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Important Announcenient Regarding Leather Top Rubbers for Men and Boys
New Lines of Winter Coats are just now
coming to hand and we are offering for
ONE WIIK ONLY a reduction of
10 per cent. off on all
Ladies' Winter Coats.
Velours, Silvertones, FIrr Coats in all the newest
shades of blue, brown and grey. Hudson Seal,
Ladies' Muskrat Coats, Salt's Istluimette Plushes.
Remember this Sale is for 1 Week Only
Men's overcoats
We have many
vvafm coats in heavy
greys, browns and
blacks. Reg. $35.0(}
for $28.75. Reg. $50.
for $42.75.
Boys' Suits
We also have many
lines of boys suits at
prices much below
wholesale values.
1 Hanna
Men's Suits
English worsteds
and good • wearing
tweeds in plain and
fancy patterns special
this week $40.00 for
Youths' Suits
First longs and
young men's—latest
snappy -models—ne v-
est -colours and pat-
terns. Reg. $37.50.
for $28.75.
& Col
E have installed machinery for making this article of foot-
wear and are in a position therefore to sell you "First
Hand" there- by eliminating the middle man's profits.
You Have an Opportunity Offered You Which is Very Unusual,
that is, you can buy these lines from us at "FIRST COST " We
make them Right here in our Store and 'only our own profit is
added, and that a small one. All sizes for men 6 to 11.
15 Inch
$4.95 pair
12 Inch
$4.45 pair
9 Inch
$3.$0 Pair
7 Inch
$3.30 pair
These Prices
are for Cash
These have "rolled edge" and are simply unbeatable for
price, in fact we doubt if there is a store in Canada that can
equal our prices in these lines. Mailed to your address:'•Postpaid"
no matter where you live, or sold at our store in Wingbam.
Note this important
High cut rubbers
for large and small
boys, to fit from a
5 --year old boy up
and the prices are
so reasonable they
will surprise you.
There has been a de-
mand for Boys' high cut
like these for years, and
we have been unable to
procure them but now we
make them in our own
store in Wingham.
We can make anything
you want in Leather Top
Rubbers in one ho urs'
time—that is if you hap-
pen to want a kind we
have not got in stock.
We tmake a specialty of sewing on rub-
ber.. bottoms on leather tops, and are in
a better position than any store in this
locality for doing this work ----W , use a
big power machine • with extra heavy
thread which is better for two reasons.
1st:, --They Never Rip
,2nd—They will not Leak
We do them while you wait
When you buy Leather Top Rubbers
from us, you are buying direct from the
maker at "first cost."
Give a Time Saver Electric
Washer for a Christman
present. It • extends' the
good cheer -of Christmas
"to every wash -day of the
year. No other present
'can make wife or mother
'so happy. See the Time
Saver in our store.
in the great stage hit in 25 yrs.
Friday and Saturday
D. W. GRIFFITH'S favorite stat'
A Paramount Comedy Drama and in Comedy Roles, This
little star is in a class by herself. Admission 15c. and 20c.
Matinee Saturday 10 and 15c. Performances Friday at
8.20 p. m. Saturday Mat. 3 p. iii. Evening 8 and 9.20 p.m.
Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 8 and 9
Admission 15 and 20c. plus vaar tax
Performances at 8.20 nightly.
'Nobody. Knows, and
Nobody Seems To Care"
Everybody will care a lot for
this truly amusing tenor dtiet
'by Irving and Jack Kaufman.
Lack of "lovin' " is what they
lament. Coupled with "I
Wanna Go Back to Dear Old
Mother's Knee."
A-2795— 90c
Other Good Records
Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight
A Night in Italy
Tulip Time from`Follies 1919'
and `Allah's Land
Come in and hear them on
the Colum., a Crefonole
The auction sale of stock at R. J.
Breen's on Monday was not very well at-
tended owipg to the damage done by the
storm, but good prices were realized.
Five cows brought 210, 190, 165. 151,
and 151, dollars respectively.. T, R. Ben-
nett was the auctioneer.
' The young people of the gth con. of
I Turtiberry have formed a Literary and
Athletic Club, intend holding a meeting
I every two weeks during the winter
C months- The object is to eryeate a , more
I social life in the country. Their last
I meeting was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. jVIcGili on Friday night
after which a gcod program was given
consisting of readings, recitations, songs
mouth organ music, after which lunch
was served by the hostess and the meet-
ing closed by singing the National An-
them. A. most enjoyable evening was
The tinonthly meeting of the Bluevale
Woman's Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Robt. Black, on Thursday
Dec. 11th. at 2:30 p. in. Dr. Calder of
Wingham. is expected to be present to
address the meeting. Roll Call to be
answered by Xmas recipes.
Mr. Arthur Shaw had the misfortune to
have his windmill blown over the roof of
his barn and the chimneys of his house
during the windstorm, Saturday evening.
Mr. Wm. Robertson. Lost part of the
roof of his barn during the storm.
Revival services: are being held. in Eb•
enezer Church for two weeks. Rev. C.
C. Couzens of London, is assisting the
pastor, Rev. F. Burgess, Johnston's
Methodist Church is closed for three
Sundays, the people attending service at
Women's Institute Meeting
On account of the last Thursday of
December being Christmas Day the reg-
ular monthly meeting of the Institute
will be heli on Thursday, December 18,
...... at 3 o'clock. ' An address will be given
by Mr. A. 11. Musgrove and a good mus-
ical program will be put on. Mrs. Cruik-'
shanks and Mrs, Moffatt are the direct. I
ors in charge.
�...0•1•IMINAate- (Correct up till Wednesday noon)
195 to 230
Dunn's and Bradstreet's the
greatest mercantile agencies
both say that ''Carelessness is
the greatest business criminal"
—that 60 per cent, of failures
are due to this cause .
As a class, farmers are apt to be
financially careless largely be-
cause there bas heretofore been
no complete method—so simple
the ordinary man could follow
it—provided for keeping accur-•
ate track of their operations.
Scott's Simplified Accounting
System for farmers meets this
need—its forms provide for a
monthly showing on every
branch of farm work for Five
Years—include a detailed in-
ventory which will be accepted
by any bank.
Following its simple principles,
any farmer can keep accurate
accounts—have a perfect check
on every detail of farm work—
it is a perfect bookkeeping
system—compiled by a banking
expert especially for farmers,
The. only System with which is
N to Booen a Systematized
and which simplifies
your income Tax Return
Ask to see the endorsement of the
System by Government and Farm-
ers' Organization ot$icials and lead-
ing financial men.
Copies may be obtained from
H. W. Sowler
Music Dealer, Wingham
BUREAU—Toronto, Winnipeg,
Regina, Calgary and Vancouver
This cut looks just about the same as the other but it is different, for inatoriCa
•--thio line has the very best Red Man soles and is a very superior line for
wear. Note our prices.
15 Inch
$6.00 per pair
12 Inch
$5.50 per pair
9 inch
$4.50 per pair
7 inch
$3 75 per pair
'Sent to your address "Postpaid," or sold in Wingham.
'This same line for Boys from F years up, extra high cut to keep out the
radia and wet and at the price of an'ordinary shoe, although they are twice the
!heigirtiin the leg,
"'•eu can only buy these at our store, for.although we sell to dealers. in
•other,towns, we sell to no store within a radius of 20 miles of Wingham.
When you buy Leather Top Rubbers from us you buy
.direct from the maker at "FIRST COST."
Bei more. Bluevale
The Literary Society held its first de•
bate in the hall on Thursday evening,
the subject being "Resolved that the
entry of farmers into politics as an or-
ganization body would be beneficial to
the country". The decision was given
i in favor of the affirmative side.
Mr, Sterling Haskins of Hamilton, is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Hugh Douglas held a verysuccess.
ful sale of stock and implements last
We are sorry to report that Mrs. Jas.
Murray is not improving as rapidly as
might be desired.
Mr. John Inglis is visiting his sister in
The high wind on Saturday evening
and Sunday did considerable damage to
fences and trees.
We are glad to see Mrs Jno. Mulvey
and Mr. Jos. Hall are able to be aroundl
Mrs. Wm. Milne of North Bay is visit-
ing at the home of her parents
' Mrs. Doig has returned from Toronto..
where she has been visiting her sister.
a, a� ,y, l ai r 4ri,.�► ♦M �i a ♦y, tp• • f a;, a• r .v, a a'ri , ay. ay. Wheat No. 2 Spring
► a►•a► ar. a. ar a► ai- a► a,. a► +►•ar a t cr a►. a�at ..► t a► w .rrVi I;
1. dei q� q► d1 ,A de �, ♦� q ia� q` q. ie� �.��i: dti sig de d� w
Wheat No. 2 Fall 1 95 to 2 30
a.. � Flour......... . .: 5 55 to 6 00
T Lard 38 to 40
Butter 50 to 65
'His Master's oice lEggs, '60 to 65
�. Cattle, med., butchers9 00 to 10 00
d;� v Cattle, butchers choiceit 00, to 13 00
RECORD, (^i XMAS Hogs, liveweight.... ,14 25 to 14 75
Butterfat... .......... 68
A girt that will go straight to the
heart of every music lover who has
a Phonograph.
You can purchase a record certificate which
enables the recipient to choose the records.
See my line of Phonographs and musical in-
struments for Xmas. gifts
Make it a Musical Christmas
Dealer. ealer. Phone 292.
Hay 19 00 to 20 00
East Wawanoslr
Mr. Edmund Irwin has disposed of
his hundred and fifty acre farts on the
r3th con. to James Currie, this gives the -
Currie boys four hundred and fifty acres
in one block. We understand Ed is look-
ing for another farm, hope he don't go
Mr, Norman 1F£cNeill is having tate
telephone installed,
Mr. /as. Menzies of the Yotlt con. is
not improving as fast as his many friends
would like.
We understand Mr, Isaac walker in
tends moving to Wingham in the near
future. Mr 'Walker will be more -con-
venient to his work at the I,lectric Light
Lifted Roof Off Log 'louse
e0One freak of the Saturday night iturri- I�
cane was the lifting of the roof off art old
log house. on Mr. Gro, Irvrin'R farts in
F.iest Wawanosh and earrying it about 1
four rads into the orchard. The top four
logs went with the roof, , XX XX,n t/1N7t a X14..1 XXIMOCIC ire*.
( Wm. Nicholson purchased the Gordon
Hastie farm just north of his own.
Mrs, James Moffatt and Mrs, John Fell
spent the week -end with their cousin, Mrs..
Win. I)ulmage of Harriston.
Wet are sorry to say Mr. Jas Masters
our station master is not able to attend to
his work. May he soon be better, is the
wish of his many friends.
On Saturday evening what proved to be
a very destructive wind storm visited our
neighborhood, almost everyone feeling the"
effects by loosing barn roofing, doors,
windows one mile and a quarter damages
were, Geo. Thcrnton''S back kitchen and
woodshed blown down completely, and
a lot of shingles off barns, Joseph Curtis'
hen house unroofed and drive shed,
Robert Messer and Archie Messer barn
doors off and barns damaged, Cloin
Higgins drive shed moved off wall,
John Fells windows damaged, Joseph
Breckenridge's apple ttees uprooted and
• telephone wires destroyed.
James VanCamp intends having an
auction sale next week on the Ruttan
farm which has been sold to .Richard
Fleming Black has purchased his uncle
Robert Black's farm, Coming events cast
Jos. Curtis has returned from a pleasant
two weeks' visit with old school friends
around Mitchell, Fullerton, Logan and
other places.
Lee Breckenridge spent Sunday at his
home, ae intends to stay all winter on the
6th. of Morris.
Pleased to say Selah Breckenridge
Is improving alter an operation for Aden-
oids and large Tonsils,
Mr, John D. Miller has purchased a
restaurant and grocery store in Listowel,
may our loss be Listowel's gain.
Mr. David Patton has ,the Bell Tele
phone installed in his home
Joseph Breckenridge secured a fine
deer on bis hunting trip, also Reuben
Christmas Tree Entertainment in the
Btuevale Methodist Church, on Christmas
' night.
1 The women's Institute will meet at the
home ot.Mrs Robert Black on Thursday
11th of Dec All are cordially invited.
Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs. John
Fell Wednesday of this week,
ForCoats,_$toIos,Muftis an
Sets 1
Special values .in No. 1 Duality Coats, made from the choicest of
skins, by the most reputable firms in the trade, styles, plain sack
belted models with collar and cuffs -of Sable, Opposum or Beaver:
Prices $350.00 -to $500.00:*
Alaska Sable
Muffs and Stoles to
match, or sold separ-
ately, in latest styles,
scarf and cape effects,
muffs in round, melon
or pillow shapes. Pric-
es $35 to $75.
Men's Furs
Canadian Coon
Coats, Dog Coat s,
Beaver Coat s, Fur
Trimmed Coats, Fur
Caps, Robes, ;etc.
Canadian Muskrat
Our stock of Ladies' Musk-
rat Coats in complete and
consist of a large range in the
newest styles,"made frorn`the
best skins. Price $150.00 to
Canadian Bea-
ver, Red Fox,
Lucille -Fox,
Lynx, Wolf and
Opposum Sets
In all the latest styles.
Special prices.
Raw Furs
We pay highest pric-
es for all kinds of
PHONE '71.