HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-12-23, Page 1Tt Iipsyu. 140 la Advs itee. a es L*ce Meats. iNe have a SpecialWhiskey of .I','iquor Quality; which is used by a great many people in - steed .of cheaper quality of Brandy. • Also Port and s ? Sherry Winos of highest grade. We also Ferry Brandy in • wood and bottle of finest grade. k Kennedy Llinton Liquor Store. xl rz-•• 1.896* DEOEMBER*1896 Bu. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Pr. Se. I 2 6 7 8 47, '4 2I 28 15 22 29 9 23 30 X0 17 24 3= Ia i8 25 • 5 12 3E9 26 Mk.r . Town Topics. DEATH.—There died in Toronto on ee.'Qt , after a brief illness from in- aiuwatign, Mr. Robert Powell, aged ,:The deceased was a nephew rihn Rayson, town. He leaves and two small children. o t of REFUGE NOTES.—The leteet arrivals are John Roes from Tuckersmith and John MoAlliater from Brussels. James Ray Sr, from Wawanosh is still vary .low nearly ' three'weeke in the House and has not eaten any food drinking a little milk tali'ly • as nourishment. His feet are heeliog,nicely but he will lose some of hta toes. Richard .'Stanlake has gone `to Rxe►er to, spend Xmae. with bis rlilµ .exne'lent dinner' of all the e1reaoici,-of the season is to be 'Provided for the inmates on Xmas day. CHRISTMAS PASTORAL.—"There is that ecatteretb, and yet increaeeth ; and there is that witholdeth more than hie ;meet, but it tendeth to poverty."— tk' ;•`:/Prov. xi. 24. Maurine S. Huron has T,• • :addressed the following circular to the o , ...laity of she Church of England through- °:•<< out the Diocese of Huron,at the same . 'time wishing all people spiritual and i. -temporal blessings of the Holy Day ;— Dear Friends';—I write to remind you 'of onr custom to devote the offertory on Ohristmai Day to the Clergyman of the parish. I trust this pleasing habit will not be neglected at the time of the approaching Festival. The abundant '$hrveat of the last autumn should awaken in us all a very liberal and generous spirit. May I not therefore bespeak a substantial evidence of your good will toward these earnest and devoted men who have labored with so Much zeal and eelf•denial for your best and truest interests. Not a few of these ° • men are labouring with sorely insuffi- oatent means and are greatly crippled s he want of ehat a hick you can so 'By supply. At such a time as °r,C iinee when God's great Gift to t' maul is the theme of every pulpit, may your generous hearts be stirred to re member those who labour among you, and are over yot ;in the Lord, rye Brief Town Topics. The University students are holi- daying. non h snow fell to make fair sleigh- ing on Sunday, Mr. Waiter Sault°, of God erich, was in town lase Wednesday. Mr. J. E. Blackall has for several days suffered from lame back. Mre. Wall will beJarvis' accom- panist at the Qddfell re' concert. Mrs. Whitt is spending Christmas 'with the family of Rev. W. Craig, of Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. 13ean leave to -day on a month's visit to friends and relatives at Port Hope. A full report of the statutory meet- ing of the Town Council will be found on another page. The Misses McKay, of Windsor and Kingsville, aro the guests of their' sister, Mxs.Lack Kennedy. " Ogle Cooper & Oo'q windows are ,dressed Very attractive and would do nredit to any large city. • C. II, Broadfoot, of "Seatorth, se in rt tltis week looking after the beal- v Brbitdfoot, Box di Co. +; m. Somerville, of' Rodger. *0 in town dolling on .old „. •lIe' wee accompanied by f#b• • erahawo taken fit. 'deep Itli- a ao iniariti 'ei! . bf11's llyibh appeared °red t "O' Cri'!ASV rNDRPIINPANV 1» 4JL rk?ji!gsf-ivtitoa'R4L IN 1 Oi'IJNG A. M TODD, DBltor rndOwwet CLINTON . BURTON OOUNTY, ON's, WEDNESDAY DE,CEMB R 23, '1896 WIOLE 1.T .. • 0.944' Brief Town Topics: - The MaIlveen farm did not find a purchaser. THE News -Racoon desires to wieb its patrons a very Merry Chrietmae. All the Clinton butchers have super- ior Christmas displays. Dr. Freeborn and A. M. Todd attend- ed the annual meeting of West Huron Conservatives at Smith's Hill on Thurs- day. Mr. W. H. Webb, who has been suffering from inflammatory rheu watism during the past ten days, is im- proving. Mr. French, manager of the House of Refuge, was in Stratford on Friday attending the opening of Perth House of Refuge. The Baptists are expecting great re- sults from the coming of Evangelist Palmer, who is to begin special services in their church on Jan. 3rd. Mr. James Walker, of LeMars, Iowa (cousin of Councillor Thos. Walker)., is here on a Visit. He was born here and has been absent some fifteen years. -Mr. and the Misses Dufton will spend their Xmas with friends in Lon• don. Miss A. Dutton will remain for the New Year holidays. Rev. Mr. Crews, who preached last Sunday in the two Methodist churches, and spoke to the Young People on Mouday evening, delighted his hearers. Mr. David Welsh and two daughters, Misses Annie and Effie, and Master David, are het e on a visit from Sanilac, Mich. Mr. Welsh'forrnerly resided in Goderich township but has resided in Michigan fourteen years. A telegram received at 2 o'clock Mon- day morning announced the death of Frank H. Kern, son of Mr. D.W. Kern, Wrano and organ manufacturer of oodstock, and a cousin of Mr. Karn, of the Moleons Bank, Clinton. Mr. D. A. Forrester has closed down hie flax mill Froin the fact that he has been unable to dispose of this year's product. The change of Government has not yet helped the business any. M%ss 't3ta e4fuir, of Clinton. who is visiting Mrs. -M. T. White, on Friday .last aceidentally sprained her ankle while stepping off a curb on the street. She has since been confined to her room, but will soon be able to use the limb slightly;—Exeter Times. Goderich. SOFT WATER.—The air bubbles so often seen in the water just now are said to be caused by air getting into the supply pipe from one of the old well valves. The bubbles will soon disappear, however, as the authorities will shortly close the valve. THE MILL ROAD.—The new mill road is now a fact, and horses attached to carts have been passing over it for sev- eral ditys. The foundation of it is mill r•eftlse (good material for draining), and is kept from running dawn the hill by slabs, kept in position by cedar posts. The track is only one team wide, but there will be sufficient turning -out places. Whether the'new road will be useable in the sprieg remains to be seen, hut it will c fainly be a good winter and summer netothe Goderich Lumber Company':. arbor mill. THE MISSION LAND.—The McGilli- vray Mission Band, of Knox church, held the annual t ristmas meeting on Saturday aftern••n, at 3 o'clock, The Band, under th r care of Miss Polley, has made Brea progress lately, and this was eviden ed on Saturday by the large attenda • e and the excellent programme pr rented. The little ones on the list d:.: rve credit for the man- ner in which heir parts were played and recited, .. d their instructor must he congratu ted on her method of teaching an the excellency of the ar- rangemen GoDERI.' CONSREVATIvIi9. — The annual m : ting of the local Conserva- tive Ass. +tion was held in MoLean's Opera H ise Block on Wednesday evening 1 :t with a good attendance. Officers re elected for the ensuing year as f, . owe :President,E. Campion; vice -prey i ent, W. C. Goode ; sec.- treas., M O. Johnston. Vice-presidents for the rioue polling sub -divisions to be selee1d later on by the Executive. Henry itrgill, M. P., for East Bruce, was pre nt and addressed the meeting in a m. t interesting manner. Short speech: were made also by local mem- bers o the party, and the meeting gener. y was one of the best yet hdld by th : esociation. Fut —Between 11 and 12 last Tues- day ght fire was discovered in the Tram:' uildtng on Hamilton street ort- cunt . by W. T. Pellow as a grocery. The arm was ring, though after a few trokes the bell. failed to respond th , oh some disarrangement, and but few ttizena knew of the fire till neat mo ing. Then the wire for tending in arning to the pinsaping station >f$ito ;,Work. and only 'when a. tele= ph e ewe w cent; ,late,r oft did Si eer knout thftt holly preasure W. *Aid , l o ,ever the firemen e - ensiled tbi thimm eit't►hei} the•tipper; of the bitildt g:,+ i►e altaflt; burned and the -datln eta bitptWtock below °confinied, to itbrt,t, ^W*.. There. n Metres:bee cif $1, In :the .Wdte - 1ttlf ltl.:' Od+ise oftre'unknown. . Goderich. TGE HENDRIGKRl Co. --We Ander- etand Manager Wilson, of the Hepder- son Bicycle Co., hasl. entered into a contract with Humber & Causey, the sewer contractors, to supply the cast- ings for the work now under construc- tion. There will be some 15 or 20 tons of iron. CIROULAiR CITY BRIEFS.—Snow fell a few days last week and again on Sunday,but not in quantity sufficient for sleihing.—There will he service in St. George's church on Chrietmas mor- ning. The church is being nicely ,dec- orated by the Ladies' Guild and the choir is practisingsome pretty carols and anthems.—Mrs. Alexander Wat- son, of South street, died last Wednes- day night and was interred on Friday beside her husband in Maitland ceme- tery. The deceased lady had been ill for several months, an internal com- plaint being the trouble.—Mrs. Cluness is recovering from a severeattack of rheumatism.—The Masons of`Goderich and Carlow will have a joint installa- tion of officers at Carlow next Tuesday evening.—Navigation is closed at this point.—Mrs. Heaton and children are visiting in Peterboro and Toronto.— Andrews Bros. & Co. shipped a car of cattle last week.—Final nomination for office at meeting of Huron Lodge to- morrow night.—Bicycles were used in town on Saturday.—The Goderich Lumber Co. mill at the harbor is shut down for the season.—The statutory, meeting of the town council was held on Tuesday evening, and the regular One on Friday.—Municipal nominations will as usual be held in the council chamber on Monday evening. com- mencing at 7.30.—Mrs. W. R. Robert- son has returned from a three months' visit to the Queen's city.—Mr. Wm. Andrews, butcher, , was thrown from his waggon one day last week and severely shaken up.—Murney had a bear chained up opposite his store on Saturday. It was to be killed for Christmas.—Mr. and Mrs. Huston, of Manitoba, are the guests of their rela- tive, Mrs. R. B. Smith.—Inspector of Public Schools Robb was in the circul- ar town on Saturday.—The intake pipe contract is nearly completely.—The town treasurer has received the pro- ceeds of the sewers and water works extension bonds.—The Chosen Friends meeting room, Horton's block, has leen painted and papered and the in- candescent light has been introduced. --The hotel Bedford has changed hand$. Mr. A. C. Pace having sold out to Robinson and Martin.—Mrs. Mask is confined to the house by an injured knee, the result of a fall.—So far this year Christmas .purchases have been up to the average.—Mr. Geo. Porter has returned from the State of New York.—Robt. McLean has a wild beast show of his own.—Our druggists have pretty windows ; scents being the fea- ture of the arrangements.—The Off Hand Rifle club will soon commence its weekly winter shoots.—The Gode- rich Knitting Co. has several orders still on hand.—Mr. David Currie, for merly of Seaforth, but for the past ten years of thia town, died in the London hospital last week. Stanley. NoTEe.—Sacrament of the Lord's supper was dispensed in Bayfield road church on Sunday.—Miss Emma Has• lam, of Toronto, is spending the Christ- mas holidays at the residence of Mr. Joseph Richardson.—Messrs. Reid and Webster, of Lucknow, visited rela- tives in this vicinity recently.—Messrs. Reid and Palmer, of the Parr line, have commenced to hold meetings on Sunday nights in the Temperance hall, Varna. We hope much good may at- tend their efforts.—Messrs. R. J. and W. G. Richardson, B. A., of Toronto, are spending the Christmas vacation at the parental residence.—Miss A. Johnston spent the past week in this neighborhood. COUNOIL.—Stanley Council met in Town Hall on Tuesday Dec. 15th at 10 o'clock p. m. Members all present. The minutes of previous meeting were adopted. The followingac- counts wee paid:—W. McBeat, for wire 'on Blind line, $15.87 ; J. J. Mc- Kenna, bale of account in connection with Halliday vs. Stanley suit, $5.25; Johnston Bros. sewer pipes,$10.80; Jas. Donaldson timber, 15.09; . Camp - hell, gravel $0.10; Wm. Stinson. cedar piles, $2.70; A. Mustard, tile and cement, $6.02; Mre. Gingrich, gravel, $26.08; H. Stickle, gravel, $4.00; A Couch, gravel, ;. ; .30; A. Watts, gravel $$7.10; J. Alexander, gravel,7.60; Mrs. McDougall, gravel, $4.48; Jas. Arm- strong. repairing scraper, $2.50• Board of Health, $11.00; Treasurer, for re - paring financial statements, $5.00; Clerk, extra work with B. M. D. register and postage, $5.00 ; A by-law granting $25.00 to Clinton to assist iqr gravelling new street was passed amount ' to be paid when gravelling is finished. J. T. Cannes, Clerk. Clinton Toung People's Local Topics at the several. Peopleilleialebt sneetlece to be held during the week:. •tten bg8uise St: Meetthrodlet L L, of 0.E. Topic dthlsyoarr.. -M ,Rebioo ; nx '.elsarlf- Onlarfe 8t, L L ire, . Tonle for Dile. 281b, Mleslonary nteettetsCfl do " the Preebytirfee d k:'"ionic ters„11., '.t'1--Conaecra r. -Our Moor. MOWN,:2a CM.Cbiem gnei.la Goderich Township. OUR FIN4NOEe.—The financial state- ment for 1896 has been issued, duly certified to by Reeve Cox and Trea• surer J. E. Whitely. The expenditure amounts to something like $14,000, while there is a balance of nearly $1,100 in favor of the township. The showing is favorable to our rulers and speaks well for the good old township of Goderich. THE COMING ELECTIONS.—It is the •sincere wish of a great many electors that' past bickering in manioipal matters be discarded and that all work to elect one representative from Gode- rioh townebip to the County Council for this District. Clinton and Gode- rich tow;eehip being so closely identi- fied, the town cannot do better than assist in the election of township nominee John Cox. Personally, Gabriel Elliott was my choice, but I am quite willing to support Cox since he is the nominee and because he has proved himself to be a painstaking, faithful and economical representative. The very beet ohoice should be made to represent us in the Township Council. PUBLIC MEETING —A meeting of the electors of Chia township was held at Holm aville on Sainrskey aft noon last to talk ever Conialy-todhoils matters, There was a large number present. Mr. Ed. Acheson was elect- ed chairman. Messrs. G. Elliott, J. Cox, J. Connolly, J. Beacom, . D. Cantelon and the chairman were nominated. All retired except Mee"ers. Cox, Elliott and Beacom. The result of the ballott was in favor of Mr. Cox, who after- ward addressed the . meeting for a short time. The best of order pre• veiled throughout the meeting. The chairman mode a few complimentary remarks and the meeting closed. Osla Now Comm.—The old Coun- cil have during the past year been pretty economical and given good satisfaction, For the new Council good men and true will be in the field. Among the likely candidates are:— For reeve, James Connolly and John Beacom; for deputy, Samuel Sturdy and Thos. Churchill; for councillors, Robert Elliott of the 4th con., Charles Williams, James Johnston and John Middleton. These are all good men and there are others who may eeek the suffrages of the electors, but the names given are those your correspondent has so far heard dieouseed. ORANGE OFFICERS.—L. O. L. 189 elected the following offioere:—W. M., P. W. Currie; D. M., John Cantelon, Chap.; fames Connell; R. -S., Walter Emerson; F. S., Geo. Cantelon; Treas., R. H. Elliott; D. of C., Thos. McCart- ney; Lecturer, W. J. Currie; let Com- mitteeman, Robert Cantelon. The Lodge is in a very proaperooe condition, having about fifty members. The next meeting will be the second Monday in January. The District meeting will be held in the hall of 145 on the second Tuesday. COUNCiL,--LCouncil met on Dec, 15th. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by Jas. Connolly, seconded by Chas. Williams, that the following school taxes be refunded, the party being over three miles from school, A. Way, $2.40. Moved by Chas. Williams, 'seconded by Thos. Churchill, that T. C. Piokard be re- funded the cum of $4.83, being error in aeeesament for the year 1893. Moved by Thos. Churchill, seconded by Jas. Connolly, that the collector's time be extended to first meeting of council 1897. Moved by Chas. Wil- liams, seconded by Jas. Johnston that the following accounts now road be passed :—For gravel, John Weir, $4.90; 11. Dyke, $4.50; E. Wise, $16.87; E. Elliott, $2.16 ; W. Bell, $6.22; A. Drysdale, $31.20; C. Bea- com, $1,92 ; F. McCartney, 54o,; W. Johnston, -$1.08; T. Cronyn, $10.20; W. Elliott, $3.90; T. Lacey, outlet for drain, $9; municipal World, $3.86. Reeve Cox, before the Coucil ad- journed, thanked the members for the aseiatanoe they had ever accorded him in transacting the baeinea and further- ing the interests of the 4,E6rrnehip. He had been a member for about a quar- ter Of a century and always had the hearty oo'oparation and good -will of the members, and while ha ''desired to thank them, the time had come for hini to,.bM them adieu. The occasion wiuir one Of it %tory kindly feeling on behalf 4f the other member', eaeh ra• "tipt fler tlatui AdSonri 40 *noper itattue. Niltoi STURDYT Clark. Goderich Township. RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY.. -•.-At the 'set regular meeting of L. O. L. No. 189 a resolution of sympathy was unaaimouely carried to the widow and family of the late Bro. Thee Green, who have renioved to Bayfield. Many years since the late Bro. Green wasya higt ly respected member of tbisLodge, The resolution was accompanied by a good -will offering of a purse, which will be presented in a few days. From another correspondent. SALE.—Mrs. Mair, of the 7th, had a sale en Wednesday laet, and we are pleased to say she realized good prices for her stock. Mre. Mair and family will reside in Goderich for the future. BETTER.—Mr. Michael O'Mara, who has been suffering with 'an abscess on the knee for some time is, we are pleased to say, somewhat better. LEFT Us.—Metiers. David Corbett and Alexander Wilson' have given up farming and moved to the county town, where they will engage in the poultry business. Success, boys. LEAVING,—Mr. W. McClusky leaves this week for Honolula. While we wish him a pleasant trip and success in his new undertaking we are very sorry to lose so good a oitizen. He travele,by the Beatty line. W r< -?—The MoKlllyite can• 'PrisT-vegans of las u e would do well to run for municipa • honors at the com- ing election, as no doubt the old-time Tories would plump for them. NOMINATIONS.—There should be a good turnout of voters at Holmeeville on Monday to select their men for reeves and councillors. Some would like to see Mr. Wm. Wakefield in the field for Deputy es he would be the right man in the right place. 16IcliKillop. COUNCIL --Council met in Jones' hetet, Leadbury. Members all gree• ant.. A statement for the year made showing 'the following Total receipts, $.13,669.56 ; expenditure — Salaries, $826; miscellaneous, $232.58; bridges, $433 16; gravel, $546.97 ; Ward No. 1, $93.40; No. 2, $156,57 ; No. 3, $460.89 ; No. 4, $143.27 ; Boundary Line, $259.68 ; charity, $50.49 ; Dit• ohee and Watercourses Act, $97.25 ; borrowed from Bank of Commerce, $2.000; school monies, $4,608.58; sounty rate. $2,540.92 ; balanoe on hand, $1,219,96.—$13,669.66. There is 8161.70 yet to collect in roll. The township has $14,582 municipal fund, the interest of which goes to schools. a Ashfield. ORANGE ELEOTION.—Tale following officers of Maple Grote L. O. L. No. 1,044 were elected et the Dec, meet- ing:—W. Hen.derson, W. M.; D. Huston, D. DM.;W. G. Gardner, Cbep ; R. E. Brown, R. S.; C. McDonagh, F. S•; J. Ritchie, Treas.; J. H. Gardner, Leet.; J. Ferguson. D. C.; A. Ritchie, A. Hamilton, C. Ritchie, a. Cook, E. Welsh, Committee. Bayfie id. Batxrs.—Mr. George Sterling, of this place, and now of Manitoba, along with his wife and four children, arrived here on Saturday all looking hale and harty. Their many friends will be glad to see them. Mrs, Sterl- ing is a sister of John and James Pallook. They have done well in the West and returned for the winter to enjoy a well earned holiday.—The school concert was a success in all re• epode except weather. The band deserve credit for taking part. The citizens no doubt will remember their services,—Remember the entertain- ment of Trinity ohuroh in the town hall on Monday, the 28th inst. Be Bute and Dome as some of the beat talent to be had will take part. St. Andrew's church will also have their entertainment on the 30th inst. Let petty jealousy cease and turn out to both entertainments in full force.—At ,the regular meeting of L. O. L. No. 24 the following officers were elected for next yeerc—W. M., John Poliock; aool.; D. M., William Elliott; Cbaplan, William Herd; Treasurer, John Tippet; Recording So., .Donald Galbraith; Finance Sea., Edward Reid; D. C., Thetas Hard. The Lodge is in a flourishing condition financially and otherwise, thanks to Bro. James Pollock, who hes been the guiding hand for a ntli;iiber of years. George Jones' 35 years of age, nom. ate uat atl# a air# {(awe Sound byboo #6' biid+i il%. .the heed with a ull-dtig rewoltit. Re wark,butober. by trade. GO A. J.. Holioway, HURON ST., —FOR YOUR— Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. OUR CLOTHING Fits Well, Looks Well, Wears Well. Ready-made Pants At $1.00 and 31.50 worth twice the money. •eeeewso A. J. HOLLOWAY, CLINTON. Processional Third Class Teachers REPORT OF HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EXAMINERS. The Board of Examiners for the County of Huron met at Goderich, Dec. 19th. Present, Messrs. J. E. Tom, Chairman ; G. Baird, Secretary ; R. C. Cheswright and D. Robb. It was decided that after 1896, that certificates be extended under Regula- tion 87 (a) for one year instead of two years as heretofore. The following candidates were award- ed Professional Third Class Teacher's Certificates, valid for three years : LADIES. GENTLEMEN. Banes, Vinette A. Aitchison, R. MCR. Ball, Alice Winifred Ansley Fred Butcbart, Agnes Baird, Robt. Clegg, Melinda Baird, William Chrysler, Florence Brintnell, John D. Cummings, Lizzie Clarkson, Frank D. Cummings Belle Cook, James E. Cunningham, Lizzie Couzens, Louis L. Duff, Bertha Downey, Wm. Henry Fraser, Jessie Duncan, James C. Gordon Christens Elliott, Wilfred H. Howard Anna Belle Graham Melvin Izzard, Minnie Emma Guest, Denson H. Johnstone, Lily Mae .Horton, James Kirk, Jennie. Hawkins, Walter Lewis, Charity Hooey, Louis G. McCaughan, Edith M. McNaughton, H. H. McLaughlin, Sarah V. McMurdie, Robt. A. McNaughton, Minnie McTavish Robert Middleton, Lizzie Martin, John C. Neil, Ella Plummer, Stewart G. Proctor, Etta Robertson, W. S. 'Raid, K. Lizzie Thompson,pAlex. Paid, Evelyn B. Tippet, n W H. R. Ross Anna Bella &Wille, Jennie Stout, Sarah Alioe Smith, Dora J. M. Switzer, Edith Torrance Grace Turner, Evelyn Worthington, Lou Tuckersmtih. Sorrow..—School oloafli last night (Tuesday) for Christmas vacation Canner.— The members of the Alma churoh intend bolding a box social at the residence of Mr. G. Dale the first week in January. VISITING,—Mr. J. Cudmore, of Dakota, brother of Mr. H. Cudmore, of this place, is visiting under the parental roof. THE BEAUTIFUL,—Mother earth has donned her white mantle and by all appearances we are going to have sleighing for Xmae. At any rete we are hoping for it and will say so. ELECTIONS. - Municipal electionQ aro near at band. Each voter shouldl turn out on election day if they de- sire to see a looal mac represent them, at the County Council. Mr. Abner. Cosene we nnderetand will be in the - field for Reeve. He ie a young man of more than ordinary ability,. popular and well known to the major- ity of the ratepayers of the township, and will poll a good vote. Mr. Shep- herd will, in all probability, be in the field again. XMAS TREE.—The Xmae Tree and entertainment to -night (Wednesday) promises to be a success. The com- mitteo° in charge ore °paring neither time nor labor to make it so, The programme will consist of readings, recitations, vocal and instrumental music. We understand that Mre. Hoover, of Clinton, has kindly con- sented to take part. A small admiss- ion fee will be charged and we can assure those who Dome that they. will get their money's worth as Turner's ohurob has always been noted for giving too much for the money paid. News Notes,. Missals, H. IC A. Allan of the Allen Line have let contest& for a 10,000 ton freight steamer. The fflneral of the late Lieut. -Gover- nor Fraser of Now Brunswick took place at Fredericton. Mira Bertha' Bezley, a .reetecta l.., connoted, otm vera ran,, vtite at ee fa•' at Woadito k Sri a obaig'g of will Bre' to Mr. Clore'° holm* e and iitai!Xpt, ,.r