HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-12-18, Page 5, ,- ,w - -- . ,,, "
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, cawn a. W. RV11444 moths"O. "t... rel r . sysry US ttorlo;4, UAA I I ,
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is V At or Tu# I 11 , .
$Ir Nathaniel Dualop, the, aMNlu ' , mun. be 1,V$4 Olt .
RuthorltyA who founded 4ho Allan 114L r--1 A tot U ou 4k Jowt which hum not iw wo."ifs I.."
A7 1"Buddet of INews Line, ,c steamships in 18K died ,at i 40 WWII, I= whlwt WRY W$ Will, 44
- I
the di4tanco oavtwurd W 44*n toll*- i 111.
Biggar, Lanarkshire, aged 60, i A r . iuAro ktud iforrmilto on tho. rigut gurya, of TO THE ALLIES I I
i 4 . I uL4 orwofout-gimpfad, uuQr% whilo on tko I , "I
I I A roil of honor bearing the name ot, I . 9 lott lion Xulfatam ktria llosauufl 1 40a --"*--W."." - --- - .. 11 11 11 ,
I '' AIA T .1 customers killed In the war was. un-' I , 4 iihoro to look UpQn, wherfo 1.3000, , Qr, , 11
r rum kule
I veiled at the Do$ alad Partridge pubi.,
Ile -home, STrilig Vale, Middleton,
, I
. I
I I 9
- ., I
- _w
I . I
I I I I . +"+ I .1 I
- - - *. %-
16, .............. 1-
The Rev. F W. Norwood, Religious
I ....
I A. otoa,= wa_pA driver at Lambeth
During the last twelve months 42,-
Work D11rector of the Australian Y. X.,
"A he earned 4 a day,
00,06 tickets -were Issued from thrt
0. A., has been anointed temporary
I :aA
Otueq the seyon-hours day was In-
180 Automatic mKIxIneo o4 the under-
successor to Dr. Fort Newton at the 1v1ILL
B. n0thwtll, Acting DO01111104 Allintal I
trQduood Soutla Wales, coal fields have
ground railways, I.oudool.
City Teluple, London.
(9xilerimeatAl Farms Note.)
HusbandmAn. I
4*4 tower stopp.iges through disputes.
Through their boat sinking, William
Mr. John flIme ba4 baeu Appointed
registrar of death duties, Edinburgh,
Colonel (). Birch Reynarolson, at
, lywall Hall, Stamford, Lincolnshire,
MILL It' F4 F4 D S.
Walton end Ruth Robson, ftehermen,
in eucoesslort to Mr. W, P. Waugh,
died. at1lopetoun House, the residence
An old proverb, runs to, the Offset
(ExperiluentAl Farm's Note), I
Qf Redcar, Yorks, were dr
who has retired froli the public ser-
Of Ills grand nephew, the ,Marquls of that
In a R.rult famine , lie haw in
welcome. With oats touching the
While beans ho,,ye loolobeen grown
A agional memorial Is to be, erected
r -
to b . Blide Inglis, who took tho,Aolot
William Stephen Geary, o Willesden
Mr, B, N. -Suter, actJug allariager of
dollar mark; corn 4 d jl,70 brka
, , rourl.
;knd oppro<,Iateil In certAlil parts of
t4gh Womeri!a Hospitals to Serbia,
rallwaywAn, has died from lockjaw
the ;Constructive Department, Rosyth,
has ,been appointed to suceoed Mr. J.
at ;45; linseed nl *l at 90, and ,IQ
intio, , itual, tile %tQckinal, Is
(Ankila for table use both In the ;
green state and In the form ol the,
I Arrested in bed, A Leeds ex-soidler
*4=&4 Htrd has been charged with
following a fracture at the log au talu-
, ed by being kicked in a football
. on
Apsey as ,constructive manager at to
ad . pron4p
have his chaxSeo uaW1IIi-*tlT ,
riveried soodj t1lis crop lid a tot been ,
va*rWing, his wife by striking her
wate.h. .
Portsmouth Dockyard.
The i0erinau Soapa Flow prisoners,
yeAtIg,4tq tile provvblal I'aw.
14 extensively w4ltiyatod As would be
lofilmble. One ot ther prInalip&I dif- .
wM %poker.
While a lad named Card was attend-
The death took place at Black
Heath, Uxinundhani, Suffolk, a t wl r.
I 4ve taken up winter quarters Jn,Park
I eorallierclal
Hull ,Canip, near Qswestry, and have
BY "raill feeds" to meAut will vr
mixtures, Standard, moalo,
fleultlea in the WAY of the more ex -
tended production ot, ripe boon* IN tks
lag to the target at a ininiature rifle
Lionel Holbert, proprietor and princi-
now complete , d the -dismantling of the for
example, refer to. such teads at
setaltiveno4 ot the plants to frost.
range at Bletchingloy, Surrey, a com-
pal of West Downs 8chool, Winelleater,
Henlie and Pern"hIll. Camps.
bran, linseed nival, cottonseed meal.
Or4ln4ry beaus, cannot be riveiiet In
psmion fired And killed him.
aged 49, -
Outlying !portions of the Les 'Hurst
etc, While there Are Oeyfml Oxetllsut
any 411otriet where the season is y*ry
I Jhr George MrW Walby, formerly
A number of fossilized trees Ili a
estate, the home of Florence Nlght
mixed meals on the market, the wine
short. There are, however, some
. of - the diplomatic service and one-
wonderful state of praKervation, same
Ingale, djave -been sold"at Motlock,
buyer should look upon the ready
sections of Comado where the cyAltiva,
th4s Mayor of Westminster, has ae-
of the trunks being six feet high, liavo
arid over ,26,000 were reallsed The
mixed and appetizingly atmooi f"d or
t(on ot beans for tile ripe see,4 Is 4-
to be Mayor of
been unearthed at Cresswell, North-
Georgian residence, Lez Hjil, W&S
concentrates with suspicion, It is
most unknown at present and where,
sold tor 41,50-0t
guilty until proved innocent,
nevertheless, thIs crop would likely
. 1 . , Within a few days of each other
Ste'ed by the coroner to be a hermit
Heavy seas at Dunwich, 1)ounding
First, I t it be understood no pur-
prove succtsOul, provided suitable
Mr. Strophen Kairanagh and Dr. Owen
and miser, William Deliniss, 46, was
the clitfs, brought down half tile
chaser need accept oL food stuff on tile
varlotief3 were tried.
I Coleman, of Surbiton, both prorninerit
found starved to death in his house
tower of,Dunwtoll Church, which toll
Oral guarailteei of the seller. The
With k view to extending the use
fit local Affairs, celebrated their
In 13attersea, South Lon don, although
Into tile Sea. The rest at the old
Columorcial Feeding Stuffs Act spsel-
of r1pe beans for humantoo-ol the Do -
golden weddings. I
his incoirie was ZG a week.
building is doolued, as the ,cliffs are
fically states that'the vendor of any
million Cere%1151; is distrIbut'llit tkis -
I Mr. ftmuil Ronald Courthope Bos-
Aid. J. H. Bunting, ,bf Spal as
ding, 11
falling on each ,side at it,
brand of feed m.,st furnish x guar-
winter, car the first time, samples of
. $uaqqst,, barrister, has been appointed
received the freedom of his native city
While the Rev, 1dris Thomas was ,antee
as to protein, fat and gtbro, Un,
a productive aud very e&rly-r penlnx
reiaor,der of Ludlow, In the roo,m of X.r.
of Peterborough, to which lie recently
being ordained aninister at Dillas
fortunately, the Act In quoution, cold*
tielil bean. As this variety in brown
T, , U,: Snag&e, appointed a county
gave 95,300 to buy a site for a war
Noddfa Cha -pal, Landore, near Swan-
from tile question of rigid sntot,Ts.
in color, and am it does not perhaps
COA Judgo.
memorial infirmary,
sea, a telegram arrived Stating that
merit, has too much latitude, Then,
give as heavy & yield at some of the
Mas'Jmn Middlemaso, the novelist,
Mr. arid Mrp. W. I-reston, of Ib2tock,
Ills father had just died, after malt-
too, many feeders have not g, jAuffl.
later maturlac white sorts its culti-
o '
ha, died at her residence, 69 Eaton
Leieestershire, who, have Just c0le-
Ing a great stiliggle to live to hear
ciently keen aPpreel.0611 Of tile MQ&n-
Tation is ,,.lot recooirimanded for dig-
. teatsee, S. W. She war. 86, and Was
br, their golden wedding, have
news Of the ceremony,
Ing,,and- significance of guaranteed
tricts where the more 00pular votr-
, ., wuthor of many newspaper serials,
r"_ thw
, I.
nine of a family All alive, sixteen
The outstanding feature of the, sale
analysis, Price in the all-too,import-
lotion can be grown. Varmera Ili .*I-
n4pleo and short "t-tes.
grandchildren and two great -grand-
at Hamilton Palace, Lanarkshire, was
&lit factor. There is too much tend-
most any port CA.uad* where or-
,Ur.- W. R. GlInjen, crixtronan of the
t he prices paid by London dealers for
ency to purchase mixture#,' the main
dintry 14"no ftil to ripen would do
'Bright6t, West Pier Company, and
Mr. D. Minty, a Bath postman, just
the oak panelling, fixturesi arid ceil-
virtue of which I* in excellent zolver-
WC to 01PI)II Car a warrop'le of ther
for rrio.ny years a member of the
retired on a pension, at the age of 60,
Ing embellishments Of the state
tl,glnz campaign, and a perfect de-
beat" now ot,prered. rho variety in
c6vAnell of the Pharmaceutical Society,
has during 40 yearn' serwice walked
apartment$, The top price reallsed
lineation of the art of eamouflage,and
question Is a sele-olton from 9L sort ob-
11 VA -4 , died at I$rlkhtou- "
188,217 rillea and delivered . nearly
was 4,800 guineas, paid for the
to lose sight of the tact that the
tailed years aro from Norw%:r, It in
L I iAfter Ald. Calvert, Mayor for four
4,118,000 letters and 10,000 telegrairs.
Charles 11. oak balustrade of the stair
cal-Aponent parts supposed to be prom.
being Introduced under the name
. 'ha
years, ,4 been made a freeman of
, Sir Robert Francis-Dunnel hasbeen
leading to the old portion, of ille pal"
ent in such feed* may be purchased
"Norwegian, ADttawa, 710.11 While
4 ., - Middleabrough, the mayoress, Mrs.
appointed secretary arid solicitor to
ace. The panelling of the old state
In standard quality, mixed at home,
I abI
the number of samples &To. I e is
( %Iv,*rt, gave. a. robe of office to, e4ch
th4 Ministry of Transport, Since 1900
dining -room fetched 3,000'guineas, the
and obtained -it frequently a lesser
necessarily every district whero they
ailderman w1to hitherto had not one. .
he has filled the dual position of Salle-
oak pLanellIng at the picture gallery
price than the ready -mixed article.
Are likely to be at use. Applic-Atlong
1. I 8enteneed to death at Liverpool for
itor and secretary to the Northeastern
1,950 guineas; and the Vatelling of
If one has not, then, the knowledge
from farmers in localities where beaus
drowning her son, aged 3, Mro. Eliza-
. heth,W,illigin x, 25, lian, been reprieved,
Rallway, .
Albert Evan Whatcott, a former offi-
the music -room 900 guineas. `
Aged 8,6, Admiral Charles . R'Owley,
to interpret the significance of analy"
are ilready r000gnised as a success-
ful crop -will not be filled; but re -
1, . . ,
a, I of the .sentence commuted to ponal
cial in the Iffloilstery of Munitions,
who Served in the Black Sea in the
sis (for which ther e should b'e 110
excuse, nowadays), there is a Word Of
quests are Invited from farmers who
have not found a variety whIch
gft-vitude for life.
., -11 I .
bought by their
was sentenced to twelve months in the
second division of the Old Bailey for
Crimean ,campaign, has died at Bot
IGY, 1-lantS.
advice-stitIc to the standard product
ripens sufficiently,. early.
I 4f W, farm% were
owu"lotts at the sale Of the Ruthin
stealing 40 tons of Government scrap
Halon House, near Exeter bi:ilt Ili
and , ioiix at honle.
Althouall these beans are Of &
0".tilp (Denbighfililre) estate of the
lead, valued at Z1,290.
1717-7ivith 2,830 acres, has'.1letil sold
There axe three mechanjeal factors
brown color, they are excellent when
I I lste: , Col.. Cornwallis West, whiell. real-
Mr, Sarges,rit, for five years Mayor
by auctiTh to an unknown purchaser
for ,L* 90,0m
which the feed manufacturer may
cleverly utfilze in compounding a feed.
cooked and t4ere to W reason why
they should n6t, glyre complete al,tis-
Iz#d R76,470., The castle andgroundg
. _
withdraWn at 9-20,000. -
of Hove, was presented ,with a silver
toa and coffee seryiee And salver, a
The Xing has appointed Mr. E. S.
So that It may ftDpeQLr that which it
f*etioa tor tabl; use, even though
I .- ' '6 --jOurig Corpl. Thomas Ernest
and a cheque for
sold cigarette case .
Roper ,as orggril.st, choirmaster,. and
is. not -fine ,grinding (su erfiroe no,w-
their color ,be not ftshioasb le, They
. U4.9M Of MMQ,Aton, who was charged
ENO. The &1ayor is to devote the
al, Royal, St.
composer at the Chap,
adays), change of color and flavor,
are not recommended for use in tile
a tr to.-C. R. Sgunclors, Dom!n-
I at ,f , ottoplip,on with fatally shooting
3, Nvith a revolver,
money to thu foundation of a creche,
In the newly -elected House of Keys
Jamea'G Palace, in succession to the
late Mr. G. H. Lloyd, I
atolAhorough mixing. The first needs
Comment none other than congrxtula-
ioit Coreiklint.
)if$ br6ther, aged
. discharged, A, coroner's jury
ll" 116je
of the Isle of Man, numbering 24,
Five weeke after -the death of his
tory to the iAan who invented V, ma-
rltilrn A, voikdlet of misadventure,
there are nine ppoiservative, eleven
wife, aged 85, and only a short ,time
chine capable, of reducing bulls to
Draft horxox Are not raeorm. Th , e
,and thel pollee withdrew the charge.
Liberal anol four Labor memb ers. Wo.
after theloss of -a sister, aged 90, TivIr.
dust; the second refers, to the use of
mine ,rule applies to tractora. Don t
' y. said to be
11 - -11 - ,40d 8$, Gaorge Yabsle
the king-
men have had the vote for the first
time, and Labor is represented also
John Evans, of IsQoed, Merthyr, has
died aged 87.
such sti pplements, as low-grade
molasses, salt, ete., additions, to P.
race thela. I t p1tces a strain On
eyery part of the mechiniom. and
one bf the'first persons -in
, *_ Aeth,to, draw the old -age pension, has
for the first time.
Three duc1w resWed a daylight raid
ration, or which will frequently cause
A 14 I,+ A
caumox rapid deterioration. -
A X A 4- A A ..
= ,
. died ctt.Salcernbe, Devon, Dubious as At an inquest at Ilkeston at . * was by a liox on a Buclungliamalilre ,,.arm, b - - . — I oneep an got 4 11
to'whether,the Government Would pay stated that Thomas Lynch, a brick- but the intruder tattled two Of the in which it is cleaned no (the milk ,Lure V r prof1to,ble rexult3, but they
. the ii6ney, out, he waited outside the layer, went into a gas main to plawvr birds and returned for the head of PO -11 is no heavier); the third, to the will do inore for their keep Ili elpan.-
. - loft, . POA office on the morning tile It up. Twice he came out wltl his the third-, leaving its body behind. thorough - mechanical mixture of the Ing flielda &n,d pr.stureg of weedt than I
aet einie into force and drew it at 7 hands to his head as if Ili great pain, Forty-two years as enilne-cleaner, finely ground component parts --like any other animals.
W a. ra , ., ,dli etlyl the office opened, It, an, inst advice, lie returned, arid fireman, and drtv I er. arid I j years as whitewash, covering a multitude- of A pedigree as long as a clothesline
r "t I was later found in the main in ail up- foreman at the Great Western -Rall- sins and shiners, isn't ,worth t cent it the individusl
i I 46j.e fhan 309 years ago a woman way works, 'is the. xedord of Mr, A. Aside from the basis or standard imltlt what he should be. This #,P-
I Itt-'14arlington, -neiLr Uxbridge, left a right position with his clothes on fire. .
i aydkll, piece of land, the revenue from Aged 70, Canon J. M. Lister, -has Drinkwater, of Swindon, who has r,e.- parts of the mixed feed, by which plies to man As welt As to IL hot. '
. died at Neweastle-on-Tylle. tired . I parts are mearit, for example, oorn; Any system of farm tenantry whisli
wMeh was to provide an annual 109 I . .
k pork diiiner to Ideal bollringers. Lady (Stafford) Howard has resign- The'AL-freton War Pensions Commit- -oats, barley, peas, shorts, bran, etc., results Ili the depreciation of, the *oil
. owing to the high price of pork and ed her seat as an alderillan on the tee % urging the Penaions Ministry' tu etc., what may' be added to obtain will have to go. In the future no
tu* absldn*ee of bellringors on Service Llanally Town Council. allOW a. spare artifficial leg to each dis- bulk and profit? Answering in art form of farm tenure will be Derixit-
I the'dinuer lapsed for two war years, Willesden guardians have refused an abled soldier requiring one, for use Irish way -why do the manufacturers ted unleas,thitt form Insures the high-
. bilt, has been resumed, One ringer, offer of free Christinas beer for their when the other needs repairing of rolled oats, for example, in nearly l eat possible production of food,
Mr. -Charlea Newman, has attended the po,upers. A vellum book is to be placed in all cases, market stock foods an well? I Great nations have tmolk to decay he-
'164-tiou Go 1i Old -age pensioners at Uxbridge have 'V ells Cathedral ,containing the name, Hulls, small oatia and liall refuse-- cause of the neglect of their land.
roles' the market for them Ili the straight Governor FrAnk 0, Lowden, of 111131-
1 Ili the Arun, -at Pulborough, Sussex, bean given 5s. each from the balance rank, ,and ,cause of the casualty, of
a London angV.r has caught a 22-1b. of the peace celebration fund. every ScanerGet, soldier, -aailor .and form Is linlited. And the fact that the Ois, gy,yij: ,,Of All for,ing of consprya-
. Two.signalmen have been sworn In, airman who Ic6t his life in the wax. most reputable firing ,as mentioned tion, conservation of the soil is the
pike, , agistrates Ills of in several
. Aged, $7, thq Very Rev. John Lionel -at Weston-super-MaXe AS M On account of the large expenditure manufacture a side I most important, A Dermarient agri-
.1 Darby, Dean '6C Chester, since 1886, for the county of Somerset. . of time and money involved; the War cases, exceilient merit -fo#r the sole culture, so planned as indefinitely to
; ls",Afed. - A demobilized Cardiff school teacher 0,frice has ,abandoned the ,proposal to purpose of unostentatiously palming maintain the foxtility of the %oil, is
-, Mq, w Middlesex Guildhalf.W,stinin- and his family are living in a canal - Off. a troublesome by-product, ia e
, , give an ornamental certificate, in Ad an d,danded if the nation is to endur .
I I . g I ia tleltioijal to fallen men of the boat owing to the lack of houses. dition to a discharge certificate, %0.ex- indication of what, may. b-:, expected The surest and emaje,-vt wity Ili which
I John Adams, a young man, was Service men. from the fly-by-night concerns. When we can maintain, and even linDVOYe,
i , county io to he areeted. hanged at Glasgow prison 1or murder- '. WftnSea LCol"Porl'tion is taking steps offered barley feed, or oat feed, or the productiveness of our lands, is by
I Lord Bradford his ,given half an 6
, t l .11 re , of lint for a site for the war Ing Mary Kane, of. -Coyle, a soldier'3 to acquire areas at present in ixeath corn feed, or molasses feed from any turning more and mole to IiTlaestoek-
I EM wife Is, seeic- but a reliable firm, stop, 'look and Mo re liveatock on the farm mean*
i4 oNal hall at Llartymynach, near I rural district. Neath blorougla
wa.. A * ing to embrace . thc- tame area. -keting food exops
, Formerly M, P. for Walsall, Mr. In it listen. There is a reason.
. 0sw"try'! . Frank James was 98 on Nov. 8. He Wss expense till mar
kave offered to are the Anglo-Perslan Oil COMPAILY's Besides the addition of excess fibre and leaF, coyt in DrovIding animal Pro -
The Rhodes trusteca hag just celebrated his diamond wed- tee! in the form of hulls there has been, duct,& for the f*M,.Uy taW, IDyery
. . Oxford t7niverafty 2M,400 for the as- ding. new refinerle% and also new 8 more particularly of late, a more 0 , k in help-
' _ tab*hmeat of a profiessorship for the I Fishing with rod and line from a works. r Mayor of Islington insidious form of adulterant to many former, who raises liTe,sto ont of pro-
s . dvagc4a4at of the study of Rom= When the Labo Ing provide foods at Jess c
, " boat at Great Yarmouth, Mr. E. Pow- the council attended commerelal mixtures. The by-I)ro- -duction.
Dutch law. . liall And his nephew' caught nearly and members of ri elevatort, known
usens bas died at Whit- one hundredwieght of cod. . 1,11ington Parish Church/no gowns duct at the wogten A. few beef cattle might be raised
ganskire, age& 101, and were worn. and for the ttrat time in as s rVnlrlgs, has, where of standard on some farnig with iove,ry little e#rA
4414t, 11 In 50 years Mr. W. 1-1. Ford an the :history of corporation church coutenV',(recleaned screenings), a very expense, Thcae who have pasture
at th 92011:oaicoloroo Mr. James N11001, 06 authority on bullologs, who has 'died and in the ,WaYoral high ,value In the feeding of olevtllila and & little surplus feed might inarktt,
I-hal,aa %idtlay yeteran,.hag died at at Uxbfidge, won a hundredweight of visits the mace9t
Craltbrook, Kent. pe,w was empty, kinds of stock. Such has been defln, tta-w baby b*tves eYetr YtAr.
, silver and bronze medals. nalumlyely proven by the
At a meeting of the Lancashire Arthur Beard, who was sentenced to itely and cO Every fa?mer who owns his lend
I Aonp r I in Experimental FaVins system, The
eaurity., Council Alderman Hodgson The last of the German prisoners of death for the murder of lv7 Woo( %nd Is out of debt 'it iridoDendent.
saltil tht death rate exceeded the birth war who have been interned Ili has I&tter institution, together,with many
at Braroiley, Hants, to Jhc, number of a mill yard at Hyde, Cheshire, private individuals, has, however, had Banks may break, ,syndicat" go to
ftts, and was the highest for twenty 1,000, have left for Ge iany. been granted leave to appeal on the f. conclusive *nd ,unfortunate, the wall and markets may All be in
years, due largely to 4,692 Influenza grounds thit,t he, suffered from ahell PrOo 'the hands of the bears, And yet the
At an election meeting at Rainsgate stiock in France and malaria Ili the that this product has not alws.yi been farmer WAY tilt on his bkck fonee and
deo4s. the mayoralty Mr. C. A. Hacker, for many years a , standard. Further, it would appear hiotloi a tilne, for he has the R14511r.
I . . , 01i relinquishing Of member of the council, became sud- East, and that the murder wac, un- that tile refuse by-product of till,* w ee that teed time And harvest .ihali
TOerton, i)avau, after e4ght 'Years In denly ill and died in a few millutes. premeditated. ' all
offl",, Mr. A .T. Gregory, editor of the att" Lodge of, t(Buf_ material to which the manufacturer
Mr. John Button, of Gillingham, A "Captain UrY ,Over,_ lilay 11ave aecess, ,with the upshot that not fail; that men Zust eat mid he
V.1verton. gazette, is to be presented Kent, has served 57 -years as a dock' faloes" ,hag ,been -dedicated at, 0 , there are inixtureev on th6 market to- mu:,tt help to feed them; ,that when
With the froodoloh of tile borough. yard worker, principally at Gibraltar, court. panics collie lie Is out 'of dftn,p,er ,and
o - in for day which, amlile from merely includ.
At Tatti rjdge, lioi'che, -Mr. and 'Mrs. without having been once Absent or S-ady ,CaAbery's action in Dubl i,actually under ,,ihelter. .
. ree eult ing m percentage of screening
I. je,ble% Brbtow, who have lived In the late. aliniony, pending her divo S, -product *6 it Pro,sperity and goats *eela to be
ylllagd all their'llyes, have celebrated John Ashton, aged 24, of Cowles against Lord ;Carbery, has been t. ulake u5o of the by
b&sls . The combination of screening pretty closely linked. The sikin of
tILeir diamcmd'wO.din -_ four genera-, 'Hill, Lancashire, was killcoiat Raven- tied. offall, oat buil%, chaff, sweepings, And the grmt, whan tented, Is actually
tloW b0na. preovated at t A gathering, head eolliery by falling do vn the All demobilisabIG Officers and 'men molasses, witil what the chemist worth more than silver, Tile price of
I A 1'drv" film, "The Lure of Drink," shaft, a distance of several hundred other than those retained an A411111116- tornul,, when Ili doubt, a lltraqce ' Of sliver is $1,07 per ounce. Tanned
is bein' 'offered free to olnotna man- yards. trative work under ,special War Of-
, 9 flour, bran, corn and iflax, is a feir-ful gont mkiii, commonly called kid, caste
agoo in Lanctahire and Yorkshire, A young ilian at 1111vetshall, Norfolk, fice authority have been released, and Wondertul. though accOMPI151160 th-e siloa nianufaeturer an ail average
I mol the UtnchoatoT correspondent of has anthrax, which, according to the - At Messrs, Puttick ,and Simmn' ,, tact of $1 per rlquat8 toot to!! the light-
t1to KinemAtograph WeekI syays that local medical officer, wm probably Lelcolster-coluare, W,C, , ,, a Stra,divoir- , Iere ran be no objection to tilt* weigl,it h'Ales. These hldt ,a vtill Aver -
A bonus of .220 Is being offered, contracted from a, shaving bruAl ious violin fetched ..(ZOO -and A 'vlolln- use ,of stmidrt:-d racteated %Creenlngg rugo About lour-flftI4 of An 6unce tc
Northumberland miners paseed a re- bought at Yarmouth. bow made lor the Prince 1COXISOrt In a cominerciftl feed inbcture,'provid- the Eoivar6 fr c t, which Is at the ratf
solution "that the recruiting at civil- ' Ili connection with ills scheille foil L 7. 1 , I ed the pr!co 15 eqUAlble. It Is 9004 of $1.25 ptr ounce, There I% r,011141d,
Un gut , trols Is calculated to provoke 'developing the Isle of Lewes fisheriel, Lowered 604ft, into a yell at 8)van- feed, hought it m,ay darkell and , ,raj)le -wa, ,ubting
t , in 0 kid 1(-ILthei
worktietli to violonee during strikes Lord Leverhulme llas bought tile bust- ster, by a rope, John therelore rander le114 attr1ct:-re, tile for kl w
And Is A. reactionary movement to do- ness of John Duncan & Soils, Liver. Thonlas ',Smith, A, Young 'c011ier, re- finished product. Certalln of the e in shoel, ma that the l6ei'liel
. 1 ed which finally Oomtl about $1-50 Del
feat the offorte of the working classes pool, fish retailers. . ocued a woman who had fallen in) ,weed seeds contained in uncle ounce -about 40 per ceut. more thm
to, 1 to sec*ra justice." I A King's bench divisional court has but she died later from e'hock. screenings or In screening offe,11 have stiver. The bIgh price of kid lealthe!
Tk# British Industries Fair to be decided that the sale of ,% bottle of -Dy means of a donation by One been shown to be ftetuillY POI.M0110115 ought About lin unDroeedente
141 medicine niade tip and compounded 0 0 r han, br
orexed at the Oryetal Palace on Feb- f L thina,0011 Compaily (Limited), and to stock, True, they itay be bittei . , situmtion in shoe 111arlufacture, EithV
roarY 24th will be followed by a. greft drugs by a dispenser was the Eale of r,rDflts derived from, a Gothenburg but, then, molisses 19 & faitthful Cor- tile kupply 6f this leather wu,5t. be In
W0 oxhlbition, to be, hold In four can- an article within the inealling of the public -house at .Jtoa6well, Midlothian, rective. To suln uP-the PurchA1141! ert*10.4, or it Illunt. L-6
Profiteering Act. for the posgibilitY
aefttive years, Sir David Burnett aft- a village institude hito boon erected. Days a Stiff price e' feed eertain extent, by IeRther tul0titut"
IkOUked .Rt the annual meeting of the Lady Sarah Spencer has died at 28 William Lamb, aft,Armless man who of a low-grade, non,productiv ,----+4-,e0
ar)*&I Palace trusteem. . St. James' place, S. W. She was un. was awaiting L%xecutloa In Nolinburgli th-at has the further potentialitiet of I
The King will give a bowling green married, was aged 81, WAS the ftugh Prison for thb murder of A woma% Ilia fk"m and Injuring or do- , livi
ter of the fourth Earl of Silencer, enterica be- rtrollrlt nlllgllthe health of his sta,ok. Th* WIhole Famnifies
fk D044'aghaW, the village adjoining has been reprieved, the s to, a
fil audtlnghstm, ThLi site is in addition sister of the late earl, tho "red earl," Ing commuted to penal servitude for adoption of, and rigid adherence
to those given by His Majesty In rec And half-sister of the pretent earl. lite. high standard of, elevator screenings
W1 years for i. churok Inatittits and Mr. Xellaway statt'd In the House Vir,l Ernest .13lytIle, S11111 F eln, -,%, I, .1 will render procurable a viiW demir- 011t of Doors
of Coninions that oil -boring Ili D,,f,*,. t' t(b-,(i teod-eoniparab'e to the stott-
lot it workingmen's club, each of shire has been delayed by at w.-lavold. temporarily releag(A from Mou joy dard Ineals to which reference hu ......4—
wh1oh has a bowling green attached, 17p1gou Owing to Illness resulting from
During the hearing at cases at Liv- able accident. About 200 gallor!J of oil , unger-striking, has been married It already been made, Tile ulrld6sL-ttb1t I
, be con- "Itetumilir to fiethevil. we embark fc
Is boing obtftfno d daily at tile Ilardg- " I second by-product should X0,I)i6s by ttokyner", M, It, nallou ,write
I evpool Asatzes In connection with th6 ) 11 t ,-, C,,r 0 0 Dublin, to MISS Aniller 1',AoMigh. trolled Absolutely Arid place(I where in -.1,400.,printa of Trsqsl." --kil we WIS4
, lke strike riots, it was stated tkat toft bore, and there is abi Whcn Profeseor A. V. Salmon, Of , of tomDtAtion to the OlowlY Into) 016 10"'y ba.* Juat 8.0 tb
gallons Ili store there. it cannot be f *
C00 bottlas of st ut w"o earried the Vnivergity ollego, lneg lllg, was uriacrupulo., % ril, n tile, *&$I,
1C nutteturer In C -an- wornine light is broWng i
0 The X .Ing has purchased a lierd ot Honor, I -) foal tboLt tin lnortpropitiou* hour V
10VIty from bottling stores by looters. W(,Iqh ,black cattle from C,.%rm,1.rt,,len_ buried, ,tile 1_*glon of which edit . irrival could be devikiki, Atli ftr0 406
V k.610 fainillea ,were drunk And child- shire bmcderg, was to have lbten. lianded to him 3by &ject bxriey, frostod whett, Musty tl!*t the ,r1tw or the elti, is presented I
Vq w6re gelling tho stout In the Pm.sident. Polneare, was'plubd oil his corn da;luaged grain genortlly, MAY us fOr the fir.4t time from the t(A r&thq
Mrs. Perceval, of the Hermltag(% , thal, rtoil,t thAt khors, Itow tni reogi-q
lnf atg tit ld per bottle. St. Johns, Surrey, has attalfted her coffin, . fill iind their way into the Porriloner- ja tlia iiistovie scono which jora,duall
Tht r&port, of the Commismloners of :aelleved to have baotl painted by cittl niixture, attractively D:tced it aprpxds nutbaforq us *4 we stokm f116*
100th birthday. ' ' # tt rr4rjao, and Cat
Mr. Zdwiard ,TarylA, xt&tIonrugztj, rompared wlith the xfrelv% ,wb;le we '60hold What *A Inla$
p,rhms *bcw$ that the total nutuber of ,r llolbeln, 1:46 ftrlleat known DoTtrait standiLrd me,ala, ly in b-, tls# Islit-fta
*Itou,aw reealved last year was 28,- of Bulkington, near Xlltiftton, has ro- of a Lord ,Xayor of Loudoa,,Air Thann- in tact. tha third dett" applied to , Inall** writst, has t6rmM *& fro*rnew
W d*omfts of 1,692 on the previous tired aftpr 49 ypars' service, as Exinewe, 1$17, Use boon g1voil to tile past -master of the art of 00th, of l,.etiy*n tr) tArth vouchottod- It e&
yw noports from All prison$ t0tl- Dr. John Aitken, Palkirk, a famous the City Corpors4ion -by ,10tvg, Tanr. mercial meal -mixing, would possiblY talilly 106enu M00 lik6 & plet4re the
\ . like TeAnty. Pow aitl6a on th* globe al
-ft,d 10 two b4us,ti.eent effeats of restric. scle,ritint and Inventor, and Intimate esan, Brodrick. reveal truths sitrangor thin ti,etion. so faintiti'i for tbblr sdvoknt4geous sli
d*ft 4M tii Sol% of latoxicatio,f; liquor, friend of the late Lcird XtIvIll, has .*-i 4, 36- -- - I When buying oommercial mixtures oj,, W Naple,
,s. it 11ox in anaphitheftV
A4 61-afflow It it wAltOr In 0, Lot- died. . "If I ever do maM " mad - tile then, deal with the rep,utable tirm. rnrm en tha ahora of thO t1.l&AAls b+1
.,49 ftsm f(wr others Are var- r0Z. M&y* & They gall uader Inspecticla and triltly. ,ffh!c,h I -t shut In from the sot br 0
The vost of town crlel , at Hpcoinbs, araltal fteWar. I fit, I the ruth it to ur-oft- fioltinol of Capri, exten4ing in Rrt Aqclo` N
lzr=1101441 Vrhicll has ttwn in olle family for 80 mft7m[d." 11V-kY a 9*fM110" 00- SM &Ud t6l t - t ,to orarn,ppe to tho aouth-ftsk - whilt I
ftor )M*044"M wt d, vko jolfr6d tm I yagra, dies out wltb the reaIgnitiou meadod tki, 1W"Od "Us% tkt Iparil:r OL11 Of It. the northwi%ytt loom r the beftutit
, wo lsihn4m t,,, rro-ilen PLM'T."bla. . . .on ti
)bm tj
Woo "-a privAte, Use d1ad ..I .th r, , ,1,0 W ITL & 001tiluatiol of thin artiele, thfl t*Atotn ridi% Af tbi,A P41rafATW6 TfAl
tis I ofTtkhs genWrit booldar (Mr. J. txtyls). on'l womm , , w r1im
A wrvw, ifte fifty 7ftra wltb, tj n ev, Milan Henry DT2 = Waft# I Ear - V "M == of VAild'ard mealt and ml-%- v4"llyi,p,. mth it* bold and tsolLti
f"OUNK mtor of Mel, L4@ds, is to bs r1m: i9talks I I . . . . I tlt~ will Ut dweat witi.-a ,*nnsk,i,
. I 1,
. _ ,4, I., , I I
I W `,'Vll
I , - ,.A . I ` .,
4" , . " ., ! ... 4-, , -
. , .4
, - :,t4 , 4: - 4' '4' C, , , ;el, I %, I 1.
I I , -1 " ,gi _ ,,, ,I _I " I , ,r
-,- , . .4 ,*
0 - -1L 4 ; ... - ,_
0(o. V14 11, TAW4o 4,11n * *0
ukrui nicly tooutif it, It,* *0
oonsento ta Reparation for
, 11 X
1-11"A "
yad! Qw
s, ot,00p opfowi4i up to ow., peorla in
ilo gort, dowy fr"hoi#*# of the morn-
scap, Flow I
11 .. .
W, "
- .
014 strott4 S,v* uitrrow, orookod :
I -
, I
In *QrKlo v14"* 046044#4 by otom
a An allirl* of fort,K-fivo oi#grool but
, 4 ,
ho t W wol IAA
BUit Not by Surrender of'
I ....... -11
__ I
modorn pArt of * 011ol
!ut. Tho ,Strx4^ di UOMIL I# t4s Broaol.-
From the earlieet time *11TOV lk#:
vay ar.NAkple4, s, tin*, blity stroot. raoro
been A "noble" metal, need for b,X,V-
hiLn A inilo In longth 4,nd lIU44 With *Itr
wit busintax stored cafes. hotolo, 060
smwomrsw, sid I
weight; thue lbrallam w*ight*4 to
ublia qrfjooa The famous W*Iom 4i
Berlin, Dee. 14. -In her note Vs-
i 000 , WIN* I I
,)11&J&, or qLA&y, i; #41,,Qi o, uabl# stroot
unning 61011 the whore of the b&y., linod
n 0110 4140 t )r an I%Irnodt olloil*06 axrpq
Plying to the lailt Nutento communi-
cati011 demanding the gigning of the
, I'll, ". .-.,.-.-.
.. I L I , 11 I ,,T FV ,,TWyr, i
, ,
r P,alkces, and on tile other by tho long
pmtocal preliminary to putting the
R I .
)4r,k sopamtinj it frQUI the soa
peace treaty Ill effect, which Is now
-Xilto Chlaja is the tarnQu4 dr1yow
t Nlkplos. OLT14 lif x broALLI 41141 bo*Utig,
I its way to Par a, GerniahY yields
In her on the $cap&, FIOW Issue
I . 11.
. I I
10, I I
,tro*t by which wo ontor th4 *ity from
he woot. Ju4t about *uU*ot this thar.
to a cortoiA extent.
, 1. . I
. W . I
)ughf*ro pronsntfA 4ally a #"no Moot
Tb 0 toz handed
t at the reply WAS
.. I 1, __ . , . . I
)%,Qull%r ajid quite #,* gar ^* the 00W
to Boulogne, 01, the Prat". Of vtoaaa.
)olng crowdod at that ?touo, b r tho bs*4tl
on Friday night to a courier, Who .fit
once started with It for the French
- _.L
Arthur J.
nol tashion at tit,* towtl #11JOYing 94 0-
ernopon drivo or harsobAwk rid*,
capital. The text Will not b -o publlali-
- e4 in Berlin I)efor* Monday.
I "Akt t,.9JL_
411t to not Con* the *qW14911. sl,"es
'rho live so much In the otx"to, It is
I -t is learned that Ili -the note the
Pf W 09 Dftwl ..
I at &106* the palkes window& that are
Government rolterate# Jt4 desire to
VVAW 001 I . ..
11lod with sp*ctatoro *11 slonr tho ftiYo
wxy of tho ChI&J& during tho. carnival
have ratification Of the pos,ce treaty
effected, at the earliest Dodsib le date.
veftsvr I
0004 W"n W16*0*V 404kwfo
iour of the d&y, but bofors each real-
Wet is gikthered a domeotie group sit,
It gently hirlts, that the Entente Is
OM" I$ JA.S9ftVWA L$R#ft .
Ang contentedlY Ili the, apell ail', b%76-
responsible for the coinplicaVoris
, ___1=U_ " - V -,- 11 17
. . I f
amded #,nd in Cauxe-like eowtidwo. Same
which have delayed tile exchange of
Wk K# I . i
)f tha ladies empley their hands, wilk
lainty needle-watlk, qiom,e am or"hating,
ratifications for more than a rn olith.
wo Nk -Im #*.
)thero are engauad In qtvnple ftrmotl*
It dtolArfia that Germany bats not And
. , .- I
,anias, and all are chattinc, 19,uahinx,
is not now making the filial ratifica-
I . I
L11d gt,ijo rinr themoelves heartily. Who
tion dependent Upon the clauses rolAt-
. . 11, .
[,Ldiem wear the Sayset oolorm. theso add.
ing ylyloineei to the whole Dictum. To
Ing to war prisoners or the extradi-
2110ft AidlikAffid I I
aomplets , tho etrongmt, individuallmd
tion, of German subjects for trlr.1, 91-
wc2m 11
, I ""' 11 - I I . 11
*can*, tharo aro tho rmeeful I-MIMS, or,
though it expreases the hope that the
. . .. I i
Lnue tre", and fountains of the park,
.mid abundant marblo statuary' ind
allies will ,permit themselves to be..
=. A" I
flowering shrubs, with the see., CiLpri.
%nd Vesuyluf for a baekgrqund, toffether
Convinced that toth issues have
Important bearing upon the Interns-
, . , I
make up the ,J&W of the Chiajz- at twi-
tional political gitilation, in aerinallY.
A"A 1. I . 0 IT- - 19 Sim
"NapleX iS vOry PJ OU114Lr 111 tile wew#ot
,wo ths
On the Scapit Flow issue the note
-,I willingueea to yield to the
PO4MO40 4 . . *4 1,
-11 .1 1- - - _. _.. -
of its out-of-door lift; *** publiq
It , ttor-,writtr at hit powt I* the ,094M
extent t"'A" 110;rraauy will content to
.1 ___ .1, 1. -_11 11,
. I 0,
""I'art: the eonunan p4sopl* av# conduet-
'maIre re.J)fr*t'*OU for the oinking of
bw_ . 1. -10 I
14 most. of their domeatie affairs *ut-
side of their dwallinarfi, Sell0m Of M&O.
the Ge .-Amq wars 'hips, in, order to re-
m the
I . . I o!
I . . I I I
aroini, omnpoas, grapes, f1sh, Toget Wes,
flowera, and hawk*rs of *very *oit till
the air with thole Abrill eirlso. . - -Whol*
move r ,. ij characterized
b 41,
., I etialte eonclu-
filiftl ("Oml . ,,'d to the d
Sion 46f psa,,e, Although, Maya the
I . 4 I .
11" . .
ftinillex c9ok and eat in the street*, whilq
cannot be Made in
liveried turn-auts and OmIling iwitktl
&-d thither"
note, r,8p;.Rtlona .
0 manne.:, ouggeisted in the demand
* 11
. .
__* for 400,000 tons of Z_1XpP1ft9- Oil this
point Germany propceea negotiations
by tile Entente witb R board of Gar -
SHORT ITEMS . man shipping expertA.
I The note declares that the PrOISPec'
tiye temporary absence at Ailleric4lall
OF THE NEW& from the commis4iono ental)l1shed un-
der the tre,ftT hoo not influenced the
. fts y attitud of '6Tf1ciaI Germany towards
th; qu"ettou of final rattrIcation,
OF THE 11A HAS RKA,01-101) PA,RTt3
I Paris. Dec. 14. -The aniswer of the
German Government ;to the latest
Xing and Queen to Attendl Allied note reached the German dele4
Vation, in Paris to -day.
Movie Display of Prince's
___-&_#_11 _
ed If there had been no #41vor WIAO
f.r gpoll? NYherever tU4r* Is iiIT#,V
Canadian VW.t.
men and ArrIbItIOU W
- .
t ow lr ge to battle for it,
Only Inimediate, Aid Can
American mine# 71rero the j000#
over which Spain touglit. t4II Om Tfa* ,,
beyond recovery.
gave Whole Nation.
From the earlieet time *11TOV lk#:
been A "noble" metal, need for b,X,V-
'Goverment Asks IriSh
Washington, Dec. IS.-Neyer has
ter, and adornment, Originally 0
paesed from band to haAA 1W
Civil Servants to Act
the, condition of Armen,14xis been so
weight; thue lbrallam w*ight*4 to
grave, and the need for external aid
Ephron 40Q chekelo of allver, "amr-
as Constables.
So gTelt, as at present, Mirian SeTafi-
rent money w.1th the morchiLlot;' 0.
ly, representative of the Armenian
the price of the field ,xJL4 ovo, 0.
National Delegation In Washington,
Machpelali. I
The Welland Canal officially closed
said to -day, In diseuvwIng latest re-
In "SyCft silver" th* custalm #ilot*
Sunday night for tile season,
porta from Armenia. Ile made pub-
in China to -day, Then silver 4;1;9_wi
The steamer Sheba, which wXS in
lie the following ciblegram bmm.,the
Armenian Patriarch ZaTen, Ili Carl-
In long rods. from wkick plecot 0-
the desired a1vo cculd be, &**11Y, ont,
distrzo off Newfoundland for some
days, has succeeded in making ,St.
't"t"Ople ,
111rinancial gituation alarming. Our
A natural consequence was tks Va,
cording of the weight at tho,J N*
lohri x.
One of the oldest and best-known
resourcea do not Oven meet half of
our expenses and obliffatione for the
by x stamp or punch, whick maltot
them available for any similar P01,
citizens of St. Thoon*:, cx-AlVDiniel
'Maintenance of orpUs,ns. We are re-
chase in the future, Thus bog" t**',
McCallum, to dead.
ceiTing from the provinces heart-
ago and currency.
E x-Reeye Thos. Lamminau, of Ea,st
rending reports. it we do not meet
of all ,metals silver is tht* m0l-
Oxford, died In Stratford so. the roolilt
Immediately thene needs, we risk the
adaptable for engraving and 64
of a fall downstairs at a, hoteL
.annihilation of the entire nation. We
k1tide of handicraft. it
The six-year-old agn of'John Vl,an-
insist that the ne-ceigity 'is extreme.
Send reliet "
beautiful than gold. .
if the history of *omo or the Won -
cio, miller, waa smothered In wheat in
I -
- --t-'s. #_
derful specimena handed dowil -10 0
the Maple Leaf Milling Co.'s mill at
from the Quee. Anne and. Georrits
periods could be told diere woult bt
I One Turk is tinder arreit chargk
many thrilling pslgrA Added tfj. ili*
with "shooting with Intent," *rid an-
mt-omance of This Vaivable
history of silver.
other I& in the hospital followifig a
0-0->— I
fight In it King street west reilaurRnt,
and Adaptable Metal.
110" HURT ON
The eleven - Year- old son at Albert
Blerworth. of Faraday township, was
silver hafi noyf reached the a,mA2-
. I
fatally shot by the accidental dischsxge
a in the hands hin. fa ther.
Ing price ct "7/i,d. per ounce; ea,ya
Londota Answers. Before the war
of gun of
the average price T(44 26d, to 37,.1j,`an
The Ontario Commercial Tmvellera'
Association branch in London collect-
Durin.4 ths, war there haa been an
ed by house-to-houso calls yesterday
422,800 for the Children's Aid Society.
Immonos inomiss, in the demand I ,
Attended Conferences WO
silver coinage, owing to the wi t11-
They ainpol.at $20,000.
droLwal of gold from common CUT-
Frowtured Rib
St. Thomas Great War VeterAlls have
a .
Inaugurated & 1'bily-ln-Canada!' drive,
The great influx of colonia't Into
unanimbuzly deciding to give prefer-
England, and the large training,
As Result of Fall On the
. ence to home products, in replY to the
tamp* which #prAng up all over the
mounting rate of exchange in the
countrY, Increased that demand. In
Destro er.
United States against Co,nitda.
16i4 tile ,stock of silver in London
Sairies Lyons, ag, d 46, of Oshawa,
was fffi*11. r0rood pu"chasex in an
I -
Ont.,,wrs fAAd dead Ili his TOOM It
lll_*Uppl!ed iniirk6t drove Priem uPs
and opeculation wi.4 fostered by. tho
r Parls, Dec. 14, Jt developef vitia.
: prenlier Clemei r.eail,a retura to-dwf
.the Empre8a Hotel, Toronto, early
morning. Death was due to
allortags until th,t *preaent record
. from tile confoience Ili London mat ko.
Illuminating gas, which escaped from
Pric6 hae been reacheol.
Silver mining an d prospecting
illet with a. ;ilit'llt Injury on his tri*,
'S, partially opened rts jutt Ili t h -,%,
hItTe oLipplied a, wide field of adyen-
to England through ,. fall thorril tkt I
' dc,ntroyer on which lie, crosb6oi tho
ture -and havard. Some cf the rich
Channel on tlie northTrard journex. Ra
I The Kent Historical SOOiOtT 1111
mt, mJnes have been discovered by
alighted from the 6aln at the owlex
appointed a special committee to Ps,
mere x"idont. one Cailfor-,114n mine
here with difficulty becku" *T
alst in the work of preserilffig and
w" diocovered through a boy, wbilet
tIlI,5 Injury, aill o.fter having beent
n1trkirig places of historical irtereit in
driving atttle, sterc" the plal2l, hurt-
tnthuslattically rc!7clTed by the erovL
the county. -
ing. hit fuot an a large stone, rhieb
gathered at the strtion, 118 Prooleads!
Clifford B. Gill, of Pettapiece, MIM,
prOTbd to be almott Pure ,silver ore.
Pioneers b.*Te had hird f'?-hts to
d , irectly to 1he Ministry cf War 4114
nephew of R. B. Gill, of St. Mar'Y'S,
has been Appointed ansilstant foreatel,
. &
wrest the ore from Mother F-Arth.
called for Dr. ri.'uffk%r, his phy*Iol*m,,
vTnO diScOv 'ed that the Tiger hiiii
Ill this Forestry Branch At Otta wp., 1-ja
dome y on, .aowa Ici3t, And to some
too )&to.
. frActured a rib. Notwithistnilding. tho
"rved in the In'Perl?] fOr,'O for about
succe'sol tres
In 1""00 rilen in the mining cen
slight bruises IrIliell tile fill h44
three ye4rs.
Tho IrUng and Qutei% will alttnd a
of America, Alintraliala and Nfe
vr ae th*
caused, the Prom der took p t,
dospttteh6s have Nbown, Ill varIt"
1110TIng picture display of tile Prince
Itst fartunm In few holure
th,t -,4cv.-,.(ng of tha Sherman Act,
&et-ivItie-, Ili London, but'on returning
of -V.,rtl lpe- 01iiiii,dIall tatly, ser"med by
$,,,or ha(i becoli o zo p enttful
to Par],5 110 confe"Rned , to stime
tile Carindiall Pacific, 11rdt'WIT, it t116
lrut ,the ,&t,i ptL,,ee,A
*I% condition is not r6rlavw, ,
ts,tigue. H
Albert Hall wmt Wednom,day Ili mid Of
nifa act abolishing tho fixed ratio of
With him arrival home tile PremitT
London niedicKI Charities.
'tile headd
IgV,, ounces of #ILTer to cne t,f gold,
resumed couirc4 of the Government.
lit do lar_ d himt lf grottly moved b.Y
A circular wa,,1 j"nued to
I of All Irish Go,roftrarnent di-partni6rib,
whi eh had been c,itabli#hed and
Maintained 1,,y t'a e lAtin Irilon
the corjiftlity 0 1. llig reception in IAYA-
asking them to requemt tht nialm, Civil
founded for that purpc-v In the In-
dea, And very 11111ch 0061ed with hi#
servant, to act ,ays tp6eitt coneta,bleoi
torcAte; of conimemt Ili 1869. Pricto
conference.q with Preniler LIOY4
I for the . pilrilope; Of AbSIPsting the ]Dublin
went doyyn w 4tll -a ru#14, &lid the
Georg,i *,lid Other allied reprextutt-
. Metropolitan police stold the Irish
whole n,arjat wto conTulgod. It made
tives. It wao Stated tilat the Accord o9k. ,
a, gartlai r600ysrY. but In 1902 411'ret.
all questions dlscum, ed wall COMMON,
Itoy. George Jackman, retirell Meth'
I -is home In
died at L
wag ill tho ratio of 421/ to 1, and
w" sold At It 31 -lid- per uunco-
i qnd that 0. ,late would shortly lbe
i Iggiled. making known the doolol"I
I o4ist clergyman,
Walkerville 'from heart collapse, fOl-
Now It h&% w%RtJ1org4
. , tile war, arW
' reached.
lo -,ring, all illness beginning r.o-,lle,
three 4eeks ago With 1XIM1611W 110
prleog are ,qtlll qoaring,
Jj()iiiancs 4urrounda tll* tra"Ailurt
waa q yeara old.
ut ally0l, 4'fo-
It now tr&Yo'4 "naked" fe0ll Loll-
"Illanche gave her *go *# 24 ,who*
I 'Ahe 11'arrie"I old Hr. UtchmaA40
Hall, (;. Iloward Ferguson hag filed
Ili court BToC1*1116 0, colluttr-pett.
r China Ili th,8 41"'Olix
dcla to ludix o 0, tile
tht, 1)8fm,
I ,
11111-1(t T re 1 lot older than that."
I tion agrAllst tio return of C., Arthur
roorcs (-.f o*,6AT1101-0.
opening of tho JUel!l C11111 it 11a4 to
. 11 lle to(-ik i third off for 000,
- w, LoAdol,
:Payne. The usual charges of bribery,
be solder6d la t'll-lined bc.xts &r,d
I suI)D0se-"--Ptt%shl9
6 etc., by agentos er6 1111d't. it will be
'PtYlle filed A
earrAd by carae x Across 'Ele 1-!tlimUs
.1 ------- #14 it —
1,0NL(y ,.,.1Tl,1I,1L,1nXNG FALTH111t.
V "'alellib&rod. thitt Ur.
a vrotr.,,it Against M6 ",turn of Itoll. ("'.
6aravilne carrving 411*er 111to I ertla
and Arr,bl.oL onNATItere,J raimy dan-
' "Art) you all 111t,111190 cftisufttt?"
r) Howard Fergugoa 66n1c 6.0 99n.
got% fmm roving Afghtli tribes.
; ,,I ,should 'tay I Am'" m1164, Mr,
a shopping In Port Huron
I PlAnt, th(lpht *110
ptIrilig- the war ill ARTer ear 0 ; GlIthers. "I don't WA 96t 4 6110,1106
to look tLt tile luoraing Paper tMtR
SatnToItT nlotht, or At
;, Attempted to fthk)p With C*n*dIAn
wk% a,!cj;nl1uritJ by sit tgent Of t16
oendar, and the journe%4 here not
ill tllt% other membera. of my f4*ift
` .
.. roloney, were given r, mther MV16 Jolt
IkIw&ys ujsoystttru ,, ,Sliver Wax firat - hall('. road It." .
It ; jlf,,n & number of Atores rpfilAed k'nAO-
c:antsyta by mc,tf,r thrcur'.i London ' ._,_,*"_* _._
WHY HVI GOT T111,01t1l.
ti lut jy to take Canadian money at IMY
jurlug a rti,wty 41.,.'ke, wiston R
0 price, said. tho few 114OU'llstts who did
harinlos4-look!ng IQAdi ' Id with "Your opponent was a dark koama
6 Accept, it wanted 121.f., per cout. 061
ti -to, tuna of ipre, ma the gauntl4it of wan he not?"
r. tount. Caroin Are now Appt%trt-9 In
the pickets uutsMa Paddington at&- r 11,Not on your life!" roplInd ths 44A
o Port 1juron. r1hop rindoyrm tho%t re,*d:
feated candidate, "I'%* wrn A, r#4
a ,,Canadian nionry not tAkt1*1 ll rt-'-'
V rty vvars hikT6 been fought for automobile! " I
0 'You never ftn tell., 'J A WhM Aietilver.
th a pol"V,flon of ttlrdtorkm rVh In , 1. # 0 0 --
Would 1116 e1l"lPt' '&no of Ttl ,',.r i,,.:j,_11f,., of ph"!rftl 7"ft-
" fallow to emolted lio may 0 stfAlight
Vannibal in Spain, Caesar In ,,1,&uI
oiu., men th, -inxlft Than TA&Y 1MV6
d to, tho bad.
,And Cortex In 11"Iro have beem wag- R dfI!t1t*.
14 I., * -1* I
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1111 , I , 11.. I ,. I .11L.'1,,._T: _ , " " ,, I 11 ;; , , ` , . 117w '_ I , , "' 1
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