HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-10-23, Page 14 hulls* of Elections Dry Majority Is IMP 350,000, U. F. O. has 440 Liberals 281 Conservatives 261 Laboritestl, Independents 2. Single Copies Three Cents ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION About sixty of the friends and neigh - hearer gathered it the home Of Mr. Roht, DiCkSon TurnberrY, on Friday evening Oct: 17th. and presented his son Earl who recently, 'returned from oversea a with a sain of money, and the following ad. drese read by PBS Lavine King and pre- sented by *Miss Doris Gay. Titraberry, Oct. 17th, 1919 To Pte Earl Dickson,— Dear Earl:— It is with great pleasure that we your friends and neighbours have gathered here this evening to bid you welcome transcend to express to you in some tang manner or appreciation of the sacrifice you have made by leaving your home to go overseas to fight for our King and Country. While overseas you were ex-, posed to many hardships and now we ate glad to know that you have arrived safe- ly home and with us once again, We ask you to accept this small token of our esteem, acit for its value, but as a Means of expressing to the esteem in which you are held and we hope that you may be long spared to enjoy health and prosperity. • Signed on behalf of your Many friends • and neighbours. Ross King, John McCormick, Perc. King, • Earl replied very nicely, thanking his •, friends for their kindness to him • THE VISIT OP THE PRINCE' OF WALES The Prince of Wales will end his Cana- dian tour in a few days much to the re- gret of all Canadians, He has, certeinlY endeared himself to all who have had the good fortune to meet hint A splendid portraitof the Prince size 15x 22 inches and bearing a copy of the Prince's auto- graph, has been issued by the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. Every sabscriber for 1920 is to receive a copy of the portrait free, The Family Herald.and Weekly Star has been vastly improved lately and is without doubt the greatest value for the money the world over. The eubscription price. is 81 26 a year including the Prince's portrait. To old and young, rich and poor, the Family Herald and Weekly Star is a great favor- ite and the publishers are to be congratu- lated in supplying such a handsome port- rait of the Prince. As might have been expected The Family Herald and Weekly Star's circulation is increasing by leaps and bounds. It is in the highest sense a great paper. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN RUCTION SALE -Stock; Implements, Hay, .11 Grain and Roots,at Let 19. Oon, B. Howiek on Irriday, Oct. 310t. No reserve. See large • JAirrWiX,Lips, POP - G. W. WALaxa, Auot. VLGAR LADIES QUARTETTE -have many .1-1 line programmes consisting of good, hum- orous, and novelty numbers. Let us have your next concert. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices moderate. Write 37 oxtost St. West, London, Ont. POR SALE- Apolebutter, 30 lb. pail for 18309, L. at the Baucn AontorriatTitAL WouirS, Teelwater. WARM FOR RENT OR SALE -The 100 acre I: farm on the lat line of Morris, known as the Fraser farm. Apply to either R. Van - stone Or Chas. Sutton. A. V. llioDoNALD, Prop. ---- 0011, SALE -I have got a small quantity Of new Hemlock lumber on hand. Better get what you we t new. Sixes 2x5 2x6 2x8 2x10. .AaTnun LAW, Lower Wingbarn. VARM F011 SALE -160 aere4, lot 15, con. 4, 12 Howlett, known as the RobJamieson estate. Land is in god state of cultivation. Bood buildings Well watered and fenced. pm farther partionlars apply to Miss )3. JANTES0X, • Box 33, Illuevale, Ont. POR SALE-Q,uantity of Hemlock lumber 2x4 L to 2x12 any quantity from 6 ft. to 6000, ArthUr Law, Wingliam „ . FMit SALE -The unAprAgnel Were fo,. sale, his farm, lot 9, con. 7 ilowlek, com- prising 1o7 acres. On the 'premises aro first- buildinga and farm is in a, choice location pop ;Ind a quarter miles from Gerrie It. A. • 144t, Wiughani, Ont, O1 A.LE -Sale of Church Property ete. at V Bethel chum jh J.jotCon. 11 East Wawan- osh on Tuesday, Nov: sth, at 1.40 o'clock. joriN Ptiavie, 4uPtion.cuF. tOST- A Scotch Oollie Pup Isiiider wee M please leave With MRS. 3, s; Domini (Ind re ceive reward, NOTIC;14;-We make Cider and Apple I3utter ievery day of the week. Drink your aPPlog ta 1VMM:inky icy first class work. Emmert, Rime. DIlDLID SALE -Of Sixteen Registered Short. A. heft Cattle, Twenty-one registered Lel- teeter bheep, twenty-six Grade ..,attle, eleven Horses, one Yorkhire Sow and Litter, also arm implements, etc., at let 4 conces..ion 2. yfield Road, Goderleh Township, tone and whoa miles south of Goderich), on Tuesday, Ootobo 23, at o'clock P. M. j. W. &ISAAC SALatmu, Props, T. GIINDRYI ARA. oToVDS—Double Heater with even attached AI and small base burner. Apply, to DU, TAIMN„ VC/ANTED-A Durham calf about a week old, at Apply at 'Tun At VA1SCE. WANTED -Life Insurance Agent. Salary TT er Commission, Experience not riecess- arr. Xteturned men preferred. Address N..6.. Auvatten WThltutatt. s.iskoopt We have placed in stock a full line of. PATENT MEDICINE AN DRUG SUNDRIES and invittt= of your Our Prices willbe RIGHT Very Special Price for this week. Se Window. ' Our stock of Stationery, China and • 1afall Paper is the in this district. OE1 MASON &SON r. . ...,...........,„.....,..........,.............,..„..,,, pereonais 1VIrs. H. Hill of Clinton, is'the guest of Mrs Jos, Guest. Ivliss Julia Lynett has returned to Detroit after visiting at her haute here, Miss Mabel Marshall of Clinton, spent the holiday with Misses ()live and • Gertie Groves. • Mrs Rich. Pocock and daughter, Marg- aret, attended the anniversary services at Howie% Baptist Church last Sunday, Mrs. Steele arid daughter, Pnyllis of Winnipegoasis, Man. were the guests of Mrs. W. Jos. Henderson during the past week, Mise,13arbara Allan of Boston, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. 11. Kennedy returned home last Wednesday morning, Mr. Roy Passmore accompanied by Mr Fred Noble both of Toronto spent the holiday with the former's sister Miss Mae Passmore. Mrs. R. J. Breen, of Turnberry and two sons, James and Robert also Mrs 3. J. Nay and Mr. James A. Wray motored to London on Sunday and spent the' day with the former's son, Sanderson who is ill in Victoria Hospital. Captain and Mrs, S R. Byles, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart over the week -end. Capt Byles has been doing duty as a Y. M. C. A officer, in connection with the transpertation of Canadian troops across the Atlantic, and is now to be associated with the PringeeS Patricia Regiment at Long 13ranch, Toronto, in a somewhat similar capacity, Get a pure cake ice cream cone at the Billie Burke Cafe. That the spirit of comradeship, of mut., ual help, is more pronounced in men than in women, is the ,discovery Torn Moore is said to have made. It came about throught his appearance in "The City of Comrades," of course; but even so he is likely to be the recipient Of a storm of written protests frorn his feminine admir- ers. At Lyceum Theatre, Oct. 27th 28th 2eth. Correction in List In the prize list for Wirigham Fall Fair) in our last issue we included several of Florence Pocock's prizes with Dorothy Lloyds. The two numbers conflicting. We also overlooked mentioned that Rus- sel Tervitt received flrst for calf in Bank- er's Competition. ' AuTo ACCIDENT Two Badly I-lurt As Result of Collision with Bicycle An auto accident occured in Wingharn on Josepifne St, on Monday *morning when an auto collided with a bicycle in front of the chinese latindry, and it should prove a warning to autoists of the great danger in driving at a reckless rate along a public thoroughfare, An auto driven by Mr. Mealien of Turnberry travelling north and the bicycle of Russell Tgrvitt going south crashed into each other. Pos- sibly 'Russell was not over as far as he could have gone but he turned to the right while the autoist turned to the left in meeting him. As soon as, Mr. 1V1eahen saw the danger he wheeled the auto with such speed toward the crib that it turned over completely, but not until after it struck the bicycle. The auto and bicycle were both damaged while Mrs. Meahen who was travelling with her son had a couple of ribs fractured and was rushed to the Wingliam Hospital and Russel Tervitt WO badly bruised and cut about the legs, fad and body and was driven home by his father, Photo Gallery Sold Mr, E. Zurbrigg of Markham, has pur- chased the photo gallery, so faithfully conducted for the past' twenty years by Mr. M. E. Zurbrigg. Mr. Zurbrigg and family will occupy their new home on Shuter St., recently vacated by Mr. W. H. Willis. We are pleased to learn that Mr. M. E. Zurbrigg will remain in Wingham and will devote his time to the new Aero Tire industry, Card Of Thanks To The ratepayers of The Town of Wingham. We take this opportunity of thanking you for the loyal support which you gave to our Bylaw on Friday last. We assure you that your good -will as ex- pressed by your voter is heartily appre- ciated. Respectfully yours, The Aero Cushion Inner Tire & Rubber Company of Ontario, Ltd. T, R. Bennett, President, E, L. Sherbondy, Manager, THE DEATH ROLL " Henry Rintoul died at his residence. Josephine .St on Thursday, Oct 16th after a lingering illness. Deceased was 47 years of age and is survived by a wife one daugoter and two sons. The family moved to Wingham from Whitechurch a codple of years ago. The funeral was held to Winghatri cemetery an Saturday afternoon. THE PEOPLE'S JOHN 1140•101441•1111111•M•1•011111. John Joynt, M. P. P. HYDRO AND ORO BYLAWS CARRY Very Little Opposition to any of the Bylaws Wingham Leads for Hydro. The ratepayers of Wingham did a good day's work on Friday in voting almost unarainously for hydro power. The enabling bylaw carried by a vote of 320 to 13. The bylaw to provide $40,000 to over the cost of the Hydro distributing plant carried by 296 to 18. Wingham is the first municipality in a group of some 30in this district that has vot- ed oft the queetion, and the vote here clearly indicates the feeling of the people in this important matter, and should assist the other municipalities in the Carrying of their by-laws. The Hydro Commission has promised to commence work on the transmiss dolt line at once. This section will procure power from the Eugenia plant. The by-law to give the A,ero Inner Cushion Tire and Rubber Co. a fixed assess- ment of 000 , exemption of taxes, except school and county rates and free water retried by a vote of 270 to 53. The company is establishing a large plant in the town, and the Work of inststiling machinery is well under way. The vote was: Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Word No. Ward N. 4 Ward Nis. 1 Tates Enahrting c:(Agaitist 4 8 1 ...4•41N For 61 6,7 72 08 27 Money For Againet 54 6 64 1 60 7 ge 26 1 Aeso Tire For Againet 54 11 68 8 89- 17 71 11 24 2 44 Must be Coalition of Some KM or WINOUAMI ONT.;. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23rd, NM TIM SURVIVES To the Editur av the Advance Dear Sir:— It was a quare ould election, but we got Jawn elicted in spoite av the Grits, and the farmers, and the wimmin, but 1 am sorry fer my frind Misther Hearsht aa awl the rist av the good Tory byes who wint over the top nivir to come back The shrapnel av the Grits an the poison gas av the farmers got a lot av thirn, but its the way av the wurruld. 11 bates the Dutch how chesty some av nabers are since Monday They hardly shpake to me, and call me a, quit- ter an a shlacker. (I cud say. eorneting about shlackers if I had a rnoind to, fir my by wint to the war widout havin to be conshcripted ayther, an that is more than some av thim can saes) One ould frind, (the feller that helped me carry wather fer the ellephants whin we wus byes) spint Tuisday avian wit' me. He is a purl.), docent chap Yit, or mebby he is tryin to get me back into the benighted farmers' lodge. Tine sez he, diye moind whin we wint to chureh wan Sunday lasht Spring, he sez, yis I sez. You remimber, siz he, that the pracher read about a big shtrong far- mer lad named Samson, who had long hair an whiskers. an was awlways in trouble; foightin wid the Filistines arr gettin married arr someting. Yis, I sez, not wishin to shtop his shtory. Well Tim sez he, wud you belave it, he wint an married a Filistine av a woife afther awl an she double crossed him, as the byes say, an betrayed him into the hands av his inirnies whir put out his eyes an niade him work awl day in an old groindin their cern widout anny day pay at all at all. Now Tim, sez he, you know us far- mers have awlways been kinda simple moinded loike Sampson, and have been bloind, and, not knowin our own strenth, hey been groindin earn for the Filistines awl our loves, he sez. Yis, I siz, 1 rimirnber the shtory quoite wellot sez ah I rimimber the finnish too, sez I. Wan day, whin there was a big toime gait,. on, this Sampson av yours pulled down the whole buildin, an killed a lot av Filistines av himself as well. If there was a man loike him livin Bow you ought to make him Grand eMasther an leader av the benighted farmers I sez. My ould frind shrnoked a long .toime in salience, an I don't know whither he saw the point arr not, fer his niet remark had- n't annyting to do wid it Wuddigt that armery buildin in Wing - ham make a foine pig pen, he sa. What I sed in rePloY, I don't tink wud be noice for the girruls in your awfice to set .up, Loikely he will be mad now an won't help me wid my hog killin. Well, as I sed in my lasht letter, the Tories will hav to get over on the benight- ed farmers platform pretty soon, fer if we don't the Grits .will bate us to it. Ye can't be up to the thricks an skames av thirn lads. Well, annyway, I'm glad we bate them in North Huron, avin if the benighted farmers helped us to do it, but I am afraid we are in fer a long dry shad. Yours as 13 4 Timothy Hay, LATEST OOLDWYN DRAMATIC OFFERING. Fathost and Comradeship Form Basis of Gripping FIay For Tom Moore Basil King, in "The City of Comrades," Tom Moores latest Goldwyn play, to be shown at Lyceum Theata, beginning Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Oct 27th, 28th. and 20th has the knack of transplanting real life to either the printed page or to the screen. The hero is a man who has literally re- generated himself, but who is suddenly disheartened by the thought th it his past will rise to torment him at some fnture tirne. That is the case of Frank Melbury (Tom Moore) in "The City of Comrades." He had originally been a respected rich man's son, but drink ruined him. His re- generation was brought about by the kindly association of real human beings who established him in society once again. 13ut when he was about to ask Regina Barry to become his wife, he suddenly felt impelled to tell her of his past. And.... Regina Barry (Seem Owen), a beautiful daughter of the rich, received his confes- sion in silence—and then left him But after the Halifax disaster, she realizes the depth of her affection for him, and goes to nurse him despite the fact that she has engaged herself to another. Then Basil King asks the question; "Is Life futile? Is it a sham? Is there no recommpense for virture?" and answers it iri the affirmitive in "The City of Com- rades." The sound characters of the re- habilitated Melbury and of Regina, the wonaan, are realistically drawn; and prom- ise to make the production one of the season's pronounced euccesses, • Hard Time Bali minute conveniences Hardwood floors are being laid and every other up-to-the-minute I will he added as soon as possible in the Wingham Arena, and a ball will be held on Friday evening, October 31st, Hallow- e'en, Dresses, False Whiskers and any other make -ups can be secured on the premises. A prelogue will be put on by three city artists. Valuable ptizel will be given to the poorest dressed masquerad- ers. Three lodges will be appointed. Kimettaa Orchestra, Parelthill, will furnish licks* gentlemen; $1.00; Ladies iirsiybodg ionrifted. , !Local 'Brom Our Motto—Service cleanliness, econo my. Billie I3urkies cafe. The tax rate for t910 itt Goderich is 44 milis, nine mills higher than Wingbam We fry oysters to your taste. Billie Burke Cafe. One cent will buy a can of Talcum Pow dor at McKibbon's One Cent Sale Oct. 23 24 250. The next annual meeting of the East Huron teachers will be held in Wingham during the fall 0( 1920. Mrs C, B. Armitage will receive for the first time since her marriage, at her resid- ence, Minnie St., on Tuesday, Oct. 28th from 3 tQ 8 p.m. Nice large pies at the Billie 13urite Cafe for 35e eacte Edison Recreations. We are adding new records every week—Rexall Drug Store, The Cottage Prayer Circle will meet this Friday night at the home of Mrs IVI. Grisdale, Victoria Street, at 8 o'clock. The political meeting in the town hall on Saturday night was addressed by Mr. Spotton,and Miss Templeton—Armstrong and drew a packed house. One cent will buy a box of Quinine Cold Tablets, at Maibbon's One Cent Sale October 23, 24, 25th, Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Bosman, Bluevale, • Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Clara, to Mr A. - Davidson. The marriage to take pine in November. Order your meals and lunches by phone Call the Billie Burke Cafe 260. John Hawke who conducted a garage in Winghamfor the past few months left for London where he has secured a situ- ation and where the family will in future reside. 100 Amberol Records arrived this week all the latest numbers. Recall Drug Store Will all those who offered cash prizes to the Turnberry Agricultural Society kindly send seine to the Secretary, A. G. Smith, at once and thus assist the Fair Board in paying expenses and prizes. Ice Cream in balk (Joe. qt, 30c. pt, Neilson's, Burke's. Mr Jake Willits has sad, his farm on the B. line, Howick, to Mr. Will Westlake. who has recently returned frens overseas; and his grass farm on the 12th con. How - ick to Nelson Sternol of Gorrie, If you want a nifty box of Chocqms get them at the Billie Burke Cafe. Dr. ROSs has opened his dental parlors, after serving his country for the past three years. He will be pleased to receive the patronage of .his former customers and any new ones. The parlors have been renovated and newly furnished.. One cent will buy one pound of Intern ationa Hog Fattener, at IVIcKilohon's One Cent Sale, October 23 24 25th. Go to the Billie Burke Cafe for a real oyster stew or any style. We will have them till May ist 1920. ee, • The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the council chamber on Thursday aftereoon Oct. 301h. The directors in charge ere Mrs. McGill and Mrs. Reid. A very inteiesting feature of the evening will be a pie contest, the ladies making the best pies will receive cash prizes. Fowl dinner at the Billie Burke every Wednesday from 5 p.m till 7 p. m. The death oconcitreFriday last of little Harry Clyde Peacock, at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Williamson, Pleasant Valley. The little fellow was only three years and six months. The parents and relatives have the sym- pathy of a large circle of friends. Try our lunches etc, every thing tastes like mother's cooking—Billie Burke Cafe, The Services in Wingham Methodist Church next Sunday will be as follows: 9,30 a. m Praise Service: 10 a. m. Junior League; 11 a in Rev, W. E. Stafford of Brussels will preach; 2.30 Sunday School; 7 p. in Rev, W. Stafford will preach. All are cordially invited. Anything you feel like eating and don't see it on our menu ask for it we'll get or make it. 13illie Burke Cafe. "Phonographs", We carry the largest stock of Phonographs in this vicinity and sell on terms to suit you—Rexall Drug Store. When you come to Wingham and feel hungry, Try the Billie Burke Cafe for a real 400 Dinner from 12 to 2 p. m, Mr Harry Wardstnan, proprietor of the Wingham Arena Skating Rink and Danc- ing Pavillion is putting on a hard time ball in the ballroom on Hallowe'en night, Oct. 31st, Kineto Orchestra, Parkhill, will furnish the music. This is the orchestra that played in Wingham during the Old I3oys' Reunion, Ice creatn year around at the Billie Burke Cafe delivered to any part of town in any quantity, The members of the "Down and Out" club in Toni Moore's new Goldwyn pic- ture call it "The City of Comrades," a little city of friends, in which they help themselves by helping the other fellow, As one'of the men says: "Women grow up but men—never. They're always boys. You can spoil boys by too much indul- gence, but you can,t spoil boys by too much love. At Lyceum Theatre. lVfonclay TutsdaY and WedneedaY, 27th 280 26th. , The Billie Burke Cafe is open fronn 7 a rn. till 12 p. in, on ordinary niesti. Nights of demos or hockey matelot temp till 2 a. wt. • JovNT ELECTED The Vote in Marti* Huron By Polling Subdivisions While the retutns from the province show that Sir William Hearst and several of his brilliant -Cabinet were snowed under and the government defeated yet North Huron elected a conservativ by the spen- did majority of 328. Those electors in Ontario who favored booze came out so. lidly aganst the Hearst administration while the liberal temperance workers stood by their party. The result in North was as follows. • 4-4 Turnberry Ward 1-108 86 /$6 2-09 45 121 3— 32 38 105 4-34 10 140 — 243- 179 422 Ashfield Ward 1— 59 103 38 2-32 72 42 3— 25 '88 51 4— 27 72 43 5-48 88 20 6-21 08 113 7— 20 14 127 232 445 438 W Wawanosh Ward 1— 65 124 36 2-50 80 49 3-40 36 34 • 4-48 06 24 5-31 - 21 52 0-31 21 53 248 400 246 E Wawanosh Ward 1— 48 32 • 48 2-30 76 84 3-50 43 80 4-57 40 50 41 36 31 Blyth 226 227 296 162 175 • 18 Wroxeter Howick 96 Ward 1— 48 2-110 3 60 4-118 5— 80 6— 85 -- • 491 Morris Ward 1— 91 2-77 8-.63 4-05 .5— 57 6— 81 434 Wingham Ward 1— 83 2 96 a-102 4-131 5— 43 ' 455 67 30 84 87 62 39 167 76 147 39 65 95 94 27 se— -- 679 363 19 34 61 31 56 42 36 61 , 59 67 58 68 287 295 96 10 92 8 145 9 150 13 73 3 — -- • 556 34 SUMMARY Fraser Joynt Procter Turnberry 243 179 422 Ashfield 232 445 • 438 W Wawanosh 248 400 246 Wawanosh 226 227 296 Blyth 162 175 18 Wroxeter 96 67 30 Howick 491 579 363 Morris 434 287 295 Wingham 466 556 43 -- Total 2587 2916 2151 Majority for Joynt 328, Jamestown Samuel Pollock of Paisley was visit- ing friends and relatives in this vicinit,y, last week, Job. King who has spent the past two months visiting his sons in the West arrived home last week accompanied by his daughter, Lily. Mrs, Duncan TilleDonalti and Miss Dunelda were at Toronto attending the "Send Off" meeting to the Missionaries leaving soon for India, Miss Muriel Eirothers, S. A., a niece was among the number, They also visited Guelph on the way home, Mrs George Johnston, Sr, of Grey tin. derwent tritical operation at Guelph hospital last Wednesday, her many friends wish for a speedy recovery. A. great number from this vicinity at,. tended the funeral of Mrs, William Mitchell, (nee Nellie Miller) last Friday. John D. Miller is having an auction sale of Farm, Parts Stock, and Imple• rnents on Friday, Oct. 24t11. Samuel Burke Jr. who his commen. ced farming on the farm recently pur- chased from his father had a succettsful plowing bee Saturday afternoon Oct. Ilth. We wish him success but think he would do better if he had a house-keepee. Alfred and Mias Pitsseie Laving of Carsoterille Michigan were visiting their aunts Mrs, A. Pollock and Mrs. a King Clordont Holt drives a new Cheverlot car, may they enjoy many pleasant rides in it. Mr, Lawrence Willis has erteted a new garage, also Mr Holt a new wood -shed and Andrew Pollock has treated his house to 4 fresh coat of paint, all being signs of protrperity. Owing to the death of her father and the fit hearth of her mother and sister, Miss Elliott, teacher of the Ramsay *drool, ofid Prot return from Berrie. True Doti Itarcit meowed Miss Teenie Yuill to suppltvia other arrangements can bre nab here Will Be Another Election Subscriptions: $1.50 per year CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of North Huron Ladies and Gentlemen: I take this means of publicly thanking you for the magnificent vote polled for me on Monday. I shall endeavour to at all times work independently and fearlessly for the best interests of our constituency in genera Those who worked against my election doubtless thought they were doing their duty and I bear no ill will to any of them, The G W. V. A, stood behind me with a very few exceptions ant): I trust I will always be able to continue my assistance to the boys who have so nobly fought for us on Flanders fields. Again thanking you one and all and as- suring you that your wants and petitions will be looked after by me, I am Yonr humble servant John Soynt The Referendum Vote The Referendum vote in Wingham was as follows: 1st question 2nd " rd " 4th " Yes 160 • 198 191 214 The result in'Turnberry: Yes 82 96 93 141 Question No 1 23 No 892 864 870 650 No 768 764 757 709., THE LIBERAL LEADER lEIARTLEY DEWAR,T, K.O. East Wawanosh We regret to hear that Mr. Jas Menzies is seriously ill and we hope for a speedy rervery. Miss Gibbons has returned to Lucan after spending Thanksgiving at her home here. The sale of the late Mr. Jas Bone was a splendid success . Mr. Anon Scott has almost completed his new barnm Mr. W. J, Currie has purchased a new Chevrolet automobile 7.6c.3 . F, 'Wt.:1'4'1'6*nm hy Cough? NiffiliiMIMMINOMV,1111,111111111111111111110• 110=1.11•10 Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Will stop that cough. A large bottle for 50c, Every bottle guaranteed or we will refund your money. J. W. McKibbon DRUGGIST AND DPTICIAN Phone 53 C. P. R. Tickets, Egf"te231/Manne) Owes 440114 eft= eramisformes aso PI-IONE 59 11 FOOD VALUE some Foods are manufactured to a price; others, again, are made up strictly on quality basis. Quality foods are the kind AT CliRLSTIE'S Quality is the supreme test of all foods. That's what most people want and that what they here every time. METTER THAT, VE We're in better shape new than ever before to give you the hest values in Food. Just visit our store and you'll find QUality High and 1 1 • Prices Right 411110. 4 The Tea and Coffee House Cash Paid for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Vet OSISO ed, MODS 111111111111111111111WO SOO pedition to Muskoka soon. enNb Dys-u nAd ar rug g oenve'ttibietigWeostursnideer omf aByelghraavvee Quite a ' number intend taking an ex- sann fling at Mr Renry Deacon's and A n eati t umber around this vicinity are tak- pay ng er ti s a ver semen . ing up their potatoes. Victory Loan Mass Meeting The claims of the Victory Loan to the consideratidh of all patriotic citizens of Wingham and vicinity will be presented at a mass meeting held in the opera house, here on the evening of Friday Octobei 24th at 8 p. m _ District repfesentative Stothers of Clinton, will peent moving picture films bearing on the subject Rev. Mr, Snell will give an address. A trio cello, violin and piano, by Mr. Butcher, Mrs. Buchanan and Miss Brandon will entertain the audience. Everybody is urged to be present, .....wommoom44,4 WANTED Knitters and Loopers Beginners paid while learning. Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd. WINGHAM BRANCH NTIMIIIIIIMMITTITIMMIMMMtIMMITIMMTTIMMT TtIttt% OW• , 41.•••• Or. fro,. Mr*. 11W4" Nen Ws" OM* Ow* efor, iptAr• 4140. V10".4 11A1.4 100.. epo4i. Ova.' Apr** 00, O W. • The NEW Autumn styles are introduced by the BELL QUALITY shoe, have an individual charm that will appeal to WOMEN OF discriminating taste. BOYS' BOOTS 130y's splendid wearing Boots, solid leather all through sizes, 1 to 5. Big stock to select from. Price $3.50 to $4.50. Come and see thc new fall shoes. W. J. GREER "44P .041, .4.446 townie wdeffir or,48 4.49 wear wool* ~NO ..046 .4.4111 ~IP 0.0a 0,011111 .A.441 o..WO *0,40 .0111 .00 .4041,