HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-11-13, Page 6******eselatettievareteeta**e
i Stew.Good
t and Cheap
4-4444444,..4e4+4 teak Ireet e+ eeeta
Why not lave the stews: a tes ? Jane
Rod:tenon in one or ber teweae Ain 11:01,1.
eraletlk 11011SelieVifintt riA44hnd
.4VIel to NUM, spicy end mote. cavort:
execlaksoellY well. Lemon Juiee, spiced
vier, catsup, ourry powder, and tho
striate vegetables go wen with it. Sal-
ads ftuoultt alwaYa be served with troma
Q_• a. stew or veal, mat after the green
theme, those of cabbage aati beet are
the best.
Stewed veal to 3;o0el with curaed rata
or the veal and Title ota.y 'be cooked to-
other- and seasoned with curry pstvder.
The poet Gay ouce put In verse rath-
er rapturoua tleseription of veal stew,
reeling by (teetering it fit, for Dean and
maaate, He pat in ills stew salt, Pee-
per and mace. And.many herbs --parsley,
spinach. endive, „lettuce 41U1 bent, ale
put in no wooer .at ;al. but eouktelhL
Mew In a pot It In another oe boiling
water .
toor any meat stew the meat le more
Delete ble anti has more substenee it it
L. first browmci and saw el, preferably In
hot tea with jp. sileed onion or obion Juice.
The silets et onion need not 111.,POSsarlly
be pet In the stew, and the eniou flavoe
win not be distInguieliect among. the tah.
or tlavors, and yet be a great addittoe
la tile total seasoning.
Here follow e few stewing ree'pea well
rarth censiderluot
Gratt,e a steel elaillet atulawben hot add
plcces of veal ana sear. When the pieces
ere well browned cover them with hot
water end turn pito kettle with a sliced
onion. Cover eloetay After addine salt
end pepper and simmer two hour.i.
testnplines; One and a half cups of flour,
teaspoonful each of baking powdee and
ealt, mill: to make a stir:" dough. Drop
Ireepoonfuls into stew, eover eloaely and
bell ten minutes. Titicaca the gravy
and peur it over all.
Get picees off heck ef Iamb, cut to small
pieceand put on to CQ0k: add a dame
salt and pepper, and onten If laced. When
meat is half clone add berley rael ceok
until tender.
Cut 1 pound anti a hairier stewing yeat
late sonail squaree, watt, saute irr a M-
ae -butter Dr• drifting, eitoh cut in small
pieceswith see,soninga. and stew one
hour.: - Add wax: beans. tvilich have been
cleaned end broken all stew oue hour
longer. piece of b' ter braided with
an equal amount otaleue will add to the
laver and thickenthe grave.
Fifteen cents' worth of boiling. beef• put
on to. boil in hot water to preserve the
•juice.wititin the Meat. This small quan-
tityeof meet should be Imileclamly about
half on hour before adding 'the ve.ge-
tables, namely: One carrot In hikes, half
a Often inoderete-eizett Totalees sliced,
Pedlar's elahe aficiaa few Blices of turnips
cut thin. If tbe tops of it bunch ef eel -
cry are added he flavor is vastly ime
provea. „ ppd.' or es,p1seum, put in at
tIrsti:svith the meet, also addeegreatly tg
the diea, but should be removed before
sliced onions and some bite ot fresh but-
ter, .rolled in:flour; Instead of butter, lard
or cold gravy or drippleg. Finish with
o. flavorlog af powderea nutmeg or mace
.ane the grated yellow rind of a fresh
lenton Just before serving.
. Put one once .of butter in a hot pan;
to this add one dozen lamb's kidneys
which have been wen -washed and cut in
halves; cover, let .cciolt thoroughly, re-
move cover. add a half cup of water. a
half teaspOonfulotgalt and a seltaPoontel
or Paprika. teaspoonful of Tar-
.regoa vinegar. .ferye.
• o-e,+-1-1-31:e-e-e+eri!-4ee++.4-44-4-e-e-4-•
I s
• .4.41 e • 4:4.1,4-4,4•4,4-1-•••••-••••••-•-•4-
'When you eamattmn'ot forget to "do up"
a whoteetot of.siseerpicities.....erheY are '
a positive bode..toe tae good housewife:.
not Only becati8t-Ettey are such aocepteble
Appetizers tor theaehtioren'e luncti-biteket,
htneheon anti s.appet' teb:es, but also be -
Cate* they inityabe tedgeformed into many
netightfut emergency, dishes ,sultable for
entree or dessere -
You know that.a paealee peacb or pear,
or e• bunch of -aherriele in a pastry snen,
dressed with a Ilttleaeleced liquor, makes
a most toothsome mareel; plain cake and
sweet pickted fruit ceinbine go well to-
gether that they seem made tor each oth-
er; eeveral varieties,Ig strait unty be
servied together aa a 'spiced true, salad.
Theee are but a, fewef the -many dishes
whioh may be emicoeted by uslng sweet
pickle as a, basisaYou probably will think
of rnany others., •
.Any fruit or vegetable that can be pre -
&Treed may be .ntacle• into sweet pickle.
Here its a. very good proportion that maY
be used tor tile syrup; _three pints of cot -
fee 0C" sugar to- oneequart or. pure cider
vinegar. The lasicee.eorrintonly used for
thisavariety of pieklee are cloves and cin-
namonand the proportion of the two tea-
spoonfuls of the forme end four of the
latter to each gallon of fruit.
The recipes given bare -are true and
tried, and If followee. to the letter will
give satiefaetory results;
Select a. large ripe melon!' pare off the
green rind and rod core; out Into inert
OttUAreS: Place in a preserving kettle with
two table:Spoonfuls of alit for each gallon
of rind; nearly cover wit)) water and boil
utall tender; drain and CODIC in the syrup
made as gieen abovet
Take fine elingstonee-tlie White Heath
is the best variety Yet. this puatiose-and
SteW 111 jUst 01011401 1V3te1' 10 eover santli
tender, but not broken; then paclt in lay -
015 in o. stone jar with' a, :sprinkling of
ePlee between, antacover with boiling eyr-
up, made in the- proeortions before giv-
cot. and cook uhtil otetbe consiateney Oi
thin molaseesa 'Let stand overnight; then
turn into a. preserving kettle, piece over
the fire. Scald. Put away in sealed
glass jars. r
Pare and halve the Zeult; then drop kit0.
the bohllig eYialla Cook until tender,
aranster to a stone Jae., sprinkle with
spice, aover with theabolling Syrup, lee
stand overnight; next day finish as
t3lrected for peaches. . Sweet apple,: may
Le prepared in the setae manner.
Scold together tilt vinegar and sugar;
shin, add finites, boll up. °nee then turn
over fruit. DraW off and scald tile vine-
gar twice more at Intervals ef three days,
the last titrie boiling the fruit 20 minutes.
4 •
TO111114' Work.
That the Whale of the Gilbert group
of 'elands in the Soutb. Seas should be
gleau over to the care of the Anterlean
Board of Cobanissioners for Foreign
Atissione Was 'decided at a meeting of
the Liindon Missionary Board, heal
some little time r10, The Amerlean
board had long been allXious for this
arrangement, Willett uultee the week
there and offered to pay e27,000. wait
which auto and the tottrihutione of
the islandere. all expellees of tho
staffing of tat atorthern islands tan
be islet wor tell years. Tim group is
water British government, and in 10
e ears ot v:goroue work in the South.
tett lelande, a ettong camet hoe been
built up, .and Many ab:e native eas•
tors have been ttud are being trained.
Olouaton 'OLIO
atria "i`ungrainithaltre. nimble:sat hue -
Land LI 1.4) nvvoeJ, spends all his
time looking at pliotoplays that she ap-
i•eari In.
iter Husband.-Thatet ;tat devotion. Any
tratil onete peeing hie wife busy
tied eiletit at ate serne time.
agootaer-I'd hke to know who la wing
me Iftk
Dendiaily--Probehav no ono. Dana 3fl
know that ink evapetratem qUItf• Dirk ly?
Reentor -1014 bow s'yOnt ray etei 11-1'
positItM spirt/up, we?
a a
"Yes," She rejoined. "I must.
ant very sensible -you have paid me a
Very great honor -all that yon have
Said aboat ditfereuce between no,
does not, wOUld not, Matter, even if it
exiatea. I am only the mistresa of
liramley for a time, for a verY short
thue longer. No, it is net that. But
"You do not care for Me as I want
you to do?" he said, kis voice full ot
anxious trouble, "1 was not so bold, so
rain, as to dream that you ivould; but,
I hoped thet titne---"
She drew aWaY from him and shook
her head,
vo.i.eNee., eould not," ebe said, in a low
"Is there no hope for me?" he said.
"Is there .sonle •orte else?"
The celor threatened to rise to fay-
tio's feet), but she kept it back. She
was silent; but he had no suspicion.
Who could there be, he asked himself
aillekly, unless there was some one to
whom she bad given her heart before
she tame to Bromley? But in that
ease he would have Made his appear-
ellee long before this.
"If there is no one else," he seid.
"Alli I have no right to ask, I know;
but if there IS no, one else, may 1 not
venture to hope?"
"No, no," she said, quickly, and witla
a look of distress, "I -I could never
marry you, Mr. 'Carton. And plehse
accept my answer," site went on, hur-
riedly, as he was about to speak, "It
Is - Sinai. It would be wrong not
to tell you so, becanse I know my own
mind; I know that I -could never-"
His face was searcely paler than m-
eal, but his lips came together tight-
ly la a straight line, and his eyelids
drooped to coneeel th.e flash of resent-
ment in them.
"I ani-Sbrey," he, said,. his voice
quivering. "It'seunds a poor word to
describe my disappointelent, ray pain.
/tad yet I had scarcely dared to hope.
I wonder Whether you will think what
I am going to say strange and uncon-
ventional?" •
Clytie glanced at him, 'wailingly, and
shooy her head, and he went on slow-
ly, gravely:
"I sett that I have no hope of win-
rtiug your love," he said; "but there
tilI remaine to me a boon only less
precious -your friendship. 'Coder or-
dinary .ciroumstances the rejected
suitor bide -farewell to the woman to
whom he offered his hand. I ant
going to Venture to. ask you to break
this rule. I am a. lonely roan, •Clytie-
r beg your Pardon:I Por the future it
pow be Mies Braralea, even My
theughts-I have few friends, real
blies, and s o. id be More than grate-
ful to, y011 it You woola pearl* me tee -
main your friend and would. be grac.,
ious enough to remain mine. It has
been very sweet to me to think that,
when eleiree my sordie toil at the
works, I Can come sometifnes to the
Hall, and enjoy the inestimable privie
cleiegtey.o„a your aid ease aiollie's so -
He paused a, moment; then went o'n:
"I go to tew, very few,' Other places,
and if I should be bereft of this privi-
lege, I ehalialeem it a very, heavy loss,
Indeed, all the brightnels of my life
will have gone out of it, and I shall
be thrown back Upon myself as a prls-
ram is tbrovin hack into the prison
ttora whence he has been permitted a
flate -hours of escape into a Prighter
World. Though T have 10st all the hope
• azytbing nearer and dearer to you,
1 /fig You to let ine eemain your
Melo], vall prOraise never to allude
by word o: look to this subjeet. Anti
1 aSsUre YOU that you May trust me.
tthall it be se?"
eats/tie was net Lite gire to resit such,
tea Appeal; beshiee, are eves grateful
ratueel so 'patty, ack .considerately.
Obit held out aer hand to him, and an
e voice so low tee his, eald;
"Why, ye,s, Way should we not be
Mende? You itave paia me a very
greet bonor, a very great compliment.
and it would be toolieh of ne to re-
gard ea& Ober, ea It We Wert- mn-
tually offeaded, att it we were orient -
les. We 1,111 be Mende, Mr. Car-
ton; tine boar yoo will come to the
Hail- 4E 04•12 as )*P. Taxa to do ao,
aild as it nothing had haaietaed, In-
tleed, I am not uneolflith and distils
!greeted eelratxg you to do so, be -
;Anse eats Wave been so kind as to
!ielp #o many and I know
that I shall need your bele in the fu-
"You, 6411 put It. thee way, if you
like," he said, with a aware "though
I know that yeur gee:0330u, your.
sweektess: of hes.ta prompt area to so
put it. Atli* 'believe me that I am
gratefal, end shall hp etall More grate-
ful for %it opeoetanity Of etreang you,
I will eay good it tam tea here.
3. ain itesataala eqael to facing the °th-
ere. I :shall rs4.1.Arnitt” me,promiee, and
will keep it, 'We iteet-auet frienale,
Good night
lite bent over Itte band; Irot *yap WO
wit° to ?also it to laz ape er even to
Press it: end when Casette aterotcred
the dreeriug.rooto ass atm
lIes'e.etti ley Iowa. fa the eeerner of
the fly that toil WM bocis Brom-
ley, Use rifted st, eheet,
his arms foldeti, tette w!th noel on
lais derk facia whiiti seasell. keel) eleleas
ea the emOple be atitt Kit lett, oonle
Of at ottl %Vett at that c...,*te.tnt re-
marsing with eppronti
able. inenneet; toed las eatatterstetantal
ability. NO Mtn ISItlett Wee; rearteted;
Ala! bed suete rel.:teem than
!hit Mal else teg' it.i.Jej),;(*.trAlMt it:Vd
Cheareat. Pe ahem that ealytie's
on was final .).th), AM. would
tvsnr ..$4ntsftt. tey sp.arty thtt it
vitae gee ea It:et aetarestee taald +Vet
acee re re)en Illainlee Hera To a
Men ct he, Later% It latie eeellsoigh
eesotittoteg Met this girt, tee eutell
Own On CI 1.tOitrot of Ilfe, ohtiole
Stand Waver% Win and him dream
.eed tat 'Octet of it ries, that she
won't4 ,:toad to tao bitt•t t.t14/
tor, theugh eailtletatelett totticad flail
.04 Wee streets old Neeltby, ead Vella
MOM .reetirtly Pierre ay Lr other Mat.
110 its( 2..:MVAIL into tee glooruy
hoists, eng re,..ttd up and dean LI.:
room h hted Velltb htb
We at .24ta. wn.th sere,tee to Yew*
hint and batk ot *waxy tt. .417,
th•rie W•141 t31t1
b!ut1:ev, licaulf l'eniutteet,to
dove)A tn.: Fa 44.rit,' mar.
topitvis feetuot. *Wok •.t..nAl
Obis Lite. t.., end per.
13a11 etetttfy the s„ttitit Unit
?id )11:e ytael 0111,'3111 :7.11.4;bt
latrtiti• AS i.41104.
tended to succeed, he would never be
master of Brainlea.
He was too reetlese to go to bed,
end he turned to the table aud fejJ
to work Olt some papers which wert
neatly piled' there. It wile routine
work, and he proceeded with it alma
mechanieally; but prettently he came
upon balf-ebeet of paper upon which
wee scribbled some figures and tape
maid in chemistry. lie regarded it ab-
sently for a moment or two, as it he
had forgotten what it was; then he
remembered; it was the analysis) he
had made of the contents of the vial
which had proved fatal to Martha
Ile took up the hal-sheet of paper
and, leaning back in. hie chair, re-
garded it thoughtfully. Suddenly lee
put it (Iowa on the table and drew
back his chair, eyeing the paper witn
n strange expression on hie face, ita
expression that was almoet one ot ter-
ror, of repulsion; and Yet be contin-
ued to gaze at the ecribbled figures
es if he got up and went to the fire
told warmed his hands; for a ehill had
crept over him that caused him to
shudder, He. resolutely kept hie beck
to the table for a time, but preaently
Ile glanced over his ehdulder, and af-
ter a while, he advanced slowly to the
table arid took up the 'meter again; it
Shook in hie hand. Though the rest
of him was tle cOld as ice, hie bead be-
gan to burn, his eyes ,grew dim, so
that the figures and *as danced in a
demoniac fashion.
He glanced furtively from side to
aide, as if there were other presencea
in tite room, 44 if he were listening
to some insidions voice whispering in
his ear; indeed, .he attually waved
his shaking hand as if to wave the
voice away, but it seemed to persist;
auti;' .after a minute or two, he 'sank
into the chair, and, with the paper
crumpled 'in his hand, sat staring be,
fore him, his face white as death, his
dark eyes' glowing with a terrible
expression in them.
And the -Mice sant continued to
whisper and he to alieten, now with
no impatience or resentment, but with
something near akin to acqUiescence.
The following morning Stanton
almost burst into the breakfast -roma
of the Hall.where Clytie and Mollie
were still lingering over the meal.
They had been disaussing-the party at
the Towers at which Mollie, at any
rate, had enjoyed herself amazingly.
On their way home Clyde had asked
herself whether.ehe shottid tell Mollie
of Mr. Hesketh Carton's proposal; but
had decided that sheswouid not do. so,
A rejected proposal should reniain a
secret between the taro persona prin-
cipally concerned; besides, the fact
that Mr. Hesketh Carton. had dared
-Clytie ' knew that that was how
Woold put it-ato ask her to; be
his wife, would only render the al-
ready strained relations between Mollie
and Mr. Carton still more StMineel,
and 'render the friendship betweeu
him and the two girls almost impos-
So -when Mollie had deinancled to be
informed- what Clytie and he were
talking about in the conservatory,
Clytie had managed to satisfy her
without disclosing the truth.
"Lord Stanton," said Sholes; and'
the boy bounced in with such an obvi-
ous air of excitement that • Mollie
feigned a dramatic start, and ex-
elai nied
"Don't tell me! I can gaess! The
Towers is -burnt clown!"
"Eh? No, no!" he said, laUghing,
but rather' ruefully. "Nothing's the
matter; that is- Oh, I say, I beg
your pardon for rushing in' likeethis,
but I was afraid you'd gone out. Some-
thing has happened, though. I have
lust had the most extraordinary letter
from Jack DouglaS."
Clytie rose, on the pretence of seeing
that the kettle was boiling -the ser -
vents did not wait at breakfast -so
that neither of the others saw the
sudden flushing of her face.
*You've not bad your breakfast,
Lora Stanton," site said "Sit down
and join us."
"Alt, yes," sal& Mollie. "Sit doWn
-if yott cam But, -don't give him any-
thing to eat pr drink till he has told
us what is thamatter. Once you pat
food before) men they forget every-
thing else, as I know to my bitter coat,
Lord Chillingford went through half
has dinner last night before he conde-
seended to address a rernark to me:
and I felt inclined to take his plate
from him. Now, what about Jack
Douglas -I beg his pardon, (Mr. Doug-
11:8d"?.W"hy, he'e gone!" exclaimed the
IX, 5, 01113/ About 40 P4 C. is
!Moine glen j quickly itt .Clytie;
but iClytie wee !Al her guard now, and
looked quite calm and serene; for of
coilree, she was not even surpriseA.
"Oh, gone on a holiday?" said'afol-
lie. "Well, I suppose be wanted it;
I ought to say deserved it."
"But he's gone for good!" alineet
shouted 'Stanton.
"Gone for bad, you mean," corrected
Mollie, sauvely.
"I can't make it out, It almost
looks as if he 'Were offended about
something; but I can't guess what it
Is. I save him yesterdey and -gave
him a -cheque. We had a few words
about It; I -I mean, he thought it was
too much, Of course It wasn't; I'm
not SO- tinbilisineselike." Mollie laugh-
ed deriSively. "Anyhow, it wasn't too
Much; and he took it at last, and pro-
Mised jo colne up to the Teeters last
nitebt to go over the speolfications. Ile
didn't come -first time Engles haa
broken an -appointment-and this
morning Mrs. WestaWay brings me
this letter. She Was awfully -eut up,
half In tears and half -nasty with bie-
as, if I were to blantet---says Douglas
left the eottoage last night, or, rather,
early this Morning; that he kissed
Polly good-by0 and told her he Was
going. but that he was coming hack;
but the letter says---"
113.s. tbe 1qttar confidential, or may
044 or,. matter. two, pertnitted to
hear it,' ateid asiollie, 011100111y,
"Of emirate he responded. "That's
?riot 1 brought 11 round!"
Ito took out th• loiter, which Poor
Yeek had ivrittou n big Misery, and
reed it, diuIJc drutazaild on the table
telifi an air of impedance and sonic -
thing alte vexation; but Olytie at
Pertifettl Still, belt chin hi her hands,
Der We Med en ih•
• "Yon gee, he gives no reason," said
!kluge% aggrievedly. "1 mom:geed-
EA belt to VON a bo4i4•7, bosom 11,,
as off color, and he had be work-
ing jolly hard and wanted a change, I
itad not the twit idea, that he'd got
the hump of the whole, thing, as lie
evidently h**, and wai gng to /ewe
the plaee for good. t don't know
what 1 hall do without hint, Feet as
if 1 eouldn't carry on without Doog.
IRS," lie vontinued. *nil I at the
thought of hittgoing like Oils, if --
as if something were the matter and
he'd been badly treated. ,What th
you think in the Matter?" he asked,
Joking from one to the other, anx-
Clytie made no reply, but
shrugged her sleouldere and Julia:
"I don't know. 1 auppose it would
be wicked end unladyllIce-which is
wOrse than wicked -to suggest tbat
the admirable Mr. Douglas had gone
en the spree."
"Mollie?" murnualed Clytie, reprovl
"Well, you suggest something," re-
torted Mollie, defiantly. "But --but
whot does it moiler? I mean, that
the world will not come to an end be-
couse vIr. Jack Douglas has suddenly
IreetatWnit,hycombe withIl or
out rYlue
"That's all very well," remonstrated
Stnaton; "but what am 1 to do without
him?" Ile looked trout one to The
Other ruefully, "I feel like -like a,
man witliont-witbeet.....”
"Witb.out his nurse," put in Mollie,
iu an undertone, fortnnately too low
for Clytie, to hear, "You will have to
do. without hint. ugage another
man to take his place."
Stanton il1t00k his head. "Don't
like doing that," he said, wistriillY.
"Seems -seems sort. of disloyal you
know, Besides, 1 got fond of the beg-
gar, He was Such a decent chap. Al
most like one of ourselves, You could
talk to Jack Douglas as if -as if he
were your brother, don't you know."
Mollie shrugged her shoulders.
"Well,.I'm Afraid I can't help you; un-
less you take us on in his place, and
talk to use iike-Iike sisters." •
"I shouldn't like you for -a sister,
Miss Mollie," said the lad, with a
sudden blush.
"And I'm not at all convinced that
1 should like you for a brother," re-
torted Mollie cohnly. "You would lie
too much of a responsibility. Did tou
ride over, or did you ruu 41) the way?
It the former was 'the mode of your
progression, and you promise to be
good and not bore us about Jack
Douglas, Clytie and I will ride over
after lunch, in your charming society,
and pay our duty call to Lady Mervyn.
do not know whether It is of very
great importance to you or the world
at large, but 1 like Lady Mervyn; ori.
It is always a cause for surprise with
me hbw.sshe could have deserved the
evil fate of beim: the aunt of -a car -
stain young gentleman I know."
The lad grinned. "rot/ always
mike nie laugh, Miss Mollie," he sena
"But, all the Same, I am awfully sick
about jack Douglas."
"And I'm sick of him, for. the 1)re.
sant," retorted. Mollie; "so let's droa
the subject. Have you finished? if
etshIe and help .rne feed athe dogs.
Clytie, order the horses for three
Clytie drew a long breath oterellef
when they had left her alone, He had
gone for good; what did it meao? Had
anything happened Since she saw him,
since she had promised to wait for that
-story of his? . She rose, with a little
gesture . of helolessness, arid went
'about her rout t work. There were
letters to read .and write, aecoonts to
.be gone into and checked.; aud she
strove to go through her daily tasks
and thrust Jack Dougles from her
mind; but every now and tlien she
found herself gazing at the paper Arad,
wondering what his letter could mean.
'Why had he said that he should not
come back; where had he gone? She
was inclined to make herself trihappy
over these and similar questlous; but
she was determined that she would
not do so. Indeed, the spring of hope
that had started in her bosomwas still
flowiug freely, and her newly 'horn in-
terest in the estate and the people
buoyed oil and•sthe went about with a
cheerailiness end the high spirits watch.
of late haddisplayed themselves in
her voice and movements.
It might almost be said that she had
forgotten Hesketh Carton; and she felt
somewhat remorseful when he came up
to the Hall a fortnight later and -she
greeted him in a. friendly way. -
"Mollie has gone over to the Tow-
ers," site said. "Have you been away?
1 thought -I expected -that you would
have come to see us before this; there
were one or two things about which
I wanted you to be good enough to ad-
vise me,"
"Ihave been up to London on busi-
ness," he said. He spoke qttite cheer-
fully and withoutnny suggestion in his
toneor manner of the reproachful mel-
ancholy which usuallY merks the re-
jected suitor, "Of Course I shall be very
glad to help you, Tell Me What it is."
Mapped Accurately.
It will astonish most people to learn
that onlY about 40 per cent, of the
8,000,000 square miles of the United
States • have been fairly accurately
mapped and that Muth of this 40 per
cent, will have to be gone over again
because of the rough methods origin-
ally used and bemuse of topographical
change 'since it was done,
The authority of these statements
is Dr. E. Lester James, of the rutted
States Coast and Geodetic Survey,
who makes Melo in an article in
Scienee on the possibilities of making
Maps from aeroplanes.
That topography may change much
Is illustrated by the tact that Fare
Island entrance, Long Island, N. Y.,
has changed Its Position Roue miles in
fifty years.
111 an article on photography in
war time, in La Seiellee et la Vie
(Paris), L. P. Clore suggests that tope.
graldheal maps Of States of even 01
whole tountries tan be preparea Mot
photographs taken from aeroplanes
far more elitaplY' and accurately than
by surveying. •
. Er. Jones polots out the limitations
of airplane photography; this can
scarcely yet help in measuring eleva-
tions, for instance, but he says that
In testing the eorrectuess of present.
day nlapti the aeroplane tould be of
great value, an it would be quieker to
Send it through the air taking photo."
graphs of the ground thttp it 'Weald be
to survey such vast areas.
Bluntlerteong: "Way, ellen Atielke, this
iea piseitsurel I lam't teen you for
long time. l'eat must pardon me, bat
yon look firtY-
Miss MIME "Mr. Illanderitiongl"
Mr. Bin erelong: "Per Amt. %Stet
than you dld the hot time I mot YOVII,
A V T V,Iyi 11
THERE is a nip in the air these mornings
that must be rather sharp to the man
who scrapes his chin when shaving
If he used a Gillette Safety Razor, be would
positively enjoy shaving every morning, he would
look his best at all times, and there would be
no cutting or chafing of the skin!
Furthermore, in the time he now takes to get
his oid razor edge as near right as he can, he could
finish shaving with the Gillette.
Stropping and Honing would be a thing of
the past for him. , That alone is worth 0, -.the
price of a
Safety :Razor.
Any dealer who is anxious to supply
men's needs will gladly show you a
variety of Gillette sets. See him today,
if possible.
Camel's Hair Coating.
You see It in'ome of t smartest
sport coats.
It is most taghionable • his winter.
and most attractive.
Tbe color is a soft, creamy tan, the
weave is soft and fine, and the mater-
ial has plenty of warmth.
It is used to make the much -liked
polo coats, with belts and pockets and
that boyish air which distiuguishes
sports' clothes.
It is quite wale -and quite expen-
eive-but then, what isn't tabs win-
* • te
Minardes Liniment Cures Diphtheria
.4 • •
The Indian Calendar
Among the Indians time 18 calcu-
lated by moons instead of months.
January is called "the hard. moon";
February, "the raecoon moon";
March, "the sore -eye .moon"; April,
"the moon in which, geese lay eggs";
May, "the tenting moon"; Julia,
"the mon when strawberries are
red"; July, ' "the ,moon when choke
berries are ripen August, "the hare
vest 1110011"; September, "the melon
when rice is laid up to dry"•, October,
"the rice -drying moon"; November,
"the deer -killing mom," and Decem-
ber, "the deer moon." ..
• 4,
To sateguard the, child froth 'dam-
age that) worms cause,. use. Miller's
Worm Powdere, the medicine par ex-
ceneoce for 'children, These powers
will clear the system entirely at
wornese will regulate and stimulate
the organn injurioualy affected -by the
Worms, and will eneourage healthful
operation of the digestive processes.
As n vermifuge it cannot be surpassed
in effectiveness,
Empires That Have Fallen.
Six empires have disappeared with',
in the memory of living men, remarke
a evrater in the Brooklyn ragle. Near-
ly etia,000,000 peeple, clOne to one-half
the worid'e population, have been re-
letteed from the ahaticleu of imperial-
ism since 1871. Mater Inas no paral-
lel tor ehch -changes• ln the retra-
epeet, of history 50 years are but a
flaeh in the march of tho ages, and
yet inee 1871 the doctrine of repub-
lipanieret hae been embraced by half
tile world. Not all the preceding
2,000 yeare of mankiod'a march to-
ward liberty rettorcio sueh progeesta
Six emperors have laid down crown
And sceptre since Theodore Rceettevelt
becaneathe exponeut a the strenuoue
lite. Tbree have died, one was mur-
dered, the .other two are in exile,
while or the three still living, 'only
one, the boy emperor of China, itt still
enjoying the luxories' that sweeten
life for thaw .3u lagh placte. It
Napoleon HI w3' led that debacle of
Done Pedro of Brazil
vats next, and the Met of the Matehri
dynasty followed. The crash of the
three „remaining Enrepean eropiresa
Rue,sia, Ausaria,-Hungary and Ger-
many,. resulted from the war for de-
mosracy. When it comes to mere
kings, 'memory' cannot 'recall them' all,
for they have tumbled everywhere
from Hawaii to Portugal, from Sax-
ony to Bulger:a.,
Kinard's Liniment Cares Garget. in
Cows. - ;
Illumine, a Postage; 'Stamp 'which,
though actually need for franking
letters, was yet never sold! This is
the eurious et.ra attached to the
orignai hIgyptian Expeditionary Force
(commonly called the Palestine)
Stanip. •
:As a; precaution againit speeulation,
it was not pieced On ptiblie sale In the
,tplaimid.al. Tay, but was affixed by the
PoStal sotthm
orities theSetves to•letters
upon Which postage lied already been
In some war collections._ too, may
be seen a .typewritIr stamp, beaded
"G. It. I.-Lont• island," and of the
face valtte Of �. , shllling. This uttique.
productioa Was "Issued", by the Brit-
ish Civil Administration: ot Mateo,
Long Island, itt the Gulf of Sraytne,
.during its occupatieo in 1916.
The most singular feature- of the
stamp is that it waaotbsolutely super-
fluous aa such, beettuSO the correepond,
ence of the 'British foras aid not
require prepayment, and the natives
could not be allowed, in the circum-
stances, to eonantenieate with the
outer World, .
Many London firms preserve Rus -
Man .§to,mp4.whieil.were designated to
Men, are Yon in.- Doubt
The Sneeialist
As to your trouble? Have you tome skin
eruption that is stubborn, has rested treat-
ment? te theee a nervous condition whieh
does not Improve in sp ite of test, diet and,
medicine, Are you going down hill steadily? .
ARE YOU NERVOUS and despondent, weak
and debilitated; tired mornings; no ambit -OM'
--lifeless; memory one; easily fatigued; eio
citable and irritable; lack of energy and confe-
dence? 19 there falling power, a dealt') on the
System? Consult the old aelieble specialist. .
Symptoms of Various Ailments
Weak and relaxed state of tbe body, aervousneso, desnendeneY, Poee
memory, lack of will power, timid, irritable disposition, diminished power of
applleation, oiergy and concentration, fear of Impending danger or mister-
tutie, drowsinees and tendency 10 ueep, unrestful sleep, dark ring:3 under
eyes, weakness or pain In back. -lumbago, dyspepsia, constipation, headache,
loss ot weight, insanonitt. Dr, Ward givos you the benefit of 29 Years' eon.
• tintiobs practice in the treatment of all chronic, nervous, blood and skin
dig:mods. The above symptoms, and many °there not mentiemed. shove
plainly that amnething Is ivrong with e.otir physleal condition and that you
need 'expert' attention,
Men, why surfer longer. Lei toe make you a vigorous roan. T.et Ina rt..
store your physical condition to tall manhood. Don't be a weakling any
longer. Make up your mind to canoe to lue -and X will give the best treat-
ment known to setence-the one stteeossful treatment bared on the expert-
' ence of 29 years In treating men -and their ailments.
Dr. Ward's Methods Unrivalled, Thorough and Permanent
Do you reallte that you have only one life to live -do yon realize thua
you are missing !Mgt of that life by 111 health? life weellt living is a I
healthy life. .N'egleet of One's health has put many 11 ma,' ia hi,: grave.
X have been telling men theme things for many years but Still there are
thouaands of victims who, for varlott.) reasons, have net had ti.c good eense
to tome mid get well.
Specialist in the neitiment ot nervous conditions, iterveus exhaustion,
backache, lumbago, ilteunitalsm, stomach, told liver troubles, Sone, skin
diseases, catarrh, without, rectal troubles, plies, fistula and bloodtonal-
ti°0"141Clt HOURS; a emu tet 8 p.m. sundaye-10 MM. to 1 poi.
Before beginning treatment lett *last melte one. visit to my offiee for St
persottal physicel rxaminatIon. ltelltoed fare wn; be tone:deed us riot
payment of fee, Cemittlian money accepted it full ailate.
Ufl.WAR1.4 79 NeluArGPAARL401/4RU. AYn. DR HERRICK
verve as currency and then be used
for postage. Printed during A tera.
Porary scareitY of Mali eltenga exti
of three volute- -ten, i".".teen and twelltY
kopeeke-they bear 0 n the back this
hiscriptioa: "Raving ktrmlation on a
liar with silver subsidiety
Just as remarkable le the BrItioh
Honduras stamp of 1915. When 11,
emleigartient of etampe was ready for
despatch from Loudon to British Bon-
-duns, a number of 0-017111111 raidere
were at large eit the Itlantie, and
there Wau a riek that it might fall
Into the hands of the enemy and be
used to rob the Britinb. revenue.
So the stamps were overprinted
1 with a moire design, that they might
be easily identified, The Clermont*,
however, did not capture the stamps,
and they were Hold in the usual way,
*Nlinordte Liniment Cure. Distomper.
New Alloy of Great Value.
On account et the high temperature
renttired for suitably Jasadening fine -
edged tools or tungsten high-speed steel,
Sbeffield toelonakers have sought a sub-
stitute rnetertal. nOW 4110y prO(NOS4
by adding cobalt to ehromium-carbon steel
IM reported to be best hardened by eaene.
perature not exceeding' 1,200 ta For most
purposes the hardening. needed is ob-
tattled when the tool is cooled naturally
III dratt-free oar. In a eomParetive teat
:saws of "cobelt °rout," atl the new steel
Is called. continued cutting four days
-without grinding, white SOAVO Of tAingSten
high-speed steel were dulled in two days
und those of carbon -steel in half 4 dala
• -
Ae.a vermicide there is no prepara-
tion that equals Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator. It has saved the lives
of countless children.
4 • 4• --••••••
Orchids in Burma,
Nearly all the prattle found in
Burma can be grown with a little'
care and attention in private gardene.
There is one exception, a mweet-sMelea
ing species called tazin by the Bars
mese, and which ia usually brought. to
market in Cbristmas week in.
goon. It It only aeems to tiower in tae
most malarious and least frequented
totalities, and at a time of the yedr
which is the tigers' mating season,
and when they are most clang+rous
to human beings. It ie. in great de-
mand by Burmese and sells tor, its
weight in silver. Its collection is pro-
fitable, but those who bring it in from
the jupgle often suffer from fever
for some weeks afterwards, In near-,
ly every manta in the year some or-
chids are in bloom, but althouga: tite
flowers are very beautiful, tea; of
thein produce any Sweet odor, while
some have a disagreeable medicinal
sicent,-Family Herald,
Men Swear -Women Complain
Just because their corns ache -
easy to cure them with Putnam's Corn
-Extractor; it acts -attinlesely in twen-
ty -tour hours. For eoritS, warts and
,callouses the only thing Is 'Plet-
Ilae$;" try it, ,eac at all dealers.
4••••••••••1:00. ••••••••.•••••F
Traps for Fortune Hunters by De-
signing Fenules,
elAttle did 'the. British government
,realize viten it provided that a tva't
.wittove should receive a dowry oo re-
; Marriage, what would be the cm -
sequences, The immediate .efteet 'WO
:that suck women became the lteiresS:
es of the poor, nud were so eargarielY
',sought in matrimony that the antlima
ulimately reduced the "dot",* Or-
iginally an Mount, equal to two
;year's issue of the pension, it Wis
!eat down to an amount equal to only
one year's issue of the pension, its
'preeent rate.
lTnwillingly, too, a number of traps.
were set for "fortune" -hunters. One
'widow wee persuaded to g0 thrOugla
the cerenlony of marriage with her
grandfather' or some ether person in
the 'prohibited degree, and atebse-
afuently she sent in her "ring" -paper
. and -claimed the rensarriage.gratuity.
The result staggered het and lis; hus-
band also. lair she was graaely in -
foamed that she had forfeited her pen -
sten through: Misconduct and was not
entitled to the arataity, because she
was not la fact reraarried!
Mensieur I
11 days ip the month of January
was suffering with pain of rheumatism
; in tbe foot. tried all kinds of remediea
lett nothing didame any good. One
C1' -
son told me about ?AWARD'S LINI-
MENT; as soon as T tried it the Satur-
day Mahe the next snorning I was feel -
lea very geega t tell you this remedy
is very goodr I could give you a good
certificate any time that you would 'like
to have one. If any tIme.1 come to hear
about ans. person sick or ',Ileums:risen, 3.
Could tell them about this remedy.
Yours truly,
210 Rue Ontario East, Montreal,
Feb. 14, 1908.
Soxnewhere, agaixt, there is a bit-
terly disappointed man who married
a widow, mily to find that she was
not entitled to the pension she was
drawing, a,nd consequently not eligible
for the gratuity. Unable to bear this
blow, lee disappeared, leaving hi a wife
to her own devices.
In many cases, moreover, the gratu-
ity has been an irresistible indueement
to bigamy. On the day of her "mar-
riage" for the seeond time a York-.
attire widoiereturned her "rine-paper,
and the following morning her "hus-
band" was. arrested. At kis trial it
the cerernouy of marriage with six or
was proved that he had gone through
seen women, and he was sentenced
to it leng term of imprisonment,
There is, hewever, another side tei
' tb,e shield. Not long sirce, for in
stance, 0 amnion (Ailed ,On the secre-
tary of a eertain local war pensions
committee, announeing that she had
"come about Marriage iitealey,"
' "But," protested the offielal, "you'ee
been reinarrIed, and had the geatuity.
- "I -don't mean theta' Staid the Wo-
man, drawing from her pocket an of -
tidal envelope. "The other pore deatoe
gone now, and 1 want to knote how
I shall go on if T marry a third time!"
Minard's LIttiMent'OureIr, Ottlds, etc
Extracting sat Front °clean.
11Xper1rlienta in Norway with a View
ta extracting emit from ocean Water by;
means of eleetrloitr linVe heed suecess
ful, and two salt feetories Will be
startea for this purpose 11). tati near ;
future. In reeent years it has been
difficult to gat salt from ahroAd and
sometimes it has been impossible to
salt down the fish. The new Salt ;
works should greatly ifillarfree the sit -
No matter how deep-rooted dig
eorn or wart May be, it must yield to
liolloway's 'Corn Pure if used as 41-
the on ot Oat&
ten-aOre fruit an4 pOUAtrY
hePtiy. Bee, 'phone or writ• G.
Inott, Vineland, Ont._ .
D44.14,1)r $4„111114 MOM' leAftf4:40,44-
iencriltig; 4t1.4AkcatteWofiltlegf3ttrare:
700x Wit, (frimsby.
V ItilIT PARA/ 0013, SAlan.-24 ACR,*0---
F neer St. h'atharinets; new fralnoll0411.°
and barn; 10 acres grailes. 0 acres pears
and plums; have always been p n4.1/
Sprayed and fertilized; owner le re JONI";
if goal at once buyer 04LO tette orr_bol"
/soca ot crops; wig. U0.90. 11% G. PrAor"
art, 8 Ann street, St. Catharinee. I
p)00 0 n
-CROWE izzAckr riat),1,
t ear Vineland Salaam; storyrattle house, a roOnn$, 4W and to110t,
hardweocl :limas, Nage verandah, otanept
Cellar; good barn and :stable witkeentent
flOore; all new; abundance ef CHKI; wokto•
hard and soft; in addition to the loaaeboa
there are apiecote, gottacherries, itee ...
mortment of small fruits; well loesta . A
money-maker, and will take enia reas
ert1' In exchange. J. D. Biggar, 204 cllyde
Block, eterninon, Ont. Regent 934.'„
ligi AORE,S 4%A.T LOAM; vIltit
--r -
oises buildings; close to TseY
Station, O. '4,`. R.; near achoel. Po ir Of-
fice, church: milk route Paaies fill 101'mundn: teS0.000. A.T
ddrees J. .1, atc. allY,
Otterville, Ont.
pinsT-crAss rairty iivaat ow US
ance pasture; in County of „Veeir half -
W. S. Ife.stinge, Woodstock, Ontario.
buildings; situation Al; price 321,900.
.. beat farms; two set ot aplendie
rellway stationg; never Selling :argent;
brick house with bath and water heating
system; new beak barn; first-class tIabl.
winagteraontai Iltopioldneiz bouuntdbiunigrAidroartilorloaa.
trie 100 yexta. distance; house tor iiired
man. aepplaaaex 27, 0beitenhant, Ont.
se. -
200 ACRES - °NEI Or OXIP014).'S
!;f1 3OOO-
tCitselN2kl14Tr1F1'2n5 gesoa, 27aelat:stlitg..7
00nfraineheu. frame barn, 32 x 50,0:eippt ti*es, 38 miles rrornataoito,:i trn gravel rota, 2 miles from0oeorroad. This is an exceptional
bargain, ,T. D. Biggar, 205 Clyde Bieck,
lisamilton, Opt.
, .
el d a I ;louse, eats be aought with
IfStio.14eetniie0is, er0sOnocinclel1 en
200 ACIIIIS Ea PARRY SiarlaNta
District, '31) under cultivettott.
stumps and stones, clay loam,
we watered, % mite from C.N.R. Sac-
o ool and ehurches, 7 room frame
" ent cellar, barn, stable, drive
or without stock and implements. '3'hat
Is a rare bargain. .7". D. Bigatua• 305
clyde Block, Itturinton, One
$4500- NEAR 1341caA5mIS,
acres bushtr0.41305clayand pasture. ind,e ocln1
brick house, stone foundatioregoodree1-
ler, frame kitchen and woodsaied, Veren-
Oh, good barn 30 x 30, 9 acres fall wheat,
scar:lois, cherches, etc., in ciampden
% mile away. Will take city aDrOp.
Orty in exchange. .7. D. Biggar, 205Clyde
Bloca, Hamilton, Ont,
NasoELLetrzotta •
ea Money Order. If lost or stolen Yon
get your inoney back.
iv capp,ble girl; excellent amine. -and
highest wages paid, Apply to Mrs, -A.
atoan,Toalniztn,art, 84 Delaware avenue, Itantia
a a large number .at clients desirmo
stock and grain farms,trait fermian
chicken farms.• It you desire tO sell yeer
place consult us for quick and seal:lac-
tory results. George W. Weak, Man-
ager Farm and .Suburban Departmeat,
lidaekay & Loyrry, 47 3arries stavet
Hanatiton, Ont. 'phone Rent 1E1.
e also twenty other pairs. 'Reid Baas.,
Ont,, Canada. -
Ierldgeburg, Ont.; stock coal fixtulas
.about eight thousand; this is the Woo
and finest store in town: secoed floor is
made into two flate, which, rent for,aeue
.litindred and fifty a year: property Worth,.
fifteen thousand; will sell stoey„ ft:attires
'end property complete for fifteen team: -
?and; nine thousand will handle- Box
Bridgeburg, Ont,
OR -SALFa-UARNESS 3atisn1"24g-
A- good tanning country; stOok, email:
no,Appesition; Landes leather illacalriar itt
good order; „eaod reason for selling: Box
37, Otterville, Ont,
Finest Mattes; "quality guaianteeda a
Bow Yellow Iclint, White Cap,- Yelj4
E *
Dent, Golden Glow, Early Bantam aw a
Large -eared Eureka Evergreen *It et
wen; also perfection Bean and Timothy
Itay. Buy direct from grower and flare
the mtddlema,n!s profit. S. I. AiteLennoo,
It. R. No, 4, South Woodalee, Ont.
PAW FURS -WHAT TrAV.23 '1'611;
aa what price? Relit Bras., Botifitall,
Ont., Canada.
and Silver Wyaneottes; been breeding
them continuous 35 years. If ..you -uv.
lookieg for winnerk and Winter laaent
'write me. Also pedigreed Aireettles teens
the best -blood lines .procurable. I. J.
Brake, Ont,
II acres gtrden, 4 ttereso paelare.
spring oracle, 37e black currant bushes,, fee
raspberry bushes, applee, awe- and falt-
er fruit treee;a10-roont brick house,ftir-
natio, a-pleco beth; bank'beart
buildings surrounded .by beautifth ahad*
trees and hedge; school 30e yards 11aft9Y:
cletrebese.atigh achool and :station at Jar-
gus, 1 pale away; rural Meal and 44-
Plume,- Title entire property I offered'
for less than the cost of the house. X. D.
Bigger.' 203. Clyde Bleck, Itamilten,,Ont.
Regent 931.
aa' of Oshavati, eoetisting of * emit; lite
Weave of any property et town, and' only
a mile from the broataisia Centre. Aaala
Bradley Wes., Osbatirea Ont.
roan. SA.LIVailiAltllY SOUND Allyr T
-300 acres timber, b•n2l0olt,_
and mania - APPla Zeultirie,
ivuoiatbricier roR Atm,'
Node- see.,,,aataaateataa..........a.a.......a.aaaaaaapeosaa
PLANIN'Ci. Nthteatony.
4 bine& Diener s.nel Metoh
shaper, jigisaw, out -Off eaW,
titer, jointer, counter
attermill. ea J. Thornton, -01.012a
POMARY wArrine
1451:25;AAINV;351Ltit'llaVelfs 19 �
press withiin 10 Toilet or 14
126e7”CdnastQtrtritelrivIctlt 18i*e
iP Aim
wanted. 11e141 Broe.. latealtivele
Of cantle, it pau•kwil eau'
routlts for sonrathW, but 1
people put on airs fIto