HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-11-13, Page 5FFP - • '9 0000. r•, +T, tbureday, Nov. I3th, 191$ TB. WtN.GR.AM Affi'A l • aye 1*1 i 00,00. z+: a • 110 Tested 250,000 Miles Three -Point Suspension Springs Greatest Improvement Since Pneumatic Tires OVERLAND 4 has been tested as No car has ever beep tested before. 250,000 :miles 6f mountain trails, desert sand, heat, cold, mud and dust, demon- strated the quality of every part d the car long before •ive'began manufacturing. This reniarkable test showed conclusively that Three -Point Suspension Springs, exclusive with ,Over- land, are • the greatest improvement in riding comfort since the introduction of pneumatic tires. Diagonal attachment of the Three -Point Springs aw both ends of a 130 -inch Springbase gives the road steadiness of the heavy car of long wheelbase. Equipment is complete from Auto -Lite ' Starting and Lighting System to Demountable Rims. The longer you ride in this car the better you will like it. Come and see this car. Ask for Booklet. Overland 4 Touring, $1195; Roadster, 1195; Coupe, 1845; Sedan, $1995. Prices f. o. b Toronto, War 'I ax included, subject to change without notice. L. Kennedy, :e +L • :leis rSG� "✓' Gs ESTA$LISHED ;NEAt7 OFFICE HAMILTON • "Canada must restore nor- mal business activity and to that end must have -nat- ional working capital.". Subscribe' to the 4919 Vic- tory • ligan: ANK O'F HAMILTON • -This space is donated by -the' Bank of I ainilton. .0.1010.100000 Canada Needs Money -Buy Victory Bonds :.Dealer, Wingham :. Y oe KILLED TIJEIR FRIEND Mr. 1~ditor. . Dear Sir, Our good friend Timothy Hay, no longer writes his interesting letters to the Advance: it is too bad, for there was more philosophy in the thinking apparat- us of Timothy Hay, then many a white wigged Judge, or gold laced diplomat. We would like very much if Timothy would give his view on the recent, election; the results of the election, struck me, as rather paradascial, for instance: W'ho gave tt5 women their franchise? Hearst. Who put Hearst out of power? The women. :Hearst gave to women the gun, and they quickly fired the shot to -kill their friend In the referendum vote, the women did superbly well, though they snowed Minder the grand old man who gave the referendum to the people, "Consistency, what a jewel". Who took the initiative in the Workman's Compensation Act? Hearst. And. by whom was he defeated? By a labor candidate. In the Temper- ance emperance vote, women shone forth, bright as the stars, but in the political issue what a "'the .` .,o�se ® QN.xakkNA" Exceptional values in Dress Goods, Suitings and Coatings. Many of these cloths have bden purchased some time ago which enables us to sell them at less than present wholesale prices, Here are a fety of the many values we offer. All Wool Coatings In plain greys and browns, heather. mixtures, -checks and fancy weaves at $4.00 to 6 50 per yard. Navy, Blue and Black All wool coatings, extra heavy quality, fine soft finish 56 in. wide specially price at 5:00 per yard. Red all Wool Blanket Cloth In extra *eight- and quality suitable for childrens coats and etc 64 in wide at 4 50 per yard. Brey:ali Wool Vicuna Suiting Suiting an excellent material for coats and suits, exceptional value at this low price 56in wide 4 50 yard, New silks; sweater coats, pull overs, variety. . Navy Blue Satin Finished broadcloth fast dye, a beautiful cloth for ladies suits and seperate coats 64 in wide, $7 50 per yd. Fine English Serge In nigger and new brown, an all wool material suitable for dresses and skirts 48 in wide at 4.00 yard. All Wool Serge In fine even weave shown in navy, green, garnet and burgandy. Extra value at this price 56 in wide, $3.25 per yard. Shepards Checks and Anion Plaids For childrens wear 42 in wide, at 75c Co 90c a yd. A gloves, hosiery, underwear iii great Be the "1" in VictoryBUYVICTORY BONDS . t prices paid for produce Phone 89 a contrast, and to the men who dared to be a Daniel, they cried, away with hire, away with hire. I ant no party man, and have voted grit as often as tory, but in this issue, for the life of me, I cannot see, how that tetnperatree people could vote, other than, Hearst. But pshaw, with some, Temperance can go to the Devil, if they can only manage to get in "Their Man", I do not begrudge woman her vote, as long as it does not rob her of the dignity - of womanhood and motherhodd A lily wilI raise its head above the most stag- nant pond, and bloom forth into a lovely flower, and if our women can raise their heads smiling and innocent, above the stagnant ponds of political corruption and iniquity, and still remain, sweet, pure and dignified. why then we welcome them gladly, into that inner circle, where men fight like fiends from Hades, in turning white men black and black men white. I am not referring at all to the U. F. O. for they then had no leader, butsimply to the Premier of Ontario and the Grit Leader, the former was out and out a Temperance man, while the latter was cold as an icicle on all matters pertaining to prohibition. Do you ltnow Sir; I always looked up- on the ladies as pacifists,but upon 'my word I do not know, how a pacifist could become a strong party political individ- ual. Truly yours, Uncle Josh. SCHOOL, REPORT' Report of S. S. No, 8, Townships of Turnberry and Morris, for the month of October. Total 800, Pass 480. Senior Third:—F. Henderson, 707; W, Henderson, 7oej J. Fowler, 695; M, Moffat, 491; x J. Wright. 325. • Total S5o Pass 210. Junior Second:—A. Proctor, 295, C. Moffat, 277, Total 350 Pass 2t0. Senior First: ---V, Lennox, 306. Total 400 Pass 240. Junior 1 irst:---E, Proctor, 377, *M. Jenkins, 201, Total 25o Pass t5o. Senior Primer:—I3, Lockridge, r9r. Total 4oa1'ass 24o, Junior Primer: ---A Henderson, 337. Number on roll x2. Average attend- ance for month x C, J. Brock, Teacher, A Strong Mixture Several weeks ago License Inspector White of Walkerton and Chief Farrell of Kincardine ran across a Kincardine citiz- en who was trying to put a kick into cider In his cellar several barrels of the moist- ure were found, and an analysis of the mixture showed it to contain about, 11%, Two ,and a half is all that is allow- ed. The matter has been Oared In the h }r of a evli¢ tat and kotereatirrg dsve• l+Ispneanta are lodlrnd Per* IN MEMORIAM &woo ,-- In Iovin4 memory of our dear daughter. Etta Elliott Snyder, wlro died November lath. 1018. One year has passed, our hearts are sore. As time goes on we miss her more, One of the dearest, ane of the best, God in his mercy, took her to rest. Bidding us sorrow and weep no more, For we all will meet on another shore. They miss you most, that loved you best. Ihut we know dear one, your soul's at rest, --Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. St ynEAt—In toying memory of Etta Elliott Snyder, my beloved wife, who de- parted this life Nov. lath., 1018. The happy home we both enjoyed, How sweet the memory, still, But death has -left a vacant place; The world will never fill. — Husband, A Credit To Canada Canada has every reason to be proud of that great family and farm paper The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mon - treat. It is now issued in • a new form, sixty-four pages weekly, and is more easily handled and read. The Farnily Herald is the great home paper of this Continent. Each and every issue is brim- ful of the choicest and most interesting and instructive reading matter, It costs but $1.25 a year and every subscriber for 1M0 is receiving a handsome souvenir portrait of the Prince of Wales, size 16 x 52 inches. This portrait alone could not be bought for the money. How the Family. Herald can give such a beautiful souvenir to all subscribers is indeed a my- stery, still they do it and their subscribers receive the benefit of their generosity. When You See The Flag Flying? There is not a single citizen who does not want to see thePrince's Flag flying in Wing - ham. We can and will . do it. But that means that everyone must BUY VICTORY BONDS ABNEIR COSENS Insurance and Real Estate Successor to Ritchie & Cosens. Magi -tam, Ontario ' After -war conditions, and the talo bone Reconstruction and Telephone Service, TELEPHONE service, like other public the war. Hundreds of skilled telephone workers went overseas. Many trained operators sought temporary positions in munition plants. There was a world shortage of the materials that go to build a telephone sys- . tem. Our reserves of plant and equipment - were drawn upon until they were practically exhausted. Necessary repairs and Mainten- ance work had to wait. Then came the armistice. The business world sprang itato intense activity. The de- mand for new installations all over our system was enormous. Now comes the task of getting back to normal—restoring our reserve plant, over- taking arrears of maintenance and repairs,. hurrying new construction of local and long distance equipment to meet pressing demands for service. Our plans for this year involve an outlay for extensions and replacements of over $7,000,000. We. are giving intensive training in our operators' schools to hundreds of young women to prepare them for central office positions. Our chief concern is that our subscribers should get the best passible service under all conditions. Skilled workers, adequate equipment, a resolve to do our best,,while realizing that we are all servant of the public --these are the factors which, we hope, will result in the maintenance of Elie pre-war standard of telephone service. services, undoubtedly suffered through • And we ask the kindly co-operation of all telephone users in— Making sure of the number by consult- ing the directory before calling; Speaking distinctly, directly into : the ' • mouthpiece; - Answering promptly when the bell rings. • The Bell Telephone Company of Canada BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATIONS.. THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE "CANE MOLA"- 100/ Pure Sugar Cane Molasses •- The best fattening, milk producing, food saving teed molasses on the Market. Don't accept•a.•substitute, We have a supply for .immediate delivery. HOWSON & HOW SON • The only authorized local distributor for Cane Mola Company of Canada, Limited, • Montreal, Quebec. •:L Loo 114 t• . at The Tractor The sensible thing to do when you buy a tractor, is to look at the tractor as a farm proposition. You Want a tractor to do farm work. The more work it does the better you'll like it. The less it costs to operate, the better you'll like it. . If it is a strong, sturdy, loyal piece of machinery, you'll value it. And if you get all these things in a tractor, you expect to pay a fair price for it. That's why we want you to come and look at the Moline -Universal. At once you'll be able to see the difference. We won't have to tell you that the Moline Universal is a superior tractor. It shows its breeding in its build. TESTINf DNIALS "I broke 160 acres and used only one quart of fresh water daily," --T. J. PolIey,'(,alnary "I threshed 70,000 bushels of grain with a 22 -in. separator and had no trouble. •-9 1). Cook, Mirror, Alta. "In every respect the Moline exceeded all expectations. Without may previous experience two boys ploughed nearly 120 acres of land in 3 weeks.” --'J. l). McAra. Calgary. It plows fast and well. You sit on the seat of the im- plement. Tractor and plow are like one machine— back and turn short. Lay -out and finish without horses. Disc and harrow, reap and niow. Do belt work. These are things which we can prove to you—in demonstration or from other farmers' experience. We will show you the economy of the Moline Tractor. Costs less for fuel and oil because of the high-grade Moline motor. Costa much less for the day's work, be- cause you will stop the Moline Motor whenever the tractor stops. The Moline starts easily with its electric self-starter. Repair and replacement costs are reduced to the mimmum—longlife is assured—because of high-grade Moline construction. Perfected f our -cylinder motor, Hyatt roller bearings, gears running in oil, all moving parts enclosed. motor away from the dust and dirt. You can't get Moline quality in any other tractor. Now is the time to decide on a tractor. A tractor bought now will speed up every harvest operation and mean hundreds of dollars int next year's crop. Come in and see us. We shall be pleased to demonstrate the Moline universal Tractor at actual farm work to anyone interested. ALLEN. Sc ALLEN Blyth, - Ontario Canadian Distributors---Willys-Overdid Limited Toronto Made by Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111. MOLIN UNIVEPSAIL T •