HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-12-30, Page 6z 3 , '1 .i .tri , 1 , ,,: f ,M I � ,• , .-' I 1 f .5 1. " r - n �Y"011'1 "T", ',�, . ,: •,� f, ,,. ( r *- : „�,,,-, AI.11 Iratba!n4 ipg4R9Ql li1.9• VPC MAa3� AuA . . •- � 1 s - , .0 ,v Q .:Qetl - 39011 WRXAL. �., O t10Ny,,rroddeob. I # 1;1.9, F, I A , kROX0,t+lenototmons, St. air %.•; " "'-- *I- ads Drafty I #t1tM ,lt�a9.tuPttid ColleOtlgns pa ,. wr4 n�. t1,iaAg an(} llmerlan e:• 4;, y � 0 O#to bought and,4014 A �,.,' lawest current rates. ,q, lXwmt air Atsowxw orf D.rosrrs, ll ti - :W-1,9.1 �:ELE3- ," } 'i+IOnly advanced to farmers en their Ocala uOta ;,•5 , • tp one or. wOre endorsers. 110 rporkP96 cis• ; ; rafted PA ageurlty. R. BREWER. I'll Q' i4anaagger, m CimrrQ#i, k ,i.. -De 1961 WE M • . 13A N ft OBEBTT � �' AUTt-, CLINTON. it , -.- -- r A G-ONBRLL BANKING BUSINESS • I. TRANSAO'TED. Noees Discounted. - - Draft Issued. Interest' Allowed on Deposits. Charon, JuneSth, 1891 868y I ...!.. • 160041fal. ,DR. W- DUNN, I'S. 10. P, :and L. R. 0. S.,IEdinbargh. OMee- Qaiatio stre.t 011nton. Night calls at lona door of laloh1 on.Battanbnry street, oppositePreobyter, tb church DR. 'rt'URNBU4L.' ,J, L.. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto $niv. ; M, D- ; pC. he Univ. rhiat obatetkical gooletyy of Edltlbu g. rte Gordon, Ent(., andEdIngnrgh hospitals Office •- Dr. Dowsley a 'stand, ,Rattenbnry St. Night elle answered at Olilce DR. SHAW. Office, Olatsrla`=reet, opposite Eng- Iiah church, formerly occupied by Dr. ,Appleton., . , Jas. S. Freeborn, L. X. & Q. C. P., L. M. O P. & a. O., &a., &o (i dilate of Rirg's & Qneen's College of Physlclans Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of this General Meill.s Council, Great Britain. Member of'College o rAystolana aid Surgoons, Ostano. Formerly rest dict o 'uo itowada Hospital (Lying-in and Gynse alpglcal�,Dnbl;n. Special attention to diseases o women and ohi ldron. Office and residence, Rattenbur at., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 8::9-1 y , f"t7JNTON u4gor- Now,84 A. &• 4 x tseot every Frldayy, 4n or alielS Oho. ia�I., Vii1IS tori brotbren oardli>ll navitad' A. J. HCLLOWAYi'9P'• X. T111A. 1,0"ALIr, Rio, Clinton, Ileo. 6, 1890, IRR M,' ." fF, , _ , teams Tont Ivo,0, Eutghts ,Pt the Maa ;" PeR a=. the World-. 01,048, 41 ,000 and t;9SA08 PO 0100. am. bpgbtp over 100,000. AssddO ,that ' prinetphpe ngvoF' exoaeded 12 sooesamentg to a year. Che 8ig4,¢afetbdn extatehoe. MgAs to Orange Hai1. Clln. torr, first and third ifrlday gf egery month. C003&'S FLOUR & FIXED ST011b"Ou, BARN and SHOR.TB in Large or Small Quantities. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats - D. COOK.e C1INTON. 752-tt RILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STRLI ET, aLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of 9,11 kinds. Closest living prices for cash. MALT in stook and for sale. TEAK of the choicest -Varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron fit., Clinton Central Butch® Shop. gra COUCH & WILSON Subscribers desire to notify the public that they bume bought out the butchering business latelycon- daeted by Mr. Jae. A. Ford, and will continue the same ander their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in seaman, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P FORD & MURPHY. (Successors to Jr. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply t)f 'b t tneats at the lowest pay @fUtiot rip. our customers with a as ng prices. FORD & MURPHY. Dr. Drll1.ce,-sur9e0n Dentlst. LIVE RODS WANTED. OFFICE -Over Taylor',s Shoe Store, . Clinton, Opt. Speebtl attention to pre• servation of natural teeth. Hi host Market Price Paid. Righest N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Hayfield every Thursday oftotnoon during the - D. CANTELON, Clinton. BLrll Bier. 798-tf. Q. Agnew, L. D. S., Do D, S. B. THOMLINSON, 91.11-77 * 7 a: a ro - bbl�l"R cotlte leH4d .i'tl r? ilQi4R . yr1t. Ke to Ac ViTERINERY SURGEON, {+-^, �•+ DENTIST. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario•Taterinary Col, . Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- peons of Ontario. Iionor GrAtiato ol'Trinity 'ege, Toronto. - Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. University, Toronto, D(3t hoc,.! Anad8thetic Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. for paiulum extraction. Office opposite Town Kali, over Swallow's Stora. Reeidonee-Rattenbary Street. Woso.Clietou.Ont, _. _-___.-----.-- J E. BLACKALL, Night Bell al awered. Will visit Nensall ON .•ry Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday cf each month Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector * , �D i. OBlce on Isaac street, next New Era office. Residence, Albert St.. Clinton. • _ __ _ _ _ MG. CAMORON, RABRISTER, SOLICITOR, . Conveyancer, &a. Office -cm ner Hamilton and SE. Androwe•ota., opposite Colborne hotel, Oodorfcb, ttga.,., of the sickroom of royalty and stands - -- - (�- --- - - - - - '" Goo, TroW111, UI lVi looking at the dying prince with the Horseshoer and General Black - J. SCOTT, carriage kousee, There are also some good fruit that he has no right to ask any- Barrister, 4c.,smith, thing, of the Lord in the way of kind - ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Albert Street, North, - Clinton, �1CA111P(ON, JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Money to Loan, woodwork Ironed and Bret class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. r E. �AdriPION, HARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., Card of Thanks. ' NOTARY,cfc., G3oder*loh, Ont. TO MY MANY PATRONS: Ohne-Over Davis' Drag Store. Money to loan. I desire to;tender my dineere thanks for the very liberal patronage Qocord• M- 0- JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, • - SOLICITOR, ed me in the past and to inform the public that I am still in the Carpet COMMISSIONER, ETO., Weaving Business on East Street, Ct�oderlch, - - - Out. Godetich, next the Bicycle Factory. .• coos-oor. Hamilton and8b. Andrew's ata. Personal and mail orders will as nbal receive prompt attention. All classes GO TO THE W. BRitbONE. of work a specialty, at the lowest poo- BAR&S,TER - - SOLICITOR. Bible prices, and satisfaction guaran- " NOTARY PtTELIC, �a•, '' teed. (1 A, Ross, East Street, ol.midH BEAvEn BLOOS - -CLiNTON. a' • 817•t'f GODERICH. - r The McKillop Mutual fire - r- ... ,.r and Shaving. auil` toaaA. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton -�J{ONET Insurance Company. a queen in disguise. to lend in large or small ening or good U rsodpidd or•petidtim seouriby at the lowest The fact ;s that Peter 'Cho Grea woxking in the dry docks of Saardam do parrenE rates. H. WALE, Mron et. Minton. Farm and Isolated Town P>;oper- ty only, Insured. -- 1Vloney. .:. Ubiid7 46' land on good seearity ata d per '141111t. Aoply to C.rRMOIITi Alb6rt Se., thiuton. o*ranua. , 862.tf f, George Watt President, Harioek P O.' Jim** 6roadfoot, Vice -Pres., gesforth' P. O.1 +N. f Shan - r . .r �"xe r r e non, Beoy. Treae., Seatorth P. O.1 Miahael Mhrdfe, v rii'�O1Q1VIl9 inapecto: of lases, Seafortb P. O. zl� .11�/ G r PUN"". • � ' '` Jamse itra�dfaefr. tie)ifdtthl.'Iltebxel. Mnrdfe, 8 G is E T +I#i L.0 O;C ' , .. 1 b�T8• xnono� laor a yr °mst;%vib;te Pn�Lat°�tr Wept ii s UTC. R(Y1 'A 1' Teainr� ai> N% 011ntenl Jb�#*Ltklh liilipefit ,�+�,� l et '•:8�?�'' e �, 1�i18�d. l a !+?"['U !,? yr,4Y U/L201awpti't°' ,Thopsole ZteUane >30rfanki '11ob'E >(bitlllXnr l eli- t _' c '" forth.dnd tames-otimwinge,ElfMostibi116, =r , ,A iIUA$it ,9*0.i 4i)Cti�Ttt`1i1(i4]N)r. • pikWas Afilrody`'#o effe6k h(MtAO& h 'tttt>1•I r W f " aoi., other DBdlh**4 will' i$a r4iib qk1 ltttefid g; t iorl-01u411 d_ 1C1� '$lltldir dti(i ed to„ is,b Iloatijlit to tin , lrq al a 91)1d10Y,1td `e ti , l! l° ti' ;1. .vi,f''':L, 00 r. �a.:rhOrY IMiih' 'I'T ' I ­�' I* X � ­ 'T �i �� . " , '�"' ''To""$ ­�"*j �r .­ -.1is f 'S'I'. .J b Vl J •�' naacafeP d6. )J{!{t liiY , tat# ,+t) rfi,�1► 'rOItIRi- lfiWi(0*6� t>i4 0.411 d,4ttlh RIR,oy''iMt'vo alto{a {Iws wb0 a d. eb rlogw: l k, to !!SFvr.M►'rr.;.14't#NPiFQ '.,!1!'Tr4lrfi ;lVur,4'+ 4tu�Rlj.7tp�j, Losse to VrJw?A',f'' i11MT,99LO''.TP,4, y, . tg,v.,, 4 r lip, 11►11i� it 1tlt ,-11iA, t l t}rnay Af G4!1`a .'. by ,> I >V'Mi - +ru�vaft caor.� lu t1la I'tt"'Ye"IN • " t49� r ,. �+ s S' 4 41x 0to.o. b . 'g,Q.••;ai► this ser,400 'III ldS1tt1�ESyII�S1l!�{,,t+�K',t'IAy A>�t' ,lilt lb1 vc U80 lII Q DFfr » ? Sl say' 11. • 11 DA19 W49,a'tirses` br,' Taimage draws �,'�f Q 04 koro. Pt0.rtlWV, , lessons and tears off ,1..V '`" .Niel Www o . doceli. 'The text is I. 91.11-77 * 7 a: a ro - bbl�l"R cotlte leH4d .i'tl r? ilQi4R . yr1t. Ke to Ac Kin6A 4,y,. 6. "Why feiggest thou thy - self t o be anotherl" l9i bo d Etl9r1llr upde g trd' rP 14 tpi,ob Uany ptlraoa. takes'IiQ46telbti of an. kw of wreckiiga s[td falls to taro I. wP I &J -1 ,A In the palace of wicked Jeroboam 'siek once take procgedtage 4tetole bey thte la tlu 1900 MART'.wiil. BABE. Chore is a sink child --a very child. vetoing Ishan tW4. Wrooks, Xedigiuea have failed;,skk'ill.is exhaust - of podairicq, fioderIoh. Bepb. 7th 1+191.. ed, 7) cup t'tbi ah, tela j prince, has lived I* enough to become very A • FOR SA popular. a11d yet he must die unless * , solve supanaturul aid be afforded. _ The property atrelent occupied by the no- deret aidd as'a restlpdenoe on -the Huron Road, Death ooml up the broad stairs of .loop iatll I(o•eq g2irims piste ovelBd oqa in this Town .of aoderich, consisting of orie half of of the sickroom of royalty and stands an aore.gf laud, good frame house. -story •and a 'half--seyen rooms, including kitoheu, baFd and looking at the dying prince with the ,slgft water, good stone ogllar, stable, wood and dart uplifted. Wicked Jeroboam knows carriage kousee, There are also some good fruit that he has no right to ask any- treea. This to at is boautifutly situated and very suitable f'orany parson wiching to liveretired• thing, of the Lord in the way of kind - Forfurther particulars aply to tress, He knows that hisprayers �1CA111P(ON, Iwould not be answered, and so hoe 6424f Barrister.Goderioh. sends his wife on the dedicate and -I •• -•' ' tender mission to the, prophet of tlx J. �+ C. a7,T V®N t Lord in Shiloh. Pattingaside hes royal attic, she puts on the garb of Fyrni#ure' 01pater, &c. a peasant woman, and starts on till THE LEADfNG UNDERTAKER AND read' Instead exf carrying gold ane gems as site might have carried fron - FUNERAL DIRECTOR.' the palace, she oarries only I Y those Opposite Town Hall, . Clinton, Out ,gifts which seem to indica,te that she belongs to the peasantry --a. few loaves GO TO THE of bread and a few cracknels and i cruse of honey. Yonder sheoes Union Shaving Parlor hooded and veiled, the greatest lady in all the kingdom, yet passing un For first-class Hair -Cutting observed. No one that meets her or and Shaving. the roadway bas any idea that she i Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton the first lady in all the land. She i J. EMERTON, Proprietor. a queen in disguise. WATTS CO.1 The fact ;s that Peter 'Cho Grea woxking in the dry docks of Saardam do the sailor's hat and the shipwright' CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS ax gave him no more thorough dis Great Northwestern Telegraph office, guise than the garb of the pe wan, Albert Street, Clinton. woman gave to the queen of 'Tirzab But the prophet of the 'Lcavl saw th. �i PUMPS! PUMPS MPS I deceit. Although his mystical eyesigh had failed he was divinely illumined It yon want a first-olase, well•made pump, one that 'and at one glance looked through th win • siva you satisfaction, send your order' to the imposition, and he cried .out : "Com undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at in, thou wife of Jeroboam I Nyhy feign the closest prices. He also handles a first-class FORCE PUMP. I est thou thyself to be another ? I hav JAMES FERGUSON evil tidings for these. Get back to th' oppostt @aeen'eHotal ;High street Clinton.-tthouse, and when thy feet touch th I gats of the city the child shall die.' 809 tf i She had a right to ask for the re FW F 9 R N C 0 TIB covert' of her son; she had no risk to practice an impositiarin. Broke; � � •(MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. S.) hearted now, she started on the way Provincial Land Surveyor the tears falling on the dust of th road all the way from Shiloh to Tirzal and Civil Engineer, Broken hearted now, she is nac carefu LONDON, ON"1', ' any more to hide her queenly gai Omen -At G. J. Stowart'a Grocery Store, Olin- land manner. True to the prophecy ton. the moment her feet touch the gat Don't Buildif}aut Plant of the city the child dies. This cry i, the palace is joined in the lamenca tion of a nation, and as they carry good Abijah to his grave the air i filled with the voice of eulogy for th J. ADES FOWLER & CO., de arted youth and the groan of a afflicted kingdom. Architects and Civil Engineers Itis for no insignifica,nit0urpose this Are opening a permanent office in Clinton and are prepared to supply Plana, Specifications and detail, I present, you the thrilling story c the text. In • the first place I lear for any class of work at most reasonable rates. that wickedness involve Others, try Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. Ing to ma.4e them its dupes, its alt'le and its scapegoats. Jeroboams propose Valuations and inspecticnacarefully made. to hoodwink the Lord's prophet. Hoi 25 YearsExperieneeinOntario, did be do it 4 Did he go and do th work himself? No. He sent his wif Matt address -P. O. Boz 210,elunt on to do it, Hers the poril of expasun hers the fatigue of the way, hers th execution of the plot; his nothing iniquity is a brag, but it is a grey It lays the plan and get some one else to execute it; puts dow the gunpowder train and gets som one elseto touch it off; contrives mL< OCAVEcoward. chief and gets some one else to wqr TSp 1h MARKS it; starts a lie and gets some one els to circulate it. In ,TRaUE PYRIGHTS. nearly all the grea crimes of the world it is found ou that those who planned the arsor OAIU I OBTAIN A PAT"NT P For a rom answer and nn honest opinion. write to the murder, the theft, the fraud $ U N & Co., who have had nearly fifty years- free, while those who were decoye ezpertencetntbepatent business. ommunica- hone strictly A Handbook In. and cheated and hoodwinked into th confidentlni of formation concerningPatents and bow to ob- conspiracy clank the chain and 'moun Lain them 'sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan., the gallows. i teal and acientifio books sent tree. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Arron Burr, with heart [i:ded wit emalnottectntheScientlacAmgrican,and t impurity and ambition, p?nts for th us are brought widely before the public with- Out cost to the inventor. Tnls 1 overthrow of the United States Goi splendid vaper, lmnedweeM elle antlylllntrated bnsbyfurtho 0r`IImeOt and gots off avith a fe• largest ciranlatto of an seiontnfc work in the '.7 threats, and a little censure, whil rid e3 a ear. Semple co tea sant tree. Haily� Edition monthly, Z.60a year. Bin to B(ennerhassett, the learned Blennei 0oytee 2b Dents. b very num�er contains begw hassett the swcettempered Blenner tlfal plates, In colors, and photo of novr bones wtt4 Diane, enabling builders to show cola. hassett, is decoyed b Y Y him from th iatekSt hes a snit secure coatraota. eaareaa Orchards, and the laboratories and gal iiIINN �"c cU. Naw YOnsa :161 BaoenwsT dens, and the home on the bank ( the Ohio river, and his fortunes ax scattered, and he is thrown intoprisat COMFORT IN WALKING. and has famivy, brought up in luxur, I is turned to die. No one can have comfort in walking out Abominab:e Aaro � Burr S eei as it4 omparativennerhaett with fest that are not in good condi- tion. More than however, tempered has it Benedict Arnold proposed to sellout th I forts the United States often not, this comfort can' be 'secured by bathing! of ; to surrende the Revdutionary army and to df the, feet fora few moments every morn- stroy the United States Governmen He gets off with his pockets fWl ( ing, or else every evening in water from the has 1 taken, pounds sterling,while Major Anda the brave and brilliant, is decoyed int which chill een using soap and a nail brush, and giving them 'This the conspiracy and suffers on the gil bet on the banks of the Hudson ; E thorough and careful attention. makes the foot smooth and keeps it in that even the ifteratare-tbe marb] a healthy condition; and if the nails are tablature that commemorated the event -has been basted by midnigl trimmed evenly, so that they do not protrude beyond the tips of the toes, for I desperadoes. Benedict Arno:d has d. ; it is better them, tin prevents pres- sure on the upper part of the toe. hav notMicaedr that nine -Andre Tenths oEtarthoE When the feet are talken out of the a who suffer for crimps are merea y th sate'lites of some great villains. Igni water and wiped, no moisture at all should be suffered to remaiji between minions fraud is juggler mak( the toes but they should bei dried with a soft Towel. A crash or a huoka- aright of -hand and 1 the gold that it stole appear in som( ' body Jeroboam tb back towel roughly and swiftly drawn between the toes as too frequently the else's pocket. plots lie; contrives the imposition, and gel his wife to excute it. "Stand fro, bather does roughens and inflames and ma even siring about a' vary off all impositions and chicanery. 1b n( painful lpnd irritating eozema there. For. ow- to the close folding of the toes to consent to be lanybody'a dupe, ani body.s ally in wicbedness, anybody sol ostorp gather, the perti i atioa softens the skin between them exco0dinn.itly, and renders of the teat eLtso ilnpfessc me.- with the fact that royalty, theta very anlscellitible .to trouble. soma times passes iii disguise. The frsfil the vela, the hood of tho peasant: w4 LURK IN THE 'PHONES; Irian hid the queenly�ttr 'oter of th' T MICROBES woadlart of lrzdh. Noho(q, ;sus Date The last accessory of our modern i civilization to come under tile. ban of that she *0 fir "(t aeon orapriil. E aliEV P9p90A ti r' but She am E q�rr lihuch a quean bB'tH4'ugli slie 1 ,the scientist is the public • telephones Pieffna pltysiciltll9 have tra liefl 04hes, pf e � the. ptiP:ace;, •hior roe ' • inbrusteid It diamonds. And, eo SUI Br(Itlftd{48b6t>ft '> d�I�l r6r W, 1 J F ° '', i'a ' 1 lytbew tot tllrfcYf(jtadEt}t Gi IQQaMs L., ! r � ' , I & the xbpatatlfai. . ` �A �, ,. j M r' ,e' 1 w (.n' a + r ,'" ° ' , .�f },: <•, } Ass r 1 - ,:q„ ` ">E +�� 1. , , .. a „ r r y, , r+, :,; t yf t t. r •r . r , 1'+5,.x, t . ,' ,a ,i . w 4"'�' t 't C t ,qi ," . . i.i" r 1 r w. y i� s, y. "16- 11.z' ..�e.as,:"4 -'`,�.:..Y'`'t't t.t-.,,r_ _t� �.�, •x ...�.'. ,+ -_ �. - -_ '.I.-.,>....,L�',:' --.. .r. +.,._Y-O.,E-i�aw f,.w.,a ,.:.raaYl.a.. ,._V1.d1-. Mm#i > 1Ii�W1 4%w saw Fnafi-4r "v rwgYpa Aipti x x I e I•FreM1p^gdAft'. liiFKQGIr kF 141k•' evor locko at. You Wept dawlfi into ,moouahine, and ' • , t ;� •troy i 10,; 1" tie house of destitutioII and w sat and, >bogrd feugos with ^> s vKi�E "'Oji soffeillug, Yeti &aw, the story o$ft th 'Of xtelllrir' acid . ­­ Panaceas" q,11(t ""I;x!1i 1;,'I written on the wasted hand o i ures" slid iue>ef< ble caEa l,at," + xnCxl.er, on the, pale cheek tho and unfailing deinfectant p#ld obudreil, Coll the omp tY broad tray. on li hti� t vele" earl r'ipsk�ntauo "M the Fireless {ilearbh, an the breokoa l oindulen£s" o. P kt too, fatun a>pd s t d for wpu d of irks no the' are all 1Tioe and l half the raoa. TW. oC. fir l rile furniture oady to be wrought gpou I 11 house. But by the grace of God she such impositions. Ah, my friends, Is a princess. The overseers of irks :not be axno g such dull J)o apt poor come ' there and discuss the case I Lho part o, such persons as I have and easy, "It's a pauper." They do begn desoribinig,j stand back from a� not rea.bze that God bas burnished for cartery, from all ilnpositonr xhgy her a crown, and that after she has who practice such ixn osltiion shat} fila got through the fatiguing journey from exposed in the clay of (nod's indigos ioxi, J lizah to Shiloh and from Shiloh back �y may reeir great fortunes, but t . exx to Tirzah there wWl be a. throne of dapple grays will be acre on royaltty on which she shall rest for- roadd some day, as was the d by he ever. Eterna'S raptures hushed up. A' angel of God with drawn z old. T queen in mask. A princess in disguise light of the last day will s - , throw ' r:�aA WbAQ you think of a queen you do all suoh subterfuges and a voioo <*', not think of Catharine of Russia or louder than that which ace ed this l,,I.y. Maria Theresa of Germany, or AI'stryi Imposition In the text: "Come in, thou A Queen of Scots. When you think ofa wife of Jeroboams Why feignestthou t' queen, you think of a plain woman thyself to be another?'' With a voice 1k '- who eat a ex3its your father at the louder than that God will thunders sill table or walked with him down the down into midnight darkness and doom.`", path of life arm in arm, sometimes to and death all two-faced risen, and all .,fy")'i the thanksgiving banquet, sometimes to charlatans, and all knaves, and all xi',� the grave, but always side by side, jockeys, and all swindlers. Behold how lip soothing your little sorrows and ad- the people put on the masks, and be-,, justing your little quarrels, listening hold how.the Lord tears them offs4 to your evening prayer, toiling with Illy subject also impresses me withl V s the needle or Alt the epinuing,, wheel, how precise and accurate and particu a1, and on cold' nights tucking you up lar are God's providenoes. Just at thea w t snug and warm. And then on that moment that woman entered the city ,.� dark day when she lay al -dying, put- the child died Just as it was prophe- 4,;,J ting those thin hands that had toiled sied, so it ir6ed- out, so it always .',,`` for you so long, putting them together turns out. The event occurs, the death 7, �i in dying prayer commending you to takes place, the nation is born, the des- .,x that God in whom she had taught you potism is overthi own at the appointed (:Z to trust, Oh, she was the queen, she time. God drives the universe with a ,, was the queen! You cannot think of stiffarein. Events do not Just happen t,, her now without haying the deepest so. Things do not go slipshod. In all °: emotions of your soul stirred and you the book of God's providences there is • 9:y feel as if you could cry as though you not one " if." God's providences are ,;; 11 were now sitting in infancy on her never caught in dishabille. To God !A`'. lap, and if you call her back to speak there are no aurlirises, no disappoint- I, your names with the tenderness with ments and no accidents. The most in - which she once spoke you would be significant event flung out in the ages ; willing now to throw, yourself on the is the connecting link between two r; sod that covers 'her grave, crying, great ohains=.the chain of eternity past ; "Mother, mother!" Ah, she was the and bhe chain of eternity to come. queenl Your father knew it. You knew- I am no fatalist, but I should be com- : it. She was the queen, but the quean pletely wretched if I did not feel that , ;7' in disguise. The world did not re- all the affair's of my life are in God's f: cognize it, Mind and all that pertains to me and But there was a grander disguising. mine, just as certainly as all tine affairs The favorite of a great house looked of this woman in the text, as this child out of the window of his palace, and h9 of the text, as this king of the text, saw that the people were carryingwere in God's hand. You may ask me heavy burdens, and that some of them a 'hundred questions I cannot answer, were hobbling on crutches, and he saws but I shall until the day of my death some lying at the gate exhibiting their believe that I am under the unerring sores, and then he heard their la=enta- cera of God, and t'hle, heavens Pa fall, tions, and he said: "I will just put on and the world may burn, an udg- i the clothes of these poor people, and f ments may thunder. and i will go down and see what their sor- may m11, but not a hair ah om .•'S rows are,. and i will sympathize with my 'head, not a shadow •nit p on .� therm, and I will be one of them, and my path, not a sorrow shall transfix I will help them." Well, the day came my heart without being divinely ar- for him to start. The lords of the land ranged -arranged by a loving, sympa- came to see him off. All .who could t'betic Father, He bottles our tears. He . 11. sing, joined in the parting song, which catches Our sorrows, and to the orphan sihook the hills and woke up the shep- He will be a Father, and to the widow herds. The first few nights he has He will be a husband, and to the out - been sleeping with the hostlers and the cast He will be a home, and to the most , camel drivers;, for lip one knew there miserable wretch that this day crawls was a king in town. He went amongup out of the ditch, of his abomination ' the doctors of the law, astoundingcrying for mercy Re will be an all - them, for without any doctor's gown He Pardoning God. The rocks shall turn knew more law than any doctors. He grey with age, and the forests shall fished with the fishermen. He smote be unmoored in -the last hurricane, and with His ham ex in the carpenter'v the sun shall shut its fiery eyelid, and shop. He ate raw corn out of the field, the stars shall drop like blasted figs,and i He fried fish on the banks of the Gen- the continents shall go down like anch- nesaret. He was howled at by crazy ors in the deep, and the ocean shall people in the tombs. He was splashed; heave its last groan and lash itself of the surf of the sea. A pilgrim with- with expiring agony,and Ithe world shall out anypillow. A sick man withbout wra_o itself in a winding sheet of flame any medicament. A mourner with no and leap on the funeral pyre of the sympathetic bosom in which He could judgment day ;,slut God's love shell not pour His tears. Disguise complete, I die. It will kindle its sun after all know that opcasionelly His divine roy- other lights have gone out. It will be alty tlashed out, aq when in the storm a billowy sea after the last oceam has on Galilee, as in the red wine at the swept itself away. It will warm itself wedding banquet, as when He freed the by the fire of a consuming world: It shackled demoniac of Gsdara, as when will sing while the archangel's trumpet He turned a whole school of fish into is pealing forth and the air is filled the net of the discouraged boatmen, as with the crash of broken sepulchres when He throbbed life into the shriv- and the rush of the wings of the rising eled arm of the paralytic, but for the dead. Oh, may God comfort all this • most part He was in disguise. No one people with the Christian sentiment 1 saw the King's jewels in His sandal. No one saw the royal robe in His plain coat. No one knew that that shelter- HANDSOME TROUSSEAU. less Christ owned all the mansions in which the hierarchs of heaven had The dress in which the Princess en - their habitation. None knew that that tered Rome -%i-as dark -,green velvet, hungered Christ owned all the olive trimmed with sprays of red and white groves and all the harvests which Gowers, which also trimmed the riche shook their gold on the hills of,Pales- y tine. No one knew that He who said, I embroidered collars. The colors re - "I thristt" poured the Euphrates out of , presented the national colors of Italy. his own chalice. No one knew that the The Princess's wedding gown was oY ocean My in the palm of his hand like a dewdrop in the vase of a lily. No one heavy ivory -white satin, the skirt quite knew that the stars and ,moons and plain, with a broad band of silver em- a;'' suns and galaxies and constellations broidery and orange blossoms around that marched on alga after age were, the 'toot. Over this fegl a court train as compared with His lifetime, the four meters Ing of white brocade 11 m- , sp ark)e ofa firefly on n summer night. , No one knew that the sun in midheayen broidered with arse bunches r- ;tis' was only the shadow of His throne. No guerites and sutrounded with vy one knew that His crown of universal ruche ornamented at intery with dominion was covered up with a bunch sprays of orange V.cssoms. of thorns. Omnipotence sheathed in a Thveilpresent from Queen human body. Omniscience hidden in a e , a P Marg - human eye. Infinite love beating in a I herita, who took it from her famous human heart. Everlasting harmonies co'.lection, was of Venetian lace, and subdued into a human voice. Royalty I formerly belonged to c:aterina Cornaro. en masque. Grandeurs of heaven in One very handsome dress the Crown earthly disguise. Princess has is of xo:d-colored silk with My subject also impresses me with rich silver embroidery, and another is how peopleput on masks and how the of apple green with old -gold embroid- Lord tears ahem off. It was a terrible ery. n the bodice of the gold -colored moment' in the history of this woman costume are rose-colored carnations, and of Tirzah when the prophet accosted in theglean one curiously shaped her, p)raeticaliy saying: ' I know who F?'een orchids. In the choice of colors you are. You cannot cheat me. You there is but little sign of the present ca.nriot impose upon me. Why feign- popularity of bright colors. Only one est thou thyself to be another?"' She white brocade dress, with beautifully, had a •right Lo askt for the restoration painted poppies. has a bright crimson of her son; she had no right to pra,etice velvet bodice -a dazzling effect, that falsehood. It is never right to do Another dress of blue satin is en - wrong. Sometimes you may be able tirely covered with gold embroidery. to conceal an affair. It Is not neces- This costume and all the other house[ sary to tell everything. There isa nat., dresses are provided with a second bod-1 ural pressure to the lips which seems ice with long sleeves; so that they may to indicate that silence sometimes is serve as well for evening wear.. right, but for double dealing, for moral The indispensable tea gown forms shuffling, for counterfeit and for sham part of their trousseau -d, princess God has nothinn,gg but anathema and ex- dress' rose-colored brocade with cur- ure. He yvill tear off the lie. He ious and original embroidery. . =rip np the empiricism, He will A dress in white tulle on a salmon- watter the ambuscade There are no co'l'ored foundation, with ornaments in eople who ars just read to be duped. brilliants, is a striking costume. p The Princess's walkiv:g dresses how They seem to be Waiting a deceived. exquisite taste. The First trav6ling They believe in ghosts. They sow one �� light is in brown' cloth, trim - themselves dace. They heard stimething, mad with real lace, The second r of strap a in an uninhabited house. Go- navy blue, with black embroidered ing ng the Toad one fright, something a es and a jacket to match. a p hed them i» white and crossed The Princess has a number of capes. the road, They would think it very One of the handsomest is made of�alr dipastrous tc,cowit,tble nuns r of car- ternate stripe* of thick fur and white ria ' at a fuYlertil. I`liey heard in a P� nal , of's horise sometbung that por- lace on a punk glround. feuded death in the f"fly. Th6y. I y '++' it is a sure sign of evil if of 'barb Ply . 14OW A LIFh IS ApgNlp, - into the rcofii bit d bummer, night, or A statistician hast e9tllnated that a11 they, see the ail ; ver the left he 1. man st years cid worked ed t dolt der bfg1 for the vibftl uq» has ale V6.000, hagaq!)tis8d Ztialf;i detta.exiy ti +fico oil`iidA'r:fog- has walked '1`t,000 .fall I tful 61;.thbl f ab t t if they loop doer asr 1 s bagtt 111 the :lelldA> �a the a>orid 'titrly will, arcs'' 500 dolga, liar pe rr IlCen c>~' 98,006 >ri' ' e. `.' tbAt i I�••tltls I AM* b6nh' • tiUe' ldnost'oirttt. i estdn 15,000 ds n of meat, a11d; . i ,irate day;In all tbe'.,hiistofy'df'ihei Wt)rid. ands cf ft�gd �nd vegetabl'ea dila_,, 1.As a'esr 0 1 oars tell looking tbYext. drank �7,0Ob ga loner vtluld. a+' ' f IY f .�r1. ,nw,,. `M,,.. , .d. ._.�.s i 5- y., . -,, . , ', - .;, :I J K