HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-10-23, Page 3, • 1 t •Obt-ttt 4 4,4 .0411 le • 4 • • S. .4. /1. n ' !is XPOIC IMEING POWDER Contains no alum Itt OM MP 41,44. We unhesitatingly re. commend Figgie »shini Powder as being the hest and purest baking powder possible to produce, Jt Possesses elements of food that have to do the building up of brain and nerve matter ankis Absolutely free front alunt or other injurious substitutes.; t • I 4kt. • 14 • . , MIR " 4. 4410 t ;*i 44 etr,ie-eseeemasaseaatsesse.. How to Select Foods le the housewife will group the iia - us foods in ner pantry, vegetable bins and refrigerator in to five simple grouPs and will see that foods from each ot the groups appear in each day's meals ahe Can feel sure that she is giving her Jam- ilY the eight different eubstances "which the body needs for wellbeing. This grouping will••help the housekeeper who wiehes to save money or time to simplify het, meals without rna,king thetn one sid- ed- or Incomplete. It will eneoble her to determme whether the meals supply an the different materials needed and will prevent substituting one food for m:Vier which ha, as. entirely different u • Gram 1, -Fruits and Vegetables, 'Without these the food would be leek - in mineral substances needed for building the body and keeping it in good working condition; in acids whieh give 'floater, prevent constipation 'end serve othee useful purpeses, and -in minute elnalitities of -other substances neeaed 'for -•heeith. By giving bulk to the diet they Make It more satisfying to the ap- petite. • Feeds depended on for mineral mat- tersi• vegetables acidfi and body regule sling eubstances: • ' Fruits -Apples, pears,. &a, berries, or. asisos, lentone, 44c., bananas inelons &c. Vegetables -Salads, lettuce, eelerY, geoe gr,een- peas, beans &c., tomatoes, squash. ste0,,•• Pot herbs, or "greens." pototoeft and, root, vegetables. • Groin> 2. -Meat - at Meat Substitutes. These are soureeseit an Important body %Mater Material, protein. In • the case oitethIldrene part of the proteit'ie food 8hottld alwaYs be whole milk: • Fends depended on for protein: .Milk, skint milk, cheese, &a., poultry, eggre .metits, fish, dried peas, beans, e0W- Oka, nuts. Group 3. --Foods Rich in Starch. . Cerealo (wheat, rice, rye, barley, oats and corn) and potatoes (w)iite. axle • ;Sweet). Cereale•come near to being corn - pieta, foods, and in most diets ,they sup- ply More of the nourishment ,than any °thee kind of food. It is not sate,how- - ,-to live only on cereals: - "ode depended on for stareh: ' ,Cereal, grains, meals, ?Iowa stra, cereal breakfast foods., bread, Macatoni end ether paste, - crackers, eakese Cookies. Starchy puddings, &c., potatoes and 'Other starchy, •vegetables. 41•61,0110.0••••••• Model; Phosphodinai Tlti,OrOlt Tones and tivigorame ihce*liele tervoue ',system, reo.keefie.g Blood In old Veins. Curer, ervpus eslatiffeeMentat and Ore* Beorrit; open- , notlefreatteV3Itelsnesini:stlealiceP4, ittg, ta4se • for *feinevulpleate. wul Imre, ;Sold by alu desrilies0 o_pr Pet. gvieg'llill'ai%t°.;:ilet;',4011 4i)ditincOiwTtutowro.OPT. theriedfWistheet f (+vein Sugar. Vr4eas some of the fuel Is in this form 'the diet is likely to -be lacking in flax - or. • Ponds depended on for sugat': es,Sugar, Molassee, syrups. hon4', cola - sweet cakes and deports, fruits 'preserved In sugar, Jellies and dried fruits. Group e. -Foods Very Rich in Eat. Thee are important sources of body • fuel; Without a little of them, the food would not be rich enough to taste igoo4. Foods depended on for fat. Setter and 'ream, lard, duet and other eskoldng• fats, salt pork and bacon, tablie and salad oils. Some food materials really inlong in more than one group. Cereals, for ex- ample, supply protein as well as starch; potatoes tummy_ starch as well as the mineral matters, acids, cellulose and body pegulatIng substances for which they are especially valuable: and Most Meat supplies fat as well as protein. The Bets given above show some of the cetamon food materials arranged in .these five grottiss, according to their Most important nutrients,. Thinking of Coeds as belonging to these groups should MOP to prevent two mista,ke.s-that of sekving meals that have not sufficient veriety and that of cutting down in ehe wrong places when economy either af time or money Is needed. The grouping's will help Ilre house, - keeper who wishes to save money or time to simplify her meals without mak- ing them one sided or incomplete. For extimple, from these groups the house - Wife Who has been serving bread, -potataes and rice or hominy In ono neat i,vill zee that one or even two may be left out without Dr:tithing any impoeteatt neutrlent. They will show her that 1 custard that is made of apti eggs, two foods from group 2, Would hardly be needed atter a meal1t which a liberal supply of meat luta been served, and that a child does itet anted Milk at the same meet with 'an .logie or meat, It will suegeet that baked beans or other legume* or thick sotto made of legumes are substi- tutes for meat rather than foods to be -esteh With meat. b'y 'studying these groups the housewife duds that she has ,provided ilsue building* protein (group 2) and thesseoessary though small amount of wpm building material': lend bode reguiterng material" (group 1) she reteointfely build up the bulk of the diet *mustily materials from the other groups that seem economical, wholesome and appetizing. Title ,tnethod of planning prevents ettbeeitttling one toed for another witleh has411 entirely different use. In generes, ecomerty within each group IS safer than wing at Inexpensive fond from one group in pla.e of an eXPeturiveQfltom another grouP• ..eteeea-e-sess St. blau, :N.B. St. Um is a city of 04400 inhabi- tante, eituated on the 13ay ot Funde, at the mouth ot the River St. John. The St. John River la 450 miles long, and passive through a fertile, prodee- tive and 'Moat beatitiful region. The varieme prodecte of the Province find their way to the rem at the Port a St. John, where oleo the Canadian Paelfic and Canadian Nettoeal Lines of Railway Join faces with ocean eteamenipe from ell parts of the world. Ita harbor is always Open for traffic, winter or fiummer. In the channel and at the oeean freight wharves there le a depth of weter at low tide ed 32 feet, Vehicle give a high water depth of about 58 feet. It le the chief winter port of Canada, taking the place et Montreal and Quebec in the winter aeaeon, when the S. Le,w- rence le closed. Having the eborteet land baul to the see t>f any developed Radon, Canadian Port. It is raPidlY PrOgreseing as) a National Port. 4 • e Explaining Falling a Leaves. The fniedding of leaves in autumn May be due to physiological drought. The soil contains eutficient moisture, but the temperature of the soil may be too 19W to enable the trees to absorb it. "June drop" a oranges and Many sImIla rlosses may be due to similar causee. PAINFUL NEURALGIA Is Caused by Thin, Watery Blood • and Cured by Enriching the Blood, Moat people think of neuralgia as a pain in the head or in the face, but neuralgia may affect any mere() in the body. Different names are given to it when it affects certain nerves,' Thus neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica, but the .character a the, pain and the nature of the nisease are the same, ' The cause being the same, the cure tobe effective must be the same. The pain in neuralgia Jee caused by stareed nerves. The' blood, which carries, nourislunent to the nerves, has become thin and im- pure and no longer does so, .and the pain your feel is the ay of the nerves for their natural° food. You may ease the pains of neuralgia, with hot applieations, but you cart only cure the trouble by eliriebing and purify- ing the blood. For tiffs purpose we know of no medicine that can. equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pine actually make new, rich blood end thus act as the most efficient at nerve tonics. If you are sufferieg front this most dreaded of troubles, or an3i' form of nerve trouble, give thesepills faer trial, and see how speedily you will be restored to good health. You on. get Dr. Williams' Pink Pine from any medicine 'dealer. ,or by m8,11 at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from Tie Dr. Williams Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' TEST THE WEATHER. ussoimamommoso•••••••• How Every Man Can Be His Own Prophet • Adam may t. may not have tried his hand at' weather prediction, but it is written that as far back as the time of Noah that gentleman pro- phesied a long, wet spell, and, unlike a lot of later e,veattier prophets, he had such faith in his own prognosti- cations that he. took measures to meet the situation. Further that that, subsequent events proved that Noah was a 100 per cents prophet. Many of his successors, however, showing a lower batting average, it became illereaSinglY API/Arent as time went en Mt: sihNICIS of the frequency with which the prognostications failed, the subject should be placed on a scientific basis in order to obtain accuracy in the results, or at least to spread a sort of halo of learning Wed philosophy 'about it,. and thus ,minhnize the curse, as it were, of possible errors. So weather bureaus were instituted, which came have been in more or less successful opera- tion now for many years, with at- tendants on the Government payroll, and everything. Vntirely apart from scientific weather observations, how- ever, home-made weather forecasting has persisted, as a )leasing pastime all these 'years, and on this very day there is a set ot rules governing it, more or less recognized by all ama- teur weather prophets. For the bene- fit of those why may be unfamiliar with. these rules, the New 'York Sun has obligingly made a compilation of them, and tl.ey are set forth as fol- lows: • When standing on high ground and the horizon is unobstructed from ell quarters, if the sky is absolutely cloudless, look for a storm .within foxty-eight hours. If it etarte to rain after 7 o'clock In the morning it will continue to do so all day, and very often it Is the eadication ot a three days' rain. When it is raining and it brightens and darkens alternately you can Count on an all -day rain, with a chance of clearing at rundown. When the rain ceases and the clouds are stilt massed in heavy blankets one sure sign of clear wee- theis the patch. of- blue oky that shows through the rift large' enough to make a pair of "sailor'..e breeettes." Another sign of eOntintled rain is when the smoke from the chimney hovers low around the housetops. Complete School Set**25 Pieces FREE TO BOYS AND GIRLS This otitfit contains: • 1 School. Case. 1 Zapantse 1endfl Box. 1 Special Drawing Pencil. 9 Itubber ;ripped Draskieg Penea s Metal Cased Lead Peneile, 1. Pen Holder. 3 Pen Pointe, 1 13ox Crayons. 1 ElleMer, 1 Box Paints. 1 Paint Brush, Patriotic Blotters. 1 Book of over 200 Transfers. 3 Packaged linhee aLok Plug Stiekttif it) that you an put the flag on you; Rowel bookie lettere. etc. We willgiv,e you this whole 26-plece Schooi Outfit free of all thargn It soo will eel! just 10 packages of our lovely embotosed Halloween, leirthatty end Stnette Postcardt at 10 cent' a Inteltage, (4 lovely ear& in each package). fowl yoar nano- and w wtfl send you .the teeter to eeli. when eold tend us: the Money :sad wo wlil mond you the WhOh4 miff% Mame: teofteette, TORN Mei 011111.1,6 UNCIO 4 $04110 14. 141,t44. .11,401.4 otmctu 4 44rif 4VS MRWARREN CO. " Cuticura Helps Clear Away Dandruff and Irritants On retiring, comb the hair out straight then melte a partiog, gently rubbing fa Cuticula Ointment wite the end of the Anger. Anoint additional Partings until the whole scalp has been treated, Place a light covering over the hair to protect the pillow from possible stain. '1 he morning ehampoo with Cutkura Soap and hot water, ueing plenty of soap,. best applied with the hands. Rinse in tepid water. Repeat in two weeks if needed. Cuticura seep, Oitatiket and Talcum 2.10, each taws cansclien duties. When it ascends straight into the air this indicates clearing weather. ..A. foggy morning is usually tae forerunner of a clear afternoon. A sithunderetorm in winter (usually in Januery or •February) is always followed by clear, cold weather. It is not, as many think, the breaking up of winter. People living near the seashore say a storm is--"brewing'4 when the air is salty, caused by the wind blowing from the east. A red or copper -colored sun or moon indicates great heel. A silvery union donates clear, cooPweather. The old Indian t ign of a dry month was when the ends of a new moon were nearly horizontal and, one of them resembled a hoqk on which the Indian could hang 1)17 powder -horn. Many people troubled with rheu- matism and neuralgia naturally are excellent barometers and can predict changeable weather by "feeling it in their bones." , . And the advice of the old weather sage is- "never go out during April, month without being accompanied by your umbrella." And then, for the special benefit 'anything they read in prose, but do have a faculty for retaining jinglee, the following important formulas are set out in 'verse: Red in the morning the eater's Warning; ined at night the sailors delight. 'AV I When you t se a maelerel sky, • 'Twill not be many hours dry. 4;la When the sagulls inland fly Know ye that a storm is nigh. *A ring around the moon , t Means a storm is coming soon. t e Wed When it rains before seven 12. 'Twill clear before eleeen. i I CRUEL. • "I have never heard of such a cruet and vindictive man in my Wel" "What has he done?" he Welted his wio in a room with a lot of beautiful go*ns and bon- nets, and no looking -glass!" . COughs, Colds, Bronchitis 1? there is an ailment in the throat or chest, it is surely essential that the remedy be conveyed direet to the affectedi part, We becauee the heal- ing vapor of Catarehozone is breath- ed into the sore, irritated throat and bronchial tubes that its baleamie fumes kill the germs and deatroy the cause of the trouble. Thee are the reasons why Catarrhezone never yet faired to cure a genuine case of Ca- tarrh, 'Asthma, Bronchitis or Throat Trouble. The wonderfully sooehing vapor of Catarrhozone Instantly 'readies the furthest receseee of the lunge, pro- duces a healing curative effect that Is impossible with a tablet or liquid, which goes merely to the stomach, and fails entirely ko help the throat or lungs. Catarrhozone Just Breathe It To permanently cure your winter ills, your cantle, sneezing and Ca- tarrh, by all means use a tried and proven remedy like Catarrhozone. But beware of the eub:Stituter, Large outfit lasts two Months, coats $1.00, small size 50e, trial Giza 25e, at deal- ers everywhere. st, ILOBSTEk • RECIPES :.++44 -.444±.÷.4+4++444 -44 -4. - With Oetober conleir•the lobster and from this thne forward until Ma' is in primest conditiOn. There are so many lobster lovers that demand tor years past has been largely in excess of supply. There Is danger of exhaustion, Beth in American and European waters the lob- ster fishers complolh of growing seareity. Yet following directions for taking lob- ster meat front the shell and for after Preparation for the table will be found trustworthy by housewiveS: First break off all the claws and re- move the tail, Theo split the body through the centre, and take out the soft, green, creamy mass which forms ite beautiful red coloring, saving both. The stomach is under the head and thls should be thrown away. Cut the tall sliell open and take out the meat in one piece; split this piece open, and the in. testInal camel, Which runs its entire length,, win be found. This tarsal, the stornacielind the spongy portions between the body and shell are not Used. Crack all the olaWe and remtere the Meat. STEWED LOBSTER. Cut out the lobster meat into very small pieces, but do not mince it, Season it with a little powdered nutmeg, a few blades et mace, a dash of eayenne and salt to mate. Mix with it one-fourth a. pound of 'butter eut in small bits and half a eup of lemon juice added to one cup of cold -water • Put all together into a saUCepan and let it Stew gently for 20 minutes, keeping the pan closely eovered Jut the Meer ShOtIld evaporate, Servo It very hot, MAYONNAISE Or LOBSTER. Well whisk the yolks of two eggs itt t bows add a pineh Ot dry mustard turd a Stile salt, then add, a little at a time salesaasety, bait a pint of olive oil and a gill of lertiou nice or vineger, stirring' eonsutetiy. we* eke *Rue* Itavet Carefully, and dreln them on a *lewd towel. Tear them into niteortzed piece*, and arrange heatly In s. Naiad bowl In a email heap, spread some of the mayors; woes over it, then ley on the top nitot- sited plekaa of lobster Meat, and pet? er alt the remainder of the mayorreatiee. mean -Ivan thin Aka* of haril-bolled 42b; arra the ps welfore4 coml. Keep very atrIl until Nerving time. a 1.0ilsteat iteriela IM The; etteILL. After temente the meat front a boiled lobster, put it in a eauespen with one sill O( cream or rich, milk, see:towns te teat% and a dei4S4rtspeOn of batter rolled in a deveertspeou of fleur;tatir it to keep trent Oiling, and when alt. hu ineretilente .are '4.veil mixed. Deur them Into tee lobster shell and bake in the oven until of a light brown color. Serve but. elltEAMED LOBSTER, Melt three tabiesPoone of Sutter, add four tablespoons of. Vous and Pour in one and a half cups •or milk. • Season with salt and paprika. Stir with a wire whiek till the :sauce le creanty, then add one pound of lobster meat and two tea- spoons of lemon Juice. Serve With Sand. wichee of graham or brown bread. LOBSTER ItiSSOI4ES. Telte out the meat of a boiled lobster; mince it as fine as possible; mix it with the oral pounded ssnooth and two y0110 of hard-boiled ego maehed to a powder. Seaeon it to taste. Make a batter with beaten ego, flour and milk, allowing to each egg two large tablespoons of milk and a teaspoon of flour. Beat the bat. ter well, then add the lobster gradually, until the mixture is stiff enough to make Into oval balls about the size of a small egg. Vry thin in the best salad oli, and serve hot, LOBSTER CROQUETTES. Chop the meat of a. boiled lobster quite small. Slice A smell onion and fry it browrs' 10 a tablespoon of butter; when - it is cooked, remove it to the back of the stove and stir in smoothly one tablespoon Of flour andthe same quantity of To the ellopped lobster add one teaspoon Of minced parsley and aeasoning• to taste. 13ind the lobster together with the beaten yolk of four eggs, and then mix thor- mighty 'with the onion, butter and flour mixture. Shape into croquettes, dip in beaten egg then in bread crumbs, and fry in belling fat., 09UGHS STOP, COLDS VANISH. TRY IT AT MY RISK. . New, marvellous war to.teeat Catarrh. Coughs; and Colds, stops it ALMOST INS'TANLTY-banishes that filthy, ob- noxious hawking, spitting, sneezing, foul .breatit and ite disgpsting habits, You can stop it over night. TEST. n AT MY RISK. FIRST TRIAL CONVINCES, No clutney apparatus, no Inila,lers, Salves, Lotions, Sprays, Harmful Drugs, Smoke or Electricity. Nothing of that kind, at all. SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT, something delightful and heaithfui. swooning INSTANTLY Suc- cESsrurs xt is .?-O-SUN. FOR CA- TARRH, COUGHS AND COLDS. You will say it is WONDENtFUL, AMAZING, so quickly. so surely does it aet. DON".O. WASTE TIME and nenleY 00 ueeless methods. Don't suffer. TRY JAN -0. SUN AT MY RISK. Write to -day be fore you do another thing, -lust say, "I want to try Jan -o -Sun.". Address: JAN -O -SUN 69 St. Peter St, Dept. 122. Montreal, Que. ; LAW AND THE AUTOMOBILE Mayor Harrison, of *ehicago, was being congratulated at a luncheon on his ordinence lorbidding chauffeurs to blow their haste in the crowded bust - nos section of the. city. • "Chauffeurs think," he said, "that they need only to blow their horns and. the Odeeerians will leap out of their way. Let the cha,uffeurs drive With care; reneerabiring that the pe- desteian's Tight f's supreme. "Why, if "somethlng isn't dons, the chauffeurs:sin t4eir arrogance, will be getting tip 'It horn code for the pedes- trian to leans and obey -a code some- thing like this: zr; "One toot--/ThrOve a 'quick hand- spring for the sidewalk. "Two toots-,•eDive, over the car. "Three tots -Lie down calmly; it Is tee late to escape; 'Mit We will go over you as . easily as possible, if you keep very still. "One long and two abort toots - Throw yourself forward and we Will Save both your arm's. One short and two long toots - Throw yourself backward and one leg will be saved. "Four toots -It's all up with you, but we promise to notify your family. .0* The late Dr. S. 'Weir 'Mitchell, the neurologist, was escorting some New York friends through a Philadelphia sanatorium in which he was interest, ed, Opening the door, his remarked: "This big roan has been.set aside for the- care and cure ot chauffeurs who bave broken down under the men- tal strain of driving and repairing automobile." "Very fitie," said one of the doctor's guests, "but where are the patietits- the chattffeurs?" "Under the bed, mending the slats." .An old woman was put in the wit - hes box to tell what she knew ttbout the annihilation of a prize pig by a Motor ear. Being sworn, she was eeeneeee„,„*.eeeee.ea_e_e POISON LIKE UNTO Vernon of Snakes :Weimer le Strew% M. D.; of the Royal amity Hospital; • says, ;The caw for an attack of gout, rheumatism; lumbago, is supplied by the increaae of Wilt geld in the blood serum, the result of various cans* the moot frequent of which is renal. Before an attack, one buffets sometheee from headache, neural.. gia, twinges of pain here and them". Wheat your kidneys feel like IMMIX of feadi when the book hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or you us obliged to seek relief two or three times dub/ the night; when you suffer with siok headache, or dizzy, nervous optillost old atoomehlitsdy,ott have rheumatic mita Or luta o, gout, to:Utica *hen tho weather ia do not ueglest the o warning, _but try eirople mem lake sit or eight sliaelleg of *rater during the day, then obtain at your nearest drug 'An-Wie' (anti -Uric *old). clileXtv0y of Dr. Pietate of littlfale, N. Y. "An- te for thio hos uric acid t aeffee &wheel etre% into the it the phooey* ettemp ou . Pierces 14. Wel • 40 1 1 I 14140444 Wit 0•44111(04416 *Mk pt0.014 timi Wit 0. 4.4 lit414 emi 4am •414‘ WalaX Mgu Imt 44 414mi un14140114441M M 'THE NOME Or P4CNTY " ",,"."*"'..*""C"4. gar= 47414•Virfar• ::i'-'- *4"4 '*4 M. NU 44, 40444,04, 4441.1 .....12mr. 4 444 444 4 Sri .40 .0464 0 ;4.. ete. 1,00k A... • 0.1.0 0;1. calse THE asked if she had seen' the car kill the pig itt question. • "1 seed it," she answered, "Then," said the counsel, "tell the Court itt as few wbrds as possible :hist how it occurred." "That I can, sur. It just tooted and hick him." A man lay groaning and writhing by the wayside when up clashed a constable and proceeded to 1nveett- gate; but ell he could get out of the sufferer was: "1 ate one, two ---I ate one, too." The constable wale puzzled, but not !or long. "Poison!" was his diagnosis, and, mindful of his training, he at once procured an emetic, which simply electrified the recipient. Between convulsions he managed to ask the reasbn for suck treatment, arid on -being told and asked what it was be had eaten, he became more abusive. "What did I eat?" yelled he, !Why. you idiots, '1812' is She nuntbeT of the car that knocked -0e down. "lou tell me," 1dthe Judge, "that this is the person who knocked Yott down with his moor ear. Could yott swear to the man?" "I did," returised the complaineret, eagerly, "but he didn't stop to hear - "What little boy can tell me the dif- terence between the 'quick'. and the 'dead'?" askade the Sunday sebodl teacher. WIilie waved his hand frantically. "Well, Willie?" "The 'quick' are the °Iles that get out of the way of automobiles; the ones that don't are the 'dead.' " eerie -e Nathaniel's "Jinx" Active, Nathaniel Riple had a terrible ex- perience one afternoon whezt he was about twelve years old. He opened the dOors of the buggy' house and was 'backings -the buggy in when the what( blew both doors abut. He propped 'them open with small sticks, but Just as he reached the' buggy tollgate one of the sheets fell and the doors canie around far enough to stop the buggy. A. moment later Grandpa Ripple, Vito had just come down to the barn, said; 'What's that y'ou are saying, Nathan- iel" "-a • • DISAPPEARING HAIR. (Lon* Blighty.) "I think the baby has your hair ma'am," said the hew rause, looking pleasantly at her mistress. "Gracious:" exclaimed the lady, glanc- ing up front the novel. "Run into the nursery and take it away from her. She will ruin it," 1 BILIOUSNESS How to Prevent and Cure 4 Among the earliest symptoms are furred tongue and dull headache. The wine ,dizzy spells, bad taste, quick pulse, fever and cold sweats. Finally, sleeplessness and vomiting make the condition of the sufferer almost intolerable. The root of biliousness is with the liver, which is clogged and can't keep bile from getting into the blood, Nothing works with the certainty of Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they aet directly On the neer, restore the bile to its proper course and prevent it from contaminating the vital fluid. Of course, the bowels are ordered and relaxed hy Dr. Hamilton Pills, and kidneys receive new tonic, the bleed is retiovated, and the result Is a reneWal of health. No need for delay; the sooner yen use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, the sooner you'll feel the brisk, keen satisfac- tion of a healthy, well -regulated sys- tem. Sold In yellow boxes 25e• , mum' Booms. ' • INDIAN PUDDING. Au old-fashioned Indian pudding served with cream is delicious enough for the Veriest epicure. Here is a long -tried rttle: Mix four cupfuls of esealding milk, a cupful of molasses, two level tablespoonfuls of sugar, a quarter of a Cupful of cornmeal, a tablespoonful of flour and a little salt. Let this mixture simmer over the stove for about half an hour, stirring often eribUgh to keep from burning and lumping, At the end of this titue stir in a cupful of cold water, turn Into a baking dish veld bake for twO hours. • STUFFED HAMBURG noAst TwO pounds Hamburg steak, one teaspoonful pOultry dressing, two tea. spoonfuls salt. Mix well and foten into loaf, Retrieve the centre attd with any desire,d dressing, covering stuffing with meat. Brown each side of loaf in hot Pan. Add a little water. Put thin. Slices of (Mien on top Of loaf, cover anti bake thirty or forty mit- utes, ReMoVe the loaf front pan, add water enough to brown gravy to make twill cups, four tablespoonfuls Mtn' and, one -halt teaspoolifol salt. SPAgISII BPIANS. One and one-half cups red kidney beans, one cup strained molasses, one. eighth teaspoonful soda, one amall pepper, two ouneea fat salt perk, two teaspoonfuls salt, One small onion. Soak beans over night, drain, cover with water, add tioda, boll fifteen rain - drain. Add dieed pork, strained and stewed toteato, getesottinge, and water to barely cover. Simmer gently for eight or ten hours. MAPLE SPONGE. Soak two tablespoonfuls granelatat getatine in one and One-half Curie eOld Water ten Minutes. Put two ettles brown or maple sugar and one-half cup hot water in a stateepen, blahs to the bellies point and let bell for too MIAOW. Pour syrup gradattily ea waked gelatin. Cool, and when mar- l), Kat add whites ot two eggs, beaten until stiff anti One eiee chopped nut meets). ¶rurn into mould ttrst dipped In **old water and chill, Serve with a ettetard Male from the yolks of the eggs, sugar and a few Oreille ot melt, millt an flavoring. pASTES. Practleally all fruits may be iteed in making pages, and OW et the hest flavors are obtained by mixing the fruits. The method, of making is (Mite similar to the making ot leath- ers. The frolt pulp Is boiled down, sugar added, and the resulting mixture Partially dried. Start the fruits boiling with a little water; over them tightlyaared steam taltavly until enough moisture eollecte to allow them to cook slowly without burning, until soft. Rub the cooked Pulp through a. sieve, return to the fire And cook until it is very thia, Weigh the pulp, and add half its weight in Alger, Then boil until" the paste is so thick that it will not run together immediately when a spoon is passed through it. Dry as fruit leather is dried, out in fancy shapes, dip in sugar and pack' away. $'ancy pastes and bonbons are made by adding finely cut ohm and quelled peel, or by arranging different pastes in layers When nearly dry, cutting in half-inch strips and drying more thoroughly, How to Become 'a Nurse Any woman with intelligence and "motherly" instinct can learn to be a Practical nurse aud earn from fifteen to twenty-five deillare per week. If you. cannot spend three years in a hospital or are peen hospital age, study a common-sense book, called "Nurs- ing in the Home," by Lee H. Smith, M.D.. Th16 book is written in a waY that is easy to comprehend. It will teach you .how to recognize different diseasee; how to ta'ke temperature; how to take care of fever patients; how to give bathe; all about the sick' room. It treats of bursas and scalds, broken limbs, bleeding from wounds, (bandaging), drowning, fainting -al- most every contingency covered. Manepagess are devoted to Hygiene, Anatomy, Physiology and 'Medicine, It tontains advice for mothers and toile bow to eare for infants. This 500 -page bolt, bound in hand- some red cloth, is worth $2.00, but for a limited time can be procured by senMing fifty cents to the pnbliehers, World's Medical Prese, 652 Washing- ton street, Buffalo, N.Y. • 40.0•441•4140414/4 1ee4400 POULTRY WORLD ••••••••••..44. Pullet love oi home and content - Ment With simPie surroundiugs, no matter how- humble, make it advis- able to transfer the Prospective lay- ers from -the range to the winter quarters early enough In the fall that they will be thoroughly accustomed to their new quarters beforo they be- gin, to lay. Many practical pooltry- Men neglect this precaution and main- tain their birds under range condit- ions almoist up to the beginning of cold weather, with the coneequence that egg laying 16 retarded and often jeopardized. Timeliness -and timeliness means to do to -day the jobs of to -day- is highly essential in the fall moving of the flock. The owner of exhibition fowls would never neglect to feed and condition hie birds for the exhibition circuit. It is just as essential that the egg. prodacing squads be properly quartered fOls the winter season as early •ate possible consistent with the Illeet progressive poultry management, This, means to adcustotte the pullets to their cold weather home before they begitt to laY. When the pullets are moved to the winter quarters at the right time they soon besome recclueljed tO their new Surrountings and begin to lay svitholit any Interruption. On the other hand. If ithey are kept out on the range until they attain maturity, when they are filially moved to their cold weather 11011SeS their laying -ability ie so seri. ously checked that the birds do not produee any ego for several weeks. atad in some instanees do not lay again for some months, Where the mature hens are to be confined closely all winter it le essen- tiel to provide three to four square feet of floor space for each bird, while fowls havtng free access to range' all winter in a mild climate in addition to comfortable quarterg need only about 11/2 to 3 equare feet of floor space apiece. 'It is important to have all the rooSts in the winter house on .he same level. 'Other:Wiee the birds will crowd to the highest positions to the extent that the Weaker ones may be aeriously injured, ae the stronger birds Itre sure to gain possession of the desirable perchee. It la alSo eseentiel just before the pulletare quartered in their new lo- catioli, to clean oitt and disinfect the buildings thoroughly and to provide plenty of clean, dry litter. The house should be ecrutinized carefully ae to need for repairs. Be (sure that the leseslisetismisauemesserume Measure Your Neck Before and After Taking Ou-Solve and you wilt be surprieed at the reduction i:1 the glee of your goitre after taking the first bottle of a monk's famoue rentedy. GOITRE elend for free booklet, vithielt ex- plains what this midicine has el - ready done for other sufferers and hoe you can euccessfully treat goitre in your own Lome. THE MONK OetEMIOAL LIMITED, 43 Scott Street, Toronto t _Ont. WRITE FOR BOOKLET eE," 1•Matia............••••••••*•••••••••.•••••••016•••••= sides, ends and root are weatherproof and tile betiding is open, sufficiently iu front that it will not sweat frene ipadequate Ventilation. Ae a rule, the eatne ration t'itat makee growth ale° Produces Plenty at eggs, eo that it le not necessary te matte any ebauge in the pullet diet, ary at the approach a cold, weather, It is worthy of special mention that the United States Department of Ag- riculture at the Government experi- ntent farm, Beltsville, Md,, kept a number 01 hens for a poled of csver three Years on A ration which con- tained no wheat producte and got good. production. The Federal elleciale late have maintained the PrOdUetteu et their flockby the proper and scientific use of corn and oats in the ration, feeding two parte of cracked Om to one part of oats night istid morning, while they mod three parts of corn meal and one part of beef scraps as the scratch Mixture kept be- fore the tens at all times. Last year thirty hens fed in, this manner made an average yield of 144 eggs, -while the eame individual hens yielded over 200 eggs during the twelve months, • When the fall rains are on in full, every poultryman shotild be sure tO protect the exposed end of hiultry house o that the rain cannetWat itt and wet the bedding and as damp litter causes colds, roup And other (leases. Start on a small scale, with a small investment. Devote the first year to obtaining experience rather than try - Ing for profit, Start with only one va- riety. Until thoroughly experienced with the incubator rely on the mother nen to hatch the chicks. Young chicks thrive best in small brooder coops, be very careful not to overcrowd. With good care and,nour- Ishment the chicks will develope rap- idly and soon he seratelling for them- selves.' • Keep dry 'mash constantly in the hoppers, and give plenty of greens. mangle beets, and a good dose of Wok's Cotton Root Compound. A Rye, reziabie reoulatitig meal ne. Sold in three de. tir4of trength-No. 1 31 Sold by all druzetsts,,,or Nees prepaid on receipt of price. ',free Pamphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE One Toltetito. ONT. (forserly Waigir.) scratcait feed late in the afternoon. Oyster shell and charcoal will aid in keeping the digestive organa in. order. Thee who are ieterested and like fowls will sue'eeed by taking care to watch and learn. Well kept houses are essential. Mossy, untidy houees mean certain failure. . - BUIDDING NESTS FOR HENS. Nests should be situated in a More or less' dark place, for then the hens will be less apt to eat the eggs. 4. good place is directly beneath the roast platform, with the nests so ar- ranged that the hen enters from the 'side tofard the wall. Each nest should be from 12 to 14 inches equare and high enough (about 12 or 14 in- ches) to be tonvenierit for the heft to enter. The partitions between the nests ,should be high enough to pre- vent the hens from rolling the eggs from one nest to another, and low en- ough to permit hens to go from one nest to another, otherwise they Will fight and eggs will be broken.,Fine hay or straw makes a good nesting 'material. Cat Victims of the War. During the four and a half yearEi of the war 10,000 diseased, Mangled, blind, starved and injured eats were taken off the stre s of London by the shelters of.Oor Dumb- Friends' League, mercifully destroyed In lethal boxes, and their b dies afterwards disposed of by cremation. It is claimed in the fourteenth annual report of the organ- ization that the shelters have done their share of war work, for thy have frequently taken in the maimed feline victims of air raids, explosions and other war disasters. During the year 1017 the seven sheltere received over 14,000 stray, diseased and injured cats. He -Did you love me when you'firs( saw me? She -Oh, no. I had to get used to you first -Boston Transcript, ARKER'S WILL DO IT Ey °leaning or dyeing -restore any artielea to ttieir former appearance and return them to you, good as new. , • A Send anything from household draperies do-wn to the finest of delicate fabrics. 'We pay postage or express charges one way. Whels you think of ,; • Cleaning -or Dyeing 0 II, Think of Parker's. Parcels may be sent Post or Express. We pay Carriage one way on all orders. Advice upon Cleaning Or Dyeing any ar. tiels Will be prOmptly given upon re4ueot. PARKER'S OE WORKS, United Oleaseti ad Vren, Yo St, Milamitiiim44.444.4,4410.4.40.44. WHERE IiiNOItA.Nl'il IS BLISS. lee:th--Eitsee,tal• Why. Ile le as .y• a.11.11 shun tale s.s. • put 1s4 tivienz know it. WAITED TO ng. jt(lge iti.erinY): "Why dieiret yea a tie I;04.0 of Use defend: els in the Witness: "I didn't knew whieh w fottsii to be the defendant," SIONEY .IN LATIN. Manses City Journal.) 'Satin :3 a, eettd language, hetet Kr "Dees It pay to study it?" eleventh) (..,1 NoUr I.:ante. Doctors 413d ..!.wyers ceern to Make it pay very weft. - TOOK NO CIIANClee. A little girl Of eoven Or eight years Leos, eue s'ore ser sewed gate. A eenesettan pitseed eloWiy, 'rite Milo eit•I turned anti Staid to him: ewlii )ciit please Open thiri gal,A foe Mc?' The gentleman Ala so. Then he said "Why, my couldn't you °Pelt Ihe gate for youte•elf?" "Ileeett, e," veld the little girl. "the eallit'a mat dee el." • POOR 2in0G118. Reggie (bitterly): "I suppoee you eon - skier it a triumph to make a fool Of Itenee (asseetly): "What, no! A OS- inipIi inedike something accomplished tha was vt., _ 4!•• ALMOST OVERLOOICED. Bildegrootn-Who ie that quiet little man in the eoriter Who gaze a at me 10 earnestly? Bride -That-. Oh, I'll introduce Itha aftet• lunch. That's father: • . GOOD :REASON. "Why do you Intve 0.11 your mail sent to YOUr office?" "ilectexec there's 'still a censor at my home." PLENTY OF "AtA.TERIAL. "lime 1318nk la n great talker." "Well, who eouldn't be with three ears to brag about and eight servants to 000o o:ain ef?" .••••••••••••••4•4414444144 TnyiNG 'Hunt 41414. Mrs. Dearborn; "Which do you think ts the luckiest month to be mareled Mrs. 'Webesh: "I don't know. Pee tried April. 'May, June and .Tuly, but 1. thltdc, I will try .soma other month neet time." , TOO. TIOT ,,FOR A.n 1441 paper was responsible for the adVertisement: "For sale, bak- , ,r's, huslnestqgoid-trade; large oven; pros - telt owner' been In' It .for seven years: good reason for„leaving." , • - OTT!' OIll Lawyer: "Where did he kisa your pretty Plaintiff: "On the lips, sir." Lawyer"No. no; you don't under- stand; T Mean, where were you?" Pretty Plaintiff (blushing): "In his arms, sir," PICTURESQUELY PUT. Disgusted Cop (at crossing) -Some chauffeur, you arel Say, if yott were crossing the.Sahaea•desert you'd run into bydrant,. • A QUICKER RECOVERY. Frank: ."Pie married the girl I was engaeed to." -. Fred: "Neyer.mind, don't worry about It. You'll get ever 11 before he does." a •iSITSUNDEll.STOOD. • "I have 'fleoPPed eggs for breakfast." "You have nothing on me. I dropped everything except oatmeal and coffee." esp- - • • 6.17sTOate AND' HABITS. (Uoston Transcript.) • "Accbrding to nay custom I put trtY overcoat in moth halls yeeterday." "And according to my custotn I de. Posited mine at three balls." • - WOULD SHE? "Now, ladies and gentlemen," said the conjurer with a wave of the hand, -we is the magic cabinet. I invite any lady in the audience to enter this cabinet. I will close the depor, abd when It shall be opened again the lady will have disap- peared, leaving no trace." There was: art impressive silence until a little, undersized man In the second row turned to an enormous woman, who set by him, end breathed eagerly; dearewon't you oblige the gen- tieman?" maIst SAUCE, Maeh one pound of maple sugar, add one-half cupftil ne water, and boil until the syrup will thread frets& a fork. Sour this in a thin stream on th, whites or two eggs beaten to a froth, stirring briskly all the time, adding :astly one-half cupful of good create. "WANTED A TEACHER. The husband rushed into the polite nation very excitely and exclaimed: "They say you have. caught the fel- low who robbed our house night be. fore last?" "Yea," replied the (sergeant: "do you want to see hem? "Sure," retitled the husband. "I'd like to talk' to him. I want to know how he got In without waking my Wife. I've beet trying to do that for ale last twenty years:, 4144-0-•-1•• GoOD TO.12,Y, RUSSIAN. CABBAGE WITH SAUSAGE. Boil a medium-sized head, of cab - Age 2(Y minutes itt boiling slightly salted water. Cook, a pound and it half fresh ,saissige meat in a quart of water for 1§ minutes, then set aside to e0o1. Drain the cabbage, Chop and add to the sausage and water. lity a large thopped onion in a tablespoon- ful of butter Until tender and yellow, not brown. Add to the Other ingredl- euts with a grated nutmeg, salt and pepper to season and a half pound of croakers rolled rather fine, Mix Well, put in a buttered baking dish, cover and bake an hour and a half. A ROAST(NG PAN CAKE. Is your faittly large? Then you avant a big cake. And your cake must be light and good, too. Try this recipe and see the whole iaitiIiyan,11(0) Put the yolks of six eggs In a deep oowl and beat two minutes. Then put in two elms .of alga? aid oeat for 10 minutes et least The yolks and sugar should be •)eaten for 16 minutes if you. want ;our take perfect -and who d0esiet7 Put in..one atm set boiling water, but :member you met put In only a ittle at a time to have it just right, Nee% you add .ilt,? ettftlyebeatea whites 'of eix egg, and last you put in /tree tettepoorefuls of baking powder, Attarla is mixed in twO and one -ball urfus, f nonr, 444 ,44 4 4 Flowers. Flown% grow In the garden to be :v.en away. verybosty feels that hey eppeal to finer setteesthan his .wn, and looks ailettully arourid itt ore that potetibly this friend or that uny noeger furnished than he to ere and read them. -Enteral*. "ir Many a papernangrr goes to the walI beeaute b1i'iooitt.