HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-11-06, Page 6-ereeiserweter'"-e-Irmr---"w—_____ eeteeeiteele*****e*****t+esee+e-e • lieHURSES FOR LUCK -e-te***+*+•** *tsetse+++ +++tee When the Winner of Amy big race is being led back to the paeldoek, eays London, Ideas, hundred"! Of teen and Women ero'y jzrenne and try to -notch, Wm. Thie, happened atter the Car and SUburitan at Epsom the other day. It will happen after the Derby and the Oaks lo, partieular. The auperetitign, is that if you touch the aniMal, luck wIle mete be you. Te belief that eerten horses, ea- pecioly white torses and dum horses, can bring leek. eve tt atter death, dates bank to what the lawyers term "a perlott eo rewrote that the memory of Ulan rItienetit not to the contrary." And there aro other etiPerstitious re- lating to tortes. X dare "toy It is not geterallY known that the firet horse tratzled to per- form oircus Welts ended by being Pronouneed "poseetsed ot a devil" awl burnt alive with' his Mauer, a man nettled Betake. This happened ht Elleabeth's reign. The torse was Called MOrocco, and be lased to Valk upright oinhis hind logs, rear, neel, slt and lie down When told to do so by Bank% line to indicate amongst the epeetiators any individual selected. This 'Was too much for the superatitions talk nse that Period, and home and mon had to pay the penalty. •ve.ti in the centurlee /before Christ, supenieltions attached to 'torso. Amos* the •Scythians it Was especially rampant, horses aelog Molted upon by tete whole of that -race les iqek bring- ers, with the result that when a SOY- thian,kbeg died, his t000rite horse was Put tee (loth and bur1e4 with him, On occasions the horse war; buried Neat him etive. Thee, a year later, o horrible rite used to be performed. This oonsisted In the executionnuenally y strangu- lation, of about BO of the Stroegest and nandsomest opung men among the dead king's sebeects, and in the etranoulation of an ecnial number of the best hOrses tiOne leingdom. Men • and horses were, then dtsernbowled and stuffed wake straw, the horses eet up in a circle rotind the king's tomb; and the 'dead men placed aatrine theirs. And there the Wein emledron re- mained unt'il it ertitabled away to dust, the idea being. that the gods the kihg had worehiped would feel gratified at this saerifice. The same (gunnies prevailed ,ett later date among the Tartar, and formed part ot the religion orate 'Scandinavian and Teutonic raceIt Wan Anse com- mon oblong the Vence', Whose name survinee to this day' in the • nainetc Venice. Eveu as late as the year 17O1, when Frederic Casimir, eonentander et Lor- raine, died, his horse was killed and buried with lam, while at the fun: - 'era! of Li Inittg thag, which Many of us can re•memeeve reading about, a horse and chariot -made ot paper were burned at the' graveeitte-aprobably a last ourvival Ot ogle similar -rite once obeerved'it Jame/amid China, at the extraoraivary temireligieus borse ratee Which stin takes placeo antually 1 'taboo -or die just before the war-talled tlie "Palice of Sienna," h,orses with end emarkligs Ore etep- Poeed to be Mak britgebs, While a horse with a wall seye s looking upon as a harbinger of evil, This super- stition prevets teed in Parts of Tre• e land; I know a mart In county Lim- eriek who, because some years ago he chenced to breed a mare -with a welt eye, is still looked at askance by some of his friends. , The white horses cut into hills in varlets 4erte, Engletd, •notably in Watshire, date hack to a period un- knetaltabot the legend eoncerning them Is that the natioes at Britain wor- shiped them, enellitaing that fortune Would oame if they prayed to tbose horses sufficiently long and with enough fever. OOLORS =wan - On Persons When 'Used in a Room. ilave yOu gone Into e Antall room In an apartment and wondetel why it appeared so small and stufty when it$ twin aeroas the hall seemed eo ranee larger end more cheerful? And have you closely observed the decoratione of the two rooms and hit upon the right ealution-the difference in the colors ased on walla curtains and fur- niture? A writer in Priettea 'Carpet and • Rua News Mengel to light stome interesting taets abottt color: Blue la a contrasting color, reflect - Mg less light than it giveand has a tendency to make the rooni in which It is used as a dominatiog seherne eeera inech omaller than it really is. Toilette IS the antithesis ef blue, for It expands, reflecting More light .than Any other shade and givee both length Mid breadth to a tootle. It is „ especially good for use itt room with northern exposure because of its light oeflecting quality. •Red le one a the warmeet colore ' and **mild be used only 311 email bite for contraet. It should be treed meat operingly if a restful effect le deeired. , elauvee, grates end violete are eold +cetera and ehould b teett as back- ground tor colore of Mote warmth. • Ail combined ettloite, ucb n geeens urpleithd brown, Wilt follow the dominant pritnary eoler of their mix- ture. A sUlitlY l'00111 can etand the . told ecolors, while e, north room must hove %%rho tieh Auto. Strong con - trots produce excitement. A. Bunch of Palsehooda. • One tibm there was A wettian whose shoes eyelet too small, and who 'admitted it. , A women whOze euminer furs Were too waren and she toed sio, . A wOman Who adinlited tient her party dress was ,too thia and low out A women who eeplored the fact that her baby was se •homely and so el Old. • A woman who told Yon she had a good dinner ramie for you. A man who, when you aelred him he bad a knife. anewered: "Ton bet You, and a good once" instette of eng: "'Yes, a nitee of one." ---Farm Life. *wee ot. ItelneMbered IVfOther'S AriIver Little Harry one day Poked his nin- liver who made the feces and was told that God matte them. A few deye later An old eatored mati rawer' lei trim tit note; and the little Ventre.", beellIghthi at work, ran to his mother and ex- elattned: "Oh, maMnia, God's out itt the yard repairing his trees!" -seta Torenly-POP, are there any Innis cure girls mentioned in the Bible? Torentas Pop --N'ot Diet 1 }time of incan by bendtraideute ley son. Tommy -Then wiest does It Lei SIR WILLIAM'S attesemeettoose 111111101111111111101111101,MMINIIIIIIIIIMMMINWPIPOOMM to looked from right to left, as If ehe would have escaped the question if she could; hut his eyes were fixe4 On her with an intentness, an earnest - nem that eeerned to ,e0111Meald her teart, and-traitorelte heart! - 4 yteided. "Why, yes," she tied, in a low voles, which, for all her efforts,. quavered, and Witt a smile that flickered pathe- tically, "I-ehall be glad -you have always been so kind --ecte-so--careful of me -1s, nay sister—" He nodded, "Yo, put It that way," i he eald, with a short breath. ' Then, if luck go with rae, I'll come to you - and tell you. It wIll seem a 1011g Unle- but I can wait. Can wait" -bo laugh- ed slowly, mockingly -"for wealth and fame and the rest ot It, you know!" She moved away front. him without a word, and to stood, hie eyee etill fixed on her; tben he started, as if item a dream, and coed: "Your homer' "At the stable," she said, just glanc- ing ,,at hitn, "But don't trooble. One of the men—" He walked beside her, and almost itt eilenee they reached the stables, He got the horse --she noticed how care- fully he examined the girths and the fastenings-aoa held his hand and knee for her, His strong hands lifted her, as if she were a feather, into the middle, and Ile stood for a moment looking up at her, as he arranged the mine in her hands. "Thank you, thank you," he mu- ttered, ter eyeo downcast. "I-1 an late, I must ride fast. Good -by!" "Good -by," he responded, iti his deep voice; and the motile of it rang ib her ears, and seemed to be echoed tthrn, yethal e pines as e rode between Jack stood looking after her, his face pale, Ids lips set. Yea; he could wait until the time of grace set forth An the will bad paesecl; then he would go to her and say: "I am Wilfred Car_ ton. I have renounced my claim to the estates and the money, they are Yrioielip; I love you; will YOU marry A voice from the beach startled him, and he turnednto see Lord Stanton coming up the beach, "What lucki" he called nut; and the V'ords ounded like a good omen in &Wien eltra "1 was afraid I should Miss you. I say, Douglas, the specifi- cations have come down, and I want you to go over thexn at once. Will you come up to tho Towers totoight?" jack nodded, "Yes, I'll come;" he i Oka absehtly omitting tbe "Lord Stanton," The led looked at him. el say, you look rather off color, Douglan" he f seed, end he /aid hie band in a very a friendly way on Jack's broad shoulder, "You haven't looked • the thing for e soma time past. You've •been sticking to the work too hard, and want a change, that's etat's the matter. Why t not take antolidaly, no Up to Loudon, and leave a bit of a epree, do the thee- f etree and the muesec-halls, Ob.?" h It did not strike him as strange that he ehould speak as if to an equal; and Jack nodded. a "reaps I might)" be said, thought - es "That's right!esaid etord btanton. "And, b ytbe way, I put a cheque in My pocket, thinking might see you - rather fortennate coincidence, wasn't it?" He shyley slipped a cheque in Jack's hand, and went on talking quickly; but Jack, after glancing at the cheque, broke in with; "Oh, but this is too much, Lord Stanton!" The boy laughed; then faced him te- Meets. 'Yes, I thought that was the kind Of 'rot You'd tote," he declared. "Too Much! Why, lee only on account; you don't blipposo I moot it as full pay - tient? You jugginot you've earned twice that amount; and I've ecoreel tut end by employilig you Instead of h tegular Johnny. Now, look here!" as deck ()betted bis mouth to expostulate. "I can be as darned obstinate, as you ean, Douglatt; and I tell you straight that 1 ratan be awfully offended if you Make any fuss about the coin," Jack nodded. "It' e too much- but, very well. lel be tip to -night." "I'd ask you to come now, but the Miss Bramleye and Mr. Hesketb. Car- t -en are dining with me" "I'll come sotne °thee tight, to- intirrote," teed Jack quickly; "No, to!" said Stanton eageritt. Want yoll to go over those patters. ill come to tem In the library -there's the phaeton; and, by George! I'm late' He ren to meet the phaeton, and Jack turned into the cottage to receive elm Wostawaye) reproaches. But he teitee Deemed more eheerfttl, More like his en, bid self, that eventeg, and, While he had his tea, he took PoIly on his knee "eve and told her stories until she clapped tee her hands and burled her laughing eto teee against his heart. hair tied in a pigtail, and -yes; there 'was enytie in black lace that made the clear Ivory of her neck illto tiae driven snow on which 'the faint dawn Is shining. How lOvely she was, and-. at, how touch better!--- bow lovable! But for his folly,, and the fierce pas- sion which Ives skin to madness, that bad wrecked leis life, he. might te there, by her side, a welcome Knee, free to love, to woo her, Walt a Mgt, he was turning away, when he saw the tall, slight figure of Hesketh. Car- ton leave Lord Stanton end aPProach Ostia Jack stopped unconsciously and watched. them. He saw Heaketil bend over Clytie and speak:no her - it was some request, evidently, for she, atter a moment's hesitatiou, rose, and they passed into the adjolning cone servatory. Jack moved away; but he had to Pase the conservatory, and, tlaough he turned his face aside, anti, setting his teeth, endeavored to walk on, his re- solution failed Mw, and he looked in, They were standing in front of a bank of obaysarithemums, and Heeteth Carton -his cousin-, as Jack median - leaflet reflected -was talking to her, bending over with an expression in his face which. sent tbe blood to Jack's face and made his heart beat fierce, ly. Clytie was listening at first with Pest conventional attention; but be saw Hesketh suddenly draw closer. bend still lower over her, and take her hand. Ile was altaost too blinded by the sudden passiort to see that her face had grown crimson and then pale; his eyes were fixed on Hesketh's face, and hie rapidly, yet smoothly moving tips; and, with a stifled exclamation an oath wrung from hint in ids agony. he turned and fled ---for it eels flight - into the •darkness, • Fool; fool that he was! He bad heen too honorable to declare himeelf, to tell of his 'Jove, had beaten Oboe the bush, had stammered an appeed to her to wait -and Hesketh Mem' had stepped in before him and won her! His passion, the jealousy, which had been so swift to leap to a cono.usion, tore at him like a wild beast. Tie flung himself into the shrubbeey, and forced his way through like seine wild animal in a fury, and Omen binitelt upon the road, down which he stombl- ed like a man half -blind. Luck! He had called upon it, tnd t had answered, him property en- Migh-made a mock a him. Yes, he had loot ,her. A al serve him right! Such men as -he, such cols as he, deserved just suclz lock s had been -dealt out to lam. roe 'hours he wandetece about the ,00ds, now blundering againet the tinge inees new stopping to stare be- orelaand try and ease the anguish, he deseiale, that crushed his heart, ut ever driven on again in his flight rom thought, from the realization of is loss: ,• It wee hearlet clawri when he Mailed tee mittege; and' he was allude now, end Moved as one spurred by a plAt f action. With some difficulty he wrote ' a short, note to Lord Stanton, saying that he,wes oft, not for a holiclay; bat tangoed; then he went tip td his font and pecked, a few clothes into a beg and stele down again. Softly As he moved, Polly„who was awake, heard him, and palled to him. He went intd the tiny rbora, and she sat up, rubbing his eyes. that you, Mr. jack?" she said; yeevdiagt "What are you dolt'? It's velly lee; isn't it/ 1,Vhere Are yeti going wiv that bag?" "I'm going on -on a little journey, Polly," he said. "Don't make a row and wake your mother. Tell her I was obliged to go. She'll find some money on the kitchen table." The child put her arm around als neek and peered ideepily bp At bini, "How cur'ous yout voice sounds," she said; "and you'm all evhite and staking. You'm had again, know. And what are you dein' in the middle of the night for?" "Business, Polly," he mid, his throat dry and itching, "You're comin' back?? elle said, tint - "lees, Ien coming back," he saki, forcing falsehood. "Thent , lid down and go bytby again." He drew the clothes about ter and kissed, her; watt a little egh of con- tent,she elosed ber oyes, and Jack, a Inn* hie perched theoet, stole fecine the tont end out of the 'louse. • CHAPTER XIX, Now, Cletie had accompanied Hea- th Carton to the conservatory with - t the least suspicion of his object in ing iter to do so. It may be tweet. as an almost universe truth the LT woman, even a girl in her ns, knows when a man Is in love th her; and had leesketh's heart n engaged in Me businesteno ttbt Ciytie would have diticovered fact; teat he Was not in love wall -it is doubtful 'whether Mr. Has- h Carton was capable of an exalted Mon -what he desired was not tie, but Braratey end Sir 'William's tune; and, that being so, Clytie was tined in attributing the attentions h which he had favored her to a pie desire to make himself pleaeant a near neighbor. , o she went We the onservettery to innocently and without any ode - lag, and listened placidly and eteely as he expatiated on the beauty the chrysentheneutne. She toticed t his voice was softer thaia 'tette), that his dark ems dwelt Upon her e rather than the tiowere, be she ;tined quite, uneodeeleue until, his ee dropping to almost a whisper, sttld: • tranney, I asked yoU to come here alone with rite beettuse ted to ?meek to you, to tell yOu of ething that is of vital importance ne, I think, I hope, that you will be altogether unprepared foe What m going to tell you, Yet mist ft Seen that my frequent visits to MIL my evident desire to be near , sprang from to ordinary tettee, ,od, though I' have refrained from king -for I have, of course, felt, eeneible of, the presumption of wing myself -4 think you miutt e gtiesiged how it wan is, with me, o not thlrik any man could have 80 11111ell of you as I have done out being inspired by- love for you; ny rate, I atn not that man,' aztd "I'm, eo glad you're better, Mr. Jack," do bee she said, stroking his face. "And I've the been and. told Miss Clytie you web ever so Medi') ket her lee ehatged his well-worn riding- eats Olt for one of blue serge, lit his pipe. ale h.nd walked over to the Towers:- As for Polly had said, he was ,better. 'rho: toe glorious light of hope had east a beam eat acresa hia brooding heart 'and light- atm thee It. Of rourse, she had not un -•to derstood *hat he Wag. driving at; Mit s tihe had hot beet offended; had tot mg hinted awe tt haughtily from las re- toe, etteet, Why, It had almost seemed eer. es if she bad proinised to wait for of hint! Ridichlotte, Of couree, but the httgged the delueleh; and pictures, de- and 1Ituspictures, of a possible ftiture fae unrolled betel* in the starlit rem enght, fit which the soughitg of the vol pilie bretollee steetted to hetet° the he 1111610 of he vete. s, That beautiful girl hie Hie lee out stopped to, entre before him, breath- wan less with the thought. Rom Ile had timed ItirilteIf to errive at to 1 an hour when the dinner should be ,nOt Well ever, 'and lewd Stanton free to e it eotne to him, and as he approached fl.,_n't" the house he met through the win- tue dows of tho great drawing -room a .;(1,,t1... scene whieh bad once boon familiar Inur enough. snot Ile paused lit the sereers of the- been laurels and lookee ed in wistfully. The n'" bav softly shaded lights showed hint the d women in their rich frocks, the men seen In the ltefern regulation evonink dreas: with ata ady Mervyn in black Yellreti with cella lace and (1" - es ,ds. Moine her white teatime a.h be rUddY heve tome to love you so soucth that 1 can keep silents no 1013,1per. To-tUitt II his'. mitered to eteuteas mylove tor you and to ask Vol to be toy wine" It was at this slot be had taken Iler band; and Olytie Was SO aneeeetlt so bewildered, by the sudden end Ult- . expected avowal that, as Jack Unfor- tUnately hal, been, elle had actesiely al- , lowed her hand to remain ter a mot Mont Or two in Hesketti Carton's, while A blUeli, say, rather, a startled flush, heel risen. to her taeo; it Might well have been Mistaken 1»' Jack for the eigit of a warmer emotion. But after that moment or two she recov- erect herself, and,. withdrawing ter hand, looked at Ilesketh steadily, her ' face pale her brows drawn together as was their wont when she was deep - Y moved. Most men Would have been (113C011" certed by the stead O gaze et the beouti- Ail eyes; but Heeketh Carton, not be- ing In love, hod nothing ot the lover's timorouseees, and he bent hinteelf to his task with all the advantage whicb, a man possesses when his heart tenet engaged, He was perfectly .0elf-pos- eesseel and an admirable actor, and. 4 very fair 'inflation of passion. shene in his dark eyes said qutvered a.beut his thinly cut lips. "I see that I was Wrong, tor I have startled you," he said. "You are so innocent, so beautifully ignorant set the world and its ways that You have not suspected the truth.. I do oot know whether to be glad or nOtry, Yesei ezu glad; for It is acaehartteters Istio of you, so indicative °Orme pure, innocent nature. It will make the oct ceptance of •my humble proposal -if you should deign to accept it -se much more precious, Please do tdt speak yet." For Clytie had opened her lips; Which had been tightly eenalsresst ed., "I will ask yell to heel* Me tte the end.' 1 have spoken of premimption, anal know beer great tline is, I cannot but be aware of the fact a the distance between us ana the audacity I am displaying In endeavoring to pass It. You are -what you are t Not only a no.ember of one et the oldest of our county families, but the mistress of Bramley." Clyne opened her lips again to denY the assertion, but he held ep his hand, ahd smiled softly. . "I know what you would. say," lie said, •• "That yon' tenure of the estate and, Sir William's fortune is uncertain, Perhaps that fact has given. me colert age to speak to you. alio Breath*, Olytie, I need scarcely tell you that I analudifterent to that uncertaintO. I love en. and care nothing for the lend or the money. I would ask Yen to bd my wife, e would impldie you, if Yet% were One of the lerionleO factora-girle, It is you I love.?' . ClYtie turned lute head twat No woman can receive a proposal ef Mat" siege from any man, however imeede- thy he may be, withont being Moved' by it; and ClYtie, in her innocertee, was Unitised bet the emoticso Willett Hesketb, so skilfully feigned. And yet she was vaguely eouscious of a talse note in it. She could judge only by comperlson, and, thonet he had not spoken an open world of love to hee, It 'woe not tints jack Dooglas had lookee, not thus his velee. had tutg, when he had stocid before her end looked and -oaken that afterrtoori, elesketh Carton was encouraged by her silence. He bad expected her to give 11.1.4, a swift and, perhaps, an in- dignititt "No;" and he went on still more glibly. "Your are, as 1 say, far above me, in soda' position, everything. I -am just Hesketh Carton, the proprietor of the Pit Works, of no ode , standing or poisition. I have only my love and a life's devotion to offer you -ah, give me dile nidee imeiat! I an pleading for edniething that is mire preciotis td me than life. Hallett() I have not been on ambitious .man; but my Muta- tion has grow tvith eitt love for You. I fee) that a youWill accept me, I ani capable df Making 5, piece for you lit the Wcirld, not worthy of you, Clytie; theee is led position, however lofty, the your beittity and your grace wotild not adera; but 1 ,ean at least strive to wit tine in Whieh. 'ot can reign as ad aeltneeeledged queen. Outside, fit the genet *died there, 1 may Mid for yoti a seltere in "which you may 'shine like tile Whoa star you are. It would be a labor of love- for me to work for you, to realize those dreams which dwell in the heart of every true Wo 'W - man. hat will you say to me, Cly- ne? Will you, make me the happiest of men or the most wretched and holier less?" • Had he been addressing a women of the world: his appeal might have hal sonde effect,. for it was not badly put; but Clytio was not a woman of the world, and the carefully balanced phrases did not touch her for a me - meta; indeed, all the -tittle had he abeehadn been stieakihg another voice tingleg softly in. her ears; and, em- peror' With. elesketh Carton's, it had :Ihnsheliteer rat itrrt.ieltltoftg all itlieforee of teeth and breath, almost a sigh, and turned to bini. "I am very sorry," she said, in a lotv voice, 'I did tan knoW-I did not aped*" ti,You. are going to refuse ole, then?" he 'said, his voice rather husky, les head drooping. (To Be COntinued). BIRD BIDES FREI Rice Bird Use Buzza,rd aa a Steed. Ste and strength Are popularly as- stoclittect wxtn ictery, especially among the loweo anitaala, but in Many cages this is far from being the case, particularly in the bird world, Among the rice flats et the Carolinas there abound at some seasone tiny rice birds, birds se small that It takes two dozet for a good meal, even though bones and all are eaten. The great buzzard le found circling ever tho flats at all tithes. Ile (Melds the time for the rice birds to come, for he la then pestered to death. It in a cremation sight te see Otte of these tihy creatures fly up to a buzzard, and after dodging this Way and that around the tI,WkWard bulk, finally at alight well forward between the buz. zard's Wings nit the back. Hero the little pitessehger grabs a few feathers in his beak and holds on for grim lite. After ertjeying a, ride for as long as he desires, the little fellow hops oft and is gone. TIM peeuliar feature t)f the Whole perforniotca le that apparently the only purpose the riee bird bee Itt get- ting on tho back of the buzzard is to take a free ride. It ptigetee everyone Who chances to me the little play to find any other reason; yet the fact remains that it is te frestotent Oteure relic% and the little birds iseete to ettoy it hugelee at hear tour father is 111" "Yee," his malady contagious?" "X hope not. The dealer stye he le suffering front 011110•Ork,"--lelltrOit Mil Press. see,' R. WARD Th e ilit 79 NIAGARA $Q1./ARE, BIAtEALOpNW YQRK Men, are You in Doubt AS to your trouble? Hatt* yeti some skin eruption that la etubborn4 has reeisted treat. meat? 1* there a tweets. condition Which do ett net Improve in spite of rest, diet and medicine, Are you tieing down hill oteadilye ARE YOU NERVO1J3 and despondent, weak and debilitated; tired morninos; no ambition --elfelese; mernsery etione; cosily fatigued; tote citable and irritable; lick of enemy and coal. sience? le there failing power,a drain on the ayetem? -Commit the old reliable speelatiet, Symptoms of Varioni Ailments 'Weak and relaxed state et the body, nervousness, deapondency, peter memory, laek of will power, timid, irritable dispositien, diminished Power ot anelleation, energy and concentration, fear at impending danger or mister. tune, drowsineee and teudency to aleep, unreatful sleep, dark ringa tinder etas, weakness er pain in beak, lumbago, dyspepsia, conetipation, heeeletotta kon et weight, Meorinsia, Dr, 'Ward gives you the benefit of 20- years' con- tinuous practice in the treatment of all chroule, nervoue, blood and akin ditoesee, The above symptoms, and many others net mentioned, show plainly that ?something is wrong with your Physical condition and that you need expert attention, Men, why suttee longer. Let me make you a vigorous man. Let mo re- etere youv pin -stoat condition to full manhood. Don't he a weakling any lower, Moe up your mind to come to me and I w.iil.glve the best treat - Mont known to scienee-the one sueCeasfUl treatment based on the experi- ence of 20 years in treating men and their ailmente, Or. Ward's Methods Unrivalled? Thoroudh and Pertosetot leo you realize thee you have only one life to you realize that you are messing mast of that ilfe by 111 health? A life worth living is a thiocanist.hy life. Neglect of one's health has put many a man in his grave. diseasee, catarrh, asthma, rectal troubles, olio, fistula and blood condi- backache, lumbago, rheumatism, stomach and liver troubles, acne, akin thousands ot victims who, for varioue reasons, have not had the neve sense to come and get well. Speelailat In the treatment of nervous conditions, nervoue exlmustion, I have been toning men these things for many years but still there are OFF10E HOtifiSi. 9 a.m. to 'rpm. Sundays -10 a.m. to 1 p.m. FREE CONSULTATION EXAMtNATION. Before beginning treatment you must make one visit to my office for a personal pleyeical examination. Ratio:led fare will be considered as part payment .of tee. Cartadien money accepted at full vale, DR. WARD 79 NIAGARA SQUARE • DR HERRICK BUFFALO, el. Y. Faith, Wie had a new experienee the other day uben we picked UP tevo 'boatloads of sitrylver's the torpedoed Without Warnitig, .will say they were pretty glad to see tut When we bore dowei on tteni, As fiee Owed, they be- gat. to peddle frantically, as though fearfdl shotild be matched away from them St the last moment. The ere* were Mostly Arabs and Lascere, and the filet mate, a typleal comic- magazihe erieliman, delivered himself of the foleowing: "Sure, toWard the last,. setae 0' thim haythhIs gits &nen oil theif knees and etarts oiling, on Allah; but I see, sez I: 'Olt up before e ewat tet veld the az-handle, ye be. ttighted haythen; sure if this big boat gag Oval 'twill be the Holy Virgin does It or none at all, at all! GU up,' see 1."---Ap. American Officer, in the Atlantie, Minartre Liniment Cures Diphtheria ete Peculiar Properties of Mush. Inhe musk of coinmerce comes, for the greater part, front Tachieniu, town in China that is known as the "Gateway to Thibet." Three thousand pOunde of this odoriferotte substance is exported annually. The bulk of it goes to Frauee, where it is used to manufacture perfumery. Musk is an Ilehod'a mint and coined $60,000 in Onto and half eents. In. the same year Ney Jersey granted. the right to coin $10,000 at fifteen eoppera to the stal- ling. In 1871 the continental con - gross directed Robert eIcarls to M vese tigate the matter of Governmental coinage He proposed a standard based on the Spanish dollar, owlet-, ing Of 100 unite, each unit to be allele a Cent. His plan was rejeoted, rn. ' 4.4 Olt fiALX1 Meer/UAL "MAIO -- eilleSeburg, Onto stook and fixture; about eight thoweansi; this is tee largest end mm meet atoin town; "emend floor is made into two IlAts, whieh root tor four hundred aed fine a etar; property worth fifteen thousand; will sell stook. fixture* and property complete for fifteen thous. -and; nine thousend will lisiudie. Boit 13, Bridgeburg, Ont. Olt SALP,ITAANICSEi "tumuli-usu.— • sood farming country; stock smell; no oppoeition; Ietegiets leather machine, in good erder; good reason for selling. Ben az. Otterville, Ont. WANTED., DAM. FURS -WHAT HAVE Y0111 ee whet pricer Iteld Bress Bothwell, Ont., Canada. • POUItTRY. neent....,,,eneene...........eneanyeatieeseseetettes le On GOLDEN e and Silvelt• Wyanclottes; been breeding them eontinuous2 eers. If yOU are looking for whiners and winter layers write me. Mho pedigreed Airedales from the beat blob iinee procurable, X, J. Blake, Almonite, Ont, Im in one o' f these one-man ralda Once n negro bit off one of Weggen's !twat's, and after be got Ills hand 0050 ,he drew his reeolver and she own Oct attacker, non' one day l'arsons awoke to ind some •(tete:tires from Kanas ity hied acetteed Weggen of instigate ' ng the robbery of the otty's bigaest ry goods!. store. Wegiagan fled, The leuths foelowed hirce and arrested lea. lieeWas convictted Of the crime n Pe.rsons'and led through the city andouffed. 'When lie served three ears at Lantring the busbies& men of arsons asice4 for a pardon, for him, t was granted. A short time later e was sentenced tto 25 years tor aping on. the 'malt* board of liff drive and relieving Vrooman of $250 watch. ary at Jefferson City ar rld beeame ustYoward J. Vrooremn's ireotor car on Weggazt was sent to the penitexe- in the light plate. November 7 m...eoemimoromm...mftwoom. .A. dettggist \can obtain an imitation of KINARD'S rasoatinwr from a. Toronto house .at a very low priee, and he,ve it labeled' his (-Awn product, , This'greasy•itultation*is the poorest one •W h'JA_en o ke many that (very ,1874, Jefferson proposed to Congress a Aak for MINARD'S and you will get It. Tom. Dick ar.td lItery has tried to intro - that tee smallest coin should be or copper, and that 200 of them should pass for one dollar. The plan was odoPted, but in 1786, 100 was enbstitut- ed. 10 1792 the coinage, of copper omymommommom.../••••anam.....••••••m•IIMIONS......111M.111.11MMI cents, containing 264 grains, and half - tees lit proportion,' was authorized last he ttrow tbe light plant out of their weight watt eubeequently reduced. Conlnalsei0A, and escaped In the dark In and the half cent clitscontinued When W,egson. was killed in Port - and in 1851 the bronze cent was in- •land the other duty the poeice found trodueed, weighing forte -eight graine more than $4:10 ettorth of goods, be - and •coneisting of 93 per cent. of ccip- lieVed to have neen atelen. In Minnea.- per, and the remainder of tin and Polis, in Ills horele, end `with it his zinc. unique bookaeepintreise-eteou. I giving the dates %Veep; rich citizeas 417. Minard's Liniment Cures, Colds, etc. 111 London, Oct. 24. -.--General Armaedo p Diaz, the Italian chief of staff, wae! t given the freedom. of the city of Lon- g don, and presented •with a sword, of f bonor to-dayin reCOgnitirsil or his ler- vices in the war, A b urglar °elan ate or tip book," you'd he away .feent eborne, feettned art of his oquipmenta By gimping hrough It he could ream out a, pro_ ramme of comparatlflottesafe looting or weeks in advance. HI kept a cont - plate set of hooke to ail el hint in tAs profession, according to the polif:e. Society items were scanned to prole. le items for his list et "inemects," t he police atty,, Hack town visit 'wee carefully registered in a //edger. After the rolebery the. profits,- -were entered la another book, 'with, fetich in- forntation concerning the job.us might be of :value later, the poliCee+say. At the end- of a tear he could, compute w ith case tbe statement of 'bis "bus - But most useful of all his ad4pted business methods vas the "tip Nook." Here are some ofeetbe lteme freim it. referring toMititteitivaiislMrs. I:rsi.-O. 0. Webber, out of tote*, Lu the Far- rington, goitig to Caleforatia Mcinday; Mrs. ,Seariort Le Itiercliterton, Saul of town,- Won't be Back for et few, days; Mrs. Julius A. Porneelley, will • leave Wednesday or Thurstilay; Peed B. Wells, probably Will betoun eit town ;leet of -week; Mr. and neve jaintes.D F . ullerton. ought to get etegalY Sature 'day for New York. BETTER HORSES 4e* THEY HAVE Spohn!s Distemper Compound When your horses are subjected to changine NiCatlior con- ditions. of winter and spring, their system becomes run down, with the result that they are very susceptible to DIS. TEMpEit, INFLUENZA, PINK: EVE, COUGHS and COLDS. SFOHN'S wiil keep your horse in goodf.bondition, ao his system can ward off disease. Buy Of Your druggist. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Goshen, Indiana U.S.A. essential ingredient of ,almost all per- fumes, Musk has, certain radioactive pro- Perties that muse the odor of the perfume to be carried 11 rough the air in a very extraordinary way. The radioactive property of musk affects the natives who carry it to market very strangely. If a package of musk is held. close to the body for any length of time it produces sores that are Banner in ebaracter to those caikleta esdbypuorberiandel sort of gland,- or penal, of 'the male musk deer and it le secreted only during certain seasons of the year, The musk deer is a small aniniel, seldom more than three feet long and twenty-two inches in height. 11 13 becoming more and more scarce every year, and at 'the present rate will eventually be - 00010 extinet. Millard's Liniment Cures Distemper, The First American Cent Vertuorit was the first state to iseue copper cents. In June 1785. she granted the authority to Reuben Harmon, jr., to make money for the state for two years, In. October of the same year, Connecticut granted the right to coin 10,000 pounds in copper canto; known as the Connecticut cent of 1875. Maseachusetts, in 1786, e,stab- SIYROLAR, If.,BFr ROOKS. ••••••••••••••••••no..iytn..... Unique Criminal Was, Killed in the 'Western States. Police say the famed Raffles never • dreamed of scientific burglary redlic- • est to the system that Paul Weggen, a former police chief had perfected to loot mansions of the wealthy in Minneapolis, Kahsas City, , St. .Louls and Pacific Cesaet cities of thousands ot dollars' worth of goods. Weggen was killed\ in a hand-to-hand fight with a policeman itt Portland, Ore., and his home rev.ealed the secrets of yeaes of successful robbery in the West and NorthWest. Ten years ago the wOmen's clubs Of Persona, Kan., gave le'eggan a medal. He represented the city in all patriotie and civic ahowe. He e•as the town's hero, lice was known. throughout Setftheastern Kansas as the premier police chief. He was a. treeless enemy of the underworld. the police thottght, Be rode his bi- cycle by night into the nests of crime and arrested Violators of the law as they had never been arreeted before. He was qUicle with his revolver and shot three meal disabling then: all, when they attenipted to overpower ,,• PARKER'S WILL DO IT By oleanirtg eore any articles to their formor`apPearaxise and return them to you, pod as n.eyr.: Send anything from househo1d. draperies down to the finest o delicate fabrics. We pay postage or erpttiot (tliarges one way. :P.1-kr.t4 Wh011, You 'think of ' Cleaning or :0yeirt-. Think of Parket!** litirdele May be sent Post or Attires& :We pay Carriage ono way on all orders, Advice upon Cleaning or Dyeing any ar. tide- wilt be promptly. given upon request. *PARKER'S DYE WORKS, thnitmi 014,imo aid Dyers. 701 Yo»ge St. Tor tkte. NOTHING TO EMIL BABY'S OWN TA1LETS airs. Alfred Nattd, Natagan'River, Que., writes; -"I do not thirile, there is any other medicineto eallaeli,33abr'e Own Tablets for little ones, Ihave used the Infer ivy baby and, would use nothing else." What Mite. Nati& saye thousands of. other motneret say.. 'Thess hove totted' byetfiel ttt5,t' the Tablets always do jot* Ilpitat, is claimed for them. Tee Tablas are a' mild but thorough: lateative regulate the bowels ate/ eteeeteie the etomaelt and thus banteh indig•eption constipation, colic. o14i, ete. s ,,,eeteey are f101d by medicine deelere or by mail at 25 cente a box ..front. The Dr. Villliaros ;Medicine Broetioille Ont. • ty VINIst,.:s.Na-une,z4.4.pip or v . the learden et inmates; tow a ten -Acre fruit and poultry farm' happy. $ee, 'phone or write cf. nett. Virielezed, No. 46, farms fa the COUtstiett of latako"'"" Olt SALItn-leineree on iworAi GO, 00.: Wentworth, Wellington and other eceept- :cioems;5�m liOSi' $ ottthlesintYthecet Ity *1 and tome market gardens; en Itind re*P1.1, ileaAtalet4,11e Astp rep ely t, 4114.alti,LOPnattter4" pagNitynt for OgetupekreltetlleT fences; 90,300: 42,000 cash; would. exchamon Box 60i, Grimsby. „ate F itryg srotncrthittegail.eZAnLeIrr-Ivir tritt ta.A.0.1e044004 and barn; 10 aeres grapes, 9 gores poem and plums; have always beets PrtIned,. 41 rilgi a (I ttain nteeort coawnn owner kit retiring; ence of crops; price $10.049. r. G. stew,. art, 9 Ann street, ,$t. (lathed:lee, and saw milt. Remarkably 101Y price fer shed With nwing buzz saw; hoe( pen, hell }ler:mho:hone:me, 10 rooms; barn, 4tec40: wool t hottee 'make house, blacksirilth short * I`, .....,.....,o, tif :inito,:rinif h,litairt.:: 7:1111 refit:OU4n tYPOrti°1:1:1178 AG°. )4(1 • 9. Ins all ecrefe-Township o ee viding lumber and ties, pasture • timbereind, ere. • berry /and: fei acres under egitivationt : euleit sale, .7. 0, 3Jialgar, gor; orre Blom $74------101000 "Tial-----°45.4"—Agt—iionr—irol; hn;radwe .10,aougeopa,rraorIgnes, ybearatundsta, cetmaielItt, cellar; s'atxl barn and stable with cement noors; on new; abundance of good wate're, hard and :soft; in addition to the peeeleetle there are ainecots, good cherries, good' Aitts atertmeet of small fruits•, well,located, Aks moner-maker, and will ta.ke pity prop- erty In exchange. J. D. Biggar, 205 Cited& Block, Hamilton, Ont, Regent $34. ............-.. ,-,...,........-.......................,.......04......, ioir®tatnlorv:1Ati:Et sr.. dwdres, T. .T: ),te1.4.1x., • , . eiass buildings; close , to "Tanster cr..,ax LOAM; ranrr., Station, G. T, It; near schdol,i Post Of., fide, church; milk route naseee farm for' e,-..--............--.....-1.----1„..', ' ,t PIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM or la; - , acres ---90 acres under cultivation:bat-. Ance pasture; in County of 1eel; halr-'. Mlle to schools-, churches; good villege;; .brarilotivxtehmosot:tlivoinths; banter arndfait,laintger shterestaimng;.:: aritein; new bank barn; first,elass stabl.' Ing and modern outbuildings:, eprinc water on tap M all buildings; Hydro-eleeee trea 100 e'ardcr distance; house for 1.1414 tt..................._____rnatt. Apply Box 37, Cheltenham, Ont. 'A ................................ ....... _ . ,. 1118 0 ELLASPIOUS . ccescteirsottare on t sale In five thousand of-. XI 0 r ghou DOMINION EXcPaRna.EaSeS. MONEY on-. FARDIS WANTED TO ERNI." WANTED -FARM TO RENT, GIViie „Particulars, reet, etc.; also apple' orchard wanted for this fall VD' mores with apples on it. P. 0. Box.65, Hama - tom Ont. PWD ANTZ—FR)i+LALE , . WANTED -GOOD HOUSEKEEPER 0.11. " capable girl; excellent •Isome smell highest wages paid. Apply to Mrs. A.. 'Tallman, 50 Delaware avenue, ten,„ Ont. ,0010.111•01•1.11.••••••,01•11, FROPERITES FOR illAta p00 SALE-CROWE CITY. IIOTELe. ••• Central; Select; handsomely, furnished; modern; hot water heated; doing a profit., able .business; a gilt-edged proposition to practleal 'Arty to acquire a sound, welk equipped business property at a right price; seventy-five thousaadf on easy termit; .1-3 cash; balance, 14 desired, ex- tending over 8 or 10 years; lok not lease. Apply Box 751 Postal Statioe r, Toronto. s . Q•TANDARD HOTEL PRO.PERTY ron sale or to rent; Queen's Ifotel, Orange- ville.; for many years the .leading coxajnerial hotel of Dufferin county; .can bit Purdhased or leased on meg terms; pos- session given Nov. 1st. Foe full earache, lars inquire of Miss Winnifred Bennett , - Orangeville, Ontario. • 1 . . rOUNTRY HOME, NEAR' FER.GUS-.- - 11 acres garden, 4 acme Pasture. spring ereek, 375 black currant .bushes; 400 raspberry bushee, apples, pears and (nit- er fruit trees; 10 -room brick house, fur,. Dace, 8 -piece bath; bank . barn, IWO; buildings surrounded by beautiful shade, trees end hedge; school 300 yards away; churches, High School and station at For.. gus, '1 mile away; rural man and tele- phone, This entire property 11 offered for less than the coat of the.house. X. XX Biggar, 205 Clyde Block., Hamilton, Osit. Regent 1,31, " 7.1,BDIVISION FOR SALE IN TOWN- e•-•" of Oshawa, consisting' of 35 -acres: Ilea highest of ane property in town, and mall a.mlle from the business centre. APP111' Bradley Bros., Oshawa, Ont. SEED CORN . Finest grades; quality guaranteed; It Row Yellow Flint, White. Cap, Yellow Dent, Golden Glow, Early Bantam Sweet, Large -eared Eureka Evergreen •isweet corn; also perfection Bean and. TItnothy. Hay. Buy direct from grower and say+ the middleman's profit. S..1. McLennen, 0.•...11. No, 4, South 'Woodslee, OM: POULTRY WANTED', •-• TIEN'S WANTED -ALIVE, e0 C EMITS S' pound 1, o. ,,N"our atati if withe lit' 150'11111es of Toronto. uel.Lewis, 667 Dundee street west, Toron o, Ont. rAme * LIA•.RMERS, .A.TTENTIONI-VE r AVIP ts, large number of eljents desist/ stock and grain farms, fruit ',farms an chicken farms. If you desire tee sell yolle plate consult tus for quieleend satiste.e- .tory resttits. George W. Black, Meat ager Farm and Suburban. Dapartment, Mackay & Lowry, 47 James street eouth. Ifittnilten, Ont. 'Phone Regent 101, Worth Remembering. When an express packttg e Is to travel a long selleance It is a. good ildea tfroeresewerriatpruipnitinut.inbleacleed ieotten, bet . Rubbing the etrebrom oath,a very little vaseline, tollovtleg the elneet of the .broW ;Will increases their teitowth. remove stains from ivory knife hand. le: livttlsee eatir:vrentithrtoepeisoangao bo:I..tohrinfigo: new!, hratinb :nit:1171 yn,ittehnenr apnoleigshg. real' ses ta stiffen. In making take, stir in4e, HMO bal-3kiattngerirlilkder' With freshly gritted horseradish Will remove a lightt caee of whiting, tifithineigt apt:kelt:I:Alt:1h° tarhe Iritutrle. pese. ir"Olketaeus' your brass bon with! at illittttiloe When the white of an egg,tefunes to ri 45btalinienti: rpit:likattekr'al7th'eakefresetilirlyill grated toAranereastedi:hvoatyilltroemwolpvee:daoimi:evi.e:tsues ol trcire:ki:stil good-sized roll of eotten bat- ting and hoten it on the end 01 a long isttleett, beApseethlede enofittottiti fibeethr lete.orkeotnetend: tittmulenda:ttepsthoLuittli:elnaete ..........enteeteattee. Cures Gargot In cows. .. • .............................. Tea or toffee stains of long atitudieg Ia eacend waebing leaves the linen may be remoired by rubbing the cloth with ssirserize. After Weethiteg Omit, cletiu as befOre *Mined, FOR SAE ; pArn PRA.CTIOALLY IILACK FOXES; e also twenty other pairs, Reid Brae., Bet/swell, Ont., Canada. . EDUOATiONAL Business College The school for best resell.. 22 lames' Si, N., lisetittes, Ost, therreelgh centrset-Shortheini, Clerl- -11bakkeephste and Sectetatiel. edilent opportutaties for Pubile Seittiel teachers find High Sehool graduates. We glee eermonal ettention, fedi- victual lesteteetlen, and prepare te r students thoroughly for superior reve• itlinile:eVollrortetteh.eggrallititey. ea•onttd mourlsctilteee.t4, mete elont.. it is nOt ets Inueh wbc. Youn:full irtaristi: rruulhats,rate, t.youterAe:eoit:.e: stbs.04; te vital to You. for Tree Ciretilar "A." Write as teeitee Net. ettidents "Titht: edbleYst.pest let the es& Pdrk Ilakess Collegi A.1. Petit r.W Park dtMtt�N, ONT. 'tele • _ _144e,