HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-11-27, Page 6AFTER EX*KAISER Spart'acists Rave Wilhelm in Abject Terror. girl Nearly Rillecl Eim With Bomb. Spartleist agents, which is UerMeet for Boiehevik Marderers, hold. more terror for the • dethroned Prugnan Icalser than the coMbinca arinice and international Courts of the world, am] ineidentally they are apearently eeter- Witted to destroy the ouee meaty war War lord before the Entente nations have a chance to bring himto trial. Amerongen i vesited almozt dal*, be new Spartaciet leaders whe have worn to wreck vengeauce on the kaiser for the wrongs he brougut Mem them when he occupied the German. throne. But, thougk the kaiser is now Only William. 'Hohenzollern he la pros tected by a eecret eervice organiza- tion that is every bit as complete 011 the eoree that 'once glutted •the foreien office in Berlia with information from every part of the world. The presence of these agents le the answer to the discontinuance of WO- • liameetstrolls throuleh this quaint lit tie Made town ana the reason for the feriner tin:march% recent illness, which it le uow known was more serieue than the outside world was permitted t� hnow. But it was a girl, a close friend et Rosa Luxemburg, the dead Spartacist leader, who reemetly drove the kaiser to the confines of the caetle, She carne within an ace of destroying the man who is held respousible for the 'Nees ' of her cempatriote and her country. Agertts from the Spartacists caMe and went, each time their identity and errand being leagned by the kaiser'a secret SerVice Operati-ves. Then one day a yonug womari, pretty and at- tractive, reached tb.e tillage, She had friends in the place and her passports were flawless. The natural suspicion of the'detectives diminshed Until fin- ally no more attention was paid her. For allele she acted the part ot a bona tide Welter to the place, , Onee ette was warned that It was not customary for strangers to linger long In the vicluitY et Count Ben- . Wickes ' castle, arid she studieuslY avoided the place. During the period - of weting, however, she laid her alans carefuley, and it the natural nervous- ness Cte a women's nature had not as- serted itself at the critical 1110111eht her mission -would have been suecessful.. Poeiased of tthe knowledge that Williane was in the habit of taking a walt each morning, the young worean eluded.,ehe guards and concealed her- self In ia thicket near a - spot she know • the k,atter was in the habit of pass- ing.• made his appearance at 8.30, elte presence ot the would-be as- sassin' ibeing uuknowe. At 'a sharp paca ;iat started in the direction Of the , thicket, but ween near it pattaed ana tureetl eharply to the right. To the • hidden *omen this action inchcated tb.atherpresepee lied been discovered. Seddetely a small black elbject came hurtling' through the air aua exple.1.- ed at tee ecige ot the raoat, eon* eietante front where the tea -Jeer weal Stan4ing. aTne f1yih eplintere et steel slid net harm evilham, but when he heard the concuestion he turned deathly pale mad staggered. tte though he had bee g struck, Attendante rushed to his side and harried him to the castle, where for days he raved on the border of violent inaanity. Ascore of guerde beat tae under- brush, but failed to diecovee the per- san who had thrown the bomb. They did diecover, however, a email /Kew Of a shawl fluttering traiu the twig cf' a bush. On the ground .Nvere tee email e footprints of a woman,' e The local police aided the Germa• n agente in a thorough search of the gown sad in the rocm cccueied by the girl they diecovered the ehawi from which the piece of Material had been torn. Two bombs were aiee found in the room. From the aged man aad iveman who tad aeoardea the girl it wile learned she had claimed to be, one Elsa Walther. With two hour& start, however, she crossed the frontier and reached Berlin without being apprehended. But the kaieer'e agente did not aban- don the elieete, and right here is prod that they were eomewhat tu.ore power- itti than: could reaecnably be expeeted of even the best nrivate deteetivce. One xnerning not very long alter the al:fait at Amerongen, kin, Wal- ther %tea found dead in her recta dead from polsonin.g. The mystery Of her hue never been cleared ing in feet, no ono attempted to eolve it. In Amerongen, however, the detec- tives, temporarily outgeneraled by the young Woman, 'Wreaked Vengeanec Up- on the aged couple who hal nausea her. They were ordered to leave tbe vicinity itninediale Two Week ' after their eviction the woman died of grief and her heartbroken husband paesed away etereral daee later. They. bad been diegracei in the eyes of their Mende: and relative arid were not even buriee in the village that had been their home for to many yeare. What tho boneb failed to 46, terror hoe nearly accomplebea, thecae:es it as said the kaider aces not enjoy a peaceful minute any more. A.BOtTT OUR POOD. Toothsome *Variety Makes a Diet 'What it Should Be, About our food? res, the first thing to do is to eat a simple varied civet, with plenty of milk, fruit and vegeiables, with as little meat as itasaiblc, especially in tutruner. Eat untll satisfied, but never until one has au extended sense of fullness, theft forget about eating until the next meal. It Is the duty of all "horne-inakers" to terve food apeetizingly; that does not mem; fussiness, but It (10es 11104111 evet-y- thing neat ahd eIean. Try not to have heavy under az- over done food. A very Important part la to lse regular. Tho human body works with rreciston, unless Impeded by unsuitable, ituligeatible aroductIons. lut not nibble betwren meets. , ltemembee the table ;should be the plt•agent glithering piece; do not talk "shop" difficultiee or Meese. Allow plenty of thne, and Ineitst that all eat slowly anti rattsticate thoroughly, Welt eourteouely upon all, and tnake It the duty ef each member to feel reaponaible that the others Nilo their recall. CALLING IT sgrAun, no -Truly. ton I the fleet earl you ever )(Need? .lIa -You all', darling; teal it maims 1:11% HAPPY to hear yen Illy t nin thi, ma; nine that s.ver klseed you. ante -If I tan the feat, how doee it liaP- Ian you do It eo expertly? Ife--Ated If I ern the first, how do you know waethet. I do it expertly or pat GOITR SUCCESSFULLY TREATED This Free Booklet Tells How WRITE us for free copy of and that In what it does. It itt booldet giving battery taken inwardly, acts directly of first and only sue- through the blood, softens the cessful remedy for goitre eala goitre, elesolves ir ana casts it enlargement ot the neck. entirely out of the system. No eases cured have ehown any re. Itead about the cases already turn of the disc:see, and in some imeeesefully treated-casea right of these lb le four years since here in Ontario. People wilt) the growth diaappearea, bave sufferea 15 to 20 years from this repulsive disease are Every bottle of 0u-ftivo sold now in the best of health and has done wanders. 'We have their neeka are perfectly norm- kept record of every ease. 01 - al, No trace or scar remains. ten one bottle is sufficient, and It seldom requires more than • Gu-Solvo has done this. The three, even in cases or long name means, goitre dissolver, otanding. All correspondence strictly confidential. Plain envelopes and shipping containers used. One Month' e Treatment (Dottie Containing 93 Donee) $540. The MONK J]ilEMICAL CO, Limited • hehete SagnallMMIIMIMIRIMMINSW .:hone Math 548. 41 Scott St., Toronto, Canada. WILiIAM'S ILL MeaskaliMictUOMMIlltaall , "You are it prospector," eaid Jack; he knew -the type, "That's ine,, sir," • assented "Chope cheerfully, "Know anything et the business " "Very littic," replied Jack. "Ale well, it's 4 fascinating gre- fessien," said Chope. "It's a. kind of gamble; that's why. You may go on ter years, Juet keeping body and soul together; ond then, one ray, when You're digging for water or sticking In a tentpele, you strike the yellow, and strike it, rich," "I hope you h.ave done so," said Jack pleasantly. "I have, sir," replied Mope; "and I did it by accident," , He stopped strildenly, as if he felt that he et as becoming too cennmunic- ativ-e; and presently asked Jack if he ceuld tell him of a theatre worth see- ing. It was rathor too late for a theatre, and Jack, Who rather liked !the man, offered to take hini to a music - hall, Chope was evidently mutt grati- fied, and they went off together. Sack sat and thought of •Clytie, as usual; but Chops enjoyed himself amazingly. A did Jack good to watch his faee and. to hear him laugh. "Fine show, that!" said Chope. "And I'm very much. obliged to you for your kindness in taking me. Of course I can see you're a gentlemen. and I quite appreoiate you ' com- pany." "That's all right," responded Jack, "I've been in Australia, too you know. end therefore I claim the privilege of What they tall an ,Old ehum." He Wished Chope goo e night, went off for his usual wintery ;stroll be- fore he turned in, and ,thought no more of the mane But Chop had evidently taken a fancy to Jack, and. rather shyly and quite unobtrusively, displayed a desire for his compauen SO the two men went out together row and again; and Jack found it some- what ,of a, relief to his mind to lute Chope to enjoy his holiday In Londea; for Mope was going bacle to Au.stree lia, he said. • One 'night, as they sat alone in the tiny smoking -room of the hotel, atter a theatre followed by a good but Modest supper at an Unpretentious re7 sta.urant, Chope became communic- ative. "Yes," he said, "my times petering out Welt. I've had a good time, thanks to you, Mr. Jackson." In giv- ing his name when he arrived at the hotel, Jack hadhesitated after hia Christian name, and the landlady had thought that he ;had said "Jackson". Sack had accepted the name with a shrug of his shoulders, for in hla then conditioa of mind tem :alias more or less •did not seem to matter. "I didn't come over here altogether ou a holiday, but to find it man I'm Jr gearch of, And that's whet I've been trying to do motet of the daytime; but you; might as well look for a needle in a bottle of hay as look for •a man 1 in this London, It's this way," he continued, after taking a long drink of his whisky and water. "In the coulee of my travels over there I happened' upon a place called Parraluna." Jack was filling his pipe; ;but he stopped and looked straight before him; andechope went on unsuspecting- ly. "A nice place, and nice people - name of Jarrow; about the nicest pee - one I ever met, They made ,me wel- come, .and did 'tae well; and I'm very glad to say I was able to pay them back -do them it .good turn. Tbey're' prosperous people; and they're got another farm called Silver Ridge. I went over there to speed a day or two, just by myself, to pass the time. It's a wonderful pretty place; I was immensely taken by It. I suppo;se that's what some people would call instinct; they say that an old prospector can al- most smell what he's after. However. bo that as it may, on the second morning of my visit I was wash- ing my boots down at the stream when saw—" Be paused, and -Jack said quietly; "Gold." "Rigb.t you are, Mr. Jackson,"....ad- seated, Chops. "Gold it was. Not a large quantity, mind you, for it was all in one place -1 prospcepted pretty carefully; you may guess -but . there was enough of it to make a tidy for- tune." Jack smoked steadily. He was not greatly surprised; in au aeriferoue country gold may crop up anywhere, like a jack-in-the-box; nor was he excited; for all the gold in the world couid not buy Clytie tor hini. "Now. the cute and business -like thing for me to have done," continued Mope, "would have been to go to Jar- row, say nothing about My find, and buy this Silver Ridge; but the old man had treated me so well, and was much a square old. chap himself, thee I couldn't do it. So I went back to Parraltma and told the Jarrows what tb,ey'd got on that property of theirs; awl they acted as square as I'm sure they've always done. I was to run the show ,and take equal shares, one- third." Sack nodded. "Thateveas very straight," he said. "One share each for Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy and one for you. I congratidate---" • "Thanle you," said Chop, shaking the hand which Jack extended; "but you haven't got it quite right. It was one share for the jaagows, one for me; and one for Jarrow's partner; for it seems that Mr. Jarrow had .giveel half Silver Ridge, in partnership, to a young fellow that had worked witit it young fellow that had both the Sarrows and, come t� that, everybody on the farm had taken a great fancy to. His name Is Douglas, and he lett Parraluna quite suddeo on account of sonze news he'd heard from nngland; DR. WARD The Specialist 79 NIAGARA SQUARE, BUFFALO, NEW YORK • Men, are You in Doubt As to yout trouble? Have you some skit; eruetion that is stubborn, has (greeted treat- ment? le there a nervous condition which does not improve In spite of rest, diet and medicine. Are you going down hill steadily? ARE YOU NERVOUS and despondent, weak and debilitated; ttred mornings; no ambition i-t•--41felees; memory gone; easily fatigued; ex- citable and irritable; lack of energy and confl- dernoe/ is there falling powers a drain en the eystent? Consult the old reliable epeciallet. Symptoms of Various Ailments Weak and relaxed stet° of rhe body. nervousness, despondency, poor Memory, lack of WM pewee, timid, •irritable disposition, diminished power oa applicatIoe, energy ana concentration, fear et impending- danger or misfor- tune, deoasinesske.nd tendency to bleep, uttrestful taco, clerk rings under eV% Weaknese or pain In back, lumbago, dyspepsia, constipation, headache, Iota of weight, inaornhia, Dr, 'Ward gives you the benefit of 21) years' con- tinuous practice in the treatmeitt of all chronic, nervous, blood and Akin diseases. The above eyinptente, and many others not mentioned, show Plainly that something is wrong with your physical condition end that YbU need expert attention. lien, why suffer Merger. Let me makd you a vigoroue rnan. Let 116 re- etore your phyeical tonditIon to full manhood. Don't be a rzealcang anY looser. Wake up your mind to oome to me and I will give the beat treat-, merit known to :science -the one succeatful treatment 'hued on the experis ettee of 20 years In treating elm Ana their Ailment& Dr, Ward's Methods Unrivalled,, Thorough and Permanent Do you rettlize that you bave otily one 1116 to live -do you maze that 7011 aT6 101111Iftla meet of that life by- 111 health? A life worth living Is a healthy life. Nagleet of otte'e bettltit hes put mane a man in hie grave. I hove been telling men !nese things for many years but still there are thowientts of victims who, ler various reasons, have not had the good mense to coma and get volt. Speelalist In the treatment of nervous eonditions, nervous exhatietiOn, backecht, hunbego, rlienmatierri, etomach and liver troubles, aonk 4hia Memos, ettarrh, asthma, ream troubles, piles, fistula and blood tonal - Oohs, OFF -JCR HOURS; 9 cm. to 5 pad. Sundays -10 cm to 1 pan. FREE CONSULTATION EXAMINATION. Defore beginning treatment you must mibie. one visit to my office for a pereonal phyeinal examinntion. Railroad fare will. be tottiliderea a* 1Xtrt payment of fee. Cenadien money aceepted at full velue. DR, WARD- 79 NI ACIAIIA SQUARE SUPFALO, N. Y. DR. HERRICK Iand tut I coUldn't pt Old ,larrOW to move an inch without hie partner's _consent, I offered to tante to England to try and fled the yeting foliate, Of course, I liati lime other thine to ?In- got maehinery and things ot that itort; but that wee ray principal object, Mich as I Pay," he concluded, with a eight "I might as well liege leoleed for 'Meat needle. Bet I've had a, Very pod time, end I'm going back to (thew .Iterrow how things Stand, and to perteiatie him stagreetastolow.,?rk, petting his partner's jacie swatted and stared at the• fire thoughtfully. The Mtn had growit hot, for a touch ot spring was in the air; but It was not only the heat that flushed jack'a face, He Was itomewhat •etaggered and beevildereci by the strangeuese ot the coincidenee; it Was difficult to realize that he Was the rean for whom Cbope was searching, that .. he was the part proprietor of a gold. mine. His first impulse, when he had somewhat recovered !rimself, Was to say: "eity name is Douglas. 1 aux the man you are looking for. I will go ib.oaviekrwith you; we will start tomer- But he checked the imPtlise. Old Jarrow had acted like a brick, and Jack's heart was warm with gratitude. But heti he any right to eccept Joke row's generosity? There had been no partitership deed; neither ot them lead contemplated the possibility or the pXesence of gold at 4i1ver Ridge; awl,' besides, Jack had left Australimewith- out any definite understanding to re- turn, tied, therefore, he had, so to speak, surrendered any claim to a share la the farm. Ile was very much touched by the kindness which the Sarrows had displayed toward him; itnd he felt drawn toward them enit the old life; but it was hard to tear himself away. from England and from all chance ot ever seeing Clitie Wein. lie longed to see her once agate, to see eseome11 kahin(3dl000fkeedanhsaeplpaytiIt onfor o'orh17'g when, so many thousand miles away, he recalled ber face, to remember that it had been a happy one, "How much longer have you got?" how much longer will it be before you return?" he asked Chope. "Nigh upon a tortaight. I am going be' the White Witch; she starts on the twenty-sixth," replied Cliope. "So we mita make the best of' our time; that is, if you are going to be so good as to give me the pleasure of your company of an evening, as you have done. In the daytime I must try and hunt up this young fellow, as I leave been trying." , "I wouldn't worry about him, if I were YoU," said Jack, with a aril, of the shoulders, but feeling.rather mean. "No; it don't ;seem worth while," said ;Chope; 'then he added suddenly: "I say, Mr. Sackson, why don't you come along with nee? Yon don't ap- pear to nave much to do -no offence!" "That's all right," said Jack, with a. laugh. "Thanks very much. I'll think it oveg Good night," He lay awake a long time, thinking it over; but he could eome to no de- eision, Ohne being otherwise engag- ed, Sack was. left to almseit the fol- lowing night. He bad been so harass- ed during. the day by his incapacity of coming to a decision that he turn- ed into a theetre to divert his mind, The audience was a crowded and a brilliant one, for the play was one of Finero's; and Sack, from his seat far back in the pit, looked about him ab- sently; but suddenly his heart leaped, anti ale the blood in his body seemed to rush to his head; for three ladies entered the stage -box, and he saw that they -were Lady Mervyn, Clytie, and Arlede. For a moment he could scarcely realize that Clytie was there, under the same roof, within sound of him, if be chose to get up ane call to her; and his heart beat so fast that he was afraid that his next and very close neighbor would hear It; but sud- denly; the shock of the surprise gave place to one of conceru and anxiety. 14..444,4..444044.41•1 I was cured of. skillful Goitre by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT: - Chatham, Ont., BAYARD M0alt1L/11. It was cured of Inflammation by MIN - Alava LINIMENT. MRs. W. A. JOHNSTON. Walsh, Ont, / was cured of Facial Neuralgia- by IIN.A.RD'S LINIMENT, rarkda.le, Ont, 3. II. BAILEY. .01•11....ona...••••1114•••••010•11••••••rninINal for• he saw that ClYtie was looking sad; that, indeed, she was pale and thin, as if she were 111, Of course he could uot take his eyes off her; and the more he looked the more deeply he was impressed by her appearance, It seemed to hitu that she had changed terrible. The eyes that had been so starlike were luster- less; there Were dark shadows under them; the expreesion of her face, her attitude, were listless; and she paned hey head upon her hand, as if she were tired, He knew, as well as if he were -Inr her eicle, that the clever Play which was delighting the house did not interest her. Why, he, could im- agine that the expression on her face was something like that which 111 own wore when he Was trying tie =use hilt:welt What had happened to causo this cbange in her? While lie was asking himself this futile ques- tion, Hesketh Cartoe entered the box and stood behind Clytie's chair; and when the act came to an old Jack saw Hesketh bend over her. She Netted to WM, and, therefore, Sack cOuld not see the expreseick' on her face. He watched them for a moment or two; then he meld stand it no longer. and he; Wang up and made hie -Way out of the pit, rather roughly, it is to be feared.. Ile went utelde Mid paced up and down for a while; but, of Mtge, he was drawn hack to the theatre, and he stood at the back of the it cold watelled the box; but its Curtain bad Weil forward, and Cly - tie was hidden arrow. hint When the play was over, he event round to the front and watched. the polo com- ing ota, saw Hesketle put the hullos in the earriage, then walk tettety; he passed so close to Sack that ,tat,,it Might have touehed hint; so elose that Seek noticed the eepression of hie face; it was the expressioti of a Man who was thinking deeply, ao duple* as to be unconsceous of his ttUrrtrand- Inge; indeed,Sack saW hart pause reed- dealn as if trying to remember where he was, and them turn down toward Charing Cross. There had been a Week in the road, and Lady Mervyn's earriege was still in eight, jaelt got a. Lan:tont arid told the lean to fellow the earrittete. When it Mopped at Grafton street, jack got out, and, weaned by the cab, Watch- ed tbem enter. (To be ocettalited.) ANY FARMER who doez not attenct the 'Tenth Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show, viriliutios seeirg th.e best °Oleo. tion of fat butcher dock ever aasembled in (Un- ada, , w, w4 1 judging, 10 a.m., 'ThuTsclay, !Dec. Auction Sale, 10 a.m.,. Frittay, Dec. 12th. TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW UNION STOCK YARDS TORONTO I 1 • David Was a Wise Youth, The ignorance of some elements of Otto teeing generation se to the Bible te often fdeplored; but oceasienally aptnees comment Seripturat Ole youngi Jaen of toglay* display an subjecte tl at is gratifying. Here ie an example) quoted by a eilbecriber of Outlook: The young artilleryman bad eald that Gernaany was a bully and a coward and. carried her defeat in her make-ap.T, Bm ibeical comentator instancedghele terroot of thie, Goliath in full arntoreparading up and dwell and euesing the israelitee, while the, "young and, Inexperienced" David slew him with a smooth etone from the brovet. To this the artillerynean. rejothed: "Don't believe for it mo- meut that David was ignorant or in.- experflenced. He knew perfectly the valueeof the, projectile. He knew that armor and 'a spear with a sheet like a, weaacer'e beam' were clumsy and Useless offenelves against well -select' ed andelVell-aitried PreJectilen!" Minard's\Liniment Cures Distemper, System Better. Than Rush. .A, great gnany pretty mottoes havet been written about hard eitork being' the key to success. ; Hard work alone never put any man, anywhere exoept- in.g in a preaneture grave, or in the hands. of a :stomach specialist, says Thrift Magazine, Tho man who fb:mes: and explodes end eats /4 lunch with his watch ou, the table is cheating haself out lit many a good year of active service. . Careful plannigg and systeni will do more towards boosting you along to the goal of your ambitions than four -minute meals arid a sincere en- deavor to do three ‘ things 'at the same ehateeeeeeteemaameeeee'weeeelemagemiee Jetted. Five years ago a leading plate, after exterminating as many mongoioses as Possible, placed thous. ands Of ground lizarde in his cane - fields, with, the result that the trog- bonen has almost disappeared, and the slyer yield is greatly; increased and 1 eeroved, Other large Rigel -- cartel growers bave eince etarted lizard, hung where the lizards are brondlat In hundreds and encouraged to thrift's and multiply tor the sole object of combatting the froghoPPer peat„ Thousands of bats, too, are kept for the same work, -Family Herald, _ Minard's Liniment Cures, Colds, etc. WORMS CLOTHE WOMEN. Vlk Ilas Been Used for Over 5,000 Years, • A grey, ugly, ungainly -looking lit- tle insect, with 12 eyes, 18 noses, 16 feet, and a very strong raouth-such is the worm that plays so important a part inclothing the fair hex, says Silk worms are divided into two classes, domestic and wild. The form- er feed only upon mulberry leaves, and the latter on various leaves, but priecipally those of the oak tree. The silk producea, from the domestic worms is naturally •superior to that from the -wild insects, Sith worms come from the eggs of the sillc-mcgle Each moth lays about 300 to 500 eggs, about the size of a pin's head. It takes 440,000 eggsa to weigh a pound. These eggs are laid in. June, and in the following April paruirmwommairmacrommutsommocannotimmessormvamiamijawwwwarionisozmcsamegmerelnlirialtalt FOR GREATER ;HORSE EFFICIENCY GIVE Spohn's ,Diettenver Compound The rigor and changes of winter weather reduce your horee's vitality. In such conditioe. he Is susceptible to contagious disease. His efficiency is lowered if his system Is not able to withstand exposure to disease. SPORN'S will keep your horse in condition anti free from disease. Prevents and reticles •DIsTleMPER, INFLUENZA, PINK EYE, COUGHS and COEDS. SPOHN NIEOICA,L COMPANY, Goshen, Indiana, U.S.A. • 40111****44***1%**0**. 41.110*AWM***1*******0**M0***M0444040.W1***1•10414411114041441* time. The men who really aecom- they are hatched, a caterpillar ercierg- plish tne most seeuf to be the least ing from mobt egg. hurried and th> least busy. It's the They remain in the larva or "grub" non.sicid fellow who succeeds every stage Ler about six weeks, changing time. The powerful a engines that 1 their skins four times during that drive the mighty Leseatb,an across!. period. Betore each of these "ages" the stormy -Atlantic intekes less fuse tb.e evenst eeases to eat, but after - about their work than, the little wards', it feeds with a voracious ap, asthamatic peanut roaster, on the ear. petite, 'When it is full-grown the aer that coughs to deathevery time worm 'begins to make its cocoon, en it strong wind ;slows. oval case of . silk threads, about the Poise and deliberation will do more for you than exeeutive •perspira- tion an•d a sour stomach. In fifty years from now the world will have forgotten whether you partoolc oe,your noontinae repast sitting down or on the run. No character of modern times has accomplished more than Marshal Foch, yet he is described as a man who never seems to be hurried, • overworked. or behind schedule. It is luconceivable that he could have suc- ceeded in his tremendous undertakings! if he had not, first of all, understoog the value of getting himself system- atized on a, on -dyspeptic and unexe plosive basis. Minard's Liniment Cures DiahtheritO • .* Lizards Protect Sugar-Oame. oleo of a pigeon's egg, Ha -wing wrapped itself securely in :its cocoon, it becomes a chrysalis, and :remains aeleep for about twenty days. Then it gnaws its way through its leovering of silk and emerges a wing- ed moth. In it few days, if a female, et deposits its 300 or so eggs, and :speedily dies. -And so the marvellous process begins all over again. Naturally, only a certain proportion oe domestic or specially cultivated silk -worms are allo'sved to reach the Moth stage. Their cocoons are taken away in order to obtain the tiny thread -silk winch is ejectedeby the worm, from it tube in its under lip. In order to unreel the silk that the worms have so methodically -woven into cocoons these are placed in hot water eonthening a solution et soap • The chief menace to sugar -sane, in :di: final Astcaegt stage itis lotr isvinsuebg jaernyteadotdo. a I ‘seeries of delicate - ul ti manip a one at Front now until the silk has reach - ;root and leaves of the euggrecane. the nands of expeieenced silk makers. the West Indies is the froghopper, an ' . ainnsdeetthatht aotiltrteuackites name esatpo iftrcamabiltilitye Care hag to be taken that the raw silk to take prodigiouseleaps. In recent, doenot thee its brilliance; that too wyehaerrse tthhedirnsencatstZeehmeuelltieinecrlroegne ormouslY, especiallY in Trinidad, -, would weaken the already extremely tnuelz of the natural gum and grit are not eentotred ft.= IN surface, as this toads and lizarde-have been nearly exterminated by the mongoose, orig- iaany brought from India. to kill the rats and snakes. Wherever the mon- gooses were plentiful the lizards lis- deligette thread; that the threads are dried property, so that the color re - maths -uniform, arid so on. Then fol - IoW other chemical and mechanical operations. The row silk Is boiled. appeared and the froghoppera flour- pounded, purged, combed, cut into 4INKINS******,11,1114***G*111#141011101111111111,,IMMOSilia.**1*. . 4,1>, • ' 14.*****14**44.40144441•444 PARKE R Thi o tb, e youf were I so proud of when nevt-reaxt be made to -appear firew again. •Panics' that are dirt3r, shabby/ or sptitted will be restor0d4o their dormer beauty by sendir` tg them toa/ Cleaning and' Dyeing is properly done nt PARKER'S Parcels may be sent Post or Etpress, We pay earriage one way on all orders. Advice upon cleaning or dyeing any article will be promptly' given upon request. PARKER'S »YE WORKS, Limited modem iincl Dy 701 'Stoup $t. •nto conveuient lengths, twiste& skplen, wound into yarn. Twisting plays a great pert ti tb. menuftectare of silh. The ;13Are Lt IJ twisted the lees brilliant, but th stronger it becomes. In the Making Novae alike that are ategiletrateenaren and dull .tsuch as crepe) there ar about 8,004 tenets to every yard, thi the average "twistage" to the yard 050. It is about 5,000 yeare since sine w Mgt used, after being discovered en Matte in (bine. During many venter les the Chinese gttarded the eecret then Japan found it out, and so 1 spread nlowly over Aeia and the Euroae. It le leals than 200 years since th silk industry developed in Europe To -day the annual production of alili is produced in Italy, teem -elite country about aso,coo,000 worth I annually exported. Abont 700,000,00 pounds of silk coceops are yearl Produced all over the world. WHAT 812E THOUGHT, ; Mrs. Nexcloret "1 suppose you hear my daughter practising to -day. She' taking piano leesons bir the quarter." Mrs, Pepprey: 'Indeed! I thought i W48 by the pound," *-* IntfA� WIAItitR. HARD ON 1.11111 UNE Canadian fail weather le extremely hard on little ones, One day is warut and bright and the next wet and old. Tepee sudden changee bring en cehle cramp, aud colic, and unloasebabyes little etcniach is kept right the result may be eerioue. There Is nothing to Muni Baby' e Own Tabletin keeping the little ones well. They sweeten the stomach, *regulate tbe bewels, break up cold and make baby thrive. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a boX froro.The Dr. Wielituns Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. *fp RESCUE 'THE PENME8' 'And So Saves Dollars, 'Lost by Small Wistes. In almost every part of the home there` is an opportunity to lose a Pen- ny or two either by waste or by in- efficiency, so that they are actually axed absolutely gone, with no return or benefit to anyone, If we sat doevneend added up the sum of these 'Vested pennies, how many dollars in a year's time would it some IQ? • It Is certainly -worth while consid- erIng, and taking the matter in hand, If only to us.e the amountegescued for the pleasure; Needed pleasure is a Worthy cause, and mopey spent on it is nbt really waste. Or the little ques- tion of a "rainy day nest egg" might easily be taken care of by the pennies reseued. So, how about serving plenty, but never too much, at meal? How about tnakini a thorough study of the ques- gen of the gas range, so that only that gee which is.- realy needed is used? There are all sorts of devices to aid In the endeavor. Why not avoid ever-. time telephone calls? Why keep the plahetaglow with blinding lights when just the right amount is prettier, bet- ter ler the eyes, and more economical? Why leave the spigot dripping a little every day to make a big difference itt your water hill at the end of the year? Why allow the children to leave the soap wasting by soaking itt the basin after they have Washed-? Why not Mark Innbrellas and over- shoes with names and actresses so, if lost, there is some hope of their return? Why pay bverdttes because of neglect for library books you have finished reading? In other words -rescue the pennies, and the .dollars will rescue them. selves! • , Breathe Deeply, Then Listen For That BronchiailVheeze Dangerous to Neglect Troubles In the °hetet, Theopt or Nose At This eason. Rough, wheezy breathing Means danger ahead. Every day you def.ei, treatment rnakes it harder to cure. Don't delay. Bronchial and lung troubles are all' too frequeat Stag to -clay meth "Catarrhozone," breathe in its pure balsamic vapor. Let ite leveling fumes do for you whet eaten aeh medicine never can. Nothing so certain as a Catarrhozone Inhaler to strengthen a weak throat, to rid you of Bronelaitie, to clrive out catarrh, coughs and colds. ree Catarrhozone to prevent, to cure your winter ills, Physicians endorse it, hospitals use it. Thousands swear by it. Two months' treatment, large eize, $1.00; smaller sizes 25 cents and 50 cents, all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co.. Kingston, Canada. A DANGER PO/NT. Asia is Pull of Plague and Pestilence. Asia is the home of plague and many other pests. The faellities for travel have brought Asia and our Pa- cific coast together, while the posses- sion of the Philippines has multiplied the occasions for ititercouree vfith the far east. Thus, says the Joarnal cif the American Medical Assoeia•tion, the diseases of Asia threaten the Mos and health of the .Aueerican popula.- Wen, and the situation has been ag- gravated by the conditions ef War. With the unvarying persisteime of bit - bongs plague in Asia, it seems timely to lay further stress on these points. The obstacles in the Way of Weeds. fully grappling with the plague in Asia are almost unsurmount. able, The natives object to whole- sale inoculation and rat destruction; hence the only effective mode of pro- tedure Is moat difficult to carry but, Religioue ecruples against the slaugh- ter of animaite even vermin, are prey- almit throughout India. Corasequent- ly it Petty be taken for grauted tlutt plague will continue to- persist in Ada, and as it is extremely rife in the two great pOrta of that On- tinent, Hong Xong and Bombay, 50 13 tiot an impbesibility that it will be con- veyed thence to Ameritan ports on the Pantile toast. While there id no doubt that our health authorities are awake to the danger, it Is 'Well to know Minard's Linhasiit Ogre* eargit In CP" . • • • r G , I • t 6 I i ' • ‘4C"S' 1 , ' , implementa gees tent- furnace, svelte; stabling chard; fruits; clay rural some •Biggar, I 8 A 110, 4.3 - A. Atcnno — meet tame; 01/attire; situation ktmotinto, suryi—le..acan . on neach, plum, quintet Paragus; e &ere* clay a -story feems. halleta 2 email con -buildings J. D. Biggar. Ed Out, Regent 984, •••• r • gr. T ir''''.----..- 8 --"-- il; ;Isla r* .. ONIfi two Weedeteele riturt - Clycia _ OV iil'I'l. sets pt Al; Pr nt ),D0A.r. the - • small an 104m, a ragman, eel in X° c, 01001r 4 , ) ' 4. Simla -US ACRES, NEAR VICGlea; 411 "V"C aerea garden. 4 acne.; paelat , mering creek; 375 blaok currant bu s, 400 reepberry butatee; apple,per and er fruit trees: Itaroont inlets houste, t1ta nace, 3-pieee bath; barn 2000; buil 1104 surroundecl by beautiful shade trees hedge: school 300 yards awiy; ellur I-11gh Seliool and etatIon at realm, I I away; rural mail and telephOtte, a 14 entire property la offeree tor Wm UP the cost of the house. J, D. leirmert Intranton. !Ann AMMO; SIWIIIRZOR iron pAtnr. inkr or grain growing; very reetite; centrally located; County of Ifelton; Will sell bait separately. B. G, Catekburn * 8011) Guelph. L . , 2.ffil ACREO, TOWNSIItP SEMI ',vet County at lIaldiniand, near C torville; frame house; goott barn; gement stabling; good fences; small orchard; wind will, with complete eqeiPment atf and stock. For sale ee a going concerti at atterifice; immediate noesession. Z. D. Biggar, 205 Clyde Rioter, Ileanilton, Ont. Regent 034. 175 ACItrat GOOD RBIX,DINGOI . well situated, ;veer condenser; price $14,900. gigAORES GOOD; 0131131111.1DINGet: new dwelling; on country read: palest ;6,000. W. B. Hatitinee. Wood/049k, , S20 fln41-150 ACRES, ON STONE aUtta, road, aouth et Grimsby; aeltd brick house, t0 rooms, bath, het water. fullsiza cellar, 2 eisterne and good barn, 6000, hip root, atone and silo; drive shed; oualmildiega aft painted; 4 acres grapes, 2 acres. Or- apples, Pears, eiterriea and 'smell 25 acres pasture, 9 0.01:110 lattell; loam; good state , of cultivation route; telephone, etc. ,, Will take eitv property in excite -ego. 3, D. Regent, 934, 205 Clyde Illock. Hamilton, Ont. .... is a 1 100 -ACRE FRUIT PARA: 69 ACRES . „planted; 10 acres wheat; 2 elabor- ate homes, with groutids and elirubberles; 4.4eciant houses; 4 100 -foot greenhetteelt) elaborate office building; large barn ana. silo; brick eterage building; double gar- age; nuMerous sheds; Woken house; hoe pen; blaelonath- shop; water system in ail buildings piped below trO,Pit :- IlatUrat g948; fitrzuteotIn 31u:uses and office. This M one of Ca adeas show places, and is a anoney-intaking business propoeition, being affered as a going coneern at 44, great eacrifiee. .7, D. Biggar, Regent 931, 205 Clyde Block, Hatraitan, Ont. • I • , raANDY 8-ACRr FRUIT Fasataf-aBAR- aa gain for quick stale; eite convenieneesi S!),300a 42,000 east; weidd exchange. Box hie Grimsby, ..........______-- ....... Aff8011.1.L4N*OUS TT IS ALNATS Leas MO =ND :ADO-, A minion Expre es Atones, Order, rive dollars costs three cents, ...................,-.........,...........,,,-..................e. WANTED. DANV FURS -WHAT 11AVI) YOU; R What price? Reid Bros., Bothwell. Ont., Canada. Om, fersomps.dell ' r OR SALE .......„..........................................„..............-heeess PAIR PRACTICALLY BLACK PDXES: e also twenty other pair. Reict Bros., rlothwellI . 1 ont Canada. .M. . S E t.D CORN Finest grades; quality guaranteed; 1 11.01V Yellow, Flint, White Cap, Yellow Dent, Golden Glow, Early Bantam Sweet, Large -eared Eureka rvergreen sweet cove; atiso perfection Roan and Timothy' Ho. • Buy direct from grower and Slave the middleman's profit, S. 3. lifeLermon, It. It, No. 4, South attoodslee, Ont. 0.0•01.101•••••••••7•6•••••.••=110.77.1010.•110.0. • PROPERTIES FOR SA,LE. Q UBDIVISIONFOR SALE IN TOwN s-0• of Oshawa, consisting of 35 acres; Iles higheat of any property in townaand only a mile from the business centre. Apply Bradley Bros„ Oshawa, Ont. te OR SALE -PARRY SOUND DISTRICT e --300 aores timber, hemlock, Wren and maple. Apply .W. Jenklas, Everett. Ont. • MACHINERY FOR SALE: pLANING aLILL ,ILACLUNERY. COM- A , bined planer and matcher. tenoner. shaper, jigsaw, cut-off saw, borer, ;nor. User, 11:Sinter, counter shafts, mitten% and hangers, line shafting ana pulleys. for sate 01' would exchange for good portable assetnall, C. S. Thornton, Orono, Ont. ' .... HELP WANTED—MALE. . . wANTrD - FIRST-CLASS GA.RAGAI aW mart. ' State •experience and avageS warited. Reid Bros.. Bothwell, Ont. t , 'MEN WANTED sxm SANVAIXWANG Iv a and bush _work, near Georgetown. 1{. G. Cockburn sa Son, Guelph, MACHINERY FOR SALE . .„„ . .... rrnN HOIterPOWER DOCIaLll CVLIN- A der steani engine. fully cetera: mounted on eteel truck': One hundee and fifty dollars (malt. Alonzo Palmer, 5e2 Talbot eareet, St. Thema, Ont. -----a POULTRY. ye ENSWANTED ALIVE, IS CENTS A A A poutul; any size; I pay e.xpraas with. in 150 miles of Toronto; no deduetion for ehrharage. Samuel Lewle, 000 Dundee street west, Toronto. EIELP WANTED. AA/ANTED-WEAVallaii AND A.PPItleat- 's licea to learn weaving; goad 11•414fia plild while learning; clean, ,picady were: 41 -hour week. Apply to allessby Mfg, Co., Brantford. Ont. Cheese Salad. One cup American or cream cheeee, two, tableeepoonfuls vinegar, ons -third fup oil, one-half Leaepaotifut ealt, one- ei ghth teaspoonful • cayenne, tiro tittlespoonftee ebopeal olive, tag; tableepooefille cliental nut. Blend land ingrediettte tholeugh,e. Shape ali theired toad chill, Farris with Freeich ire:ging. If AmerIcan cbeeee is nod trate or cut it flee. • • ratt.„:_,,heeethetgeggeghegegteethethasit •xty • — • ,...„...1.00.0 Il i ii CO.& Solite 14001111111•4 th* *KA *144 Allaft **40•1, IA at -- '1117a, a �flt) it broatt to of UAW), it.. TM** Ittoo, *V In.. 4.4. 0 -------- 6--- -- „ • . .. . , a v a HOUSE, gt vre*****10 tom t* liarmti, Thoi Nrii Ord Ott thl1t44 WO A.04 ORA Ot iil* that Mew/ H4441,04144414) th.1/V tilehtkri &A OM,* *• iir1ht a I* -at fort W*.e val.*** **404 t 4,4%4 **MONNG v., 0.• P •11 • ii . , I • • dlIVOU WII ilf .1thays • MEWAMER, J ".,11,:*" '11';',"„ :=1M,:;',Itrer .,,,„„„ft ..... 04 nl.* wowed tie* wto*kt*1 titahaNdi W Vodlel ito *14 a****** 5yOA, se %ea00114111 it is the ?email ..,,,,,,, 6 We tht, W ALM 4 mo*****440*1 411 IN *********** 11,o4,tmth nu* '400,4 OWM4/,44 * $.,t ****1 4104* N.% OU , [