HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1893-09-07, Page 2Nsaisee. • HE WEEK'S NEWS tiA0ADJAN t • wa.et .^1 .....ggeton harbour i8 now lower than 1, Ell3 been for yams. The U. F. Loyalist Ilistotical Society of the Bay of Queue that net Eat hetet organ- - tilked• Miss Maggie II (-gm of MeNillop town - Ship, was fatally injured by being thrown hem her eerriage.. Light frost 00 Sunday night wee report- ed from South Dakota, North•West lows, and Northern Nebraska. The establishment of the Empire tobaceo Montreahltes been mlay destrey• tSsese•Tha loss was fully covered by Capt. Joseph Ash, an obt pensioner at Sarnia, has been sten to gaol for attempting to commit [min& by cutting his threat with • jackknife. A despatch front Ottawa mays that the rearrangement. of tho Military staff by Malordleneral Herbert wilt result in a eav ng of 810,00) it year. John Dunn, who wee seriously injured In Hamilton on Monday beet hy the burst - lug of an emery wheel. (tied in the City hoepital on Sisturday morning. A young man named Jae. Lyle was bathe ring et the Beach, opposite Hamilton, Ont., Tumidity, when lie went down before assistance could reed hitn, and wasdrown• ed. A Montreal man named Samuel Christie Carter has been arrested on the charge of havingoaused thedeat h of his mother•in•law, Elizabeth Peacock, by throwing her violent- ly down on a bed while she Wan in 4 atate of intoxication, Quite a sensation hait been caused in Montreal by the &onetime:tient thet L, Atnedie Pennwalt, soe nf the famous orator and instigator ef t he rebellion of '37, had Windy broken tiway front the Rommi Catholic Church and was about embracing the Presbyterian creed. A large number of represeetative ferment from England, Deland, and Scotland re. sponded to the invitation of Sir Charles Tupper to visit the North•Weet at the ex. pongee( the Federal Government, with a view to reporting upon its desirability as a oountry for settlement. Fourteen were 'sleeted, and some of them are now in this oountry. 1011TItli, The Bank of England'e rate of dis• count has been raised from four to five per cent. lady Abertleen'e tittle book entitled " Through Canada with a Kodak " evok. lug much intermit in London. She epeaks very warnily ot Cenatlian kindness and the resiogreen of the tmentry. The death is announced at Southampton of Miss Mary Augusta Gordon, sister ot the late General Gordon, who Wan well•known throughout Hampsbire for her groat honey. *lance. The grave of Mrs. Sitidons, the great Englieh actress, in St. Mary's burying - ground, St. Pencraa, is to be taken in hand end thoroughly restored hy the loeel au. thorities. ,A epeeist eablegram saye there is reason to hem, for an amicelsle setteement of the trouldefi in the South Wales and Monmouth- shire coal -fields. Fifty thousand miners are expected to resume work tooley. Mr. Astor, the new landlord of Cliveden, has made himself very impopuler among the frequenters of tee Thamee by cutting off the privilege whieh the I e of Westminster always allowed river excursionists of uking tea on the terrace opposite Cookham lock. The suocesoion of the Pekoe( Edinburgh to the rulerehip of the Duchies nf Saxe• Coburg and Gotha slominetee public inter- eet in Germany, and widely s. moure in regard to the matter are every. where eireulatea. el an English duke lots surprised and dissatisfied the nation, though the fact is quietly am copted by the Duchies estneernesi. The London Daily Chronicle, in referring to the refusal of the British Governme»t to tempt the Dominion Government'a Mita. tion for two liritielt impede to visit Canada to enquire into the alleged existence of camel, blank() ty the time he is through pleurovenmonia among the cattle, lays with it, that if the Canadian vethrinsry experts fail- All the old boot' and stockings he will ad to discover a single ease of the &sem, pitch into the closet together, and his wife's flreat Britain ought to admit their live corsets and skirts, which she dui not weal cattle 'gain. away, will be piled on top, and hie old pants 1-SWV,11 STATES. and hat complete the pyramid. A man does not hang things up, as a rule. The Canadian exhibitor& in the live stook He throws them down " anywhere," to (dosses at the World's Fair are proving very heve them handy. surmessful as prize winners. Then " seem" shout dinner. He puts By the starting up the mills ard furnace the joints' in the oven to roast, and phtsi in Pittebiwg, Pa., nearly seven thousand !Ile potatoes to boll at the same time. And men mere put to work during the post he makes the coffee and puts it on the stove, week. and retires to the sitting.room lounge with that new book. No need of staying ther Wages will be reduced on the Union broiling in the kitchen all the forenoon Nino railway to the extent of at least ten Thi ngs will cook just as well without any per mt. It is not thought that the men body's hanging right over them I will strike. So he leaves them to cook I The hauled enrage, on the Harlem road, His book is interesting, and he reads on ran into another train on Saturday near Dyktrian's station. Five people were killed and several injured. Over forty preens ate known to have lost their lives in the recent hurricane off the New Yorlt and New .Jersey coasts. Fifty. eight persons are still mining. A fire in South Chicago the other day *mid 250 houses, and did damege to the 'anew. of $1,000,000, About seven thou- sand people have been rendered homeleu. Two acres of buildings in the business centre of Delavan, Wis., wera destroyed by fire on Monday night, and on Tumidity morning the town wee without a hotel, a livery stable, or a postmilMe. The loss is estimated at forty thousand dollars, with Insurance for halt that amount. regulation et the Earth. itENEUAL. The human family living on earth to•day consists of about 1,450,000,000 souls -no An epidemic of dysentery is raging in fewer,probably more, These &redistributed the southern provinces of Japan. literally all over the earth's surface there be• A National %Mien Exhibition will be ing no considerable spot on the globe where held in Nijni Noygorod in 1896. man has not found • foothold. In AIM, the Fromm threatens to send back gun -boots sculled "cruile of tbe human race," there are now about S00,000,000 eo le densely crowded, on an average if a out 120 to every square mile. In Europe there ore 320,000,000, averaging 100 to the sqttare mile, not so crowded as Asia, but every. where dense, and in many places overpopu- lated. In Africa there are approilinittely, 210,000,000, and in the Amerleas-North, South and Central -110,000,000 theme la t ter, of course, relatively thinly scattered over broad often& On the intends, large and small, there are probably 10,000,000 more. The extreme* of ths Weeks and the whites are al five 00 three, the remaining 700,000,000 intermediate, brow's, yellow, and tawny in color, Of the entire race 500,000,000 well clothed -that is they wear garments of sonw kind that will cover nakednesa- 250,000,000 hebituelly go naked, and 700,. 000,000 only cover the middle part of the body ; 500,000,000 live in houses, 700,• 000,00 t in Irate and caves, the remaining 250,000,000 virtually having no plaiat to lay their heeds. A WAN'S 11011aRKEAPING. WILL WHEAT ADVANCE? 111 KATI,. THORN. If ever woman complains about the troubles end trials of housekeeping, her Milhaud to elwaye ready to say that house. keeping is juet fun, and he generally Ws that he can do it as well as any woman who ever Ityed ! And he believes it. He is thoroughly siucere about it. And that ie what always amuses us. ' It ie strange why he ehould believe it,and yet• he does. Hy knows that in order to learn the eissiOnter'o trade a man must spend months with a master workman. lie knows that no man can run a steam engine until he hes learned how. He would laugh at the wont - an who aeserted that she could navigate a . vessel around Cape Horn without learning • how, Yet he could keep a house the tiret time he tried. And we have seen him try. Lots of him, and lote of times. And we iney add that We always enjoy Boeing him. His wife woks op some "victuals," and leaves him to go on a vieit to Sister Bennett, or Aunt Mary, Our male housekeeper bristles with knowledge. "He ill not going to be all the forenoon putting things 10 order. Women are glower than death, as a rulel just fly around, and get the work done up and read that new book before dinner. If it is werm weather, he airs the houtie. Fresh air is uonducive to health. He sets nil the windows wide open, and the doore ditto aed never minds if the screens are close:1 or not. He wonders what metres so many flies and weeps, and tries to drive them out with a newepaper as he has seen his wife do, but the flies know him, and are not afraid of him, he says -but he never mice thinks that he hasn't got the knack of driving them! Humph as if a man could not drive flies as well as e woman ! The wind rushes through the house liko Western "blizzertl," and blows down the papere and magazines, and whisks the dried graben out of the vases, and upset' the bouquet holders, and scatter' the sheet Male allover the room, and he wondere, "What in thunder does make the wind blow so all et once?" Theo he begins to sweep. Did you ever see a man sweep If so, you know how it is done. The motions are about half•way between sawing wood and pushing a baby carriage, and if there is myth dirt, then Heaven preserve tho unlucky individual who happens to get to the leeward of the sweeper ! He leaves the broom on the deorstep, so as to have it handy in future, for a man housekeeper has a great idea of having Wage "handy," and proceeds to wash the dishes. He wipes his hands on his pante by way of making himself tidy, tucke up his shirt -sleeves, pute on his wile's apron wrong side out, pours acme water into the first receptacle handy, and begins. , , - i AN ARKANSAS MIRACLE. . 'DEATH AND DIDADTED Public Museums all Etliteaters. , ' No en -or mild be greater than to !oppose 1 The Present Situation Received and the . Eutaw Preenestle ated. IN PRAIRIE FIRES . ........ that greet publie meseinns do not play a ! _ ' tenons part in the development of muumuu- , A Rentarkable atory of Interest to Every Wottitut. There is, probably, no thne iti the history . ities and countriet They are not light ' . of the grain trade wean people have been . resort., ter the idle tor lounging places for , ___ more tempted to invest. in wheat, and have i Widespread Destruction Oli that the ieereaut. lhey exert a coustitut aed ' A 1011,10 Vi a 411111 1110. rirag Literally Fad the itivestment as at the present moment, — 10,0071r.f I' Iciii:i,lyiscileve,,(,,in,litrh,,ectitiLtemilri igneRtic„,00 att)tisel the taste of sliese among whom they are sit• "it A "I''''- 1.11"111"" 11."""ii"ce'l lifer case Itenale,.. Dew she was Saved. at the same time felt so little confidence in Great Plains of the Weal. So many factors enter into the question to infleenee values this yeer, the 0 the study trend of education and, front the printery , Prom the edema-, lienmerat. Ilslittne Fire tor Lire. Helmets up, they promote end modify culture The story of ronewm1 health tohl ie the of the situation is more interesting, and . . --- in seitowee and the arts. The foundation of 1 followilig arthee lias been carefully invent- cononanda more general attention than tt 'Dm recent germs and eyelones teat have the superiority of France in neramira, tea • geteil by the Democrat, and el of the sleep - hies done for years past. swept. ever the Mississippi Valley, although re,,,,,,,,,d decorative intlustriesgenerally was est lids:reel to ail parents. The condition Looking at the inthieneen which haee terrible hi the lora of human life, end the laid by the great Napoleon when he deepoil• of Miss Cesstients is that of thousands' of brought wheat to its present low level and destruetion of property, accomplished seine eil the Mica of Italy of pictorial sod plast le girls in our land, whom, health mei vitality kept it there for en many months, the first gond in reainting, and tinatiehing 0110 preirie treasures and distributed them among mo• is slowly but timely being mapped away. and most striking one's the redact:mule- firea that, for %averse weeks passed, have teed,' „Hee,. el his own eountry, espy, Pale, listless and Hallow girls meet es on thin of stock in all quarters which dragged raged over the great plaint; of the Weist. iutly near potteries ani factorieo. England eve' y side, and unites the Nemo prompt down wheat many pointa by sheer (lead From the Dakotan to the Oklahoma coml. lees followed the example he pointed ont ass measures aro taken 48 ill the case of Mine weight on the market, Chicago venlig: try, this vast peairia region has been men!' profoinelly shrewd. Tseday iu the vicinfty 1 'temente, a promatere grave is the inevit• tore made a strenuous effort to sustain values, with terribly destructive thee. Men, women 01 her great clay beds end near the centers aide remdt. Lulu Clemente, the ttineteett and slid for [level el months keep the price end children have eitlwr perished or beets of her looms are mummies with schools na year old slaughter of Mrs. Cora V. Clemente, there above all the other markets, and al- eeverely injured in the flange. Millione of aileinel II 111 Wilitill her artisans learn the sme of Ills, most prominent reeidents of Lon• most on a, level with Now York, with the am ets of prairie land have been burned liver, ;esthete- principles of their erafte. The oke, Ark., was attacked with a mysteeions, mutt that wheat was attracted there in mel in some parte nearly whole eniudiee itilvanse in gliesseut ling, in the qualityalur• wasting (Itemise over 0 year ago, and despite uch tetantittes, by the premium paid for it, pillow the charred courae of this tempest of ability end (lecoration of her portiolaine, in the strenuous efforts of the local phyeiciane hat the apes -Meters were awamped. They lire. the shapes and tones of her potteries, its due elm senititnied to grow worse. Her blood tad to let go, and prices went lower than Property worth hundreda of thousands nf above all other influences to t.he wiee policy had turned to water, ehe suffered intense hey would probably have gone had bust- dollare and connieting of houses, berme eat- of bringing learning anti beauty down to the agony, and was almoat ready to give up teas been allowed to run in its legitimate tee, horses ane hay proved a total toes. It 000110101 people and establishing ita joint life when relief came. Her dor is best domed. The (nom reliable eetimates make hee been a dry season, and henee the prairie he aggregate mocks of wheat, and flour in firee are not only more numerous, but un• home where ite subtle and irrealstible spell Europe, afloat, and in America oil August usually deotructive. must exercise general sway. IVithout the , 178,000,000 bushels, against 122,060,000 Muttellnits of the metropolis the growth of mallets on August I, 1892, or about 44 The dry grass made the vast plains east per cent. more than a year ago, and that at time when the new crops aro being tarvested in all parts of Europe and America With the large suppliee to cerry on this continent, Ole financial etringeney hen been potent factor in holding prima down, making it ex tretnely difficult to obtain loans and that only at high interest, as the spread of tio between September and December dm liveries, or equal to 34 per cent. per annum for carrying °bargee, will Madly. The state f the exchange market, also, luta interfered greatly with free shipment from the Welt. Not only ie foreign exchange low and most difficult to readies oil, but domestic ex• change, particolatly on New York and Philadelphia, can only be sold at a ruinoue diaeount of $10 to $15 per $1,00), thus add - How tho soapaude fly and how the dishes rattle 1 • Crack gem the handle of a cup ; but he doesn't mind that ! needles are a nuisance on Emma any way Knives, pletes, tin dishes, and iron stew. pans, are all smelted in promiscuous Mete; hie motto is the miller's, "Find come, firet served." As long es they tsre waahod, what mat ters it whether the frying•pan or the chins. cream pitcher itomes firet %Venice like to fool away their time witelting dishes, but he has sotnething elve to do He spatters the wall pap, a Beattie his hand with the steam, breaks the tea•kettle cover, lets the water boil dry in the kettle and don not know, to save hie life, where I that dreadful emell of molting soldier mimes from, till the whole thing is ruined ! A woman always inveetigates all unusual smells ; but a Mall weits for the knowledge lie seeks and expecte it to come to without seeking 1 le &Mee at last, and leaves half the for .§ Clew Ras. that no MA11 Catl a right. They will le up, sir the part which foot will he at the head, t on crosewise of the bed, gill be mod for the towel with the quilts. And the look like a two -humped • „ fact well put the either be tet otieht to be se* or they will or the uppee one. And josh' b w and at the end of a couple of hours, he con eludes he will " see" about dinner some more. By that time there is little to see beyond smoke, anecinders, and a " busted potato kettle. That tamdollar joint io charcoal -very bed smelling, too; the pototoes are burn fast to the remnants of the kettle, and th coffee and cooking stove live ebsorbed each other, and -But we say no mon The wicked words whloh our man house keeper gives vent to are sufficient. But, strange to say, he is not convinced that his wife can keep bowie any better - he in juet am confident of hie ability as ever to the Meinam river, before Bangkok, if her new demands ore not granted immediate. ly. The census of foreiguere resident in France allows that the total number is 1.130,211. The Belgiane are most numer. 005. It is rumoured that, in coneequence of the rich at San Sebastian, the infant King of Main and the Queen Regent have taken refuge on board a entiocr. A deepatch from Buenos Ayres states thet the town of Corrientee has been esp. tared by the rebels, who have also defeated the knees under CA Aciume. The striking eel) drivers of Naples and their friendo have had eeveral encounters with the military. On Friday over one thousand person. were 'mooed. The negotiations between Ni. de Villiers, _gal • ,mhogigspeoial savoy at Bangkok, and -.Novernment`for the settlement of the Franoo•Slainese dispute, are at a complete standstill. A eyolone passed over &Meru Silesia on Thursday last. One hundred hews at Nenstadt, Kesel, and Obergloeau were unroofed, crops were deatroyed, and severs) persons wore killed. Twelve Anarchists wore arrested in Rome on Wednesday night, and the French Ern• busy wee protected by a cordon of troops. These meuures prevented the recurrence of any serious disturbance. Reports gain credence at Berlin that Prince Luitpold will resign the regency of Mimi& in favour of his son. Owing to the Kluft affair, there is a feeling that he is losing control of the Government and is be. Inthoodwinked. A special cable despatch from Rome nye thatafter the conclusion of the manoeuvre(' of the Italian fleet on Wedne§day, Prince Henry of Prussia, at a dinner given by raeg Humbert, referred to the war vessels of Italy as ouperb. The English yacht Insect, lying at Kiel, hoc been seised by the ilertnan authorities. Rer where is due to the fact that two Frenchmen, who were living on board, in. enured ouspicion by their actions, and were taken into eustOdy as spies. Prince Duong Chan, of Cambodia hav. lag refused the request of the Freed:Gov- ernment to leave Parill, was arrested, eo• warted to Maniacs, and deported to Al. niers. The reason has not been sesigned for the anxiety nf the novrroment grt nd ot the royal visitor. The Maharajah of Puttiala, who recently married an &mien were, rules over the " Lame Duck " is an expression applied mth largest of the ttetive States of lndia to a defaulting member of the Stock Ex. f "nolisb proteeticm, his dominions ex. change. W lien he fails he sold " wad - '1 5,337 miles, 'lithe population die off the Exchange." oil a hall) and it revenue of a As an indication of how the slave trade 411 .„'„„l," ..storlatit• It it survives in Africa, it is stated that Ian „"...ikh,,btatell, and summer a oftravon of ten thousand °smell; 7 --- .". tn"loritY and four thousand slaves left Thnbuctoo tor Morocco. Don't he Vulgar. Vulgar women like to attract att ention ; they are bond in their dram and talk ; they ean he seen and heard at a distanee ; they are numerous, generally annoying and often offenelve. Vulgar women wale like grenadiers ; they come down on their heele with force enough to shake anything from an "L " road sta• tion to a summer hotel piazza. Vulgar women discuss private affairs in public ; their conversation is audible to passere•by ; they invite the observation cl strangers, and they are flattered by the familiar comments of flunkies, iiirte, fakirs And Broadway loafer'. Vulgar women appear in public wearing brilliant colors, brilliont oheeko, audible perfumes, jewelry and sensational styles, Vulgar women may win admiration, but they never win reopeot ; before an individu- al ie reapeoted by others she must respect herself. Women who bear tale', who betray con. fidence and make mischief with their tonguea are vulgariana of the moat duple. oble type. Vulgar women are dangerous ; they not only corrupt good moaners, but they are a had example for the ignorant and innocent, and a disturbing element among refined people. --[New York World. - Auglo-aimon ladiee performed m toy household offices, and were experts at spinning, weaving, needlework, and I roidery. England in fine induotriel mei the fine arts of the Rocky Mounteno a veritable trader • would be far ittferior to ite preen t stand - box, and not for yearn has the loss of life ant The beginning of both these inittitte and property been so great. In parte of tram; contains direet instruction for the the Dakotas, Wenmieg, Nebratika, Kansas, eeepie a Hiker in dealing with ike Colorado and Oklahoma theme fires ,havo ' umbrae Museum, whose creetion as hereto. done heavy damnge, as reports from ank• fore etated theee colenms, it) now a eer• ton, Omaha, Topeka and ether centres show all too plainly. Great fires raged Great Britain did not invest, her rapidly around Yuma, Holyoke, Wray and other Mutated wealth in etlucatinnal or refining towns on the plains in eastern Colorado. forms early or eagerly. She extended her It was a desperate fight that the people of hand overthe earth and pushed her prows the prairie country weged to protect thgne arenas eneane ; unlike the Italians of the places. Both Holyoke and Yuma Col., middle ages, the prizes she weight were net had a narrow escape. 'Die people of mnsterpieces of painting or of sculpture, of these townie combining wtth the farmers, silke anti tapestrine, but hard cash, Site formed fire brigades. , aimed to rule the world of trade anti she eucceedel. At the commencement of this 00Iii10 111tAIRIY. century the poverty of tante in her mane - factures leak of national institutions of higher culture in +esthetics, was brought keenly to her notice by rivalry of Emma in the best markets of advanced natione. Eng- appareet effect towarda improviug the land's sovereigns had been patron of foe- patient, eign painters awl musicians, het neither " Myself and daeghter had almost given native fine art ttor musio had enjoyed cor• up in despair, havieg ahnost concluded , responding friendship at home. It was nem that a restoration of her health was an Me msary to improve tlesigna in pottery and poosibility. In the Arkanoos Democrat I porcelains, in textiles and in metallic Indus. espied an advertisement of Dr. Williams' triee if France ware not to crowd her out el Pink Pille tor Pale People, whieh claimed t hose trades ; aml when Hans Sloane, of that they would give ready relief to persons Dublin, offered his collection of antemities Buffering from a disease the symptome of and arts by will to the nation at a third its which were the mane as in tho case of my around the entire farm. Them ,t ,commereial value the offer was accepted. daughter, I purehaled some of the che present Britian Mn,seum was built lue pills, and commenced giving my &ugh. guards" may be from six to eight rods tweette182.1 and 1053. Ihe Sloane collection ter three piths day. Before the first wide. The ground thus plowed will usually wies rucleus. It lete been ennehed from box had been taken an improvement Wtts give protection againet a prairie fire. But tnno to time by other large aquisitions notieetl. Color in her face was noticed, in a wind storm, the flamee leap the "fire Wee •1 it. netgre.w its wella a kinsired insti• and her appetite returned. The terrible guards", streeme and what on °raillery ne. tutit 11 on a slightly different basis wao or- heeslaches and backtsches mimed and she casione woidd be insurmountable harden. ganiesd-the museum and nitwit' at Ken. could breath more freely. When the fourth When, therefore, the plowed fire guards To it were trensferred the calico. box had been taken ehe was entirely well, fail, it becomes a literal war of extermina• 01041 '11, done, representing zoology, botany, min- and Mime then has enjoyed excellent health. tion between man and the flames, Prairie fires have varioue origins. Some. ing to the cost of shipping nearly one cent times a spark from a locomotive starts a h I A conflagration may per bushel. The receivers have also to face flame arnht. t e gram 6,e. spread the serious, problem of looking after and be born in the embers of e b peying in the near future for at least half by the wind. Sometimes a farmer in urn. of the 380,000,000 bushels of the new crop, ing off a piece of iland lets the flames get and the dearth of currency is Ninth that a beyond his metro . proposition has already been (Beene/led aug• The plains people are accustomed to Keating that the banke in the Weet should prairie fires, indeed, expect them and create a local currency by issuing clearing hence use precautionary measures. Thom house certificates in amount, of 35 510 320 dwelling in the more exposed dinitricts plow and Pt, whielt could be used in payment what are known as "fire guar( ' around for wileat to farmers and of freight to reit- thew houses, barna, atacke of hay, grain ways, and thus bring the wheat to marker, bins, and, if thought necemary, even when the proceeds would be returned to the banks, thereby putting them in funds with which to redeem the temporary cot.- tificates. The banks are favorable to the echeme, hut it is questionable if the farmers and railways will agree to the prop- osition. As it te currency that tbe farmer wants and must have to pay his labor at harvest time, it ia not easy to sue how beim to be benefited by the scheme. In former years a Government crop report bitch as was Matted on the 10th of this month, would have been followed by an advattee ef fie to 10c a bushel. The total crop in the United Sutton is this year eatiniated at 383,000,000 bushels, againat 1113,(01,000 lest year, a decrease of 133,000,000 bushels and yet wheat is scarcely higher to -day than on the day the report wets Minted. This paper has pointed out before tho general watit of faith held in the I tovernment crop report, end the apathy with which the °Burnet° of Ruh a large deficit voss reeeivell hears out the statement. It is worthy of note that the mate report of Michigan, issued on the Battle day, 'oaken the crop of that State 4,0110,000 bushels in excess of the report of the Nadonal Department In opite of the adverse influences. the vomit cf wheat ehoidd he toe ants higher fors thou till). mat erial ad yahoo may come oleo e is 00 'edged sin all Isidro that the yiels will r %host of last year. It is now gener conceded that the English crop bes"iiii lie rodents deficit in the general 13XCOC11 56,000,000 bushels, and yield quality ie almost everywhere the- appo ting, a good portion of it being unfit for filing. Deducting the stock left over from 1802, there must %till let imported at least M2,000,000 bushels, a largo proper. , At elom dere anything imitable ie used in the fight, Mops, brooms gunny tem of which will be drawn from America, as notwithetateling that the prospects for 5'""' a Pie" "vah"' in fact, any the ituseian crop are as brilliant es in 1807 bject that can ho made aervicealtle is eager - and 1881e, h would absorb all the surplus of °Iy seized. I have men men in their deepera- Russia, India and South Eastern Europe to tion pull off their coats and use thcm to fill the Rritieh requirements. America will thebeat the (lames. An experienced farmer on also get full advantage of the Rueso-German prairie, moreover, is alwaye cautious tariff war, as there is little doubt hut that not to seatter the fire, but brushes the Germany will be a liberal purchaser of sparks whenever potent& back into the breadstuff from this aide oweig to the i flames. Barrett of water are often heeled tariff complications with Russia. Taking to the edge of the fire, and the men, dipping the Government estimate of the crop to be brooma, gunny oacka, swabs or old clothing into the seving liquid, pound and beat the correct, and the tequiremente of the 'United States for seed and coesumption to be 365,.1 flameo.-an effective expedient when the grass is low. These great fires have many 000,000 bushels, leave, less (adding present , surplusof 58,00,000) than70,000,000bushels advantages in their warfare with man. : The heat is intone° and the smoke stifles, for export during the next twelve months, against 101,1110,035 hellhole exported during I Hair and beard are singed. The farmer the year ending June 30th 1893, and 22th• must sometimes retreat to put out the 663,811 bushels for the corresponding tinie flames on his own garments. Wet towel., handkerehiefe and the like in 1891-9'2. The situation on this aide has are tied over head and mouth, just as the much improved during the past ten days. city firemen toe a wet oponge. Herds of The grain trade is on a isourd belie, and ' maddened cattle and homes stampede from were there atty enceitragement in the fl• undo,' situation a more active and healthy btlyestruction, but many of them are caught market would result. The demand for ex. the swiftly pursuing element, In tho . early days on the vreat plains when the port is good et present low le ices and stocks ; gad at Eastern points are moving out teat. Were ! prairiee were the home of the buffalo, it not for the inability of the hanke in the ! antelope and wild home, these fires rolled end roared in unrestrained magnificence. Weet to afford facilities to shippers, a larger! movement would. noteh there. Farmers' I The eampfiree of Indians and trappers or the pioneer gold hunters, would set the tall deliveries of wheat on tide orop h v h ga a saan : gram burning. Sniffing the smoke buffalo exceedingly light, averaging scarcely one- . in herds would flee the danger, appreciating third of the same time a year ago. For third I its terrore too well, and the hoofs of the week in August receipto from interior points 1 etampeding thousands would soon make the were 2,670,000 bushels against 7,542,000 for , plains thunder. Yet the mitt quadrupeds the eorresponding time in Dila Farmer. often fell victime, as their routed eareassee dotting the plains would shoW to the next hunter coming that way. And the wild horse, king of the prairiem, and swift as the wind, would pertah wise. A stallion of the equine herd, on his lofty wench, would give the neigh of warn. ing, and instantly the rece witlt the flames would begirt. Nothing grander ham ever been seen titan such a contest of speed he tween wild horses and a prairie fire. The noble animal, at length surrounded by walls of fire, would dash in desperation through Pelee% tor Wheat. the fiery mass, tortunate if it mole its ea - cape with roasted flanks. Or if tbseed and The London Free Press ie very pessimis. maddened with pain and fright a horse tic as to the prospects for better price. would wheel, plunge and paw at the flamel for wheat. It nye that " the wheat sites. as ; to battle with them or to stay their tion shows no aims of improvement, not. onward rouse until exhauated it fell and withstanding it ie predicted that there is a added one more to the meal of its deetroy. brighter future in store for wheat -holders, er. Ohl trappers, scoute and Indians, when One thing is curtain, that with present (10 - flames bore down upon them, have with premed prices farmers do not intend tr. flint or match sot fire to the gram where market their wheat (at least in this part of ey tn happened to be and let it burn Ontario). All through this London dietrict whither it would, and then sought tho burnt fanners are making prepat•ations to feed distriot as a place of eafety. their wheat arops to hop and turn it lute • pork. It eatimatod that one buehel of ItEleTiNtl A no11001,, Wheat ground will make from 13 to 15 ,mat cahfaceia „ail iron, tan te ream" lint life." poen& of pork, and this will secure to thc ' ' like 51 a 11,101,01 in, me le V.,,I111 later watt the place for prairie nrea, •-. feeder Romething 1.0 I k how from my own boyish experience. The Hum Ina Fakir rem. wheat at the present price of pork, insterel ititleas they eame near our homes the A very celebrated burying fakir who of 60 cents. The amount of wheat now in frontiersmen would not interfere with the preowned himself at the Court eif 'Unica transit to Europe, with the vieible supply I3ut 1 ronetnber the find time Sing was by t lett potentate enclomed 111 a of wheat in the United Staten nnti Canada, the prairie flre threatened us. It was about bag which was securely sealed, mid placed is equivalent to 02,t481,000 Immitele, !spinet le61 anti I was going to a country school in a deal -box which wart oleo sealed and 52,683,000 one year ago, showing the large in Douglass County, in 1.1 (stern Kamm. Melted. The box was then buried in a incresse of 40,500,000 bushels, and this et Children could he lost then in the tall tenth in the presence of the Maharajah and time when the now Hop is commencing to move, and after an immense amount of rairie grans as easily 0,5 in the forests, and of English and French officers. Earth was had to keep well in the peth. I esell to placed over the mouth of the vault and the old crop hag been sold o.nd shipped toddle along, primer in hand and swinging barley wee sown on it. The Maharajah, from this continent. It has been advanced, my little tin lunch Imeket. The school who was a eceptic on the subject of, awe saye the Trade Bulletin, that a large home stood out, prominent and lone. pendent &nitration, had the fakir dug up proportion of the new erops on this some on the plain. One afternoon the twice in ten !needles, finding him in each side had been soId for future delivery prairie flre came leaping in all ite fury to- cam 48 he heel been left, motionlees, and to in England, and that the parties ward the school house, I cannot now re- all appearances dead. After the expire - wile sold would materially strenth- call Om name of the young school Malin, tion of the ten months he was taken out en the merket when forced to ny in order to fill their eontracts. This and a hut ohe wan a brave little woman. and tesuseitated. He showed no sign of The big boys were permitted to leave the life except a slight warmth at the top of great deal inere was urged as a reason for 0 the head. These facto are well Reiland - further imendiate advance in price, and building to tight the fire. Tieing only ears of age I was kept in with thesothers. cased, but st-hen the English, at the next a large number of ()Maniere bought on ths We all wanted to go home, but tfr 'se:ether test whieh he proposed, demanded tho strength of it, and they may be right in told us it was best to etay. fibs to privilege of Woo outing their own isentries spite of the reaction referred to. Still the oontfort us, but forted it delis:ult. She for Ow native seldiers who fled kept watch wholly unexpected decline of a few dars wisely knew that if we were all stetted for the Maharajah, the fakir endeavoured ago told in pretty clear characters that t Immo in various threatens over the prairie to escape that eondition and, finding it atocke in sight at this particular per d, some of us would almost certainly be caught Misted on, refused to I, buried at all. It w en they moy soon be expecte(' to ow in the raging flamee. What with prairie +seemed to he demonstrated that by stop• material augmentation, were not wi mut tire§, winter storms, cyclones and tom. ping up all the orifiees of his body to ex• their natural effect. It mut also be tne does, the frontier woman teacher has prom elude the air and finally by sticking id. in mind that the comparatively small re• ed une 0 the true heroines 0 the Plaine. tongue far back into his throat to sten aeipts of new wheat on this aide ore not so This young lady was 110 exec pti on. respiration he could suspend animation at m itch the result of a ehort crop an aa in dis- tehe kept guard over us in that prairie • will. It was concluded, however, that he position to oell on the part of far re at school house, knowing that all living in only remained in t state for a short time, present low prices. Then again, the is an the vicinity would see the danger gald 10I0 that he had acsomplices among the ports, they having proved no un Nod hy alia jggi, 00 the build - utter contempt for Government tett The enbject im one of very considerable P 08- would come to the rescue. The renders sentries wee 0 s, 1 1, kcet I I tor etweral years p tliat usge At times the smoke derkened the intereet, and if any gentleman wishem to whatever temporary effect they sy helve sun. The flames, gatheriug new etrongth, suspend hie animation in behalf of science immediately after they are issue al soon we could me them at last from the windows. while a barley crop is grnwing over him, as operators begin to reflect upon their in• To say we children were terronotrioken le he should have every tactility for the mak• trineic value, as judged by putexperience, faintly expressing our condition. I eon now ing the experiment, There are too many they at onee lose what littl ednfidenee vividly recall that afternoon. It was a cranks in the world at ails, rate, and it will The wheat hard mak for that girl to quiet and soothe not be the worse for having one low -ISE eat with in- tte, but she was calm anti heroio and her courage had its effect. The renue came at last, and we children were taken home. A fight to save the school house proved Num oessful, al the "main traveled tied in ront of it afforded a fire guard. told am related by her mother to a Mmoorat reporter :- In the fail 011002 my slaughter began to show signs thet mese disease+ was wrecking her eystein, Despite the conatant (Mention of local physlcians elm grew worse. Iler complexion was pale, and mho became almost as white as marble, She compleined of heart palpitation. Her feet end hands were 00W, and ehe was elmort driven into hyateries by racking headechea and backaehos and shortness of Meath and other diatreesing symptoms All t.liese con ditions betoken anemia or lender worde watery and im- poverished candii ein of the blood, which could not preform the functions of nature. She had no appetite; for many days Ole did. not met, etmegli for II ehild to eubsist on. " Her condition m ew front butte worse, and becoming alarmed, 1 sent her to promin• tient physiciane le Virginia, Tennessee and Little Rook, MI efforts of this nature to regain her health proved fruitless. Patent medicines of many kinds were tried end given thorough test, but without any The taettesof man are eimple. He fights fire with fire, and just as in 0 city confla• ° gratiett the firemen blow up slid destroy 001,0 buildings to keep the flames from epreading and to check their onsvard progress, tho ,`,1" plains people burn and destroy the grass ‘" mat : and geology. Remington Palace, She is now robust and f ull of life making i art a Muitelitn ill 1857, oonstItutes our family happy once more. Quito a emi- t the eubdivietotie of the mimeo and trast to the situation Mx ;eoliths' ago, when partment tinder direction of the na• everybody thought %lie would die. government. The object in view is " I think ' Pink Pills ' the beet medicine reining ssf teechera in mottoes and arts. in the world for the blood and have recom• ten the government $1,500,0110 a year mended them to several citizene of this nearest them. They set flre, of mime, only earl no eme °prettiest' its more readily made place, who have been metered to health by to gram growing on the side el the plownd ity parlialtient or encounters tem opposition its use. Mrs. Henry lirown was in a very ground nearest t,he advancing flanle8. Al• in any quarto- r. This institution, whose bast condition. Site tried the Pink Pills, though tile Wird nifty lie spinet it, t hisfire, enatniners go all over the United Kingdom, when she improved rapidly anti ia now a not being al Milt very great, cannot (zoos these collections are taken aped and Ow. very healthy woman," the guard, pnil will burn against the wind ed for periods at various centere of st•udy The diecoverer of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until it mejle the prairie blaze, which must throughout the country ; whose rebinds- for Pale l'eople certainly deserves the high• then cease in that direction, aa there is tint ion liow canducts a number of related est. tribute that pen ean frame. His medicine nothing lett for it to commie°. These flame into itutione in Scotland and Ireland as wall has slue tnore to alleviate the sufloringe of fighting u0a res, however, ore oftenhoamkeen r a, in prov meal Flighted, is enqueetinnahly humility than any other medicine known too late to g Vii life and property. N tit. beat i whim of England in all depart. to science, and his name 'should be handed timee the pi, frie fire surrounds a town that 111C1...1, 10. applied avience and arts and is down to futtire general Mes as the gre-ateat haw water whirks, the firemen get readv their note, attaeh it to hystrant 0 and stand as 1 he itil;i'ner', last reserve gainst the ensemble toe. Men, 6040 In mi often women, gn far beyond and Wolliell fire ep , , it e flames before the ese * ,. g more nastily hurtled than that u hen uncelsary women can re with courage and Recces. told on the frontier of their firm cer As a rule Mottling 1 of men, h fight a prat Many a sto heroism. 01171 j id this gt 111M1i10/1 of speetal savant to the present age. it EN ecat auto ill her most vele- Itruggiots say that /Dr. 'Williams' Pink lio have an emit moue sale, and from all Lit 10 ilin.111L11:1'. __. quarters come glowing reports of results tole ..........- - 5sesit se ' ' , • tee, ^ ecemplished after ein• lowing their use. In p,ery many casee the WIWI n n if,gighl+Lgut dye ono u it c - Ender Any tirentastanees. An atutlyitie ehowe that Dr. Williams nk ---ri'i ' n Englislovan visiting Greece for the . , Pills contein in a condensed form all the ele , t Y menta nenessary to give new life and richnees in slullness in the etreet ble of Um to the blood, and reetore shattered nerves. oY FlolITI0t: BLAIIRM. (owlet, Willett it may take him some little They are an unfailing specific foe g11011 dia. timo to define and trace In ini real come. muses as locomotor ataxia, paralysis, tit At length, end suddenly, the fact comes to Vitua' danue, eciatica, neuralgia, rhea. him that there are few, if any, women Vint ible among the foot, passengers. No W011. onfia Li ogmri, p1p1 eer:pollispliiteaattamoh,eif, ttbItee beef atert,eflphae tie der, he reams, that the streets should and sallow cemplexions, net you prootra appear dull to him, shorn, as they ore, of tont ; all disesteea slepensling upon vitiates ell the vurietY 0,1'4 wemell'e Presence 004 hurnots in the Itlood such as scrofula dress ever lends to the thoroughfare's of chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a countries further west. apecitic for troubles perculiar to femalee, In Greece it is only toward evening, and such ite suppressions irregularities end al then for but a brief period, thet the fair They build up the blood, sex take an outing, unless the preseure of forms of weakness. and restore the glow of health to pale and some urgent business shoal(' conipel thetn sallow cheeks. lo men they effect a radieel to flit rapidly through ehe throng of men cure in all came arising from mental worry, who at other times tnonopolize the overwork, or excessee of whatever nature. streets. Nor will a foreigner meet with Dr. William' I'ink 'Others manufactured who are not compelled to pert vnth their wheat to raise ready money not sell at these prices. The visible supply last week decreased over 570,000 bushels ae compared with an increase) of :1,175,0110 bushels last years and should receipts continue as light SI they have heretofore been witlt liberal exports, it will not take many weeks to bring modes on this side of the Atlantic to a more reasonable and lees unwielly com- pass. The nuinerieel strength of the Chureh of e England in England Mot been estimated at , • 13,7e0,0110.The members of the Angle:an Church the United States manlier shout ' I ,I1U1,1101). erman Syrup 9 9 They poultices! her feet and poultieed her . 1091.11, And bests -red leir hack till 'twaa art...linseed ved. Tried bodes, elixirs, painkillers and 4alveg t Though grandma deolated it was nothing hut nerves.") Thu poor woman thought she meet certainly Tat .!Ii!-!:1'.vorite. Preseription '' she happened to try. No wonder 111101400 00 loudly they speak: she 000w better once and wits well In a week, The tortUring pante anti dietreseing nery• smonsess whieli accompany, at tillieft, certain forms of fenetle weakness, yield like inagite, to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It e purely vegetahle, perfectly harmless, end aslaptee to the delimits, organization of worn. irn. It allayx and 01110100e the nervoua amp. toms and relieves the pain accompanying ; functional mid organic rouble. Guarantee punted oe hottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out Mr many yearn, A Lone Kick. 'rwo men °mewed in pedtllitig linen bought an old mule to aid in car eying the burdens. One wattle ride awhile, then the other, carrying the hales of linen on tbe mule. One day the elan who wee on foot got dome to hin mule -ship, when he received a kick on ono of his shins. To be revenged Ise hurled a None at 1110 M1110, hat aecelent he sitreek his C011111MlifIll 011 010 back of the head. Socing whet he hest dome he ateppeil and hegon to ennui and rob les The one 00 the nude turned mid asked what was the matter, " The cratur'e kieked We," Wan the re. ply. " lie jabere," said the other, " he did the 0111110 to nie on the hack of the head." No Illsappoiniment Con arise from the 'use of the great a urapep corn eitre-Pittnam's Peinleso Corn Ex true tor. Putnam's Extractor rernoVen eerlin patnleesly ia a few siert. Take no subste tete. At druggist's. Men with grey ansi blue cyan are usually better marksmen then those with dark eyes. Dr. Harvey's' Southern Red Pine for (loughs and °olds is the moat reliable and perfeet cough medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. Of British birds the ollek00 WM the small- est egg in proportion to ite own aim. Thirty gears' IWeerlenee In treal ing all shrank, diseases efts. tessitien proof 1001 liattiter i" I I istogenet hi are t1Pree(14t 11.1r."1,°%;1,117earS,(:!il)n„1"1'11,11'ller:VIPArretic, Toronto, Ont, Mont Ion 11110 paper, ACUTE or CHRONIC, Can be cured by the use of SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Cod Liver Oil, with the 1dypophosphites of Lime and Soda. A feeble stomach takes kindly to it, and its continued use adds flesh, and makes one feel strong and Nvt teci lAillTIOX."-lan.ro of substitutes. Genuine prepared by .1 Roane, honeying. Ned by WI &eaglet% , and if taa TA"."(711rff, mottc • ettlivit.t0M far "11 1 • 1 • ' lerlet and A cortunt Hook." Sigel mi. eirettlar,. WIL 1,1,11,1 IttibliMer. 'I omit 0. , , B1101tONTO St'11001. g unprecedented hellilititt fier imittur1n thOrOligli knowledge o cg in all Os ' bre tichtt.0 ttgentA for the 111ePowell Drolt• g lettere 1, 1' rite for eh -muter. 1:13 Yong° 0t. I IF YOU WOULD SAYE TIME AND MONEY BUY A NEWWILLIAMi NEWINg MACHINE Agenta EVEryWil0110. DO YOU IMAGINE That people wouti have heen regularly Tieing our Toilet titrape 01110e 1813 (fort y.reven long 1 earn) if they had not boon 0001) rile public are not fools and do not continue to buy goo Unless they are aellsfitetory. 38C3D.A.Etra,13.. them *ening in the shops, the restaurants, by the Dr. lYilliamie Medicine ComNpany, or the cafes ; they will still be coespicuous Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, . Y., TINGLEY & STEWART M'F'C CO. by their absence. In fact, unless he visits and are sold in loom (never in loose form them 111 the privacy of their homes Ile will by thedozon or hundred, and the public are MAN C FACITIOC111.1 scarcely do more than catch an occasional cautioned against numeroue imitatione sold RUBBER AND METAL STAMPS, glimpie of them at the upper window« of in this ehape) at 50 ante a box or me boxes Lodge Solla, hiehool Seg11, Office and Bank some private dwelling -house or shop, for $2.54), and may be had of all druggists or 814111119, einem, of every deseription. where, when the weather is eemonable, threw by tnail from Dr. Williams' Medicine ie Kinn Slreel West, Toronto. they will sit reading and aewing and man- Cotentin)/ from either addreso. Write for circular's. ing their 'seeks out to watch the passer-by be'llo'Iwte. effects of this sedentary life, so ante, gonietic to our English faith in open tir Martinsville, N.J., Mel lualkt Par so, tatte. " lily acquanitatt, tvdt. your remedy, I:oscine's (lei 111.1a Syrup, was made about joicen years ago, when I conttneted a Cold which resulted in a 1 lent st ite,s a Cough which disalli it Wit frolit filling my pulpit for tt nutubta Sabbaths. After trying a Pliteds'isiti, Withinit obtaining a lief -- I (mend Sny 110W what remedy he ptetteribed -1 saw the advertisemi tit of your remedy and obtained a laattc., received such quick and pet 1»1111 111 help from it that whenever we have had Throat or Itronchbd troublis since in our family, lterit hce't; Ger- man Syrup has been (tor fittesrife remedy and always 1011 11 favot able results I have nevrr hesitated to report my experience of 11 S Ilt.g• 10 others when, 1 have fountl them troubled in like vtann,r," 1:UV. W. If. IIAra:ARTv, of the Newark, New Jersey, ALE. Confer- ence, April 25, '90. A Safe Remedy. 41 C.(1 f:i2 11,1, Sale Man'ir,Woollatry.N.0 _ NERD Io GREATEST RHEIN 1110 0,e1 0, till -1111 11 TRT.TSS 10hielt him Iv) powil 11o) tvar1.1. Ifonors the 1.1,1 .15 year, I teri,, Ithitalittahle Tertinto,1111:1 Iterever exh ibil ell. CHAS. CITTIIE, 134 RING STREET WEiT, OptyttMe Itorsin 11011m. . IL Your machinery with tee etatislant ari reliable. Peerless Machine Oil We will give a anhetantini reward 10 any• One bringing Us proof Of other oil being aalll 014 0111 Peerless machme None gonume (.0 emit, from packages hearing full 11119,10 I, and Our !ethic, am( sold only by tensible nisi regular (feelers eole Manufacturer's, SAMUEL ROGERS & Cc TORO NTO. • The High Speed Family Knitter' , 10E1 0E11 10 1.)1, - )1, 11.9 On). 111111 ,)11 0,0 0 E‘:11111'11104li p191, r10 1119E 1 '11111t /1, mi,10 ft09) 110)000 00 0E 10 ,11111 1110 1,, rrE00,911 fE0111) 1,1111111,1, 111,111111L 1,1" 1 111, "11 it srrotw, I itito.t. Nolo. U., ,I1,11 III, 1' 111:1111101' 1,1 1:',1 01, 1, Arc nf 11101101.41. E • :00.11E, w,01.11, )1)90: :11,1 0, fleas Knitting machine es . Dentist, Salado. _ _ THAON EY -AA t. KNITTINGAACHIN ON1 y ASKYOUti 5FlaSSGMACHINI. AG; id FOR IT, OH SI We 3 Celle .'2:101,^P 1 0 Ffliit PAPTCC.,U1A1113.rrucE 11;1; SAMPLF.,,C,T1TON YANJ •gt. g• g U eg GEORGETOWN oNt ELMAN C R05,11,15 , Tormsurimcomr-sr, Actor flre yeart:mi.. fermi: from 11 my wife gel. entirely eared in mil month by the tree use of HT. 1,NON 111N EltAI. WATER. Tho happy transitien It bring. is grand end armament,. We prim St. Liem co high!) we will lake altaistirn in, entwining any 111.01 JilY1r.1.11 Pluck, ihiVeneourt 'toed, Toronto. Hot el now twee, 31. A. tritestee, Mgr. ST. LEON MINERAL WATER CO. LTD, READ OFFICE, TORONTO. A New Zealand Wonder. ALBERT COLLEGE and exerciee, are very marked on the fair The meet curious of all objects in New BELLEVILLE ON T form, of the el reeler, mem. .Art nolo,. Zealand is that which the Alaoris call Grants Diplomas in 'ontinocAtt point, not to designate it by the more " "velm." One is uncertain whether to Eitue.en s 0,101 Collegiate imarnes. vulgar terni of corpulence, is the most op. 0011 it an animist or a plant. In the first „„tst stage of its e.istenco it is eimply a cater. Wit parent reeult of this indoor existence, but pillar about three or four inches in length, this tendency to pose fiesh is an attraction and always found in connection with the to the modern Greek, who, like the Turk, rata tree, a kind of flowering myrtle. It finch in superfluous fat an additional appear's that when it reaches full growth, It beauty. To every country its standard of buries itself two or three inches underground, female lovelineas. For Greene the typical where, instead of undergoing the ordinary womb may he roughly sketched thus °Iterate( process, it becomes gradually She ia emit, broad and stout ; of a pale, traneformed into a plaut, which exactly flits creamy cemplexion, with dark hair, beauth the body, and shoots up at the neck to a ful eyes and features fairly regular, but not height of eight or ten inches. Thie plant Best in the World! classical. The prevailing impression that resembles in appearanoe e diminutive Ind. rush ; mid the two, animal and plant, are Get the Genuine! she leaves upon Engliehnien is that she has (whiaper the words) Neat figure. always found insepareble. One is apt to Bold Ever!where! nut to spa the towns, whore it will he seen that women play but a small part in TUESDAY, SEPT. 5Ta, 1893, R'neh 4E) Yenge blond fur Calendar, Mitre. HUNCH' 1 1, DY M.A., B.Sc. F AXLE relegate it to the domain of imagination, metemase-asweteesse among Ilragone and mermaids ; but then its 1 public life, and to turn to the rural districts of Greece. Here woutan takes a more aetive part nt every -day life. She it is who tirsave the water, twinge in the wood that the men have 1011ei1 in the forest, or who plunkily earns her wages as ilay labourer in the maize or corn field. In the burning Beinsuer, in the icy winter, she is ever to the fore, working working with her veil hanging loosely over head, ready to be fold. d aoroes her month 'should a strange man approach. It is a matter of thought how widespread even now among the couutry dietricts is the old cutout of veiling the lower part of the Nee at the approach of an unknown instinber of the opposite ism It is one eign among many that it is not ito very long ago eince the Turks were masters of thie "purphi land, where law secures was at first placed in them. question, therefore, ie fulfil tricacies thot may harass otroight up. ward movement for some time. Nor is it by any mune certain that the monetary difficult's§ of the United 8 tes are over, a confidence among the con raid classes Is Ur from belas restored. 2 Louis Republic. . The pian forte upon which Wagner re. NEW 011,01 It POW tiR ( indeed his arlieet teething in counterpo int and comp 'titian front Theodore Weini ig, ot Leipzig haft been inItied to the objects in Ow W Museum at Vkinseh Rubber Stamps . ToRoNT0, 42-1'1. 1 Qum Cite Rubber Stamp Work; UMW . existence and nattire have been accepted by the late Frank Buckteeth How it eropa. gates its species ie a mystery. Ono travel. ler, efter describing its dual nature, calmly states that it is the grub of the night butter. fly. If 90, then the grub must aleo become a butterfly, or what becomes of the species ?I One would he ready to suppose that the , tomb dem really BO, and that 'tome fungus , e"'"'"""•\. Mit Don't wait till spring is pain beforo trying K 1 it eleannes anil heals the stomach, in- vigorates and tones the syst eni. No other tonic nessled. Take it now. finds the cast-off slough congenial quartet e PICKERING CoilEci; for its growth. But, am faras present °beery K D C COMPANY (LIMITED) - ation gocs the grub never becomes a baiter. NIIVG14811:1111', N.M. l'AN fly, but is changed in every etini int() a or ITT t -ITA STREET, nosToN, stAss. plent.-[Chambers's Journal. Meetion this paper. An Important Wildlife Diseavert. Nervier)°, the lateet discovered pain eemedy, may eafely challenge the world fie a substitute that will RS speedily and promptly elleck inflammatory manna The highly peneti Ming propert of Nerviline make it never failing iit ttll eases of Owen's, tiem, neuralgia, (tramps, pains in the beet and nide, headache, lumbago, etc, It po- mmels merked stimulating and counter irritant propertiess and at 01100 Buie -lees all inflammatory action. Orman,' se Miele drugging, Peterbaroe write : " Our 11119 - town' speak well of Nerviline." Large bottles 211 canto, 'rry Nerviline, the great ntornal and external pain cure. Sold by ' - Free wimple mailed to 'my melees -1. 1 druggiets and country dealers. A. P. 675 Thousands of Dollarsi i spent trs Mg to rine ; , estre tor Malt Maraca 11.01'''.4 1 , , me, llty legs, bac! sac RYON Vero 1.11',01(91 110 IMO, walk without etalelallo, :mil Itell 1,, never sew NO SEV).10 N , 1011111111W11 ill lied, could 1,1,1111 I had 1:1 ,,tr.l. l'1].,101..Ni !,..ji! 11%, HIP luiiM1r. 1 Ira, Iiirlbir I Mr. S. Ii. 1)i`l'il. iliiVe my antis, bark ;Ind Iturc hentlegcti In lee a day, 1 lelhoi to lake llood's S0E911011111114 MEI 9/9/11 I 01111111 1100 a eltenge. The lboth beeetne iti.11.1, healthy, I Ito woreN Nana bellied the ',lig 1 .1 . , , “,1 1,{1111.t141, ailli v11110003, 111E1 11111111py 11E111 I WM, I 1111d 110111 ElkIlig e' Hood's Sarsaparilla ter 9E9E111110111119; 111111 91111111 11111 t time, WO 111111 110E19 1100 90111111 111111 well." it 12,, liunitc, 45 Bradford tit., Prochience, It. 1, S1N1;1.1,, AND STEAmo: hare 11E111111E1,1 101111t10.00 111E1 my MUSIC! Every 841.111IC Teacher In Ca natt.t tholittl know where they l'1111 1,1 their aline,. ellenpett. litr Cataloetten I also limplo ropy or the .0.1s I AN, c montlilytour. led Is eh if wori it of music oneh Issue itte to 01 Iwr day inottolw venvilitters. Ree prern. 1 01 We carry everything in 111. Mimic line. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO. 15880110E1T. TOONTO,ONt. IT IS A CREAT MISTAKE To think t hat you meet wear wide, ill.loekieg elutes to nave sminfort. Our filmes are both easy and elegan nice to look a end emu - one AUG. 15, return ut tt 00T. able Aar. 22. return with OCR 22 SEPT, S. return uptil 'NOV. while 111 wear. , Pardee t ittke tang frmn o ther pieta Omuta "tlio eT. 1). K. N( & ( '(5., Ltt I. ammo to arrive id, Toronto in time to est 7e Is I Nei FAeli, nu -ewe -It the 10:15 p. in. train on above tlates, WILL REOPEN SEPT. Gth. A high gr.ule {Warding School Mr 00 11u11,::11,1 1 it ,11:E,,grt,:1,11;, T011119 111'01,..a. 000) 4116 0)0, regime. i'lli1.11/1 per annum, Beam 1 nil owl health) local ion, (or 1' 111 PK/ I k 1'1E141 1.t root, lint CANADIAN in w PAC) FTC ny. RVEST EXCURSIONS From all tiltztt I one In On ta rio, rate to astevan 'i Delornine I o ili ,,Borg 1 $28' 00. R ton J P deanW 1 j $3° 01 ;21:1fIgY 1,. $15 00. Albert r Minion Oil 03'3 00. 1 To 1,1,1,1 V I.', A 01, 1,1)1N111:• N THE PHO v cecte 010 tee'ra' PS 1IN THE NORTHEY MFG. CO.UTD. DUPLEX Hoon.e piLLB 011E0 11‘00 1114, rOnollpatIon, 1/110,10)E089,1a1010)00.01.1 001:10'90 ...11n AND