HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-12-23, Page 5r1 will e* intgrestiR au (-0;7' 000,4419r 19r TOttttOJnepaQt;:Ptir) 4„0.404 it will•h,e,alpmet•uael:eae 040;1)0 it further. Without mooing Clear the tiers our previous 40a•give you a fair ides, of what WO. can do for you, Now with ire A ly a few days off we can only I' COME for with business boom ltxg typ have neither time nor in Oputiott , to ,Svrite a detailed ad. Tgy'ott eome quick you will still find our etoek a good one and -still find the article you want. We yet show a good assortment of Gold -rim inieres, Fin Perfumes, Cel loid Goods, Souvenir Novelties, Brass Novelties, Prides, Albums, &c., Flower Centres and Tubes, Hairbrushes, Mirrors,; &c., Pipes, Cigars, Cigar Cases, &c. torAgain we say act quick. Act at once, Alen 86 Filson, OPDILUTING ANS gee our Bargain table. One half original price. Thanksgiving Excursions, Thursday, Nov. 26, '96. Tickets will be issued at Single Fare good to go Nov. 25 and 26 and return up to Monday, Nov. 30. For Tickets and all informa- tion apply to Jackson ACCENT OWN C. T. R. Early • iigraving. It's a wise move to have your Christmas Engraving done at as early a date as possible. 01 -na."es..a.ar s .4ra.rv1 Owing to the great rush, En- graving done a Few days before Christmas is sometimes less artistic than that done earlier, when our Engraver is less hur- ried. As all goods are now in, you can select your Christmas Watches, Silverware and Novelties, And have them engraved and set aside for later delivery. This is the only store in town that does Engraving. J. B. Rumball, JEWELERY, CLINTON. Iihn ter Term, Monday, Jan. 4, '97. STRATIi'ORD, ONT. Canada's poptilar Commercial School -NONE nurrert IN THE DOMINION, Our courses of etudy'rrr bristling with good business points ; experienced teaehers in every department; ex- StudontS of other business colleges now in at- tendance; moderate rates; board low. A 00 - AHEAD SCHOOL TOR/PING O,UT WIDE -AWARE YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN; graduates al ways Sue ossful. Beautiful catalogue frde. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal A. T. Cooper, Clinton, Agent for C. P. R. Thlegra.ph, Dominion Express Money Orders. Dominion Steamship Co. Allan Line, • Beaver Lirte. The American Line. North Gerrhan Lloyd S. S. Co. •---=•-"OFFME` AT Cooper's Book bra. CLtNrON Skating -and' Curling iixtk mow.` P0It'ALE ON ls°'L8 risfteii ,l 94 tf I, IRWIN. O � fig TAO musV5 'now, ore all per,.• vir not been in business '104g, , enough to have any old stock. Oti the ,contrary everything is the n-ewevt and yery\latest. This gives you an -advantage not to he over- looked. The later is What we show in Rings, Sterling Sliver Novelties, Watches, Clocks, Jewel- tory, Silverware, etc. In Rings We show a very fine assortment of Diamonds, Opals, Gem and Band Rings. In Novelties.4.,_ Memorandum Tablets, GloveHo'oks, Button Hooks, Manicure Sets, Paper.Knives, and many others. In Watches We have theca suitable for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Misses, in Gold, Gold filled, Silver and Nickel, at prices that will suit you. Engraving done on charge. R pairing is our specialty. Always remem- ber that. all articles sold, free of P. B. Crews. Jeweler. Saltford. FIRE PROTECTION. -MOMS. Beek and McLaren waited on the township Council, of Colborne last week and re- ceived $40 to assist in gutting fire pro- tection for the village. BRIEF MENTION. -J. T. Goldthrope has returned from the American Soo. -Mrs. T. Sturdy and Mrs. Hay, wife and daughter of Chief Sturdy of Port- age La Prairie, are visiting here,-Mr. R. R. Symonds is reported as not im• proving so rapidly as hie many friends would wish, -Mrs. A. Sands has re- covered from her recent severe illneee. -Mr. H. Hennings has been re-engag- ed as teacher for S. S. No 6. -The an- nual Christmas tree aof the Sunday School was held on Monday evening. Tohn Taman removes from our village this week to Goderich township, where he will engage in the manufac- ture of brink. -Peter McEwan hap hie derrick and engine bougie almost com• pleted.-Mr, Alex. Henderson met with an accident last week which has laid him up for the present. WEDDING BELLS. -A very happy and pleasant evening was spent tit Mr. -Wm, Morrie, on Dec.-, the occasion being the marriage of hie eldest daugh- ter Hattie to Geo. Symonds of this village. The bride was becomingly attired in cream cashmere trimmed with ribbon and lace. Her sister Mise Lena acted as bridesmaid, while Mr. Will Symonds supported the groom. Rev, Mr. Turnbull, of Goderich, per- formed the marriage ceremony, A very sumptuous tea was served. -The presents to the young couple were use- ful and beautiful and chewed the esteem and good wishes of their many friends. Every person present, thoroughly enjoyed the even ing. Blyth. ORANGE ELECTION. -On Monday evening Last the members of L. O. L. No. 983 met in the Orange hall and elected the following officers for next term: -Bros, J. E. Tarnin, W. M.; Geo. Mains, D. M.; T. C. McElroy. Chap., Will Montgomery, R. Sec.; A. Mc- Nally, Fin. Sec.; John, Mains. D. of C'.; W. H. McElroy, Treas.; Jetties Mc- Gee, 1st Lect.; Robert Vint, 2nd Lect- firer; Committeemen, James Gib- son, John Phillips, R. McComins, Wrn. Love, John McGill. BRIEFS. -Regular meeting of the members of the C. O. F. was held in Watson's hall on Tuesday evening. - Mr. John Morgan, who has been seriously ill for some time past, we are sorry to say, 'is not irnproving.-On Monday, the regular sittings of the 12th Division Court was held in indus- try hall before his, Honor Judge Doyle. There was a large docket. The hall was crowded to its utmost capacity to hear the sheep case, be- tween T. Cole and John Barr, which was very interesring to farmers. The parties concerned were represented by lawyer Blair for Cole and lawyer Proudfoot for Barr. We understand the case was decided in favor of de- fendant John Barr. -A number of the conservatives, of this burg, were at the conservatiye convention at Smith's Hill last'week.-Aspirants for municipal honors are slim at resent. Wake up gentlemen, nomination day is neift Monday. -On Tuesday night our council extended the time for pa - ing tabes to Jan: Tl 1897. -John t. Mc- Kinnon, O. D. of the O. O. F. of this tow) *as in Clinton on Thursday in the interest of Canadiap. E'orestry.- Our • public schools were closed on, ,,Friday. for the,Xwas and.. few Yeats holidays. -Divine service will be held in Trinity church,fon Christmas even- ing at 7.30. -Don't forget to attend Trinity Church S. S, . Xmas ,tree: and entertaintpent in the temperance hall tilde evening (Wednesday). -The en- tertainment of St. Andrew a Presbyter- ian S. S. heldin, industry! hail Was well -ettended. Proceeds , aver lir"dications . are that • we limy.. have sleighing for Xttras; clouts of thebesiiti- lull Laying fatten. • • That are sensible, useful and ornamental, suitable for old and young. A Jewe/lery � Store Is the best place to get suggestions for Christmas presents -The stock and the priceie are so varied that every kind or taste is sure to be suited. Only those who have seen our goods and prises can appreciate the great val0e we are offering this season in 4 Ladies' and Gents' Gold, Gold -Filled and Silver Watches from $5 upwards. Clocks, in all de- signs and at all prices. Jewellery of all styles, including Broaches, Rings, Stick Pins, Chains, Charms, Lockets, Cuff Buttons, &c. Silverware, An immense stock, comprising many articles that would make useful presents. Gold Ssectacles, Gold and Silver Nov- elties. A visit to our establishment will convince you that the choosing of presents is made comparatively easy. All goods are marked at prices that cause surprise by reason of their low- ness. Estate J. Biddlecombe Albert Street, Clinton. Established 1855. Bayfield. A Goon FINANCIAL SrroWING.-The village of Bayfield has just issued the annual financial statement, and our Council is to be congratulated on the excellent showing, there being a hal- ance to the credit of the Municipality. The following is the certified state- ment of receipts and expenditures :- RBCEIPTS. Balance on hand $ 240 81 Taxes collected for 18951,072 51 Rents 29 00 Liquor licenses 77 23 Taxes collected for 1896 125 00 Governmentgrant 81 00 County grant charity 4 50 EXPENDITURES. County rate for 1895 School treasurer Work on Roads Salaries, Supplies &c Charity. Grant Agricultural Society... Sundries Board of Health Printing GovernmentyGrant Balance on Hand $1,030 05 $ 141 02 725 00 328 74 104 92 •31 46 10 00f 8 80 50 30 41 81 00 96 21 $1,630 05 Talc Collector's Report of taxes col- lelited and uncollected; up to the 14th day of Decernller,.189G:-. 0Ol1e ted... . , ... $ 171; 00 Uncollected , 1,054 34 Total on Rolle $1,179 84 An A liI toetl rli t pt';pl a 1tonfro> t lr„T�•T. b9.ef ttldtor 'y xial ,orjy 49 itrorsbi. roivtRttslrtiNffYear', Day this a a, teh �,, iq Ciug you for the `coke' of your. 'huebauJs, sono., or,blolbere to refrain, ,from offer- ing to` ^your guesteany beverages or refreshments in which is contained wine or Other intoxicating iiquore.` Many, Bowen have the rnietahen idea that they cannot prepare a "trifle" without wine, and that a reeepticn is not complete without Roman punch, --dear friends listen to what Charlet Lamb Lays to young linen : "The waters have gone over me. But out of the black depths, could I be heard, I would cry out to all those who have but aet a foot in the perilous flood. Could the youth to whom the flavor of his first wine is delicious ae the open- ing of life, or the entering upon some newly dl000vered paradise, look upon my desolation, and be made to under- stand what a dreary thing it is when a man shall feel himself going down a precipice with open eyes and a paseive will -to see his destruction and have no power to stop it, 'and yet not able to forget a time when it was otherwise, to bear about him the piteous epeotaolo of his own ruin. Could he see my fevered eye feverish with the last night's drinking and feverishly look- ing forayto-nights repetition of the folly; could he but feel the body of the death out of which I cry, hourly with feebler outcry, to be delivered -it were enough to make him dash tyre sparkling beverage to the earth ilr s the pride of its mantling temptation."( Had Charles Lamb nevlor.- ken hie first social glace he would not have had to pen these bitter lines. Dear friends will you not consider our ap- peal and not put a stumbling -block in any young man's path, remember that the social glass is all the more tempt- ing beoanee proffered by a lady 1 Yours reepeotfully in behalf of the W. C. T. U. ; President, Mrs. 8. Crich; V. P's., Mrs, Biddlecombe, Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. New- combe; Reo.-Seo,, Mre, Seward; Treat., Mrs. D. Stevenson ; Cor, -Seo., Louie White. YOUNG pG91N. , Do You Wish to Avoid the Infirmities of Old Age ? Paine's Celery Compound Anln- vigorator and Life -Giver for the,,01d. Old people scem to grow weaker as the months go by. They aro troubled with constipation, flatulence. drowsi- ness, rheumatism, indigestion and neu- ralgia. They have had one or more of these troubles for years. Their diseases are truly all of nervons origin. Paine's Celery Compound is the world's great specific for all the diffi- culties that beset old people. Its regul- ating influence on the liver, bowels and kidneys removes the disorders that old people suffer from. Paine's Celery Com- pound is recommended by the best med- ical practitioners as a grand stimulant to the vital powers, productive of appe- tite, and a wonderful promoter of digestion. When you are old, use Paine's Celery Compound; it will strengthen and build you up, and add years of comfort and peace to your life. In thepast, multitudes of people, re- duced in vitality and strength, and on the road to becoming life-long invalids, have peen made hale, hearty and strong by using nature's great life-giving medicine. See that you get "Paine's," the kind that makes old people feel young, and that always makes the sick well. Tho result of the bye election in Cornwall and Stormont on Saturday was a victory for Mr. Snetsinger, the Liberal candidate, who defeated Mr. Leitch, Conservative, by about five hundred majority. A house was wrecked and Mrs. Jo- seph Glavee and two brothers named Hiles of Wainfiaet were badly in- jured by an exploeion of nitro-glpoer. ine, which they were thawing out in a stove. Again Open. 0. OLSON is again dpon for business on Vittoria street with a *Full Stock of ---- FLOUR, FEED, MEALS anis GROCERIES. The stock has been selected with groat caro, an the pubUo may rest assure that, thevery bo value in tho market 18 alllines will be gl en. Any person purchasing 26 lbs. Flour, 250, ranuleted et roll' 0 tnieal will receive 8 lbs. of Rod- paO'stBsobetc ngarfor25c. (Agent Vitoria tjtinf;gtn(�1Mohr';�jn}�11 0. OLSON, ii toriaStif♦Gl Mons' ,Weare iraot%pa• l 44014nieto with aftt yoylulppei9„Ropairfithop, repair and clean OWNS and P IT N0, l< 4, VAIN 9f 41i. ktx,ad, , q and styles; if any pf the parts wee ettken or Wart; out wp eata:gla. ,e We grind, ebarpen and polish all kinds of KNIVES,S4 P,1•1' SKATES, &c., and retenoper if required. Remember ReI ember we repair everything in the shape of Small xp &laelli Household Utensils, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of likel4 Our prices are the lowest that are possible and we guarantee sa ilac; tion. $llg your SACS troni 113--ttieij are MO lest. The Onward Bicycle Co:; Clinton.: OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE. Christmas Almost Here, At this time of the year you like your money to go a long way. CALL AND SEK OUR Black Silk Ties And all colored Ties Children's all wool Black Hose " Ribbed " Black Ribbed Cashmere Hose Men's Black Ribbed Hose Grey Ribbed Hose - all wool Grey Hose Ladies' cc cc cc cc cc INS And Blankets all the way from $5.00 a pair. 0 25c. 25c,. - 200. 250. 250. 25c. 26c. - 250. - • 25c. - 25c $1.00 to A. C. Dufton, Opposite 1Vlason House, Clinton. New Furniture and Ur1ertak!n Stare _.Brick Block, Cliitl,ton; (Near Fair's Mil1,l�- We are now prepared to show you a nice line of FURNITURE of every description. BED ROOM SUITES FROM $8.00 UP, DINING TABLES FROM $4.00 UP, ROCKING CHAIRS FROM 900. UP, and all lines of Furniture in-ths same proportion. Call and examine our Bed Room Suite, Spring and Mattress at 512. 50. TheUndertaking department is managed by Mr. John Powell, Under- taker and Embalmer. Broadfoot, Box & Co. shrewd Burgers AND , °.°L overs of Fine Dishes --ARE BUYING THEIR- + GNRISTMAS CHINA ± THE CASHAT GROCERY. We wish we had more windows to .show our Goods in. We have so many nice things in the China Line. Talk is cheap - Stock will convince you that we have the prettiest and cheapest line of DtN- OUR DINNER SETS do the talking; a look at our NER, TEA and CHAMBER SETS that are shown in town. Now is the time to buy your Xnias Presents, while our Stock is complete, and have us set them aside for you. IN BERRY SETS, WATER SEIS, FIVE O'CLOCK SETS, SALAD BOWLS, BREAD and BUTTER PLATES, CUPS and SAUCERS, &c.' we are offering exceptionally good values. FINE MIXED CANDY 5c. per pound. RAISINS 5c. per pound. CUR- RANTS 5c. per pound. 2 poiinds MIXED NUTS for 25c. 2 pound extra good CREAMS for 25c. ORANGES -ORANGES -ORANGES 15c. per doz. 4 pound GINGER NUTS for 25c. o�G���4��Qie�e�e®e • 0�►0�00o�6ebe��. o�sov�wo�o�o� �e-ce A Merry Xmas,/ ...The Cash Crockery. 'de^eeo-cs.o�a.�.e�eo. �c►. to all Alliye41beo^q1aAVw.o"116.4<ba. ^11£, e -me o-v.ov-11Q.eAlt.eov oma. lbe-ee 'Phone 23. OGLE COOPER & Co. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat Barley Oats.. Peas Potatoes, per hush Butter Eggs per dos 0 13 to 0 14 Bay 8 00 to 800 Cordwood 3 00 to 3 50 Apples per bush.. .. 0 15 to 0 16 Dried Apples per lb . 0 02 to 0 24 Ducks per lb................. 0 05 to 0 06 Turkeys per lb . 0 06 to 007 Geese per lb. 0 05 to 006 Chickens per pair 0 26 to 0 35 078 to 079 0 80 to 0 40 .,0 17 to 0 18 0 36 tc 0 39 0 20 too 25 , 011 to 012 Stray Heifer and sheep. Strayed from the slaughter house on the promises of Wm. Robertson on the Huron Road, a fat sheep, whito,.vrith tip off one ear. Also a fat 2 year old Heuer, dark red to color with some vrbito wolf bred. A Oleg reward will bo paid by the 1 snors for their recovery. FORD & IVIDRPw -, ' 940-tf Butchers, Clinton. A Rare Opportunity„ For Sale 150 acres, A 1 grain or stook farnn, 105 acres cleared, balance unctillod hardwood. Solid brick house, &c.• frame barn 28x80 ; stable 18x50 ; sheep house 12x28; good water. Con- venient to 3 grain elevators, mills, &c. Good roads and froo from all obnoxious weeds. &n. Will take residential property in Clinton part. pay. Inquire at THE NEWS-REconn office. 9403m WORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pa 10 to 910 per week for easy home work. sondo fr. No Scheme, Books or Peddling This is bona Ode. Send stamp for work and particu- lars at once THE SEYMOUR SUPPLY 00., Mason - 10 Temple, Camden, N T. 911/1y. Rug Lost. Lost, somewhere on theBayflold Rogd.,•be- tween Clinton and Bayfield, a buggy rug with tiger figure on it. Finder willrowar,Tpl 4 returning same to D. B. KENNEDY, Chafes, Farm For Sale, 'Chat excellent, propperty-k own ae fhb Farm, cdmprlaexl of 127 acres on the fret cots- That of Hullett tvvbae,.m lie from Clinton; About 110 sores elearod. Good clay 1oess., Good bearing orchard, fair tensa and plon0yree cedar. Log house arid,frame barn.Nevem , failing erring. Will be old et aValle owner le In poor health. For ferritins s to wt.,. etottison. W, W. Ferran cit.David Dickdheop, CIIhtOrl. 4o-•