The Wingham Advance, 1919-10-02, Page 8idge
ill Amu
moist" jag
We offer you: clothes that are distinctly differ-
ent—and smarter—than every Tom, Dick
and Harry is wearing—clothes that reflect to the
minutest detail the style -thought of a clever design-
er. We refer particularly to 20th Century Brand
clothes. Their reputation is based on achievement
and on the experience of-thousatits of good dress-
ers. Have you seen the new Style Booklet?
Sold Exclusively by
Hanna g' Co.
The:Store with the Stock.
Ii 1.
e614..0.• 4 A
Oil beaters
HAVE youan oil heater?
One that you can move
about -the house, so that
the TO0111 You are sitting
int ratty he cosily warm
even though the outside
temperature is at zero
markt The kind we sell
gives you all these con-
Your home can easily
be kept dean, bright
and sparkling by fre-
quently rubbing over
furniture -with a :moist-
ened cloth to which
you're applied a little
O -Cedar Polish. On floors use the O-Ccdar O -Cedar Polish 25c to 43.00 Bizes• • •
31/01/EN are continually at
v v war with dirt and dust. And
the duet nuisance is at its Worst
In Winter; with furnaces going
there' s+ coal dust as well as
ord !nary dud. We know of no
better means of combatting dust
than by the use of
here illustrated Is a
wonder for throwing out
heat. It will not heat a
room all by itself -but as
an :adjunct to furnace
heat it helps mightily to
keep YOU comfortable on
cold days.
Polish Mop. Hardwood
and soft wood -and
linoleum too -respond
wonderfully to the
•-rs O -Cedar treatment.
A-011NR O -Cedar I.'011011 Moo,
Eiectrical Fixtures and Appliances
Ross' Hardware
Two more wild men have come
and gone during the past week, On
Tuesday a very strange man put in
an appearance at Mel Greer's, about
a, mile from town and asked for a
meal and a lunch for his companion
who was supposed to be with him.
He said he was a sailor and his ship
had been wrecked at Point Clark,
and he *was on his way to Wingham
where he was sure a assistance from
a lodge of that town. Ile was given
a raeal and he then resumed his trip.
On Wednesday while two young wo-
men were driving from here to Wing -
hail, they caught up 'with a rather un-
kempt -looking man, poorly dressed
and 'wearing rubbers. On arriving at
Wingham they notified Constable
Phippen, who 'vela out and arrested
him as he was sitting on the veranda
at Geo. Tervittee where he had ask-
ed for a lunch. Then on Thursday
another rough looking individual
was seen on the street here, evident-
ly making for the SIVallIP jixotSOilfh
of town. Reeve aohnston and Wm.
Henderson got after him, and finding
he was going nowhere in particular,
they brought him to the cells. He
field he had 'walked from Toronto and
had been eight weeks' on the road.
Ire was taken to Goderich by an of-
ficial from the jail there. The ap -
earance so many mysterymen is
causing much anxiety. The real
wild man of Males Hill is still at
large, and was seen down near Bel -
feat one day last 'week by it gang of
aleile Packers. Ile Is stilt in bad
need of clothing aft he wore nothing
but a eap arid shirt. Reeve John-
eton was notified and went to look
for him, hut he had disappeared and
nothing has been seen of him since.
The 54th annual exhibition of the
reteknow Agrieulture society was a
reeord breaker, favorett with ideal
weather. The seeond day drew the
biggetit erowd that over Attended a
fait fair here. The exhibits were ell
that eouId be ti rod and as usual
the 'horses evened auything in this
part of the eountry. The ;Pattie, Loge
mid sheep were go
also od, and se
was the poultry.
The Inside exhibite were nuttier -
nits aed of genel quality, 'to that eoin
petition waft very keen. The fruit
anti vegetable:I Were the befit on.
here in years, while the fancy work
was superb and the judges had no
easy task to deeide the winner.
The baking and dairy Products were
very tempting and more than one
took a second look at them. The
Women's Institute booth in the build-
ing did a land office business, as did
the other booths and side shows out-
side, Pianos and grainaphones sup-
plied an abundance of music in the
building, while the bran band amused
the crowds outside.
The Thos. E. ICYle Concert Co, put
on the entertainment in the evening
and drew a crowded houee,
The days proceeds were the larg-
est in the history of the society and
the entry '1st was also the largest
'on record, so everybody is happy this
Lucknow's soldier sons are prac-
tically all home now. Two more ar-
rived during thepast Week, Pte, Al-
lister Hughes and Lieut. Clarence
Spence. Both were met by the band
and reception committee and given a
real weleome. Pte. Ilughee was a
crack shot nue has seen over three
years service. Lieut. Spence served
with the Imperial army.
A very pretty wedding took place
in the Methodist church at Dungan-
non, when Mr. /no. 14‘. Andrew of
Lucknow and Miss Edna Treleaven
only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Sam-
uel Treleaven were united in mar-
riage by the Rev, Dr. It. J. 'Treleaven
of Hamilton, uncle of the bride as -
Meted by the Rev. Mr. Steadman,
pastor of Dungannon Methodist
church. The church was beautifully
decorated, Mr. Jas. Anderrion organ -
let of Lucknovir Methodist enuren,
presided at the organ and Miss
G. Treleaven of Luelatow, et)W1itt
of the bride, sang a solo during the
signing of the register, Mr. Stephen
Strothere acted as groomsman, and
Miss Mary Helm as bridesmaid. Af-
ter it trip to Toronto, London and
other points, theyo
will reside n the
groonfe fine farm on the lith eon,
of Minitel&
Yeaterday was rally day In the
Presb3, erten ehureli, a spec hi I pro
grain arid menden Was given for the
thildren. All children on the cradle
ton were elven a white earnatinn
with a bow of white ribbon for girls,
arid a nInk how for boys,
Mr. Geo. Matheeon held a very
eueeeseful auction sale it Saturday
or household effeettf, and le loping
tor Brantford, where he will reside.
For nearly fifty Years he Wall sa-
perintentlent Of the Presbyterian Sun-
day School, and an elder in the
church. He was loved by young and
old and will be greatly Wooed -
Pte, Win. Johnston Who. Wee in-
valided home from the war over it
Year ago, and who bas been taking
treatment at the military hoapital in
Toronto since, is at las home here,
aud is not regaining hie health as
fast as his many friends would like
to see,
Albert MIllSon is Carrying it black
eye as the result of it mix up With
Mr. Gray of Mitchell, over the horse
ramie at Blyth fall Sall'. Both are race
horse, men.
The annual ThanksgiVing for the
blessing of harvest was held in St.
Peters church yesterday, the speak-
er for the day being Rey. II, Smith
of Brussels. The ehurell was beau-
tifully decorated witli flowers, grain,
fruit and vegetables. Miss Mabel
Allin contributed a beautiful solo at
the evening service.
Jac>, Joynt eeeins to be the busiest
man in town these clays,
Mr. IL Davis of Winghean spent
Sunday with Dr, and Mrs, Elliott.
Mr.Jas. Button of Teeswater spent
it few days with relAtivee here,
Mr, and Mrs, WI31,- Scriingeour of
Palmerston spent a few days with
Mr. Scrinigeour's mother here.
Messrs Precl Cerruti' caul Allester
Forbes visited her last week.
1Virs, Dr. Ta,mblyn or Wieghara WAS
over for the fair, also Mr. and Mrs.
Les, Young and Miss Ethel King.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Battler of Clin-
ton, -visited here last week.
Mrs. Chas, Richardson and Mrs. G.
Webster of Teeswater visited Mrs.
Richardsou's mother, Mrs. Douglas.
'Vass Ruth Mitchell of town was
successful in her recent examination.
in music, and won a special prize
given by the Canadian Academy and
Toreeito College of Music for pro-
fleiency in filial year piano. Mise
Mitchell is a pupil of Mrs. Geo. IL
Smith Mus. Bae,, Alia both are to be
The Patriotic committee called on
a few more returned soldiers last
week and presented them with an
address and ten dollar gold pieces.
.They were Ptes. Wm. Lockhart, Alf
Mitchell, Olyde Reid and Robt. Fisher,
Mr. Harold Freeman has gone to
Kenora,. where he has secured a posi-
tion in a large flour mill.
The Anniversary of Whitechurch Meth-
odist Church is to be held on Sunda)
Oct. 5, Services in -the afternoon et 3- P.
in, Rev, R. P. Irwin will preach a.nd iu
the evening Rev, M Scobie at 7.30 p
also the Westfield Choir will furnish
the music.
Mr. and Mrs. Bannerman of Teeswater,-
visited on Sunday with. their daughter,
Mrs. David Kennedy.
Mrs. Alex. D. Kennedy spent. the
week end at Mr. John Reids in Ashfielcl.
Mrs, 1VIontgoinery of Rose City, is visi-
ting her brother, Mr, Jno. 1VIoa, bray.
Miss Robena Freely spent tht week-
end in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. teleran and Bruce,
, are visiting for a few days at Hamilton
and Grimsby,
Mrs. P. Henry and Mrs. Mac Ross are
visiting at Bayfield.
The Auniversary Services in connect-
ion with, the Metbodist church, will be
held on Sunday tient, Oct. 5th, Rev,
Mr. Irvine of Luckuow will preach - in the
afternoon and Rev. Mr. Scobie of White-
church Presbyterian church in the "even
ing. The Westfield choir will supply the
music at both services.
The Guild :sleeting Sunday night was
in charge t.,f Miss Patterson. There
will be no meeting, Oct. 5th.
Mrs, N, Rice visited at Clinton, for a
few days last week.
Mesgrs John, Robert and Alex Simpson
visited at Mr Arthur Simpson's at Latag-
side, on Sunday, Mr. Simpson is in poor
health at present but we hope fora
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Mary Moore visited with her son,
Gordon at laicknow last week.
We are pleased to welcome home Pte.
Bert Gaunt. Bert is the last one of our
boys to get home.
Mr. Isaac Stothers leaves this week for
Guelph Agricultural'College, Mr, Chas.
Gihleapie will have Charge of the . cream-
ery for. the remainder of the season,
The fame of the chief industry in the
village of Whitechurch, has evidently
spread even beyond the boundaries of
o'er own county. The secretary -treasur-
er of the Creamery Compauy. Mr, °Mae
Ross, yeceived it commuttication last
week from it firm in Rotterdam, Holland,
inquiring as to prices of the choice qual-
ity of butter made by the factory here.
This creamery had been reeommended to
the firm as it inanufaeturing plant of
arst•class standing, and they were desir-
ons of doing business widi the company.
it ha e Mee to ocr knowledge that some per.
son in the vietnite of Wingliam. is PPrettfillIg
report with meholotts intent, to tho cilium that,
The Farmers' Fertilizer Co., Ltd. of Wieghant,
is closed dove, This is abeolutely false.
We will have a Denim/ of leettiligere tor itil
Spring crops, Do not buy blowhard' before en.
gutting our prices.
Tee mud tr arta condition of our geode aro
unsurpassed. ,
Tiln Patorteit's FeteritAztot Co.
Wingho,m, Ont.
Tit the estate Of Jams W. Hone, le, the
Toe ee.lile of East WAWA:108h, In the te of of
Iforon, Farmer, deceased,
Notice Ig hereby given pursuant tOotletion
.71 Chapter 121 01 11, S. 0, 1914, th ail penmen
beelike claims ageient the 'estate of James W.
Bone who died on or about the 20% day of
A 'west, A. 1/. 1919, nt the Town of Wingh
tiro row:theft to send to the undersigned the
Solicitor for (b oit or beton; the
Ilth drty of Oetober, A. O. 1919, their mono
and adtireeeen with fell 'perticulare bf their
Mabee in writ Mg and the nature of the femur
Mee til any) held- by them
MiS further take uothm that atter the Gehl.
11111, ilaYnt Col:ober, A.)), 1919, the Manna of
Th e said eelate will be distributed by the staid
lex ern! ors meting I lie puttee entitled thse. a,
ha v1ng reseed only 10 claims of whIell qty
MIMI then have natio* and the este Wilt
not he liable for any oithrei not filed al the
I ime of the maid disstribulion.
listed at Winghare Ode 81.11. day of step tem.
bar, A. D. 1911/ Noma
er sow eaoto iff5C0"Qtt
t1Mr3 Je trad .irbaliWa A.. getrafoott
VAN.reitra—/n Wingluan on TnesdaY,
Sept 23rd to Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Van*
sickle, a son.
WALL4t're2Morn-At the residence of
the bride's parents, Mr. and 1VIrs,Rob.
ert IVIuk, Olenartnan, at 4 p. m. on Wed"
nesclay afternoon, Oct. lat. Margaret
Muir to Mr. Thomas Wallace of the
11th con of Turnberry. Rev. C. Tote
AYII/SON-In %outer on Monday
Sept. 29th. Bessie Tow, beloved wife
ot John Davidson. The funeral was
held to Wroxeter cemetery on Wednes-
day afternoon.
Morris cootie!
Minim -s of meeting held in the Town-
ship Hall, Morris, on Mori. Aug. 18tb,
1919 The members were all present, the
Reeve presiding, The minutes fok the last
meeting were read and Approved, In re-
sponse to a request from The Women's
Institee uf Oluevele, for it grant, to build
o. sidewalk it was decided to take no act
ion in the matter. The Township Rate
for the present year was fixed at 24 mills )
on the dollar, A grand of $10 00 was
given to the agricultural Societies at
Brussels, Wingbarn, and Illyth. The
contract for the construction qf it culvert
on the centre Sideroad on the Math's
drain, was giveo to Wm, Love at $800
and Arthur Shaw was appointed inspect
or at $2,00 a. day.
The following accounts were paid: 13ert
Jackson, ditch on road $2,50; J. A Me
Lean, lumber Busman Bridge 00.72;
sell Sundercock, 10& clys :work 31 50;
Board $15.00; Wm. Taylor, _gravel • 8 20;
Dan McDonald, gravel 1240CWin. Hist -
on, gravel 2 70; Jas Gardner,' gravel 4,50;
Wm. Salter, gravel 892; Thus Warwick,
gravel '7 20; A Pollock, gravel 8.40; Chas
Agar, gravel 4,80; 'Philip Ament, gravel
4.00; roaeph Taman, work pn Gamier
$21 00; Henry Bosnian, fixing culvert 4.00;
W Campbell, repairing bridge 1,00; Wm.
McMichael, . work on grader 24 00; N.
Nicholson, gravel 820; J. Anderson.
gravel 12.50;j. J. McCaughey,' gravelling
41 00; J, J. Sellers, operating grader 2 50;
agriculttirat society, Brussels 10.00; Blvh,
agrieulteral society. iQ,00 J.J. McCaug-
bey, gravelling 02.00; Thos Miller,
equalizing 4 schools 20,001 .
Next meeting Sept 29th. 1919
A. MacEwes, Clerk,
Synopsis Of By-law No. 816.
1919 of the Town of Winghs.rn
1. -On the ?and day of September. A. I). 1919 a
By-law was passed by the Municipal Council
4if the emporation of the Town of Wingham.
for 1 e put pose of granting aid by the way of
A fixed aseessment of the building and plaut 01
the Aero Cushion Inner Tire Sr, Rubber Co.,
of Onuelo, ithnited, at the sum oi $5900. and
for the exemption of the said Company from
ell taxation except sehOol and cone 4, rates
and for the supply by the said Corporation to
.he said Company of all water for use in tha
Company's business. all ter a period of tee
Dated this 23rd day of Septembep .A.
Joritt Gnoves, -
Synopsis Of By-law No. 817-
1919 of the Town of Winghatn,
1. -On the 22m1 day of September, A. D. 1919 a
was passed by the Munioipal Council
of the Corporation of the Town oi Winehani,
Lor the purpte,e of borrowing on the instal.
ment plan, the sums of 040000. by the issue and
sale of debentures to provide for the cost and
installation of a plant to distribute electric
nowera to he supplied by the Hydro Electric
Power Commission Light system.
2. -The amount of the debt or liability to be
created is 040,000,
3. -The atnouot to be borrowed is to be payable
in thirty years from the day of the issue of the
I. -The amounts to 130 raised to pep tho debts
and interest, in each year will be $2752.20.
Dated this 23rd day of September, .A. D. l9•9.
Joule F. Guovits,
Talcit NOTICE that the foregoing ie
true synopsis of two proposed By-laWa
No. Bib and 817 of the Corporation of
the Town of Wingam, to be submitted to
ihe votes of the electors on the 17th of
October, A 11 1919 betweeri the hours cf
nine o'clock in the forenoon and five
o'clock in the afternoon, at the same
places and by the same officers as publis-
hed in By-law No. 815 of the Town of
And that the day of October, A D.
1919, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon at
the Council Chamber in the Town Hall,
inthe said municipality has been fixed
for the appointment of persons to attend
at the polling places, and t the final
summing up of the votes by the Clerk.
And that if the assent of the electors is
Obtained to the said proposed By law it
will be taken into consideration by the
Municipal Council of the said Corporat-
ion at a meeting thereof to be held after
the expiration of one month from the date
of the first publication of this notice, and
that such fist publication was made on
the 25th day Of September, A D. tele.
AND Ftntuion TAKE NoTlint that a
tenant who desires to vote upon said pro-
posed By -Taw must deliver to the Clerk
not later than the tenth day before the
day appointed for taking the vote a deo-
laration tinder The Canada Evidence
Act, that he is a tenant whose lease ex-
tends for the time for *ditch the debt or
liability is to be created, or in which the
money to be raised by the proposed By-
law is payable, or for at least twenty one
years, and that he has by the lease con-
venaeted to pay all municipal taxes irt re-
spect of the property of which he is ten-
ant other than local improvement rates
knotP. Gnovns,
QICAL141‘) Th1111)E118, addressed te thin Met -
.1 master Ueneral, will be reeeloVed at Otte.
wS until nom, on Friday the 24th day Of Octo-
ber, 1910, for the eon veyabee of His iViajenty's
Mai/t, on it proposed ocettraet for tour years,
Six tiMes per Week. Over lielgrave No. 1
Route, from the 1Tootm8oter General's
Plea4Mre. Printed notioess eontaining further
looms; ton na to the eordition prnpoesd
lemma may he teen and blank terms Of Ton.
der MA) he obtained et the Post Ottioe of jial.
'iIvo, filth and Whisharn, mot $,O._t,kre Poet
vmo,iosps»or, Leedom, (bis. E. Alohm,
Long Evenings
Nee and /Wm the best of new ?Ma,
cations, ktt1. in sheet .musie and re 'I
Our hest hours are spent in the
home, brighten them with musie„ We
can help make the home life more
enjoyable for all, old and young.
Teach the children EARLY to listen
to musie in it definite way, for music
has a. potent influence ou the m
and eharacter of the child.
We are in a position to meet the
requirements of pupil and. teacher for
instruction and easy method ,books
also Conservatory of 'Music Local
Center Examination nooks,.
Don't forget the stand! Morten
calieu HI durable field cabin -els have
been furnished to the boys in emit
, and "over there" without vratit to
Mr. Edison.
'417lie recital was arranged bx J, Wal-
ton McKibbon.
Hill & Sowler
East Wawanosh Council
,The Council met on Sept. 18th as per
adjottrment. Members all present but
Mr. Straghan Minutes of last Meeting
were read and approved on motion of Ir.
win and Buchanan. A 13y -law was read
and passed, placing the following rates of
taxation fer the present year, Co, rate
4 8 f 10 mills, Tp, rate 2.millii, and special
School rate 2 1 10 mills, on the dollar,
Railway and bridge debcotures and gen.
eral school rates; over. and above these .1
amounts. The " Collector presented Ids 1
bond the same being • accepted ar fiails-
factery. On motion of Currie and %tell -
alien. the Clerk was instructed to prepare
a By-law prohibiting the dumping of
Stones or any other obstruction cm the
roadside without permission of some mem-
ber of the Council.
Orders on the teasurer were drawn for
payment of the following amounts. Sam
Morton, township's share on award drain.
12Q0; McGregor Shiell, work on grader
2.00; Thos Irwin, dB. atid extra word on
grader 8,1b; J Young, uuderbrushing
swamp sideline 86 and 87 Con, 11 40.00;
N. Thompson, Corn, statute labor tax
1,50; Wm Blair, plank and rep. culvert
Con 0, 8.00; L. Buchanan, drawing piank
and rep. FothergilPs bridge also rep cub.
vert Con, 4 and 5, 4.00; Wingliam and
libyth Fail Fair, grants each 10 00; j. Mc
Gill, cleaning out North branch Hallahan
drain 185.00; W Stackhouse, shovelling.
gravel 8 (1); C Campbell, gravel 120;
R Shiell, gravel 1 80; W. Fitsparrick,
gravel 1.20; R. Scott, gravel 1.80; Wm.
Foi)ergill, gravel 550; N. Thompsets,
4 8.0;
Next meeting of the councilman 'be held
on Sat. Oct. 11111,
,A POTtTaftFIELD, Clerk.
Probably a number of people who
attended the recital given last Thurs-
day evening by Miss Marie Morrisey
and Mr. William Reddick at Wing -
ham Opera House, were at first
puzzled and disappointed when they
discovered a phonograPh cabinet oc-
cupying the center of the stage. They
felt that they had been beguiled into
going to hear a. charming singer and
a clever pianist and naturally thought.
that they had been imposed npol0
They hardly wore reassured when x
i '
produetion," "Re -Creation," aud '
Mr, 11, MacKay anneared on the stage :
and corameneed to talk about "re-
other like matter. It finally beearae
apparent that the phonograph was
at least to receive assistance from the
singer but even then the mental out-
look was not exaetly bright.
Mr. MacKay eXplained that the
purpose of the recital was to illus-
trate that Thomas A. Edison, after
years of work bed achieved his ideal
to perfect it musical instrument which
would acitually Re -Create music so
perfectly that t/ie Re -Creation would
be indistinguishable from the origin-
wikitiAtvi MARKETS
(Correct up till Wednesday noon).
Wheat No. 2 Spring .......2 0(1 to
Wheat No. 2 Fall 2 11 to -
Laid.. 88 to 40
Cattle, med., butchers -10 00 to 12 00
Cattle, butchers choice. 11 00 to 13 00
Flogs, ....10 76 to 17 00
A large munliv from here attended
the anniversary services in the Belinore
MetliodiSt chureh last Sunday. Rev.
David Rogers -a former Vaster preached.
Mr. George Westlake has purchased
the farm on whieh lie has resided for t he
past few years from Mr. Jas. Langley of
Mr. and Mrs. pdwiu Palmer visited
Mr, and Mrs, lidgar of Maui's, one clay
The corn cutters are busy filling the
silos in this comumaity. •
Mr. John Pitch has a number of teamsan:men hired to draw gravel for the
contract lie took on the gravel road north
of the church.
In the estate of Joseph S. Sineliser late of .
the Toweehip of leaet Wawanoeh, in the.Coanty or Huron; Farmer, deceased,
• Notice is hereby given pursaut to section ou
.Chapter 121 of R. S. O. 1014, that all person
having claims against the estate of Joeeph
Smeltser who died on or about the 111.11. day
of July, A. D. 1919; at the Township of East
Wawanosh, are required to send to the under-
signed, the solicitor for the Administratrix, on
or before the eth tiny of October A.D. 1919,
their names and addresses with full particul-
ars of their claims in writing -and the 'nature
of the seeurities Of any) held -by them.
And further take netice that after the said
911i day of October, A, D. 1919, the assets or the .
said estate will be distributed by the said Ad-
ministratrix among the parties entited Clien-
t% having regard. only to claims of which she
shall' then have notice and the estate wit' not
be liable for any claims not filled et the time
of the said distribution.
Dated at Wingham this 151.11. day oi Sept-
ember A. D. 1912.
Dttoznit IIcetnits,
Solieitor for the Administratrix
MAIIP. D. Smsterzrat,
Thu oday Od. 2nd. re rg
An Excellent Value in
'We happened to procure a line of Men's Mahogany
'shoes last week that are (according to present prices)
exellent value. The shape is just as tile cut shown
hevewith. The leather is a rich dark brown and
se stock is oak tan.
Price $8.00 per pair.
Ba_Lim LwIn Sight
IMAM M.I.10.80.W1
THE clear glass door is only one ofthe
modern features of this dependable
'range. Its baking qualities you know,
The ,cooking top will take the boiler either
.across or lengthwise, making it easy to cook
the regular dinner on wash -day.
Grates work smoothly. Hot water reservoir is enamel;
and may be removed for cleaning. A dependable ther-
morneterAakes all guess -work out of baking. No 'other
, range wiltquite satisfy you once you see the Pandora.
Welaris Pandora
cci.f For Sale by R. R. Mooney
ti. t't14f4,
isierMniallimiVIMOSigNIREMMIZZICVerallianiezeNNIEM PMATINWEINalaMinnintrnuTOM Ca%
This was a broad claim but it was
established before the evening was
over for Miss Morrisey actually stood
besfde the New Edison Phonograph
anti sang in unison with Mr. Edieon's
Re-Creation—so called—of her own
voice. This would have proved little
as her voice might easily have over-
balanced the tone of the instrument
—swallowed it up—so to, speak; but
Miss Morrisey did more—or, to be
a,ectirate, less. She paused front time
to time, Apparently at random and
perntitted her Its -Created voice to be
heard alone. This gave an oppor-
tunity to colnpare one With the other
and it is no more than just to state
that there was no discernable differ-
enee in tone quality.
There must have been it slight diff-
erence ift volunie when Miss Morrisey
stopped singing but it was not notice-
able for the voice which came from
the cabinet was round and lucious
with all of the vibrant, pulsating
quality of that which came directly
from Miss Morrisey's throat. It was
only by watching the singer's lips
that one could be sure when she sang
and when she did not.
Mr. William Iteddiek offered simi-
ler comparisons with his instrument
playing in direct e.omparison with the
Re -Creation of his own performance.
This proof was very convincing. If
It were not another proof was offer-
ed. After Miss Morrisey had com-
menced to sing one number the lights
were turned .out—osteusibly so that
the audience could hot Watch the sing-
ers lips, ee ;AU
It did not seem diffieult to- deter-
mine in the dark when the einger sang
and when she did not. The writer,
vercs pretty sure about it himself un-
til the lighte were turned on agaip
and it was diecovered that Miss More
risey was not on the stage at all and
that the New Edison alone had been
The program also included' lte-
Creations of it piano solo, it delight.
fid mailbox' by a eoneert oreliettra and
a charming rendition of Moho 06 by
Mies Frieda Hempel. .Thus all types
of musket sound WPO heard.
Mut& Buell as 7.11r. I1lE1011 has given
to the world is cespeeially gratifying
tale inspiring in 1110110 war times and.
it Is interesting le know that several
thousand New Editions, especially en
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