HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-11-13, Page 4ot,r
:t iu 11t rem `, ' iifflCt
A. G. SMITH, Editor and Prop.
The trouble these days seems not so
much with labor as with idleness.
▪ *,►
The indemnities at Ottawa regardless of
NAY. now have something to think
* . v
Anything that is desirable is advertis-
able and the way to sell more is to tell the
People about it • *
It is some satisfaction thought that one
cines not have to dodge much to escape
being hit with falling prices,
* >r R
The U. F. O. victory has not yet
brought down the price of farm produce.
In fact, said produce has gone up a few
/At YE Is
The Average citizen is beginning to feel
as if it does not make much difference
whether capital or labor is on top, as he is
between anyhow,
4 * *
A premier'who helps with the chores on
his farm on Sunday, and conducts the
bible class in the afternoon shouldn't go
far wrong in the management of the ship
of state.
*. et
That Ripley Presbyterian preacher who
so hotly crjtizised the Hearst Government
on Sunday evening apparently hasn't any
intention of leaving the Liberal party,
even to join the U. F. O .
* >fi •
No government issafe in the world to-
day, because of the unrest that prevails,
,,anti which reveals itself a desire to destroy
existing governmental conditions, no
matter how honest and progressive.
s e •
The Ripley Express, the rankest Liberal
paper in Ontario, barring one, says in its
write up of Rev. Gilmore's Sunday
evening polical debate. that the Renewal
gentleman excelled in his discourse. .
* y
The conservative meeting in Toronto
decided to give all reasonable support to
the new U. F. 0. government. The Con=
tentative opposition will be one of cora.
struction not destruction,—a befitting
policy fora great party to adopt.
(Written in May, 1861, by Edward
Everitt Hale.)
some freemen of the land
Come meet the great demand,
True heart and open hand —
Take the loan!
For the hopes the prophets saw, ,
For the swords your brothers draw, •
For liberty and la%
Take the loan!
Ye ladies' of the land,
As ye love the gallant band
Who have drawn*a soldier's brand.
Take the loan!
Who 'Would bring them what she could,
Who would give the soldier's food
•Who would staunch her brother's blood
Take the loan!
All who saw her hosts pass by,
All, who joined the parting cry,
, 'When. we bade them do or die,
Take the loan!
As ye wished their triumph then,
,As ye hope to meet again,
• •. • And to meet their gaze as men,
- Take the loan!
Who would press the great appeal
Your ranks of serried steel,
Put your shoulders to the wheel,
Take the loan! ,
That our prayers in truth may rise,
.Which we press with streaming eyes,
On t' e Lord of earth and skies,
• • Take the loan!
The Smartest Caps
in Canada
Their style, splendidtailoring,
good value and jerfeetion of fine
detail is guaranteed by the name.
—the honor marls of quality.
Our Fall acidWinter showing ire
;noses ready foryourselection.
N. E. rSARD az CO.
• DR. 0. H. R0s5
C.ir*dnate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto Faculty
I f 1)er.tistry
(Are over IL E. h *rd's store.
". WilNG1
NI •
,Four Dreams . corneTbie
Ford parents dream of a 'bright future
4for,their, children.
They dream of the literary and musical
education they are going to give their
daughter, and of the high position she will
• in her sphere of womanhood.
• They dream of the education they are
:t .ing to give their.son and vision him some'
sl,.. as a clergyman, a famous lawyer an
physician, a prominent financier,
c _ .lain of industry,
But to make these dre4 iris come true
YW e
ct y
-or even partly true—requires foresight,
planning and money.
To provide the money what plan so
wise as to buy Victory Bonds for each child?
Thousands of parents bought Victory
Bonds for their children in 1917 and 1918.
Surely you wifi be among the thousands
of loving parents who will buy Victory
Bonds for their children --this year?
Victory Fonds may be bought, on instal-,
yn.ents atsuch easy terms that every parent
Who so wishes may buy
• Thursday, Nov, i$tQ.
Now Mold Iiia now waxed boar'
package —, a great improvement
over the old load package
TEA's goodie
Sold only. in sealed packages
nasForYour Chuldren
• Issused by Canada's Victory Loan Committee
in co-operat:cn with the Minister of Finance
of tue Dominion o: Canada.
((in'lar l dazed ?8a`' limn&
/o/ 'er J i60-
, ; ivory Collet
s'hi'rr as dre x
r..t •- • l eyyVDT"latP
_tor 4
-WRY handled toilet pieces are of
such chaste beauty. •Every maid
or youthful matron is pleased -to
possess them. • We have a delightful
array of boudout' regtxisities, •
Your sight is the guardian angel of
your other senses, Our expert.
will fit your eyes with the
proper glasses.
Jeweler and Optician
I !j ! !!I!Ilillllll 1p(ii!liuum.
If You Have
High Blood Pressure
You must be Careful
When the Blood Pressure is much above normal.
there is always the danger of the rupture of a
blood vessel, most frequently in the Brain and pro-
ducing a stroke, or in the Kidneys, producing
Bright's. Disease. Don't worry about it, just be
careful and guard against over-exertion and excite -
anent, take--
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
to quiet and soothe the Nerves, to dissolve that clay -like
substance that forms in the Veins an Arteries and to
increase your Strength and Vitality so that you oast better
fortify your body against disease and trouble.
Better get a few boxes now, when you thinkof it. Price
50e a box, d fps $2.50. Sold by all dealers or by mall post
paid. BEWARE OF CONSTIPATION, it is one of the ag-
gravating causes of High Blood Pressure. You can drive
out tho, evil poisons caused by constipation by using
for $1.). These two medicines go well -together and bring
great harmony in the body. Be sure you get HACKING'S
as no other kind or combination will be so successful.
Listowel, Ont.
their children he walked up the country
road to -his home, where .he said, h5 in-
tended resting for the remainder of the
day, and then retiring early. Monday
morning he left home at four o'clock for
Toronto, there to confer with U. F 0,
leaders and answer the call of the Lieuten-
ant -Governor. Political matters, no
matter how important, were not allowed
to intrude on his Sunday. He made no
telephone calls, and received few, and he
Ieft instructions at the telephone offices
that messages which carne for him during
Sunday were to be forwarded to him at
Toronto on Monday: He did not wish to
know their contents on the Sabbath
Besides being a farmer, Mr. Drury is a
Sunday school teacher, and being Premier,
he says, isn't going to make any difference
so far as his Sunday school class is con-
cerned. A. half dozen Attie farm boys got
their S nday School lesson Sunday after-
noon from the Premier -elect of the prov-
ince, and they will continue to have the
same high personage as instructor every
Sunday, for he doesn't intend to give up
the work. From 1.30 to 3,40 he sat with
his pupils in one corner of the basement
of the Crown Hill Methodist church .and
gave them religious instruction, advising
them to be guided by conscience and urg,
ing them to cultivate moral courage
After Sunday school he proceeded up-
stairs and sat down with a neighbor near
the front of the court ti, facing his wife,
who sang in the choir of their rural house
oditerthip. The certgretatkrn is ru.t.pt>°r-
ed of farmers and their families who reside
nearby. Only about 75 people were pres-
ent on this occasion, over half the ;sews
being empty During the service, Prem-
ier Drury tiptoed out and down to the
basement, where ire attended to the Turns
ace, for it was a cold day, then tiptoed
back to his seat for the remainder of Rev.
W. S. Irwin's sermon. The fact that one
of their members was the Premier created
no apparent stir among the little 'congre-
gation. In his closing prayer however, the
pastor asked Divine guidance and blessing
for him, and offered thanks "for the honor
that has comae to us as a church and as a
township in the promotion of one who is
dear to us."
After the service Many of the members,
men and women, came up to shake the
Premier's hand offering their congratulat-
ions. Outside of the gate a few farmers
gathered round him and talked for a few
minutes. Then, with Mrs.. Drury and
A meeting of the Institutes of the Au-
burn Circuit authorized by the Quarterly
Official Board of the methodist church
will be held inAuburnon the, afternoon
and evening of Thursday, Nov. 13th.
The following program will be observed:
Afternoon Session;
2.30 Opening Exercises. W. J. Parks.
2.45 "How to Get People to Sunday
School." Wm. Robinson
3.00 Hymn.
` 3,05 "A Model Sunday School Session"
I 0, E. Erratt.
3.20 Solo. Miss Lena Plunkett.
3.25 The Practice of Evangslism," A E
8.45 "Training Boys and Girls in Christ-
ian Service." C Wightman.
4 00 Question Drawer Discussion Rev.
R. J. Ross, Auburn.
4.30 Closing Exercises.
Don't go home. Stay and have supper
with the Auburn folks. There is some-
thing extra good on the evening program.
Evening Session
Chairman. 0 E. Erratt.
7.45-8 00 Song Service led by the choir.
8 00 Address by Miss Mabel Bailey,
8.20 Musical selection.
8.30 Address by Rev. (Capt) J. F. Rey-
eraft, Goderich.
her ingredients must -be pure and good in order that she I
may have success with the pie, cake or pudding she is
making. She knows she can be sure of purity and uni-.
formly high quality in
Every sparkling crystal
is absolutely pure; every
process of its manufac«
tura is safeguarded with unceasing vigiw
lance. Dominion Crystal Sugar adds
to the natural deliciousness of pie fill.
ngss- sweetens too tart fruits without
destroying their fresh fruit flavor.
Dominion, Crystal
Sugar is the only sugar
that may rightly be
called "Canadian from the ground up,
We do import the finest of raw ease sugar
and refine it. But our pride is in the product
we make from Canadian sugar beets N--' its
use it dictated by good judgment as wall as
Rotisseries at Walleaelso'i, Maharn and K whwwe
Before coming here for Ice Cream, Pea Soup, Tomato
Soup, Corn Stew o`r Sandwiches and a 'Hot Drink.
Palm Dairy Ice Cream
TAKE NOTE—Will close every Friday evening. one half-hour before
sundown, until Saturday, one-quarter hour after sundown. Time this week:
Friday, 4 45 p. m, to Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Meals will be sefved to regular
boarders during this time.
PAUL E. VAN NESS, Proprietor.
Special Discount To Regular Boarders.
s —
Buy ,"Victory Bonds" to the Limit.
OU will find all
three flavours in
air -tight sealed
packages—but look
for the name
because it is Your
protection against
Inferior imitations.
iust as the sealed
Package is Protec-
tion against im-
t:hs .WINet GlSA1