The Wingham Advance, 1919-12-25, Page 3.4 ,g+.114 , „ 14 R. " 4 . smcrico, POWDER 00- Contains no alum We unhesitatingly re. commend Magic Baking Powder e,s being tho boat and purest baking powder possible to produce. It possesses elements of food that have to do the building up of brain and nerve matter and is absolutely free from alum or other injurious substitutes. 1 t • , t v a I; Mil 110 6 V ir4 4INAI 1$1.1if el** hollow Where tbere is nu "air -drainage" will be attaciord by mildew. wirers% tee Frame vedettes, only a few Itunctreci feet away. wratre eturi.gat and wital can set et them, will be Irsie from the trouule. rieut statue% Ana clisetured plants miteual never be lett in the nature of runbern or refuse or tine loud. Of course, catan Cultivation and ;gouty of man% rood. making ter robust growth, are also et- feetive knabling piante to auccess- Cully fight off tire attack of a digeage. When sprays aro used it is aboolutely Important to Make a very thorough Job of applying tnem. From whet nes been goncerning plant cliseases it is evi- dent that If any vulnerable spot is left the disease() can enter there and spread through't/se whole plent In taking care of a few rosee and or- namental plants. ones of the small hand sprayers will answer the purpoee. While theme can be bought for am little an 35 or 50 cents, it is much better to spend two or three times that and get aub- etantial ono that will not come apart or leak after It has been used a . few times. 1+. new type of sprayer that is in- expenelve, but very efficient, consists of telescope in which the spray is carried, This gives a good terceful spraY and a high pressure that can be directed read- ily Just where it is wanted, aud makes an extremely satisfactory outfit for tne small home garden. HYMN Iva CHRISTMAS. WY' F. F. Rockwell, author of ".A.rolincl the Tear in the Garden" and "Mak- ing a Garden of Small Fruits," etc., in Philadelphia Record.) It there is anything In the world that *lakes the lover of plants feel discour- aiiesd, sick and hopeless, it is to have a beautiful rose, a ohoice perennial, or a new shrug "'upped in the bud" by some disease. When inseets are guilty of the outrage. one can at least get back at them, TheY can generally be poisoned, or at the Worst, you can pick them off and burn them, or step on them! But the insidloue plant disease, that works so gradually that its presence is hardly realized until the danger is clone, le more exasperating and much more enticult to control. Now the first and most iraportant thing to learn tn fighting plant dbrease is— They cannot be "cured," but they can for the moat part be prevented. The mistake that most people make is In letting a plant disease become estab- lIshed before doing anything about it. Then, in nine cases out of ten, it is too late. Under these circumstances, the meat that can be hoped Mr is to "con- trol" it, to prevent it front spreading to other plants, To do this, frequently the plants first attaelted have to be sacri- ficed entirely—pulisd up and burned, That is, of course;1'where the "cure is worse than the disease," but it is the only way to prevent the disease from be- comieg general . "But," asks the gardener beginner, "are 31000 of the many sprays that are adver- tised for plant diseases any good at all?" Of course they are, but only if used intelligently. One might as well expect to hunt birds with shells that have been soaked in the washtub over night as to control plant diseases ,by using these %sprays in the way they are often used. The reason is simple. Most diseases, while they first attach the plants on the surface of the leaves. Soon enter into the cell -structure, and are distributed through the interior of the plant, and thus get beyond the reach of any spray applied ' to the surface, Take, for instance, the ordinary "blight," of which there are various forms at- tacking many different plants, ,This disease is "distributed" by insects, carried through the air, and by other Means from infected plants to the sur- face of the leaves of other plants. These spores, which are floating around by the Millions, though so microscopical as to he invisible, take root and grow on the isurfaee of "leaves" when conditions are faVorable. The only effective way of preventing the disease from spreading, therefore. Is to make cenditions such that the snores Win he killed, when they alight on the leaf surface, and before they have had 'Woes Phosphoaiso. The Great English _Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, leures Nervous 'Thhility,Mental and Brain Worry, _Moon- pa036 Laa8 of Duero% Palpitatzon of the earr,Atiling Memory, Price $1 per box, eix for tit, Soldtsyan &truants or milifea in "peen pkg. on receipt IA wire. Preto yamphletmailerZ free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.slOROIDO.ONT. (Formuly Windsor.) (By relicts. Plemans). Oh. lovely voices of the shy Which hymned the Saviour's birth, Are ye not singing still on high, re that sang "Peace on .earth?" To us yet speak the strains Wherewith, in time gone by, Ye blessed, the Syrian swains, Oh, veices of the skyl Oh, clear and shining light, vac:se beams That hour heaven's glory shed, Around the palms, and o'er the streams. 'And on the shepherd's head, Be near, through life and clestb, As in that holiest night Of' hope, and Joy, and faith— Ohl clear and shining light? Dr, Martel's Female Pills For Women's Ailments .A. Scientifically prepared Remedy, mem. mended by physicians, and sold for near- ly fifty years for Delayed and Painful Menstruation, Nervousness, leizzinesa Backache, constipation and other Worn- an's Ills. Accept no other. At your druggist, or by mail direce from our can- adian agents, Lyman Broe & Co„ Ltd., Toronto, Can„ upon receipt of price, p. Meaning of the GraeOent. The Turkisb. crescent, although now regarded as essentially Mohammedan in significance, is, it appears, of Oltristiaa. origin. .A, creacent moon was the einblem of the Byzantine Em- pire and the Eastern Church. The Turke adopted it as a: badge of tri- lumph atteeeller capture ot Constan- tinople iii 1453. 'With reference to the crescent, the story of the origin of the oreecent shaped Vienna roll is of curious in- terest. It arose in the sixteenth cen- tury, when the Turks were besieging Vienna. Failing to carry the oily by assault they began to mine the -wails. At that period the city's bakehouse& were in the walls under the fortifi- Cation% and when the mines were Al- most through the sound of the work Was heard the underground bake- houses, and an alarm was given, To celebrate this event the batere. of Vi - cone adopted the Turkish emblem as the form in which to mold and bake their bread. Dragged Down by Asthma. The mast or woman who is continually sub, lea to asthma is unfitted for his or her lite'e work, Strength departs and energy is ta,ken away until life be- comes a dreary existence. And yet thin es needless. Dr. J. D. Ieellogg'e Asthma Remedy has brought a great changss to an anmy of sufferers. It relieves the restricted air tubes and guards against future trouble. Try it. * e* Po 3e,te. Have You Tried., ' a chance to grow. Experience has proved spores cannot live when they are brought contact with a surface covered with Boardeaux' mixture. It is, therefore, potable to protect them by keeping the plants to be protected wen covered with a. Bordeaux mixture spray. It is evi- dent, however, that this must be applied adavrice% and also applied frequently enough, to 1Seep the new growth covered. It has been proved by experience that by spraying plants every week or 10 *eV; Will afford protection, in most cases, to keep them healthy. where plants that were sprayed have been attacked and ruined by the disease. It will bat re- quire an average of over ie minutes a 'week most home gardens to spray the floWere, perennials and shrubs, that need to be protected. While Bordeaux can be made at home for use In small quan- tities, it is more convenient to buy it. .All thet is required is to mix it with cold water. It Is, therefore, e very sman task to do this spraying as a routine gar- den job, just as you cultivate. Another effective preventative against Moat fungus diseases are preparations of Ilnie and sulphur, "Fungaeldes" of this character are on the market under ved- ette trade names, such as Sulfolium, Jeers ind, etc. Most of these preparations are reliable. but of course, directions should be followed most earefully and accurate- ly. Many people seem. to have the Idea that any kind of a spray will kill or cure any kind. of. a bug or disease, no matter luiw it is bandied. Wheit the Mots in the eerie of how plent diseases are spread, flue Jut what they are (as outlined 0,13oVe) are understood, however, it should be Velar plain to anyone that only the tight kind of spray handled al the right way will be at ell effective. In addition to thcSblight, there are vats% ions forms of mildew which attack many saggits. Anyene who la..s attempted to. erfoW roses is faint:ler with the two forma Which conutionly attack roses, even out of doors. Gooseberries, also unless one of the new resistant varieties has been planted. are very susceptible to inJury gran mildew. If plants have not been sprayed as suggested above, the disease 'When it "appears tney be held in check duetilig the pleas thoroughly with fleteeril Of suiphur, which may be obtain. ral at any drug etore. emelt," or arahractiose, is another din. ita common to many plants. Some Mae may be yeey weil controlled by the treatmenre sugirested above, but °the ere are not. The plants Wetted show dark (mote or blotohtor en the leavea, wilielt turn brown en& finally become dee tretillttile. Mt the whole Markt may Irritated Ming Nos Soothed With Guticura P•atite With Cuticura, Soap 'Dry and Apply the Ointment Thesesuper-creamy emollients usu. ally etop clearawaypimpl es, redness and roup;liness, remove dandruff and scalp irritation and heal red, rough and sore hands. If used for every -day toilet purposes they do muchto prevent euch ells. tressing troubles. Nothing better, surer or more economical at any Price. Soar) 2Sc. Ointment 25 aed 50e. Sold proughont thenorainion:CanadianDepon rfar'l "adieu:nett rhagsSat;/121ruttrinenile% Polishing freshly washed lamp ehimneys with dry salt? Rubbing a freshly' cut lemon over ink immediately after it Ime been spilt on carpet? No matter what the color oe the' carpet this Will take out the ;resit stain without injUry tO it. Cleaning tennis bane with pipe clay? Take a cake of aipe clay and dissolve it in just as much water as it will hold. Stir it well and add a talow candle melted. Mix all together and allow to cool. Then remove all the hlust from the tennis, balls bY brushing them with a stiff brush. Take a lump Of the pipe clay ntixture and. eissolve it in cold water to the constiteney of cream. ;Apply te the tennis balls With a sponge. Crab meat mixed *with chopped pea- nuts and served on lettuce witb. may- onnaise as a salad? ° RemoVing the odor of food from a twooden chopping bowl by soaking the bowl in boiling water in which a lit- tle soda is dissolved? A tablespoon- ful of soda to a gallon of water i$ the proportion. Gathering herbs in, the summer sea- son, drying them and putting them away in tiny bags of cheesecloth? The bags should, be kept in a glass jar tightly covered. When making soupe or sauces, a bag of the mixed herbe is convenient to Use. 4 -* 141‘PT THIS ROIVIANTIC Two toes limed by four corns ler Eve years and sentenced to die by five applioation$ of Puturn's Corn Extractor. If you want to cure corns, "Pittnatn'e" is tb.e only thing—try this painless remedy, 25e at all deal- ers. WHAT IS PAIN AND WHY DOES IT HURT? Pain is the result of an injury to Some pert of our bodies, or a disturb- ed. condition—a change from the nor- mal eandition. Pain its caused by nerves in the body, The network ot nerves coining in big nerves from the back bone or spinal chord branches out in all directions, and near the surface of the skin they spread Mit like the tiny twigs ot a tree, covering every point of the body. Some parts at our nerves are more seneitiVe tiaan others. That is because the nerves etre then nearer the surface or else there are more nerves in that part. The heel is perhaps the least sensitiVe part of the body, ae the nerves do not lie so near the eurface there. Pain is' not a thing which you can nialte a picture of or 'de:scribe in Words, Pain is a aensation of the brain caused by a clisturbanee of con- ditions la some parte of the body. If you cut your finger, you cut certain veins or arteries aad also the tiny nerves of the finger. The nerves im- mediately ldt the brain know that they are injured, and the brain. seta to Work to have the damage 'repaired. But there is a congestion right -where the cut is. The veins being cut; the blood which 'would ordinarily flow through themkback to the heart, pours out into the cut and the inside ot. your finger is thus eXpoSed to the oxYgeu of the air, and the action of the air on the exposed part helps to make the pain. It is not your finger, however, that hurts, It is the shock that your brain. gets when you cut Your .finger that hurts. .A pain ip your stomach is a pain caused by something else time a cut, If the stomach eould alwaye digest everything or any amount of duet you put in it, you would not have a Stanch pain. But sometimes you Put thinge into your stomach through your mouth, 61 course, that the stom- ach. catmot handle. Or, it may be a combination of a number of things that cause• this unusual condition in your stomach. The stomach makes special effort to get rid of this tronb- leaome substance and generally suc- ceeds eventually, but 'while the eight is going tn, it palms or hurts you. Pain is the result of a disturbance of the nerves. It is just the opposite a gladness. ;We ,soinetimee are so glad we feel gerl alt over. Pain is. Juet the opposf e. You can prove that pain is not a real thing but only a, sensation. Perhaps you have had toothache. You go te the dentist and he kills the nerve or takes it out. After that you cannot haves the tooth- aelae in that tooth again, because there Is no nerve there to telegraph to the braia, even though the saline of. the hurt still exists. 'You cannot feenipain unless the brain knows about the in- jury. " • were built several forts for protection againet Indian% especially the Sacs and Foxes And the Pette,Wa,tomies, John Ferri). and family were irk one a them, known u Fort Cooper. He here sal pOlieessed his Old Nentueley rifle. After the War of 1812, in addi- tion to farming, he often Ongeged in hunting eXpealtions up the Miesourt and Kansas Rivers, and feernethaiee far out on the great prairies. Over a century ago he hinged hear and otiaer gan1e on what is now the site ot Maumee City, He and other frontieremen then predicted that A great city woulfl be founded on the confluence of the Missouri and. Kansatt Itiaers. The old rifle of John Ferril luxe been preserved. Duriug the civil war, when the authorities were collecting all the gnus in Baliae county, Mier:our!, hhey Beized. the old Ferri]. rifle. Ieeziah For. l'il, thea about 90 years old, cried and begged that it be not talma, Her sons ana grancleene were wearing the blue arid gray, and a comPromiee was efteeted. It was agreed that this ole rifle should be leid away, and thus the old, Ferril rifle became a non-eombat- ant in the civil war. It later passed to the possession of Jesse Ferri', County judge, son a Henry Ferril, who foUnded Miami, Mo. On the dehtb. of Aldo Jesse Ferri' the rifle Was paesed 011. as art heirloOM tO his brother, John Ferril, who had been a soldier from Saline countY with DOntithan's Mis" sourians in the lelexican war. John Ferri' died some months ago at his home in Exeter, Cal. hes 'boon the ome In the treatment amen disease', experience with pleats Viattt Pabstrat toarvael more and, more the SMP014.4414141 et I trOtd lit*ItIth ta A* en wee. In making beef soup or lamb broth end taterab etre proves toessura Oeeseberries, add. the onions as soon as the meat be - pruned ens 'thinned ont, so that no gins to boll, and there will not be any for inetenee 1 ata kept properly breeeihee drag down tote the grog, ate scum. rise. the wind ene suelight eta bat* free as- In cooking macaroni, rice, ontisr may to en parte of the plant. all Vat" steev or milk for a custard, by gross - 141111 Wit likely to IA ette,e)ted Mall theta jug the kettle With a little buteer it pen are • tb inatta e trailing, %lolly growth, ea in ft low soot or vrill never stink. Worth Knowing, Try roasting the morning egg (112 the oven, of ceurse) instead of boiling it, and yell Will like the change. If a pinch of baking powder le add - to the meringue for lemon pie it will not fall when done. "For epreeding the butter on top or your freeh-balsed bread whleh 13:Mime it such Yr pretty brown, buY ,a 10 -cent• paint brush and it Will be found rattail nicer than vapor or clot,h. To Make eeceiving blanket for baby's bath, buy two yeras Turittsit toweling, eta in two, sew together iengthwied, then bind with piece of • A Priceless Idol. It le a part ot the creed of •rilohnal- Metlans to smash the nous of all idols they may come across. When they in- vaded India, they defaced in this way every Hindu god, A tigure of Viahnti cut in, green jade was buried la the bed of the Ganges during thie invaelon .and le now preserved in. a temple in Benaree. It ie the only perfect image .left of an suca idols, and its sanctity is such that the priests at Allahabad have offered for it ite weight in gold, together with two magnificent rubies, formerly the eyes.of Buddha. But they =mot buy it. Comfort for the Dyspeptic. --There is no ailment oo harassing and ex- in outline, short foreleg's and a very hauSting as dyspepsia, Which arises hairy body. 'from detective action of the stennech It must be admitted at 'once that and liver, and the victim of it is to the propceed action le not a °area of be pitied. Yet he can lind ready fif wanton deetruction. The provincial lief Perraelee's Vegetable Pills, a council has given. long coneideration preparation that has established itself to the matter, and has pawed the de - by years of effective use. There are cree only after careful investigation pills that are widely advertised. as the by a special committee, whose mem- greatest ever compounded, but not here were fully alive to the zoce 'logical calamity that their reeom- one of them can rank in value with Parmelee's. inendation involved. The elephants • 4 • sally out of their reserve in queet of Nothing like 11 For Bronchitis And Weak Throat Remarkable Cures in the Worst Cases Reported Daily CURES WITHOUT liSsiNG DRUGS. Doctors now advocate an. entirely new method for treating brouchitio end and irritable throat, Stomacb. detain 110 lOrtger necusery. The most approved treatment con- siet$ of a healing vapor reacmbline the pure alr ot the Adtrowlacies, Thie soothing vapor le full of germ - destroying substances, and at the same time is a powerful healing agent. it is sent to the bronchial tabu aud lunge through a. devieed haler, that can be carried in the veet pocket. Simplicity itself is the key. note of thie splendid treatment. QATAiRRHOZCINE is the name of thie wonderful invention that is daily curing chronic cases of weak throat, bronchitie and catarrh. Every breath througle the in.haler Is laden with soothing, healiug substances that de- stroy all diseased conditions in the breathing organs, it can't fail to cure because It goes where the trouble real- ly exist% and doesn't attempt to cure an illness in the heed or throat bY means of medicine taken into the stomach. Catarrhozone la a dlrect breathable seientific cure. There is no eufferer from a grippe, cold or any -winter ill that won't find a cure in ,Catarrhozone, -which 10 eMe PleYed bY Physicians, minister% law- yers and public men throughout mane' foreign lands, Large size lasts tato months end east $1 and is guaranteed; amall size 50 cents, sample eiZe 25% aln storekeepers and druggists, Or the CatarrhoZone 0o., Kingston, Canada. Worms, however generated, are found in the digestive traots, wheare they set up disturbanees detrimental tT the health of the child. There Can be no coenfort for the little ones Until the hurtful intruders have been. eh+Pelled. better preparation for this pnepose owe be had than Miller's Worm Pewders. They Will Mimed - lately destroy the worms at& correct the eonditions that were favorable to their existence. EIEPHANT DOOMED. 1.0.••••••••••...••••••••••••,1 Cape of Good Hope Herd to Be Exterminated. • The provincial council of the pro- vince of the Cape of Good Hope heel paeeed a decree alftherlzing the de- struction of the herd of elephanteNin the Addo (Bush. forest reserve. Unlese the Union Government takes action promptly, thie hitherto carefully pre- served remnant of a epeciee that once ranged. all over South Africa will be utterly destroyed. The last elephant Zujetland, an old male, was retently killbr The elephants of Sovtliern Rhodesia have been exterminated. In the Eastern Transvaal, near Portu- guese territorY, a few survivors of a email troop occaeionaily are eeen, but they ere being attacked from both eidee and are on the verge of ex- tinctien. It is poaeible that there May he a few individuals left in the Knyena forest, Cape Colony, but the .game warden is extremely doubtful Aloout this. • The A.dtio Bush, near Part Eliza- beth until recently was a waterless scrub of little value, en its centre an area of approximately 6,010 acres has long been a reserve for the ele- phante. The land le not fenced off, and fume at first of small value, but now being developed by irrigation works from Sunday's river, surround it: The herd numbers between 100 ,ane. 200 individuals, the only surviving examples of a distinct arched fore- head, enormone eare, roughly square muslin two inches wide. After washing the small silver, stand( it for a oaapla of minutes In a. hettleftti of very hot, clean, soapy Wat- er oontattilat a few dram of aniramiiti and You will always have Wight spoons, fnr)a, and Malvin. ea -41 ether the omen lee al aid - it Moat rived to Pi tilte elstelelteit itard fed • nettftete=errehetteeteettetteereena.„....ea food and water. They break down A PRIZED OLD RIFLE. fenceS, etampede cattle destroy crepe and frighten. lluMan lieings. They A. Relic of the Indian llits.,rs of Leedthiltetr thtteiirrritaetnieopit caLalds'' are ERROR AT SEA, Whales and Porpoises Taken for U.Boats, Torpedoes. Kentucky. takiteg their bathe they destroy thne • bankenand dame. TheVettlere were permitted to kill' There le a -Leery of „the Amegican elephartts Only when the animals Were rifle that has been handed down taught doing . damage, Eut this the hearthstaie history and tr‘clition4 availed thent little; the acute sense of of those who for generationg have smell warned the animals long before lived in the West. It begins with they were in, danger from such weep - the Greenbrier region of Virginia of one as farinere pesetas% The um - colonial. tittles, thence into leentuelty, mittee reported that the eleplients to 'Missouri in the .days oe °Upper could be confine& only by the erec- Louie/aria, thence to the great prairies tion of a fence thirteen Miles in of the far West and on to California. length, and a structure sufficlentlY The farailY rifle was dear and sacred. ntrong to conbain elephante would John rand Margaret VOITil and their have 'coot at least 20,000. It would family were with a party of pioneers have teeen neceeeary, Moreover, to from the Greenbrier region who provide a water supply, and it le grated to Nantucket' In the early days, more than doubtful if the area en - Owing to the hostilities of the /n.. eleeed would have provided nattiral dituls, they were armed and under the food in sufficient ouantities.—Cape command of Capt. Jacob Daughman, a Colony corr. London Times, brother of Margartst learn. -.1*.*10.111141..1=1.6.•••••• They "paCked" on. horses over the Spanking Doegn't Curet eaum at or near Crab Orchard, HY.. nowt think children can be ektr'ed of bed - Allegheny Mountalne, and when it& * by spanking them. The trouble is eon - were attacked in the night by Indians,' 5 Irttutitinogne .1, the clad caimot help it. / will setd In the fight that emitted Capt. natigli,.. rill rr to auy mother my successful home -"'"' treatntent, with full itistrectiong. man, Sohn Ferri' and others were • el your children troubte you la this way, tend killed, but the men held back the In- ao money, but write unt to -day, bly treattnent diens long enoUgh to enable some of to Welly retommerided to adulte Do bled with the Women and children to escape. dna cimootttoo by joy or flight wane, fet—troe— Amnng tbe nuinber thug saved were ran treatment. Mrs. M. Simmers Margaret Ferril, a son, John rerril, VerlenSoit, °awe, and two daughters, and also Mrs s s, . ex, Jacob Baughman, a. Son Henry %Alen ases. :0P7"rifirt, "etagere." Expernnente with other fist; always had the 60,030 reeult, Tae following humorouet anexidote amPlY larovee teat fieb—or, Mly rate. trout—have MOWOritsa: Art expert pleelculturlst /rept a iarge trout eaptere la a pool. When- ever anyone approache4,4,he hatcherY thlie treat Weald etilier Iteelt and 0 - Peer to be examining its vialtera, 4/%4Y way of experiment WM wort wateld get a treut red: ant hold It at the Ode tba pool. Latnedeately the traet weuld ewlee ;swiftly lute Wallas, its flea brletling, Ito ekle. pale with fear, and its eYeri glaring. It would re - Main. 'hidden ea long AS the trout rod was in evidence. The explatiatIou of title trout'a fear of the rod le that early ite life the expert cast A new barblese hook into the pool with a trout rod la order to teet it. The trout seited the book, which peuetrated Ito upper jaw. By the time It had beim re. lamed, tile fear and Vein it had eat- ferea evidently had matte a lasting innirestrion upon ite menleaY. An aetoniehing fact le that waen the owner of the treat brought an ordinary stick or cene into view the flab. would take no notice what- ever! nab, make love tO the partuere of their chotce practically in the same way that • pigeons coo ana bow to their matea. pills, make new blood abun,dantly, and If, however, hie persuaeive rpetit- through their use thousands of weak, ode of love -making are not faeer- ailing wives and mothers have beea ably received he gate annoyed and suede bright, cheerfal and strong, If you are ailing, easily tired, or depress- ed, it is a duty you owe Yourielt yonr family to glee Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. What thia medieine hex done for others it will surely do for you, There is peril in beging a whale or a porpoise in the North Atlantic theee days. If you are a whale, particular- ly a spouting whale, you are apt to be mistaken for a submarine; end it you are a porpoiee you are apt to be tak- en for a torpedo. • There is many a shattered carcases and abashed gun crew, In the phosphorescence of even winter nights, a porpoise just under the surface can make an experiencee lookout have a moment's suspense. The line of white is a little narrow and a. little high for a torpedo, but in the first moment a lookout isn't given to exact measureraents. The w-hite at bow and stern on a phosphorescent night is a conspicuous evidence of a Bhip, though it' is a question how elain it would be through a periscope at abput its own level, From the decks of tlie ship itself of from the dock of an emerged submarine it flashes plain. If it could only be camouflaged along with the smoke! And dn such a night in. the zone there is the eerie sense of more than one subniarine that has worked her way along in the white wake of a slow ship, keeping tab so thorough the night end waiting for dawn to sheer off and strike. That is Why, as dark comes on, a destroyer is apt to drop back from the side of the ship and lurk along the wake, seeking its prey also, I resnember one velvety black night. Suddenly a great white trail shot across our'hoW from port to starboard and just few yards dead ahead, If a porpoise Is too narrow and. too high to make a, horpaho trail, this serned too broad, but d.eep enough. It was the wake ot a destroyer that has cut across in a hurry.--Neeion Col- lins, in the Century. A MOINES MAL Gars a Iiince and Lidldrian Often Canoe* a 13rev2x1.-.,...-‘4. Tlte woman at benne deep in house- nohl dative arid tat; carte; of wattle: - hood, Reeds 000aelonal help to keep ker in good health. The demands upon a inother'e nealtit are many autl ;overt Her ONTIt health t...:41:1 anti her ehildrea'a welfate exeet heavy toile, while hurried mettle, broken rest and mach indoor living tend to weake en heAconatitution. No wonder that the worban. at home if often indisposed through weakness, headachee, back- aches and nervousnesi. Too Pulite women have grown to accept theaa TiSitatiOUS at; a part of tho lot of inotherhood. But meaty and varied aa her health trouble.; are, the cense Is eirovls and tile Curt) At hand. Whoa well, it I* Bee woman'e good. blood that keeps; her wealth; when ill slio must make her blood :rich to renew lier health. The uurslng =titer more than any other womaa in the world needs rich blood stud plenty of it. There is always one unistillag way to get this good blood BO necselary to perfect health, 'and that le Mr et fit the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Theme attacks her raercileeelyi The bride is eimply driven into the past and forced to "make hereelf at home." It often happene that two or more Mk claim the same mate. In that caee a fierce fight ensues, and the braveet gets the fairest. Whoa a fish is enraged it becomea brilliant la color, and all its fins bile? tle sharply. When frightened, it liter- ally goes pale with fear, juet am a human being dove. Thie pallor it clue to the fact that alarm caueee the piginent cells in the Mita; skin to con- tract and the white fleet's te ahow through.--Tit-Bits. der age, and two diteighters. To Open e, Pooketknife. The Baughtna,n-Perril fight, or UM- eacre, oeeurred in the fall of 1779. opening pockeknives Is often verY John Verril, then fourteen years old, hard on airiger futile, and a stiff hit*. who had eeeaped, More an oath of ed penkieffe or jackknife is partioal. revenge on his rifle. He kept that ly Illirdea to a boy If he can't atm irow, and his rifle became a bloody one in tire Indian wars of ICentucky, * In the Boone Usk region of Vika owl, now Howard co-urity, in 1812, eft-esmfteetarksoftweeetehreen-eeemeLee it readily. Tear off a Piece of news. PaPor or writing paper about three (swallowing the latter. On the bait Inehas squab. Vold it acmes once being replaced the fish did exactly the and. then slip the crease under the eame thing, and 40 carefully avoided biede of tb:e knife. Grasp the paper between the thumb anti fora- tabger. Titan steadily as if yon were °poser the knife wihhant the visa, If eve do hot Jerk it tete pupae ewM1 lent NW. IA tits elny ran wiz AM Wetly a ineeter Wade thot haw turd esteem fen kledieles. Mhelegh good es a font, eX.% 1.11 ere WU of tlee mattreteliver. 4?* 4- -The Friend of All aufferers.—Like to "the shadOw-ot a rock in. vreary land" is Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil to all those wile suffer pain. It holds. out hope to everyone and realizes. it by etilun,g suefering everywhere. It is a liniment that has 'the blessings of half a continent. It is on sale everywhere and can be found wher- ever enquired Mr. 440 - FISH FALL IN LOVE. They Are Net So bold Blooded as Tradittion Says. 0. . Hospital for 'wok uhildrer TORONTO Upkeep of Big Charity Requires Fifty Cents a Minute. Dear Mr. Editor: The 44th annual report of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, shows a notable advatme IR every. dePertment of its service to the suf. flaring and crippled youngster* of tlais province. 'The ward aCCOIONt4- dation haa lieu taxed tit ite capacity, and the summer annex, tke Lake - Ade Home, was opened for tke first time since the outbreak of war. The daily ayerage of cot patients • has indreasee durlag tits year treat 192 te 228, iacluding children. from peactically eyery county ix Ontario. Even had the cost of sup- plies and labor remained stationary, the substantial increase in the num- ber of patiente would algae account for the addition to the eltarity'a debt, which at the close flecal year was $109,000. This debt has become en embarrassing burdeet. Furtker increase meet titeattee irapairmeat of an enviable effieiency. The Ilespital is le the forefront ef all institutiou,s upois this ostatinent devoted to the care of idea childreit. It gest $226,390 to maintal* last year. This great ROTA not onlY puts at the gervice of the children ef Ontario all the resource* of medical science, but, in addition, provides; for a training sebool for 129 eurtiee and for uneurpesseta elialeal facilities; t9r the.,Univeraley stedeuts Who are preparing to dagege fa their pro- fessibn, throughout the pearl:roe. Pi& fall in love Just aa surely se do the higher animals e.nd human beinge. it has been proved, too, that they give expreseion to their elll0- tion4 and feelings. ,A. fament authority, Dr, Francis Ward, eaid this, and added that if One only knows how to obeerVe fish one can, tell What they are thinking about, 'what they intend to do, end what they arta feelingi It may seem highly ridiculous to talk about the emotione of fieh, and of their Intentions, but they have these feelings, and tha do expre,ss them. They love and fight as we do. That fish San actually reaeon, al- though very slowly, has been posed by M. Oxner, the French naturaliet. He made a series of interesting ex- periments with captive fish. He baited a hook, and two inehes above it faetened a tinY piece Of White paper. With this bait Ile tempted it %teeentiy captured fish. But this fish was wily, and for seven daps reftleed the bait, Then, the next day, when. the week-old memory of its eapture had aPparently vattished fiom ite mind, the fish bit awl was hooked. Oxner carefully ueliooked the catch and replaced it in the Water. Thate timee more the fish bit, with a day's ititerval between 041 bite. But after that it no longer touched the bait, for the meaning of the paper eignal had become known to it, On the twelfth day the piece of paper was removed (tom the book. and the fish straightway bit,the bait! The paper Was therettpon replaced. and, for three days Mr. Melt refused to taekle ths lure, contenting him- self with watching it from a safe distance. On the fourth daY, how- ever, the fish swam right up to the THEY MADE ta, paper signal, sniffed at it, and then,' descended and very cautiously nib- "'Seek gave me a rainbow Wes last bled ths bait Until it had succeeds& MOO in eating it all off the hook Without "What kind of a kiwi is that" "One that follows a Aortic" T110 illa9321,0 Which ranst be fortbe coming to .finance titte absolutely essential work figures out at seve* hundred dollars a day; and, u titers dren's playground under the banyan - le% no endowin.eut feel, all but a tree of nearly every native village. derevedirom individual beneyslence. tele Velekulan and traction of that araottut least to be There are many differences between the natives; of Therefae the Trusteee are making other islands, though. most of them a Christmae appeal te every „Wier of are obviougly melanesian, from their ebildren 10 foot the bills her Rome thick, woolly hair, coal black skin. Period, of time, no matter how short Liat noses, and heary lips. The Male - it may be. A minute of surer Guts kulans are &corded the palm far fifty centil.'. ferocity and cruelty by many travel - For churchee, socletiee, ledges, hos, though they are not unique among etc., who have mare ample bade the Hebridei n.atives in these remade. wherewith to assist tke yeaagetein On some islande the women expect cots is suggeated. A lumber of to a fair start in. life, tke aerate: at to be buried alive with their husbands' cateci la honer of tbe everseas see. bodiesve A redeeming feature of the meutoriel cote have bee* thus (fedi- , Valekulans is their sornpuloue hen,. ' esty. le travellei"e life may net be vice of fellevamembers, Title pri. Worth. much if he irritates a aative vilege Is extended lit reeogaitlea el gifts of $2,000 tO the Mali Hospital but his property is absolutely safe can be paid in annual" instalments II Another Malekula dietinetion inheres or $600 to the Lakeside Home, which In the wodeno ancestor images found there. These effigies display a re. do desired. sentbiance tO human beings and ett- Literatuie, illustratioe of all islands of the group, The largest In Morena. The seat of Government is On the Sandwich Island. . - *. ft Gone Forever. CANNIBALS STILL EXIST, lefalekula Islanders Axe Murder, cuts and ,a4avage, H wild animal is a roan -eater WO quite naturally regard hint with ade- ea interest. The raost thrilling tiger stories from India, are those dealing with the ferocious beasts Mo.:: lurk - about the haunts of' nten and oyer and anon drag off and devour some unfortunate native. But when it coulee to etories furnishing the most pro- nounced thrills. none surpass the tales ot man-eatIng men. There i$ some- thing b.orribly fascinating in the idea of humane ectually kiliMg And eat- ing their fellows. During the last four or five yearn we have been fed up on so horrible tales of atroc- ities perpetrated by the "kultured" Huns in the big war that we had ,practically forgotten that there still are cannibals on earth. But appar- ently they contin.ae to exist in remote' place% rarticularly on (some ot the death Sea Islands. Thus a few days ago the effect that a naval force haa to be sent to Malekula of the New Hebrides group, to quell attneks of man-eaters upon white planters. Tb.ese Malekula -Islanders, it appears. are an all-around bad bunch, accord- ing to information furnished by the National geographical Society, WasIo.- ington, D.C., for we read thus of thdir interesting little ways: Another custom of Malekula seems equally harrowing. If a woman. dis- closes a gap in the rows of her gleam- ing. white teeth it means that she Is martied and that the older womeR have performed this operatIon In something of the playful spirit in which rice -throwing sometimes is in.- dulged in at a Canadian ceremony. The male Matekulan is a crack marks- man with the bow and poisoned ar- tow, and as Inveterate a clubman ae a wealthfbachelor. In many islands of tb.e New nebridea each Tillage has its clabhouse, and Upon. his standing among his elub fellows, depends hie tankts In the oonununity„ Moreover. there Is a, combination commullitY forum, public dance hall, and chit - Chats W the Doctor (Ay clean mouth is vitally luiportioat o gooti health., That goes withosni saying. On the other hand, the Prea- en( e of aocaying teeth* 1114/ bring a!Anit physical conditions 4.444Parad wi;ikli the 111P1.0 ealn of toothute. ialetnely irivial. We aro wieer is this leatter than our fiRdathera trata. t'fi:0171111.%rftirt;IrOtti‘ti4CtiluDeettl'Itty,a0rilltitoGoekatolitti,pitkrwer. Lice wan etrefned largely to eatteeteolte !tea on a viholesn:.0 &Cale, and tit* eubetitutloa of arafittal ear:duvet, $t then the habit of a goad =RV peoples to refraia altogether from mos - ;ratline a ()enlist until the deeitY at euffleient teeth eked* operatite ietteor- ierence and the caking of a 00reerletie ret of new teeth worth while. We nave changed ell that. Noire- iitYs the dentist is not only a salvoes -that particular connection -abut a nighly arainea specialist as X% hid con.cern its not with the extrwal. Ion of teeth, but with their preiserve- Ito care of Om teetb. centot ..egun too young. Chariton thould bee made to acquire the habit of dalif :rushing their teeth. night toed 'Mora. mg, and their reoutao afoul& be sO. emitted from time to time for any algae of caries. Even now it ie the* exception rather than tate rule to, find a young man or woman whales teeth ere perfect. The eroper Use of the toothbratest loes not mean a perfunctory bruiting to and fro with a, soft brutal, or the noplous 2,ppliection of thie or that Datent dentifrice. The brash 'should ee reezonably gift, and Um teeth ehould Le well bruebed, vrith ell'ete% ler motion, back and front and on all erowns. Partirular attention lehofild be paid to the molars and thee wisdom. :;eeth, which. are at the back of the law. A toothpick of wood or a quilt Should be used at night to lean tho spaces between the teeth, aad of ,...%ourse any sign of decal should be dealt with at °ace by a dentist. Too mob faith ehould not be pinnet to the so-called "sterilizing" properti0 of various tooth washes and poste*. For one thing, a healthy month dome not need eterilizing in that sense, fit*tt lf the applications. ad all- that ie claimed tor them. Finely powdereit r,arapliorlted chalk io a good denti- frice. This should be used owe effort other day, alternately 'with cemmon salt. The brush should be carefully 1, washed after ape and dined Mot time to time la some conYeedent dea- vinof:estha.nt such. as a weak solution of carboli6, Listerine or permanganate et Artiricial teeth should be Eltreit samo care. They should be diode:eagle- ly brushed with Werra SOAP end vrateT and everi trace of food deposit et. Moved. A negleeted denture le often responsible for sore game,. even at times ter decay of the natural teeth against which the plate comee , contact. It is a good thing to braehe 1 the teeth with a solution of bicarboste e neutredising the ate of soda, It le very effective in 1 nfl fogey ei tgiottfiner.jacaiircltitaeynein ottAf heap-, night is a bad oile. The habit ot six -monthly visit to the dentist Rad ehaving the teeth thoroughly oyerhani- ed is one wealth in tiae long rim Wilt save both health and pocket. TEETH IN INFANCY_ The Most impertant years, Ito far AO the teeth are eoneerned, are 'those spent in the nuesery. Sottle Pitrellte have the .habit of sending small all- dren to Ved with a biscuit or cake or a piece of chocolaee. Nothing could be more in -advised. Once the teeth have been brushed,for the night moth. ing should be eaten. Soma footle • again are particularly bad for the teeth. Soft biscuits, sake, oustarde; bread and milk and so on, *Web. at - quare little or no maetteation, ere earmful, and sb.ould not be eaten. by themeelves, but followed by Aoxrie- thing of a harder natUre so that the teeth have a ciutnce a demise them. selves by real chewing. The teeth are • kept healthy by work. The cheering of erusts, dry toast and alto is bene• tidal many ways. It tends tie stiengthen the hold Of the roote the teeth and preYents them front booming loose; it emenagees ths tissues into which the teeth are wet; It develops the 'jaw itzelf, and thia °I:rel- aters a tendency to trovrdhig the teetk and gives them a. chanet to rote* themselvee well during groettle fruitful cauee of caries, or dees.Y the teeth, la the absence of vegeta bee tween them. small particiee Or food are forced Into the email crevlete bee twoen the teeth and ferment there,. becoming in turn a breeding ground for bee. teria which destroy the hard surface of the tooth and. eventuate' the tooth itself. Well -spaced teeth are not 00 liable to this trouble, et* Om saliva, during inae.tication, reecho* every part ot the tooth and wealiefef away any p,articlee of Mod that etas- heve lodged betWeen them. EVILS or Dnakr. Finally, let me revert to thin gurgle tion 6f decay. It not only Otkiletsit pals When the eensitive nerve pulp of tit* tooth le expoaed, bet its produett, being wallowee, pollute the elates* as a whole thereby ituptiring diges- tion. arid contributing to heeded:tee ond it hundred and one Minor dist:Ob. antes of the health. Buffett ' front indigestion would do well to bear this hi mind, and, If their teeth are delta% tive, consult a good dentist Istria/he away and get them. put right. Innum- erable instanees are forthcoming where long-sta.nding digeetive troubles and Persistent low states of health UV* been. Opeed.._11_,y ,tand,......co_rnmpLetely ear. rectal by having the teeth attended te. 'Tattooer illerett"kwelellial weektotolkintly eateette vette." "fifth. kis traat `14.0.1k01 la* 6tterent4"tyl""otere'l:sliret "rvittise IrearatUart. te(1110.1ati:syleakwoftgo.i?narr°wn:IA.mtlittIttilNinteYSITe:ith1745:1;:i.tror" ted*Viteke% Pe,sisherassata yea avitirt to *poly Ilk a pateat cx a Severe..? 1111-1:1 NY-44'MT 1/7-11 AMIE SAT? Miss eyrriploson—"Oh, dear DrUnd other wrinkle, to-daY and I'm orals rot oql:n. direllikenathlet'Saltert* Profeseor lierinut--"rieret wart", WO chest counts, and your mInd etill Wit t'f\t'slIveltii!latitefr'Is2.'11' born Itt a Itatialt Itit .11111.11n1 u(gah.,,t4.1'airn oth,ftr 1.0%retic.litosiolosbol carahle at undrmand;ng odte alitoku lag it.— Joubert. branches of the past year's work, tee gethee with any etker information desired, •will he gladly filletiehed en application te tke Xecretary, the Hospital for Sick Ckildrea, CoRege street, Toroato. Contributtees skeuld also b* addressed to the eteretary. IIIVIIsIG Pi, ROBEATSONe 'I'he murderer had committed his ' Chairmau et Appeal Committee, crie without lealeag any true, except that he had found there were itiooti- Heated Inearings. , Marko on his handkerchief. How could he get rid of this tell-tale article? Per a moment he sat deep in *** Sometimee When a bearing becomes tohvoeurgthits, eTrItueeni teadtivarbe041.1calleel318iiltet door? I heated and reqUiree oil It Will be found et a writing desk end, with great care that the oil will not flow down in the he marked his name ea his headker. oil hole. Either the hole is clogged 0111d. Than, h/Ve rt1.1)dgrineeg,seiat lutptointiag 'With dirt or the heat May cause the nittli 1141'661' air to rise ahd preveht the oil from latinderig% oferaliee eseaped him as he entering. Where a wire cannot hewed teiflf:tei gtihveilty isthneotfoilnIforwulinble, is almost remedy, al. posted it In the letter box, It was gone, thie ghastlY evidence Of sure to make the oil reech the beer- utak. ' his crime, and he Weald neve zee it lag: •...+4,,..4.4•1•04*.V........ Pin the hole with oil and maickly dir from escaing, end if the Oil cup Ledy (velte had perchatied a reedy- FOltESIGHT. place the thumb over it to prevent tke does Aot le,%k the heated air inside 74040 dra$414 "Tirea"r" thilt 41111 iii" eriiiinainaubteolYfeittvheinOible, ar:rdoeictil itttletoothore The fastener,: onto Undolit as quick vthirlel aft you do theta ttp." . betdaertmulegieedviernt, t4 it 11644 t° 1444 e°1/' theey°6t.(41ethinett's,13ud.bYY6 Inlev4o1(till n:t'Yh°11siiivrti When a bearing cannot be reached it rnYaelf ',Olen 1 Wed 11 on at ill this -vray and When light Oils, such ohop th. e other day."—Ptineb. as kerosen.e, are ineffective, tree plac- ''eesee'eeee'''''. ---"*""e'eenLet--ei--oet-ree ins a little mercury in the oil hole end allow IP to remain a few minutes, then use olle—W11:10,'*.Advance. oe a a %. IIAD SIMI ONE Gulde*Wotild ersieu like to see one of tho robbers' strongholde, of *Shish there are several In the nolah- borhood Tourist --,No, thankS, we've fixed up at a hotel already.— racretaa 4 Many maniere have reeson to bless either ChaVes' Worm Froteriminator, • Maga it has relieved the little °nee glettireens and mid° thterrl healtihy. 6, 4 .fiktek , • . •e•