HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-12-25, Page 5Vrie rZ. Our r .ens anb Vaironz Meru' (thrizimas TILE WING lllA littorals Council '7 The of the Camel! met at the Township hall on Dec. 16th, after the minutes of the last meeting and of the special meeting were read and approved. By Laws were passed appointing Claarles Gatrnw, the township solicitor and up- puinting the time and place to hold the nomination and the places to hold tbo polling booths should a poll be demanded. A motion was passed to refund the town- ship rate tax to all retureeci soldiers who make application, The following accounts and salaries and part salaries were paid: ---South Boundary, $208 70; F. S. Scott, repairing grader 1.00; The Advance, advertising 1.25; Alex Cloakey, retinal Road work 13 50; Lewis Williamson. gravel 7,00; Geo, Pierce, estate gravel 4 20; Jamos Gibson, gravel (0, 4'1; Harry Wells, fence and road 153 00; R, McDonald, stone and washout2100; Geo, White, drawing grader 0.00; John Shortreed, ditch and tile 8.10; A. Sbaw, express 50e; A. Mc.Ew•en, salary 210,00, postage 15,00. Ins. Premium on Hall 2 80; W. H. Derr, .Balance contract 45,00; Uton McCauley, refund dog tax 2.00; Richard Johnston, gravel 8 00; Henry 14 lathers, filling and gravelling 70.00; We Levet Balance of contract 100.00; Earl Bernard, work on road 3.00, Jas. Nichol work on road 4 00 and gravel 8.00; Dan. Mc- Donald, gravel 11,55; Richard Procter, part salary 100 00; Wm, Miller, Caretaker,. wood, oil and etc. 15 00; Wm. Elston, Reeve 100 00; A, Procter, W. Yuill, H, Fear and R. H, Shortreed, Councillors each 75,00; Fred l-loggitt., on Laidlaw Drain 475 00; Charles Fraser, tile on good roads 4 70, • Highest Prices for Produce. Fresh Groceries always on hand. j WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 166 The school with competent instructors and sup, erior courses. Graduate placed in Positions Affiliated with the Elliott Business College in Toronto and the Central Business College, Stratford, Write for free catalogue. Enter any time, ,A, McLachlan, Pres. Murray MeLeish, Prin. A Booming Paper The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, is more than booming this season. With the big family weekly is included a souvenir portrait of the Prince of Wales, sike 16x22 inches, It is bring- ing the Family Herald new readers by the thousands. It is the best portrait of the prince ever taken and will be a valued souvenir of his visit to Canada. The Family Herald and Weekly Star costs only • $125 if remitted for before lst January, including the Prince's portrait. It is the best value ever offered. A. MACE\$N, Clerk, Cans ftlyuri bloated 100% Pure Sugar Cana Treads Use it regularly. Feed it to your COW$, PIGS, HORSES, SHEEP and watohthem take on weigltt. Sprinkle it over straw,old hay, and all other fodder, It. Keeps Stock Healthy Build, Flesh Faster Cows give More milk Ii outs down cost of feeding, a. valu- able conditioner, at dealdely treason. able cost. Made of pure sugar -Dane molasses. Buy it by the barrel. Obtained from all Bret-oltss dealers Cane Mola Co. of Canada Limited 118 St, Paul St. West MONTREAL, QUE, Local Distributors HOWSON & HOWSON Fordyce • Mr. Albert Phillips who has been in the West tor some time is at preseut home visiting his parents, Mr. Souter Taylor has now got the water bowls in his stable completed, he will find them a great improvement to wards watering his cattle out in the cold Mr James Snowden of Laurel is at present visiting her mother, Mrs Robert Haines for Christmas, Mrs. McGlynn spent a few days visiting her daughter, Mrs Galleon Mrs, Stewart McBurney has returned home again after visiting with her parents for few days. Mr. James McGlynn of Turnberry is at present visiting at M. Patrick McGlvnn's for a few days. • IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF. OUR 'TOWN ? The Dollar You Spend In Wingham Will "Come Horne To Boost": The Advance "BUY -AT-HOME" Canwaian Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the -People whose ads. are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right The money you spend with 'them st7s in circulation in Wingham. 'SEE'''US FIRST when yo u require lee ill foot apparel and offer a, splendid •assortrnent for your approval. A full stock af Trunks and Valises.—W. J GREER 'THE REXALL STORE is criterion for purity and wholesomeness in ready-made formulas Besides you have the benefit of an international service, Full supply of Drug Sundries as well. See me when your eves are pausing trouble. — J. 1X/HEN YOU BUY Boots and Shoes etc., from us you are sure of securing sat- Isfa.ctibn as to the quality atid price. We stand back of till our goods. Full line of Trualts, Valises as well.—W. H WILLIS POOli4PLUAISING IS DEAR at any price, Let us estimate for you on all kinds of Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Tinsmithing, etc. Our prices are right We guarantee our work. Patronize home thisiness men.—Vit. J. BOYCE. YOUR EYES are your greatest asset. When they require attention the best ad - vide ia none too good. By consultitg. me you. assure yourself of proper treatment Let me prescribe for your eyes,—R. M. WE LHAD in trunks, bags and suit cases atock always on hand, also good line single- harriesS, Repairs a speciality Cali we Will attend' to your wants — WE OPFER 'YOU a splendid stock of shelf and heavy hardware for your re quirements. It will pay you to inspect our stock and one visit will relieve the 8011/41. PRINTING AT HOME is often thought of, by ignorant people, to be of poorer quality than that which you can get front the traveller. We know of ladies who have compared wedding stationery print- ed at Toronto with that prmten TrIS A.DVANCE and found the latter to be fair evertor in quality and workmanship. MILLINERY AT A BARGAIN SAVING—Batve $1.00 to $3.00 on your new Pell Hat, at the WINGHAM BA. 'WHEN' YOUR WATCH or Clock re- quires it' ention bring it to Wingham's Orosteet WS.I.Ch Doctor We guarantee our work Our optieiti parlors ars com plots 1st ws lava* that eye strain for you. —It G. PATTERSON. WHEN YOU REQUIRE Dry Goode Carpets oild Rugs, Haas, Caps, Furs Proseries, Soots sad Shoes, etc., rime oar establichesent will convince sem lead our pion end sposility • sore right. A. INULTs4, POWER OF DOLLAR IS EASILY SHOWN Keep One Moving and See What It Will Do for Your Com- munity. the plumber; Jones could net have paid his printing bill; the printer would have had to stand off the milk man; White, the carpenter, would not have got the money for the work he had done for the milkman and Smith would not have got the money which White owed him for lumber. , This is all so simple that it requires no student of economies or professor of mathematics to figure it out. Any- one can see that when Smith sends that dollar to Chicago or some other city where the mail order houses flour. PAYS MULTITUDE OF DEBTS ish, that dollar Is gone mo far as Smith • When it Is Sent Out of Taiarf, How. ever, to Pay" for What Can Be Bought at Home It Is Gone /t Is a rather ivonderful thing, when you stop to think about it what one lone dollar will do, if it is kept at work. This has been illustrated in a striking manner on several occasions by means of a very simple experiment. If you want to see just how important a role a silver dollar or a dollar bill plays in the life of a col:amenity here is the 'way to do it. just attach a tag to the dollar and turn it toose, with the request that every person who receives the dollar make a note on the tag as to how he reeelved it. The re- sult will be an eye-opener. Here is the way it works: Smith, the 'lumber dealer, who first possesses the dollar, buys some groceries from Brown and pays for them with the dol- lar. About that time Jones, the plum- ber, Whe had done some work for Brown, sends his collector around and Brown peys the bill with this dollar. Jones (FOS Green, the printer, a sMall advertising bill, se he fiends this dollar with possibly scene others, to Green to pay his bill. Green had just put the dollar in his cash drawer when in conies Black, the milkmaa, to whom Green owes a dollar for milk delivered at his house. Green takes the dollar out of his ertah drawer and pays Mack, For some time Blaek has owed White, the carpenter, for tome work done -on hia dairy lame, so now he Mires the dollar that Green has paid htm and pays up what he owea White. he bought from Smith, the lumber dealer, so he taken the dollar and smith now has him dollar back. rlroWn been able to pay his plumbing hill, Jones has squared up with the printer, and rro on, all around the What might Haire Happened. Now suppose that ineasien1 buying his glitsfaalsal from Brawn, WI sloltar fro pay fee Oman. Eitnien Wald sot barn tuad Oct &UV CO pc NV" and Jones and Green and the rest of the people in Smith's town are con- cerned. That dollar will never etime back to pay any bills in Smith's town, And the thing that stands out most striking, but is most eften overlooked, is that Smith, the man who first spends the dollar, is hurt just as natelt when he sends that dollar out of toWn as is the home grocer from whorn he might have bought his groceries. Now just raultiply this one dollar by a hundred or a thousand or ten thom sand. One dollar may not seem to make much difference in the average town, but a thousand dollars or even a btmdred dollars does make a differ. ence. just as one dollar will pay a dozen or a hundred small bMs, a bun. dred or a thousand dollars 'will pay a dozen or a hundred big bills. When Brown, the grocery man, owes a thou. sand dollen and Can't pay it, be headed for the bankrtptcy courts. When Jones, the plumber, can't collect the money which is dtie him from Brown or maybe a dozen Browne, he is headed in the same direction -es Brown. And so it goes all around the circle until it hits Smith or a dozen Smiths who have sent their money aut of tOwn to add to the fortunes of the mail order Buyer One Who Is Hurt. Thus, it will be seen that thie bite - one with the inan who buys the geode. He is not hurting the' home merchant when he sende hie money out of town, any more than he is hurting himself, DYety eentible mart knows that his livelihood depends upon whether husi- nese in bis town is good or not. rf business is not good, he cannot Make good living for himself and his family, no matter bow hard he may work, and bnainesis cannot be good if the busi- ness men in the tom are not making sltion for every man and woman In tbe community. By spending their money at home they are helping the /1013141 merehant ordy Incidentally. They are battering their own bread. When the,y wad their snowy to tire my* craw helm, ahxy 021 Iltot est? braiding aka sire Itleelif la Nathag '1^ 13136010 PURE DRUGS ARE ESSENTIAL to good bealth. We carry a complete stock of Nyal Remedies, as well as Drug Sun- dries, Toilet and sick' room, articles and Stationery Let us fill your next pre- scription —E. J MITCHELL. QUALITY AND GOOD aERVICE at lowest possible prices is our motto Let us supply your horne with choice Grocer- ies and Provisions. Our stock is fresh and clean, We offer you satisfaction,— R BROOKS. EVERY DOLLAR you spend out of town helpe the town you spend it in. Boost your own town, Boost Wingham Let Hanna's supply you with Dry Goods, Goods Groceries. etc You will be pleas ed with our service and prices.— HANNA MAKE UP THAT ORDER for Grocer ies. Bring it to us and we will save you motley. We carry a complete line ot Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery Let us supply your home. OUR AIM IS TO SELL you a line of Groceries the quality of which will keep your money in Wingharn. Our stock is freigh And wholesome. Our butter and eggs are fresla—MRS. J. A. CUM - ONE VISIT to our eatablishineat will convince the most skeptical that ° our prices and quality of Wall Paper, Fancy China, 13ooks and Stationery are right, Let us estimate on your decorations,— WE SPECIALIZE in Halters of our man make and small goods of all kinds for horses, A lull stack of Harness. Trunks, Traveling Bags as well always in stock. Our repair department will attend to your breakages —J. JOHNSTON. LET US SUPPLY your home with Groceri s, Provisions, etc. One trial will Convince you our prices and quality are such as to merit your patronage Watch this space for ftxture special announce meths A. GRAHAIVI. KING BROS. GPNFRAL MERCHANTS ARE YOU PARTICULAR about your tea. Our ttan are of our own blending and give you a richness in taste obtain-. able in no other We stock Gracetits and Provisions. Fruits and ConfitectioCrety as well --,I HENRY CPIRISTIE. TH3 ONE PRICE HOUSE have oats of the ores end *men of tbe WOW SAWA THE CHRISTMAS QUEST Twine the balsam boughs that hold Memories of delight Hang the garlands, as of old, Where the lamplight's ruddy gold Blossoms on the night, Gather round the Christmas fire; • Place a chair for him At the call of love's desire He will quit the radiant choir— Saints and seraphim. Heaven is love, and love is here, Tender, strong and true. Lingers now his spirit near, Blest and beautiful and dear, Veiled from mortal view. Sing the songs he loved the best— Songs- of mirth and joy Ere upon, his hero -quest, Seeking' service, finding rest, Went our blithe, bright boy. Put a flower at his place— He will understand,. In its sweetness love may trace Visions of a vanished face, Touch a vanished hand. The Necessary , Thing. Tornado Insurance See me about it, Low rates. No premiuth. note, One of the strongest companies in America. 41191112116110 ABNER COSENS insurance and Real Estate Successor to Ritchie & Cosens, Wingharn, Ontario In the'Aeath of the late :Archibald Tay- ler.there-passes out one who' was a con- spicuos figure, in the life of Blyth for inatiy years, and hisxleath is mourned by Our citizens generally. - The late Mr. Taylor,. was born in the township of York in the year 1846 and a few years later the family moved ta Osha- wa, where deceased received his education and grew to manhood. In 1873 he came to Blyth, and with his cousin the late Peter Elder they rented the flour mills from Mr, Pat Xelly, this business he' carried on successfully for a number of years. Retiring, from the milling business, he opened out a grocery store which he conducted up to .last April disposing of it to Mr. Aron Bennett, and lived retired until the time of his death. The late Mr. Taylor was Married 25 years ago to Miss Margaret Taylor daughter of the late Rev. J. B. Taylor who survives. He leavo one sister Mrs. Joseph Carter of Blyth, and Mr. A Tay- lor of Hamilten. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from his late resid- ence, Drummorid St. Bast. Service be- ing held at the house at 2 o'clock by Rev. Mr, Telford, pastor of St. , Andrews church, followed by interment in Union Dr. Field of Goderich visited the Public school here on Friday. Miens IVIacNachon and Bell are spend- ing the holidays at their homes, Alsia Craig and Angus. Mr. John Yourig of Cypress, Man., is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mies Ashton of Fordwich, is the guest of Miss Annie Taylor this week. Turn bent y Mr, and Mr.. Wm ISeyidaon and Miss Sadie !Tent Sunday afternoon and even Wray, Tern -berry. Gab= epee Seedey P.rt the tit*, *4 Prank 111% zoos" Lucknow A. Merry Chriatrwaa to A11. Mr, end Mn* I3 McClure reeciued the sad news on Mouday of the death of their daughter-iti-law, Mrs. Wm, McClure. The body will be brought house, for burisl, The late Afrs. McClure with iter husband and family visited here a little • over a year ago, Mr, McClure is the oldest sort of Mr. and Mrs. 13. McClure of town .and is a station agent in 6'asic. Bestdea a loving husband two small childrenare left to mourn the loss of their best friend. The pupils of the high School put on a concert in the hall on Friday night last and were very successful having a crowd• ed house. A play entitled "Kentucky Belle" was the principal thing on the program and was very well rendered each player acting his or her part perfectly. A drill by a number of boys was also very pleasing, solos, character dances, eta„ filled in between acts and all coin- biuiug to make a concert second to none, The large crowd enjoyed every minute. The proceeds will be used for school im- provement. Dr. D. Paterson met with a very pain- ful accident last Friday when he slipped and fell breaking Itis left arm. Dr. Pat- terson is not as young as he once was and the accident will lay him aside for some time, The D. D, G, M. of the Royal Arch Mescals paid his official visit here last Thursday night and judging by the hour they must have had a big time, A Box Social was held at Crewe school on •Thursday night and was very success- ful, Miss Mary Aitchison and Miss Phemie Irving took part in the program. The brass band supplied music at the rink on Thursday night and was so much appreciated by all, that it will be on hand each Thursday night. They will be in atteedanee afternoon and evening on Christmas Day, ' Mr. W. J. Davison bad his large plate glass window put in place last -week to replace the one smashed by the wind storm. Visitors at their homes in town are:— Miss Mary Connell of Toronto, Mr. Har- old Durniu of Stratford.," Jean Spindler and Bessie Murdie Toronto, Mabel Mc- Clure, Stratford, Geo, McDonald Detroit, Violet Mclenuali Stratford, Frances Sed- dall Toronto, John Newton Galt, • 14Ir, add Mrs. Karry Torrance of NorthBay, are visiting relatives in and about town. . Mr and Mrs. Johnston Little of Toron- to, are visiting with Mr, and •Mrs. John e,• Mr. Wm. McIntyre, of Dastetid, Sask.) visitedLittlhis sister, Mrs, Wm. McKenzie. Miss Dean Geddes of Oil Springs is at her home here for Christmas,' 'Miss Marie Anderson who has been vis- iting friends here has gone to Kincardine for a few weeks. Miss Lily Errington; Wawanosh, spent a short time at Mr and Mrs. Thos. Me- Donaid's in town, Rev. Mr. 111ci;weia a returned chaplain preached at South Kinloss on Sunday. Miss Belie Howe is home -from the West where she has been teaching. The Stork has been busy around town and left a precious bundle with Mr; and Mrs.•Robt, Brown, Mr, and Mrs. Milton" Naylor and Mr, and Mrs,•Peter Johnston. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs, Geo. Haigh of Kinloss. Farmers ase starting to draw inlogsto the sawmill. Mrs. Milliau of Manitoba arrived in town on Saturday to spend the winter with•Mr. Alex McCarrol and Ralph Mil - liana , Mr. Sana Alton is assisting at the Post Office for the Christmas season. Mr. Geo Matheson is visiting his . old friend, Mr. Archie Barbour, Lt, -Col, Ale:a MaolCenzie visited his father, P. H. MacKen ie, ex -M. P. Now saki in * ngxv package "."„ a groat iinaprov over the old lead package TEA good tea Sold only in sealed packages R. M. MeKAY Jeweler and Optician Wingharn Tory Corkters Mr. Jack Fitch and Mr, Steward Fin- ley are very lucky boys lately as they have got.several foxes, Mr. R. A. Taylor disposed ef a atand. ard bred driving mare to Mr. P. Dickett of Lakelet. Sorry to report that Miss 8, Spear is not improving as rapidly as expeeted. Alt. Taylor purchased a new driver trots' Mr. Jack Renwick of Carrick. Mr. and Miss Heiedecker of Mitelmay, event Sunday at Mr. J. Taylor's of 4th Con. Howiels. A Boxiog Clubb is organized at Orange Hill and we are glad to know there are a few practising. Mr, R. A, Taylor and claughtee Edna spent the week's end in Wittglaun. Piddling While Rome Burns The world is hungry for the thing we eat, wear and use. Stark liungryl The cupboard is bare as a bone. Prices amount to staggering figures and the ery of our worker is—more pay; shorter hours —and then a shortage shoots the price of things up another notch; again the cry— more pay; less hours. Ye Gods! Must the vicious circle coo. tinue? Shall we never see that it is rriore hours we need; that to reduce the. cast of the things we use, we must produce not less but more'? The Countries of Europe have no- thing to sell, their shelVes are bare. They want to buy to buy frorn &nettle —to buy the things that America makes—and the answer of our workers hi reduce our hours -44 hours a week instead of 60— a cut in production of 28 per cent. Short hours in tha citY lams Made the fula .J101, hears work—good, hard, honest, faithful service —not 8 hour% rather 10 and then some. Let us for one year, at least, resolve to work and work hke H—Catripbell's Cour ant. IF WE'RE ONLY UP AND DOING (Farmers' Sun) The farmers hold the reins of power (As we, are all aware) In the Province of Ontario, A land beyond compare'. We have organized our units, The result is well worth viewing, Tell me what can't we accOmplish If wera only up and doing? We've chosen'for our premier, A prudent man and sane, His occupation's farming Ernest Drury is his name, We tillers of the soil are proud That a way for us he's hewing, We can second all his efforts If we've only up and doing. 'Our institutes and farmers' clubs, • Are doing splendid work, Our meeting halls are always filled, I The members never ahirk. Yet we bid the strangers "welcoina.", As our task is worth persuiag, For each person there is labor, If be's only up and doing'.• . What great work is on foot?" We have our answer ready When questions thus are put,' We are starting arrogation% Getting rid of profiteeriet,' Living up to high ideals, Falsehood's wilderness now clearing. We'll extend the Hydro power Over all our province, For free trade with Uncle Sam . We will also work with care, We have organized our units; The result will be worth viewing; Tell me what car,'t we accomplish II DI • A Flavour for every taste LL sealed airmtight and impurity.proof• In the wax. wraPped. safety packages.