HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-12-16, Page 21 d ;� 61 L ;�,, i"A 4, %• y ,t i '4r� CI. :J P 'k . t • ; I � ei ,4 to cal ,'I , aP p'A '. $ �' 6 ' ,� G`otl.h-dire, talo mo�rt proliitlt' ct4 %�s . offoeLivo remeQ)• for dleetises of the lil � ,Ii 1., throat unit lungs, i;� A)cr's Cherry rM'»a}'. Pectoral. 11s lin elnerga aicy medi- 4, e :::e, for the cure of °, l '' r . ' t roup, Sora Thront, 1.a ,f , I mag Fever a n d , 7 {s, ' ^- 'i`t i1 Looping Cough. AYE R' a' -111'11'i"4k,. :Vd �d.; C h r, r r y Pectoral 'ia� ',' t,d (t::l: o. t be equaled. '41,1,,, : . ,11 i` I), D. Ei8. Sec. of Bili r ...T tlia American Pap- ";?{,_ ' tist ilublishing Society. PeterUburg, °6 '; , Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent E �, ` colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr, Eraivley 95w b''d'' also adds: To all :n inIsters suffering '�% from throat truubles, I recommend �h L A g iI 13 � Cherry Pndofsal f ;- Awarded Med.10 at world's Fair. err, WEWS PJU' S Care Liner ,od Stoomoh Troubles. %` . • . .14 Tho Hi!rcn Newsi-Recon �. tv $1.25 a Yo.t-41.00ta Advance WEDNF.sDAY. DECEMBER 10th, 1896. Goderich Township. r„ L. O. L. ELECTION.-Riverston L. O. . L., No. 145 held its regular meeting on Monday evening with W. M. Chas. Johnston in the chair. After the transaction of general business, they proceeded with the election of officers far, the ensaaing year :-Chas JohnstW, W. M.; T. Bell, D. M. ; T. McKee, Chap.; R. G. Colwell, Rec. Sec, . R. T. . Cox. Fin. Sec. ; R. McIlvain, Tress. ; J. Cox. D. of C.; E. J. Elliot, Lect, ; J. McMillian, J. Wilson, B. Cox, D. Marshall. W. Wilson, Committee, W. McCabe, Tyler. 11 COUNCIL. -Council met on Monday, Deo. 7th. Minutes of last meeting read 'and passed. Moved by Chas. Williams, seconded by Thos. Churchill, that the following accounts be paid: -For gravel, S. Rath well. $6.42 ; 7 Porter, $19.02- H. Young, $5.64; J. Connolly, 17.60; J. Connel, $5.70; D. Johnstone, $8.40; G. Tehbutt, $2.28; Wm. John- ston, $5.40; D, Uox, $5.02; J. Trewar- tha, $360; Wan. Murch, $29.40; J. Mc- Donald, $8.70; Wm. Elliott, $17.56; . Wm. Currie, $9.42; H. Young, $2160; J. Mair, $8.82: S. Walters, $12; H. Hibbs, $20; 'rhos. Battles, $10.60. R. . C. Hays, services at Court of Appeal of Bell Telephone Company. $3; Regis- tary Search,, $1.25; NHws-RECORD, printingg,�2, 50; J. Butler, stationary, $5.40; J. �'oung, outlet for drain, , Wm. Stanley, outlet for drain, $ffi2 J. Clufr, outlet for drain, $2.50; G. Elliott, use of scraper, $1.25: Board of Health, $10; Dr. J. B. Whitely. Board Health $15 ; .School census, $5'y, H. Baker, out- let for drain, $1; Councillor's salary, $118; T. Churchill, services on drain, $1.50; Clerk's salary, $105; Treasurer's salary, $70; Collector's salary. $70; Clerk's postage, $11. Moved by Thos. Churchill, seconded by Jas. Connolly, that the sum of $4 be refunded to School Section No. 4, the same having been paid in the township fonds by said section by errot-carried. Moved by Jas. Connellyy,, seconded by Jae. John- ston, that Mr. Pickard receive the guar of $30 for use of hall for Council purposes for the year 1896 -carried. Moved h Jas. Johnston, seconded by Chas. Williams, that Samuel Johnston be refunded the sum of $1.04, having been overpaid by collector to the man. icipality-carried. Moved by Chas Williams, seconded by J. Connolly, thart. John Sheppard be refunded the sura of $4, amount of school taxda, his proper- ty being over three miles from school - carried. Moved by Jas. Connolly, sec- onded by Thos. Churchill, that Jas. Laithw,aite be refunded sum of $20 er- ror in assessment for last five years on account of mistake In acreage -carried. Moved by Jas. Johnston, seconded' by Thos. Churchill that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on the 15th of Dec. -carried. A Nessage to Men. PROVING THAT TRUE HONESTY AND TRUE PHILANTROPY STILL EXIST. If afiy MAn, who Is weak, nervous and debilitated, or who Is suffering -V*drom anv of the various troubles re- , .. natalting from youthful folly, excesses or overwork will take heart and write to a. ane, I will send him confidently and 4 rtemfeharge the plan pursued by which -was completely restored to perfect heaUh and manhood, after years of suffering from Nervous Debility, Loss . of Vigor and Organic Weakness. I have nothing to sell and therefore walft no money, but as I know through my own experience how to sympathize with such sufferers, I am glad to be . able,bo w-ist any fello�v-being to a cure, I am -well alvare of the prevalence of a.;quackery� for I myself was deceived �� imposed upon until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but I rejoice to say that I am nova perfectly well and haap- py once more and aril desirous there - ore to rtfalke this certain means of cure nown to all. nif be nu write to me' you can relyy upon g cured and the proud eatisfaetion of having libi+rl oP great service to tie In deed will, sufficient rewpar�l 1 .rnwy:trottl5fe. rA solute secrecy a,1+ltrri. Sed dd of va`i% to coder postage a tuidre a, P. Oeo. North k, 00 .Mich. G. Strong, _ Sn MrJ. Jbhn Aft1d. dt °Miityttdall, WAS Ior .q f,�. ter . eath fh a fire 'alit sst tted n tiie reals aluive pu McGir��at` of : riot e 1 in �Q of at t a` � . Th t b e tl e .,,.r���{�•r 91r,pt fir. Daw4vei�1; la.p•r' #f4>i<�t►Bt r w ' dlsit#it YY1 Gott -lei of hA�ttC.0 . hfb$K�`�a a h itisri Mfr. �o "delft *48leiIab Qi'fif iabifdN f> ws . . i' . „ ', ' . . { 11 I'' ' i h,i Ll� "R t 7 1. t e.. ndeaty 4. .iiv H'• •tt�rlf! •}'p�4. > � ,[ 1w t�(4O YM•^O ,�r2,".OP .k } y.. t %AnY .% ! t' 'r'F ) tZ �' 1 itotha,, .9 �bila is a fltsgat. plrak a.` ti .: Vit'I ,l 11 r<l+ itter}ed Ie1 r1 b.lait� ,. . ;ll ah .;, i p . .Q'�f#P,yit}jiK�A, Y ,,. ]mfr'"- �1 4,4a4.I.n. RQlrt�il+t1 ifilp tail ..,7 ry r.seder renfiltle , ,,eaiablielifnri to tinwillinirra aikenat : T1�Ai INn>�ii>exnnxrr fon aft, rears haw '".,rat ;' ;.,. 'T �" ,, d,. " t devotes much space to accounts of mis. siou wprk being carried du among tl'e different tribes. It is published twice it month at. the low -price of 25 cents it Kear. The editor is D. 0. Munro, well nown in Huron Co. When ypucome to the meeting leave behirr 3 : Your fear of criticism; Pressing antietles ; Selfish thoughts; Coldness of heart; Every hindrance; Bring with you i r Your Bible and hymn -book ; Prayers and praises ; i3aekiug hearts; Christlike spirits,, Ernest minds. During Dr .Clark's visit to London, England, a C. E. rally was held in Spurgeonts tabernacle, which, was crowded to the doors. It was presided over by F. B. Meyer. Twelve girls comprise a Junior U. E. Society in au Industrial school for girls in Toronto. Last year these children gave $30for missions, all raised by their own efforts. An Endeavorer of the town of Berlin a young lady 17 years of age,, visits the House of Refuge every Sunday with a supply of good literature. The poor old folks anxiously look for her and her visit is to them the brightest time. In the week. Twenty-two members of the Junior Society, of the Methodist church, St. Marys, have not during the last three months missed church service, Sabbath school or juniorpprayer-greeting except when detained by Illness, and then a text of scripture wits sent to be read in the meeting. God does not measure our service by the amount of work which we do, but by the willingness we phow in doinf what He wants us to do. He may call us to do some great work or He may require from us only the smallest ser- vice. But whatever be the work as- signed us we should be willingg to say : "Th servant is ready to do whatsoevt,r my Lord, the King, shall appoint." Miss Annie Ross, of Blytb, Vice -Pres. of the County Union, has secured a pos- ition on the teaebing staff of the Glen• coe public school and will enter upon her new duties at the beginning of the new year. Port Albert Presbyterian church has a Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor Society which has never been reported to the County Secretary. It was organ- ized in Jan. I.M. Total present mem- bership, 39; Pres., A. Gordon; Sec., Miss Lizzie Stevenson. Statomant Con�irm,ed , By a Justice of the Peace. Another Victory in Nova Scotia. IPaine's Celery Compound Does the I Good Work After other Medicines Fail. , The majority of people cured by Paine's Celery Compound feel compell- ed to make public statements with a view of benefltting other sufferers. Cured people gratefully contribute important testimony in order that the sick and afflicted may cease spending money for worthless preparations that can never effect a cure. Truthful lett- ers coming from reliable people, who testify to the worth of Paine's Celery Compound, have a migbty influence for good, and are fully appreciated by thinking men and women. Mr. Jas. Cossaboom, jr., 6f Tiverton, N. S., says: "It, gives me pleasure to add my testimony to the value of Paine's Celery Compound. For some years I past I have suffered from stomach troubles, also pains in the head. I tried many medicines that were re- commended to me, but never received any benefit from them. At last I was advised to use Paine's Celery Com• pound, and before I had fluished the tit 'It bottle I experienced a happy change. I continued using Paine's Celery Compound till I had taken five bottles, which made a perfect cure. "I can heartily recommend the nee of Paine's Celery dompound to any, one suffering from the same troubles. You have my best wishes for the future success of your excellent medicine." Mr. Allen Outhouse, Justice of the Peace, says : "I can certifiy that the above statement is true in every parti- cular." ,A young than named Tpphard wits accidental killed a few days ago' in the Lake, ''numbs. county by hie two brothers, iv o r'ulatook him fora wolf and shot him. A genuine ghost story has yet to, be I attested; but not sora ggnulspe,bloWd ppurifier. Over, {std ovex.Ag a'I it It a beeri .praived• that Xyee6 }9tarsapar , a elands atonia etmos3g rgec1lc11ta s as me -moot t'enabl'e 7m,p oo•altetat pe i>a pllort W$ y. It. etoai alattf�. i; t e or a� s 17'sioe. • ret, t be#bfagtled,' At' �it v0IV''��.1,vv'P i' . 9t , a W i . r a'. Disappointing IV Xpuat�bp tp"$Ir 411 h Ord to End that aflt'fitr sowit5g Coe l;taada opinions for sal mai,'hy yeatrs", die shpul!l� reap a protectionist crop. ' . A Thrilling Picture, That Canadian pa it otism can be re- lied upon to support those whose efforts ,are drPected to the starring up of mem- ories of,om glorious pant and hopes for the magnificent future which is possible to us, is proven by thes�iceeas of a pub- lication that for the pant=tan year's has been grpwing into the good' graces of Canaa fans. Toronto Saturday Night has always issued a.70hristmas Nuurbgu little her - aided by,the press, advertised only by its merits, apai acceptable to everyone beipause of its wall-toldstories and pret- tily riftpp� pictures. For several yeat's it used English, French and Gerw4n supplements, but for the past two years it h+ts excaelled all previous at- tempts byy issuing immense reproduc- tions of historical paintings, original and Canadian. This year the Battle of Queenston Heights is the subject, a picture nearly three feet long by over two feet wide, painted by a Canadian artist and r•e- produced' by Canadian processes in fourteen bolors. The surroundings of the battle are the mountain up which our volunteers endeavored to climb, the historic gorge of Niagara, the blue distances which stretched through New York State, and the mists which rise from the whirl of the rapide. In the foreground General Brock is dying, supported by the' arms of his lieuteu- ants. The Regulars are eharomg past him, the Indians are skir•misgping through the rocks and trees to the right, and Canada's hero, with his sword aloft, cries out "Push on, York Volunteers." The picture excites that strange emotion which contains so much of patriotism that one scarcely knows whether to choke up with the coming tears or to shout with enthus- iasm. The story of the war is written by ,George Taylor Denison in, so vivid a style that one can almost bear the musketry and the shouting of the Charging brigades. Saturday Night's Christmas Number this year is incom- parably the handsomest and most worthy production of Canadian art,and should be sent by everyone to absent friends who live afar but whose hearts have not grown cold when the name of Canada is mentioned. For sending to absent or loved u ones in the old court. try, where they know so little cf our history, it is the brightest and most thrilling Canadian souvenir ever pro- vided. It can be found at all news - dealers', price 50 cents, or mailed dir- ectly from t.he'ofilce of publication at the same rate. It may he added that the book is crowded with interesting stories and illustrations -one story be - acontributed by the Marquis of ne, ex -Governor-General of Canada. Befuraye. ,Received Tuesday evening of last week. LEe unn.-The lecture on Mexico, its people, their customs and religion, by Rev. Jas. A. Dodds, last Friday evening, was well attended, Knox church being packed to the doors, Mr. Dodds is an excellent speaker and w,as listened to very attentively. VISITING}. -R. J. Tufts, of Hamilton, is spending it few days in our village, the guest of 'W m. Watson. SEVERE ACCIDENT. -While return- ing from Dungannon one day last week Finlay Anderson had the misfor- tune to have his nose broken, a large scalp wound and oth@r injuries, by his horse stumbling and throwing him out of the rig. He is progressing favorably now and we hope to pee him around soon fully recovered. TEMPERANCE. -A meetingwas held on Monday night of last wee, address- ed by Mr. Stubbs, of Peterboro, to re- vive the temperance lodge here. OUT AOAIN,-Simon Vnnnorman is able to be out again after being laid up for a couple of weeks with a cut foot. A Prominent German Pastor After 30 Years of Rheumatism, Is Cured Completely by HUGIman'S K00811 U Cure 'The Medicine is Universally Ac- knowledged to be THE BLESSING OF THE AGE. Hamilton, Aug. 10, 1893. Mr. S. S. Ryyckman, HatriiIU,n, Ont DEAR SIR,-[ take•great pleasure in Riving von a statement regardin my case of heumatism with which lovas afflicted for over thirty years. The pain had gradually approached my brea8t and affected me so that I could not sleep on my left side. Another trouble I had was a kind of Dyspeppsia, knows! As Gastric Indigestion, fr6m which I suffered couaiderably. I had to be very guarded as to what I ate, otherwise I paid the petlnlity. At present, since taking_ your valuable remedy, known ars "Kootenay Cure," I am able to eat my meale without any bad effect and sleep all night without any pxin or bad feeling. i 16 a4dktioIthefiWatlemnwa go bad at times thlet we ittld that at I could, not move myself. I am now like a different menu and conscientious ly recommend your medicine, "1loo- tenti y..,Cure," to anyone ttfferifi from Rhpttnn tism or jStora&C TrOU'�IIs. I aV pyla+ to• have found the rdnit dyy and *I ITrggiy frr'��rnfeh yeti with t'bid infor- rnittiotl' thgt .it! ay Help others who lire 811111 . a I l arty t ,Wiahing.you succi;,egi t.remain, g . Yours truly. Pastor O the popg �ica� AAssooia tion. Residence. 40 Mar et SBtrest. qe q App IPPA1!gll Pll�t us,� wee ry qac' pphlidr . l#e Wy d. 9040'r , distinct,lve, al'id attractive , 0 ting t Ri'Ri' �y'the patronage of all thinking, l'fit'e�ligent people., Its name Indicates its character. It is.100opeadetlt,, Aell�i�,usly it is un. denominational. Politis;slilly, it main- ts,tnli the honor of the eduntry, the iota r)ty' of .our curren yy, .t o supre- macr of -+law, and the .fight of.poor, and. rich alike. . - For Intelligent , , People Everywhere It provides instruction, entertain- ment and amusement for all the mem bers of intelligent households, Important Features It ons aside from its literary features special departments edited by the best writers, thirkers and specialists, some of them of surpassing interest to a comparative few, others important and valuable intellectually and financi- ally to. nearlyeverybody. , These de- pgrtments arae =, Music Fine Arts, Sanitary, Missions,' Rt)igious Intelligence, Btbical Researeb,'Suuday School, Financial, Insurance, Work Indoors and Out, Puzzles, 'Book Re- views and Literary Notes. Survey of the World Every week the notable events oc- curring the world over are placed clearly before the reader. No one per son has time to read all of the current publications, foreign and domestic; E every one wants to know the events happening in the whole world, which people think about and talk about. .Ube Survey of the World gives each week the gist of important events for the current week. It is really one of the most valuable and Important features of any periodical. Subscription $3.00 a Year; or at that rate for any part of a year. "Trial Trip,' One Month, 25 Cents. Specimen Copies Free, • " THE INDEPENDENT, 190 Fulton Street, New York City. News Notes. Dr. R. 3, Woods, late of Toronto, die3 on Tuesday at Vancouver, B. C. of pneumonia. - Mr. Shaughnessy, vice-president of the Canadian Pacific railway, denies the truth of the report that his line was endeavoring tin lease the Buffalo and Lake Huron branch from the Grand Trunk railway. Busiest Place in Canada, Intelligence just to hand ,says the most hustling place in the province of Quebec is the office of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, a pap- er which is meeting with extraordinary success this year. The office is a scene of activity rarely witnessed in a news- paper office. The new subscribers send• Ing their names to the Family Herald anal Weekly Star each day would block the streets for a long distance. People are Asking how they can get sample copies of the Family Herald and Weedily Star. A postal sent to the office, Mont• real, will secure one. . Sir Adolphe Caron announces that lie intends to make all the political use he can of Mr. Laurier's brokenppro- iniaes on the Manitoba school settle- ment. STUDYING ECON01Yt Important for the Home. . In these hard times thousands of smart and bright women in Canada find that the Diamond Dyes are great and important helps in economizing, With their AM, the busl)and, the child- ren and the mother herself can be handsomely dressed, although nearly all the clothing may be old material dyed over. Diamond Dyes make such lasting and beautiful colors thatgoods dyed with them cannot be told from new. Any one can use them, as the directions are so plain and simple that no skill is needed. The colors of Diamond Dyes never grew dim; they never fade or washout. In order to secure the best advantages In dyeing, every woman should see that her dealer gives her the "Diamond Dyes," as other packAlre dyes are only poor imitations. Mr. James Crawford, an elderly Eng. lishman who was to Manitou, Man., from the United States recently, wad frozen to death on Monday night,while walking to his son's farm, four miles from Manitou. Ringing noises in the ears, snappltil, buzzing, roaring, caused by catarrh all disappear with the use of Hood's Aar- saparilla. ' It is likely as a result of Mr. Tarte's tripp to the Vest,, that improvements will be made to the St. Andrew's rapids rend that an engineering party will be sent out to see if it is feasible to dyke :, the Fraser river so as to .prevent the ' annual Inundation of adjoining lands. YOU CAN BE' WELL When voui blond is -pjth't!, rich and . nourishing toll nerves And muscles. T'he blood is'.the vital fluid, and when It fs poor; thin and lshptlt eN,,}*on whet " eithpr, suffer .from spate tilli''etreseIng disease or you tvilk easily' fall a victon- to atidderl, Dai 'geg, ex aiSuto. of q�'er- e o it b mood �Iare it ' `loon ' . �e q t f� tt kk ll �. Hood's Sairsalil AIIa and be f011. , 11oOD't5 :� 1 , are. the bopat i'• . 111n41er• A,, see`' eilI t�Ig�jrt'�s'i►t�, aItI'N headache. "I& cetatg. r ;, • i. :K • a f a 'i' r3 , a'• a r , ,1, �,I--^.roJ 1 �' V �:� i4 SI F 5 1. ;f J�, y 1 n II ,Q, �iakyillli.. „- ii ,h„- ittlflftlrYti., I. ` l:" AL;� ' 0 l` 111 the troAmght p! els ti sp f ygyyt l;l Trouble . e Fh. th>t1 :qa F. . 1, k1 t Pl.. Nu o on �$ 1.Ai1iv - ali?ii1 and worniFa. Lost I&Ah00d aert°�r° b°p�pr044814- .. A� ccim cgiad hGono"ddnhtMp ln: .6 cutti4 $'=14 and' all 0190 i?li0A,30a ;;m w1tN4at. mora aq Suaene¢ from thq ellccts of . IU4Ag 014.thfni follies oK.-Udiscrctiono, or b troubled with weAkness Nervous . I Debility, Lost of Memory,-Deu� oiftaeary, Aversion Soddy, ISI p 1 apliles, of any diens•• a! the (e1it l-(�itgary Ow �d Cans. can hen find •ifs anal speedy cuts esMreAso/1gblq, R. e,tA1pjaY M . thi Nona o! th• bladder, often aiyct �gted bra •Hsht smarts. or butalag •eaaAtldn, 6A weakening q! the system to a anesthe d.mi n whodieo!tbi difficultyote! thlea _in'11.uch awes,Aniallthv rentoaultAttonarcan ....ablecal, cu write /n11 pFrt ptkt/t of xhx ei! yea ap�a mad cine neatp,� seeress, with roil iattractiopa !a• ,1•a. ideptioA V paper A wrltl.g, i ,OlSea hq.rsa • Strom ! s. a . to • p. m, 8.ndaT•, 4 to 11 a m. D8• SPINNEY I C• (pitaO XH'0l•Q"tr;so. A4`G% ,fro*` NvMzL °$' . i:I . Eliaalleth Si,), ORTROITO 1M ICH. ' a -.- -- " Touches the spot vv"' , j :: MacLeod's System, Renovator :a�,yl 0000000000000000000. 000000os00o000000iar0000o0000 ,QV, AOR `.. Weak and Impure Mood, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female;Complaints, etc. k.,, . 11 I11 ksk Druggist or write direct to J. M. MacLeod, GODF.RICH, Ont. 922-v Furnitupe!'1 Furniture . ' �. eo0000000000000000000000 0i0o00000000000000000000 ":L w 11 ..Of which I have A good assortment in stock consisting of...... Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Dining Suites, Fancy Chairs, of all Styles: . and at all Prices• 111. Pictures and Picture Frames, also a lot of New Moulding of the latest iLat les and patterns. Now is your time to get Pictures framed for Xmas. All the above mentioned Goods will be sold at astonishing Low Prices from now until after the Holidays. Kindly give me a call before buying elsewhere, A full line of Undertaker's floods on hand and courts tten- tion to all customeis. Repairing Furniture and Uph ring also a Specialty. All classes of work done Neatly and vaply. J� log H. C. BARLETT, .- -.- Huron St., Clinton. ' M %" Successor to JOS. CHIDLEY, .j .`,, µi' 1 nE11-0 I is LN "I as�allasaaaall�al►aasOat1p0�1�aa�al0•1.0.. The Oldest Clothin(yEstablish.ont b;.1�i. In Clinton back again in Victoria Block, next to the Poet Office. Since 1854 r, we have catered to the wants of Clothing buyers and this week we re- + ` move to our old quarters where we will again be ready to serve our many patrons. In years gone by we made a reputation for selling only reli- able Clothing and to -day stand ready to defend that reputation. The Clothing and Fixrnishings we sell are good -we know they are good, for the past experience has If taught us the difference betwen Good Goode and cheep imitations. To N, impress upon you that we have Good Goods we will offer you I 41 Special Prices on all LIR03 during IDIS tlloO. .11 i" Come early and see the cloudburst of economic prettiness in Fabrios and , Garments of warm day style and comfort that we display, The wonder- s, ful puichaeing power of a dollar will be exemplified as never before in every department. Watob for Special Prices next week, but in the meantime come and see the Goods. ��•N �tiN� v : '� . t,h TRIOS. J'•�CKSON, Sr. -'The Pioneer Clothier.'!=� Established 1854. Clinton, Ont. 1. -- - -- -- - - - 't Ho i for Christmas ! `� 111 We are offering Special inducements to Cash Pdrehasers for the remainder if thle year. Call and satisfy yourselves our Goode and Prices are right. , I Just opened out the finest assortment of EIand painted China Goode, yet the thing for Holiday Presents, Fancy! Toilet F Sets, Combination D1hner and Tea Sete, latest designs and best quality. Have you tried our 25o Tea, the best value in the market, also the fragrant Konsoon, brand in lead packages (Beware of Tea Peddlars.) NEW RAISINS, `- CURRANTS, PRUNES, FIGS, PEELS and SPICES. Pure Essences and 'i b xtracts. .9EW NUTS, GRENOBLE WALNUTS, S. S. ALMONDS, FILBERTS, wi CANDIES, ORANGES, and LEMONS, &o. , Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. c extra fine sugar cured Hams, select B. Bacon and Cambridge Sausage. I 9. ROBSON, - - - Clinton. 1. NOT CRUDE MATERIAL. •p News Notes. • I 11 Scott's Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil I The United States & Hayti Telegraph s. rerfected nd is prepared upon the y g p '+,1 ,rinciple of its digestion and assimila- 1 Company have laid a cable direct from ' ion in the human system. hence it {s New York tin Hayti, which Is now open riven without disturbing the stow- for business to all South American ;