HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-11-06, Page 5Thu
Ay, Nov. 6thi iiia
are you
doing tohave
E Wil
F you have $100 in the Savings
Bank it will pay you 3 per
cent. interest, or in fifteen years,
IF you take that money out of
the Savings Bank and invest
it in Victory Bonds, Canada will
pay you 51/2 per cent. interest on
it, or in the same time, $82.50
Victory -Bonds
and get more interest
baled by Canada'. Victory Loan Committee
fa co-operation with the Minister of Finance
of the Dominion of Cha.
` 't 1 o11SZ 0\ QN.1,8.11k."..
Exceptional• values in Dress Goods, Suitings and Coatings. Many of these
cloths have been purchased some time ago which enables tis to sell them at less
than present wholesale prices. Here are a few of the many values we offer.
All Wool Coatings
In plain greys and • browns, heather mixtures,
checks and fancy weaves at $4.00 to 6 60 per yard.
Navy, Blue and Black
All wool coatings, extra heavy quality, fine soft
finish 56 in. wide specially price at 5.00 per yard.
Red all Wool Blanket Cloth
In extra weight and . quality suitable for
chikirens coats and etc 54 in wide at 4.50 per yard.
Grey all Wool Vicuna Suiting
Suiting an excellent material for coats and suits,
exceptional value at this low price 60in wide 4 60 yard.
Navy Blue Satin
Finished broadcloth fast dye, a beautiful cloth for
ladies suits and seperate coats 64 in wide, $7 60 per yd.
Fine English Sere
In nigger and new brown, an all wool material
suitable for dresses and skirts 48 in wide at 4.00 yard.
A11 Wool Serge
In fine even weave shown in navy, green, garnet
and burgandy. Extra value at this price 56 in wide,
$3.25 per yard.
Shepards Checks and
Union Plaids
For childrens wear 42 in wide, at 75c to 90c a yd.
New silks, sweater coats, pull overs, gloves, hosiery, underwear in great
Be the "I" in Victory—BUY VICTORY BONDS
Highest prices paid for produce
Phone 89
Mr. Wm.• Nicholson recieved a mt.ss-
age on Sunday, that hie mother was
seriously i11. He went by train Monday
morning to Elora.
Pleased to say Geo. Wheeler is able to
be up again.
Little Misa. Gertrude Turvey under-
went a very critical operation for appen-
dicitis, may she soon improve. Miss.
Nicely, of Fergus is in attendance.
Quite a number of our men took in the
hunting excursion on Monday. Reuben
Garniss, Will. Gai'Tliss, Joseph Brecken-
ridge, Will. Woodrow gone to Algoma.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Nicholson and
children spent Sunday at Frank Nichols,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Thuell, Blyth,
spent Sunday at the home of Joseph
Will. McKinney has gone -to Toronto
he having a position on the Police Force.
Sorry to Say Mr. Wm. Whiteford of
Exeter suffered a parlatie stroke, to which
he succumbed, we extend our sympathy
to all the friends.
FoirREs7'--1n loving memory of Charles
B. Forrest who was killed at Paschen•
dale, in France, on October, 26, 1917.
Just two years ago today,
Since our dear Charlie passed away.
The price of friendship was hie life,
Ile made a noble sacrifice.
A day of remembrance so sad to recall,
But down in our hearts Charlie was loved
by us all.
''I So sad, yet so true, we cannot tell why
The beet are the firet that are called on to
-Loving Mother, dieters, and Ar others
The following is the report for October
for S. 5 No. 7 Morris, Names of those
who got 60q or over.
Sit IV. -Total 575, Honours 492:Rob-
ert Coultis, 504. Hon: Luella Hopper, 423;
Margaret Campbell, 416; Vera Edgar,
Stt,III.• Total 075, Honours 492; Edna
Campbell. 537, Hon.
SR. II.—Total 680, honours 435; Jessie
Campbell, 460; Hon.
Ju, II, -Total 040, honours; 480;
Lizzie Coulter, 485, Hon; Mary Hunter,
PRIMER -Total 500, Honours 376
Frank Hopper 409, Hon.
If you are on theliGoomy Line,
Get a transfer.
If you're inclined to fret and pine,
Get a transfer.
Get off the track of Doubt and Gloom,
Get on the Sunshine Train, there's room,
Get a transfer.
If you are on the Worry Train,
Get a transfer.
You must not stay there and complain,
Get a transfer.
The Cheerful Cars are passing through,
And there is lots of room for you,
Get a transfer.
If you are on the Grouchy Track,
Get a transfer.
Just take a happy Special back,
Get a transfer.
Jump on the train and pull the rope
That lands you at the station, Hope.
Get a transfer.
When You See
The Flag Flying ?
There is not a single
citizen who does not
want to see thePrince's
Flag flying in Wing -
ham. We can and will
do it. But that means
that everyone must
Insurance and Real Estate
Successor to Ritchie & Cosens.
, Ontario
4onditione, end alit
weeping Ab. reast
of Progress
e-rNliz farmer cannot go back to the
-\- scythe or the cradle. He must keep
1,,,, ;.., abreast of progress by using binder
and tractor for the economical hand-
ling of his crop.
So it is with the telephone. It is an im-
portant part of the business and social life
of the community. We must keep aur en-
tire system, local and long distance, in the
highest state of efficiency. Old apparatus
and old methods must continually give way
to new. Extensions must keep abreast of
the needs of the business community.
Public services everywhere razz behind
during the war. Skilled men and material'
were scarce. Necessary maintenance and
repairs had to wait the return of normal •
times, Reserves of plant and material were
The task of overtaking these postponed repairs; of
restoring the margin of reserve plant while keeping
service up to the highest standard, is now engaging
our earnest efforts. New buildings are 'being built,
new long distance lines, new underground and aerial.
cable, new switchboards—all in order that the tele-
phone may;wcontinue to do its part throughout the
difficult period of reconstruction. Our 1919 program-
me calls for an expenditure of $7,000,000.
Telephone workers everywhere appreciate the kind-
ly co-operation.of-subscribers in their honest efforts
to give an adequate and efficient service.
The Bell Telephone Company -of Canada
100% Pure Sugar Cane Molasses
The best fattening, milk producing, food saving feed molasses on the market. Don't accept a substitute.
We have a supply for immediate delivery.
The only authorized local distributor for
Cane Mola Company of Canada, Limited,
Montreal, Quebec.
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You Can't Get Moline Results
From Any Other Tractor
If you want a good tractor—and you need the
best tractor—don't watch the price -ticket.
Look at the tractor.
You'll be able to pick out the good tractor, just
the same as you can pick out a good horse.
That's why we want you to see the Moline -
Universal Tractor.
When you do, you'll see its superiorities.
You'll see why farmers have proved four things
about the Moline -Universal Tractor.
1. One-man control.
2. It will do more work.
3. It costs less to operate
keep up.
4. It lasts longer.
The reason lies in Moline con-
The Moline is designed correctly. It is a one-man out-
fit -you sit on the seat of the implernent where you always
sat. You can back up with any implement attached. 'You
can turn short. You can cultivate. You have ample steady
power for any work—in the field or on the belt.
The high-grade Moline motor is sparing with fuel and oil.
It costs less money to plow an acre with a Moline. In
addition you have an easy starting engine, electrically
governed, which can be stopped and started when you
please. Electric starter.
The careful Moline construction does away with most repairs and
replacements. Motor is up away from the dust. All moving parts
are enclosed. Gears run in oil. Hyatt Roller Bearings.
Every one of these things means longer life
in the Moline.
When you sec the Moline Tractor work
when you know that more farmers operate
Molines than any other make—you will begin to
realize the tremendous earning power of the
You need a Moline on your farm. You need
it now.
All we the tractor. want do is ll let it sell itself.
come in and sect
The Willys-t>verlan,t I.ttt.
WeA 'Toronto, Ont.
Dear Sitl .
()or 11.+1int Univec,t1 tractor,tasseved
us; nt 1c.x..t :3 men and 11) lion ts. It can 1,e
operated mut r,.aiutaiutrl ft.r Iess tli:ui it
eo+ti to keep 3 or 4 hor t.i.
(; igncd) cteencrson ltroy.
1'reecevitle, Sask.
Alien & Alien, Blyth, Ontario
Canadian boistriiutorsi-- Wiilys-oor1and, Ltd., West Toronto
Made by Moline Plow 'GA., Moline, i'l1.