HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-10-09, Page 81.10011100100109**0000009004•94404090999003000401=4 wwww ViVAMAMANWWWWihrhig WI/MU ADVANiurA ' 1 ` c r r' i ' ' iY 1 i Hanna & Co The Store wit f4fRANIMICWAMMMWAWA MMMWM e offer you clothes that are distinctly differ- ent -and smarter -than every Tom, Dick and Harry is wearing -clothes that reflect to the minutest detail the style -thought of a clever design- er. We refer particularly to 20th Century Brand clothes. Their reputation is based on achievement and on the experience of thousands of good dress- ers. Have Ott seen the new Style Booklet? Sold Exclusively by the Stock. • POLK; SQ1001.! REPOR (Continued fequattage bo, E Hattnell , ttttt VW* WTaylor • . 41164bketa. A. 332 .1 Lavs .. • ...... 320 NBeattie ... • .4 * • • • bb- * ..... • . s 310 W Scott ...... 308 GRIntoul ..... ..... 4,04,11The 308 FAngus... ....... .... . 292 J Brooks CFry...," ..111 280 M Cowell 0.... 274 WHunter.... • 44 . • he 262 AMitchell I/A. bb• 9 ib•bk.b. • • 262 ✓ Naylor 234 CIIingston ................ 0.• 224 ..... 214 P Stokes ..... G Lediet Report of Sr, ber. Total 400, 202 and Jr. 11, for Septern- Sr. II. site le Thompson „ ....... A. Schaefer L. Smith....., , . ... .... ..... M. Robertson L. Peterman „ R, Rae - E. Lepard .... . . II, Field .......... E. Stoakley W. Fitt L Hutton, . R. Binkley , , , , , „ , , „ „ N. Taylor .. , .. . .. . .. , ... . J. Clark M. Mitchell ....... . FK . Carter.Somers . . • • • . . MOTU I HAY'S. VIEW. To the Editur av THE AnvAriot, Deer Sur, I heer that a lot av the Bluevele lads hev got mad becaws I lett the benighted farrmer's lodge, .• and that they hild a speshal mating about it arid all sittood up on their hoind legs and voted to shupport Mishter Prochter troo tick the flasks to the byes. Well I must close as I am getting shlapey. Mebby nixt wake I will wroite You agin on the pollytical situvration in the manetoime • Yours as B. 4, 395 390 385 38? 380 380 376 awl must hey medicine sometoimes and mebby I can perswade the woife to wear her ould bonnett another winther. Now Mishter Editur, you can aisily see that the law nades to be aminded. There shud be some Helfer shtores run by the Government, wid gud min in charrge av thim, It wud be a foine jawb fer an ould feller loike me to be .boss ay wan av thim dishpanseries and to be dishpensing out L. BenneSt • • • ...... • • • & • • V • iv and tin, Well it won't do thim anny good to get hot under the collar, as the feller siz' for I am out to shtay, Bluevaie, has allways bein,a hot bid•av Grits annywaY, wid Jawn King sowin the sade and cultiv- K, Reid . ........ „ ....... A. Hutton , ....... . . ... M. Coutts " M. Hawk E. Wilkinson.. IC, Pilon L Wirth ............. F. Roberson H. Brown . Jr. 11. W. Tennant C. Carr . . ...... , - M, Drummond . .. . • ..... • • . M. Hartnell V • • A. Coutts G, Allen , H. Barrett IL Sutton C. Blatchford J. Sturdy J. Beattie J. Angus H. Hates Report for September. Sr. 1. ' who missed one week or more marke - Sr. Class. 'fota1325 B McGee .... . . ....... . . .... 817 T, Henderson 811 ✓ Miller . 310 L Dfummond „ 309 K. King , 308 M. Redmond e 304 G Burke -302 M. Houser , • . -298 M. 'Ferguson ..... • . , . ...... 297 G. Snell 290 C. Deans ... • .. e. • 296 C. Coutts 295 E McKay • ....... • • • 295 J. Ellicott 292 M. .Templeman 281 M Currie . . 280 N. Hayles 274 M. Campbell 271 M. Zurbrigg ". 264 CDoubledee . • .... 263 262 257 256 252 220 218 atin the sile to pirfixion. Mannys a Timothy Hay. toime I hey been mad enough at the tawk ,in Frank Scott's smithy to take ney harses out and niver to back but there was no place ilse to go. Ivery working black - shriek I ivir knew was a Grit and serves thim roignt too, siz I. There was Billy Homes and Billy Robertson and Andy Murray and Sam Young and Toney Nic- kell and not a hanged Toler in the bunch, ay coorse Jack Stevenson and Tam Jobb and Van VanNorman were Tories and blackshrnits av a sort, but they had to much sinse to be pullin a harse's leg all their loives. Just let us kape the Grites doin the harrd worrk while us Tories hold awl the offises. As I sed, it will make tings awl the betther for my frind jawn Joint if the Bluevale byes kaye hot under. the collar till the election is over. But Mishter Editur, I didn't bland to wroite about pollyticks this week. I wanted to say a few tings about the riffir- indum, now I want you to undershta nd I ant a timpirance mart, and don't approve av the open barr and the tratin sishtern• its too expensive excipt whin some other lad wants to by the dhritiks. But there was watt good ting about the open harts, whin we had thim we had open shtablee as will, and a good warrurn shiove to toast our shins at, but now we must ayther pay Billy Leopard a foive spot iviry year for thise privileges arr shtick our harses in the Baptist Church yarrd wid no place to warrurn oursilveseat all, at all. As I aid, I am a timpirince man, but allwos toike to kape a bottle arr two ay whiskey in the house for whin I have a could, arr whin m my stumick isn't wor- rikin roight, or whin I ant toired, arr whin the woife is crass arr my eorns is akin wurse, but the prisint law nades to be arninded so that the dochters will not hey awl the say. 1 wint to watt av your Wingham dochters only lasht wake fer a perscripstiun and he asked me what waS wratig wid me, if I had wake shpells, if my appetite was good, if I cud shlape at uoights, if 1 lilt toired afther a harrd days wurruk and a lot more tings. Av coarse sed yes to all his quistionetinkin to kape him ingood humor by Makin him tink he was a good guesser. Well whin he got troo with his quistions inshted ay givin me the perscripshun, he sez, if you hev them timptims, Tim, set he, it isn't Salem .. • s A large number front here attended the fair at Gorrie' iast 'Saturday. The day was a little warm hut all reemed to enjoy themselves and the fair was one of the best the Society has ever held. Mr. Alvin Wray who has been in the West for the past few months is at present • • V • • visiting at his home herel • Mr. Wm. Westlake bas purchased Mr. Jacob Willits farm op the B line of How - ick for the sum 'o(' $e.300. Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Neill are at pre- sent visiting- relatives and friends around here. Mr. Neill has been in the West for the past few years. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Higgins front the west are at preseut visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Stafford. The following accounts were orderrd paid. /81•4••••••.•••••••••••••kr . Pre -War Days Resumed It's funny how quickly we slip back in- to the old grooves of life, even though jarred out of them by years of war and wrenched by sad partings. Isn't it true that in rnost Canadian homes life goes on to day pretty much as it did five blank years ago, the stalwart sons come to the breakfast table with the same noisy greetings though there is per. haps a shade deeper ring to their voices? Returned from war, the head of a family sits in his old accustomed place at story time, perhaps bringing a new kind of prince and knight for the youngsters. With the men home life goes on pretty much aa before. The harsh old realities of war are slipping into the misty back- ground. We can never forget the price in flesh and blood, we could easily forget the price in treasure. When we hear of plans for the Victory Loan, 1919, we are brought back with a jerk to the hard fact that the cost of Canada's Victory has not been fully paid, and that the future lays burdens upon us also. Tory Corners We are glad to report that the Gerrie whiskey ye nae but moee 'Nether, go exhibition turned out a great success it being home and take a bath 1‘. oe.z. It hates the best for several years the cars the ignerence av thim dochters, Mr. and Miss Manning of Listowel were as if I didn't hey a good shwitn no longer ,; Ilia guests of Mr. Albert Taylor over Stia• ago than lasht June whin the benighted ilaY last • farmers hob:Meek' picknick to the lake. Mr. Geo. Foster has sold his farm to I told the old sawbones he didn't know 1 Mr. Thom. Vittee on the 13th eon. his biziness hand wint to another dochter Mr. Alfred Ta.ylorpurehased a valuable who gave me the perscrIpshurr and only 1 horse from Mr. George lienni,D. molted nee one quIstion, if I hoed a foive I•111•41•••••••144 shix.vt in me pocket. Av coarse by the toIN M emoRam tonne I wirrt to the drug sidltore and got me bottle, •tend s molter small wan it was) Pm oe- In loving memory of Richard it made pretty expinattne drinkin, bat we James who dteti Oct. 121h. 1918. Ai • 370 367 350 347 347 340 327 324 320 319 319 312 300 292 292 286 281 276 270 260 260 Synopoli Of By.law No 818* 1019 of the Town of Wing tun ie. on the and day of September, 14. D. VW a lly-/aw was noosed. by the Muntelpal Council ot the Corporation of tint Town ot Wingitam. ter toe purpose of granting aid by the way of & mod assessment ot the building and plant ot the Aero Cushion Inner Tire kb Bobber Co.. ot Ontario, ',tinned, at the sum ot P090. and for the exemPtion of the todd Company from all taxationexeept school and county roue. and for the glumly by the said Corporation to the said company of all water for U90 in Lite Company's business. all tor a period or ten years. Dated this 23rd day of September A. D. 1919, nii XoQuovsts, Clerk. Synopsis Of 13p4aw No, 817- 1919 of the Town of Wingllanst 1. --On the 224 day of September, A. D. 1019 By-law was tamed by the Muntotpal Central' of the Corporation or the Town or Wingham, for the purpo,e of borrowing on the Motel- ment •Loti,te, the emus of 81001 by the issue and sale ot debentures to Provide for the coot and Inotallatign of a plant to distribute electric vowere 10 be 4upplied by the 1-.1)dro Eleetrie Power Canuntosion bight system, 2. -.The amount of the debt or liability to be emoted is 20,01 eineit,4 to be borrowed is to be payable 111 Itiirty yeat s trout the (Lay of um issue of 9to debentures. 4. -The amounts to be raised to nay the dome and 101 mac In each Year will be *2702•20- Dated this 23d. rday ot September, 6.P.19 0. Jom J. Onovzs, Clerk. NOTICE ' TAKE NoIC TIO that the foregoing is a true synopsis of two proposed By-laws No. 816 and 817 of the Corporation of the Town of Wingam, to be submitted t the votes of the electors on the 17th of October, A. D. 1919 between the hours of nine o'clok cin the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, at the same places and by the same officers as publis- hed in By-law No. 815 of the Town of W ingham. And that the -day of October, A D. 1919, at eleven o'clocic in the forenoon at the Council Chamber in the Town Hall, in the said municipality has been fixed for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places, and . t -the final sernming up of the votes by the Clerk. And that ii the assent of the electors is obtained to the said proposed Bylaw it earryer Aluminu ware, osts you 110 Morethn the cheaper kinds. Insist oni every unten- sil bearing, this 'Trade Murk. will be taken into consideration by the 385 Municipal Council of the said Corporat- 381 ion at a meeting thereof to be held after 370 the expiration of one month from the date 366 of the first publication of this notice, and 316 that such fist publication was made on 312 the 25th day of September, A D. 1919. 44 311 An FDRUER TA.EE Nonclt that a 301 tenant who desires to vote upon saki pro - 300 posed By-law must deliver to the Clerk 270 not later than the tenth day before the 266 day appointed for taking the vote a dec. 220 laration under The Canada Evidence 247 Act, that he Ise tenant whose lease ex. those tends for the tirne for which the debt or d it liability is to be created, or in which the rtioney to be raised by the proposed 13ye law is payable, or for at least twenty one years, and that he has by the lease con- venanted to pay all municipal taxes in re spect of the property of which he is ten- ant other than local improvement rates, JOliN F. GROVES, CLERR, Lepard b 4 E. Roes J. McKibborr M. Mason . E. Shropshall . I. Sutton . . . .... R. Agnew • , 216 N. Rintoul . . ..... . . 214x L -Hayden .... . I77x , 135 133x 118x 92x 1. D. Miller J. Dinsley W. Gurney ... R. Copeland.... ....... • . . Jr. Class, Total 318 W. Latronico .. . .... • 251 iluenour 4,4,44,4044.dff.**4(VWWIt 247 H. Hartnell 209 F. Saint ... .163 D. Binkley . ..... . ..... 186 A, Stokes ..... . . 180 G. Chettleburgh 176 MHingston .••••••••t••4 174 H. Burgess - 164 13. Templernatt 147 G Roberson . . . ... • „ . 125x V. Miller ... . .. 05x D, Atkinson .. ..... 85t T. Wagner. ' 47 Primer Report for September. Name1 in order of .rnerit. Class 111 E, Henderson, L. Wild, R Laves, M. Lockridge, P. Campbell, B. Wright, M. Fitt,'IVI. Ludwig, W. Ledeitt, N. Ledeitt. Class 11 G. Wellwood, W. Angus, J. Cornyn, M Ring, A. Snell, 1. Smith, G. Wood, N. Coate, C. Fry, V eatery, 0, Ferguson, G. Young, B. Fox, V. Piton, C. Lavia, A Atkinson, It, Harrison, M. Armstrong, S, Robersort. Class 1, H. McLeod, G. Davidson, H. Kargus, Carr, 1 Tiffin, E. Doubledee, 3 Moir, 11. Groves, S. Campbell, M. Bisbee, A. Scott, U. Dickson, H. Pry, .1. Cruik- shank, G. Beattie, M. Dobie, Agnew, 11 Campbell, N. Shropshall, R. Gans - worth. 0 Ledeitt, A. Wesley. ATTENTION FARMERS it has come to our knowledge that some per- son in the vicinity ef Wingham. is spreading a report with mane/mut intent, to the effect that. The FarmersFertilizer Co., Ltd. of Winglunn, is closed dcwo. This is absolutely false. We will hvge a full line of Fertilizers for all Spring crops, Do not buy elswhere before en. mitring our prices. Teo qual ty and condition at our goods kre unsurpaosed. Tun FARMEIN Fnamszna Co. Wingham, Ont, WEAR L999 (Tri c 1NA9 *Replace utetlas that wear eut. withutensilsthat"Wear.,Ever", WEB,DINO BELLS DAWSON-FINLEY A quiet wedding wes solemnized Sept- ember the 29th when Ethel Margaret,' only daughter of Mr. and Mre. G. A. Fin ley, was united in marriage to Mr. John Edward Dawson of Turnberry. The bride who was given away by her father wore a travelling suit of navy blue silk With hat to match. The young couple received some useful and beautiful pre- sents among them was cheques from the bride's relations in New York, Long Island and Massachusette, • Amid a shower of good wishes of their many friends the happy young couple left on a short honeymoon. -Com. Bluevale The Anniversary Services of Knox Church 13luevaie, will be held next Sab- bath, Oct 12th. The Rev. 3. M. Nichol of Ltstowel, will preach at 11 A. M. and? P. M. All are welcome. On the following Monday evening (Thanksgiving Day) there will be a‘free social reunion of the congregation oom- rnencing At 8 o'clock The evening win be wont in garastkind other sunusements after which lunch will be served try she Wits of the church. Move.K. Marsh Wad H. etritilb lave MIZTVrei to CV‘O`Otilitdok after irtsettptilsg rive weeks et Sfre me of rho toiciver's a ttt l4r Phliep Tbreau. • • •••••••••••••••••••bi •••••esfewan•rn*.mv*.vv•rtnow&r.4.141 A11.111111111111111111111111 rroro first to lastI -stropping-shav- ing - cleaning - the blade remains in the razor. Razor -- strop - 12 blades - $5 CSAFEVTII' IttAZOM We ask you to try it -you'll always use it. Sold on 30 days free trial, 410101110110411010M0411.4401111Mg. WINOHAM MARKO'S (Correct up till Wednesday noun) Moot No. 2 Spring ilatradity Oet §th tio 2 Oil to Lard. WHIalyea: No. 2 Fall . Cattin. med., butchers9 00 to 10 001 Gettig!, butchers choice. 11, 00 to 13 00• Hogs. liveweight.... -10 00 to 10 75 Butterfat. 10 00 to 17 00 3181- •4 ( ) 40 ) 55 Wrtnetier Mrs. Thompson and son of Ottawa, are visitiug at the home of Geo. Allan, Miss Ina Boyaus uf Mussels, spent the past week visiting friends in and around tom - Mise Mae Davidson manillits been con - lined to the house is able to be around again. Born -On Sept. 2801 to Mr, aud Mrs. pailua a daughter, J. R. Gibson nas commenced to make apple butter and seems to be kept busy A great many were out of town Satur- day attending the Gorrie fair. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday, mor- ning and evening. The pulpit will be. -occupied by Rev Mr. Trimble tlf Toronto,. After a long illuess there passed away on Monday Sept. zoth an old resident in the person of Mrs, John Davidson in her 76th year, Interment took place in the Wroxeter cemetery the following Wed• riesda.y afternoon, Rev. Mr. Malcom offic- iating. BORN Luwes -In Turnberr , an Wednesday Oct. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs F. J Lewis, a daughter. IVIcIenever---In East Wawanosh, on Thurs- day, Sept. 25th to Mr and Mrs, Percy D. McLean, a daughter. -Lillian Maud i Donalda. I FAIRsERVICE-In Blyth, On Friday, HE QUALITY FLASHLIGHT With 4 big superior features. Many sizes and finishes, Fresh stock of batteries 'very week. FAIliatit-a En On Wednesday, September 24th, at the home of the bride's parents, Listo- wel, the marriage was solemized of Nor. ma, only daughter of Mr. .I. • $ Gee, to Dr, Frederick Arthar Parker of Wmgharn, gev. Dr. Hazen, officiciating. The bride was gowned in ivory georgette arid satin and carried a shower boqtlet of Kilarney and sweetheart roses The wedding mus- ic was played by Miss F, Howie The happy couple left later for Chicago and the South ....,..-....... ICEart-Bieenceat The home of Mrs. W. H. Bunker, 152 Elgin St. East, was the scene of a quiet b at very pretty wedding on Tuesday zwitinermiteawaimagimprot Long Evenings 11611‘. rAtt, AT OtTR MUSIC sToan ▪ and hear the best of new publi- : Cations, both in sheet music and re cords. Our best hours are spent in the home, brighten them with music. We O can help niake the home life more MI •enjoyable for all, old and young. N Teach the children EARLY to listen j to music in a definite way, for music • nas a potent influence ou the min Iand elearacter of the child. We are in tt position to ineet the Irequirements of pupil and teacher for instruction and easy inetbod books also Conservatory of Music Loeal • Center Examination Books. /milt forget the stand! Morton Illotk, 44. Hill az Sowl r ROSS' Hardware Sept. 9, 1919. when Vera Anetta, th:rd daughter of Sarah Bunker and the late W. H. Bunker, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. John Kerr, of Winghatn, Ont. The bride entered the , spacious living room, to the strains of Lohengrin's wedd- ing mat ch, played by the bride's sister, Alma, leaning on the arm of her brother, Gordon, and took her place beside the groem, underneath an evergreen arch beautifully decorated with white asters. Miss Maud Bunker, sister of the bride, aeted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Luther Bunker, youngest brother of the bride Was groomsman. After the ceremony, which wai performed by the Rev. A, M. Irwin. Luncheon was served itt the din- ing room to about 30 guests. The bride wore a suit of navy blue tricotine with hat to match, and carried a large. bouquet of bridal roses, The bride's presents were many and costly showing the high esteem in whieh she was held. The bridat couple left for the 4 38 G. T. R, train, amid the usual tokens of good luck, for Niagara Falls and Buffalo, and on their return from their wedding tour will make their horrie at Wingham, Ont. - Ontario Reformer, Oshawa, ••••••km...m••.•••••• VeNsmer-lecustren A pretty wedding took place on Thurs- day, Sept. zeth, at the bride's home , tee Elgin St. East when Alma Lorena, daughter of Mrs. Bunker and the late W. H. Bunker, W as married to William Vin- son, East Whitby. The ceremony was enducted by the Rey. A. M. Irwin, of Ring St , Methodist church, in the presence of about thirty- five relatives and friends. The bride en- tered the living room, which was most artistically decorated with asters and orange blossom's to the strains of the wed- . ding march front Lohengrin, played by Mrs J. J. Xerr, Jr.. sister of the bride.. The bride was given away by her brother Gordon, and wore a snit of navy gabard- ine with picture hat and black fox fur and carried a shower bouquet .of Ophelia roses. Miss Mean Bunker; sister of the bride wore a grown of 'fawn taffetasilk with corsage bouquet of ast ers and pink roses. The groom was attended by Mr. J. A.. •1311g3tt of Brooklin. After refsesitments Mr. and Mrs. Vinson left amid the usual tokens of good luck for ,a motor trip to Toronto, Niagara and other points, their many friends wishing them every success - Ontario Reformer, Oshawa, The New York Herald On Wednesday, October 8th we have ',A treat for ail Canada" -a special Canadian Section -10 pages of red•blood- ed andlindustrial features, that every C,an- adiart will surely want. This number will include special con- tributions by distinguished Canadian Statesmen, Financiersand leaders Irt 'Com- merce and Agriculture and Canada's etrong financial poeitien as she enters up- on the reconstruction period, WINGHAM FALL FAIR Wednesday and Thursday this week Oct. 8th and 9th. Me.ke our store your headquarters. Meet your friends and leave your wraps. You will be as welcome as the flow- ers of May. W. H. WILLIS SOLE AGENT FOR THE FOR LADIES' Oct, 3rd. to Mr. and Mrs. John Fair- armainissimumnimonesseammaisomsamim service, a son. F \Maar. andora :CO well known as to have become a L') Canadian institution is this grand working Pandora. Glal oven door; tested thermometer; an oven so evenly heated that even the beginner can .bake well with it. Grates work smoothly; reservoir is enameled and may be removed for cleaning. There is a: lifetime of satisfaction in the Pandora. 14 • For Sale by R. R. Mooney 4511511MEENIIIIMOmmieW•temm,0111111~1111,11MriatSOMMONSINNOWSUMW '51"1,6311°,01"trK. !!"1."!!!'"!"" 101: :414 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 71. MularAM PAM XXXXX New Fall Coats We are now shoN,Ving • the, neW Fall Coats -the famous, Northway sbape-keeping garments. Every pur- chaser of these coats is a. satisfied 'customer. • All new styles, beautiful' clothes combined with .perfect fit and workmanship. Prices120.00 to $75,00 FURS This we believe will be an exceptionally big FUR v. SEASON. Fashion demands furs for all occasions and rk we are prepared to show you the highest grade furs pro- duced. If you want reliable Furs come to KINGS' Natural 7.6 Sable, Muskrat, Fox, Kolensky Wolf, Hudson Seal, vo, Coon, Australian opossum etc., etc. N% MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT ob. New overcoats are here. AU new styles in plain Clothes, and overeheeks, and which we believe the Best Values Shown. New Gloves, Silk and Cashmere Sox, Underwear, Hats, Neckwear, Caps and all other up-to-date Haberdashery. General Dry Goods in all lines Of good quality are scarce and while our present stock lasts, it means big saving to Cus- tomers buying here. FARMERS: - Bring us your Eggs, Butter and Dried Apples. ING BRO$. PRODUCE WANTED. xxxxxxxxxvononoponotxxx mom( tut.: PHONE 71 :004t "LX Yz. te. 'be eleeee, tee.