HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-10-09, Page 1•
V -
Spend Thanksgiving Day at Wingham,
The War Veterans are holding a Monster Celebration on Monday, October 13th.
Single Copies Three Cents
Subscriptions: $1.50 per year
Get It M Any Price
M. A. E. Smith has received the follow.
ing letter from his cottsit Thos. Clark, ex -
Mayor a Mount Forest, in answer to. a
query as to whether hydro was a good
thing for the town.,
Dear Alf:
"Yonrs Re -Hydro P, received, In an-
swer would say have it at any cost.
Your old plant will have to be kept up
all the time. H. P. does away with
that. You have service night and day.
Without the II. P. you are twenty-five
years behind the times. It is the pow-
er a the fixture. It can be utilized by
all factories and will pay for itself in
time, We are more than satisfied here.
Support The ISHaws
We believe it is in the interest of every
ratepayer of Winghatn, who cares about
the future of the town and wishes it to
gnaw, to go to the polls on Friday Octo-
ber 17th. and vote FOR -both the Hydro
bylaw and the Aero Cushien Tire bylaw.
There are very few people who do not be-
lieve that we need hydro, but who favor
it should leave no stone unturned to have
every ratepayer vote tor the bylaw on
Friday of next week. The Aero Cushion
"Tire Co are, we believe, going to be a big
asset to our town after they once beginthe
manufacture of tires. They are only ask-
ing for a fixed assessment of $6000 for a
period of ten years, free water and exenap-
tion from the local rate for the same
period. This concern looks good to sev-
eral other towns and only because of the
fact that Mr, T. R. Bennett, Mr. &tie-
rigg, Mr. Bisbee and Mr. Kennedy have
worked for their company to locate here*
are they -doing so.
AUCTION SALE. --Stook Inplements, Pure,
fl bred A.berdeen Angus Cattle, etc,. the est-
ate of the late James W. Bone, Lot 30, Con. 8'
least Wawanosh on Tuesday, Oct. 14th. at 12
o'clock. See bills and ask for catalogues of
Joins Foams and
JAS. TAYLOR. AuOtioneerS.
A MOTION SALE -Stook and Implements, at
fl Lot 34 Con. 1, Morris township 811 o'clock
,on Friday, October 10th,
DAvin PATTON, Prop,
T. It, Eximarrm,Auct.
A UCTION SALE -Farm stook and implements
n at the home of Mr. Jos. Robb, Morris. on
Tuesday, Oet. lith. Jos. Rous, PROr. T. R.
Bmsrma"r, 'ACM
Auction Sale -Household Furniture, at the
n residence of W. B. Willis, Shuter St. on
Thursday Oot.. 2th. at 2 o'clock. No reserve,
T. R. SErnsarr, Auctioneer
-- -
Usual Monthly Routine
The town council held their regular
meeting in the council chamber on Mon-
day evening, Mayor Gurney presided.
A motion was passed at the laet regul-
ar meeting of the council to have power
on Sundays and holidays, but for some
reason this was found to be not good leg-
islation, although everyone must admit it
was very popular with the users of elect-
ricity, and on motion of Mayor Gurney
and councillor Willis the motion was res-
cinded, •
• A petition was presented to the council,
signed by Mr. F. 11, Roclerus and several
other ratepayers asking that an electric
light be placed on the corner of Patrick
and Edward St, The matter was referr-
ed to the Electric Light omrnittee with
power to act.
Mrs. Jas Thompson Shuter St. is at -
Arthur Adam and Chas. Cooke were '
each refunded their sanitary tax of $1.75. tending the wedding of a nephew in
A communication was read from Guelph,
Sir Henry Drayton, minister of Finance Councillor Thos. and Mrs. Fells, and
for Canada urging that the council give Mr. and Mrs, L. S. Beninger, motored to
their hearty endersation to the new Viet- Hamilton Last week.
ory Loan Campaign. Miss Ada McGill has returned to her
The Local Publicity committee of Hur- school at Ingersoll, after attending the
on County for the coming Victory Loan Wallace -Muir Wedding.
campaign request you to submit the foll- Mr. C. P, Smith and son, Kent, are
owing resolution to your municipal coma- spending a couple of weeks motoring
cil, to pass and publish in the records of through the Ottawa Valley.
your businses, in order that the loan may, Miss Lille E, Breen of Toronto, is visit
be launched with the approval and sym- I ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and
KJ fine programmes consisting of good, hum-
orous, and novelty numbers. Let us have
yottr next concert. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Prices moderate. Write 37 Oxfird St. West,
London. Ont.
WARM FOR RENT OR SAL1.-The 100 are
s: farm on the 1st line of Morris, known as
the Fraser farm, Apply, to either R. Van -
stone or Chas, Sutton. •
.• . . A. y. McDorrAt.n, Prop;
RORSALE-I have got a small quantity of
J: new Hemlock lumber on hand.. Better get
what yotrwant now. Sizes 2x5 2x6 2x8 2x10.
Lower Wingham.
"'OAHU FOR SALE -100 acre farm, well built
, X on and on the main road within 1 miles of
Winghant. eeppie to
Box 240, Wingham.
OR SALE -A Good work Mare in good
A. condition. Apply at ADVANCE 010Ft OE.
VCR SALE -The South parts of Lots tvienty-
..11 eight and twenty-nine in the fourteenth
concession of the Township of East Wawanosh
containing a hundred and sixtyaores of land,
being the property owned by the late Joseph
S. Smelt ezer. The following buildings are on
the premises: A brick house, good repair
With hard and soft Water and a furnace; good
frame barn, stone foundation. cement floor,
water boxes and litter carrier; good driving
shed with pig pen and hen bowie beneath; a
oonvenient garage; and a hay barn at back of
farm. A drilled well with windmill is at the
front of the farm and a never failing spring on
the lane near the back. For further' particul-
ars apply at the premises or from the under-
Wingham, Ont,
IIARM FOR SALE -100 acres, lot 16, con, 4,
Howick, known as the Robt Jamieson
estate, Land is in good state of cultivation.
Good buildings. Well water( d and fm
For farther particulars apply to
IViiss 13. JANaksOrt,
Box 33, Bluevale, Ont.
Mrs. Haslarn, is visiting with lier daugh-
ter in Toronto.
Mr. Geo. Sutton, Picton, Ont is visit-
ing friends in town.
Mrs, Van, Hawkins is visiting lo Prest-
on, at the home of her son Chas,
Mrs. David Mair of lIamiota, Man, is
visiting with Mrs. P. S. Linklater.
Mr. and Mrs. Sara Lockeridge and sOZ.1
Charlie of Trenton, visited with friends
Mr. A. A Shaw of Sarnia, is visting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Agar, Fran-
cis St.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Elliott, and two sons
Belmore., motored to Windsor last
pathetic support of your honorable body.
Resolved that the municipal council of
Wingham, recommend to the citizens of
this community the hearty support of tne
Victory Loan 1919. The proceeds of this
Loan are needed by the National Govern-
ment for current obligations and the pros-
perity of Canada. Robert Currie of Brandon, ,motored and
spent a few days with Mrs. P. S. Link -
The call of patriotism demands that later. • .
Mrs. R. -J. Breen, of Turnberry.
Messrs Jim Walker and Geo. Mc-
Kague of Teeswater, spent Sunday at the
home of Kr. and Mrs, Geo. Agar, Francis
, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Currie of Alma, and
each and every citizen shall do his part
by subscribing as his financial position
will warrant. Moved by IL B, Elliott,
Seconded by R. A. Currie.
John F Groves, salary and postage,
96.10; G Allen, salary 40 94; E Lewis,
salary 46.20; W Stokes, salary 52,00;
Town Band, grant 50.00; Public School
Board, Adv on levy 1000.00; MissCloakey
Deb, L I 1910, 148.70; Bank of Com-
merce, Pavement Deb. 1883 17; Bank of
Hamilton, Coupon 45.00: Bank of Ham-
ilton Coupon 315.00; R R Mooney, re-
pairs 10.13; J A Mills, horse feed 51.00;
Bell TelePhone Co., exchange and .tolls
78.39; W A Currie, repairs 1,50; Rae &
Thompson, supplies 1.55; Fire Brigade
Salaries 75.00; R D eyell, cutting grass
139.26; W Holmes, repairs 2.25: A San-
derson, street watering and teaming
120 05; R Legatt, work 58.50; T J Mc-
Lean and Co., on sewer 72.00; T. J. Mc-
Lean and Co , work on street 38.35: Can
Fairbanks -Morse Co., • crate bar, 5.25.
8 Vansickle, teaming 31,50: J Fells, team-
ing 31.50; A Haines, work 20.70; B Mont-
gomery, work 9.00; P J Kehoe, work
9.00; G Turner, work 4.50; G Wilson,
15,00; F Wilson, 19.50; A Haines, 1 00;
T Ritchie, teaming 14.00; j 3 Brooks,
salary 12.50; G Alle.n, salary 30.94;
Ritchie, freight and teaming, 1001; Rae &
Thompson, supplies 50c; Clinton Knitting
Co., waste 1.50; A Sanderson, team-
ing 75c; Bank of Commerce, deb. -
736.70; Bank of Commerce, coupons 27.
17; J J Brooks, salary 67.50; J Radford,
salary 112.80; I Walker, salary .102.23; J
Finley, salary 06.75; F Galbraith, work
5.00; John F Groves, postage 3.75; Bell
Telephone Co., exchange and toll 8.48; W
A Currie, work 17.25; J A JIVIcLean, coal
1182.89; Goldie & McCulloch, repairs
54.03; A M Crawford, work 14.25; T Rit-
chie, Freight and teaming 3 84; Rae &
Thompson supplies 8.14; Can Gen. Elect,
Co, supplies 82 43; Dominion Bank,
coupons 92.87; Bank of Commerce, Deb.
and coupons, 534.41; Thos Kew, repairs
to banes e 555; Can. Westinghouse,
Meters,89,55; Hunter Bridge & Boiler Co.
repairs 13,85; Dominion Bank, coupons
Moved by councillors Willis and Angus
that the managers of restaurants and eat-
ing houses be warned by the chief bf po-
lice that they are expected to close prom.
ptly at 12 p. in. on Saturday nights.-
110ICSALEL-Quantity of Hemlock lumber 2x4
to 242 any quantity from 6 ft. too 6010,
" Arthur Law, Wingham
TIARM FOR SALE -The undersigned offers
for sale his farm, lot 0, con. 7 Howick, com-
prising 1.0 acres. On the premises are first-
class buildings and farm is in a choice location
one and a quarter miles from Gerrie It, A.
Spettort, Wingham, Ont.
000 FARMS FOR SALE -Fifty acre, FOrty
AA acre, Ono hundred acre and Two hundred
acre farms in goed localities for sale cheap,
1 else have several good horses and lots in
the ton of Wingham.
14cCornstax, AMTIONEIIIR
Misses Marguerite Bennett and Eileen
Kelly of Westfield, have returned home
after spending a few days at the home of
J. E. Fells, Diagonal Road.
Mrs, T. E. Manning and little daught-
er Lois of London, also Mr. David Boyd
of London are visiting with their .mother,
Mrs. D. J Boyd, Josephine St.
Mr. Adam Grieves, also Mr. and Mrs.
John Grieves of Avonton and Miss Shiells
of Buffalo spent a few days at the home
of Mr. Donald Rae.
Druggist Mitchell, wife and family, of
Wingharn, spent Sunday the vestal:A Rev.
and Mrs. J. E. Hogg. Both families were
former residents of Southampton. -Clin-
ton New Era.
4. Miss Powell and Miss Alice Imlay were
delegates to the Missionary Convention
in Ripley last week. Mrs Johnston of
Gorrie was re-elected Superintendent and
Mrs. Rev. Armstrong Secretary for the
"1 ......., ..,..................,., ,.........e,......,...^.• ,---. "...",,,,, , , "T..'
The Twelfth Annual Games of the
Wirghain High School were held on Fri-
day October, 8rd, The following were
succes sful in winning prizes.
Girls' Events
Forenoon 0-12
1 -Throwing and Catching Ball -Mae
Bone, Anna Cummins.
2 -Egg Ram -Sr Myrtle Deans, Mae
Bone, Agnes Williamson.
3 -Egg Race -Jr Ena Currie, Marion
Mitchell, Helen Wilson
4 -Nail Race- Sr Gertrude Bone, Sher -
ley Donaldson, 011ie Hamilton.
5 -Nail Race -Jr. Marion Mitchell,
Florence Dietrich, Ida Lutton.
6 -Throwing Basketball -Sr Shirley
Donaldson, Gertrude Bone, 011ie Hamil-
7 -Throwing Basketball -Jr, Florence
Dietrich, Dorothy Webster, Helen Wilson,
• -Apple Race -Sr, Mae Bone, Maude,
Bell, Mable R, Johnston.
0 -Apple Race -Jr. Helen Wilson, Mar.
ion Mitchell, Dorothy W eheter.
10 - Championship Basketball Game -
Afternoon 1.30-5
I -Hundred Yard Dash -Sr Mary
Currie, Gertrude Bone, 011ie Harnilto
2 Hundred Yard Dash -Jr, Helen
Wilson, Dorothy Webster, Doris Fells.
3 -Throwing Ball -Sr. 011ie Hamilton,
(new record), Myrtle Deans, Mary Cur-
4 --Throwing Ball -Jr, Helen Wilson,
Marion Mitchell, Ida, Lutton.
5 -Needle Race Sr. 011ie Hamilton,
Mable R. Johnston, Gertrude Bone.
6 -Needle Race Jr - Addle Proctor,
Ena Currie, Marie Piton,
7 -Three Legged Race -1 Gertrude
Bone, Shirley Donaldson, 2 Miss Lippert,
Harriston, Miss Holten, Harrist m, 3
Helen Wilson, Mary Currie,
• 8 -Book Race Si- 011ie Hamilton,
Myrtle Deans, Miss Thomson, Harriston
9 -Book Race, Jr. -Miss Lippert, Har-
riston, Dohs Fells, Helen Wilson.
10 Relay Race -(Interschool) Harris -
ton, vs, Wingham, Harriston, as winner.
TheWinners of the girls' championships
were. Marion Mitchell, Jr. and 011ie
Hamilton Sr.
The winners of the boy's championships
Were Harold Mitchell Jr and Alex Nichol-
son, Sr.
Bciy's Events, A. M,
1-1-Iurdle Race, Sr, - W. Wallace, N.
Wightman, A Nicholson.
2 -Hurdle Race Jr -H. Mitchell, S.
Harrison, A. Irwin
3 -Standing Broad Jump, Sr. -W. Wel,
lace. A. Nicholscn, N. Wightman, 9ft 3i
4- Standing Broad Jump, Jr. -H, Mit-
chell, K. McDonald, S. Harrison, 81t log
5 -Running Rroad Jemp, Sr, -A. Nich-
olson, G. Fryfogle, W. Wallace, 17ft. 11e
ins, New Record.
6- Running Broad Jump Jr. -S Harr-
ison, K. McDonald, H. Mitchell, 16ft.
New Record.
7 -Quarter Mile Race, Sr, -W. Wallace
A. Nicholson, 1 min 4 sec. New Record.
• 8- Quarter Mile Race, Jr. -H, Mitchell
S. Harrison, A. Irwin, 1 min losec New
9 -Putting Shot, Sr. -A. Nicholson, A.
MacKay, W. Wallace, 28ft Sins.
10 -Putting Shot, Jr. -J. Lutton, B.
Mitchell,,P. Henderson, 231t Sins.
• Afternoon Events
1 -One Mile Run, Se -A Sanderson,
(Harriston) W. Wallace, A. Nicholson, 6
min 19 sec.
2 -One Mile Run, Jr. -S. Harrison, L,
3 -Hop Step and Jump, Sr. -G, Fry-
fogle, W. Wallace, A Nicholson, 37ft 210s
4 -Hop Step and Jump, Jr. H. Mitch-
ell, A. Irwin, 34ft Sins.
5 -Hundred Yard Dash, Sr -A Nich-
olson, A. Sanderson. G. Fryfogle.
6 -Hundred Yard Dash, Jr. -H, Mit-
chell, J. Dale, (Harriston) S. Harrison
7 -High Jump, Sr. -W. Wallace, A.
Williamson, N. Wightman.
8 -High Jump, Jr. -IL Mitchell, S.
Harrison, D. Perrie.
9 -Pole Vault, Sr. -W. Wallace, A.
Nicholson, G. Fryfogle, 7ft -4ins,
10 -Pole Vault Jr. S. Harrison, J.
Lutton, H. Mitchell, 6ft llins,
Referendum Meetings
Mr. R. N. Holsaple, Supt. of Anti -Sal-
oon League of Iowa, will address 'a public
meeting in the town hall on Friday night,
Oct. 10th. In reporting his , meeting in
Massey Hall on Sunday afternoon,
The Toronto Globe sod "he brought
down the house" Everyone, whether in
favor of the referendum or not, should at-
tend this meeting.
Mr. R. D. Cameron of Lucknow, will
be the speaker at a mass meeting held
in the town hall on Sunday evening, Oct.
12th at 8 o'clock, Special music.
The town clerk was authorized to write
to the Bell Telephone Co. requesting that
they have their wires run underground.
A communication was read hone the dis-
trict superintendent stating it would be
impossible to have this done this year but
that the matter would be considered next
year. The work will involve an expendi-
ture of about $10,000.
• Moved by councillors Willis and Fells
that the Militia Department of Canad-
ian Government be asked to supply the
town with two trophies, either large guns
or trench motors, the latter preferred -
Entrance Class
Total 350
Jean Carruthers
Mary Johnston ....... .
Dorothy Snell ...... ........ ,
Corson Boyce
Lloyd Zurbrigg..,, ............ • •
Elsie Blackhall
Ruby Brown
Mabel Casemore
Charlie Pattison
Bessie Boardman-. . ....
Beatrice Dobie
Margaret Cruilcshanks
Arthur Field
Kenneth Carter
Dorothy Levis..
Percy Johnson
Anna Forgie.... ...... .
James Carr
Harold Wright,
Oliver Felt .
Fred Isard ............. •...'
Clarence Hinscliffe
Charlie Mason .... . 213
Florence Pocock ... . .... 210
Roy McLeod . , 209
• 279
• 248
. . .
Vera Robinson
Vida Bell
Aaron brown
Laura Hartnell
Marguerite Johns
Willie Kew
Total 680
M Isard.
S Blatchford
G Robertson
C 'Wirth
H Groves
F Ford
Y McPherson
C McKibbon
W Johnson
M Simpson
D Scott
A Swanson
W Tiffin
G Fryfogle
E Boardman.... .......... .......
R Lockman
F Field
j Hamilton
G Dobie
B Robinson
G Spot ton
D Heney
L Groves
N Carr .... . ........ 400
M Mitchell . . .. 396
Form IV
• 0 *
°cat ItC1F10
Miss Della Haugh has taken a position
at Toronto
• Edison Recreations. We are adding new
records every week-Rexall Drug Store.
Mr. Chas. Sutton has purchase d a new
• 1919 chevrolet auto.
100 Amberol Records arrived this week
all the latest numbers :exalt Drug Store.
QUIln's will not be open on Sat. night
any more till next spring.
One Cent will buy a dollar bottle of
Hypophosphites at McKibbons one cent
• Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Young are on a
business trip to Hamilton and other
One Cent will buy one pound of Inter-
national Stock Food at McKibbons one
• cent sales.
"Phonographs". We carry the largest
stock of Phonographs in this vicinity and
sell on terms to suit you -Rexall Drug
After October 10th the Wingham
Creamery will not be, open on. Saturday
nights. Butterfat 65 cts, eggs 55 cts.
• Mr. John S. Morgan, shipped a carload
of cattle from Ripley to Toronto, arid Mr,
• Jas. Menzies shipped a car kohl Wingham.
. - .. 429
. .... . ' 413
....... 403
. 402
.1 McLean . ........ . ...... ....... 389
✓ Campbell............
P Gibson
J McAllister
G McDonald
E Tamlyn
A Hartnell
M Sell
MCarr .. .... .
J Levis •
M Saint
R Wagner
F Fitt
T Saint
M Cloakey
Ve Agnew
M Tennant ... •
Jr. IV
Total 260
I Hunter ..
C Louttit
R Carr
H Boyce
• 871
• 249
Pleasant Valley, at 8 o'clock on Friday
The Cottage Prayer Circle will meet at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Walton,
There are 1,000,000 persons entitled to
vote on the coming provincial elections in
Ontario on October 20th. Last election
there was 760,000.voters.
Sunday and Day Schools requiring
Books will find it to advantage in buying
now as we are giving a discount of 30 per
cent off. Geo Mason & Son.
Mr. Kennedy will give a demonstration
of the New Overland light Four at the
Lair on Thursday afternoon also demon-
stration of the Cleveland tractor.
"One Cent" will buy a tube of Tooth
Paste at McKibbons one cent sales
We learn from the .Regina Tribune,
that while Mr. Jos. Ruddy was visiting
in the West he disposed of a few lots he
purchased a few years ago and cleaned up
a few.
Weare selling out o ur Aaiscellaneous
Books in Poets, Reprints, Copyright,
Religious and Toy Books at a digcount
of 25 per cent. Buy now. Geo. Mason
Mncert should be the means of pack -
blight night, fine weather and a
ing the town hall on Fair night, October
9th Admission 35 cents and 50 cents.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services wt11 be
held in St. Paul's Church on Sunday, Oct.
12th. Rev. Canon G. C. Hill of Goderich,
formerly of St. Paul,s Church, Regina,
will preach at both services.
- A tea and apron shower in aid of the
St Paul's church bazaar, was given by
Mrs. Dyer on Tuesday afternoon. A mis-
cellaneous shower will be given at the
home of Mrs. Connor, on Tuesday Oct.
D Armstrong . .
J Taylor
C Dickson
A Corbett
✓ Fyfe
E Carr
G Anderson
G Robertson
M Gurney.
I Ellacott .
N Fixter
F Bell
R McDonald ... . ... , . .... 2
M Angus 1
W Sturdy1
1-1 Sutton 1 •• 1
M Hill • 1
E Williarns , 1
M Vansickle 1
NOTICE: -We make Cider and. Apple Butter
• every day of the week. Bring your apples
to IVIlldmay for first class work.
VA,NTED-A horse Weighing between 1,100
si and 1,200 lbs., for flour and feed delivery.
110•Wsoll & 110wS011.
WANTED -Life Insurance Agent, Salary
" Commtssion, Experience not necesS-
arr. Returned men preferred.
Address N. A..ADVANCE wIson.or.
WANTRD-A Competent lVfaid. Apply to
11 Mts. Wurxwoo.
f seseeseeketliseeesseereiteeseviessearms..000•Ssmt
I Brunswick Cafe
In connection with the
Open 6 a. m. to 1Zp.
• Our Special Dinner 50c,i,
Nem conduct yourself in this Cafe
as you would iri your own home.
Our Motto is Cleanliness
At All Times
VIM our Cafe after the Concert.
We serve mats at beers.
To -day and To -morrow
• Wednesday and Thursday
Charlie Chaplin
"The Henpecked Spouse"
And a 2 reel Mack Sennett Comedy.
Two shows Wednesday night at 8 o'clock and 9.15.
Open afternoon and evening on Thursday (Fair Day).
Coming & onday and Tuesday. TOM MOORI-?. in
"Go West Young Mani",,
Harvest Thanksgiving Music
St, Paul's Church Sunday Oct 12th
Matting Processional Hymn Venite
Deum, Simcoe Jubilate Hymn- Praise
our God. Anthem Fear not Oh Land
Seniper. Offertory Recessional Hymn,
Even Song Recessional Hymn Magni&
cent Plummer Nunc Domittio. Hymn
Oh Lord of Heaven, Anthem Thou Op.
enest Thine Hand. Offertory. Recession-
al Hymn.
... 21
. 21
CCOOke. ............. * 4 a 1
E Henderson • 1
W IVIarin ... . . ...... 1
• 1
The Late Rev. E. C. Clarke
The news was received in Wingnain of
the death on Friday last at his home at
Calgary, Alta, of Rev, E C Clarke, a
former well-known resident of this town.
The deceased gentleman had been in poor
health for some time. He was born in
England 'Ad in early life came to Canada.
He had been engaged in the tailoring busi.
ness in Listot el, Port Elgin and Wing -
ham, prior to going West some years ago.
After going West he became a Church of
England clergymen and bad been en-
gaged in his calling until a few months
ago. While a resident of Wingham he,
• took active interest 10 public allairs and
• was for a time a member of the Canadian
Order of Forrestere and retained hit mem-
bership in Court Maitland in this town.
14 Clarke is survived bg his widow and
one daughter Mrs. Dr. D. C. Rose of Cal -
PM %OP Will have the sympathy at
ram winstaan tries&
M Henderson
X Dinsley
G Angus
Arde •
tvl Swanson ... ... • . • • ... • . 0 • •
E Fergie
C Lockman
W Laois ..... .......
13 Coutts .
• Marks obtainable 510.
W McKibbon
M Snell ....
NI Christie .
E Chettleburgh
J Field .. . .
M Mitchell
A Irwin
J Young
A McLean
A Laundy
N Williamson
E, Swanson -
.1 Cowell
M Thurlow
M Sanderson
T Robert eon
A Ludwig
G Mitchell
Report of S. S. No. 8, townships of
Turnberry and Morris for the month of
Those marked with x before name, miss.
ed two or more exams.
Senior Third -Total 675, Pass 345.-
5, Fowler, 531;W. Henderson, 528; E.
Henderson, 523; M. Moffat, 424; xJ.
Wright, 281..
Junior Second -Total 275, Pass 165.-
A. Procter, 265; C. Moffat, 229.
Senior First -Total 200, Pass 120.-- V.
Lennox, 170. -
Junior First -Total 350, Pass 210.-E.
Procter, 308; K. Weaver, 219; M. Jenkins,
Senior Primers -Total 250, Pass 150.-
13, Lockeridge 200:
• Junior Primer. -Total 400, Pass 240
A Henderson, 328; P. Weaver, 255.
Number on roll 14. Average attendance
for the month 13
C. J. Brock, Teacher.
27are C'• '1 SNP'
r ANAt
S ecial
-This week
$2 Hot Water Bottle
- Guaranteed two years --
The Fight in Centre Ituron
Centre Huron Liberals have selected 3.
M. Govenlock as their standard bearer in
the coming -fight. He will be opposed by
Wm. Proudfoot, K. C, late leader 0 the
Liberal Party in Ontario, whois running
an independent and Mr. Livingstone of
Grey who represents the U. F. 0. It was
stated to THE ADVANCE by a prominent
liberal from that riding that Mr. Proud -
foot has practically a sure victory with a'
large majority.
Coming Events.
War Veterans' Day and Presentation„
Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Oct. 13th
Voting on the Hydro bylaw, Friday,
Oct. 17th.
Election of a candidate to represent
North Huron in the Legislative Assembly
on Monday. Oct, 20th.
The vote on the temperance referendum
on Monday, Oct. 20th.
Big Publie Meeting in the town hall,
Wingham, on Wednesday evening, Oct
The first shot in the temperance cam.
paign was fired in the Wingharn town
hall on Sunday evening when Rev, Mr.
Hibbert of Essex, Rev, H W. Snell and
others, addressed a crowded hall and urged
their hearers to vote NO four times on
Oct 20th.
In addition to Groceries, we keep vege-
tables fresh fronl the garden at the shop
Onions, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots and etc.
market price. At the field Cabbage 76
cts. per dozen,$5.00 per 100, Celery roots
75 cts, per dozen. -R, A. Graham.
, The G. W. V. A. of town have passed a
resolution at their last meeting to do all
they cart to help Mrs. E. M. Buchanan in
her canvass for votes in the Free Press
overseas tour, all votes or subscriptions
may be left with the Secretary. -H. HINS-
CLIFFS Sec.-Treas., G. W. V. A Wing -
• The many friends of Rev. 3. W. Hib-
bert were pleased to see him looking so
well and hear hie genial voice again in the
Methodist Church on Sunday. The
church was filled on Sunday evening at
the anniversary services. We understand
that the objective $500, was reached or
will be when all of • the enielopes are re-
turned, .
The services in Wingharn Methodist
church next Sunday, October .12th, will he
as follows: -9,30 a. In -Praise Meeting;
10 a. m. -Junior League; 11 a.
lie Worship, subject "The Key to Unreal-
ited Power"; 2 30 p. ra.-Suriday School;
7 p, m. -Rev, A. E. Millson, B. D., of
Auburn a returned soldier from Russia
will speak. All are cordially invited.
Mr. Allen M. Franck brought into our
office a curiousity in the form of a root
that had grown under the monument in
the Franck plot in the Wingham cemetery
The roots appear to have grown so close
to the bate of the monument that they
are shaped as though pressed with a very
heavy weight and flattened out smooth
In other parts of the root small stoned are
wedged solid.
We have purchased
500 of these bottles at a
price that we can sell to
you at this bargain.
We are prepared to pay $2,50 o $3.
per barrel for good quality orchard run
delivered at the G. T. R. freight sheds;
See Mr. Reid at the Queen's Hotel any
Hand picked apples, barrels supplied.
Mrs. Geo. Daley, Morris, received the
sad news of the sudden death of her
only sister, Mrs. Jesse Horner, at her home
in Detroit. Further particulars are not
All those desirous of going to London
to attend the reception to the Prince of
Wales on Oct. 23rd will kindly leave their
name with the G. W. V: A. The execut-
ive committee is making arrangement for
all soldiers in uniform to get half fare and
for a train leaving London at 10 P. M.
This is to lee a county of 'Huron contingent
irrespective of what Battalion they belong
The Huron County Military Band will be
forty strong.
- The second, Lyceum Concert put on in
• Wingham wider the auspices of the Wing -
ham Citizen's Band on Monday evening
and as a result the band boys are still fur-
ther behind. The concert was excellent
but only it few Winghamites were present.
It certainly is a shame to see the boys
lose money on a transactton that should
mean gain to them. They purposed buy-
ing new instruments, music and uniforms
with the proceeds and it looks as though
they will have to go down in their own
pockets to pay expenses. '
W. McKibbon
Phone 53 C. P. R. Tickets.
u , •
Passed Suddenly Away •
Although hi failing health for some
tirne Mrs. Chas. Homuth was around as
usual on lVfonday morning but took a
weak spell about ten o'clock and passed
away almost instantly. Deceased whose
maidcn name was Anne Durnin, spent her
early days near St. Helens but has resid-
ed in Wingham for a long time, where she
was held in high esteem by all who knew
her. Her hnsband predeceased her about
four years ago and she is survived by one
son, Albert of Turnberry and one dangle. -
ter, Mrs. Alex Coulter who resides near
Zetland. The ,funeratwas held. to Wing -
ham cemetery on Wednesday afternoon
and services were conducted .by Rev. Mr.
Dingman pastor of the Baptist. church.
aritgrie=611111e erteib GNI e
In food as in everything elsn
varieties are .legion..• Many foods,
look alike but in actual quality
there is no comparison.
We've studied the grocery and
provision business from every
angle, and this makes it possible
f or us to offer you TOP NOTCH
quality everytime. rf yon want
anything right,
WANTED -Strictly . fresh eggs,
Cash or trade. •
The Tea and Coffee
(Continued on pay 8)
On Fall Fair night you will haire •the
privilege of hearing a splendid concert in
the Opera House Mr. C. LeRoy Kenny
is collated among the most clever enter-
tainers on the stage today, and he will be
assisted by three ladies. Come out and
enjoy a hearty laugh, also hear excellent
ma*. Seats for this concert will be put
cal sala Oil Saturday morning at MeKib
bon's Dvng store.
W het
em▪ s,
eV* win"
. ,
The NEW Autumn styles are introduced by the
BELL, QUALITY shoe, have an individual charm tr.
tllisatte.v%ill appeal to WOMEN OF discriminating
Boy'S splendid wearing Boots, solid leather all
through sizes, 1 to 5. Big stock to select from.
Price $3.50 to $4.50.
Come and s'ee the new fall shoes.
• ..