HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1893-09-07, Page 4e. r eMiliet, P. : end peui !id p.".0 te 11 tli, s (Lest': Nor It 1.1,1•111. ;Ind e: pee 7 mei. mid 1 ell pen. '1'.Z1111:).11atZ). 'y Theretleymerning lie Mete., Mock thee - /Nies Me. I ne' I N, • 1 etoPlitheree Tretts : 1 per areMin advance. If not so Peel, e 1.50 ivi lie eliarged. Ne palter diemintinotel until all arrearagee are paid. :Advert !sing rater. Made leitoten n pi:lie:Gime • All centilittlidea Ilene mute, ;Ad dressed to the editor to lettere atten- tion. Ad vertietquents mlist reeeiyiel not later than Till/elite! nee -Rime of ettelt week to illtiltrti illaertit in and proper display. Vertisenieets emit inued tott I epithet or titemeitintelleat have Intim aiwcu. A CLOSE RELATION, CHAPTER IX. My etep tether itellSVIOr tioring mother's tedious coo valeseent-e wto, more t him exemplery. 1: neared sublimity demi- t ion awl magnanimity. H patience was te'v wee fee enlivenieg Ole mortal:oil ot the parried ohm:rater were tugs:elute* enti inexhattet•iiihe lin contrived ttainty tlelieioun meek ; fed her with Ion owe hands ; heteigist dowers end fruit* to her Nide ; reed arlotel hy the hour in the rich voice whese itoonatiens were charm against wear -men, and in every glanoe and word and %stem gave evidence of profound granted,. at her ileum to the right sell !Mit awareed len. the highen place her heart anti entente. One 'night have aneered at 1 he aniduity of t hie Recent, wooing, heel the eilect of hie policy upon the poised. been oblivious. If ehe hail loved him be. formehe eeeined now to rotor() him, drawing nnimation end vigor front hie Rhaetian vitality ; deferring to hio will in matters groat and small, with whet +truck mo some. Liens es eager servility, To her chil.lree oho wan affectionate, ap. retentive of the milling servieee we were pertnittel to offer her, mud nolicitros len our long coitfiliemeto in her room might be responeffile for the cluing° atm could not hut °Interim in our lookn. Yet, even while she remarked upon this, or talked of winter plans for the Itouneholtl, she would break tha needle uf neutence with a flesh of almoat penile plectron at the 001011 of her hunbande atop or voice, and, titer his , appearance, had eyes eerie end thought/ r for hen itlene. She rover appeared quite content entree he were by her, her head upon bi. bream, or her hand locked in hie. For whet wee elle trying to storm to lien, I vexed 'toned uselessly with the problem, us with the mosey of hie exclusion from her chanther until she Mel implored and ob. , —__—„ mined 1 hires forgiveness. She never named ! closely down behind the lulls, The scene was irreales»; the room felt etlitly wheu Wentworth began to speak : " Yoa may antietpate the teuor of my t-ommunication ; so I need not. weals thee ' in prefaeory remerks. An metiers stand, ' you must itee that a would not be ex pedi- I mit or pleasant that we should continue to live in Mapleton, Did not your mothere 1 health require a change of retedeuce, the attitude of the community with regard to !her demands it, end imperatively. We-- ehe and 1 -have therefore decided to sail for Eerope early in January, even liefore then, ahould she be strong etiough fur i he - voyage. Elsie would naturelly accompany , us. You, being of age and rostrum of . suffictent fortune, must ume your own pleas ere 44 to going ur 'Laying, Slimed you ' prefer to go, there will be no delis:silty in letting thee liouro furnished. 1f, so your . mother inolinet to believe, you should ob. , int to locum*/ one t•f the' party, ehe , mugged. that Mr. Donald Uptesn'n wieh would probebly be to buten your mar. !Mtge, I offer no advice, or even opinion, on !the aubjeet." He had not thrown away a wool. The • thlemma, so nonahalently metereao to nte, wits before me. Mapleton if late hati been dreary and inclement to our idiom fold, but it wax home, and Don WA in it. I might never speak to him einem nr toutdu his hand, hut we breethed the same air ; there were blessed whiles in which our paths moused one another, when the eight of him was vouchsafed to my weary eyes and Ebro'. prattle of him kept my heart froin stanation. Aud the aliernetive,- brutally set forth if my tormentor sweet - ell the truth, brought forth in indifference aa brutal if he were Ignorane-how wae I to what/ it from the (limonites how tweak oil' here anti now all talk of has telling what WAR never to be Mx lip. were Miff and cold ; my voice died in my throat the firsteffort to artio• Mate. " I beg your pardon," red my stemfather again, in dry civility. " How long will you Probably remain abroad ?" ile shrugged his shapely shoulders " That will depend upon heelth anti in- clination. We "hall not revisit Mapleton for several years, and met, decide to spend throe year' 00 the other Ude. Your mother remarked Otte afternoot th t if were already mareeti and settled here, end demired particularly to hero your teeter with you, ;he might be prevailed upon to leave her in your charge, petrol placed iu o. foreign Imanlingsehool, a child of that - age gets llttle good from going %broad. a That is a matter thet can he settled hoer. ! It i* coutionent, of cowrie, upon your action " and Mr. Upton's," noticed that you didu't see meth of him - lately, but I support you wrote to one %nether every day, and horeen't strange that it 'limed make pipe feel bed to meet Min jun now. I thought he 'levee may ou that anent, mei that wheu mantle cisme downstaire Don would be here ugain, - just as itscal.'' She was feeling her way, inch by inch. :The perception of this anti her glance over her elm:Oiler at the tloor gave me the idea tiled she longed te say romet h mg 1 01111.100- , tial, yet whieh tem faucieti I might not ep. prove. She must not learn to he afraid of me. We were, hereafter, to be all in all oue another. • What is it love!" I queried, " Spred* eta all that is In your wine little head.' ellie shook it soberly, end put ts heed to each temple. " It isn't wine, bra there is so much in it that it aches moinetimes eeproially since 400 told 1110 never to epeak num of whet esn't help thinking of all be new." " After this, my what you please," maid I, monenfully. " Nothing oan hurt 100. And if dill, thin dear heed inest not lie left to eche If I mei help it. It isn't good for my eaby to think of thinga the can't welk out to me." The eobernees 000 not lightened, hut nhe wise encouraged. Her yoke wet little snore than el whimper ; ehe j3laticed again at tiro BIJSINEBS DIKEUTIZI Don in lwr hilebatel's presence, or /teemed to think of him, Ocusienally etel ceroany she reikeil me if he were well and what he wa4 doinjz. I replied as if I saw Mtn daily. MEDICAL. 1 had riot spoken with him since the day he e • camo to roe her. Knowing me ea she did, awl the etrength W. J. MILNE, M. C, CM. of convietione rounded upon principle/ learned from herself, could Rho imagine C.M. University Medical College: , , fe the eveity ,eiew 'teethe tnat tne exchange of words lietween the eon Mottled etelege, mid ,Ilenther of View: of 01 the murdered woman end herself cueld Plistet,ems unit Surgisms of Ontarle, alfeet the damning fact that severed the Physician, Surgeol & &scout' our victim,' child from here ln her anxiety meat:: -thine mewl, Ono Door North of Dion roosts 1 11 oteii J N. PERDUE, Vertorinary Surgeon. tlradmito or o,,00.io vewrie,Ley liegimetai :Ammer omelet. Vetere i eery Menem A -ereett eitil;, Prom, ly ft( '1,1,41 to at all Hoorn: OFFICE --Over J. M. HAMILTON'S DOUG STORK, - 11101514. MISCELLANEOUS. S. HANOI:TON, Licennett,' Met - Let imitier, dna Valiestor, Lemi, 10.411, end Insurance Ageet. Office, µfen Strut, lily tit. tiril ors lei t '1;11 01 STA of Office will reeen • eetemitee N. H. YOUNG, -BLVD! ONT ISSGer 0( ref arelitlee LiCellSee NO Stilteeseeri LUCA TANNER C BANKERS .1 i'd) A tiAhlithtl 1111HINEr, Mooey remitted I.* draft. payable at any hank in thumbs or Cites' relates, American and eta:rang drafts ritedifei. Adwintes made en en, domed paper 00 yollititirsi hostility, tor long or short dates. Notes dissenidoil. Farmen, who require advance. ars loftiest, Notes collected moderato ellurges. Money to loan 00 rely ostato at from it to 7 no emit, Lib:rat into], vet allowed on nonost a, Money maybe with serene at pioneure. Reference 'Cue Moues:se neem. ALVA, 1,1 cA0, Una*. TaNerRi reerleAwx• MONEY TO LEND. Att.) ),:y tongue 10 large or sniab onus, inirantal norill'itY, it iowest current rai to make up to her wetitiett lord for possible thenage done his remi tie lon by dutiful ac• tpliesence in hie decree, to wit; him to fergetful nese of their joint end dinitrous blunder, had elm no thought for two lives - that acquiescenee end that blunder taut wrecked I had no one with whom to Moron the Minting problems, To no ono could I have propounded them except to the man with . whom I dared not allow myeelf to confer. lie had not promoted &pinta whet I had assured him was my ultimatum, nor lied he - called upon my mother or myself. Not that he feritiehed food for gorse) by shunning the house. In defiance of popular opinion es formulated in "Our Society Column," he - took Elate to intik or drive every fine dey. I made but nue etipitlat ion when he wrote a note to me riskiest permission "to perform this brotherly office to the child, whose languor antl erowing thinneee had excited hi, uneasinew u he wax sure they must mine." I thanked him in my reply for Itie noliettude, seri gratefully accepted the 01101 of what woulrl delight Elsie and won bring brok her lost bloont. I begged, hew- ever,that no reference should be made to the chenged relations betweee him and myself. She mut know everything before long, but 1 would not grieve her while she was so Mr from well. To carry OW, the pious, eonooal. ment, I mod to go to the tlrawing-room window to um her off, receiving Don's bow with the kiss she toned back to me as they drove or walked away. My heart ha 1 no other seetenance than Otero thence glimpaes, beyond my little enterer affections, 1 etood forlorn and al- most forgotten en the outside of the fenced garden et my mother's heart. Sinn what " our epeeist rorrespontlent " still alluded to once in a as the " lato Ivamtgrailow Problem'. HONG KONG IN A BAR VW. lo a recent artiole on the foreign -horn population of theUnited States Prof. Mayo w. Tivlar Tilks .r Omit or flte Smith point. out that by the cousim of 1 S80 , ladle ell wer Kowtow. the number of for igmborn people being in 1 Mr. W T. Taylor, a director of the Hong that coutory were 0.679,943. Duriug Kong and ehanghai Bank, was in To. elle dem& ol l• 10°0 the "umber roam the other day. Speekitig on the of immigrante to the Ihthe"""" lnilia 'km question to reporter he ema woo 5,246,013, This, essuiniog that roue that the pettple of hells lied loan nhort. of foreign birth dierl, who were there sighted when they had advocated the sou Iti I Kan or went titers between thst dete roe Reunion f ree coinage. The effect of the iseu, would make he foreign bore papule- simpleton would be that the rupee would eon at the last named period 1 1,926,5ete become scarce, and an a consequence would ;he I 1 th cenatte given the netted member of in time itivreare in value. But typreciation lid Twig. tri,4171e, rine:elle:1g len btehiee elIeen lett.? t12,del7f7mitxmind of the rupee so brought 4 WO, 99•001•1 have the same effect upon price. in India an ilie lie remounted for. In other wordeedthough „t gold had upon price" ii) there was an enormuus wave of immigration ! engtAnd. It wrold caume sower (perdition during Oedema., referred to, at the end of of Keene tt, lie afforded in exchange for it what, woultl amount to ouly half of the the rupee, which meant a further tiecluie incoming were preeent and living within prime end further cheapening of the value the borden of the United Slates. Quite uf lebor. Cryan would benefit by this, 64 pert of thie diminution la due to the return eew army), in India was establiehed upon of the iminigrente 1 their native coun Mien 4 gold basis Silver would be need in helm or them deperture elsewhere. Thee while in - only for the purpose of adomment, and 0114 1800 5411,4-11romengem arrived the United t•upee would perform the functions of a States, '230,139 poseenger deputed from the „hieing, The tmestion, however, had United Steams, and rotting the latter, beside American travellenewere a large number of ," es seine N.1,11.,01 dime who had made the experiment -if 1.)el""eetwmg ether "'he' wh" euePen* American living, and lied either manned sinti.of free coinege of,theerepee ;temente toe, themeelvea and were rettirni»g with a mm• 110"i inere"e the geld v, th"°Pe and reduce the intereat HMO, fte4 to pay England on her gold debt. Therefore taxa. tem could be reduced. The rupee being depreciated in value, the min of commodi• ties would decline, and laborer. nould only eouvert the eurplus product of their labor into a leaser queutity of imin, thus having lento give in exchange tor rodent' tuition end the imorourin or lururles they deeired. Produce being cheaper, the material for menufacture would ire cheaper, and manu- facture* would also decline, and if the theory that high price. denote proyerity hold! good the noun ought to occur when priees are lew and demneetiration of mdver IndM Ile an unmixed evil. To remove India ey $ *nuke of the pen from the number of *flyer Gemming countriee would be to throw one•fourth more silver on the markete of the world, sett reduce the price at once te :13 pence per ounce, or by depre• ending silver to that ex tent, it would make gold 34 per cent. more difficult to Manuel rousing a new decline in prices of commodi- ties meaeured in gold, of '25 per cent. liose A FINArCIAL WNW tt. Conolueing, Mr: Tsylor said; "1 he revel of the chenge the entire auspermion trade between Indio. and Chios. Just fancy a Mop of some 30 repeen in every Wee Is it not Awful? Some of the leeding mu. chant.. and hankers of Hong Kong wired to Lord Lansdowne, Governor -Genet -el Of India, asking him not, to allow the order. mice to go through, stating as a reason the ruination of the Indien Med% The reply wee in the form of a private telegram to the Governor of Hong Kong, entre him to un • dernand Oat the urdinence lied already been paned and as he feared tot likely to repeeled either." peteemy to their old homes or were eeturn• tionr, ' ing in disgust at Om failure of en expert., " I have knowo all the time what mede men) ; proving that if thereto.* been Rey mamma, ill, Why it excited her tee heee PePe exodue from Caned% there has slim been one ill the room until she cotild Bee Don and et- Irani the United Stun. plain ell about it end aek him to forgive pap% For it was R fearful thing„ meAefete„srmZehh:100g1 oeepritimuil. ltifemtlteratfirtet.11,Prilf; Sydney, that it ellotild have been given tonic, of the total numeer of immigrente, when she waa Imre it oeght not to lie." to the tinned State. sooner or biter I had needy 'silenced her peremptorily at leave it, to go to their old homes ; this, of that: The torture wan like the fall of bet mom, venni greatly with the nation - teed Lyon tem and heart. I hold back - ality, the Hungarians leading the lin, anti the putionato impulre, and let herL lie - the French mei Italians closely knowing. on. I would keep my word to ner4 But, in enter to mooned for the remainder She must not leans to fear my impotent' it is neneury to Mime 4 very considerable nws4oeodeardaynwdantioikhetdonegeuneed hAerf,t_ledreiaylli,...blyie, thie seems to he Mought out in a striking death nos rod in 0011454Ni" suede by him thinkieg anti speaking with ten tali meow manner. Take, for oxisingle, the Dinh pope- nequentee lattom The mem uf liffie gave the huh "You see 1 wee right there when it hem - born popeletiou 415 Le54,57 I. The census epteenieitteel taeleograhmitel.laudp.ctoemeee, fecierdmitomainmie, 17,000 more than the number ten years of 1890 put them et 1,871,509, that is oely celled mamma, out a ewe UPtoe'e he"' previous But in the interval there was an room to get It. I picked up the telegram Irish immigration amounting to 655,482. As efterwara from the floor where she had i the population of Ireland ia decreuing it is thrown it. It was from Dr. Barker, ead 1 improbable that any lire number ot Irish this wee whet it said: ' Letter received, ' who hive lived in the United Staten are re• pltneetetunmtelrele erli:k w. ' eel ttioilreeeeteteuiepeee:100111idttlie ttle,,,,,ntido_gi.ring 1,04 year' the Moreau of Irieh to that country, hence the fact thought noliocly else had a right to it. , eo'--rn populetlen of the United States wee Wh h d '1 he reined her li 4 to lies, than one per cent. rottenly be semen t• gather tight, You kilter how phe look' ea for on the [supposition of an etheedingly when eite is very determined. Then slie high death rate ; that is, a death rue far in at down at Mrs. Upton's deek ami, began exceas of the average of the country. An• to 611 up a telegrapleblank. t theln t, mem other explenation that, l'rof. eleymtimith o allit her, and ahe tore it up and been - given is, that as the kith are an English nether. She looked very pale and 'peeking people the census enumerators! Mous, end I was woneering what may have elanified many of them se moire hepponed to worry her, wh ea born, but otherwiee the trensplentetion For an instant fancy "lipped the leash of , a for 010 1 attended with reenter seriously detrimental resuon, end leaped forward joyously toward know there is ne mistaking the smell. , . the picture conjured up by hie lan utter- .M.romis must have noticed it too, enees, A boue end home of my awm_ Pull" uP through the hall to Mrs Upton's bedroom. I and dulled right past Ina ("LI 1"Keyitl. The Arerleaav and the Award, and to hold, and the ocean between no and 1 ran after her, -I WM ao feightelieti,-and ! , , dielealitejeAfenemtireiceeentptabpee rBee ohoenirtigitiuseeetodemetiperieT Don'm house and mins-with Elate to have the man who had robbed me of everything I euppose she forgot all abom me. Mrs. elle of worth! The cloud" opened above 'Upton wile lying on the lounge, rod wen holding a handkerehiel to her rocs I that the growling on the part of our neigh. PT, 1 IL ie very generally hollered by Croadiane my hero and let heaven's homilies" glory heti a bottle in hia other hand. Mamma ' hors is censiderable of a ahem: Our smilers through. HOW right at him, and snatched the bottle, , ere a, unit in the belief that the award ie 1 Gloom and dhat hed wrapped me do, and threw it urns tibhee leroonn,zie. ;01'dhebnegnehee , eroinn them, and it is conacquently dile- " You have taken me so entirel h our. fell on her knees by to fan Mrs. Coro, and laid, eft I never before I attempted to reply. cult for them to believe in the sincerity of poreizt,rhiaeitegI tmouesntdhwavheiatirme tf‘oldr 101:11,1040:e heerd her !We" Were' 'RY (44 141m"d1 what have you done!' Then Min Woo endured for another iestante " I will think one relining in nom the other room, and the matter over, and give you my answer 1 felt 1 ought not to stay. And the next to.merrow," thing! heard -you know the reat, Sydney '." Ile too, heti arisen. My head wee No light and the room yen " Am you with," coldly, e 1 inea, how, we rapidly aboet me that I could SUM111011 row elipulate that you do not force dee no worde. The frozen quietude deeeived meatiest of an agitating topic upon your the narrator. It wee not for nothing that mother. She ix unequal to it," the wise head had been thinking ell these eiziemhearele inreeteitihneigebillit:0101; .it,.. I eaid, in weeks. The low, steady tone reaumed the tele, when I did not reply 1 " Thet is well. I am rellevee that you "I would have told you everything thee draw her thie much ueneideratien," day, you recollect, but you said, 'tVe mute He looked out of the window, evidently never npeal: to one another again ,of t with , amid, 07,„ 10 tir ohinoo, of mo,m, han happened.' And 1 thooght breathing en air of eeihuhert between lips must underetend how you he purseil for whietling, and betook henself loved Mre. Upton se .1 was sufficiently recover. &me leeee her rod- wa" '1"ne w" !!'"' "ei wershipe 111111A. Se, leisurely to hie Infer setting -room, She of a eielden I smelled chloroform. ou 1 of f ron in the united st.tes bet,d chamber durin he . not occur to me then, nor for long to it, :or he wouldn't have elven , • LOP teeseit heeittloily Aloof e m lied „he em wad him to m k worse to see hint when sho waa PO from villege intimetes. Mrs S ileox and j Kate lied gone to a New York hotul for a i couple of months and in their esbeencecalle of friendlineu rod ceremony became fewer anti fewer. Mra. Robh had foroect her way in twice, and seen no one exeept Dr, Went- worth. At the thire vine paid after his s installation aa roma, she KAIICivilly inform e ed at the door that " all the family were engaged." It wu impolitic measure, 4 Inn what mattered that We were a meth - ed hatmehole. We had been "talkstlabout;" our private affairs had " got into the papers," The Mepleton elite hail alwaye heti stifled scruptel concerning the reception into full and regular fellourship in their order of a woman who could write "M.D." after her mime end hail woolly rectiseil her profeesion to maintein herself 3 yeunger child, It Wati aid, if "all wee ight " in her first marriage 11 xt, 11r, Salis• bury's will should have mettltel a comelier - elite and spindle eum upon his firateborn and left the, widow and baby unprovided for. H. HALE, tinder the ehiehl of Dr. Wentworth'. nem* Clieet0d. and character, hie wife could hero lived Huron Street down unpleasant rumors had she been eon. Canton, Aro. 21, tont to deport! herself se a gentlewomen throne Ity overruling her huhand's better judgment in her thirst for unfeminine pur• mete, else hod ruined. herself sod injured him. "C.A.R." lee a lively crusade against women doctors, in which helf the paper. in the country took pert. Thanks to thie agitation, the nine•days' weeder was &bat. ed for twenty•seven-end more. Poo le looked up et out hnuse in pining, an !ketch of Donelti Upton at hie mother's Five &owe North of Emile nyra grave illustrated one of aeries of neweps, VERN Sei per lettere upou "One subuthen cometriee." Throe were the eircumetaneee under Choice Tobarros alpl (Tier, In stock, which Don choose to edvertine hie oontin• ued connection with us by the only means loft to him. Ile rarely showed himself in our melees unaccompanied by KIM, She had DOI ieturned to school. Pitchout con. ate deg niy mother, I aturnmed the responsi- bility of keeping her et Itome. Mhe should not be .ontracized or Meted ey supercilious entl iniminitive classmate'. gave ep the most of the forenoon to teething her. The afternoonroliespent with Dime The evenings after her early bedtime were putted hy me in eolitutle made heavier by thoee "happier things" As Feline regained her former looks I eeir ;11) , appetite, and intermit in ex• BLYTH CAITIACE WORKS, intenee. Ss %pathetic did 1 beeome that nothing hurt inn emoh or long. There woo 11011 miinfaction in the belief that 1 heti loot ronceptibility to pain. Frain thin delusion I wets around as by earthqueke. One Novemeer afternoon, Lhtit 1 1144 bilked for A time the propriety of allowing Elsie to go welking wit h her rouse escort, anti wound my own far hos about her thrimt, I lingered at the window this:nigh which I heti watched the pedestriane until they were loat to sight at WAGG0NS, * remote turn of their route. Elsie had Ilaneed down the walk to the gate to meet Don, heving been on the lookout for him. Her arnall-face and head owned to move with difficulty in the grey Wheel from %hie!' they emu when she weved her farewell. The sparkle of eyes and while remintiell ma of a planet twinkling nut of a cloud. A fair and winsome thing was thie one peaseseion of mine, awl I was never en entirely utisfieel as to her sefe-keeping and the Americans when th.y deolere that they twe the loam in connection with the decis- ion. The Montreal Wane,* doea not think there in any deception about the American diesatistaction. Not that the case is any bettor for Caudienn than it at time appeared tobe, hut timply that the cane being had fir Canadian,. doe* not by any moan' prove it altogether good for Antericens. Whet the Americana wonted was that they thould be placed ink position to defend resale against ell pelag They did not care whether they • owners of Behring See, as owns. seal herd, or to promoters of the for the good tif the world. The , the right ef monopolizing sea , whether by lend or eau in the we • es Itehrin '/.i .0,1 1 I.., 11..,•.11.. 1 1 Our el'eutern Rea -Gate. The progress of work upon the fox tifica- Gong of Esquimalt, wider the co-operation of the Imperial and Censtlien Governments, el • gretifying evidence of the anecenful ex• ennui of Sir Charlea Tupper and General Hereon, and a front' intlieatios the rem ognition now ao generally wonted to the trotted intermits of Canada, and the Empire. Threeteficere end %men of the Marine Aral. leryarrIved from London tocommerce active tiperations and it in underetood that, follow- ing Australian and South Afrienn preeed• rots, the two Ctovernmente there in the ex• prone ot fortificatioo, while Canada bears the oust of the minium end Groat Britain the far greater expenses of nun protection and the provistem of a powerful fleet in North Pacific waters. 1 ie not so very many yeara since the rinci pal towns of Croatia were gan Mimed y Imperial troops tlio gone ol Quebee maimed by English artillerymen, and the Biel rebellitni suppressed with the aid of British red cute Aa many oo 25,0110 iti thia way maintained Brie ish Atiterlea t ie tii e. ' " *Midi . , lere lire w p fterward, that he had wend her name un- the chloroform wheo she wee not in ustitlably in the communication which he the room. I think the mann it made her 9 that ley no much rights, mud have no gronnel what, ever to exercise tiny protection lover seals beyond their own territorial Water. of three milee from coast. They ere by this hood Wall woven into the web of feet, that it, brought everything back to her, , clememn, to whielt they have agreed to sub - Anil, afterward, when she wu better, ahe mit, declared to have no poever to interfere To this hour 14m ignorant how much false• with thesulers of other nations. That the tut ober reflection iniggest4 doubts that west very sorry for him, anti sorry she would then have been balm to my wounded heti seemed angry. She ix trying to , al laid down by the Arbitration, end ad , they have to bow to it. it 44 only oominon pirit. , make up to him now, all the time, desperation of lonellnees thet en veloped and when he Welke whet he die." , decision it that meeting velment ma he sent out at any newton of the Oros tad ine ; afraid of the wild impulaen "Suffer !" Os:elation born torth nith , . year by any foreiv,n nation and mey surgiug upon one another, icy wave', bitter , impanioned energy that alarmed her. ne brine, etinging like hell. Hardly know- "Suffer 1 when he has let everybody think : 0111 'mei° eeYwhere °e the Nth 6018 ing what I did, or why, except thet the ter that she did ite-not, he ! ()tithe hypocrite' three mile" dintent from the breeding int - of the house bought with my father'. money, the double.eyed, been:less, mei hypocritel I Lads, 11 any method whatever, and the - the hottest in which Elsie had been born Arta all thie time I, like a fool--" i United States cannot rein a finger to inter. and from whith this mate my mother's hue!' I torn at my throat, where romething i fere with them except by diplomacy with bane, hut the right to thrust me into the c,tekri the words and Mangled me to ! eeti°""" der thef ilt. Thu is the street, was intolareblee I enatehed from the """""ww! , law as kid down by the Ar itration and RI hallosok a these and got myeelf trom the " Sydney !" the great /phi, e y08 wide !tempted by the Unite(' State" The position thelter of thereof that oovered him and the with horrified amazement, " irl you think i of the United States is so bad al it cen be mother who had forsaken her tiret.born, -could you, or atiyboly, believe thet our , exoept that Greet Britain iv excluded from mother had killed Don's mother? Oh, My i the list of foreign natimis which are at lib Like one pursued, 1 paced up one girder - alley and down another, unmindful that the poor dear 1 what you have heft to beer, I may to kill seals enywhere, anyhow, and at better r any time Great Britten agreed to submit the queetions of the necessity of the regults• fall of night brought with it fine, cold'raiii, said nobody to help you or tell anything until 1 IOW Eleites ehadow moving restless ly about my room, appeering upon and She wisp* iny head in her acute pat. tion of twat killing and of whet regulations ting and making it, sobbing and cooing peening from the curetting of the Illuminated , ea over something grievouely hurt. Sud• wtedows denly eh! let me go, and jumped up, face " I have been looking everywhere for you 1" she cried,when I had dragged myeelf and figure alive with excitement. up to her. " I thought you were lost. Fie ! "And that wee why you raid you 190VOT fie ! what • naughty girl to stay out of ' (maid m"" Don! Did you tell him?" The cheer to aternnese would have doors until she is wet to the akin and all , _end me a anotear um.. ft eetmoly the curl out of her pretty hair ! Oh, I hid "'"" , , , , , , , , L „, ,„ e, the loaliat walk 1 si, down, and re „eii , cowrie mde mistime. 'eteLtnesemei slieyeree, you all about it" ! been /to mastroue seem now ou pa • Khe polled off my wet multiage, um 1 excumble. ru- -' " Don't blame me, Elite 1" I pleaded, my damp cheeks with her warm heeds and, ' humbly. "Min Wen told me how it heel pulling me into it chair, perched herself ' happenth, end everything helped me to be. upon my knee. Her eyes "hen° ; dimple. hove her. I have been very, very un• danced about her mouth. How much good , h, npy r, Don had done her 1 God bless him I oh, Srhe compressed her lips, earthed accost God bleu him ! for the most loyal frith& ' the floor end put out her hand to the bell - the moat gallant chempion, opprened inno. , canoe ever frond, knob, ermined the motion, and turned to me. I rought my darling to my heart, and , " Mee, I have your phaeton, Sydney ! kneed her over end over. Ihed to tell her, sometime, It mule no longer be kept, now . to.night, or I couldn't sleep r, wink. He • and may Jelin drive me ? I mud lee Doe that we were going sway f never. For this I mustn't be left to believe the. oue menus wav the resolution 1 hut taken in my rent. lame, leu tramp in the dripping shrubbery. , My j " Do what you please, dear," mother did not MO What baCtattle Of muter - I wee crying outright now, with the soft of ea, us long as her Minuted emompamed her, but for all that, 1 altundlince of a spring shower. Rocks and we "814 t° .0° w'th i ice were gone ; there were the awakening her. There wall nothing else to do. melees. of life and the teeming of growth under the tion would stir up further wended comprom- i warmed watera She did not ring, and my Ming her, and we had no other protector, tear. melted her sternness. She came over -Elsie end I. My heart bled slow tines 1 j.,,, me, and agree took my head into her as I 'summoned strength to say what would 1 ,,,,b,,ece, . bring beck the old, unchiltilike worry to , "I didn't mean to he unkind, Sydney, tbe sleet Moe, she piteous anxiety te her 1 1 was just thMicing of Don, and how he MIL Yet, ii 1 let Pew °lie 'TP1'11'1114. • didn't get coinfort when he needed it mon, Ithe Wentworth might consider it oblige. 1 end how he lova you, and all that. Doe't tory upon him to breek to her the new" of ' you "typos° I understand why he ia so our banishment, and her melees queationing . ; nod to me 1 Just because I am your sister, would preeipitste the rest of the revelation.. Ile ia very lonely, Sydney." I began in assumed carelessness winding i / bad no awn. and burnithing upon my finger a stray tresa - e if y 0 u hee ean him in his home, a 1 of her heir, which was the color of a chest- l ho,,,,,, -alone and ead,--mineing his mother nut fully grown and ripened iu the sun- ' everywhere, and with your picture -the thine. one taken in your grayeentesilver luncheon• I wee afraid of mynelf ; afraid of the t"emiert emt dreeath"Y "P"' a"YwaY. The consequence of this J. T. HUCKSTEP, HAIR DRESSING - -0,4, SHAVING PARLOR J. H. CHELLEW _ EliDERTHER EMBALMER. 111,..111/1E AN11 (11111101. (Not m me Mott) No. 7 Quettifitleot Eo 1 3 *i I d t I an SINES. GEN Kli A 1. MACK SMITHS -eel:- CARRIAGE i3UILDERS Are now In a beii, Ilian 0,11 (0 once hi he want, their tottitetons C116101111.1 S. Ot every eletemome kept 00 (111.1111 and inane - factored to el , Mow tocavity 1pt by Wm, Cris; l'imstAtal 011 11.11111. (101110-50.110 1 4 '.1.14,11.111y. 1;01114.ar110/1 per- nteed. MLAT,EN A. SI N g, • IlLY1 If, oN'r NERVE r , BEANS =se a Norruue ley tieur:work,.01 nee cram or er• her dletrene when the truth shrold un• ; tee or Ullud mod tightness my throat, at the anticipation of Vt,‘11"4 ied. A hard pain united my heart, end meteor se happiness es when the was thus aocompan• As Remedy rxe easel or plant the mot °Mega eases whet 111 other founts., to en. at W40 singular that she rto sum /sum sr sato e. 2,eld realised so long utterly unsespioioue of ‘4. gill?' AMA .D -inure Out involved much to her and much oLiteisemeet. media- more to me whom she ardently loved. . . ni II tcii, Druggist, Illy th " hele your Pardee." seld *ten-let/1' or's voice at ray elbow. He veiled alight. ly and not agreeably st iny titan; there was exaggeraterl reepect in the inclieation of his Neu a ahem, Women. An tenors head before me, -born, end esteem. The denghtem of Sir .1 ellen Parecefote, few,, 104 by eon. than by him, true tO their eiglish education, are great yolf " Can you spare me a few minutes!" he An File Mo., sehoolmem hes just Inquired, oeremoniouely. • %Ittihad plowia twenty•five gores of land I had uothing to do, end nobody knew With a thresh° ie team in off hours. this better than he. I sat down, end waited for him to begiu. Qum Victorei ham a fine collection of Ours wem elegaot parlors, and they wad to caricature" from aW the comic' papers of he molly home -like, The arrangement of the Nat half century, truing Alweri Mimed the furniture was not &Berea, yet u 1 00 heat thinge to be sent lo her without re. sleeved lenient around me the Mid th sord so parties look of a body nut of which the npirit had fled, Chairs and sou were metier for my knowledee thit they heel notion lot in for days ; the walls were dean loom= It bad been mo long since they threw back merry nweitle. The envelopment 01 the Imo induetry in It might have been an meettlentel choice has hese a gre,g, [sams 1,0 the of matte:nu; that brought ler. Weetworther I people, be embroelery slew; hook to the light while I Mead the wieldows demon h n rinpleyed, and 1,08:1,000 lookiag down the "treat, The row elms !els were nut last year to massed along the vine were like clumps of the Ameriee dun mist, ea Ana and thick was the beim A trittning 'teacItee laundry wer women in England work of netted twigs. The highway Au dmriet, Middling met h r era uf black wish wet, and fitful passions of wind' Paul le housekeeping. horses end carried hurrying flooks of dead leavea before . thetn. Tho aloud. wore not heavy, but the oars of poultry, hobbles continuous certain, &ad drawn ""mkt,,, eme, rtaw pedestrians One of the pterents which Mrs, folend Stanford's father gave her upon her wedding tilsy wm . large impel), of shoo. All • thtough her girlhood elm had hought IhORI In preference (a lion -16, no. or 01•10es, 11 officer, are able to take care !if local de. mice% and byelaw coustitrite an Imperial force ander the orders of the (Menet corm manderen.chief should dormer of war neceseitate mobilization. The only military otetiou now manned by purely Engin!' tree's' is Helder, with ite garrison of 1,500 mem But various events have occurred to make fortifications at Elquimalt-as the best defensive point on the coast-neoessary. So long as Vancouver end Victoria were small places, teolateti from the rest of the Dominion, their defence against Ole Retinae guns at not very diatent Vlatlivostoek could be left to the British fleet. Now, how ever, the creation of the Canadian Nettie hailwey hes male these towns important oommerelet centres. Over the great reil• way rushes a rapidly growing commerce, while from the memgetes of British Colutehie Mem Canadian neither' to Chime Jepen, Australis end tho einem world. ln the coal beds rd Nensimo lies the beat materiel Ripon the entire Pudic Croat for the fuel of British warehips and Canadian neerners. The beautiful climate and grovring oolony of British Columbia ie little more then two week's journey from Loudon, while the great Wrote' of the out demand protere non and the visuritnee of substantial eat were necessary to the Arbitratioe. 1he I when required. decision of the Arbitration le that it le roe. No better place for the fortifications could emery to atop seal killing within sixty have been found than Eequenelt. The mile' of the Pribyloff Wands, and practie- harbor in one of the most bromine eitua. ally anywhere on the high aeu between Mona upon .. lovely roast and hold' in coin - May first and Auguot first, to stop num- mane the mouth.weetern extremity of Van. ere meeting, and to prevent the use of rifles waver Ialend. thee possessing the key to or firearms except shot guns Throe regu- le* magnifica, harbor ad intend st, upon lateen Great Britain and the United Stoma which the City of Vancouver ia built. will enrol, as laws and will enforee eseli for itaelf upon it, own subjects. Whether these regulationn will proem,' profitable sealing The Alpo e crop. under the Brains flur is rocertain. Certain- Leta mell advice" from England report ly they will greatly check it end will handl- the apple crop of the United Kingdom very caplet Brinier and American sealers. But promising, the proepects foresheclowing a other meting are not bound by these regte very touch larger yield then ham been ex-- 154ms, and the Untted St...trines:isnot intimi. perienced for grow yeare put, with quality date smaller notions like ,Iacen or threaten uf fruit also superior, The crop being in a to quarrel with greeter nations like Gen much more forwent condition than of late many end Frenee over tbe queseon of the years English entliorittee write to the effect law, for the law in now laid down and *he that it is expeoted to be marketed earlier hoe accepted it, that ell nations have the then moue and that aupplien from Canada legal right to kill and take meals anywhere will not have to compete with the great on the high sem America» and Gaudin, bulk of the English yield. The& cermet sealer') have only got to manner their re- have reference to our early fall appleswhich gilder, to Nome miller foreign nation, ,Ispan mimed such a glut 111 the English marketa China, France, (earnestly, Spain, or Holland, Mat year, long before the winter meek was anti fly the flags of tho.n nation., to do all ready for export, and tont down prices to a the killing they like. The United Mame Mo4t unprofitable basin from which the is pledged to non•interference by Muting markets on the other side did not fully re- committed herself beforehand to wept the cover for a long time. Aecording to the decision of the Arbitretion as to the law. beet &deices there will be a good demand at It la plain enough, therefore, why the fairly rentunerative price. forgooi to choice United Stetes i4 not satestied with the Canedimi end United States winter fruit. result ef the Arihitration, though Ceases it But on thie point it, may la gated that iii em satisfied with it. Even the seal. have this (London) district, and north through little oxen to congratulate themselves upon Huron and Bruce and Perth, and troth to Like Erie the winter apple crop is a failure, the award. s . ---- and whetever prices are will make but A Kook en Manitoba, little difference to this part of Ontario. After the terribly trenchant literary im. The Trade Bulletin on this question says prosaicism of a flying visit to Manitoba one weleknown English firm write. from which have lately made' the intend*/ eini. Liverpor:1 under date of July 29th as fol. grant prose, e. record of experiences in that lure :- 'As regards the superior qualities lone lend of illimitable expectation, entiel. of American end the winter neck of Can• ed "Sunny, Manitobe : Its l'ooples and its adieu, we do not hesitate to roped • good dean -something that surprised end shock'. gown -on Lie table, side by elite with hers, Induatries, ' by Alfred 0, Legge ef. Feeler demand." The lime teemed takes excel). If ed me,"-quiekening speech as the tamale. end sighing *4 he looks at them, you'd feel Unwell, is st least weleome es • relief. tion to this in view of the disastrous rattler bered shadow nolo Into piece. „ Doctor just as I do, only mere, don't you know, The *ether, if not aroolutely dieintereuted to Canadian shipper, lest meson, who were says mamma must go abroad, She mity not , ,S,,,Y041naele," with a tremendotte muster of be hie confident views linos hla visit to the led to pay ridiculthely high pricea, thrrogh come back for a long time." . ten% you let ine order the culony was to his two sons settled on prairie the encouraging prediettion of their lenglieh She laid her army about my neck end her clone carriage -it's raining, you eee-and fume, la no vieionary enthusiast or %dyer. correspondents Ou thin aroma Alone re- fac,m wiririmy sholi,dcf,erii, d ,,, . 1 a tieing agent, bet a keen, practical man of omen' on the other aide should have some go with me, Ode minute, to see him 1" awed tone. out of danger now, and the chenge will prob. - The new Biahop of Moosonee, who ought the eeledeuial and self-secrifire which are to that of 1892, which financially rattled " Oh, yes, I think so, little one, She Is ably restore her entirely." to know something about Huilsoree Bey sa involved in mutant hard work anti eon. quite a number of operators. Of mane it gist, ,„„,,,ilent, 1 hared shs was weep. he Ime lived on Re ohms for roma time;hem tient isolation, the leeks snd uncertainties may be argued irons the stanipoint of Eng- ing, and when she yoke the cheerful tone little faith in the Nucleon's Bay rnilway of cultivating a new soil and getting the lint ormenteeion houses that their object is took me by eurprese 1 project, Acoording to cjiteip Newnhem, produee to market, the dress -inns of living to solicit all the oonsignments they can, and . I can't leave you, you know, sisMr. tee people of York Factoly tlistriot look far from any oivilixed sonny, the long that in any event they are on the right side You can't do without me "ince our great wen the soheme for the most pert u a joke. periods when sunny is exchanged for ioy, as they ore lure of their commiseione etc. trouble ohnie. And you ought not to love "A o one thinks" lie further says, "that it end labor is welting for ita fruits The one let the market go ep or down, tett time i Don. He never needed you half go badly is perionely proposed to run araithey to the simple lumen to be learo from these use. one eet of shippers drop out another wil before. You are hal and evidently trustworthy page* is that alrop in; am the crop hal to be handled any all he has. So I've been; Bay. There is no hope of tiny settlement thinking *het you hod heteer Marry him d an any trade bribing from it, and es for a all depewle on the finite'. of the emigrant way. Nevertheleas ()mauler* the ten orid wis three will go Ott living here, Or, wheat line to Europe,that seems to be quite who out. in hie Int with 4 colony of pio- merciful peppering which Unitett Seams i rt neeree Youth, energy, daterreination, • and Canadian ahippers receive l last season, (To 11r. CONTINVE11,) business who takes stock of all he seen, counderation for exporter' on thie aide, end sums up reenter in figures. He is far and should !rentals gooddeal before lead - Think Its a Joke. from blinking the hardship" of a udder, ing them into reineue competitioin /limiter A needle pierced my soul with each naive Pended on for tyre months ht the Yew. from, eapadity to spurn delight, and 10 he i ode, English house. ehould be very careful be. i ' I . T , tent. of tonal intercourse -all throe fore again encouraging buyer. on this Ude would you eo to Don • louse . sentence. 1 Gould not temporize longer. say, the middle of July to the middle of Pee' "Elite l listen to me. Meybe 1 ought September, and thia ia too early to move qualifleation. are indispensable, not only to to tiuplicate last year's' dieestroun compete. to hero told you before, but I dreaded to out a crop from the Northwest, which wee lumen in such a venture, but to enduring tton, which flung everything into the lap of proapect of far.off reward. It is growers, and left nothing for the men upon undeceive you. Don and I will never be necessarily hero to be gored until the fol- it 10 the not 1 venture for blese cyuies who are sick weom devolved all the trouble and ens iety married, Don't sak me wile And don't lowing year. When they cense into the mithe it harder for me than it is now. And Bey in the Iludeon's lily CemPeee'n thip of the artificial pursuit of old world soon- in moving the crop out of the coentry. don't let the; make you unhappy if you min in the Muer part of July, 1891, the strait' ties, but for yeller men of unspoilt rod She did not or out, or tremble • only sat niters! days at is. time they were uneble to anti fresh feelings, who prefer en out.ofoloor newspapers. The " copy ' iii given to en '11 h' kl t I I r unteinted life, o vigoroue tempeiament bolt upright, eyes shining out of a clear make any headway. Tee Hudson'. Bay end open -sir existence to all the pleasures expert petiolate who writes it out neatly. taco from which every drop of blood had Connally sends in two ships every year, one of civilized sonnies rod crowded Mlles.- pi* eefmee erode. a„, then arronood rotreated. For forint)" two minutes the to York and the other to Moon. They 'London Daily Telegraph. 111 Ade ol'Iti. end lithography mu! 111,i elp Types ere not used in printing l'ereian We. tierloelly Pt il then I,e 61.1,/!, 110111a. ',11111:111) Ando art soott as t the copies ono e a um arouod to rest ii n mine they diecharge their freight and take on Dunne a recent performance of Carmen Her mind was made up. erw eocent, ,,, their testis tef furs they put oat to sea again Another Walking Tour. at Haw, t e mem re 0 t e ors ears, resoluta. When . the midget " looked and without Ion of time, making one trip each Visitor : " What name are you going to having a grievance with a newipappointed give the baby 0" epoke in that fashion, flee and miter could Per year." It would be • grand thing for oonductor, orgenisee a generel etrike end not stay her. all the wen if the Bey could be used asi a Mother: " I don't know 1 I have been laid down their inetruments, After sone . I mun ask you Sydney I Don loves highway of commerce, hut, unfortunate y, trying to decide ell dey which of the many delay a pianoforte wu brought forward, y that it would.be wiokel not to marry nature Nome to have rowne mon or i • moot mumble. its father beetowed on it last night would be and the 1 t act of the opera Wee given le Why, Dieter! he haa nobody but im. dingly on the undertaking. with pian mpaniment only. - -• - .'e! mother is dead Bushmen and negroes pause a mere It waa the vogue et one time in Venice Nat metith worked. but lea would set progdnant and naniew chest than the te gild the rolls of thud and the oysters on .1 bile a yellow board tittraote 1 'girt ia until her myna woe add. •I'v tan% whew chain broader altd Uttar. 1 kij to, eid white he: ; 1 Th el 4„ dee, a rad or black one beside it will Le t 'upper ta s a 0 min es wore pidepay dry.. Dew hu preference for some colons. It you that belong" to him, now that his w g . 2.REAT SuUTEI A.TGRICAN EINE TONIC AND Stoma,ch*#)Liver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery of the Last One Hunctred Yea It h Pleasant to the Taste as tliiiStiCitr;oetar. , It is Safo and Harmless as the Purest This wontleerel Nene ne Tenic loot elite reeently been introdeeed into tide re hy the pi-omietors mime reel 'leers er the Great i ne Tonle, mid yet, its greet: tidos- ns euratitth Vent line IM1,4 1,11,11 ily ft feW Or 1 11 Most learned who have hrougla its merits sad value to tlio l.now lodge uf the gvemml litedielne he completely solv, the problem nt' the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, mid diseases of die general nervous system, It IN also of the greatest vnhit. in the cure of id] forms el' failing health from , whatever comic, 11 performs this by the great minim; tonic noontime which it, 101S00800;, 111111 its great curatives powcra upon the digestive ;mg/ins, the stomach, the liver and the bowels, No remedy compares wltli this woitiltin'illly valuable Nervine Tonic tur ft !milder :aid strength - mer of the forties of the human dimly, end ne n eeent rellOWor Or a broken-down colietilitl ion It is also or more real permanent value in the treatment ond cure of diseases of the lungs ilsan any cousteoption, ''"'11;.1k,' ever geed on this colitinetit. It is a marveli ettrei for nerv- oninsom of tetriales 011 ngt.e. wilt) are approaching the (Titled period known as ehango in lilts should not fail to use this great Nervine Tonic, ;Limbs: lionstanily, air the space 111* 15VII or three years. It will carry iserely over Om &over. 'Phiti greet strengthener and cura- tive ii; value to the agol and infirm, I sa'ause its great energizing proper( is; will uive them a thiw hold on 11 ro., It will add ten 1,,,r I I, 1, t"11''.1 year. 00 III\ vea yolirs 1,4 1)11, of' tuau,y et' those wise will Utic it half dozeia 'IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Nervom Prostration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous I:hills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Chokiug, Ilot Flashes, Palpitation of the Ikons Mental Despimilemy, Sleeplessness, St. Vitue' Donee, Nervousness of Females, NertlillSneSS of 001 Ago, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, ' Broken Constit 11 tell, Debility )1* Olil Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Heartburn nnil Sour Stomach, Weight and Tanderuoss in Stomach, LorasinettisnrgA, ppetile, icegeki :(1,21»11.11 fahleidEars Fright fill 1.1reeitie, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils find Carbuncles, Sek4erro°fruulliaiUs Swellings and Uleere, Consumption of the Isure;s, Catarrh of the Bronchitis anti Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, ['tannic Diarrhea, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Ali these and m8alilimymot0hrelr'°eniniPrtliniliiTiiitrit0ar t.1.1111trizsli 1:11:y this wonderful NerViUD NERVOUS DISEASES, .A4 cure for ever,v class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy lian been able to compare with the Nervine Tunis., which hi very pleasant and harruless in all its eilisits upon the youngest eltild or the oldest and most delicate individual, Nino tenths of all the Rill -Immo to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustiim and impaired tilges. When there ia an iuntifticieet supply tf nerve food in flic blood, ft general state of debility of the brain, spinal 111:11The,', 111111 nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like btarved miseles, lasamie strong ti hen the right kind id co Yi io supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear Rs tlic nerves recover. As the nervotia system must supply all the power by which the vd al forces of the lusty aro (silks! nn, it la tho first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not cots- tfin„a, Sufficient VIII" kind or nutriment. neetissnry to repair lie wear our present v itg anti labor imposes 111)011 the nerves. For this reason it ;weenies neeessary that a nerve food he aupplied. Tide South A mericab Nervine bus been found by analysis to contain the essential elements dut of which nerve tissee fornied. This Recounts for its universal d'aptability to tho cure of all forms ot' nervoua de- rangement. cestereeseetts, NO., Aug. 20, IC To the Great Soma 4 worleito Medicine DWI 1.11101.0:-1 desire to any to you that 1 hare Huffered for maay rum with 6 very aerlotie dimmer of the stomach alai nerves I t Red every tat,,Ilelee I could hear et but nothliur dolle 1110 any Appreciable meet until I 11114 0,11.1111111 111 try your lireat Nouth American Nervine Tonic tool Sloinneh aml Liver Cur, und ..,111re 1111110( llooi.1,11 1001110 0.1 II I must ooy that I 401 1.111, •,1.101,11 utile wonderful ImIto, 11/ I'M, 110. 010111- 11111 011k1 general Iter,,,u, eveleut II everrone kiteW Ihe value of tido rruiedy 0, 1 do., ou timl. uble itunply I he .1.11100/1. 2. ^ 11( , Pluel,tom,.ry Co. lireltrrA WILeiNAm, of Brotrolvalley, eilye : I had beim le a distressed condition ter three years from NerrOnenerdl, WellaUelia (if ths titomaeli, Dyinsiesin, and ludigertIon, until 107 health wno lone. 1 had t09'11 duelor100 rot, stoutly, ulth No offer. 1 loonght one lattile of 1,,,uth American Nor, Ine, whielt dohe lini name good than 11.11y :111 worth tlf doeltolutt I et er did in Illy life. I Itoold 0,1vIbr every weohly nen. 0,0 (0 101.1 v,11,tithle find 1.11,1Iy re011111S 1 14 few 1m111co it b 0111,1 fon completely. 1 eonsider It the ittedlelaa la Ma weed.", A SWURN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' UANtA We CHOREA.. cltawssoinsiotru, ISO., .1 tine 22, Bat, My daughier, elevot years old, was severely afflicted with 141, Vitus' Dance ChOrP11. PAW.' her 1 0 rm. and one-half bottles er 1.4011 11 American Tier - Aim and she is completely renterv,l, believe 11 will ..n,e every ease of st. Vitus' native. I have kept it in my family mr two yenne and tun sure it hi the greatest remedy in the world for NW emit») And Dymn.psla, anti for all forms of Nervous Disonlers und kailiug 1 eidth, from milt t(t,-ivie; ypesztensm Slate of Indiana, Montgomery Counfy,} 00' Iduhrieribed and sworn to before ine fhls June '22, 147, Cutsis. W. Wiled's', Notary Pliblits INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA, The Great South Amerman Nervine To& Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely tinm ',dug rritissly ever discovered for ths mire of Indigestion, Dyripepsia, inol the last toaln syinptenas and horrore wide!) are the result of disease unit tlehility the human stoMaele No person ettt3 althea! to peel Ity title jewel of ineats culable U2 4V110 is afTeeteil by disease of the stomach, because the %- perience and testimony' of many go to prove that this is the list; and ONLY 05R great C1100 in the world for this universal destroyer. is no ease of unmalignant disease of fhe stomach which can resist tLe woederful curative powers of the South American Nen ine flower S. of Wayselown, I erl,, arty, ELLA A IlnerrOx. 01 Nen, linmintllahl .` I owe my 11/0 to the llrent South American .oy., 1.1 ,,„„t mod) ow,14, NervIlie. I had fien In led for five months front „, 1,, ,,, „,„ „h„t the effects ol an ex hatelte,1 sunneett. Iniligexth•n, '"",''' " '"' ' "''' "''' — N1111/111111 Prostration. and general ithatIcrell ered, ‘11,Pel.10 Knne, u,, nnti C0000100 nt whet. totem, 1110 given up up Wool); 0111 Rum 10 41,, first ,tngra all hopes of getting had tried Mire dor- ol comminption, an ittlairltatwe handed divert tors, with ito redid, The 11041 hollle Nee,. through several griWra11,106 I began taking hie Toole Improved mese nest that I wan able to the Nerviiie Tonle, 0101 ,..1111Inued Its oft, fin walk about, and a few 11,1111th enrol me .1,11rely. about 010 monthe, otol 4110 onlirelY rure.l. I believe It Is the Iwst me,11,.Ine la, the world, to tn. era mart mmisly for nerves, /(1101111'11 ran not reromlnentl It tuo 1 lunge I have cver web.' Nu remedy coniparre will, 14'111011 A WrfirrArr NRellire na a mire for he Serves. No remedy row, pared with. 8ontli American Nervine ae witudroint ctire eir Stothoeh, No remedy will at Ltli contour° South American heryine an ..11r1, Mr ell forme' foiling health, It never falls to nee Indigestion nal Pystwmtla. 11 never lnilit to run, l'horva S). I'lltte' :Pore IP, powers • build up the whole itystein aN wonderful in hi, exinitne. It ettres the 01,1, I he ytoing, nod the mot dle aged. 1114 a great friend to the atte,1 00,1 1.)o not neglert two thin itreeltant boon; yoU do, ynt: may wider! 100 only renwdy sin 1.11111400 y0,1 (11 10.11111, 80111 0 Amerleau Nerviee Is perfectly nfr, (01 very phi/hood to the tome, iantraie hone., di, not Nil to une thh, great tore, hive nee II n !rid blown frroltnesa 114,1 twain), oilr and In your elteekti, and quickly drive it way .1'011, i11/.111/111(11,1 u101 Wellk111,0o, Large 16 ounce Bottle, $1.00, 9OTTLE WARRANTED. .1 M. 1114,111UfoN, elladenale end Retail Agent for Illyth. , • APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDPUFF GUARANTEED - 10. L. CATKIN. '1.9191/1.4., TraTelnnt homily., Ago,t.r 1' It up, /.1111•1•10110410 4 0,110 1.r,...wer of 11.1. Oriitt -Its settun to sar..110121,- I n my 000 1010 4 tow appoott000 NI Day thotougtoti 06.04 wood. tuba Mer1111011SUP11 nut 110,1w.4 Mimi of 14o UV, 0101e Itauft sod pliable us) Ws vt041. L. too. itoori ••••• ••.-=" " • • %IVO tt Rutores Fading halr leas odolnol color. Mops Isirog of We, Keeps the Seelp ekes rens hair sett and Pik* Promotes Growth. THE RTPANS TABULES regulate the stomach, liver and bowels, purity the blood, are pleasant to take, Safe and always effectual, A reliable remedy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhcea, Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disordered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, 'emote Complaints, Pout Breath, IleaCsaclie, Ileartbura, aundice, Kidney Complaints, Liver Troubles, Loss of Airetite, Nausea, Nettle Rash, ples, Rush of Blood to Lxion, Salt Rheum, ick Headache, Skin ach, Tired Fee irsg, Water Brash and every ',as., Ord resl:Its frnm t a I Depression, Painful Digestion,Piro- the Head, Sallow Com - Scald Head, Scrofula, Diseases, Sour Stora - Torpid Liver, Ulcers, other symptom or &i- mpure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over -eating are benefited by takitig one tabule after each I, A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure fo: 'ahstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be infurious to the most delicate. 1 gross $2, ;; gross $1.35, gloss 75ca 1-24 grOS8 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid. Address THE }MANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, New York.