HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1893-09-07, Page 1VOL 7, No, 4 \ t $t nbarbi. BLYTH, ONT., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7 1893 ..:anada's Favorite. IANERS RS --- Mrs. A. Belfry has returned from her visit to the Atlantic coast. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY ' eptember 4th to 23rd. in a few days more the great Live otck and Agricultural l xbibat.iun Phe Western heir, 1 oudoh," will ,pelt its gates to the thousands that Innually Hock to sue the choicest or Jattadiaa and Foreign animels of all 3Iasses, the mutilate of the Field. 'Jordon and Dairy, together with %test and most useful inventions is 'fachine'y and Itnlustrial Appliances, oupled with the highest classes of lrt La all its forms. Since the estahli+lonent, in 18G8, If this great inrtit011oil the'truspects never were brighter, tend the fair in 1893 will eclipse all fernier ones ie pointe of Quality a4d Number or exhibits and Instructive slid Educate ing Special Features. 'Tile entries are most encouraging. A number of the Departments are already filled a to overflowing. We believe in pat- ronizing the World's hair, but cer- tainly not at the expense of "Canadas Own," We therefore recommend lug' readers, by all cleans, to give ho Western their first coueiderat,ou. ''.ntries close in lite Lica Stook De- 'tartments on the .4th of September )th, Intending exhibitors should beer this 1n Mind and not be late. 1'he judging cusunences Friday 1:ith Septeube•, lin all classes except ,1ve Stock when they begin on Mon- ty, the 18th at 2 o'clock. Coop "refight and Passenger rates have bon secured for all points Its usual. Any desirous of getting a Program the Special Attractions or a Prize 14181 Call (to an by pddressi ig the Secretary, Mr. Tiles, A. Browne, who lens a large staff constantly busy atendtng to tilo wants of their maty t'atrOna land aetldleg out invitations ill till Caner Hans everywhere, and our AtHCCICOn c'oesina to come to The 1Vestern Fair. A week ado Sueday tnorning, about three;o'eloek, the stable of Mr. Finlay, Lower \Vingltaul, 1ti15 dis- tover:d to he on ire, flitF inlay ; ;'hGa u ata,ileu: of n gathers, .uceeeded in saving hie Iturses, eitrness, etc. The hay, pt which there was acnn::iderahle syipply,was oeatl'oyell, Sion;; with the 'building. :'lie origin of rite lire is nut known, :,tit it is supposed to bo teat work of 111 incendiary. 11l N IJTE MATTERS MUCHLY Mr. A. McKellar's new residence MIXED.on Dinsley st, Is nearly completed. Quito a crowd from town attended TotyN TUFIOS, nE\FRAC None AND the ldttedU11laloiames at Lucknow, yesterday. Al%NY Is'rERbsrtE0 ITalus To THE Mr. and Mrs. Thorne, of California, formerly of this town, were du town ou Friday visiting old acquaintances. PL'ULIC WINER Mr. J. P. Fischer of Walton, in town Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Lwin of Kintail, visiting in town Sunday. The farmers in this vicinity Clearly thl•ouge h:irvcrtiug. teas Mrs. Clark of Scannell, who haul been visiting her sister Mrs, N. H. was Young, is seriously indisposed at present, are We were shown this week a Iden -'s ' egg, the production of Mr. Philips The 1. 0. N fnWud givhlgu grand poultry, which measured G inches one way and d inches the other, concert the Kemal evuuiva of the ' K y' The sidewalk aloe Dius.le street r'afr, has been repaired this week. Some Mies MIs, Davis is spending the very goad work in this line has beep autumn Untie with tier oruther, dune this 501s.aa by the Cuuueil, ill Cuuurg. Now Is the time to pay y .ur Tor. nto° industrial Exldhution is printer. AU in arrears will please now in fall awing with a very largepay up this month. We need the at cnd ce each day.money totuCout abE14CrifAN D ND nes, Punter has returned from a Messrs. Herrington, Bell and Me - two -week's visit in Watford, with Cenius took hl the British Military Ler sun, AL, It, Moody. tournament which was held in Lon - Mrs. A Elder left on Monday to dun last week, They pronounce it visit her purents in the neighborhood the best affair they have seeu for of 'Furtado, for a short time, years. A bicycle race and wood -sawing Mr. Chas. Flotxly has rented his eeupetitien will to aunoug the farm of 175 acres in Mullett, to attraet.,ns at the Fair tuts year, Wam Collinson for five years fur 650 per annum. We believe it Is i11r. Geo, Stewart who has been Mr, Floady'e intention to move into visiting friends in Scotland, is expect- the vtllag.) about the 1St of March. ed house the latter part of this mouth. Ho will make a good citizen and we Auctiuu sales will be eeaiuued by welcome IMP. An ad, In the Jessup 11i McElroy in their old. stand STANDAR) on22e told the tale. next Saturday afternoon and even- I If your uncle has en aunt who has ing. 1a nephew whose wife has at cousin Mr. Matt Floody left for Winnipeg, that is %harried to as old friend of plete recovery but cite sum Man., on Monday, where the intends your wire's sister, whose graidfothe' getting a situation ua the railway it used to live itt the same town with possible. an old schoolmate of yours whose The funeral of Robert Henderson son-in•law now lives in Chicago, you of East Wawanosh, whielt took should at once renew your acquaint• place on Mouday was largely :aloes with a view of saving hotel attended. bills while at the World's Fair. LOCAL fie DISTRICT IIAPPENINGS Oh' THE PAST WEEK 814OTRERED IN A WELL—MANIT(' 4'e NEED—OUR FRUIT AT Cn10A00..- RoBt'. HENDERSON DEAD, A Hulletite Abroad Says a Brandon, Man,, correspon- dent.—"Mr. R. H. Knox, who resides near Harlock, in the township of Hullett, is at present paying a visit to his many friends and former ueighburs, who are now located around Brandon. A few days ago its he was un his way from Brandon to ltuselaud to visit the Bests, Muni - sone, Me. and Mrs. John Allen, and others, he showed the agility which characteristic of the Huron boys wlto come out here, by runeing down and ca aurin ,a wild duck, and although h one ot'the Manitoba boys started with hitt in the chase, R. H. cause out ahead. Ile was well pleased with this part of the country, mad is now visiting in aud,arouud Prince Albert. Obituary. In East Wawanosh on Saturday morning last Robert Henderson passed away in his 36th year. Mr. Henderson with his late wife went to Ubly, Mich,, about four years ago, and a year ago last March his wile died there from consumption. Last fall Robert came home, broken down in health, He suffered a winter though at one time had hopes or com- er tailed aturday rationed marred A ill id n ay elect - a very high 1 Was The have has pier Mr. R. Huwaud'a brick block is now receiving the finishing tuuchee. It haproves that side of the street eouc iderably. A PR°FII'ABLE INC ESTttEAT,—The STANDARD five noW till Jan. 1841, far 3J (ents. Subseribo at one and avoid the rush. nluiidusun & Co. arra doing a large trade in mantes, They have all tee/ ati Alr. Jas. Ruddel, who lives about a mile this side of Londesboro, met with a painful accident on Saturday evelliug. While driving home front Blyth, when a Short distaitee out of town his horse shied at a cow and started to run away. He managed to jump out but in doing, so be broke his auk le. Ile was taken to hordes, baro who •:the break was de again very greatly and on suncutuoed to the above disease. His remains were in the Union Cemetery on afternoon, Rey. Geo. "Juggle Mg the services. Thee ora large Auteuil, showing t esteem in which Mr. ,Eieudel held by till who knew life bereaved mother and fatni euthsulatiutt ill kuowiug that gone to juin his dear wife to and brighter world. Slrrothered in a TVe Ou Tuesday of Chi aitd nit ek a sad ,a iatst NV u,(anuah. Messrs. World's Nair '1 11 his w u •,vt • ex JAS.11ars4:da acid Jit S. Le,' ver were tt e';,,,; coal will do well n plornP, las grip with e•xrecta nt tart•, diAgl m` a well for Araa,trorig, w his year will on the to order from lleustedt Brus, w•hcrc railing to tied what she seemed to he 't 1, a ' who was 41,),(11 the well be e.wtl, d at reek -bottom 1 be 12 m r.,xete.r it eaupro-bottom '" a 1l,tlt rorty -use feet began 11 smother ullal hunting fur, she turned to Crim and prices, and the best quality. lion. Wilfred Laurier is " now • said ' achene is the jag?' ' 1'hl i'ru1.0,411l gas and dl:uslatll weal down to billing the electors iu various parts i Ontario. The Home 'Rule Bill Las passed to ae House of Lords. DENTISTRY 0. BRUO1✓, L.D.S., DENTIST - - CLINTON Visits Blyth every Mu* at 'GASON'S 110 FEL, Teoth e(tracte 1 paint sly by the use ttf the most approved local anaesthetics. Alt onerationi ill Dentistry performed 'with caro and at Reasonable Prices, yllflas Hours—I0 a.m. 08 p.m 11. KItiSJt1I L. rf. S. 1 DENTIST ^n ! of EXETEP SPECiA1, ST in Goll Filling, Plate Work, and !Wield:, eetra,;ting.- Will {)ractice at COMMMERC1441. HOTEL BLYTH, every Monday. Painless Ex- .trectin;t. ate -Cali Early in the day. • A. II. TiEKNA.Y, NOTARY PUBLIC, Fire, Life, and General Insurance Agent CON1MXANC611,. MONIY rObOAN flue of W. H. Henry, of the Journal; .At the lowest rate of Interest on First we wish the STANDARD continued Mortages. success,—Warkwo•th Journal, OFFICE.—Opposite Slater & Sims TELLING THE SEC,ET.—Ile Quoit Street. - - - BLYTH blushed a fiery red; her heart went pit -a -pat; she gently hung her head, )10NEY TO LOAN. 'Sud looked down on the mat. Ile trembled In his speech, he ruse from rTHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE where he eat, and shouted with a 1 Large sums of Money to Loan on'scr'eeclt: "You're sitting on my hat !" .farm Property at the Lowest currentI Malty fields of fall wheat are in, in rates of Interest. .No Commission , thl9 section, and the farmers are pre- aharges to Burrowers, MANN USG & SCOTT, 1 paring fur the raising of their pota. Bdr'risters, b:c., - CLINTON ; tws and early roots. Late potatoes are the lucky ones this year, but 1t is out safe to violate the cost mit a ' he naked in astonishment, rescue 41411. leaver was rescued but office regulations- A lady from 13t•I- ..The jag. MI's. B. says her husband 1 bet'ure 1larshall could be helped out grave was recently tined i10 and ; saw you in Chicago with a jag en, the fuul air had overcome host, and costs fur sendiug a letter contaiuilg' 1Viwtuvcr it is you apo not wearing when he was brought to the top life tummy in a newspaper. 1 it now and it isn't in your grip," was extitlet, Jas. Marshall was The prize lists for the Blyth Exhi-' "Oh that's all right. I left it at the about 21 years of rage, and some b)tiun are out nod intending exhibit- office. lis the way I saw a handsome Years ago lived Ill Blytlt, where his ors eon suture a copy by writing ur fall hat in a milliner's shop and you father worked at coopering, The applying to Hugh McQuarrie, Blyth, can look at hand if you like it you funeral will take place today Sec1y, of M. A. Society; may have it. (Thursday) at one o'clock, to Wing - and a daughter oi' his niece in the old home to mourn his death. The three brothers came to this country in an early day and by their industry ac- cumulated considerable wealth. He was a professed Christian when the Master called him, and in visiting him before iris death, when by the grace of God he was offered salvation through Christ, he gladlyacceptcd it. Some weeks before he died he con- stantly said jte was trusting in Christ Before his death we visited him, and at that tante the grim monster had such a hold on him that he could not speak. Before we left ham he tried to tell us Something but we could not understand hint, but he kept poMting upward with both hands. When 'asked if tea thought all well between Gad and himself he put up both hands toward heaven in joy, us satis- fection thatpll was right. Although accepting salvation at the eleventh hour, he left behind a hope ofa better life hereafter. Bro. Sellars' case only portrays tra t e od s wonderful t 1 lout h r *Macre. ie tasted and saw that (iod is t,blo to save even to the utter - moat. The brothers and relatives have the sympathy of the community in Hien. bereavement. The funeral service was conducted by Itev. J. K. Hicks, pastor of the Westboro M. E. Church, after which the remains were interred In the Walden Grove Cemetery, Huron's Fruit at Chicago. Ii will be remembered that at the June meeting of the County Council a small grant was given to aid the Goderich Horticultural Society to collect and forward to Chicago for exhibition, samples of the fruit of the County of Huron, from time to time as the various kinds became suf Ici- ently advanced. The president of the Uodoricb Society, Mr. J.T.Dicltson whc we believe, was the originator of the Idea, and the other office's have been indefatigable in their efforts since to secure a creditable ex- idbitand although the appleprop is so deficient this year, at will he pleased to learn that titsY (lave succ' eedcd remarkably well so kir. Tile follow- ing acknuwledgmen of the receipt of the last consignment of fruit has been received froth, A 11. Pettit, superintendent of 't the Ontario fruit . o at Ch s a. m. good condition, and I cart assure you °ley made a flue Auction r r c 8iall ! ,74 I have established a Produce Agency in Lon- don ttnd am now prepar• ,od to buy any quantity of Good Butter —AND -- Eggs at the highest possible Cash Price. Will handle all kinds of FRUITS and any quantities. Bring along your PEARS, Plums, Apples, or anything marketable and will do, well for you, T. W. SCOTT,' s, Wholesale and 1-tet.til Merchant, BLvrn. ARE -:- YOU THINKING Of buying BOOTS, SHOE'S EO GROGE i Probably you are. Then we can give you a few words of i,est S Finest 1n town, GOODS WE will make our firm exhibition of Fall Dress - Goods on Saturday Sept 9th. when we will show the Finest range of Stylish Dre es Goods with TrimtniLgs to match, ever exhibited in Blyth, OUit Stock of General Dry G Jods is now complete ,i1Ts every Department, • WE show a Stocl: of German Mantles second to none in the County We are always pleased to show our goods whether you buy or not. j I MoKINHON & CO MAMMOTH HOUSE43L YTH We Have Got The Pull ! How and lYh3' We Draw The Trade ! WE are drawing customers every day by the tremendous power of LOW PRI('ES. 11'e are drawing customers evert day with the QUALITY of the goods which we sell at low prices. Therets nothing to a low pries nn less the qualtt;y is bac,t of it Remember that :,'041 must understand the quality of our goods beti•e you can undet'staed t)ur prices. We want everybody to examine our new stock on its merits as collection of strictly first-class goods. Yon will find them Honest, Serviceable and Reliable, and with that knowledge in your mind we a11a11 make you LOW PRICES THAT MEAN SOMETHING THE only low price ttat amounts to anything is a low price, QUALITY CONSIDERED, 1Ve give just that—a good article with all we ask. Some people make the mistake of buying cheap goods at cheap prices thinking they are getting a low price. This is a species of humbug that atony persist in calling economy- NOTHING is low priced unless itjs>-a good honest article- Cheap stuff is cheap stuff at any price. We sell, good goad honest goods of all grades and nothing else; you want nothing else. We make the lowest prices, quality considered. You will not consider any price without quality. Now why shall we not do business together. We agree on everything but the day you will call, and that we leave to your con velMime. ,, This way to our great hall Stock. n McKellar'' addition to Ontario's exhibit. Two geutlenten from you, section (whose names I have fe'gottaiy in the hurry of my work) I aur sutra' were proud to see their section 04ell represent- ed. I had just got the fruit Placed'I on the, tables to' the ,judges when they came to see our court. The fruit was in line condition, carefully selected and packed, attd it was a pleasure to receive it atld place it on exhibition." What Manitoba Needs. 1f all that the Pilot Mound Sentinel h Monday I w t have Ilam Coaster', from the residence of says is true, what Manitoba chiefly' T At the Old Stand on SATURDAY next, Sept. 9th, Afternoon and • Evening. Everything will be sold.. Slaughter Sale of the Balance of i'lissop 81,our Spring and Summer Goods. This month we will make a I There are some farmers to the On ion al t lore as 1) ,vie, Geo. Quiuu, 3rd lice hist -- north of us that are not through been a wedding in the Catholic Mr. Geo. uncle of the ineea of ants Is an immigration of healthy harvesting yet. We are afraid If church hut owing to the priest, who hearty young Wooten as mates for' they dun's get a hustle on they will was to have officiated, meeting with The Union School Dispute, lonely batchelor farmers in that Prov - intoe to rains their turnips next an accident, the contracting parties Messrs. J. Britton, 1Inlay Ander. 111E10 into, The Sentinel has a truly epriug, had to drive over to St. Augustine sun and John }lowers the arbitrators gruesome picture of the sorrows of the STANDARD last week, has been which the wedding procession drove appointed by the County Cuuncd to only are they denied the pleasures 1 The lost child's coat advertised 1n co have the knot securely tied, afterthese wifeless agriculturalists. Not feud. It was picked up near up to the Queens Hotel where mine determine the merits of the petition of fetnale society, but they are Auburn by Mr. Matt. Stains. The host and hostesk had prepared a of 1'. Belly aid others asking tet' the practically homeless, and they and I 1 I t the family '1 f Rev.splendid dinner for the guests after formation of a now union school their farms are constantly on the coat )l' urge: 0 10 a 11 y 0 ' ` Forrest, Walton. which the happy couple took the section in the vicinity of Auburn, down grade. They are amiable and OUR SPECIALTIES J. S. McKinnon has returned from trate going south amidst showers of have been at work. An objetton Industrious but unfortunate. They Iter of the fair sex was made he ti nleotiug in often start on good farms with tl Toronto where he spent a week ill rico. Quite a num was t le selecting dross go ds and general were disappointed at not seeing the Auburn to any action being taken intention of getting themselves a dry goods for the mammoth house. wedding performance after having, at all on the grounds of irregularity wife when they are in a better He says their dress goods this waited to the church fur wine time. in petitioning the township commits. financial position and have improved season will surplus anything they At the ell Me time it wait urged that - their lands and buildings. This day ever showed. 1 01&N any award would be invalid, Let• howeyer, never comes to many of One of our exchanges, the BLYTH HAYS,—In Seaforth, on August 28th, ''tors front the Education Department them. Matteis go from bad to worse STANIIA.,D, has entered into is sixth the wife of lt. S. Bays, (nee misswere filed,sustaiuiug these objections. Here is the Sentinel's picture of his of a son. 1110 arbitrators adjourned to meet at forlorn condition : ""Tile young man year and ha a bright newsy sheet. It Nan Shane,) is edited .by Mr, W. II. Irwin, a vela- Dtteu. these points to lion, 0. W. hues to the bed that has, perhaps not been decide. The deputy replied deckling made tor six weeas; he then feed@ both points against the petitioners. his horses, and in the unswept and Hot. 0, W, hues, on August 3rd, dusty house prepares a hasty and ill - wrote Mr. Britton that the arbitrators cooked breakfast which is eaten from must proceed and the force of any off unwashed dishes. The bread is alleged irregularities were to be de- generally sour, or hard or dry, the tided by the courts. Hence the butter salty and rancid, the coffee meeting itt Blyth. D. 1 Munro, worthless, the (meat burned 0n one who had received from the chairman side and raw on the other, The a copy of this ,correspondence with ' breakfast table is left covered with the Department, also wrote adding dirty dishes and slops, where a mill - some further hhfortuattoo, and asked ion flies gather to feed 111 undisturbed for the Minister's d''ecision on the dos- p' acefulness. The unrefleshed puled points above mentioned, and bacuelor goes to the field lonely, also urged that the Minister adyise miserable and dyspeptic." It then the arbitrators to report no change goes of to prescribe for the patient:— now necessary; a Coulwc which would "What the bachelor requires in his give all concerned more time form- home isa broad -shouldered, stirring 'Adoration and allow the petitioners wire that will keep the house in order to begin' again. The Minister's reply as well all the husband who owns it, was received and tiled. It reaffirmed and whu will sec that clothing and the irregularity of the petitioners, blankets are trade clean and kept so; held that arbitrators must act, and who will serve a good, well -cooked advised that a report be Wilde that dinner, with fresh, sweet bread of her r butter of 'I' 'o nut o baking and delicious ua e Sale' Thisc ui'sc own •isuces no change t, J• K was adupted. A curious point was her own churning; who will see that raised, would not this shut out the groceries are good, and gnat proper petitioners for five ,years? 'Phe Min- value has been received for money cater is 04011tinly not of that opinion, expended; who will wash and tread besides the arbitrators' action did not her husband's clothing and remove torus a new section, nor alter the the shingle nails that have been used boundaries nor dissolve any of the as substitutes for buttons; who will sectlunls concerned. The live years look after the hen's nests and see that limitation applies only to cases where the dairy is kept in order, and who a new section is funned. will place the Bible on the trtblc when the day's work is done." Some of Biyth's "girl bucbelure" would do well to go west before it is tee glee. The wonderful cures of tbousauds of ;veld, -111 Id! IL, 44 y ul tlw 111,111 of liood's Sarsaparilla. 'Total's cures. call of chairman, who was to submit riser in the morning, leaves unmade FOR SALE I early "rnurphies" are hardly worth digging on some farms. A number of tanners wore In the AGood Frame I/welling House sad 1 city on Monday hist looking for help sere of land, on North Street in the Geed wages are offered hat fart, Village of lilvth. The house is 23x81), 14 storey higit, with wine lexs'2 1 storey 11011) 19 very scarce. Unless help Lags. is well finished and contains 4 coluoe in from the east, as ltaa been roams, hard awl soft water. The land 1118 cafe ill previdus }'ears it will r a good quality. A choice lot of fruit prove 'a serious 1natter.—Brandon Cherries. Grapas los Plums, Dile Orapas, trees, I'ea me Currants and Berries. Thia is a very' Sural• • desirable residence and beentifull,y situ- 1 The Auburn butcher carne near (1154,100 rising gra.1a1 overlooking the' getting 1115 neck broke, here, the village and will ba s:1d Chit/Won reason- ' ' other day.Ile hada little ono much Ala terms. Por full particulars applyf C. I'AM1LTON i of "oh be joyful" hi him sold reck- WarH, Oar, lessly drove his bores' into a ditch - which caused the rig to pitch with 00 sutliclent force to land hint out o4 his, but the patient 1148 futly recuvered .u. head. He was nqx hurt on reg oust and America is again Ecco of the tter 1) anted of the afurexaid "uh'be joyful." dreaded disease. A number of papers, were unlit- It is said that Str Sohn Thompson tentionally led cetl'6y as to the will make a short campaign of Obituary. wiliest standards adopted by the speechmaking in Ontario, "me"' The following clipped from the Millers' Association 'of Canada: The log probably the week following the Wave, Mattison County, 7"eonto papa,rs were respAdsihle for 'reroute huduetrhd Fele. Itis ex- Westborothe• errs The 4'eIn „t table is eta ected that utecthlgs will be held 111 nii.,uura, tit Au;;. lad, has reference follows:—Wheat teStln P g--lSixtytwq Galcrlch Clinton, 1Vjngllaut, Walker- to an uncle of Mr. 11, Sellars of this pounds or over pay two cents over ton Tara St. Thomas Kingsville Chat- place : "Died at his own home, Aug, standard price; sixty.ono pounds pay liam, Glehtoo, Lindsay and Peterboru 4th, 1893, Mr. William Seilars. Mr. nail cent over standard price, sixty '' ._. . Sellars wns Soul in Kuunythotpe, 11ENDERSON.—In East Wawanosh, ou ' Saturday, Sept. 2nd, Robert Henderson, aged 35 years. CHURCH NOTES, Both the Presbyterian and Method. 1st churches here are to be lighted by electricity in future. Rey. Hamilton of Londesboro, occupied the pulpit in St. Andrew's church last Sunday evening Rev. McLean took Mr. Hamilton's charge.' Rey. T. E. Higley conducted a Harvest Thanksgiving service in Auburn on Wednesday evening last. RAMBLING NOTES, The United States National banks are to become State institutions m future. Were Oce thousand lives w re lost in the storm of a week ago on the southern Atlantic coasts, and the living are begging for bread. There was a case of Asiatic eholera in Jersey City, U. S., a few days ago, ND ANY QUANTITY OF 110$4 : E C G The hi;hest Price in a+ %';48111 e be lot 41 for any duantity 1''il'✓ult' l neer, door to NIelc.dt's Gtuct.ry Store, J)m:;ley' } Bh lyt ,r 1o.1aa: ! pounde pay tand1nl price; fifty-nine England in Cho year 1811 He poud•. p Ole 614 heluw Shand I Witi h Prises For ' ado h Hi ste. ennui to this cumnn'y in 1853 and Brice; 'illy -vie le It two cents 1 e v,55 '$2.;:f11,113.70 former pricer>b5, r ,ruled in Lin County, Iowa, and in low 5' u'!rt rd .1'14.P: h tl y.,et t,, 10. gushy remains the same -16 dif 1 0t7 he moved to the present home pound; pat' 1100 e''ntn'I'i' w' '01)1 1:11 1 ferentstyles; dry battery and acid belts to Missouri. Mr. Sellars had long ilei ;it, Iowat p., i h' .-mild or strong current. Less than half been afflicted with cancer wI ich cent♦ 1 L.rw -' leder! p'l> 111l •:Iv erloeomanrothercompany omthan ansa and m re preyed so much upon hie system till to- Purl- p•tv wet VP getb.'r. fila list 1104', Ms Vol this tSYar. W. 1.13414.4 & U0, Wwdsur, nut. l'"ll :, vette; t'; the grist (11 303 r Death, 11e 1.0: 1W;) br.':',ser:, a I.iec' %cur old t:irm. POULTR,t FOR SALE Three dozen young hens and Aril. lets, twenty pure large white ducks, and alto a number et' turkeys anti geese will be sold cheap ne we are soon going to move, where' we will not require them. MRs.GEO. STl vier. ('ottnee, eon. 5, East Wewaanesh, For this week at big cuts in Prices: A. few Childress Carriages at about half price as we are detu•',lined not to carry them. over. About half a dozen Express wagons is all we have left out of the large lot we got in the spring, out, they umsta° for what ever they will bring. 1f you have any need of a nice linen ori felt Window shade see what we areoffe -1 ing; we can surprise you with our prices. We have a very large lot of Photo Albums bought away down in price, our customers shall have the benefit se long as they last. School Books are in full demand again. You will find our stock complete in all kinds of school requisites. Our Grocery & Crockery Department is still booming. We do not depend upon offering odd lines at leas than cost to attract Customers, and then charge them on other goods. 'Ibelarge Patron- age we are enjoying has been built up on fair and honest dealing, our Motto being, "Honest Goods at Honest Prices." Parties having Plums, Pears, Crab apples etc. to offer will find it to their ad- vantage to see us before they sell. We do nut have any Agency or single market fo, disposing af our fruit, we ere open to sell in any market wherever we can get the best prices. Hence the advantage of nat being confined to the fluctuations of of any one market. We arch; the fruit* business to stay. Call and see us. ra mit $.,:iTQ.At Ida ` THE POPULAR GROEEY. Bcar isiu You can buy the followinz articles at your own price Odds & Ends of Tweeds & Worsteds; Summer Coats and Vesis. Ready. ys Made 'Pants and Light Vests,' 1F YOU WANT BARGAINS COME AT ONCE. ECC• . C4Z+_..+1LET?$ N. 33—HATS .A. SPECSI1ta.LT-cI BARGAINS IN STOVES COOK STOVES COAL S'T'OVES WOOD (HEATING) STOVES Very, very Cheap for CASH. Popular Clothing !louse. Paints and Oils Every description @nd Color of Paints at 641i,Yep PRICES, A very large Stock to choose front Denstedt -:- Bros. EILT CU • - O. Tlie Leading . . . . . Hardware Store Headquarters For all hinds of Fur - nacos, Builders' Hard- ware, Stoves, 'tinware Cutlery, Carpenters Tools, etc., and every- thing in }Hardware Lino ffflff:mL oto !J 1BE 10 wommumestizis And Don't You Forget - It! SEMENSIOSUMS When you want any- thing nything in Candies. Lemons Oranges, Bananas, Cool Drinks. Ice (;ream I'IIAr iT'. II. IlleB :IDL' is the man to go to. RIS,llEN. BER.—I make a Specialty of my own Bodiless. A T. II, McBrido's 210'' AIR 'ICES.S Katy as' t'e111--It11MraM prepare for the coal weather, We can give ; you the beet titmice and • guarantee you un Al job : The Old Reliable in full blast. New A,rrivalsovery Week. Head Quarters for Barb and Plain Fence Wires, Nesting for Ft's:ce . and Pc.:ltry. Also a FULL STOCK Of Wire ,anti end Saila 5padve, Shovels. floes, P4 rks, and a full I.ine tf .••^' General Shelf IIAiLD1VAl'F.. A Full kine of 11,1, Sheet Iron, Copper were, Crvvuuery and MIIk.Cglta• Envetroughing and Rolling done nn shat nutlet!. Nothing but First.I'lass ,took 11,111. Heaalquarters1,41' slot Air Fnronces, fur woad ur c"n1. I still offer my Stuck ,)1' N 1'OVI'S at :t groat Reduction. Hides, Skins, Nage, Wool Pickings, Old Metal, taken In exchange at'tlb Ilighest Prices Paid, tir G. NOSED',