HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1893-09-14, Page 1VOL 7, No. 6
'Where. -11( Morrie, on Sept,
Marla, beloved wife of Mr.
White, ageti 51 years.
,BRAITHWAI•rE, I11 Loedesboro
Sept. 9th, Jansen Braithw
aged 75 year's,
LIN ERSlouden lair opens today.
0th, 5[15, D, B. McKinnon is visiting in
Toronto nils week, =— 11155 1ltunhrl .11it0hrll, uf(iudcrie.11, •"
Jl1NUTl: ll(A1"PE1tS 51UCEILY BOTH 'ril0MI'SON AND 1.AURIER is visltln relatives here,
A beautiful fine of Chlydle Table g ' •
_— ' covers at Jfel{fano° & l:u n. V[ 31'l'INt; I IN'PAItIU• Jlr, If, 13uci nuns foals a flying
& ure in the 'detain u Myth can you
011 ' )
visit to Winghaul, tiumdny. n get such vniucs iu
' MANY INTERESTING ITEMS To THE! Blyth. MISS Phoebe Densmore is 1'ienig Boots ,.Xr Shoes
Names GENERALLY. Mk barrels of Htst class fell u I friends 1 W
Who]e No, 314
tett`' } ancy prices for nice fresh butter --
UARettaLL.--111 hast WAwarlmeil, oil
h) crocks and tubs at T. W. Sewit's, APples 1l'axted.
Sept. 5di, James Marshall, ngo1
24 years.
The new English church In Wing -
ham will be °petted on the let day of
Hon. J. C. Patterson has presented
the Epleoopal church at fort Albert
with a flee hell,
Rev. Cosens, of Walton, occupied
tbo Methodist pulpit, here, on Sum
... day morning and evening.
Rev. John Currie left Dungannon
last week After a t'e k1ence of 14
years, to reside In Goderich.
Rev. O. W. Psing and wife, of 1I110 -
vale, left on Thurede,y for Niagara
Falls, on a three WCCKS' holiday.
ltev. if. llenderson, ofAuba'n, ex
changed pulpits wlcti his brother
Itev. A. llendoreou, of Atwood, las
A big camp erecting Is 111 progress
at Corbetton, coeducted by Rev. E
i3 Service. One, hundred and fifty
conversions aro reported,
Ails Lurdshlp, the Bishop of 1[uron,
lets apointel Rev. J. !(otigits, Rector
of Saatbrth, as huts! Demi of the
counts of Huron, in place el' Rev. Mr.
Crulg, who removed to I'otrolea
A convention of the young people
of the llletleadlst church, 1Vfttghein
District will be hold at limesule In
tho near future, Rev, 8. Sellery, B.
D., ltev, U. Il. C0bbledick, 13. D, and
Rev. J. A. McLachlan, 11, A., with a
layman from IVlodhan, Brusscle and
'1'ceSwnler, have bee, appointed a
uoulmittee toarrange date, program
Mr, E. Swadrtz, of Win;ham was
ht town Sunuv
Plums, tomatoes, grapes, mina, wanted
apples, oranges, lemone, at Jessop & ehlppin
pp es twee a m 11 inl;lmin at present, t
Must be well peeked for Mise Josie Buchanan has gone on ' Trunks, Valises,
bCall at 'rllE 9 •i i
STANDARD a , 5 1 to Ir lel,da In Iluron anti Aali• - Groceries and
• field.
111r. J. 11. Chellcw, is taking in the , ing for Toronto, where he will spend Ladles' Attention l Miro. Mitchell has rented her farm
Jas. 1[eQuurile left Tuesday morn -
Toronto Fair this week.n few day4 at the Fair. to Mr. UC ). Garton fur u term el'
Dass R. NIMENM will open her years.
i1 8 1)a
it 1,1 1 ° '' Ol \i
s o, f la l was
(, )t as the
guest of Mrs, Nation, Sunday. to the house with tun nInju•edn Il t.
5l.•. Sellers Shop on the 20th of' September and Mies Ella M. Patterson Is attending
Any quantity of nice fresh eggs We hope ho may soon bo out again.
' Some elegant circulars may be
aeon at McKinnon & Co's. Prices
range from 131,50 to $6.50. Ladies
should bear Udell' mind,
Frank Metcalf and wife are taking
in the Toronto fair thio week, and
et the saline time Frank will keep
wanht.d fur 01(511 at T. W. Scott's
Another line of red selmot1 at
Jessup & McElroy'e. Price 10 Sts.
A number from town attended the
bicycle races In Clinton, Wednesday.
If a man wiahc5 to Make the world
better lie should commence on limn
114 you em now at T.
1V• Scott's, the
noted Fruit and Produce Dealer ul
W111 he pieputed to color anti make the model eel erd in Galerich for the Iluron. And how ie it! 1 do nu
over •Felt Allll Stl'141V hate In till the pt•eseut term. (ntut'u0c trade, 'Fake all khele of
leading full Styles. Mr. anti MIM, ,1, SIc(,111 anti h81011Y,h iu m Produce, sell in tee Lest
Store a few doors north of THE of Blyth, were calling on friends n Markets, buy tin Clash and cuns0-
STANDARD Office, Blyth•1VeetlIeld, Sunday,, queenly can do better tin• you thee
Mrs. If, Cu0115, of Alpena, Mich., is Any other person in the trade, 1 hope
Attend the Fairs. I the trade in I'reluee•thie eeason bs
me Farmers' Advocate says—"Do at'preeent staying ,with her daughter just the beginning if larger trade
J Mrs, A. Itobisott, lit' 1verstde. relations If you went to be 1)11 10
neglect the local Cxldbitions dealt with] and make 01110 of getting
the trip price fur all kh ds of produce.
Make my Kure your headquarters.
self, one eye open fur any bargains that not Misses Evelyn and Edith Heid of
Mr. 11, Hurlbut, of Mitchell, w1(
Wishing his eoushl Mrs. Cnellew, In
Mo. and 3ti' , Coeens, of Walto
.1 were the guests of Mrs Dr. GudeSunday.
t Auction sales aro to be cuntinu
, at the O. K, on Saturday 0005111
Sept, 16th,
Mr, and Mei F. Watt, of 0)1nto
spent Sunday- with MPS. ,Ino, lleUi1
Dlusley street.
The Home Itule Bill was defeatal
in the House of Lords hast week by
majority of d 19 to 11,
th010 may be h) the wholesalele the county and township fall fnlre. Paramount, who have been vlelting
inerkcts, They are great Incoutives to Lnproy- - Miss Josie Bach: man returned home
st off \tie A'
No person hoe a patent on trade mens. Sero tett all the classes, y''
n in Huron Co., and notwithstanding provided are well filled. Do not' The fair sex of Westfield were
neglect hating up stock or a'raugin:,r ` largely represented ,1(t a quilting at
other exhibits ell "the day before. the resldenec of Mrs. A. D. Hoover
the fair," trains to select only the very un 1Vedneulay.
choicest fruits, vegetables, gralue, = We nr0 sorry to learn that little
etc., 111111 have everything arranged Willie Phelan ie so seriously intik,-
in the neatest possihie package. pose !. We hope noon to hem' of his
3ialte your entries early and thus aid' entire recovery.
the secretary in getting through hie; Misr Nettie Spurts, formerly of
tVel'k without hurry 00 confusion, Walluceburg has collie to re'stde
In 0080 they !should be required have with lir grandparents, Mr. nod Mrs,
pedigree ceruflea.os of stock at hand. Shorts of this place,
tine eeepings and wallings of cunt.
petlturs, T. W. Scutt whl give the
ferule's the very top price for all the
ed prody' (r
uce they' to sell. No high
g, prices offered when you have noth•
Mg to sell, as some do.
r1' The d,t00 for the holding of the
elgreve fair have been changed,
and will thio year to be held on
Thursday and }'rldny, Sept..8th and
11 29th, Listens of in October astermer-
ly. This 5110w will thus open on the
n tiny After the closing day of the
cxl:'rur•nbcrry society's exhibition at
g Evening shawlsIli abundanec, at
telae nos & Co's.
In veiw of wiet Hood's Sarsaparilla
to t
believe that tit will lalso nbe of beneritbto
President Cleveland has a second
daughter. The addition was made
to 1114 family uu Saturday murniul, ,
Three dozen young hens 01)11 puh
lets, twenty puro large white duelc5, W
t also a nuber of turkeys and
kohl cheap Ito we areutnx tri move, where we ,will
taut require them.
MRs, Geo. STEWAnr.
5, East 11'awaouush,
Meru old farm.
T. 0.73RTYOE, L.D.S
Visits Myth every Muudny, at
Tooth e'tr1etel painlneely by the use
of the most0!;,roved local anaesthetics,
All ()iterations in Dentistry prrfm'nled
with care and at Re10300ble ('rices,
0,118411.1003s Flours -10 a..100 p.m
L. 1). ,Y.
RPECIAILI,yT w Geld Filling, Plate
Work, mei D(Itieult extractinh Will
,YTH, every Monday, Planless Ex-
tracting. --Call Early iu the day,
NO2 A1tY (ell LIC,
Fire, Life, and General Insurance Agent
At the lowest rate ot Interest on First
Mortag w.
OFRICE,—Opposite Slater & Sims
Queen Strout. - - - L'I,Y'I'ti
Large engine of Money to Loan on
Farm Property at the Loweat current
' rates of 'warm. No Comuuissiuu
charges to Borrowers,
Bai'ristcrs, &c„ • CLINTON
AGood Frame Dwelling House and 1
acre of lend, on North Street in the
Village of Blyth. The ho() le 22,015,
1 storey highle
, with wing 16x23 1 storey
high. fe well finished and contaiue
poets, hard and soft water, The land
e agood quality. A choice lot of fruit m
trees, Appian, Pita, Cherries, Grapes,
• Currants and Berries. This i5 a very
,ileelriblersddonee and beautifully situ-
ato3 on rising ground overlooking the
"!Ilia$omid will be sold cheat) on reason -
We terms. For full panic:de s apply
to \ C. HAMILTONBerrie Om.,
0 TU 8
Butte Wanted
ES wiZ 1 /N.V. ti . S
The highest Price in
Mr, J. Derricks, who has bee
attending the Toronto Fair return
11nnc Tuesday evening.
Thu open season for shootln
Partridge, Woodcock, and otto
game birds opens to -morrow.
The foreign demand for Canadla
hey is becoming wen.tcr daily, th
piece almost prohibiting exports, •
1)o you want peaches? Mete''
will have lute about the end of th
week.%Enquire at Iletcalf's grocery
Quite is number from town attend
ed the 1000101 of the late Jeune
liralthwelte, at Latdcsboro, on Tues
1Tr. Thos. McCreigllt, %vhu Ira
been weeking 011 the C. 1' ]t., In the
North West for swim tine Is hump
fut)hi6' holiday's. •
•a. D. J. IfeCasce, of Cinclnattl,
;n, formerly of dile town, is N'141 1. (101( 011
fl, Builders are busy at the bridge on
e I the first line,
1 Samuel Caldblck, jr. leas returned
:to hie house on the 211d line after
spending els mouths In uncle Sam's
9 domtl ns.
Mrs. Wm. Lowry, who has been
s visiting her daughter, MP3, Geo.
Henderson, 3rd line, for n few
tnorrthe, retnrnel to her home in
' Mullett hist week,
A tine now stock of German
Mantles have arrived at Anderson &
Elder's. You are cordially invited
to cull and inspect tletn.
Farulem are busy now sowing or
preparing. to sow their full whoa,
The recent 1111119 have put the soil in
excellent shape for seeding.
Jh. Wm. Entlgh has presented his
"hatter half" with an elegantly
finished New York Singer sowing
1na,3hlue which lie purchased from
Mr. WiuMoore, of Clinton.
r ,neon
omes the weather when the
n takes 11!4 "summer' hol1-
dn`l 1 in which he cat Willi( abroad
In the sun, rind suffer neither sun-
stroke, Sunburn, nor mosquitoes.
The funeral of the late Mrs, John
White, of Mo1'ris, pa5801 through
WWII nn Saturday, and was 0110 of
the largest seon for some time, over
one hundred rigs betng in the pro-
Tho Wingham Advance Ratys:—
Blvth's poet, Mr. R. Sellars, has bees.
left n fortune throngh the death of
an uncle In Missouri, and has gone
to get possession of it, We only hope
that he won't write poem on It.
We notice by the report of the
Caledonian games et the Lucknow
Sentinel, ,hat Jnr. John Dingwall, of
Wawanosh, succeeded in winning
first money 111 Vaulting with pole.'
No other prizes fell to persons living
in this vicinity.
Mr. Van Horne advises Western
farmers not to be Ina hurry to sell
their wheat. He also gives his
10080118 for the faith that is iu him
that prices will Flee. But then Mr.
Van Horne may not know all about
The Palmerston Reporter flays
some of the residents of that village
who patronize Eby, the tramp printer
from Preston. The country is over-
run with pedlars, tramps &c,, selling
goods and soliciting work, and It
would be to the Interest of Iegitimate
business to give them all tho 'shake,'
it has been a favorable yea' for
plums, and the enemies of the plum
tree have been defeated, as there is a
large crop In this locality, end from
almoet every quarter a good yield Is
reported. Apples however, In this
section are we by any means pliant".
ful, acme orchards being almost dead -
tuts of fruit,
A clergyman was much surprised
ono dray at reccivitig it basket of pot-
atoes from an old woman in his
parish, with a message saying that
as he bed remarked In Ills Sermon on
the previous Stpiday that tome
"common tatet'e" (commentators) did
not agree with hint, she had sent
him 80100 real good ones.
The following from an exchange
111 be of interest to many ;—A
river o1 a vehicle who Attempts to`
prise another on the rand dues so at
his 0(011 peril, fur If an accident
happens to tho teen he t4 passln2,
w rear drive' Is held respontlble.
! 'es L-' : 11'-.i,: t!:,,t tie. :min 111
dvanco Is not obllgt'd to yield part
f the road when notifier, but the
hurdcn of care rests on the roar
river, who Is in a pos111 to see and
void danger, while the *ter Le not,
the infliry to the loaderresults
ren an.at•rmt to pry, whothei tn a
country thoroughfare or on a 00)10tr
road, todray pr Is held re'poq
• 1l
pill be pad ,tor any quantity u
delivered Dext door to h
Metcalf's Grocery
Dinsle'y 5troet [f
Blyth fl
JQIn McMilla
jp the
of weeks
Mrs, Chas. Sheriff returned to her
home In'Poronto, on Tuesday, after
epending six months visiting friends
111 this township and 131ucvade.
Richard Armstrong 11ae gone on a
visit to his eon and daughter at
110080 Jew, N,W.'I'. Ito does not
intend to return unti near Xinae,
Tho now school hoose at Brown-
y pletart. 1t rs
built of red brick, trimmed with
white, and when finished will be a
handsome looking structure and a
credit to the section,
The Methodist church at Brown.
town, 21111 line, is uudergoing repairs
this week. The bricklayers are
busy bricking the church with roti
brick. The looks of the eorner will
be greatly, impt•oyed when it 1s mine
The handsome brick residenat of
Robe. Bloomfield, 1st lite, was com-
le 1
1 tic ,y destroyed by Nr0 on Wednce•
day of last week, The this started
in the old log house, situated a few
feet from the brick, front a pan of hot
nshes. No person writs near the house
at tie flint and tho tiro was well
under way when noticed by the
neighbors. All the household furni-
ture wassayed, The loss 'will be
about e1,500 with very little Insur-
ance, lir. and Mrs, Bloomfield 111.0
now living In their other house
across the river.
(Too late for last week.)
Alexander Campbell passed to the
Immortal shore on Friday, Sept, 1st,
About 9 o'clock In the morning. He
was born in Perthshire, Scotland,lu
the year 181 f,, Ile crossed the At -
'antic in 1852 and netted in Co. of
Halton where he remained for two
years. From there ho removed to
Clinton and fo'or years later came
to his late lienee on the let line of
Morris. 11e only survived his late
partner le Ilfe by a few weeks,
Mrs. Campbell having passed to her
reward on the 22nd of July Iast
aged 76, Of the ramify who rcmein
to tnourn'a kind and loving father,
they are John and Alexander, of
Calgary, N. W. T.; De Jas, Campbell,
of Detroit; Archie and Kate, on the
hof e
n stead•
Duncan, who resides just
acfoea the road std Ml1.1geret (Mrs,
Ooo. Turvy) of 131o17l6, The late
Are. John Perdue, who died in Oct-
ober of 1887 was a daughter of de-
ceased For year's the deceased suf-
fered the pangs of dieoasc under-
going at time several severe sle.k•
nesses, from which he was not ex-
pected to recover; but his Isat illness
was llinItcd to a few days only,
when the freed spirit, released from
the weak, worn arid paliesearred
body, entered the higher existence
rich in the rewards of a life which
was beautifully adorned with all
thueo manly principles that win the
love of human hearts and the appro-
bation ot angels, Honest anti kind,
!n -i
I';i; t;;l .:;,.1 tea.: the euuuut.t.dativus
and rest upon hint. He was a con• 11 10
olatapt member of the Wingliam Tho
Presbyterian church and in pohtice r:ebl
ho was n Iifudong reformer. The who
funeral obsequies, on Sunday after- 1"
noon were ,largely attended, some- but
thing over one hundred carrlages theof h
b'Ing in the oorh'ge to Whngham Adv
Dlatlnqutshcrl Vtstlnrr,
During this month the Ontario
people are to have in their midst t
two our taunt dletingutslncd public
men who represent different schools
of political thought. It Was a
announced a few days ego that lluu.
W, Lander had a program arranged
to address meetings in various parts s
of our province. Like a bolt from n
the sky the annuur,eement is now j
made that Sir John Thu)npsou will
fellow his footsteps and cndeayor to s
°.mate any impression that the y
Dick Phalen, Donald Patterson
nil .l 1I ilouver are the last happy
nen, but they are happy so often now
hey are gcttlug used to it.
flit, J. 0, Reid, who has been eni-
ng on old friends and renewing old
cquaintnnces around here fur the
poet week, has returned ho1110.
5fr.1Vullace Jackson, we under -
land bae leased the homestead fora
umber of yeat5, Mr, and Mre,
ackson sr. go to Auburn to reside.
511'. Will Roberton who hail A,
coat's farm rented fon' a terns of
ca1•s, has "thrown up the sponge"
tel after trying it for one season, Dir.
opposition tray' snake. It 1s cxpec
that D'Alton McCarthy will be on
heels in short order. Roll talc o
litieal chariot along gentlente
ou have a pleaeaut task before ,v
his Webster comes in his place. 1
Of buying •
.1 R's'3c? rte iforirf•
The editor of an exchange
discovered that this is a very' pecol
wren Id, and desettboa the situation
folluwa: tine man i5 struggling
,justice and another is fleeing fi•ont
Un0 man Is saving to build n nousc
and another is trying to eel! 1114 for
Iese than cos: to get rld of it, One
Ma11 I spetlding all the money 11c
can matte In waking the girl to the
theatre, and Sending her flowers, un
the hottes, eventually of making her
his wife, while his neighbor is spend-
ing the gold he hes to get a divorce.
One Miall escapes all the dlaeae05 that
mat se he
iv hair o n
u 1(d eta kill
g eel on a
railway. Another escapes without
a scratch and dies etf whooping cough
One 1111(11 standoff hie creditors and
goes to the World's Fair, while
another pays his debts and stays at
111 Dir 1 1 Mitchell is thinkingof Probably y you are. Then we
attending n Businoes College in
ou 11 • future We wish hint sac
Mitchell and family
ovbtg to Blyth or Auburn,
k Mlss MCGi)l and Miss E.
dress -nutting operations "tit
ns'!'1a the near future. We should sol
for for thein a fair share of public patron.
it. age.
Newton Cambell and family me
about removing to 1)ungarunon to
reside there in future. Wo shall be
sorry to hese such an entcrprlsilg
,citizen, but Westfield's lues will be
Dungannon's gain.
From the words "Render unto
Casae the tbieis that ere Caesar's
and unto God the things which bo
()od'a," Dir. J. C. Reid delbved a very
excellent addreso In Westfield
church on Sundnynftornoon. 1''ur a
young men lir. Reid ie bard to beat.
Mr, .1. 13. Audereon, of Spokone,
Washington territory, has returned
home after taking in the World's
Fair and visiting relatives In London
on hie return trip. He Is us ardent
an admirer of Uncle 85111 as over.
Notwitlisthnding his attired circunn-
stancee, "A friend iu need Is a friend
indeed" you knew.
A 13 Curr, '1' H Taylor, John Red-
mond jr., and 11 number of our other
gentlemen of leisure, have made up
their minds to 800 the sights at the
World's Fair, and Ice that purpose
aro snrrting on Friday for the White
6' City. Take mire of yonreelves boys
i In East Wawanosb there is a big ado,
For Johnny 'went and dwelt' along time
Keep Your II»CPIJ)fa•
Nearly' everybody bas experienced
the annoyance of being called siren
to pay' au account which has already
been discharged, and the half 100101-
mous manner in which the meet posi-
tive assurance of payment have been
received unless the receipt !s pro-
duced have in most eases aggrcyatcd
the offence. There are many persons
whe are not careful In keepin
remelpted bills, and it 10 a masonic
to eelarch Itgll mad low for a rccelp
that one docs not know the date o
A writer in the Journal of Commert:
says:—"Wo do not know whether
is owing to the book -keeper's trying
to trap the careless, and furgetful
atter the summer holidays or to
their own negligcucv, bet eataplaiuts
are rife that dcmends for re -payment
of numbers of discharged uccoulito
have recently beau made." There
Is 110 doubt that rimy business Innis
lose money every y'e:u' by being
called on to pay the same uccnuut
twice, and while the loss to house•
kecpere 1s not so greet, the annoy
once and suspicion aroused is still
greater. The only remedy that Intel
yet been discovered le n greater vig-
ilance in rho keeping of receipts."
Narrow Escape.
A inlraculous escape from sudden
death wee the exper:encc of 3l.•. IV.
Slrnpson, his wife and a child, or
Howick, on Saturday, while on their
way to Wiegham, by way of tl:c 6th
con, 1(t 1 ruberr ' They Phe • were m e•
J A15
Ing over the C. 1'. R. track at whet
is kuow11 as Oouunilee cn,esing,
seated in a top buggy, and al not
notice train approaching until it
n'hist led so close to them that )Ir.
Simpson had barely time to strike his
home with a whip, which gave a
bound, before the buggy Was struck
by the engine, and tltc occupants
thrown out lute the ditch together
with the top of the buggy. Most
strange to say they were uninjured,
gave a few scratches reeei001 in the
fall, The right hind wheel of Otto
buggy was hruken 011 rile 'r' at the
Inds every spoke bring smashed off
short, tllc rIglit shalt %vas broken and
the trop lead eupneof the Irene bent,
for 11'esttield couldn't get along with•
out you.
„tit r dumagco to the frig, yet
far from being beyond repah-h g
,victims adds accident tiro not
ted to the lata Arthur 8lmpsvu
was killed on the C.P.I1. crossing
'gingham, lit this case nothing
Mr, S mpsou's quickness In uaing
whip saved his own Rfo and that
la wife and chid,—Wlnjj'ball'
He asked his papa the licealse to procure,
fie orktrl Maggie, dear and she did not
With Maggie's father's horse they quick -
1 did Ilio,
Not to the 1211i but to MRlville's mance
on high,
On Maitland's oinks they hal not long
to tarry.
For the iailester quickly then) did marry.
ThenJohnny's hands in his pockets
were driven,
hl search offstawts (0 the ntit)stcrs
Now Mr, Preacher n sixpence 1 have got,
For in everyone of my pockets 1 have
8o a receipt for the seine mast bo given,
For a bargain like this roust tightly be
Then homeward they hied, just lilac two
turtle doves 1111
Fither content id with their own little 'loves.Secret they kept it. a secret no long.•r,ri .h hi h"r b 11
Por Johnny, he e tat ctt'm• u
can give you a few words of
Profitable information, We
are the Cheapest Store, 1 he
Finest in tow)
1UI'7.'lON d!!? ' ttd','S !
,will be conthna'd at our old peace of
neeines on Saturday Evening, Sept.
Hive you visited our new home,
Its quinate be n dandy when we 3010 N L THING
all our !''all Lines lu she pe fur yctu• C O
inspector. We have a represents- I
t;vc in Toronto this week picking uy
new idea's hi Dialer & 'tea ;Sets,D o you want a noby suit ?
Dress Gocds
Fall Goods have arrived
NEw t
A splendid Assortment
"EWEST shades and latest
styles of Trimmings
0 trouble to show Gods
: 1JY'rx
a G-
AND it 11100 mikes the (tools go. Cesside ing the quality of the drffelent
ranges el' Goods wu are offering it wises uomp:uatisely lite; money to
melte the Gouda go Call and sec Cie Fine Bargains and Latest 8tylce iu
new Fall and Winter Goads.
A 11AItGIAI.V 1)1t1 Ill it Bargain Drive Money holds the whip
and reiu.o, 0116 ,l see what excellent B;t•gain5 we are driving ht
Flannelettes, Regular Price :-Ie now closing out at 1Ce.
LOOK in at our samples and prices,
Everything in GENT$' FURNISHINGS.
you will save money by dealing with the
I'OI• fila 1PMk as big cuts in Prices:ClIZT E thg
A fele Childrous Carriages at about
• ! e1' JI '
half price as we aro determinist not to
carry thein over. About half n dozen
Express wagons is ell the have left um of
the large lot lye gut in the spring, out
they must no for whet ever they will
If you have any need of a nice linen or
felt Window shuffle see what we are offe:-
iu; ; we can surprise you with our prices.
IVO have a very large lot of Photo
Albums Sought away 1105011 in price, our
customers shall have the benefit as long
as they Inst.
School Books are in full demand again.
You will find our stock complete in all
kinds of school requisites,
Our Grocery & Crockery De,rartment
is still booming. We do not depend
upon offering odd lines at less than cost
to attract Customers, u1)1 then charge
them on othergoeds. T11clurge Patron-
age we are enjoying has barn built up on
fair and honest defiling, our Motto being.
"3[ouest Goods lit Hopeat Prices."
Parties having Plains, Pears, Crab
apples etc. tv offer will flail it to their ad -
ventage to sec 0e before they sell We
do nut have any Agency or singlenlnrkeo
fop disposing of our fruit, we lire o1,e1, to
sell in ally market whrreve,r we can get
the best prices. newt) the ndvuntm,e of
not being confined W the fluctuations of
of any ono market. We arc in the fruit
business ani 01113-. a.Calt alb ata us.
as R• AVX tazopazi
'1110 I'UPUL,tAIt nituEIty.
Down With Sigh Prices For
Electrio Belts.
$1.55, $2.65,1$3.70 i former prices $5, $7
$10, Qualty remain. the sate° -16 6ih -
ferent styles) dry battery and acid belts
—mild or strong current. Less than half
the price of any other company and more
home testimonials than all the rent to-
gether. Full list free. Mention tine
paper. IF. T. $APR & CO. Windsor, Oat -
A 6001) 1•:N I)GlidFli.
Alma, Sept. 11. 11. C. Ponavhey
is a volt-kmuwa merchant here, and it
men of the !lir*hest rests''tibihty. Hee
therefore, valuable. Be told your la:-
rporter a ccuple of days ego thnt Inc heel
been cured byDodd', kidney pills of the
Severn pains he suffered in his back for
three you s past . He ;mei yen pea^tical
proof el his hake( iu the eti3cacy of the
pills by reraending dant to several
friends who suffered as I:o did, and who
are now using the pills and being benefit-
ed by them, It's the same gond old
story that it always toll utter anyol-0
4 th:r ui e'tC 0 le r
And Don't, Yon Forget _ _
Iii !
The Old Reliable in full blast.
Whoa you want any
king in
Candies. Lemons
Oranges. Bananas
Very, very Cheap for
faints and Oils
Every d.ti
scriptiou an
Color of Pait,ts se
11 very large Stock
to choose frutn
Denstedt Bros.
8l.' FSE • - OZT.
The Leading . . .
. . Hardware Store
For all kinds of Fur-
naces, 1tuibho-n Hurl -
wore, S tures '1':e•raly
(Sntl'ry, Carpenters
'1 ools, et.c., anti i-wury-
thing in}larlo'tu•e Line
iiratiP MOW
110'1 A Ill
FULL 0l CESNow is aha tithe to:
prepare for tae told
weather. 1;'e can :eve:
you the best fi,otilCs olid
guarantee you au .11 job
Heal Quarters for Darb (Ind Plait} Fenc'3 Wires,
Melting for I''t:'uced and Poultry. Also a
.New Arriva] revery Week.
Cool Drinks. Ice
yf'. 11. ,1X 111t1 Dl;
is the tn:ua to go to-
.1I/11:'lt.-1 make u
Sp-'ci;jtry of my own 1lnsinees. a
II McBr. isle's
Ui Wire sand cut .,\a:ia, Spades, Shovels, lltv's, Fu•ks, and a full Line of
l0nneral Shelf !Lt UI1',l AIA',
A 1' nal Line of 'I'i: , ahro5 inns, 0!PCI' wart', Creamery and Malt 0311s
l::avttruughiug and Rooting done on •pert melee.
Nothin„ but First—(hiss Flock used.
Headquarters 1'd0 1{lit -lir bu'na000, for woo( et. coat.
i still ,fret my Stock of STOVES at a ;;rent Re.l',etlo:
![ides; Skins, Mega, Weal ; ee:leg', UAI 3Iseal, taken iu exchange oral
1tIgblest Prices Paid.
3- G,