HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-12-09, Page 5Inas Suggestions Come to you without effort on examination of our Stock, which though not heavy is yet bright and attractive on account of its newnees. That it is not as heavy as some is due to the fact that we prefer to give you each year something new instead of carrying old stock over from year to year a thing which of nec'ceseity must , be done where large stocks are shown. Ateeverything is now on display we in- vite your inspection. We will neither ask nor expect you to buy nuless you wish. A description of our different lines is impossible here. Ideas only are contained in the following list :- PERFUMES roc to $5 abottte, 10 to 750 au oz., 25 and wore olio ce odors. A I'OMIZERS 25o, 50o, 75c, $1. BRASS NOVELTIES with good view of our town hall on the following a*ticles :-Jewel Box with lid 25o. Ink bottle 500. Trays 25o. Photo holders 500. Card receivers 50o. These goods are not only pretty but useful and are particularly suitable for absent friends, for souvenirs or for small presents. FURTHER NOVELTIES in braes, Can- dlesticks, Jewels, Ashtrays, &c. FLOWER CENTRES in colored and cut glass $2.50 to $8.00. STATUARY Venus and Mercury $2.00 each. SPECTACLES, nothing nicer for par. ents or grand parents than a good >b paia of goldrimmed glasses. We gurantee glasses as well as frames. $2.50 to $lb, PURSES $3 down to 5c. ALBUMS, l° IP. JARD-IRS 50c to $3. f, BOWER TUBES different ;. shapes, clear glass, 25o to 40c, ,CELLULOID COON, Dressing Cases, Glove and Handkerchief, Collar �d Cuff, Necktie, Shaving, anicure, Odor, &c., from $1 to 0. Hairbrushes, Mirrors, Toilet bottles, Pipes, Cigars, and Cigar cases, &c. Choose early and avoid disappoint- ment as assortment rather than quan- tity of any one article is a feature of our stock. GISTS Allen & '�ilsonl DOTICICIAN9 1 Watches Ho 1 for Christmas ! GD N ! Iloollirliloilleila,seleetios We are o1%ring Special induoetnente to Gash rut/battens for the remainder _-_.r--Jget opened out the 8ueet eseortmentt of - Hand I band painted China Goode, ' st the thing for Holiday Preeente, Fancy Toilet Sets, Comktination D ' her : +: r' ea Sete, latest deeigna and beat quality. • '.Cheat won't keep time are worse than no watches at all. The kind we sell wil.not mislead you, they keep time correctly. We have them for Ladies, Gentlemen and Boys, in Nickel, Gold, Silver and Gold filled cases at prices that are sure to tit your pocket. Rings Are also a Specialty with us. For the Xmas trade we have laid in a good assortment of Dia- monds, Opals, Gem and Band Rings. Novelties • In Sterling Silver and Plate as shown by us are the newest and latest. CLOCKS. le ••••••••••••••••••• Mary styles and prices among which is a very tine Chime Clock the only one in town. Repair Work Guaranteed. We stake our reputation on this branch of our business. '0.0.0• G'� P. B. Crews. Jeweler. Rug Lost. Lost, somewhere o h yfiold Road. be- tween Clinton and B a buggy rug with tiger figure on it. N er will be rewarded on returning same to D. B. KENNEDY, Clinton, Farm For Sale. That excellent pro arty known as the Sly Farm, comprised of 1 7 acres, on the first con- cession of Mullett, - o a from Clinton ; about 110 acres c ; -•r Good clay loam. Good bearing orch. ,.•- :rr fences and plenty of cedar. Log house': d frame barn. Never failing spring. Will be sold at a bargain as the owner is in poor health. For particulars apply to Wm. Smithson, W. W. Ferran or David Dickenson, Clinton. 934•tf Thanksgiving Excursions, Thursday, Nov, 26, '96 Tickets will be issued at Single Fare good to go Nov. 25 and 26 and return up to Monday, Nov. 30. For Tickets and all informa- tion apply to TON W. Jackson AWGENT Ca TM R. The Cr P1RIi Telegraph Co, Are noted for quick delivery and prompt despatch. See that your telegrams are affrays sent by this line. A. T. COOPER, C. P. R. Ticket, Telegraph and Steam- ship agent, Clinton, Ont. • Opal -Rings Are extremely fashionable. We have them fri'tn $3 to $40. J. B. Rumball, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Central Telephone Exchange. Winter Term, Monday, Jan. '97. STRATFORD, ONT. Canada's popular Commercial School -Noxa REFFER ter THE DOMINION. Onr courses of study are bristling with good business points; experlenoed teabhers in every department; ex- etudents of other business colleges now in at• tendance; moderate rates; board low. A GO- AHEAD SCHOOL TURNING GUY wroesswarce YOUNG MON AND WOMEN; graduates always sue- , cadet Beautiful cW.atalogue . ELIOTT, Principal. • fir Property For Sale. of this year. Cell and satisfy yourselves our Goode add Priaea are right. Have you tried our 25 ' e best value in the market, also the fragrant Monsoon, brand in lead i. gee (Beware of Tea Peddlers.) NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, FIGS, PEELS and SPICES. Pure Essences and Extracts. NEW NUTS, GRENOBLE WALNUTS, S. S. ALMONDS, FILBERTS, CANDIES, ORANGES, and LEMONS, &o. ate.. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. Extra flue sugar cured Hams, select B. Bacon and Cambridge Sausage, N. ROBSON, - - - Clinton. Just Arrived our Chri turas ock of PEELS, RAISINS, R': ' 5, CANDY, NUTS, &c. ' ITY CHOICE. PRICES LOW. We have still further cut th +t;, ''es of our CROCKERY and GLASSWARE as we must very materially re ce the stock hefore New Year. Don't fail to see our stock, we know the Prices will suis you. G. J. STEWART. Again Open. 0, OLSON has got the premises he recently purchased refitted and will open on THURS- DAY of this week for business, with a - Full Stock of ---- FLOUR, FEED, MEALS and GROCERIES. The stock has been selected with great care, and the public may rest assured that the very best value in the market In all lines will be given. Any person purchasing 25 lbs. Flour. 25o. of rolled Oatmeal will receive 0 Ibs. of Red - path's Best Granulated Sugar for 25c. Agent for Clinton Flour. 0. OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton. CLINTON Skating and Curling Rink, FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS, 942-tf R. IR W IN. F.'E VETE' ,'5URGEON, Has returno•' ,Qlinton and has his office at the Queen's Ho el; Victoria Street. All calls, day or night, will be promptly attended to. 942.11 A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. In consequence 01 my age and lack of help, I have decided to offer for Sal: my spie did gardening pro- perty consisting of l„ and . 11 acres in Clinton, some of the beet Ian .-• n t Duty of Huron, innlud. ing hot bade an•rot • necessary requirements, There la on the p '. a frame house with cellars soft and hard wat T' •aro and other outbuildings The Barfield river adjoins the property. Will mallet a reasonable price for hall cash and balance secured by mortgage. As I desire to sell. this is a chance seldom met with, Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 8944 1. Minton Stray Heifer and Sheep. Strayed from th Blau: htor house on the premises of Wm. ' er ; • on the Huron Road, a fat -sheep, whit' f r tip off one ear. Also a fat 2 year old i:, •. , dark red in color h some white welt .red. A suitable reward will no paid by tlao owners for their recovery. FORD & MURPHY, 940-tf Butchers, Clinton. A Rare Opportunity. For Sale 150 acres, A 1 n or stock farm, 105 acres cleared, bale ncu lied bard wood. Solid brick house , me barn 28x80; stable 18x50: sheep ho x28; good water. Con- venient to :t grai elevators, mills, &c. Good roads and free from all obnoxious weeds, &c. Will take residential property in Clinton part pay. Inquire at THE NEWS -RECORD office. 940-3m House fo R . r Sale • Two story tra in Clinton, ten rooms, stone miler, hard soft water. Good ground. Frame stable. Nor full particulars apply .to the owner, JOSEPH ALLANSON, Clinton. 9:#?•t[ Cott e for Rent, Situate on Isaa treet ; six rooms ; hard and soft water. Re reasonable. Apply to D. 13. KENNEDY, n Davis & McCool's livery. 939.11 Lot For Sale. A good 1 acre lot attenbury St. West, for sale at a big Barg u. Apply to 932 tt T. JACKSON, JR. Boar For Se Pe. That fine thoro b • " dung Berkshire Boar, William 1I, r:...7 red a, 1260, from the farm of George Gr: "a; Fairview, Ont., is now for service on Lot No. 26, 6th con., Hullett. Terms $1, with privilege of returning twice. 938-41 WM. SNELL, owner. Notice to Creditor IN TMATTER-OF 51. JE88OP r' CO., OF TH •, VILLAGE OF BLYT IN THE COU " OF HURON, GE RAL MER- CHAN - • INSOLVENTS. Notice is her , given t an adjourned meeting of the Cr: tors o o above named M. Jeesop & Co. will bo • eld ; Thursday. Decem. bar 10th, 1896, at thre >' : uck p.m., at the Mike of Richard Tow, 2J Sc. '; treet,Toronto, for the purpose of conside . e nomination of In- spectors at last 'ee appointing In• specters, fixing t • . remu ation, and for the ordering of the :.:.: ire of the ' to generally. 1 . 1 YDONIC, .ee. h. per R • rd 'rew, Dated th th day of December, D., 1896. Kindlyy e your claim under a it with Mr. Riolfard Tew of Toronto. 942-11 WE (JAN GIVE POSITIONS -to � persons of all grades of ability. Agents. Boole -keep- ers, Clerks Farmers' Sons, Lawyers, Meehan - ice, Physicians Preach Studenta, Married and Single Women. do • Positions are worth from $400.00 to • ,+i,l+'"'.er annum. We have paid several : canvassers $50.00 weekly for years. y have started poor and become rich with us. Particulars upon application, State salary expected. T. H. LINSCOTT, Manager, TORONTO,ONT, Remem - r t f' date. If yon have Catarrh ,>' "�• hal Deafness and desire to b cure. ..ou sk of losing money we will gi • • < • . Ic , e Inhaler and medicine for the , e of r din: a with• out asking one cent ., '.ay in r .• nen. Give it a fair trial at your •me and if . genuine in every respect nt can •pay $ r same, it not no charge , 1 bo made. Co. • ything be more fair? ' on rim no risk. For :medyy on above 11 .ral terms apply at CO £ E'S Drug Store Clinton, SATURDAY, DEC. th. This gra . offer good on that day and •ate only. 1 Tuckeranrith• NOTES. -Mise Carrie Johns spent a few days last week with Mrs. A. Seeley, of Olinton.-Special meetings closed at Alma on Sunday evening last. --Mies E. Stephenson, of Clinton, addressed the E. L. of C. E., on Nov. 29. On Sunday last the President took the consecration meeting. -White & Nott are doing a rushing business 111 cutting and crushing. -The Sabbath School of- ficers and teaohers intend holding a Christmas tree entertainment the Tues- day evening before Christmas. WEAK MEN If suffering .m Lost Manhooh, Ner a ..9%• itity, Lack of Vigor Emissions. 10 days 1 ; ; '"w` t sent free to anyone sanding us ' -acts, in P STA age stamps. DARD MEDICAL CO., 246 81. James Street,Montreal West Huron Conseruatiues I'he ann nal meeting of the West Huron Liberal Conservative Association will be held at SMITH'S HILL Thurday, Dec. 17th, Commencing at one o'clock p. m. For the Election of Officers, General Business and Organization. rE• H. CARGILL, M. P. for East Bruce, chairman of this District, will be pre- sent and address the meeting. All friends of the Liberal Conser- vative cause are cordially invited to attend, and it is hoped that each muni- cipality will he fully represented. JOSEPH BECK, JAS. MITCHELL, President. Secretary. Hoimesville. NoTER.--Mrs. Leech was called to Goderich on Sunday on account of the iiiness of Mrs. McKenzie, sr. -Mr. R. Reid, of 0. C. I., spent Sunday in the neighborbood.-Mre. Blackwell is on the sick list. -Miss Nesbitt. of the 16th con., is visiting at Mr. G. Tebbutt'e.-If Dame Rumor is correct wedding boils will be ringing in more than one home hefore the New Year. -Don't forget the public examination on the 17th, as a Acod time fs expected. -Miss Sarah cheson spent a few days in Goderich. R. T. of T. -The Templars met on Monday and the hollowing ofcere were elected: -S. 0., 0. L. Fiaher; V. 0., Susie Ford ; P. C., Geo. Phipps t Chap„ S. T.' Walter; Rec.-Sec., T.. R. Courtice; Fin. -Sec. Emma Proctor ;Treas., John Jervis • Herald, Geo. Acheson ; Guard, John rilebbutt; Sen., 0. Jervis Mullett. THE NEW COUNTY COUNCIL. -Mr, James Snell was nominated at a public meeting over McDonald and Britton for the County Council. My own opin- ion is that a grave mistake was made in taking this matter up before the official nomination. Aside from this, the choice may prove uusatisfactory, as itis generally admitted that both Britton and McDonald' have very strong claims, although my first choice is Britton and the next Snell. No elector should pledge himself until the official nomination takes place, at which time we will know who is in the field seeking our suffrages, The new Act I consider an outrage on the liber- ties of a free people, but we mustin the meantime make the best of it, and in making the hest of it the electors of this township should vote for the candidates who have been tried and faithful no matter whether they reside in towns or townships, -INDEPEN- DENT, Saltford, NOTES, -Miss Finlater, of Wingharn, is a guest of Mrs. J, T. Goldthorpe. - Mrs. J. Kernighan, of Sunnyside, is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. Beck, - Miss Reily, of Londeshoro, was visit- ing her sistee Mrs. G. Bradford.- In- vittions are out for another wedding in the village this week. particulars later. -Mr, J,T.Goldthorpehas gone to the Soo to look after his interest in his sans mill -Mr. P. McEwan is re- building his derrick and getting his saltworks in order. -Mr. R. R. Symonds, we are happy to say is im- proving. A Much Congratulated Paper. The Montreal 'Witness', this being its jubilee year, has been printing ever since last December a weekly page of the reminiscences of its early readers who still survive, many of which have been of fascinating interest, and all of which have been full of eager and hearty good will for the paper which has been to the writers a life long counsellor and family friend. Here is one of the briefest and most practical of these contributions : A FRIEND'S HINT. (To the Editor of the Witness,) SIR, -1 was first induced to take this noble paper by our minister from the pulpit, in denouncing bad literature and recommending good. He recom- mended the 'Witness among the beat family reading for old or young. Shortly after I sent for the paper, and although a score of years ago, I have been taking it since with pleasure and profit. The price is very moderate in- deed. The 'Witness' is a true Daniel, taking a firm stand for righteousness, temperance, and everything that makes for the good of man, and the glory of the Creator, Now, I have a request to make of two of the highest professions iii the land -the press and the clergy : viz„ that the press shall kindly give this item room in their journals -the one to copy from the other, etc. ; and that ministers of the gosliel shall speak of and recommend the 'Witness' to their people, as it is such a power for good wherever known. JOHN W. McKENZIE. Glen Oak, Ont. Senfortn. L. 0. L. ELECTION. -On Monday eve- ning L. 0. L.:No. 793 elected the following officers: - Phos. Stephens, W. M.; Jas. F. Welsh, D. M.; L. B. Thompson, Chap.; Samuel Copp, R. S.; Wm. Thompson, F. S.; Robert French, Treas.; Edward Maken, D. of C.; Wm. Whaley, Lecturer; M. McDermit, Ben. Maken, Jas. Marshall, J. W. Slaughter, Harry Bowen, committee; Wm. Trott, I. T.; Harry Cooper, 0. T. The Lodge is in a prosperous condition and grow- ing in membership. The various of- ficers gave short and encouraging ad- dresses, which augurs well for future success. The Lodge meets the first Monday of every month. All visitors welcome. BIRTHS. JOHNSTON.-In Clinton, on Dee. 3rd the wife of Mr. Jamos Johnston, of Goderich township, of a danghter. Coos. -In Clinton, on Dec. 5th, the wife of Joshua Cook, of a son. MARRIAGES. GUN ! G We are practical Meehan tete with a fully equipped Repair Shop. We reati, reptile. and clean GUNS and SEWING MACHINES of all kind, mai eg and styles; if any of the parte are broken or worn out we can rnakenew. We grind, sharpen and polish all kinds of SNI VES,SUI8 OBS. SKATES, &c., and retemper if required. Remember we repair everything in the shape of Small Machinery, Household Utensils, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of like nature. Our prices are the lowest that are possible and we guarantee satisfac tion. Bay 'your Shells from us-tleU are the best. The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton. OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE. Young Man What are you going to buy your Mother or any of your relatives for Christmas i' That is what is worrying a great many young people just now, well let me tell you, - Call at the WOOLEN STOR1E And buy your Mother or any of your dear friends a nice pair of • . Woolen Blankets And their delight will pay you for the little expense you have been to. You can get a beautiful pair for $2.50 and a very heavy, extra wide pair for $3.50 and upwards to $4.50. Call and see our • • COTTON BLANKETS For $1.00 a pair. 0 A. C. Dufton, Opposite Mason House, Clinton. REMOVAL. The a Oldest Clown Estausument In Clinton back again in Victoria Block, noxi to the Post Office. Since 1854 we have catered to the wants of Clothing buyers and this week we re- move to our old quarters w 'ere we willAgain be ready to serve our many • `patrons. In years gone b, we ma -reputation for selling only reli- able Clothing and to -day; 'an • tc `'ly to defend that reputation. The Clothing Y Furnishings ••••••••••••••••••••••• Torr-MCDONAOR.--At the residence of the bride's father Nov. 20th, by Rev. R. Hall, Mr. F. G, Topp Toronto, to Mise F. A. McDonagh, of Ashfield. ALTON-BLARE.-At the residence of the bride's father by Rev. R. HallMlae Katt/ Mr l�Herbe t Alton, Weshter of t1 Wawanr. oeh, Nov. 26th. . A difficulty- has •arisen between the directors and the medical staff of the Ottawa PrIotestant hospital, and Wed- nesday the entire medical staff sent in their resignation. we sell are good z know they are good, for the past experience hes taught us the difference betwen Good Goods and cheap imitations. To impress upon you that we have Good Goode we will offer you Special Prices on all Lines during this Month. Come early and see the cloudburst of economic prettiness in Fabrics and Garments of warm day style and comfort that we display. The wonder- ful purchasing power of a dollar will be exemplified as never before in every department, Watch for Special Prices next week, but in the meantime come and see the Goode. 1 •see'0 1111a -'d0.4 Nr'd THOS. JACKSON, Sr. 'The Pioneer Clothier.' Established 1854. Clinton, Ont. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••• • •• •••••••••••• • •• •.•••••o••• "Bti si n.ess •• •••S.•.• • •• ••••••••• •• •••••••• • • •• ••••••• • . • ii ••••••• • ••••••••••• . A. • ON- -•- r ••••••••• s e ::::::•• "* Straight Lines" i