HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-11-27, Page 4P age row TOLE W1NGFH.A.M 4W ".AN'( . Iugtiam At(YIUUf A. O. SMITH, Bditorand Prop. R edueed to its aimpleat lotto Bolshevis'n, is Merely a lazy man's envy of the hustler. • * * Mr. ].Drury says they wish to be and ex- ert to be judged by their actions in office. Ile needn't be afraid—they will be. a * tt Going to church only, will not make a man a ehristian any more than putting his wheelbarrow into a garage will make it into a limousine. e * Speaking of an argument with an editor recently. "Argument' Why bless you, it was never heard of. he nods his head and says yes to anything you say." * * * Hurrah for the U, F. O., They're jolly good fellows as you must know. They have buried the hatchet with party and foe, Hurrah for the U, F. 0. * An old lady with an ear trumpet went to the Scotch kirk one Sunday. The usher, who had never seen an ear trump- et before, kept watch, and finally said, in a hoarse whisper; "One toot and oot ye go." . * It is almost pathetic to see the old party line daily newspapers, that have spent all their lives telling the farmers what to do, awakening gradually to the fact that the farmers turn has now come to tell their apparent dictators what to do. When the elections were over, the dailies werefirst filled with advice to the U. F. '0. °;These papers had a whole Cabinet arranged, ready made, Great was their surprise to And that the farmers had a mind of their own and could make a Cab- inet as well as plough. A Family Treat A real good treat for every member of one's family would be a year's subscrip• tion to the Family Herald aod Weekly Star of Montreal. It costs only $1 25 and each subscriber receives a handsome souvenir portrait of the Prince of Wales, 16x22 inches. The portrait• alone is well ' worth the money. The Family Herald and Weekly, Star is a credit to Canada, It has over three quarters of a million readers and thousands more are being added each week. It is a wonderful . combination of a newspaper, family mag- azine and agricultural journal, the best of its kind in America. It is well worth a trail for a year. Every member • of your family would be benefitted by the weekly visit of that great paper. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Drugless Healing accur- ately locates and removes the cause of disease, allowing nature to restore health. J. A. FOX D.., D.O. Osteopathy Electricity Member Drugie,s Physicians Associa- tion of Canada —Phone 191— DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN OSTL OPATHY DR. F. A. PARKER Osteopathic Physician, only qualified osteopath in North Huron. Adjustment of the spine is more quickly secured and with fewer treatments than by any other method. Blood pressure and other examinations made. All diseases treated. OFFICE OVER CFIRISTIE'S STORE DR. 0. H. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Graduate Uuiversity of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry Office over H. E. Ieard's store. a ttg u o� The Road—As It Is and. As It Seems. In Overland 4 on ThreePoint Suspension Springs OVERLAND 4 does not change the road, but it does change the manner in which you can ride on it. This comfort achievement, the greatest since the introduction of pneumatic tires, is made possible by the wonderful cushioning ability of Three -Point Suspension Springs --exclusive with Overknd. The Diagonal attachment of the Three -Point Suspension Springs at the ends of a 130 -inch frame gives the road steadiness achieved by a car of long wheelbase. Yet Overland 4 and all the advantages --light- ness, economy, and ease .of handling, of 100 -inch wheelbase. Overland 4's equipment is no less admirable than its construction. The list is complete from Auto -Lite Starting and Lighting to Demountable Rifns, Come in and see this remarkable car. Ask for Booklet. Overland 4 Touring, $1195; Roadster, $1195; Coupe, $1845; Sedan, $1995. Prices f. o. b. Toronto, War Tax included, subject to change without notice. gar. inch Wheelbet / \.l l.: Ca ..:1..a xels' •Sri;\. Bal• eaaat L. Kennedrec y, Dealer, Wing iam Winds Overland Lifnited, Toronto, Canada. tL,is44 1NNIEM10RIA.M COUTTB-In loving memory of dear Lillian -Coutts who died two years ago. Friends may think that we forget thee, When at times they see us smile. • But they little know the sorrow That the smile hides all the while. Yet again, dear, Lillian we hope to meet thee When the day of life has fled, There in heaven with joy to greee'thee, Where no farewell tears are shed, Your loving mother, sisters and brother. Mooma—In proud and honored memory of Lance Corpal Wililiam Percy' Moore 127522, of the 71th Battalion, who died of wounds at the Somme three years ago November 27 1916. SADLY MISSED He little thought when leaving home, That he would never return, But now he lies in a lonely grave,. And we are left to mourn. His cheery way, his smiling face, Are a pleasure to recall, There is nothing left to answer, . But his photo on the wall. Sleep on dear son, in a soldier's grave Your life for your country you nobly gave: No friends stood near you to say good-bye But safe in God's keeping now you lie. Mother and Brother MCOMMEND ACRI NC15 Good Health Knows No Aches or Pains! Every organ in the body must be strong, healthy and full of life if you wish to enjoy perfect health. • alvery organ in the body depends upon a healthy condi- tion of the Nerved. The heart and Nerves form a combina- tion that can either make the whole body healthy and vigorous or can destroy the fabrio of the body thru disorders of the Nervous System. The Nerves are the telegraph system oil the body, if they are in a healthy condition the Heart will reepond quielrly and /'"'"'� naturally. "' Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy Is recommended and guaranteed for Anaemia, Neurasthenia, High i is st Bl s Para s , Nervous Dyspepsia. Bleed tzieor ev (� Pressure, Netw y a, Disorders, �lv.1 rut , ! Blood andh CBowel Spasms, Hysterical Affections, Nervous Dior ere, Heart Troubles, Nervous Headache, Sleeplesane and all Diseases o the tKcart, Nerves, Brain arid Body. It is a gr6air Toa c an 13nfils�r� PM' Yov aliould tint bo dfscouraaedi breante other reediolnea ave 10 .* - hoe Zt ,u, , Ile Wore You get HAMM'S, as no other kin will de.m ✓ lax will rot good; rennlba from Backing's Hoak and Irene Y �:✓ if I,o+a wilt ails give firs trial. ?rteys Bele o. bor or for *5.50. Don's bike '� ` me4hing l able +Ni Sold r all d newt o iby par`theed. on . t. HACKING'S LIMITED - Listowel Ityou are tassehlea with llotfssdi* on halve laritarr AND LIN itte 7'1t,1,bl. 28e, at 0 boxesors 00. sy die not drips Puree or IrrAite. rhlte two rr*tons a as ideal rotaLrimMien for *to desire t 1�. A Preacher's Advice Gypsy Smith told an audience of Lon- don preachers to avoid "topics." Keep away from politics he said. Have nothing to do with the talk o: the day: do not give pulpit views. A good many people who sit in the pews of our churches and others who might be glad to do so, agree with Mr. Smith's attitude. They do not come to church to listen to the things that have forfeited them through the week. They come for spiritual rest, spiritual recreation and spiritual g rowth. No political sermon ever yet made a vote. It may have confirmed a voter in his own opinion, but it just as surely aroused the antagonism of other voters. Not even upon moral issues which enter intu the politics of the hour have the pul- pits scored heavily, Sir James Whitney went to the electors on a Monday in 1914. He gave to the preachersof the province the unopposed influence of the Sunday previous. When Monday came the elec- tors gave him an unexampled maj ority at the polls." (Too late far last work) Another of the ever losaenin.I; roll of pioneers passed away ou Thuradey at his home here lit the pereon at Mr. Picker- ing Ile had been en invalid for a num- ber of years suffering from rheutnaticm, and of late had not been fable to leave the house, About trine years ago he moved to town trona itis farm near Para- mount, with his brother (who died a few years ago) and four daughters, Mrs, Sam Leach of town and Mrs. Sam McGuire of Kinloss, and two at house and also two sons are left to mourn, Tile service was conducted at the house and grave by Rev, P'. Irwin pastor of the Methodist church, and the funeral was held to Par- amount cemetery, Mr, Piekeri'ng was in his Send year. Another old resident passed away at his home near South Kinloss Presbyter- ian church when john McLeod joined the great majority. He had been afflict- ed witla cancer and of late had suffered great pain, so that the end was not un - looked for. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, Verna at bonne, Mrs, A. Gaynor of W, Wawauosh and Mrs. Pink of Clinton and three sons, Dan, Angus, and Bert all at home, one daughter died this spring and cne son was killed at the war, Mr, MacLeod was a member of South Kinloss Presbyterian church and for years had been caretaker. The funeral was held on Monday after- noon to South Kinloss cemetery, He was iu his Gist year. Mr, Wm. Armstrong of Kinloss had a horse killed at the G. T, R, station on Thursday last. He had a load of hogs and a work train which was operating on the track carne along unexpectedly, hit- ting the team and injuring one of the' horses so thatit died in a short time. ESTAB LISHED .1 EAD OFFICE HAMILTON 872.r ANK It pays to raise hogs. 1 There is always a mar- ket, prices are high and will remain high on account of the large export trade, If you need a loan to in- crease your stbck, consult US. F HAMILTON WINGHAM BRANCH—C. P. Smith, Manager Lucknow has gone over the top in the Victory Loan, and the beautiful Prince of Wales flag is on exhibition in Murdoch and Cameron's window, The canvassers put on an extra effort on Friday and Sat- urday, so we may expect a couple of crests to add tote flag. Messrs. R. D. Cameron D R. McIn- tosh, Wm Connell, Alex. Nicholson and P, H. MacKenzie ex M. P. attended the banquet given by the liberals of West Bruce in honor of C. M. Bowman at Southampton on Friday night, and re- port a big time. Among the sneakers were, Major Tolmie M P. P., Thos. Mar- shall M. P. P., Nelson Parliament M, P. P. and Alex, Mewhinney M. P. P. and others, R. D. Cameron was chair- man. Mr. Bowman has represented this riding for 21 consecutive years and has now resigned to become president of a large Insurance Company at Waterloo. Rev. David' 1. Lane of Kinlough, has received a call to the Presbyterian Church. at Hanover and has accepted. The sal- ary is $1750 and a free manse and two weeks vacation, The choir of St. Paul's church Wing- ham put on a concert in St. Peter's church here on Tuesday evening. Chorses, solos and readings were given and thor- oughly enjoyed .,by the audience which packed the church to the doors. Treleaven Bros. mill is running night and day and have orders enough to keep them going nearly all winter. Mr. Jno. McDiarmid and family have moved into the honse he recently pur- chased from Dr. Walker. N ( Variety and Value N. I. all Departments in our Ladies' Wear and Men's Wear Stores Wonderful Values In Ready -to -Wear Department 4 We have just passed into stock a range of v`R Traveller's samples of Ladies' coats comprising all /(, the new styles in Salts Plush, Baby Lamb, Silver - 'tone, English Val and Fancy tweeds. It will pay you well to see these sample. coats at reduced prices, before buying your Winter Goat.. X m: I■1 Mr. and Mrs. D. Hayes of Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. R, McIntosh.. Mr. Abe. Durnin shipped a car load of cattle to Buffalo and left for that city on Saturday. Mr. Clarence McDonald of Goderich, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. John Little is visiting her daughter Mrs. M. Siddal in Palmerston Mr. Geo. McDonald of Detroit, is visit- ing at his home. Mr. Finlay Malcolm is at present con- fined to his home, his daughter Mrs, Geo Aitchison who formerly resided here is in the hospital at Barrie. Mr. J. H. Carruth of Guelph and Fred Carruth of Wingham spent Sunday at their home here. A dance was held in the town hall last Monday night. Rayfler's orchestra of Southampton supplied the music. James Murray of Paramount claims to be the champion potatoe grower of these parts. From one half etre he gathered 70 bushels and two of the largest ones weighed six pounds. Ati autograph party was held in the Methodist church on Thursday night and was a grand success, Special to C l e" ar Xti 15 Women's Coats at five Dollars each. Not Ka x this year's style, carried over coats not far out X in style, made of good all wool cloth. The price X would not buy the cloth. r. 14 .x. Lit, I II R. -x, 4,.., r. 1bX 1 X East Wawanosh Minutes of Council nieettng held on Nov, 10th. All the members present Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Court of Revision on the I{echnie Drain was opened as per notice. There being rie appeals to deal with the By -Law was finally read and passed and the Court of Revision closed on motion of Irwin and Straughan, By -Law No 9--1919 appointing place .of nomination. places of election, D. le. O. etc. was also read and passed The following accounts were paid:-- Wm. Iiechnie, 20 yards of gravel $2.00; Fred Toll, cleaning out Toll Drain $12 00; 1. Brown, cement tile, $25.50; J. ]dee croft, grading on 'side line 30 and 31 Cone. 9 and 10 and cleaning out ditches Cons, 10 and 11 $25.00; H. Toll, putting in tile and repairing road Con, 3 $4.00; Joe. Stonehouse. repairing bridges $3.00; The "Advance" Office printing, collectors receipts $4.25; A J. Ferguson, rent of room for voters list court $5 00; A Por- terfield, furnishing by-laws and clerks feet on the Kechnie Brain $27 00; 'Treat. Turnberry Municipality.* shares on Mea Crelght Drain 212E 00. On motion of Buchanan and Straughan the council adjourned to tsteet again c. cording to statute on Monday Dec. lath, et 10 o'clock, A, Porrettold, Citrrk. Your pick for only $5.00 each, E. ISARD &C•O 1 Sa1'ern Mr. Fred Westlake visited friends at Listowel for a few days recently. Mr. Tony Meehan returned from the west where he has spent • the last. two summers. The S; S, children have commence d practising for the Xmas entertainment, Mr. Robert Baker has had the litter carrier installed in his'stabtes. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Gallaher visited friends near Lakelet last Sunday. Mr. Wm. Westlake returned from Lon- don Hospital much improved where he has been undergoing treatment for neuri- tis. Mr. John Mulvey's horse from near Belmore, while been driven home by the children who are attending High School at Wroxeter took fright near Mr. Percy Copeland's and throwing the driver out proceeded up the road with the two girls and Kathleen Westlake who was corning from school also It ran as far north as the railway crossing at Mr. Robert Mit- chell's a distance of 1j miles, took up the track and jumped the fence which stopped it from going farther. Luckily the girls escaped with 'nothing more than a scare. The buggy was broken considerable, Three flavours to suit all tastes. Be SUR to set WRIGLEYS Sealed Tight Kept Right The Favour Lasts EPT - secret and special and Personal for you is WRFGI in its air - tight seated package. A goody that is worthy of your lasting regard b e c a u sre of its lasting quality. MADE IN CANADA .. . ; ' O Nira 1 ) ; ,oesar r ,1� -->'i„✓><�f�' % e ne fin' 0+ f ., �� Purity �_ /✓ . � / fW''', '''" 'rhf" 1 y' �It t°N�lu°�'t ,��,<vo' ML Y LIM/WI,�, 1/y///��1f %�jYjY,�/j a '� l J -. ^� Y t -=--- ` ' ,,111 ����O///ji/f4! , /� ; ,tlu�jn ' ,,yL"' rte• -w ji"'// �� ' j f�� N"�y"" �,p14.1'.01 t ffrom fr, r f,U* "�3,«gta . A .,� o, y ° J" �, •,/�s I riot M� ,: w/ lir" �� /,// /,% 1J���/as., 04,x til 44 �V �, ., y n sy v 'r' , //// y �� �� Lti / .-•-- �AREFUL cooks know the value of purity. In the making of cakes or pastry they use those ingredients which they believe to be = pure and wholesome. To apply this "insistence on purity" to sugar, is no easy matter—for nearly all sugars look alike to those not ex- pert in detecting variation. The safe 'course is to use a: sugar that comes refineries in Which purity is a boast,l t\` In the Dominion Sugar refineries the boast is backed by a standing invitation to the public to visit and 4Ij [ inspect the plants in which Dominion n .l Crystal Sugar is made. 43 i In nonunion Crystal Sugar the house- 1 i wives of Canada have one sugar that can be 4r4 depended upon for that Purity which is so r pe ,, R, essential to successful culinary effc t. This ie the only sugar that may be rightly al termed "Canadian from the ground up. II g _ '" J is and finest ���; " .-11A `_ = We do import the raw cane sugar t it --but ourpride is in the product we p °� w pllpj ',' ` % �f + . }rl�-nil ilt t I _ pl{ �t a lilu t lri I r q N; �etil� � �1` W refine make from Canadian sugar beets. Dominion SugCompany r a• r Limited iWallaceburg Kitchener Chatham r,, ' T 111111 I' 11. 1 I111 4 '(P' t JELLY l li I. 11 1x,�,1k I 1 ti t r1 �1•yp'�.. �.. �. t.. tea,,, ,.� + ,. t ,.o t ,ii •�S� .. Lucknow has gone over the top in the Victory Loan, and the beautiful Prince of Wales flag is on exhibition in Murdoch and Cameron's window, The canvassers put on an extra effort on Friday and Sat- urday, so we may expect a couple of crests to add tote flag. Messrs. R. D. Cameron D R. McIn- tosh, Wm Connell, Alex. Nicholson and P, H. MacKenzie ex M. P. attended the banquet given by the liberals of West Bruce in honor of C. M. Bowman at Southampton on Friday night, and re- port a big time. Among the sneakers were, Major Tolmie M P. P., Thos. Mar- shall M. P. P., Nelson Parliament M, P. P. and Alex, Mewhinney M. P. P. and others, R. D. Cameron was chair- man. Mr. Bowman has represented this riding for 21 consecutive years and has now resigned to become president of a large Insurance Company at Waterloo. Rev. David' 1. Lane of Kinlough, has received a call to the Presbyterian Church. at Hanover and has accepted. The sal- ary is $1750 and a free manse and two weeks vacation, The choir of St. Paul's church Wing- ham put on a concert in St. Peter's church here on Tuesday evening. Chorses, solos and readings were given and thor- oughly enjoyed .,by the audience which packed the church to the doors. Treleaven Bros. mill is running night and day and have orders enough to keep them going nearly all winter. Mr. Jno. McDiarmid and family have moved into the honse he recently pur- chased from Dr. Walker. N ( Variety and Value N. I. all Departments in our Ladies' Wear and Men's Wear Stores Wonderful Values In Ready -to -Wear Department 4 We have just passed into stock a range of v`R Traveller's samples of Ladies' coats comprising all /(, the new styles in Salts Plush, Baby Lamb, Silver - 'tone, English Val and Fancy tweeds. It will pay you well to see these sample. coats at reduced prices, before buying your Winter Goat.. X m: I■1 Mr. and Mrs. D. Hayes of Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. R, McIntosh.. Mr. Abe. Durnin shipped a car load of cattle to Buffalo and left for that city on Saturday. Mr. Clarence McDonald of Goderich, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. John Little is visiting her daughter Mrs. M. Siddal in Palmerston Mr. Geo. McDonald of Detroit, is visit- ing at his home. Mr. Finlay Malcolm is at present con- fined to his home, his daughter Mrs, Geo Aitchison who formerly resided here is in the hospital at Barrie. Mr. J. H. Carruth of Guelph and Fred Carruth of Wingham spent Sunday at their home here. A dance was held in the town hall last Monday night. Rayfler's orchestra of Southampton supplied the music. James Murray of Paramount claims to be the champion potatoe grower of these parts. From one half etre he gathered 70 bushels and two of the largest ones weighed six pounds. Ati autograph party was held in the Methodist church on Thursday night and was a grand success, Special to C l e" ar Xti 15 Women's Coats at five Dollars each. Not Ka x this year's style, carried over coats not far out X in style, made of good all wool cloth. The price X would not buy the cloth. r. 14 .x. Lit, I II R. -x, 4,.., r. 1bX 1 X East Wawanosh Minutes of Council nieettng held on Nov, 10th. All the members present Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Court of Revision on the I{echnie Drain was opened as per notice. There being rie appeals to deal with the By -Law was finally read and passed and the Court of Revision closed on motion of Irwin and Straughan, By -Law No 9--1919 appointing place .of nomination. places of election, D. le. O. etc. was also read and passed The following accounts were paid:-- Wm. Iiechnie, 20 yards of gravel $2.00; Fred Toll, cleaning out Toll Drain $12 00; 1. Brown, cement tile, $25.50; J. ]dee croft, grading on 'side line 30 and 31 Cone. 9 and 10 and cleaning out ditches Cons, 10 and 11 $25.00; H. Toll, putting in tile and repairing road Con, 3 $4.00; Joe. Stonehouse. repairing bridges $3.00; The "Advance" Office printing, collectors receipts $4.25; A J. Ferguson, rent of room for voters list court $5 00; A Por- terfield, furnishing by-laws and clerks feet on the Kechnie Brain $27 00; 'Treat. Turnberry Municipality.* shares on Mea Crelght Drain 212E 00. On motion of Buchanan and Straughan the council adjourned to tsteet again c. cording to statute on Monday Dec. lath, et 10 o'clock, A, Porrettold, Citrrk. Your pick for only $5.00 each, E. ISARD &C•O 1 Sa1'ern Mr. Fred Westlake visited friends at Listowel for a few days recently. Mr. Tony Meehan returned from the west where he has spent • the last. two summers. The S; S, children have commence d practising for the Xmas entertainment, Mr. Robert Baker has had the litter carrier installed in his'stabtes. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Gallaher visited friends near Lakelet last Sunday. Mr. Wm. Westlake returned from Lon- don Hospital much improved where he has been undergoing treatment for neuri- tis. Mr. John Mulvey's horse from near Belmore, while been driven home by the children who are attending High School at Wroxeter took fright near Mr. Percy Copeland's and throwing the driver out proceeded up the road with the two girls and Kathleen Westlake who was corning from school also It ran as far north as the railway crossing at Mr. Robert Mit- chell's a distance of 1j miles, took up the track and jumped the fence which stopped it from going farther. Luckily the girls escaped with 'nothing more than a scare. The buggy was broken considerable, Three flavours to suit all tastes. Be SUR to set WRIGLEYS Sealed Tight Kept Right The Favour Lasts EPT - secret and special and Personal for you is WRFGI in its air - tight seated package. A goody that is worthy of your lasting regard b e c a u sre of its lasting quality. MADE IN CANADA .. . ; ' O Nira 1 ) ; ,oesar r ,1�