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The Huron News-Record, 1896-12-23, Page 8
., ray' , J zfrG',gd..• .I ; SPY moo. 'peopleave wort, a strange WOOxe eg about iu a skies, IVH en ales p .w tie a big light, GOAkt)ow wait er it jilted. el% we got a tip from the Men In the Moon, a WY the Same thing up theme seam 1, wa111d be down to visit lis soon, teat tl'e bettor prepare. I11 3'. rg i7[as'Rrie &'ship he saidplumb full of toys, .Multi San 0104 huddled the sails ; mod diroectllyy for Fera r b10 noise, Ip Oa Santa, he 'lit on our roof with his flying maohine .And emptied out all of his toys, 'Twee the biggest asportment we've ever seen FOr good little girld add boys. v 'Uro aced the window and dropped them all wn And fixed them in our up—stair. Then it sotin mn other bpig d aeon left the town r. VI As the air -ship has Dome and lett the toys here, To -morrow we'll start our sales And. whatever you want, don't have the least fear— Santa Claus left it at FAIR'S. • We have, a beautiful gathering of the choicest creations in holiday goods, ar'tnl;ee,, that will make practical,$prc,eepte for old and young, that 'vivid be -of speolal value and service to the recip- ient and a credit to the donor. The W. D. Fair Co.; , CLINTON. Agents Parker's Dye Works. The H"ren News-Recora 81.26 a Yesr—$1.00in Advance WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1896. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Hub, gown gait. Highest price for butter and eggs -4 ANTELON Bios. Good Radiant Home Coal Stove for Bale cheap. Apply at Allen & Wilton's Drug Store. POULTRY WANTED • turkeys geese, &c Highest price paid.—dANTELON turkeys, ' riThe annual Xmas tree entertainment of Baptist S. S. will be held in the church on Tuesday evening 22nd Inst. Programme con- sisting of recitations, singing, tableau etc., etc.. will be given. Come one and all, Silver collection at the door. Raisins, Currants and Candies only five cents a pound at CooPER's grocery. GUN CLUB SHOOT.—The Clinton Gun Club has announced their sixth annual &hooting tournament for Friday, Jana my lat. An excellent program of seven events has been arranged. DEATH AT THE HOUSE OF REFUOE,— H'enry Reynolds, an inmate of the House of Refuge for several weeks (who came from Heneall) died on Wednesday nr$nt. His age was about 70. The remains were interred in the Rufuge plot on Friday. SONG SERVICE.—On next Sunday p.m., after the regular service in St. Paul's church the following sacred sel- ections will be given by the choir :— Carol -Hark, ,the Herald Angels Sing —Schnelcker. Solo—I stood on a lofty Mountain. Carol—The Star of the Morning. Offertory anthem—Harken unto Me—A. Sullivan. Vesper hymn. All are welcome. WE Usa Oua OWN CLUB AND NO OTHER.—As usual at thio season of the year the country newspaper is deluged with circulars from pity papers asking for clubbing rate. THE NEWS -RE- CORD is not in the clubbing basineae, neither are we in business for the benefit of city pnbliahere, consequently all and sundry offers are declined. FORESTERS.—The C. 0. F. held their regular meeting last Thursday evening in their hall, and were more than pleased with the number of guests from the surrounding Courts that attended. It was the largest society meeting ever held in Clinton, the hall being crowd - 3d lo tta utmost. Bro. Thos. White, of Brantford, High Secretary of the Or - (ler , was present and gave an excellent address. After the business was over they adjourned, and all proceeded to the Commercial hotel where a bounce• ous.repast was served by the genial landlord, Thos. Bell, in hie usual good style.; SavERa ArrvworION.—Mayor and Mrs. Holmes have had more than their share of affliction during the past few weeks. It ie still fresh in the memory of our readers the sad death of a promising eon from blood poisoning. Last week another son, Y apk Watson, aged a year.and a half, succumbed to a complication of ail. meats, and the little daughter Malty is aim very' ill; 'Another daughter, aged about, fiveears, wer taken to bed .through iillnesti esterda,- fent it ie to The ho eta the,' see is at of a oer- iou• lietUr.� a NOy Mie. iolniite' °ilkter, M9, ' ki afilia i ;titers r'0 alt' e mit 1000,er` Is , ;pati• .4p s d. `i# f,FN wgtReto}o�,�ftD ' xtiihdr �>bPit1h p"4o !el iBtelliitIN .ed jroily tg,$b.iit nr.1lUi aaL,` - XMAS ©lin �• 'L14 Pitul'a . �vv itt cavo a ski school rooin Am next Mold IWe�'et.�. ng at 5 91:0190E,roru tlluts nyxis irnUl, they will alrintt enuielveawlirh e4i11eti, veld arouse srtts,.. motion: . ivo41 has kiiidly,conti rated tq give tt'breni.one of his entgrtaln ng half laoura with the magic lunter'ir... Muaioii'u NouINAT_IONS.-•-•ThoDOW • inatione for Mayor, Reeve, De qty Reeve, Counoillor4 and ,Bobcat, True• teee for Clinton will bo held in the town hall next Monday evening from 7.30 to 8.30. The hour is very eon• venient-for all olaeses of people, end we hope to see a large attendance of elec- .tore, A GOOD Aos.-.-Last Friday a num— ber of Mr. George Henley's friends gathered at hie comfortable reeidenoe to congratulate him on being spared to ot;lebrate hie 80th birthday. An exeel.. lent supper was served and a very en- joyable time spent. Mr. Hanley is re• workably smart for a man of his years, hie greatest ailment being the lose of his eyesight. K. 0. T. M.—At the regular meet- ing of, Kearns Tent No. 66, K. 0. T. M., hast Friday evening the following offieere were elected:—P. C., A. M. Todd; Commander, Rev. J. W. Ford; Lt. Cont., Thos. Kearns; Geo. Layton, Record Keeper; Ira Johns, Finance Keeper; H. Crich, Chaplin; G. II. White, Sargeant; .F. W. Grid), M, at A.; G. J. Crich, let M. of G.;' Audrey; Taylor, 2nd M. of G.; R. Pepper, Sentinel; R. Biggart, Picket. The installation will take place on Saturday evening, January 2nd. THE NEw rowN COUNCIL.—A large number of Mayor Holmes' friends have urged him to offer for re-election and if he consents he will not likely be op- posed. There is no talk of opposition to Reeve Kennelly. The names of S. S. Cooper, Jacob Taylor, J. C. Gilroy and D. Can- telon are spoken for Deputy -Reeve, and for Councillors, J. McMurray. H. B. Combe, Jas. Fair, jr., Thos. McKen- zie, Thos. Walker, Oliver Johnston, Jos. Copp, S. G. Plummer, 8. J. An- drews, W. C. Searle, Jacob Miller, M. McTaggart, T. Jackson, jr., Thos. John- ston, W. H. Beesley, Peter Cantelon, John Leslie, John T. Harland, A. J. Holloway, Ogle Cooper and several others. The nominations on Monday will settle the matter. CONCERT. The Oddfellowe of Clin ton are delighted with the prospects for such a big 'success of their concert on Tuesday evening next. Never before has there been such an advance sale for seats. The Oddfellows will be well r awarded for bringing to Clinton Mr. Jarvis of Detroit, and our citizens will have an opportunity to hear a singer of so great reputation. Mise Fisher, Elo- cutionest, is very popular in her own town of Goderich and will, we are sure, delight all lovers of Elocution. The entire programme is a first oleos one and should please and delight all who attend. CHRISTMAS SERVICE.—The festival of Christmas will he observed as usual in St. Paul's church, by an early cele- bration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at 8.30 and by divine service at 11 with a second celebration imuaegiate- ly following. The choir have been de- voting much time in preparing the musical part of the service which will be doubtless quite as good or even bet- ter than on former occasions: Hymn -- Christmas awake ; Venite, Fallis ; Te Daum, Schnecker; Benedictus, Beetho- ven ; anthem, "There were Shepherds," Buck; hymn, "Joy fills our inmost hearts to -day"; sermon, "Peace on Earth ;" offertory carol—Hark, the Herald Angels sing. Closing hymn - 0, Come all ye faithful. The church will be decorated ail usual with ever- greens. THE STAVELEY MONEY.—A good many citizens are wondering if the $10,000 from this estate, promised Clinton by the Ontario Governmeni;, is ever going to come. After arrange- ments had been made by a few local Reformers with the Government as to how the money should be spent, a citizens committee was appointed by the Council which .could have little or nothing to do from the fact that the matter was already settled. Know• ing this, tbo citizens committee could not accomplish anything. They were dismissed during the prevent month when the Council appointed another committee from the members of the old committee. As far as we have learned, the last will prove only a continuation of the former. After the death of the late Mr. S'tavoly the people of Clinton were anxious that the mpney ehould go td the Town rather then to the Government. THE NEws-REooRD was ridiculed by some friends of the Government because this journal pre. dieted exactly what has eo fat happen- ed. The patient people were a�� xious for weeks; the weeks as time Agrees - ed became months; and now the months have ran into yeare. And still the money le not here and will never tomo unless the parties who made the bargain press the matter. In the part the people have not been consulted, and it le not likely they will be in the future. However) it it witt;in the range of portability that the proiin• sial elections may come off during 1897 and this $10,089 wilt be one. of Mr. C3arrow's cries le se"care votes The peoiile of Olittttin may be patient at,d to entriking,,but we, Can assure Mr,. •.Garrow and, his ;friend,, if thin matteirde. longer•deleytsdy the gun will go of time other way. 491, istf r 'k- ,°}ik ' ry; r n i'•iCrl'�...-.. -.�M O^i; q'yf¢1g►.1tyb 040: *m'oe$1,404 4L -d;, m "�P•�"14,1Q, • ow• *a*P4 �S ISLE 'r GIFTS.?J;;.. HOLIDAY Special Neckwear Display ----r--FQlir Holi4gy Offerings. One of the largest, choicest, and most completes stocks to be found in Western Ontario. New shapes in Puffs, Knots, Bows and Lombards. -elsh, Margeston & Co. English make. Silk Handkerchiefs • NECKWEAR. Our colorings and designs are the very latest, and we have all our nice goods packed one in a box, which makes a very handsome Xmas offering. Handsomely packed one in a box and sold for 50c and 75c. The greatest value ever offered. Ft Our stock of Men's Fine Silk Handkerchiefs is perhaps the most com- plete to be found anywhere and our prices are very low. White Silk Handkerchiefs at. 50o, 75o, $l, $1.25 and $1.50, all sizes and qualities, nothing makes a finer present. All the new colorings and patterns in Silk and Cashmere Mufflers at lowest prices. Men's fine Braces packed one in a box at 50 and 75c, a moat sensible present. Men's Gloves. $2.00 buys a pair of Fowne's Silk lined Gloves, the finest, thing on the market. $2.00 buys a Special Driving Glove of Fowne's make and there is nothing to approach it for a sensible glove. $1.50 buys a fine lined Kid Glove, 2 fasteners and in all the new oolotings. $1.00 buys a solid wearing glove. 508 buys a good lined Kid Glove. The cheapest UNDERCLOTHING on the market is to be found with us, and our big trade this season has demonstrated this fact. MEN'S OVERCOATS The "Bonanza" The "Leader" The "Famous" Our `,Special" Our -trade in Overcoats has been the largest in the history of ' our establishment and there is a reason for• ' it, We show the largest assortment and our prices are lower than what is usually asked by other people. $4' 50, worth $ 6 00 Fur .Coats 550, - ••• 800 8 00, 11 00 10 00, " 14 00 sr • • Our stock is the largest and most complete in the County and we want to say that our prices cannot be equalled. OKSON BROS.The COATS'B pllh iers. KOLIDAY - GIFT - SEEKEBS11The Merry Xmas Time. Our stores are crowded with good things for Christmas buyers. 0 Kid 'GloVes. Just now we aro giving our sale prices on our Kid Gloves. Our 75c Gloves in Blacks and Tans for 50c Our $1 Gloves in Black and Tan for .. 75c Our $1 cream chamois gloves for 75c All beet Gloves (new stock) tvere $1.35 to $1.50 for $1 25 Gents' Kid Gloves. Handkerchief Sale Ladies' Lawn Hemstitched Handkerchief Ladies' Linen Hemstitched Handkerchief Ladies' Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, from 10 to Japanese Silk Embroidered Handkerchiefs from 10.to Japanese Silk Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, from 25c to Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs Gents' Cream Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 25c, ileo rind Fancy silk 'Handkerchiefs, 268 $1 to, ,. 25 5e 1Qc 50c 86e 50c 15e 50c New Chenille fab/e'Cloths Hats, Ties, Mitts. Ladies' Silk Ties 25c Ladies' Sailor Hats. Ladies' Walking Hats. Ladies' Dress Hats at clearing prices. Ladies' Dress Caps $1 to $1.45 Ladies' Wool Mitts 25c and 35c Ladies' Cashmere Mitts 25c Ladies' Kid Mitts 60c Linen Goods Tray Cloths, Table Napkins, Table Linen, Linen Towels. Fancy Goods. Pin Trays. Ladies' Fancy Purses with Merry Xmas on the side, or you can have one with souvenir of Clinton for 15c. Aprons, Robes, pc, Ladies' white aprons 20c to 50c Children's White and Fancy Pinnies 25e to 75c Children's Fur Sete. Babies' Eiderdown Flannel Coats in cream, cardinal and fawn, special prices now. Eiderdown Flannel by the yard, Fur Trimming to match. Babies' Knitted Wool Coats, immense range from 46c to $1.26. Babies' Embroidered Dress Slips. Babies' Woql Hoods and Mitts. Babies' Wool Bootees. Gents' Silk Ties and Scarfs. Boys' Silk Ties. Boys' Silk Windsor Ties 15c. SLEY & Co., The Iariied' Fitvorite EfA,Adishmont, Clinton. Good Rolf & atkr" Wanted. Highest pee* paid. We're ready for holiday business with a wide range of Holiday Goods of every kind that ought to be found in a dry goods store. Other, years have seen as make holiday displays acknowledged on all hands to be the best,and this year we are discounting our own past in wideness of choice and good values, �' ,1 Concerning Holiday Gifts the tendency to give useful presents becomes more marked every season. At no store in this section of country can you find the range of useful as well as beautiful articles that will make acceptable gifts as are to be seen here. We've got together the best of Dry Goods giyables and will be glad to have you see them any time. The choicestthings always go first and it's wisdom to buy early and avoid the rush of the last week. Handkerchiefs Who ever has too many of them, or what is a more acceptable gift for either lady or gentleman. Our Stock embraces all kinds from the cheapest cotton kind, the plain hut substantial pure linen, the fine embroidered lawn up to the more expensive lines of Pure silk.—We never had better Handker- chiefs values than are here this year. Ladies' Hemstitched Lawn Hand- kerchiefs,two for 5c. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, col- ored borders, 5c. each, six for. 25c. Ladies'Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, lace edge or'embroidored cor- ners 5c. Lawn Handkerchiefs, hemstitched with lace insertion, two for....25c. Fancy embroidered -Swiss Muslin Handkerchiefs, with scolloped edges, new designs and special valnes at.... 16c., 18e., 25c. Ladies' hand embroidered Handker- chiefs, regular 50c, special 30c. Japanese Silk Hankerohiefs hem- stitched and Initials .... 25c, SOc, 75c. Gentlemen's Hemstitched Hand- kerchiefs 15c., 20e., 25c. A special feature of our Handker- chiefs stook is a line of Ladies' fancy etnbroiderred Handkerchiefs done up in Panty boxes containing half dozen each at 75c., 85c., $1 and $1.50 the box. Japanese Silk Goods This is a line that is entirely and very attractive, useful Bible, pretty; they make an 1 Christmas Gift. Light in weight, they can be easily sent by mail and ane a most desirable present for friends at a distance. Chair and Picture Drapes, 13x37 inches, pure silk, knotted fringe, nicely worked with tinsel 30c. Same goods, 14x36 inches, heavier silk and fringe and moreembroid- ery 40c. Same goods. 16x39 inches, better quality silk, heavier fringe, em- broidered in tinsel and silk 75c. Table Covers, heavy knotted fringe and embroidered all round $1.50 Table Covers, white centre colored corners, tinsel embroidery and heavy fringe $1.65 Mantle and Piano Drapes in all shades, beautifully embroidered $1.75, $2, $3. 7T Chenille Goods. Two special line's of Table Covers, suitable for gifts, 0-4 size, good colors and patterns, heavy knett` ed fringe, regular $1.50 line $1.25" and regular $1.75 line for.. $1.40,, min ilf II rye oo s `rt�nd C1otiiitig, arlf4411001NT.