HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-11-13, Page 8TUB WING II A M ADVAr v
Com ing
,obt Mr. C. Pender of the Mae El Roy
Costume Company,
Will be a our store with a large showing of the
latest fashions and styles of _ Royal made garments,
You are invited to inspect his display on 'Thursday
the thirteenth.
Silk Dresses
Crepe de-ebene Dresses
Serge Dresses
Evening Dresses
C o.
Highest Class Goods for Men and Women.
A "Trap Nest"
for farm dollars
Scott's Simplified Accounting System for Farmers tells you—
month by month—for five years just where you are Making
money on your farm and how much—just where you are losing
money and why.
The only system containing a detailed inventory which will
be accepted by any bank as your financial statement for a
basis of credit..
This system is no experiment. It is compiled by a banking
expert. It is so simple that it is now beiegeised by thousands
of small farmers—so complete that farmers handling extensive
operations use it.
Beware of Imitations
Scott's is the only system that
completely covers your farm oper-
ations for Five Years—the only one
with which goes a Systematized
Pocket Note Book•and which slam-
lifies your Income Tax Return.
May be obtained from
Music Dealer, WINGHAM
or from the DOMINION FARM
BUREAU—Toronto, Winnipeg,
Regina, Calgary and Vancouver.
Ask to see the endorsements of Government and Farmers' Organization
officials and leading financial men.
Whitechurch Salem
Born ,--On Nov, 2nd, to Mr. anti MN. Me encl Mr. Anion Galbraith have the
Harry MacKenzie of the village a datig1 sympathy of the neighborhood in the ber
eevemeot of their little boy Ildward New-.
Miss Mae IIunter of 1/Vingharri, visited
ovet the week -end with her cousin, Miss
Marion Casemore.
Miss Cora Clubb is visitingat the home
of her brother, Mr. Calvin Clubb in St.
Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are new settled
on their new farm on the boundary. They
bought it from Mr, Wesley Legatt..
The farm belonging to the late Mr.
Joseph Smeltzer of East Wawanoeh has
been purehaeed by Mr, Gordon Eltott of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grainger and
Mr. Wilbert of Molesworth, were guests
on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs,
Mac Ross
Rev. Hugh Ferguson of Stratford, sec-
retary of the Children's Aid Society of
Perth Co occupied the pulpit of the Pres-
byterian church on Sunday. At the
morning service he spoke in the interests The old term that "cream always rises
of the Lord's Day Alliance, and at the ev. to the top" is applicable in more ways
ening service he gave an interesting ac • than one, and particularly so in regard
count of his work on behalf of friendless to, Wingham boys abroad.
Hector A. Mutton the late popular
young school master ot the Lower Wing -
ham school, has already gained recognit-
ion at the Royal College of Dental Surg•
eons, Toronto. Though he has only been
Rev. A. M. Boyle of Belgrave. The sac-
rament of baptism will be administered at at the college a very short time he has
the Friday evening service, j been elected to the college social commit -
The Y.?. S. 'meeting on Sunday night tee front some three hundred students.
wasted by Miss Evelyn Garton, on Nov.
16, Mr. Mac Ross will have charge of
the meeting,
ton wine died at week from pneumonia.
The funeral on Weilneeday WW1 largely
attended. Rev. Mr. Stride of Wroxeter,
preached the service at the house. The
following boys were Pall -bearers: Walter
Woods, Wilfred Henry. George IYIerkity
and Alvin Fitch, Wm. Weir and Wilfred
Mellen carried boquete. The body was
laid to rest in the Wroxeter eetnetery
Mr. Harvey McMichael epent laet Sun-
day at the home of Mr. John McCreery
near /Violesworth.
spimt Rope—At the*Methocliet Parson-
age. Brussels, by Rev. W. E. Stafford,
B. A. on November 4th. 1910. Mr, John
G. Spier, of Morris township, to Miss
Florence Amy, only daughter of Fletcher
Roe, Grey township.
Wiligham lio)s Abroad
Communion service will be held in the
Presbyterian church next Sunday morn-
ing. Nov. 16. Preparatory service will be
conducted at s o'iocit. on Friday night by
• Biuevale
A banquet will be given by the ladies of
Knox Church, Bluevale, on the evening of
November 14th. 4 fewl supper will be
served from e to 8 o'clock after which
Rev. R. C. McDermirl of Goderich will
give an address on the forward movement.
There will also'be a good musical and lits
erary program Come along and enjoy
the evening. Adniission 50 cents and
25 cents.
Autostrop Razor §
Have You Tried The
Autostrop Razor
Boost for ,Mrs Btiehi18811
As Miss Mina McKelvey, Brussels, has
withdrawn from the LoRdon Free Press
Contest. Mrs F. W, Buchanan, Winghana,
eolicite the goodwill and help of the people
of this eommenity in her canditature
Subscriptions new or renewal, left et the
Post will be forwarded to Mrs. Buctanan.
Her husband lost his life in the recent war
in France. Your help will be apprecia-
ted.—Bi assets Post.
You have no doubt seen the razor ad-
vertised in the different newspapers and
magazines. • Seen:it displayed in the win- /14
dows. But •
We Want You to Try the
Autostrop Razor
We know the satisfaction it affords
because of its exclusive features, viz.,
strops, shaves and is cleaned without re- N
moving the blade.
Automatically strops its own blades,.
Simple and practical blade adjustment 70
to suit all beards.
500 shaves guaranteed from every 12
Come in and get one today
on thirty days' trial.
There is no obligation on §
your. part.
Your money back ifyou are
not perfectly satisfied,
Winghatn, Ontario
Mr. Mutton has also been chosen for the
Dental college football team, which, it is
prophesied, will win the inter -faculty
championship ot Toronto University. He
will then have the proud college distinct-
ion of wearing the Varsi ty second T. a re-
ward given to the primier athletes of the
various faculties,
Gordon Rintoul, a well known graduate
of Wingham High School, is a director of
sports for Knox College. ,Almost any
evening he can be seen enthusiastically
cheering the various athletic teams of
this college in either victory or defeat.
Gordon plays on the Varsity senior foot-
ball team and has won the honored Var-
sity T, the premier athletic distinction of
the university.
As we stated a couple of weeks ago,
Capt. E. S. Copeland is still forging to the
front as he has done whether in France,
England or Canada for the paet few years,
emanirnonsly eleeted president of the Pal
paratory class at Toronto University.
There are over one hundred and fifty
returned men in this class.
Here's success to the Wingham boys
wherever they reside.
Commencing FRIDAY, NOV. 14th
Under the auspices of the G. W. V. A:
R. W. Marks Presents
'Offer New York's Latest Success
With. 6 Big Extra Added Vaudeville Acts.
At popular prices 50c and 35c.
Special Matinee Saturday Afternoon.
Reserved seats on sale at M'cKibbon's Drug Store.
Lucky ticket will be drawn at Friday night concert.
0414000•4010040•41.1110111006% 0%/01"0.44-0044/101144,0044.everwahoyhAt3
Egg Candlers
521 Pront St. East
75 cents an hour and overtime. Rail-
way fare allowed to men proving
Apply in person to
Construction Co. Limited
Confederation Life Bldg,
a 44 4
8 Days Big Bargain Sale
Commencing Nov. 21st to 29th
Your opportunity the one you have been looking
for, just when the winter sewing is coining on.
I have taken over the entire stock formerly
owned by Mr. R J. Hill and myself, ahd in order to
make room for a larger display of musical instru-
ments, I will sell for cash only, a large stock of
White Sewing machines, all styles of the very latest
type, at greatly reduced prices.
Regular $68.00
Sale $46.00
Other stylei . at equally
reduced prices.
Remembor the dates of Big Sale.
music Dealo.
04414410*** ******41.31010144**
$1,10 per hour for first-class men,
Railway fares ellowed if services
Apply in person
Construction Co. Limited
Luknow liso, now had ohowaj 'with*
eut eleetrie lights and is noW ".ettling
down for long spell Miler. of tlii• stoves
.are lightedwith gasoline lights which
make just as good a tight as the eleetrie
but regime a lot more attention. The
Sreets are will - unit lig' ins of any. kind AM.
Ck!pt these in the stores, anti as thew are
nly .open on Wedifesday and Saturday
be streets are very dark and will be
worse when the, Moen disappears which
has been. very bright during the past •
week, it is hoped Nome arrangement
'will be made before the /awsult comes off
in December, to avoid this expense, as
the cost even if tins town won the case.
would almost be as much as the plant is
worth and we would be no better off for
light than we aro now.
Death claimed another (miller resident
of these parts whet) James Girvin of
Farkin, Marl, passed away in bis 71st
year. The deceased gentleman was born
near Dungannon, Out k and went to Win
Pipes; in 1841, three years lister he
located on a homestead close to the banks
of the Pipestone in Parkin district. A.
wife, four datighters and one son, stirs ive,
- .
who will bare the spmpathy of friends
here. I
Another person well known to many
have passed away in the General Hospital -
in"Moose Jaw when Alma Irene Milligan
joined the great majority. The deceased
young lady was a daughter of Mr. aid
Mrs. Joseph Srneltzer of Amulet, Sask.
Mrs. Milligae was in her 24th year and
(Nide:3 a loving husband she leaves
atm son, a year old. The remains were
taken to Amulet for interment the funeral
serViCe being held in the Presbyterian
church there. .The bereaved families
will have the sympathy 'of .mitny friends
in Lucknow and vicinity.
Mr. Fred Youngblutt of Hulled, spent
a day in the villiage last week. •
Mr, and Mrs. 'Wilson of Westfield spent
Sunday at J. McGuire's
Mt. Bride of Newbridge, visited with
Mr, and Mrs. Daley last week,
Mrs. (Dr.) Kirkby is spending a Few days
with friends near Blyth.
Sorry to report John McGuire is not en-
joying very good health at present,
John Armstrong shipped a car of apples
from here on Saturday last.
Johnston and Brown_ of Blyth, have.
shipped about a dozen cars of hay from
here in the last week
George Jordan finished up his season's
threshing on Monday..
The Epworth League of the Methedist
Church held a social evening at C. B.
Willtb-lson's on Monday night. On ac-
count of the rain the crowd was not large
but ,a pleasent titne was enjoyed by those
who went,
Luck n ow
A very pretty wedding waS solemized
at the home of Mr and Mrs. McInnis'
near Langside when their youngest
daughter,-Elizaheth Janet, was united in
marriage to, Mr. Orville James Tiffin
The Rev. Janies Scobie of Whitechurch
officiated The bride entered the living
room leaning on the arm of her father, arid
took ,her place benesth an arch of ever.
greens to the strains of Lohengrin's wed-
ding march play ed by Miss Plorence
Vogt of Walkerton, cousin of the bride.
The bride was beautifully gowned in
white satin and georgette with trimmings
of beads, and satin ribbon. She wore the
customary bridal veil and carried a
boquet of white carnations and rnaiden
hair ferns with satin sirearters. After the
signing of the register the guests number-
ing aboui forty, adjourned to the dining
room where a dainty luncheon was serv-
ed The groom's gift to the bride was a
gold wrist watch, and to the Organist a
cut glass bon -bon dish. The presents
were many and beautiful showing the
high esteem in which the young couple
were held One of the ,gifts was a hun-
dred dollar check to the bride frcin the
groom's parents. The young couple will
reside on the giom's fine farm on the
4th. con. of KinIess, where they will have
the'best wishes of many friends for a long
and prosperous married life.
About. forty of the friends of Mr. Geo.
Moffatt gathered at the home of Mr.
an !Virg R. J. Tyndall, It line, on Tues.
day evening, Nov. eth, and presented him
with the following address and a beauti-
ful dinner set of silver cutlery.
Nov. 4, 1010.
Dear George:—
It is with pleasure we meet to -night to
show in a slight way our appreciation to
you for your long service overseas and so
we take this opportunity to express our
good wishes to you and Mrs. Moffatt.
Mr. Moffatt made e, brief hut approp-
riate reply thanking them for their kind
retnembrance of him. The remainder of
the evening was pleasantly epent and be-
fore retiring to their homes a dainty lun-
cheon WO NrVed
The installation of, Rog Jno, MacKay
D. D, as principal 'of the Manitoba The
ological college which took place recent-
ly in Nowt church, Winnipeg, recall's the
fact that the Rev, Mr. MacKay is a romp-
er Lucknon! Old Boy, He is the son of
resided in Kinioss near Murray school,
the late Hector MacKay who at one time
The family originally come from Zara at his Window
he age of sissteen Mr, MacKay had at
during the past week 74 ined-
first class teaebers certificate and taugh-
School at Holyroocl for a time later atten-
ding college in Montreal where he had a
brilliant career and studied for (be Pres-
bylerian ministry, He has been princip
al of the college in Vancouver for.a.nurn-
ber of years which position he left to ac-
cept this one in Winnipeg, He has many
friends here who eongratulate him and
wish many years of service for him,
Important Announcement Regarding Leather
Top Rubbers For Men and Boys
You canbuy thee& lines from us at "FIRST COST." WE MAKE THETA
RIGHT HERE IN OUR STORE and only our profit ie and that ie a small one.
15 Inch
$4,95 pair
12 Inch
$4.45 pair
9 Inch
$3 80 pair
7 Inch
3.30 parr.
Ail sizes for men 6 to 11
The ;Above have "rolled edge", and are simply unbeatable for price, in fact
we doubt if there is a store in Canada that can equal our prices in these lines,
Mailed to your address "Post paid" no matter where
you live, or sold at our store in Wingham.
High cut rubbers tor large and email boys, to At from a 5 year old boy
up, and the prices are so reasonable they will surprise you. There has been
a demand, for Boys' high cut like these for years, and we have been unable
to procure them but now we make them in our own store in Wingharn, • •
We can make anything you want in Leather Top Rubbers in one hours
time—that is if you happen to want a kind we have not got in stock,
• •
We notice by the daily papers that
John Joynt M. P. P. has been appointed
one of a committee to choose a leader for
the Conservatives In theProvinciaPhouse.
This is his first term in the house and he
is already taking a prominent part in the
activities of his party,
Rev. Mr. MaeCallum preached the
pulpit of South Kinloss Presbyterian
church vacant yesterday morning, bis
pulpit being occupied by the Rev, Mr.
McDermid of Goderich. Mr. McDerm id
preached at Lanes In the afternoon and
South Kinloss in the evening in the inter-
ests of the forward movement.
F. T. Armstrong has had on display in
als whieb will be presented to the soldiers
of Ashtield, and mothers and wives of
those who have fallen. The presentatien
will take place at Dungannon on Nov. 11
in the afternoon. These medals are very
beautiful and cost in the neighborhood of
$20.00 each
Miss Marie Anderson of Grandvien,
Man. is visiting friends here.
Mrs. Thos. Reid is visiting her son
Jack in Palmerston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins of Clinton are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar MeChari-
from the West where he has been work-
ing during the past surraner.
• Mr, Garfield MacDonald arrived borne
front the West to visit his mother who has
been ill.
Many in town were pleased to shake
hands with. Thos. Pritchard last week.
He was employed in 1VItirdoch and Cam-
eron's Store ,here for ',Years but is now
travelling for Stanfield's. .
Miss Clara liffeQuillan is visiting itt
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Renwick spent
Sunday at their homes itt Belinore.
Mr. and Mrs. Renwick' and Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. McDonald who has been 1Vlrs. Duffy of Beltuore visited Mr. and
very seriously ill is, we are glad to report Mrs..E. A. Renwick last week.
recovering, Mr. Jas. Day and Miss Myrtle of the
loth on, of Culross, MP. and Mrs. Joe
Mrs. N. G MacKenzie and two little Dickson of the fith Culross spent Sunday
daughters are visitting in Detroit and
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aitchison.
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mr. D, K, Webster who moved away
Miss,Francis 'Webster wtth her sister,
from here to the west , last spring has
Miss Ada will go to Moncton N. 13. about ; suffered a stroke of paralysis, and has
the middle of the month where they will '
lost the use of his right arm and leg, but
take positions in a new store being open-
ed by the T. Eaton Co, I otherwise has recovered and is feeling
Mr, Gordon Webster has returned lifiiinae.n"yHyiesamrsaonfylifferyieentd. s, here wish him
.14 BUY VICTORY BONDS—Insure Canada's Prosperit
Gogeous Furs -Marvelous Prices
k - In our store, quality and low'prices, go hand in hand. Every fur -in our
assortment gives you the utmost value for your money.
1- Alaska Sable Hudsdn Seal
1 Beautiful cape style scarfs. with Muffs and capes made from the
flat or melon muff, made from the best quality French dyed skins,
choicest heavy furred skins. sold in sets or separately.
;114 Prices 75,00 to 200.00. Prices 35,00 to 90.00.
ikt Black or Red
,j Fox
Beautiful animal style neck
pieces made from the best skins in
I styles that will appeal to you.
Prices 50.00 to 150.00,
Canadian Beaver
Cae and stole effects made
from prime heavy furred skins with
round or melon muffs to match,
sold separately or in sets,
Prices 50.00 to 175,00
Black or Natural
Wolf and Op-
Latest cape and animal styles,
or combination cape with collar.
Prices 25.00 to 75.00.
Mink and Per-
sian Lamb
Special values in muffs or stoles,
we can also order any special
style and give you best values.
Prices 50.00 and up.
Ladies' Fur
Hudson Seal. Muskrat and Coon,
nothing but the best qualities and
every coat fully guaranted.
Get our prices.
Our stock of Men's Coats is larger than ever and.
‘ve can offer you values that cannot be duplicated.
Coon Coats, Beaver Coats, Dog Coats, Etc.
" •
RAW IFIJIRS----We pay highest prices for all kinds
of skins,