard or unheeded. Through the flack made by the moving door I sow the figure sitting before the fire. A lamp was on the table beside him, and he seemed to be reading a paper or book teLyri t, - ()STA lift). held in the right hand. His head was sun. W, IRW I N, l'Itol'PTET111t ported by the left, I stepped within t a room, my footfall muffietl by the rur- , TFIttts : and stole, atill unheard, up behind hi $1 per annuli' in advance. If not so Over his shoulder I saw that he watt study - paid, $1.50 Will let charged. ing a patiel.photograph of nipelf,-the one ghee hatl described, -the picture that was tta per discontinued Until all to have welcomed hint in hie own room upon his return front his three weeks' ale arrearages are paid. awe. Advertising^ rates Illade known 011 The photograph was singularly distinct and Him. The laughing -eyed girl looked applielither sauctly up eti the sail eyee above it ; the All eiontliu ideal -ions Must be ad alert pogo of the figure, the minetest detail of her costume, even to the marguerite(' of dressed to the editor to insure fatten - the brooch, has come nut well ; the eel. ti011. vet frame he had selected for It was pow• Adveritsentents 010st be reeeivod demi with 'jiver daisies. After all our yeara of loving and trusting not later then 'Paisley morning Of mei impel. this dumb 'emblem of whet ebell Week to insure insertion und I had been was the one solace left to bon in his desolated home. proper dIspla As he raised it to his lips with n. mum- r All advert isements coolinued nti of inarticulate fondness, 1 flung myself upon the floor before him, the carefully. 110tlee or I liscontitinenee shall litiVe prepared address I had thought over el we boon given. drove through the rainy night forgotten w th everything else, %eve that which ut• ,..„ — tered itself in the wild cry, - DIRECTORY "01, Don I it WRII not MAMMA who did it 1 Will you take me back 9" • • • • • 1111••••••••••.• "How did you get hero ? ' asked Don 1,y MEDICAL. end lay. -- We wore quite composed, and hai another like hint ?" " Few have his opportimitiee, dear, for. tuuately. Hush I stand back, al111 keep quiet " To my bewilderment, he broke off abrupt- ly, witli three hasty strides eroesed the floor and misted the portiere separedug brat y and drawing•rum, letting it (Ouse behind him, Then I heard Mrs, Rolab's tones in the outer apartment. " Ale Donald David would have kept me out, like eick dog, upon your ovi undo. the' beastly night, had 1 not pushed by him. Whet is going on, that he hue orders not to admit cellars ? Such thine don't go down with newspapenpeople, you know. And you don't look overjoyed to see Ina, now I am in. ' I surmised front the change in her votee that she sat down PA elle spoke, and when Don replied, that he remained standing. "Whet has prebend for me the honor of your visit, Mre. Robb ?" 'The aceent was curtly civil, totally dia. similar to his accustomed tone, Her laugh was a sniff. "That isn't over -polite either See here, Don Upton you don't mean that yon ere not man enough ate' haven't savoir•faire enough to rim superior to the provincial trick of resenting newspaper methods of deeding with -privets history ? Why, man 1 how would big or little papers live if we didn't eater to the taste of our reatiere Whatever will sell must go into print, Aud write it down that the paper that is boyeotz ted by subscrittera is not the goody-goody alien that won't have domestic aeandets written up for Ito columns." "We hey° hardly time to enter upon tile discussion of the subject," rejoined Don, With 110 abatement of fornuslity. "If, as imagine, you think that I can serve you in eome way, kindly indicate it." "That is cold business with a vengeance!" Yet I fancied that she reopected him none the lees for the dignified rebuff. " As you suppose, I don't traverse the greets in November etorms to convene with Mee young men upon unimportant topics. I heard thia evening that Ily. anti Mre. Weet• worth are fairly hunted out of Mapleton by public eentiment, and go abroad ahnost immediately. I made Tom drive me to their W. J. MILNE, MO., OM. to chat in the old way, he in the big c house directly, but, as timed, WR9 met by that had been his fatherae and I-- the mange, 'Engaged, and unable to eee M,f) (see reiverstt Medical Cottle; M. Well, it was Mrs. Upton herself that 1. ,t anybody. So I had no alternative ha to n. thi'lvetesilY : "I1"w nr dnitY it into our heeds. by telling tie how le r hunt you out and get at the truth. I' tu Medieet ,mege, tied klionlier of College or husband and she used to sit thus t he needn't look nomoommIttal. Something II Physicians and eitrgeims of warm, evenings when they had no v linters, f roes thatsubjeet goes into The Clarion to-moir v Surgeol & keinfelletir. the day of their marriage to their 'epee. morning, I shall send my Jim doe e oveteis -Queen street, One Door North of tion by owe. city with my 'story' in half an hour, f Commereial Betel. " John drove us over," I ma."Ana thet you don't deny that the whole Wentwo reminds the that he must be well tusked by family aro off to Europe next month because now. How careless' in me I" Mapleton is too hot to hold them, I Omit " How divine in you I" ringing the hell. lend whst I have heard. You are pantie "David," to the butler wet° damned it, and hottheaded, le I'll give you anothee " Mies Seliebury's coachman ie e ,ercieitig crumb of counsel. Never quarrel with a ()redeem re' Ontario Veterinary cellege, his heroes in front of the house. Tell him newapapeeman or woman. You'll pay for Toronto, Itteristeeed at ember thiterlo Voter- to put them into the stable, rid do you take it aix time over 0 you do. Now 1 what am Mary Medical A sq111.ja tron, him into the kitchen. I to say?" Calls Prom pity A fte a to af all I/ours, " That is not worth while," interposed I, Mental vision showed her tome as palely " We meet be going at once. as it the velvet puttee° had been element A gesture checked me. He went on to meslin-blotting-pad and bine pencil iti the man in the same tone of pleuant author. Mind, her head turned sideways in impudent ity : confidence of gaining her end. " Von will see that this is done, David ?" " Your hesband is nty friend, Mrs Robb," " Yes, air. Rut if yno please, Mr. Upton, returned Don, in admirable temper. " You the horses heve been meter cover end Joh &rein my house. These arc considerations by the kitchen fire this hour or more. that stay proceedings I should undoubteoly H0611110 thought those would berm- wiehes, institute were my intervtewer of my reeo sir." sex and near my age. As neither Dr. nor " Rosie) was tight. DIN id, these ; eng Mrs. Wentworth has ever intimate -I to ire ladies will dine with me this evening, See by word of mouth, or otherweea, the ;as if there is any thing in the house good enough tion of go.ng }breed next montienext year, for them. Wheelie it ?" as the respectful or ever, I cannot give a categorieel RUSWer servitor, the pitik and ' npersonation of to your queetion. One thiug, havev- r, I propriety, gave sign of fe, .her cots arnica- Cell and do cheerfully affirm a my 'nine,' • don nal will and knowledge : the t at re farr1ty " Yee, sir. I wee only about to nay, sir, will not take (light from Mepleton, since L1'111 ON1 that dinner will beset vml whenever you give am to matey Misi Saliebtu y and bring her the order, sir, and preparations have been to my own house week after next. I made for 1. laitors. Rosalie was sure you court publicity for th1s feet, now that the Issuer 01 Marriage LiCCDSCE would be wishi ul to have them ntey." time ta definitely settled Is that yonr ss Rosalie wan right, again. Before dinner carriage out there In die rain Did 1 el tho rising sun is a sign to the cable is [served, send Thome with my compli derstantl you to say th t Tom io in it ? lie follow its course in the meandering v ments to Mrs. Wentworth, and say that die must be wet throogh ey I not brie g hies y, ush along I What, if chnu oung ladies are safe and will be at home and heavy are etretched out t at ad the grows of dicontont are fater. Or-stav 1 I will write a note." "By no means !" eel A the newspaper. o yes, sir. 1f you plow, Mr, Upton, I women, briskly. " I lust hate 11(»ne. wore th. thropal, whi,,h he LUCAS, TANNER, & CO. Elone sent a note to Mrs. Went. He b., Orought not--" ecrib ing for dear life. doesn't mind a wetti -st in a pee cause. iraehndo,,f_ Israel s nutted to the " pr sed push %long I Whit if your eyee Itomalle took the 1 rty of send. " The marriege will Le private, of course? see no signs of victory, no gleam of hope ing Thomas without consulting you, seeing A ey details you care to fel nish ?" L -push along ! Let pips, e rondo viapeA "There are none in so quiet an aflair," yon were engagett" tea your mam and the laurel wreath The half.smile epon the young master's rejoined Don, with commendable gravity. will yet descend to moan your brown. hoe expanded into a half -laugh at the final "I reall/imust ineiet upon calling pout -kola DO A (I E1101.11. BAN KiNti 111'8INKNE1. J. N. PERDUE, Yorker !nary Surgeon. OFFICE—Over J. M. 14MIll'Oti 8 ORUO STORE, • IBLYT11. MISCELLANEOUS. n 8. HAND uroN, Liceneed Auct. %It ioneer, mud Valeator, Laud, Loan, and insurance Agent. Mike, Queen Street, Myth. Godeta left at, Tile STANDAUll Office will reeeive prompt attentiou. N. H. YOUNG, NO IVitnesses Required. not be projudioed by her submission to this one more iniestioe dealt by the hand she let fl'A ay her life, Neither of the wedded pair ever resumed the putctice of medicine, and, from flying rumors borne to us over dm era. we leat n thet the general impression in the foreign oirelen of which he was an ornatnent watt that Dr, Wentworth yielded his own preferences for ective life in Anterioa to Ida wile's tette fer elegant ease libretti. the sentimental homesickness iS repittet1 to have itmut Ito teresting to travellers anti Ameriean resideuts in the atorieti lend] the partner of his exile loved too well to leave. " His indulgence of her every te Me and Whilli WH15 the lovelieet thing imagincble," said a travelled friend in the volt of con- dolence paid me after the news of hie death was received, " and inimitable by therever. age husband." 1 let tho celoginin pass unchallenged ; foebeariteco for which Don commended. tne on hearing of the Interview. " Dt, elorittis nil nisi WI, 1011;" (Moll' het thoughtf ally. I answered in Shakespearian (or %elm. Ian) English,- " The evil that men do lives after them." In partial proof of which I Mler this simple tale. It is not in rebuttal of fily principle that there te, liumaely %peaking, an imperishable element in evil, that I cite the eircumetanees of the honorable mention made " our late distinguished end popular citizen" by the Mapleton papers, We have two, now, me %daily with soitiety ttems that would do credit to a tnetropolitan mane!. " Big" city &mots geve three er four lines apiece to what The Clarion etyled " a betetticent blamelees life." ,eral stated that It had anneinett altroad on accottet of Mrs. Wentworth's health. Four yenta and thretequarters it two gen• eratione in newspopertiont. " C. A.B." in tiot here to exhume and ex• 'Obit the " subject." Tommy Babb, in spite of a vigorous constitution, entered 1 an muchmeedel rest two yearn ago, and Ms widow at once removed to the metropolis, milk intent -as Don put it -" to go into .eavengering as a prole mien," Her four boys are clerks in as many offices and shop& and do a generates part to- ward her maintenotice. Don has leented rrom varlets,' sourest! of hi r weariful plod - tinge from one eewspaper ollice to another ith wares more or lees sensational, Some. timeg they are accepted : ofteuer hey are injected.. At long interval,' we receive a piper in which en artiel 'KOMI wite the editorial blue peucil is t had " C. A. P." She sows betide all wide (at so much per furrow and Itillhand a m ten of a religi weekly was read aloud to night brier° the game of chess acd. Chapter X, were hewn, tans Mut ttaliy aerie, ural and slangy, the writer inveighs &moist tale -bearing, back -bang, scandalonongoring, end 'peg. The diets ibe bears the captien " The Poi- son of Asps." [THE Ron.] - rush AleastAtems • Such is the cry of progress everywhere. It is the fume and watchword of the Mee. totted' century ; written ma evety bannhr, moved on every blade, lifted aa the " ger. pent in the viiiderness" in the cause of humsn advancament, Push %long -keno moving ! There is a whole volume of good counsel in these " cant " words, and wis. dont, too. To the young, just Atarting out on the adventurous voyege of life, they hue an ever present In fluetices girding rem. lotion that grows more vigorous and more strong, to accomplish results so long as resolution it at the helm. If the arm gre es weary and the heart feint, they tinge die future with the hues of triumph and teat on the feet with hopeful strength, that re. moves all °Leticia in the way. Push along - keep moving onward and upward 1 The gonna of stoma calls out from the lips te hope. The cry coming from the dtetem hills ie better than a Damascus blade • hewing out & path ham the stertinglado,an the cabin whose purple imoke rises triumph dem the lonely reed side so me A BOTTLE OFITEARS, training children fur God I It 10 a tromen• bus work. Some people think it easy. DR. TALMAGE BERMONIZEfi ON A 'rltey have never tried ir A child is Vtieed UNIQUE THEME. in the arm,' of the yew% went. t is a beautiful plaything. Yon look into the laughing eyee, You examine the iiiniples ......., " PM Thou my Tears Illtil Thy Illellir,"-- in the feet. You wonder at its exquisite The Pros er of the Tear I' I Ohl or organiam. Beautiful plaything 1 But on Suva* *out by innumerable l'alaml. some nightfall, as you eit rot:kitty; that nee little one, a voice (seems to fall straight II, t tokixe, Aug. ir;. -Bev, T. DeWitt from the throne of God, eaying, "That 'fiditiage CI0010 a tongue theme aa his sub. child is immortal ! 'rite wars shall die, but ject tot- tooley, viz.: --"1. Bottle of Tema," that ie itufnot ( al ! Sens ehall groat old the text selected being Pealing We " l'ut with age and perish, but this 131 lia inimer• thou my tears into thy bottle." tal :" Hardly a mail hes come to ma for twenty Now I know with many of you this is the years that halt 1101. contained letters (laying chief anxiety. You earneetly wish your that illy sortnone have comforted the writer chiltren to grow up rightly, but yen tintl 01 those lettere. I have not thin mummer it herd work to make them do at rat with, nor for twenty yearespokett on the platform You uheck theit temper. You correct their of any outoloor meeting, but coming down waywardness ; M the midnight your pillow I have been told by hula this of people the in wet with weeping. You leave wrestled same thing. So I think 1 will keep on try- with latl itt tigolly for thesalvetien of your Mg to he a "Son of Consolation." The prayer of my text W1131 premed out of children, You aek me it all that anxiety him Davitri soul by innuniereole catatonics ; been Ineffectual, 1 !tumor: No. Mel tinder. ed of all ages. ll'ithiti the swede your heart, lle understands how hard yon have tried to make that daughter hut it Is just as appropriate for thed hit rew travelleie and antiquarians hateltecx7Itoure71 de right, though abe isi eo vety pettilant dors of other from the very heart of those buried spoil. and reckless ; and whit:, pane you Mayo le. stowed in 1 i tching that son to welk in the the ruins of limy of the ancient citien, and days havtebeen brought up paths of righteousness, though he has emit evidences of customs that Tong ago vanished 'at °r‘h"-: agr I 'flrg'X'wt joVii'lli." (f °' 'I"' I ii:Ii'151.1L'i"'ne; Y alalPeineAekl' Mom eges have been brought up lachryina- (mom cf 7011 over offered him, Cod hem known all from the world. Frotn among tortes or laeltrytnale, which are vials made the sleepless nights you have ever pass. of earthenware. It was the oultom Ow the oil. Goa has 'teen every einking of ancients to catch the tears that they wept bventner distressed spirit„ Coil 00,11010. your prayers. lie keep eternal tytit,..ety htohietili,r tilnetattlheingrambhoste,!et,thr(dietpoarptioaele: rule:tool...dye, ft yoot ti,Iructain, xai:ttlite:,,,lainhtliitlitaiVatochnr,y1,; museums, but in oue that glows anti glitters beeide the throne o GNI, lot holds all those I x• wo have many specitnene a the ancient lachryinatories, or tearhottles, in our hausting tears. The grams may he rank n your graves, and the letters upon your ,300".' hhejpe te,thaatj:aedwae,y Cytepetteast,h We ellwealYuf IfALL,,eaki tuoillatibstone defaced with the °temente, le• tear.bottlea which thehatives bed dug nut t re the divine responses will come ; but he walla hath declared, " I will be a God to thee, into the hint of that island end boeght et the "i" el the el"17' , 1 h''''' anInd some day in heaven, ;hilt) you are reng• is nothing mote suggestive to me man ini"; ol to thy seed aft et- thee " will not forget ; of bottle that my among my curiosities, That was the kind h. that long wayward one will rush into your i g the fields of light, the gates of pearl wnill swag back and, garlanded with glory, tear -bottles which I hrou_glit home and put LatetikeI,Fries, " l'ut ttehonitr mayltutedrra tic'iltow4 outstretched arms of welcome end triumph. The text Int1-nates ti.at (Sod has an in. , burn, and the Mars fall and time periele but The hills may depart and the earth may timate memaintance tine perpetual remem• God will break hie oath mid trample upon lauln y fluttery, or bottle, ih which he eatches Hie protnises-never I never 1 brance of all our gi iefs, end a vial, or and eaves our tears ; and 1 bring to you antgaoi in, alitlodbekrez eellierltreP. a11108111.' Ma reem :lire e t,iu, Why talk tthout grief 1 Alm 1 the world trials that cleave the soul, awl throw the red hearte of men to he meshed in the wine. the condolence of this Christian sentiment. there are them darknesses of soul that need pro*. Troublea at the store you may leave has its pangs, and now, while I speak, at the store. Misrepresentations and abuse to break uuder the assault of temptation, of the world you may leave on the street, to be lifted. There arelnany who are about and perchance, if no words appropriate ti where you found them. The law.suit which would mellow your honest soeumulations their ease be uttered, they perish. I come may be left in the court•rootn. But bereave. no delve compounded by human quackery, menta are home troubles, and there is no emcape irom them. You will see that on no fool's errand. Pot mum your wetted(' you ea a vessel mollies ode' to a passing vaunt chair. Your eye will catch at the Ino, pressing straight to the mark, 1 hail euggeetive picture, Yon cannot fly the craft, " Ship ahoy 1 and invite you upon i preeence of such ill& Yon go to Switzer - a vessel whioh has faith for a rudder anti and to get clear of them, but more sure. payer for sane and Christ for captain and , ' footed than tire mule that takes you up tho Heaven tor an eternal harbor. , Alps, your troubles olenb to the tip.top, Itheinfeldt, a Prussian, keepa a . r with 1 „00, tea 8„0, 0 'hen": and sit Havering on the glaciers, You mey which she mecum' the drowning. X but they can outsell the storm comes on the coast, ami other pope • '''''ia" a swiftest steamer. You inay take the care - go to their beds to rest, she puts out in her . van, and put out across the Arabian 4esert, boat for the relief of the distressed, and ' but they follow yon like a saloon, artnod hundreds of the drowning hes she broopt t ' with suffocation. You plunge into the to the beaoh. In this lifeboat of the Goapel, ' Mammoth Cave but they hang like Malacti I put out to.day, hoping, by God's help to tee from the roof of the great bring ashore at lout one aote that may POW eavern. They mend behind with skate. be stnking M the billowaof temptation end ' ton fingera to push yeti ahead, They in the Lachrymatories brough r from ' ' "2:4 I run upon you like recklees Itersemn. They Mend itefore you to throw you back. They trouble. The tears that were on tig I charge upon you with gleaming spore. They R101 the bottle ie es dry al the scoria of the Hercalan°"'" oild PffinPell are gm. seem to crime haphakird, ecatioring shots 0004tu, that eulimergeil them Ila not ito frotn the gun of a caramel eportentau. lia not h the balk in which God gathers all our I not eo. It is good 'On that semis them just 1 right ; for Ilmi is the lecher. l'his eummer •'1.111 -rpet- Ise you go to places where once you were many of you will especially feel your grief any a accompanied by than who aro gone now. ding tot Your troubles will follow you to the sea- wegStbod iron the night's ilebetch te a, he Rhone and will keep up with the lightning sobbed end wept. Pains in thee twed. express in which you speed away. Or, tarry. I r -ht. ing at home. They will sit beaide you by day, and whisper over you pillow night elm, - night. I want to assure you thst ylo are not left alone: nuathosepulawrieptererreer 10 heaven. it en will wander atnag the hil anti eay, " Up this hill last yeer our ho climbed with grant alee, and*waved his cap Horn the top;" or, " This is the place where our little girl put flowers in her hair, and looked up in her inother's face," until every drop of blood iu your heart tingled with gladnese anti you thanked God with a thrill of rapture ; and you look around as much es to ney :-"Who dashed out that 411? Who filled thie cup with gall? What blast froze up the fountains of the heart ? Some of you have lost your parents within the last six months. Their pt-ayers for you havo ended. You take up their picture and try to call back the kindness that once looked out from thole old, ti rinkletl faces, and spoke in Ruh a tremulous voice : and you say it is a good picture, anti all the while yeti frel that, af ter all, it doom not do jun. tMe : anti you wsuld ieve almost anything -you would cross the sea, you would walk the earth over -to hear just one word from those hp thet a few months ago used to cell you by your first name, though so long you youreelf have been a pat-ent. Now you have done your lee to In le your grief. You smile when you do not feel like it. But, thoegh you may deceive the world, God knows. lie looke down upon the empty cradle, upon the tlesolated nureery, upon the stricken home and upon the broken heart, and seys ;-"This is the way I thrash the wheat 1 this is the way I scour my jewels. Cast thy burden on my atm anti I will sus. etin you. All thou tearw I have gathered el my bottle I ' But what io the use of having so niany tears in Goa's lachrymetory? In that groat casket or vase, why does God preserve all yeur troubles? Through all the ages of eternity, what use of la groat collection of tears. 1 do not know that they will be kept there forever. I do uot know but that In some distant age of heaven an angel et God may look inn the bottle and find it as empty of tears Re the laehrynials of earthenware dug up from the ancient city. Where have the teare gone to? What sprite of hell hath been invading God's palace, and hath robbed tho lachrymatoriee ? None. These were sanctified eorrows, and those tears were changed into pearls that are now set in the crowns and robes of the ransomed. I walk up to examine this heavenly coronet, gloaming brighter than the sun and cry, "From what river depths of heeven were thou gems gath• ered ?" and a thousand voices reply, "These aro transmuted teare from Gotre hot tle." 1 eee eceptree of light stretched down from the throne of those who on earth were trod on of men ; end in every sceptre pointend inlaid in every ivory star of golden thecae, I behold an indescribable riehnese and lustre, anti cry. "From whence this stream• hog light -thele flashing pearls?" and the voices of the elders before the throne, ;and of the rnartyrs under the altar, anti of the hundred and forty and four thousand radi- ant on the glassy sca, exclaim. "Trauma. ed teere from God's bottle." Let the ages of heaven roll on -the story of eartha pomp and pride twig ago ended ; the Koh imam Manion& that make kings petted, the precious stones that interned Pereian AMA% and filmed in the robes of nithylonian processious, forgotten ; the Golconda mines charred in the 'sat conflag• ration ; but firm am the everlasting hills, and pure as the light that streams front the eternal rock, shall gleem, shall eperkle, shall flame for ever these transmuted tears Fast I remark that God keeps us y the tears of repentance. men hits awakened in the mo NOSEM1054, BANKERS rzt oN What if adverse Mame overtake you, ow rerellied 1,3 are f t, payable et oily bank word ; his eyes flatbed in my direction. Tom. earhthe raM t A glees of what; hey• lex In a haute that is aeon to be her home 1 Mrs. Robb never brought Totnmy to :he. un etid honor were all but within your grasp, eye of the mit skillful mariner could not from which none aro exempt, when wreath r nd the great seo, ever fluctuating, that the ion dates. Notes ollscountisi. Farmers who Minn Blain Saliebury could not take a liberty from taking cold. " Right In all but one respect, Mated. andovataf-- ot, ,now -would keep Llamado. or l tined state. American and Iteg draft ,i cashed. Ad 311.heCS Made oll en - 0141103 gaper or collateral eoeurlty, for long or require ad; anees are invited. Notes collected am to be married in a fortnight. Did Ros • front if she could avoid it. Hohad little t foresee ; and ere you had a inoment'snotioe at moderate etteritee• MolleOio iont; 011 000. lie know what my wishes in that reser.. say, gauged by ideas, but he mide th t "to clue your doors" againet the tusk of net allowed on deposits. Alone, may be with """ regale at nem 6 10 7 pm cent I ,Insrat inter- „,„,,la bar little long. I heard Mrs. Robb once def. le the coming st am, and its fathomless waters David bowed low to me, then to his male the unpardonable sin to be "boring one' become the shrine and tremurer of your Itehwence TIM 1,401301N8 BANK. ter, and a third how took in botli of us. neighbor." Presumably her mental attitude gold era ;silver that the great deep will " We've all understood that, this greet toward her husband was vindictive, for a never engulf to you -all lost, perhaps in ALEX. 1.1 , AS, -1 while, Mr. Upton, sir, and all of our wishes more amiably tiresome man never took in the grandest enterprise of your life-wIth Mum. E. 'inane it i Proprietor.. haven't Imen any ways (Intermit ie that re. deprecatingly the breath of life, no possible " resumptien of paymen 0 aped, And 111 may be so bold, sir, con. Oceing the host etarting towardethe door, Look not back upon the angry waters tied mitering I'm fifteen year and more in the she nureued him, overtaking him In the hall. ot bank 700 far a juicy wan 1,, minr,lei laugh at your cals.mIty, hopelesely. Toe only, I should say the sooner the better, " idols are there "to easy." Tema still not . MONEY TO LEND. He backed out, and Elsie's gentle rap door was opened, -and Don si an bath In and hearty good wishes from us all." with the patter of the flood as the front ' . recover them, but courage and a will to cover their Iowa will rot lre them aud make . . followed soon upon his disappearance. Borl'il the library, shaking himself free of clinging you a hero. Push along 1 keep mot tg, ONEY to lend, 1 it et, ge or small so reH, 00 eyee glistened as she apracg into the 0 re drops from the umbrella he had held Over e id the mountains of your labor will give lik„,,,,,,,,.,.,,„,,..,,,,,. he extended. He kiseed her again and again her to the gate. you back 'loaded mins," and the world goad titoctimg; or personal so :wily, ar wrli moved fondness very beautiful and lie affected not to see my troubled face. will call you a noble and good man, treat teeching. " Unhappy Tommy I" he ran on holir- / rnd honor you, and give you places of pre. e wpm you nee to hive the helf of m. up one foot, then the other to die gra . fet meta. Keep moving 1 Beery thing ie kingdom, little lister ? Mk for it, and it "After all, the best turn i couia do him , nature cries with her ten thousand tongues yours. You can have anything that is would be to let him catch hie death outside. I the star, Re it rolls continually onsvotte mine, except Sydney. I am 80 much richer What must existence be to a Irian who is i - Meade bath with electric flres-puoh alorg than %he by this transection that I am tled to such a woman ? She hae the exhale. -Keep moving 1 IVhat ynur hood and bran menu to equalize things,-tostrike e bal. tive pertinacity of a leech, the rattle ind Mind to lo," do it with all your might _ J. T. HUCKSTEP, sue in some way." Ming of %mole ' rause not -rest not -path along I It gon I had told him that I came to him a re- ' "Yet none dare set foot upon her head," 1. -arid the world like a trumpet call, route HAIR -DRESSING fugee whom nobody else wanted. It wes returned I, drearily. "Don I think twice ing up the ellIMI: 3ring, strengthenIng the like him to vaunt hie own gains, to lift me before allying yourself with a family whose weak, inspieiug and disatining doubt, mak• hn thwith into the queen's place in (Mame.. evil name you cannot defend. The trail of a more letropid the will -,o reach the Happy an we all were, and lighthearted be. the terpent ie over us. The worst of it et "'- Alps and conquer Italy. Exer.ion is the yowl what we could have reckoned as a that even so brave a champion as you could spring end foun fin of ell true progr-.. possibility three hours before, a 1101f1Mn not defy her to tell a etory so frightfully 1 ming men, if you would conquer 1n the hueh Tell upon us when Don led me up is user* truth. Moinebody says that repot, battle of Me, wiite thia it atoltword on yeti • his mother'a place at table and put mein. . Meal mud robs off if allowed to dry. That bminer : "Push along -keep moving)" her chair. In doing Oil he stooped a . . is, I fancy, when it ie only mud and made kissed me, before' Elsie, David, and Rosa from clean soil. A mixture such he thin lieo-this hat had lingered in the door to woman compounds sticks and stains. Will Nee me inste.11ed,-a grave, sweet kiss, under you never he alliamed of us ?" whieh I did net biush. I took it u he " Of Raymond Wentworth? Yes I But meant it, as from her, al from her. he is not um, thank heaven 1 The root of Anything prettier than Kleie's modest the question will be answered two wee' - ecstasy of delight throughout the meal and from to.day. Would it were to.mon-ow ' the rest of the evening mold not be imagin• VINK 11E30,14 AND UM001. t ed, unless it were Don's eerene enjoiment • dreerl Pe:tetra H. HALE. Enron Street Clinton. moon, AUK Ih110 0ND SHAVING PARLOR Five doors North of Batik. QUEEN ST., ItLYTH. Choice Tottaiwo, and Cigars In Stock. J. H. OHELLEW UNDERTAKER k MUER. IN 01. Ilk die corehhic.1 of our companionsh1p after the rem/ stretch of twittery meale and eveninp the. After drawing that final line I glenced No. tireent rect , 1' ; 1 • 311 divided him from the irlyPie home•life hie up from my paper. I hove written th1e mother made for him. May at odd hours in my corner Odle lib, Dinner over, Mei° vanished upon another nary, which is the nookieet in the room. errand to Roealie and at hie earnest prayer Much of it has been penned while Don BLYTH CARRIAGE WORKS 1 prolonged our,Atit until be had oomars taught Elsie chess. The two are mon the • ed a. post-prandial Inger in the library. other side of the hearth, with the ohmic "Is that what they call a lung nine!" I table between them. The tall girl of fifteen • asked, at length, demurely, " or a modern is stigmatized by her instructor se an "un. T.4.1V1.1.^: P. r_St SIMS. edition a the brand moulted and locked gratetul adept" M the fascinating game. up in a chest by a princess who, the wicked The silent hour occupied by an unueuntly E N ER A I. II A OK SM IT S fairy said, valuta live until it wee burned hard.fought battle -wee ended just now by up? I have been watching for the tinieet gush of happy laughter, tellhg of another puff of smoke for at lead frteen minutee, victory. The large grey eyes have still the and see none. I must go, now, Den.. tender look of the hild ushe loam over C A TM I %GE BUILDERS Elsie ought to have been asleep sn hour me with the instant apprehension that who aro WSW M 0 1, diet posinon than °vet to ittien may have disturbed me, Her slightest t to tee to ttittir nit t11,1"0. He laughed in tossing hie dead and cold to Always judged by her conscience accord. WACOosie, it ',IGIES.CLITVERS seeallie fragment of the cigar into the grate. beg to the effect, it lies upon others. SU is Mutt) ,,,,I,011 kept on band and menu • °Caught ! Ale well 1 the need of such fragile no longer, end her smile is a sun- . here to .,::::: r Plow Ispao s, homed), k tpl ems, will 00,,,, be ova, I yield more by m,Geosit, it, coteemor on hallo, Meat content. teadily in this inatenee because I most see Don is a goodly man tomight in the black Korse-eleoete a Specialty. lIlatisIscilon guar- Dr. Wentworth to -night and spare you the velvet smoktngejaoket I gave him at Christ. ,eteed. trouble of giving him au answer to•morrow. mas ten days ago. The resemblance to his BLATE/I & SI 515, • BLY1 /I, ONT ERVE NESTE MIAMI en new eta cowry 110 oat t4 el Nervous 1/ehilitY 100 isor nuke eireed; enema lusly or eser-wovelbor the Magelitl • Ili: an slaw mew mune. elm* ViraPteig TAN fur tomudilet. rawes the otifiroevr7t Turosto. Oat saw ha. J. Ban epee An lemming s goon bake Indian sphlte men, regar have been poachir ths Indiana. TMA e, Myth the Prince. comes from the IVebt. serve. It seems that se of treaty etlpulations, upon the preserves o red men resented this, but were at a loss what to do shoat the matter, as the white men paid no heed to their objectione. After muoh debate among themselves they concluded' to carry their ease to the highest authority. The chief went to Bar- clay station, i Inn foi Neuf, WO 11410W - tog cable meilleage : " To Primo of Wales, Londoe, Begland. " White men (tutting timber on Nide ke. Would you kindly come and settle t This was given to ue. Please utast e -IX KI0 RASO, Chief Wabigoon Lake." We may mile 5.1 the Indian's sintplieity, bat hie oonflcienee eat his wronp cortsioly --t\deserve tionsideration, , -To make 1,1;00 limbic feet ot illutninating Oh eight pounds 01 Kiel, costing two oen S, Weel feu genteel et oapinhe. atwah'il 'waive tele. ere regutnan. An Escape In : '41 lik v. Once in a while a met 'r plunglig the atmoophere of ti s ie mailer eon. seined by the heat developed thragh frie• dolt nor precipi rd imon the surface of the globe,, but pursues tto way or open sputa agate. Its brief career within human ken may be compared to thiat of a comet travelling in a parabolie at bit, which, as if y ie' Meg t a a headlong curiosity, Milton plunges into them Ind then hastens awya agaio, never to return. In July, DM ono of these escaping m teors was seen in Austria and Italy. Cve. ful computations based upon the Meet ye done which were made in various plum, have 1111016,1 that it Wee vieible along it teeth, in the tippet air, about siT hundred and eighty miles in length. When at its nearest point to the earth it was elevated forty-two miles above the suffice. From this point it receded from the earth, ite elevation when last seen being no less then ninety.eight milea, Althoughthe resistance of the stmoapher deg in the oyes, sick at heart, a ta efep into the light. He grieves, n &beet itie.mtatioing, bet only alma th cones s. Goa Make! no reeork lob weeplogs. Of all the million . hat have gushed as the mutt of each We. tneanor, not one ever got let God's tett le. They dried ou the 1eveted Mink, or were dashed down by the bloated hand, oe felt Into the red sa ee Cup h • 11 mom again t„, the lip, foatning with et'l worse eito 1. C&tialt. Bet when a mot is soil y for big past and tries to a. tter-when ho mourns his wasted advantage', end bemoan his rejection of God's mercy, and ono amid the lacerations of an aroutted conscience tor help out of his terrible pre came '1. then tied listens; then Heaven bowe down ; then sceptres of pardon PrO extended from the throne ; then hie °tying rends the heart of eeavenly companion ; then hie teme are eaughtie God's bottle. You know the story of Paradise and the Peri, I think it might be put to higher stlaptien. An angel etaits from the throne oi Clod to fintl what thing it man on the earth worthy ot being carried Inek to heti. ven. It goes (lown thiough the gold and eilver mince of earth, but finde nothing worthy of transportation to the Celestial City. It goes doe n through the depths o. the sea, where the pearls lie, and finds nothing worthy of taking back to heaven. Hut coning to the foot ot a mountain it twee a wonderer weeping over his evil ways. The team of the prodigal sten, but do not fall 19 the ground, for the augers wing eateitea there, and with that treasure gavel' ba -k to heaven. God mea the small coming, and ease : "Behold the briolitest gem of earth mid the brightest jewe. of heaven -the tear of a sinner's t °peritonea." Ott ! when I see the Heavenly Shepherd inging a lamb from the wilderness ; when I hear the qui* tread of the prodigal haet• ening home io find his father ; when I see eallor•uoy coming on the vharf,and hurry. 1.1g away to beg his mo ;mitt pardon for long neglect, and unkindness ; when I eee t houseless coming to God for shelter, and the wretehed, and the vile, and the sin. burned, and the passion -blasted a_ppeating for mercy to a compassionate Ood, I exclaim in eestacy end triumph :-" More tears for GQ4A'g'ailZiltilemti.keeps a tender remembrance of all your eirtlinessee, How many of you are thoroughly sound in body ? Not one out of ten 1 I do not exaggerate. The vast trus3ority of the race are constant sub - jute of ailments. There is argue one form of dictum that 3 ou are partioulerly eubjeet to. You have a weak eide, or back, or are eubject to beatlachee, or faintnemee, or lungs easily d tetbrleosweettlo. vwuoutit,11,3n tgdoti,a1 okne ab °ewe Irv. fit itirfo,n, gor break the pitcher at the fountain. Many of you have kept on in life throegh sheer forcenf will. You think noone can uuderatand your distress. Parbaps you look strong, and it is supposed that you are a bypoohondriac. They 111141 you are nervous -as if that were nothing 1 God have merey upon any man or woman that ts nervous! At tittles you ait alone In your room. Friend' do not come. YOU feel en indeseribable loneliness in your sufferings ; but God knows ; God feels ; God commie- eionetes. Fie connts the sleepless nignte ; was not sufficient to destroy the motion . He regrets the acuteneea of the pain ; He this strange visitor, which content ad itse'' estimates the hardness of the breathing. with an brief a glimpse of our globe, yet it While you pour out the medicine from the carried the effects of that resietance tea bottle, and count the drops. God counts hap space with it, and can never shake all your falling tears. As yoo look at the them 01. vials filled with nauseous draughts , and at No matter what its previous emirate may the bottles of distaeteful tonic that etand Heaven send me patience and the grace of mothea never traceable until after her have been, the retardistion that it suffered tot the ehelf, remember that there is &larger forgivenela I" during its passage through the air sufficed bottlethanthese, which ie filled with no of tiod'a bottle. death, is more marked now than then, 1 to turn it into a (lifferent direclicn, and la mixture by earthly apothecaries, bet it le Meanwhile let the empty lachrytnatory 11111 countenance darkened an offiineuelY think Or -cause she is tot much the theme of that 1 laid my hand upon his artn and Me thoughta and speech with we Her portreit (tend it along another path than that which (Indio bottle, in which he hall gathered an of heaven Stand for ever. Let no hand had agreed upon in the talk diet preueded hangs behind him ; a vase of mignonette is beneath it. I compare the two feces until iiih nr tearn. . Again : God remennere all the sorrows collision twee. it. l'urer thee beryl or touah it. Let no wing strike it. Let uo plored him tn bear in mind what we had been following. dinner. It wee the story I had read every -his attention attracted, perhaps, by the Why British fielilei 1 Wear Its d 1 poverty, There ie much want that ohrysopeasue. Let it stand on the step (if In Macmillan's Magwatte, Major' the day foe ten yeare,-the impreseticability of cessation of the pen•seratch over the paper Hon, .1. {V. Forteneue writ 38 an interestm ',ever comes to inepection. The deacons Jeltoveles throne and under she area of the p per co. ei apter on 0 coete,6 of the churches never see it. The ehmn- unfitting rainbow. Paining down the cot'. meting out the recompense of the wrong. -Ionises eyes vet y like here i a their loving a if i doer without flinging the heavier stone " A Ch R d r Here of almshouse(' never renort it. It rid me of the nalace the redeemed of moth light, as they meet mine. which &ale with the adoption of red as the i- a b f , b • ' - r . " . f upon • guiltless wont to whom the sinner .. Oen I do anything for you, love ?" he comes not to chure or it as no appropri• shall Pence at it, and think 0 all the earth. wag dear. This man lied violated a mkt,. onlor of th II ' ' F bod e ram') at my. ,very y re• ate apparel, It maitre no impeal for help, ly troubles from which they were delivered, sacred trust and eaorificed his wite'l s. Nothing that you are not doing for me embers the outcry a a fow years ago in - t hut chooses rather to eller then expose he and say, each to each, "That ie what we peecoof mind and reputation to the dem. a all the time 1" amonsequenoe of a mistaken notion thet the . bitterness. Fathers who fail to gain a livelit heard, of on earth," "That is what the of hie eslidove. To OW^ his sk it :a of blame He gives me a longer, more earnest look, of glorious red was to be supplanted by a mat hood, so that they and their children sub. Pealing spoke of." "There enee were eet, he had suffered putalle rem obation to rest and mike no further question& Ra1411g a r "Abolieh the r d," cried the mit to eonstant privation ; sowing.women our tears.' "That ie tiod's bottle." A nd upon her, if he hau na actually dieected it finger to his It; ,,, he throws me a silent kiln, i 1 h '''i/ , i' h- ‹. , - pulglincy."an I ghll ClIt BIC nnoblest traditions who citryttot ply the nee& midi enough to white standing there inrpecting thie richest toward her. Of this depth of infamy ehe and in the same gesture bide me cease fro o t ta rit s a my," Before the time ef earn th,th Owner and bread. But whether- inlaid Vine ,r1 heaven, the towers of the did not dream, Devoted wde as elle was, m, &wog mm, m Cromwell, Rehberg in England dressed reported or uncomplaining, whether in palace dome hi dice up this silvery chime: - she would not, I tried to believe, have let ' Did I speak my mind I might retart, end tt much as they or their captains pleas. seemingly comfortable peeler, or in damp oGml loath wiped away all tears from all me immolate my heppiness tor s groundless strongly, that were I t , keep silence, the einde anyd not mare u ntl when the combat cellar, or in hot garret, God's angels of fare& Wherefore comfort one another with very stones of his ancestral abode would o• - j 1 • - f f was at dose quarter: thYe telt difficen in solace:to. I affirmed thie boldly to BM y" ,r Y 11 mercy are on the watch. This moment these porde." "Neither of them mo much as suspected our cry out for jostioe to the noblest of a line Mingo s ling oes rom rien s. n 1 e thou pieta are being imllected, Down on _- altered relations," I assured him. M great Protector the organDer of the invite is too fond ,i5 mother -as a woman, elle ifl gentlemen. ible Ironsides, tho Britieh army owes i shanties and loghabine, the work g'oee on. ThsjIStrigin of the American nav'y dates ° -wool of honorable, God.fearieg, homeloving ',-3 ' ' - • ' the hack streets, in all the alleys amid redeoate. In other words what is now ths too just -nut to have revealed the Hall to My mother is on the seteand we curet- bi • ' . . Tuve of want -seething in mummer s heat. from 1775. when if/ingress authorimil the me, rather than see me mieerable." elate ourselves that the weather ix d es of loyalty was the distinguishing eel, r or freezing in winter'e tedtl-they fal1 nol r,,,npnieut of two cruisers. iiy theater, He gathered me to him, raised my chin, for Janitag y. ne 1,6,0A hpr 1,,,,1,,,,,,r., ,- °la"- of those whom le in Charles imiled "rebels." , li 1. ., , tiniteedeti. They are jewels for het% PC:318 doil go1e,1 itit0 my Po..litALwo, tiod, to auti to the °entrant, t e prat reu casket,. They are pledges of Divine eym• 1770, the' Americo i fleet consieted of mama wilh har for bo"l'al In MaPlotao• Wo mos were iven out to these stun, • pathy, 1 hey are tears for God's bottle. twentynix vessels, mounting 530 guns. trey In this nee," he said, slowly. " 1 oto prefers to toke up her abode in her old home. dg th 1 1 f Royal Win 0 1 am not prepared to e -Vert the con. have begged her to live with um, but ahe .. b i t, Again, the Loral preserve% the remem• Ac Boa Some of the regiments did not care brawn of all paternal anxietiee. You tinarr mill lase readY ta say what a "alba 'nil Elsie will div.de her time between the two for red. Cromwell dealt with them In see a MAII from the moet infamous enr- eleven not do who loves her husband with the 11. households and 011T boy and baby -girl will b • i f hi "S. " I t . , moldings step out into the kingdom of parts. teen, anxious adoration your mother &- plays for bets. It is abnorinal.-an exam- end and sadder widowhood, we hope, do much toward cheering her see- Mr. Russell, "I hear you- troop refuse the God, lie has heard no mermen. Ho has The Dambe Neviga, ion Company does canoe, rather than natural growth! It Don and I wonder together, sometimes, new coati. Say this : W ear them or ge received ne stertling providential warning- the largest elver businese of any one eont, home I stand no nensens* from anyone • . ding to the tracks found in a Atone Connecticut, e bird with a foot C1103 in length, once ehabited those CI iprles me wofully, as you say. Were I to ell him all I know, -not reautihut,\ af mime, Elsie', &gem 14 setting thhige right, -he would visit bie spleen and ohs, grin and humiliation upon his wife in some ingenious way. This sort of vioarioua reveuvs is is far with nen of his stripe." , •• tempted, " was there ever a roug t i m o t le new min / This pany no the world. Its steamers carry 1 she ever knew of the st.gma east 117011 It is a needful thing we Ile " one in color, 11 the secret: God looked rive- the bottle ietee,000 pusengere and carry 1,400,000 r by the oircumatantial evidente which much ill having been from diversity at. in which he gathers the tears of his people, ons of freight, every year. hueband, the only person,as he 1017700' clothing, to slaying of friends by Mende.' ho could controvert it, took no pains :-_:- and he saw a paternal tear in thet bottle The tuariner'e compass was used for cen. aside. We hope that truth was In the world there aro 4 995 daily news; which has been for forty years nnanewereil. turies by the Chine.° Wore it wee brought papers published, of wh'ott, no fewer the: lei to her. Wear* certain that He maid, "Go to, now; and let me answer to Europe. Its Ilivention or introduction have borne the onus dumbly, so 1,759 or more t hen a third, are issued iri dr that tear ?'' and forthwith the wcaderm i3 Is credited to Fla vio Moja, in the fourteenth sie weliereot her children would United titates. brought home to God. 01, this work of imniury. . ne she SIAJTE (16) I .,.! Stor67(1109Liver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovei7 of the Lz.....3t One Hundr-01-4,Q.krs. It is to the Taste as the S-,loote.3t 'Rides It Is Eaf-J 1.r.c1 Harmless as the I'',:rct.t Milk. This wmpio,ft.1 rv hie has eitly ri imtly hoe» introduced into this ciaintre be the proprietors tout nimeii'actincel of the Great S,Juth A inia tete: inc Tonic, runt yet its !teat !, alms :Id a Ciirative hrl hit, IliottsV 1 1101 111;:01100f..1111141,t; atnhoor general publit 'Ibis medicine completely sobt the problem the mire of indi. geotion, dyspepsia, 111)(1 diecases of do) general Bete. 01'1 system, It is abet of the great.. st able iu the cure of all 1.600 health from whatever (414;;(.. It pirform.1 this by Lip goad, te ri its! belie qualitlell which it possessto, ;111(1 lly its great curative powers upon the digestive orglin, the seseach, the liver and the bowels. ;?ei remedy compare* with this wonderially vIduable Nervine Tonic as a builder end strength - ?nor tlic life 1'111(.00 (,r the hellion body, and tipie,rriii!latitrui.fientelw,aelrueofina iirukee 1o:imitation. It is also of more tho treatment mei mire or diseases of the lungs than any consumption ?-att-ty ever mast tin thia continent. It is a marvelous cure (lir nerv- oameal of equates id ell ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical Itimwn 011tinee in life, should not fail to this great Nervine 'foam, almost constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry than safely tit.eT ! danger, TIII3 great titrengt Muer and curs: tiro iv of blew:jut-11,1? valite to the aged and infirm, Levatise its great ens prop( ie e :0 give theia llter !oil l I )11 life. It will add ten or li yeari 10 ae I veit et' many of td.totre who will use a half dozers ,„,1t11, , rt motto ‘,1,•11 ixor, IT IS A GREA1 REMEDY FOR THE LURE OF Nervous Prosecution, Nervons Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Ibit Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Desjaintietley, fileeplessness, St. Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the liaele Failing Health, . Broken ( (instilment, Debility of 01,1 Atte, Indigesthm mil Dyspepsia, Heartburn and sour Stomach, Weight and Teeth.' ness iu Stororteh, Loos of A pool e. Frightful I benosi, Dizziness an i 1:1 aging in the Ears Weakness of' Extremities and Fainting, Inipure and impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings end Ulcers, Consumption el the Lopes, Catarrh of the Lunge, Bronchitis and CM L'ough, Liver L'oni Chronie rhiea, Delierite and roeiltins Children, Summer Complaint of lufant.t. All these and many other complaints ettesi by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES, As a cure for every class of Nervous I)isease t, no remeily ;um been able to compare with the Nervine Tonle, which i VMS,' plensalit and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child er the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine tenths of all the allele'''. to w 1(.11 the human family is heir tire dependent on nervous exhaustit )11 and impaired digea- tI When there is an insufficient supply cf nerve Vied in the blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved note, 0, like starved muscles, ins, dile ist mpg when the right kintl end supplied; and a thousand 10e:1111os:1es and Lihnents disappear as ths PAINTS recover. As the nervous system must r tipply all the power by which tho vitul forces of the body MO carted en, it /..1 CIO fIlIgt to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tuin a eufficient quantity, of the kind of nutriment neeessary to reettir the tvear our present moil°, of living and labor imposes upon the nr v For this roast in it becomes necessary that ft nerve fine] be sapid]. 11. 11118 South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue 10 tlymed. accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forma of nervous de- rangement. CRAWFORMITI,LF, T811., Aug. 20, 'RR. RelleCek WO,KINso11, 0 Virownsvalley, Ind.. fie Great S.,10 Amen:ism M/Iiii.dm' , nays : w I had been iti a distressed condition for PEAR GEST', deolm to eny to you Mat i thrtm years from NerWrdisneile. IVenkness of thw a:pbri:11\1;::0:stablInl'17,1.11:,!.,:,‘,:t:urs. ,,,lintihric ohilarld ‘littoi,otno,rut,r‘igt 11007. uPPrecliillie M""1 wait 1 w."‘ ady'"`"I 1" Mardi , ugh 11, relief .1 bow lit ono bottle of try your mat South A111,41,1 NI.10•1111. node ‘,10,4h 00,.0 t(11,1,1.1;:lfi "It '1.41:,1 11123ii ',I:a 31 ruldhoi 01.0 irm. 'sell and general lo ow. system. If eV01.001,` t,, 0 • kill.' the value of i los ono 1,, no I do you would it t• • , t Co. marshier it the 1,1101, 10'110100 1111.14 1vorld.", A SWURI4 CURE F'OR ST. VITAS' OAHU 1311 LHOREA., Conti/tom-6%11,LE, One 22, 1887. My daughter, demi years old, was severelit Minced with tit. \Iles' Donee Chorett. We giee her three and one-hulf nd lies of south Antericau Nee- vIne and she is teimpletely restored. I believe it st ,•te e every ease of St. Vitus' Donee. I have kept it in my family for t wo yv;irg, and am sure it IR the greatest remedy iti the world for Indigestion lied Dyspepsia, and for all forms of Nervous bisorders and .1! ailing Health, from what-0er eause. Jolts MISLL Slate af Indiana, • Montgontery Couni'll,} 8 8 Subscribed and sworn to before me this Julie 22, 1S07. Cons. W. Wimirr, Notary Pehlke INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA The Great South ArneriGan Norville Touio Which we now offer you, is the only aleolutely utemlnig remedy ever discovered for Ur.: cure of' Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the N nst train of rymptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility Dt the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- culable valuo who is affected by disease of the stenitich, lievause the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the 000 and ONLY ONE great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. The:e is no ease of untrialignant disease of die stontaeh which can resist tlie wonderful curative powers of' the South American Noe ine Tonle, minute 0, wi,c, Waynetown, Intl., gam I Man gt.r,• nalll-no, ,,f New floss, taillaht - I owe MY tile ihu says: w I 0110001 `10 sn how much I owe to th, Nervine. I had been Iii bed foram nionl lei from the efforts of aii exhausted stoma, lh Indigestion, NervIne Tonle. NI, 01011110H mon pletely Ghat eNneirpvirlituios nPr0o1 nitilrya I ki.111,,,13,, mi juit,id rinutp at ,170.11,1 1,,t,eng00:11;:, 1,113,,,1,:011L11114ign, 11011,1.!,111K11:14,g.11,41 all lumen of getting well. (11111 tried three doe- rd consumption, an Inherit/Mee handed down tom, with no relief. Ts. nes will. of the Nerv• through (1.11,011A10111{. 1 began inking Inc Tonic Improved ineeo cowl: Oar I wax aide to , the NervIne Toulc, end hoe MI walk about, and a few bottles mired tue entirely. I about igx months, and a in 011tIrrly mired, It I believe It Is the biwit 1111.1111.1111. In the world. 1 the grandest renos13 Pw nerves, mowed, eat San ruit recommend too highly." lungs I have met Feet," No remedy coMpares with 40111% AMWRICAN N6111/108 RR a Mire for the Nerves. No remedy tom. pares with South 4,1011'000 Ner,1111. AN wotuirolte cnre for ihe Monde h. 0t, remedy eta at oll eon/pare with South Anwrivan Norvloe 0 cure tor all forms of falling health. It never tulle tu eon, Indlgention and Dyngeptila. 0 never falls ti, cure Chorea or Sr . Mins' Panre 110 ponwro t build up gni whole system 01w wonderful le 1 he extreme. It mires the old, the ruing, and the mid. die aged. It Is a great friend 1 o the aged and Infirm. Do 001 10 11110 previous boon; I/ you do, you may neglect the only remedy whlett will restore 3.'110 health. Seuth Americas Necrlue port,tiy A., end very pliorsnot to the Mote. Prilent, ladieo, do not fall to use this great rum, bvisome 11 will poi the Moore .,1 freshness 01111 beauty upoi, 011d in your cheeky aml quickly drive :luny yoltr told wen Mamie), Large gS ounce Bottle! $1.00, 60TTLE WARRANTED. m. 1 A. Id I UPON, Wlmlesale and Retail Agent for 'Myth. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES 'DANDRUFF hsDRUFf'-'"". 110 Restores Feding heir lo original color. Mops failing of hak. Keeps the Scalp cleme Makes helt soft anti Plink Promotes Growth. GUARANTEED D. L. OATEN. \Toronto, Trarrelna raymely,- Aemr, 0 p e toy, 011(1.1yeelr nit o 110.no trunyerotbmr dra...111Newtionlitmerr•Ilelea-In tny own am A taw applications not only thoroughly wont tri mewl. &mend acrunnklatIon tokt •Inpped falling alba hal». made It soft wad 711•100 tad promoted& visible growth. elfrOliellteCaabiellettetalhecaereelioilatafOleleleaklie‘ille T" P7PANS TABULES regulate the stomach, liver and bowels, purify the blood, nre pleasant to take, safe and always effeettial. A reliable remedy for Biliousness, Blotches on thc Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrlima, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disordered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Heac:ache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney Complaints, Liver TroubNleasu,sLcao,ssNoefttAleppRetaisthe: Mental Dzpression, pies, Rush of Blood to Painful Digestion, Pirn- plexion, Salt Rheum, the Head, Sallow Corn - Headache, Skin Srald ‘4 !..! ach, Tired Feeling, Diseases, f3our Stoni- Water Brash and every Torpid Liver, 'Ulcers, ease that results from other symptom or dis- impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over -eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripens Tabules is the surest be injurious to the most delicate. 1 gross $2, 34 gross $1.35, cure fo; ei,stinate constipation. They contbayinninaoilthpionsgtatgheatpacaidn. g gross 75c., 1-24 gross 5 cents. Sent Addresa THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COM1'ANY, New York. 111111141~1•41111.4*teallteS"...'%411111111141h