HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1893-09-07, Page 3DRESS G00 S Our Stock this Season surpasses anything we have .ever shown before. The newest makes and Colorings, ,giving you a dress length that no one else will have one like it Dress Trimmings are as fashionable as ever. lour Tress 'Goods and Trimmingsmatch. Some months ago we gav,:, an Import order for a line of Lady's German itiiade Mantles tor Fall and Winter, which we expect in shortly. We will show yQu th9 Finest Fitting Mantles pi •�' t- the Market at MGderaty Prices. . Our General Stock is Large • Attractive and will compare favorably with any in this business. 11 I NOTICE The Highest Price in Cash for any Quantity of Tub Butter and Eggs Dresse.I or Plain always in Stock. IF you are going to build it will pay you to call and get Plices I(,: our building Lumber • 'Implement Repairing done on Short notice and in • • First -Class Style SASE & DOORS Cheap, r OUR Sh )p is we'1 equipped tor all kinds of work in the V abJye line and you will find it will pay you to pat- ronize u:,, EiSfBF✓J 66 7 t FIG1'b ' S CfL OFFICE and WORKS JUST E9ST OF G.T. R. TRACKS, DINISLE? ST,, BLYTH, FALL FAIRS. Morris, at 131y'th, Oct. 10.11. East Wawanosh,Belgrave, Sept 28 29. Dungannon at Dungannon, Oct. 12-13 Eist Hirun lit Bassists Oct. -6. \Vingletnt at Wingham, Sept 23-27. Centre Huron at Clinton, Sept 26.27 Great Northwestern at U' oaerich , Sept. 20-22. Western at London, Sept, 14-21. Toronto Industrial, Sept '.-16. Central at Guelph, Sept. 19 2.1. North Oxford at Woodstock, Sept. 26-27 Moruiugton and Ellice at Milverton, Sept., 26.27, Ai hermit at Mitchell, Sept. 26-27. North Perth at Stratford, Sept 28.29 Neth Waterloo at Berlin, Sept. 26.28 \Vest Wellington at Harrison, Sept. 27.23. North 131,ees tinton, fort nom, Yd'211. IlensaU Oct. 7-8. , h:uglish Spove, Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ish,+ from horses, Blood Spavin, Cults Splints, Ring Bona, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen 'Throat Coughs etc. Save $50 by use of on bottle. Warranted by J. M. Hamilton VIGOR OF MEN Eatfly, Quickly, Psr isuently Restored. Rheumatim'(lured in a Day. -With Auieriean Rtteuntatu cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia J'adteatL: cute: in 1 to 8 dors. its action upon the system is re, arkable and mysterious. It re - 111)V03 at 0000 the etladd 11,,1 the disease imutadiatrly disappears. The first dues greatly benefits. 7a cents. Warranted by J. M. Hamiltgn. BLYTH MARKETS. Fall Wheat $ 57.1 60 Spring Wheat . 67 W flow per 10) 1 75 1 75 Barley 85 45 Peas . 54 50 Oats 82 81 Pork , 800 8 25 Eggs, per Doz. (Cash) 0 10 Begs " " (Trade) . 10 11 Butter'in rolls, per lb. . 17 18 Butter in tubs . , 17 18 Lard per lb. 15 15 Chickens per pair 25 25 Deese 05 05 Turkey's 8 9 'Dttaxa 03 07 Bides per tb, 011 (14 Potatoes perbueh. • 50 50 Hay per ton • 500 600 \Vood per cord 1 50 2 00 Wool per 11, 15 21 i. "Backache the scavengers ' means the kid- of the system, nays are In "Delay la I trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg. I' Kidney Pills glue tested kidney : f prompt relief." treueles result ly "/6 per cent.. in Bad Blood, + of diceaso Ia Dyspepsia, Liver 4) first caused by Complaint, and ;; disordered hid- the most dan- s haysgerous of ad, "MIgfhsswell 'rights Disease, by to have a Diabetes and ( healthy city Dropsy." 1. without sewer• "The above a g as good diseases Oannot smith when the exist where k,dneya are Dodd's Kidney Owed, they are Pills are used.' Sold by all dealers e • sent by mail on receipt ( of price so cents. per box or sit for ta.sa Pr. L. A. Amid & ed. Toronto, , Write foo i book called Kidney Talk. Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, and sit the train of evils four early erre s ur later excesses, the results of overwork, sick• mess, worry, etc. Full strength, development .and tont given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods, lime• diets improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. hook, explanation and proofs mailed (scaled) free. ERIE MEDICAL C01, Buffalo, N.Y. A SPLENDID Assortment TRUNKS 1 -AND- - VALISE S ! PRIZE LIST Class i3 -Roots. Half bushel Rose potatoes, 1st by J. Philips, neck -yoke Half bushel Elephant potatoes, donation by It. R Douglass ttec'k-y oke, potatoes t0 be donators Best half bushel potatoes any other kind, donation by A. McNally, potatoes to he donators Collection of potatoes, peek of each kind not less than 5 verities, donation by Frank Macs) ,, potatoes to be his Six field earrute.. Six garden red carrots .. Six Swede turnips Collection garden produce Six beets Six mangold wortzols ,. .. Two pumpkins .. Two squashes •. Peck red onions •: •. Peck yellow onions - •• Peak silver skin onions .. .. .. Peek potato o010nr .. 1,'' .. Peck wllite field benne •, Six eau's cern .. •. .. Three citrons • Three watermelons Two heads cabbage Drumhead Two heads of Red PCekeling . • Two heads of any other kind Two heads cuuliflower just opened out Carter & McKenzie's at right Prices, don't 011110 see theta They are all new Styles made 111 the largest and best Trunk and Valise factory In Canada. ▪ We are in a position to turn out - Double . & Single HARNESS - Second to none in the County. Our steadily increasing trade shows that the public appreciate our work. We are using the very best stock We can obtain and are bringing up our work above the stti n lewd. Our line of Sweat 'Pads are excellent and Cheaper than over. Our Dusters are the finest line ever offered in Blyth. ' A full line of everything usually kept in a first-class strop. Remember the place. TERRORS OF Y NG AND OLD Ornate -Weakeeae. Fat g Memory, rack of • Yberly, Voile& pecayf '}yo*tivrty cared by :111leito i Indliler. Ale Ferrous Debility, burr. pow of M 6t,1.8µ.! Ambltloa, bl ueosi Moreln�,. l leant, 1.010 of Power 1•alm In the Rark, Niebt ynlMlon. 9,i01 in tfrll,e, Sleep- InM8111,version to Sod' ty, MadelYa Ostia - cote. do, *oldies 8'co .t damp f,,r 1.0811,1, ` 1E U 1118 OuCuisnd Pharmacist, , Ns 'once Sr, Toronto, Ont. R7=t74"/Iat 1\''I,ddd's Kidney Pills s wvvtw�w ww w ewe . ' Cure Backache, Dropsy, i Lumbago, Bright's Dis, ease, Rheumatism and all - other forms of Kidney 0 Troubles, we are backed o' by Cie iestimofly of ail v who have used them. Tit:.Y C'RR To STAY einem l' 5.-adu'tptda,ww,aa nnar0Aptelpdn, k1° 0091. I).. L. A,-ea,i.6 a (",t, Tortana r 1 50 1 50 1 300 50 50 50 r 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Class 14 -Dairy and Provisions, tub 50 Best factory' batter .. .. 1 Best tub of butter, donation by McKinnon & Co 2 Special: Best tub butter not less than 501bs, donation by John Kelly, Queens hotel, butter to be donators. Cash 12 Best crock butter, 201hs, 1st prize by J. G. Emigh, Com- mercial erciai lintel, butter to be donators; 2nd prize by W. 1I. McEiroy,butter tubs, donatar to have the privilige of purchasing same at market price . 5 Best 101bebutter in lib prints, 1st prize,hy W. II. McBride Putter to be debaters, 2181 Prize by J. I1. Cllellcw, 1 fatten basket, butter to he donators al;.. . , 2 5J T. McDonald Factory cheese not less than 551b, donnth Mansion hones, Blyth, cheese to be 10 tl. Mower, •e. '•� w"i�►, oe to bed 2015s extracted latnm,'Ionati,nby 1)t: • stedt dices par or 1(tmp, honey to be donators; 2nd I>,V:akt"lreou & J3ldcr 3 Best tOlit honey in lib sections, donatiud by 1'. W. Scott, honey to bo donators; 2 lic,t loaf baker's bread not fess than 4lbs . Loaf home-made bread do. haIf dozen plait tea biscuits Five ahs. maple sugar Three lire maple syrup, 1st prize by W. ti. Irwin, Blyth STANDARD for one year, syrup to be donators 1 Collection canned fruit not less than 4 different kinds 50 50 . claim- cheese not Ifs tl+aa )tilt donats Carter & McKenzie BUILDING LUMBER ANI) SAWN FRAME TIMBER -0- PartleswishtngBills of hemlock 84 Cedar Lumber, Hardwood Pests, Ulrte, PI,a•tk and Hearne In lengths -to 40 rt. long. fur- bished at mill, 6 u, les north of Blyth 8idiugor h'. R. B, eat isat Bldigg, apply for priees,givIugAnvil 01 bill. to . emelt, 1'. 0. 111' AT Tlfa 1t11LL. E, LIVINGSTON. 1,vinr lust completed the beet long Std. m1I, an the county, Is 911:1(811:3 to '. urnlah nI, shut lest notice the abuse kinds of lumber. A brat-oleae atone Cie peer , amnion with mill. 19„ LIVIN081'OAN. l0 .. rah,, . 1 , 0.a0s .:ant 03 IOY,.IE., 8J rod IKH 4s11a1g. 'y�•. ROY, . 0'. 1(J0 ADC1,AD$ 81 •iter, I $0'• t. 50 50 50 50 (;rape wine honer made Tt iato catsup 1 quart Pickles, 1 quart mixed Pickles 1 quart any other kind 6600 Class t5-Frgit. Slater & Sims will give to the party that has the moat entries in the Fruit Department, fruit to be the donators Four named garioties of winter apples 5 of each Four named varieties of fall apples 5.0f each Five Baldwin .. .. Five King of Tompkins Five Northern Spy Five Rhode Island Greenings Five Whiten Pippin . . Five Russet Golden Five Itusset Roxboro Five Seek-nu-Futther •• Five Swear • Five Wagner Five Bendavis Five Vandervere Five Mammoth Pippins Five Spitz ,nberg L'ive FellaWater FiveTBhnan Sweet Five Mann ,• Five Malden Blush Five Snow 0 . Five Duchess of Oldenberg Five Calvert Five Alexander Five 20oz Pippins Five any other named variety Collection of apples of any named Five named Winter pears Five named Fall pears Two named varieties of plums ea• oh Twelve Tomatoes Collection of Grapes Plate 15 crabs Fight Peaches •• i •' 00 ,0 variety 4 or oath Class 16—�Poultrye Pair Turkeys Pair Geese Pair Rouen Ducks • • }'air any other kird • Pair Brown Leghorns •• Pair Light Leghorn •• t'air Light Brahma. •• Pair Black Spanish •• Pair Dark Braid Inas Pair Min burgs • Pair Dorking Black breasted red game ,.. I air buff cochnls .. t'ftir Partridge cxhins Pair Bantams Pair Potande • Pati' Plymouth Rocks Collection of Pigeons Coilcctien of fowl apart from all entries Pair 1.lublea fowl Class'17- imp'ements t;'1111)01' we con P .1r hob sleighs, henvy Market wagon Iron beam sod plow �. Iron beain general pupae Best gang plow Pair Iron herrowe Single open buggy O. Single covered buggy 1' • iluuble buggy or jump eV, open .. U„n'.ir' Leggy a , .f t 101:01 .. "titter .. 8 't of Nese a ocs Cabinet work 'antt.,ulutuldgs fret factory .. ” A j'duet's wi't'11, It ,.:1, dour sash inouldlegs, hand matte L 011 rump • •. (Continued next Meek,) Anderson AND Elder LiVE STOOK POINTS, If you wean lambs In September, they will' be able to get fall pasture and take d whack at caring for 50' themselves before cold weather. Don't neglect to cull out the 50 chickens in August. Weed , ut, the 1 roosters, the old hens aid the feeble 50 t ones aid leave only strung, prime birds for winter Musing. 50 Millet, when sown for green fodder 25 may be put la as late as August, 26 In England it is the custom to 25 breed horned Doinet ewes to South- down sires fur Christmas ntutton. September is the mouth 111 which to breed ewes for winter Lamps Some 1 & 75 25 25 25 breeders begin by the middle of 25 August. 25 As food for milk cows pumpkins 25 are It little more than one tenth as 25 25 25 25 In the keeping of all live stock, 25 especially cattle, the man who makes 25 it pay has always had an abundant 25 supply ofgreen fodder in the late 25I summer fall. Millet and the 25 fodder rape are nntong the most valuable forage plants tor this pur- pose. 50 50 80 2 50 75 75 50 60 50 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 60 6d t50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 60 so 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 75 76 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 78 75 .75 76 76 76 75 1 50 76'r, 2 1 50 2 1 50 1 50 1 1 50 2 2 valuable as bran. But they act as a tonic and stimulant and help to digest ,other foods. BREAKFAST S AFTER BREA i"VF A T r R 1 To purify, vitilize and enrich the blood, and give nerve, bodily told digestive strength, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Con- tinue the medicine atter every meal for a month or two and you will feel like a new man. The merit of Hood's Sarsa- parilla is proven by its thousands of 50 wonderful cures. Why don't yen try it? Hood's Pills cure constipation. They are the host alter-diuuel' pill and family cathartic. 3 00 THE Ei.l.l0i't' beet 4 Aianr citizen- of 1 r AVOID ALL INJURIOUS HAIIIli. Tea drinking is an injurious habit, and nervous people *110)1lld be careful in the! use of it. It is not a food, It is not a ton- ic, and If drum( strong ,t may be as baneful in its effects us brandy would be. Anyone who feels as if they were a bundle of nerves should give up both t'a mid tobacco, and 080 \leilhray,s Jiu!r,'y and Liver Cure, which will help them to exist in comfort without them. A aouderfnl new combination is R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Live powders. nice to take and perfectly harmless. Mrs. Mary Netts, 88 Nam street, Hamilton says: "For years-ul fact all my life -1 have been troubled w.th severe head tches, f have tried alt the remedies I could heat' of, and have been treated by Ulan • doctors, but with "Very 1,0tlegood tesullts. el friend r(awul- mended your pentium, Neuralgia awl Liver Powders sone time ago, and l have found them to be the greatest blessing to ale -in fact, I can truly say they are perfectly wonderful I would not be without them for more than 1 can telt." Sir. nook, station missies, Grand Trunk Railway, Itatniltou says: "They cured my most severe, headaches, which I liad for the last throe years," Pile 25c. a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. WEST WAWANOSH. The harvesting is all nearly fin- ished now, and the full wheat seed- ing Is the principal employment of the day. Seeding will he short as there is not much wheat sown in this section of the country Messrs. Joseph F'eagon, J. Rose and Richard Thompson start for the North \\'est item. Tuesday. • Miss Sarah Jones Is Vlsiting friends at the Nile. Airs. Win. Flukey is t'ialting her daughter, Mrs. Robertson Aur and Mrs. Win. Oliver spent a few days visiting at her father's. Mr. F.„Wilson, of Whitby, is spending li few days nt Mr Wind- mill's. ' ..,00t, toll aowomswj i ,Andrew \\'coater has ,just t'll n,t 1,00100 Corr, o :u 50 yearn s) 01,11nq Lyth kid- ney pills. Everyeue Is askmt0hed at the rapidity and thoroughnees with Whicll these pills do there work. A0 ono who 1ms tried them says: ''A man feels after us ng them, as though he had never enjoyed life before,” The liysod case, in which a parulyt c was cuted by Dodd s kidney pills, opened the eyes of the people in this vicinity to the of this remedy. 'T E T, LT= Gree township rate for 1893 will he mills; county rate 2.4 mills full school rote .8 of tl mill The Clinton Urgan Co.. wlioso rectory was destroyed by lire a Collide of weeks ago, have been negl'tiat,ing. 00 11 Stratford fir a site ftll(1 special privileges for a factory there. John Mann. an old carpenter of Garntlaxa, 1188 been sent for trial at Vergus 1'or firing Thos. Hamilton's tarn over two )Perks ago. Detect. i ice Allen made the arrest. rs 're,,.•,,,,.,,' ,i,,, i.,.,,..t o, ' fiUnt1 w'her,. inti lilsrvwyr'64,0ir iJ)at•. r• use of Ikldd's kid- the goal of his hefiltll. t e seen.,, to ho gle1tl)' improved. Messrs..1. mill 11. Medd Suedayed nt Mr, I'lougttmau's, ' Air. Richard Stonehouse, of 11/4•1. grave spent a fele days at 11. Medd s. The Al ies ]lelwig 1111(1 Alis 910(1u Spell t Sa11111(5' at J. 1'lunkett's. Dicky has given the widow ul' ,tad he thin;0 0 younger uuu mould suit ilial bettor. Atr. Windmill has leased Mrs. lilair's farm for a number of years. Mr. Stneltzer who has been run. tang the hotel at Carlow bas leased 51r. \Vm. 1Vilson's two -hundred acre farm for a term of years. i e thfeks farming id more chat•mNing than keeping hotel. Quite a number from around here Attended the Harvest 1lottul service At Auhutm, on Wednesday evening, 'which was gotten up by the uncials of the English church and 1n'uvt.d to he a grand success. Thomas Rutledge, of Frrgo, is spending a few weeks visiting under the parental roof. AD•. 11. Nicholson, of Auburn, sun- daycd at '1'. MclKenzie,'s, 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 25 25 2b 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 '25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 5' ) 25 , 25 25 25 25 • 25 25 1 50 73 , 2 1 50 1 50 i50 1 1 1 1 1 vfrtueH vthe latest triumph iunharmac}y int the cur, of ali tie symptoms indicted ing KIDNEY ANI amens omplalnt. If l ou aro troub' ed wit), ' Costiveaeas, Dialer's, (sour Stomach Headache, Indigestion, Peon Arr*TiOO, Ina11 F i1 ,00 l,1.n1 01' AT!1 P+n-S, hlceples, 'lghts, Melancholy boding, •'tc Acne, elembray's Kidney and Liver ('urc wfllClve immedtaterelietandErrxoTaCure Sold at all Drug Stores fllembray Medicine Company of Peterborough, (Limited), PETERBOROUGH, . . ONT ✓ Il m +wv�rvvwv.ryNvv.r.•�n,.nn..,..y.� ENTIRE[ r Nrw COMPOUND 1 ------------- Ef actual fern,: rcr. Agraeat,'o A sure cure for all Neadpaina, Biliousness and 8tornach Complaints 25 ge 25 Cents 25 26 a box 25 20. STARbr'S Wades br,tirnl'nru:n al ..1 1'..n der'., 25 Pike ('rrt,iln "71 011 1,7 7 C0uncv,o,o (1 ri„'t rarr: I.i:r The 1;.:' c, 10)11': 25 25 25 2 25. 25 25 25 25 25 60 Good Hair, Good Health and Good Looks. 1111111➢ 1NralF t1 OMOTER The ADDplwrs IM TR PKOMnTRR en.an+rs 0. all° prevents the hair !rout fulling out and pro amtesabeerhvAy�nne l The AUDFTrlra EA TR PROMOTER SJ b.eoolend rel'reehinylotion ; is unsurpassed asadressingnnddismally minded forchildren The prepernlion Is not a dye, but simply a lideeneine ,rimula•,'t. end n Innis, The A!Mr ETTER RAZE PROMOTER !ag•laradtmal nn the hest medical nnthoutioe to 4n ab',dni.'0 f me (mai hJnMrma chemical'. Rob/ hy «0 .11.3ar 1011110 S. 1...1CI1 \NCE, sole pr,oprieter, Cw.h:-;es rt., ti arra/ k a J. T. Lae y, editor of the Palmer -1 stou Telegraph, has been 111180d to retire from active service. The other morning 311.. Lacy found him- self euddeuly deprived of the almost total use of his loft hoed and leg, and his medi'tnl attendant tells hint that it is doubtful If he will recover the use of the Mimed parts again. Mr. lacy is upwards of 70 years of age and has been connected with the paper for pearly eighteen years. Pln.ttseille, Sept. 2. -Last night about ten o'clock highwaymen held us' Hugh MacDonald, d cattle buyer, about 0 -quarter of a mile west ‘.1' hero Before they could accomplish their purpose they were frightened by the timeline!! of another baggy, and effected their escape neeross the fields. About the 5111110 limo two 0111ers nip [TM a man dri\'8l through tt swamp south of here, but ho escaped by liberal use of the While 1'hif} sectio,{ i, badly overrun with tramps. 7 he horned D.) set is the sheep for 1 f uta r lambs. Most of the farmer's in llutictt are about through harvesting, Duncan Mel mnald and Jacob K rat item have been 8ppoiutcd tax collectors for 1892, fur the tuweship of Grey. The root crops have suffered cotl- sidt'ably in the Ashfield district from the dis ht The full wheat is turn ng out 12 to 20 bushels 1 r acre in tee bathe. v101111y. There was a surplus of 852.50 in halal after all expenses were paid in connection with the celebration nt Brussels on August 9th Tills with the 862 balance from a former iknninion Day ccicbrati,.11 totals 8114.50 The body of man abort 60 yea s of age was 1outd m Pollard's Ill 11 six miles west +1' W1,edns,ck. A pa reel of Paris green near the corpse was resist red "Dr. R. A. U atke,” but the address was not given. Notice : to : Creditors ! IN T1I1) MATTER OF JAMES IIATII, LATE OF THa TOWNSIfl1' OF EAST WAWANONII, 10 'rIH: 801110001' 111100, '0081 1AN, DECEASED. NO't'11'E is hereby _leen in pursuance of 11. S. 0. 1887, Chapter 110, ,ve, 11011 :N:, 1 bat all Creditors or other 1.•10.ms having claims against the estate 1le. ;dove mou(11 deceased who died ,1„n' alma the seventh day of May, A. 1, I s:G1, are required to send by post, cidlid, or deliver to James McGill, of 11';lwn1101 h, one of the Executors of the 1„nt will of the said deceastvl, mt Blyth. i lel., "u or hoc ore the lot (illy of October i,00, their Christie) and smuttier, 1,1,11 .1'c s. d0,•.cliptioa with fail particu- lar, of t alt4n- I ,oft heir claims ims and demands and the he '1 0l'lill)ll'l' ((1 111131 1,011 1' them, till duly veritied by Statutory declaration. .tint tiuttllei takeautlret hat after the • •-al,l 1,4 ,lay of October 1598, the I:xecu- turs ul au id will will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased anlottg the 1.1' 010 entitled having regard only to sato claims as he shall then )15 hd n- ,,, sal.,, slid Ilse 11 said Lax( le n will not lie matte for tl,o sant soatAS n• r,ny 9110) the111)1 to nay reon ,a rr ons ofwloose chain or claimsHehe 8111111 of have had oust ,e,LtPn1t 1th:, eL Snc8 / , MANNy1. VI1 (lin'., 1111o Joh:t Aticens Of St.Mary's,Ont, A O'elt suarlur from yspeps a Perfectly Cord l.y,i Hood's 5arsap la The best stomach tonics known to medical science are so happily com- bined in Hood's 'Sarsaparilla that t tures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia in its severest forms, when other medicines fail. Ir many casts Hood's Sarsapa- rilla seems to possess a magical touch, so quick and so gratifying the relict Read the following from an aged and respected citizen of St. Mary's, Ont.: " I am very glad to give this testimonial as to what Hood's Sarsaparilla has donator me, I suffered very much with dyspepsia. I have been taking medlclne For 28 Years and I never had anything do me as much good as Mood's Sarsaparilla l(very *yaup- tom of the dyspepsia has entirely disap- peared and I feel that I cannot praise the medicine too highly. I Eat Butter, Sleep Better awl feel stronger than I have for many years. I have taken six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla bought of Mr. Sanderson, the ptugglst." Joaf'r Anxrtae, CORDIAL ENpORBEMENT. From Mr. Sanderson, the Druggist. "1 Inion' Mr. Alkene to be a strictly honest, straightforward man, and take much pleasure 10 testifying to the truth of the testimonial he gives above." F. 0. SANDERSON, Drug- gist, Queen Street, St. Mary's, Ontario. HOOD'S P1808, the beet after.dluuor I'lIIM assist digeltlou, {docent constipation. COUNCIL Industry Hall, Sept 4th Council met, Reeve in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Moved by Frank Metcalf. seconded hy'1'hos. Ashhurv, that Ily-Law No. 3, as now rend first, second, and third titpe be passed -Carried. Moved by Thee Ashbury, seconded by T. W. Scott, that By -Law No. 4 as now read tlrst, second and third time be passed._ Carried. McGee cGee hero entered and took 111s seat at the Board. Moved by Th os, Ashbury, seconded byFrank Metcalf, that the following accomits be paid :--R. R. Douglass, blackmailing 82; J. B, Kelly, for 27 nights light far months July and August 84(1.50; Jas. Davis, work on street 65; Jas. Davis, Drawing elgl ie 50cts., part salary 810; t« D. Chamberlain, part salary 810.-- Carried. On motion the Council then adjourned. Itch. Mange and Scratches of every kind, on lnunon 0010 imals, cued in tie ,ninuttts by \\'oolford's Sallitol'y Lotion' Warranted by .1. M. Hamilton. HOOCI'$ Vegetable feet are pro pared Vegetable meet a eep10. Mate demand for a mild, efficient and reliable fancily physic. They are ' purely vegetable, containing no p1 ' calomel, mercury, of mineral sub- . stance of 9111 kind. Hood's Pills . set upon the stomach, liver, and allmeutary canal, and cure Liver Complaint, Constipation, Nausea, Biliousness, Headache, Indigestion, Sour stomach, Distress after Eating, Jaundice. A cold may bo broken up un3 a fever prevented oypromptly taking Hood's Pills. Hood's Pilus Are prepared bye. I. Druid & Co., Apethecarles, Lowell, Mass. Price 25 rents per box, Sold by al druggists or seat by man on receipt of prim ScI,nutio italeria&R Agency for CAVEAT TRADE MAR S, DESIGN PATIENT%, COPYRIGHTS ata. 7In or'matinn and free Handbook write to D N 8 CO., til BROADWAY, New Volta. bureau tar eoeurwg patents In America !Crory patent token out by ns Is brnuakt before UWm* public b➢e uotfoa gluon free cf o1,sr o W W a gekenUUftc Anteticau Lamest circulation or any eclentlae Addle rho world. Splendidly llluettated. No 1ot0111 010. )man should .0 0 dhout Aitd. Weekl • Oi0 n. Yuciinu%ua Wog Dumdum riw Ym� (AL . LONDON• ,September 14th lo ,?3rff,15(13 CANADA'S E'AVOIITt) EXHIBITION ESTABLISHED 1868 TII): OLDEST IN TEE DOMIN1O1, Live Stock Exhioits Entries Ouse Septenbe,r 711t The best and largest Stabling and Spare allotted on receipt of entries, BETTER SPECIA!. *}tRACTIC S than ever before, Special Excursions front all Points l'or Prize Lists and information tlpplyr to (CPT. A. W. Poore. Taos. Bltosvoa fres, See. LESS THAN $1 is the cost per week to i ae Microbe Killer, The one Great Cause cf its Popularity is, that it makes no Unfounded Pretensions but Performs ad that is claimed for It. By its use you not only Trent, but cure Catarrh, 'Creat and cute Asthma, Treat anti cure Brolnhiti8, Treat and cure Rheumatism, Treat and cow Skin Diseases, Trent and cafe Lung Troubles, Treat and cow Nervous Disorders, Treat and cure Rectal Ailments, But treat and cure all forms of Chronic Diseases when all else has failed. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL TOO LATE For gale by all Chemists. Advice free from Head Office, PRICE -et or 8:1, according to sized jar. J M. HAMILTON Agent for B1.YTFi, ONT.1 a : 7 CALL AT D T XAMTNE THE FOLLOWING Implements at 11,11113,11)N'4 IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, QUEEN WTR1 'r BL1''CII. SCCF FLERS, from dtffereul styles and prices that defy cunt. petition. PLOWS, Finery's and Cuckshutt'a. BINDERS, agent for the No.' n Brn. hew 51!;e! !' :, !, :, 0111,e0;..) to all blade, simple in construction, litchi draft, greet twine saver, thimble in`' construction. i)tOWEIRS, forr '- different kinds, call and examine our lig 83 Mower. DRTIoLS, celebrated 1loosicr Seed Drill, none to typed. ROLLERS, Culee,.:,w ' 1 1 n % in8 Rob r hest en the market 14'A(�GQL\S, the Snowball Wee.;"'" in ti:i. section 4' evil! 30 years acknewiedl',ed to be Hr. Uul!1 011011 " •