HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-28, Page 7It t. %dn av 1896 NEW '' " fI S 1896 • For Xmes and piew Year's Trader RAISINS, CVRRANe,.S` F Ql t;;P NES enel PEE/A.::Old Raisins 28 Ills fflr .� o t4i 44 it,s'e fc tirEA8„emit, tHt1C,'t1118•” CROCKERY -CHINA, GLASSWARE and' LAMPS, we have to make room for our Imported Xmas and New Year's Goods and have to reduce our prices. Call and see our Goode and get prices. GoodeButter, Eggs and Dried Apples taken as CASH. Oash Paid for Good Butter and 403.2---4-0"P, • a• We Welcome you to therl.r Ration Central Exhibition eerie OQpO evapv f Sept. 29 and 30. And will be pleased to have you call and inspect our complete stock —of -- Hardware, Tinware, Stoves and Furnaces, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Paints and Oils, &C., &C. Our Mores are the Place for Bargains. HARLAND BROS., Hardware Merchants, Clinton. ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• COOD VALUES, What do Buyers look for COURTEOUS SERVICE, in a Modern Store? LARGE ASSORTMENTS ••••••••••••••••••••••r• THE NEWEST COODS. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• -OGLE COOPER & CO. Are offering all the above to town people and the farming community. Our Store is stocked with everything New and Fresh. Our Teas Are of Unequalled Quality, will suit your taste, and are at .�� J. Va17 Prices to command your attention. Farm -Produce taken as Cash. THE CASH GROCERY Tehone 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. i +++++_+++++++++++ +++++4++++++++ +++ King of all Bicycles. O•Q'C.r Light Weight and Rigidity. EveryMa- cl; inefu ilywarranted Absolutely the Best. Superior flaterial and Scientific Work- manship. . 5 Styles Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. Iland two.ccot stamp for our a4 -page Catalogue—A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom, 28o W abash Ave. Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. r+i +, t + +; + WEAK MEN If suffering from Lost Manhooh Nervous Debility, Lack of Vigor' Emissions. 1C days treatment sent free to anyone sending as 12cts. In Poetege stamps. „STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 240 8t. James Street,Montreal LADIES FILENC II PILLS. Safe & Sure. Ae t in 88 to 48 home. The only female regulator in the whole range of medicine,. By Mall Price 88 00. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 2441 80. James Street, Montrea ed—An Idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protectour ideas • they may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDiiEBB1JBN R CO. Patent Actor neys, Wesbington, D. C., for their $1.000 prize otter and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. WORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay 80 to 810 per week for eany home work. Child can do It. No Scheme, Books or Peddling This le bone fide. Send stamp for work end particn- lar, at once. THE SEYMOUR SUPPLY CO., Mason- ic Temple, Camden, N 1• 811•yly. AGENTS CAN EARN LARGE SALARIES weekly, canvassing for Pelham Nursery Co., who possess newest and improved met.hode for propagating hardy stock for all sections of Canada; also new and tested varieties of seed pets tees; write ns for terms and ex- clusive territory. PELHAM NURSERY 00-, Toronto. OId Dr. Dordon's Remedy fortis' °QS POSITIVELY Lo�o.t Power, Nervous Debility, Failing Manhood, Secret Di- mmed by the ea ssesotaypM:lla ti n - mild ng h e trtd a c red h G} a a • ' 'lrigo1.r" if"ekter:ld-iw. Sanity,�, idled. Write for our book, "Startling ti Men oily, eit�,yp flow to get,W Lr{yrr)1T�� •1t. Saes. (MIMI li1,,tOIC.Wt°COle Its elf MONTREAL ci7Cook's Cottee Rest Ceopeage Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and time of need." Every lady wbo reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for Yaxeui to �,ee �l.U1rUi'lA�: and full particulars, which we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 3s years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Boom 3—No. 263 Woodward Are., Detroit, Mich. t$" Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail drnggista in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. All Sorts. Canada is being pretty extensively advertised abroad just now, in one way and another, says the Quebec Chronicle. To fill a special order from H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, six boxes of carefully packed fameuse apples have been shipped for San- dringham. Faota'ry smoke mar be a nuisance, Nat 3t iii at "the dame time a protection frnrb lightning. &lenge demonstrate; «bat 8mmooi�e its a very good conducted t ttw jri �K away' the a u-lcit a • . ty and fakir. In 1.000'casee of pilift by' 1,g"litblutri 6 a alkhee and $b mi a b$v been- sten` 1 but, the number of fa tory chimneys *Vita only OA St g '°, ",Evefy fieasan, from the tame 1 was two years old, 1 suffered dread- fully from erysipelas, which kept growing worse until my hands were almost useless, lire bones teneSi so that t 1, y Wo414 be id, Owl se cr? 1 of mrll erkaje Lo.W crtioketisfrein i this cause. On my hand I carry large scars, which, but for AYER'S Sarsaparilla, would bo sores, provided I was alive and able • to carry anything. ", .` •*° l tight bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me, so that I have had no return of the disease for more than twenty years. The first bottle seemed to reach the spot and a persistent use of it has perfected the cure."—O. C. Davis, %Viuitoma, Wis. Saps apart ;Ila AYER'S PILLS Promote Good Digestion. The Close of the Fair Season. The fall fairs are over, and it is only the truth to say that the people are glad. In the first place there are too many fairs and each one resembles all the others, so much that visitors become sick and tired of seeing the same things over and over again. It is our opinion that the lack of interest manifested in re- cent years will not only continue but increase until many of the smaller agricultural societies will he forced to give up business. In the second place, the fairs are held too late in the season, rainy, cold, raw days being the rule and tine weather the exception. Hundreds of people contract heavy colds yearly by attending fairs and standing around for hours on the cold damp ground—colds that in many cases last all winter and develop into pulinons.ry disease, There is no suffi- cient reason why fairs should be held so late. The one chiefly offered, that the great exhibitions at London and Toronto interfere is absurd. The few scores or even hundreds of people from any one section or county that attend the big fares are but "a drop in the bucket," so as to speak, and neither make or mar the success of a local fair. This season has been a hard one on the late fairs and several will have difficulty in surviving. If it has the effect of permanently closin one- half of then and inducing the. direct- ories of the remaining half to hold them a few weeks earlier the people of Ontario will have much to be thank- ful for. DON'T WAIT FOR THE SICK ROOM. The experience of physicians and the public proves that taking Scott's Emulsion produces an immediate in- crease in flesh ; it is therefore of the highest value in Wasting Disease and Consumption. La Petrie is howling or Canadians to throw off the British "yoke," and it hails with acclaim theropposal of an American patter that Quebec secede and become a French-Canadian repub- lic. Canadians have a "yoke" to throw off, it is true, though not of the Brit- ish variety, and we heartily agree with La Petrie that the best way to get t id of it would be for Quebec to secede. The secession movement would not be a auccess, but there would not he any more "yoke" business, or dual langu- ages or clerical interference in this great free Dominion after the momen- tary spasm had subsided.—Hamilton Spectator. Catarrh is a constitutional disease and requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which puri- fies the blood. Here is a puzzler. By the decision of Sir Oliver Mowat, Hon. David Mills is one of the gentlemen not deemed suffi- ciently learned in the law to be dubbed a Q. C. But Hon. David Mills has been promised a Supreme CourtJudge- ship by the Government of which Sir Oliver Mowat is Minister of Justice. Now, the point is, does it require a higher degree of knowledge to be a Q. C. tbnn it does to be a Supreme Court Judge? 1.411-4,-411-4.-44-460+0+10-1.0.(7-00.- Wm. Radam t Microbe Killer O 4 • it. Chronic Diseases, Constipation, Eczema, Female Complaints, An disappear before �dom's Microhe kllIeE. BUILD UP TILE 8Y6'Li That's our advice to everyopo �y ilette�' medicine on earth Chili MIOflosin KILLRIt for purifying the blood, ton- ing no the ner'wessnd•building ap the r health. Send for circular. iN j • OfxeuBIvc rant >r�rilalillp Sir Henri Joy has put the common- eenaa view of the poi tical rights of civil set Yantis. into a brief paragraph. In euliatei:nee, the minister says that employes of the government may vote as theyylease, and enjoy the rights and privileges in respect to elections tIu t •btiler, lei;rens enoy, with the i gie reatiiitiori that tey must not ,l kd'an active part in political work. This is aal'easonable and just position to take. It Is manifest that the man who works for the government should not be active either in support of or in opposition to it. He should not be de- prived of the ordinary righte of a citizen ; but neither should he render himself offensive to either of the two great parties wbo make up the whole community by whom he is employed. The difficulty will come when this rule is to be applied. In the ordinary events of life, a man is supposed to be innocent until he is proved to be guilty. In inflicting the punishment for offensive partizanship this good old rule is not to apply. For Sir Hemi intimates that there may he moral cer- tainty of an office -holder's offensive partizanship when the fact cannot be proved ; and moral certainty should be sufficient warrant for dismissal. This doctrine will open the door to whole- sale dismissals on mere suspicion. For the minister or deputy head of a de- partment cannot have personal knowl- edge of the conduct of an official far removed from the capital. He must take the evidence of offensive parti- zanship at the hands of the towns- men of the accused ; and it is not say- ing too much to assert that there will always be moral certainly of offensive partizanship on the part of any official, no , matter how correct his conduct may be, in the mind of the person who desires his place. In the case of a strictly honorable and high-minded man, like the controller of inland re - the rule would undoubtedly he altpplied with the utmost impartiality. But it is not unjust to assume that most ministers would be under strong pressure and strong • temptation to make moral certainty a handmaiden to party exigencies. The danger which lurks behind so elastic a rule is that at every change of government the new ministers would be morally certain of the offensive partizanship of all the officials appointed by the outgoing party. Thus, in a very short time the old Jacksonian law woald become operative, that to the victors belongs the spoils, and there would he sweep- ing changes in the civil service after every change of government. YOU CAN BE WELL When your blood is pure, rich and nourishing for nerves and muscels. The blood is the vital fluid, and when it is poor, thin and impure you must either suffer from some distressing dis- ease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes, exposure, or over- work. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla and be well. HOOD'S PILLS are the hest after- dinner pill ; assist to digestion, cure headache. 25 cents. Baron's New County Council. In this county there are eight dis- tricts. These districts are already well known. Each district will have two representatives, giving the county sixteen representatives in the council. The nominations will take place on Monday, December 21st, at the places designated by the nominating officers, who have been appointed by the coun- ty -warden. These nominating officers will have full control of the nominat- ing proceedings. The nominations will be made in the same way as ac the ordinary municipal nominations. Par- ties nominated at the nomination meeting, if they do not desire to be candidates, can withdraw at the meet- ing or on thejollowingday by handing to the nominating officer a statement properly signed and witnessed, to the effect that they do not intend to he candidates. Parties who have been nominated and who have sent in their disclaimer, will not have their names placed on the ballots, but all who fail to do this will have their names placed on the ballots and will he voted on. The proceedings in this respect are precisely the stone as at the ordinary municipal elections. No person will be allowed to occupy a posiion in the county council and in the local muni- cipal council at the same time, but local councillors and reeves of this year will he eligible for nomination and election to the county council, but they will have to discontinue their connection with the local council, whether as reeve, deputy, councillor, clerk, assessor or collector. The elec- tion takes place on the fret Mcnday in January, on the same day as the lo- cal municipal elections, and the same deputy returning officer act at the one as at the other. The qualification for voters is the same as at the regular municipal elections. The qualification for candidates is the same as tor reeves in towns, viz : $600 freehold, or $1,200 leasehold. Each elector is entitled to two votes. He can give a vote to each of two candidates, or he can give both votes to one candidate. in the event of his desiring to do this he will have to make two crosses instead of one op- posite that candidate's name on the ballot. The ballots are provided by the county clerk, and the local muni- cipal clerics will have to make a ratur'ii to him of the votes polled for the re- spective candidates in their respective municipalities. He sums up the votes and proclaims the result in the several divisions. The local municipal coun cila are left the same as now, the only difference being that the reeve and deputy -reeve are not members of the county council. The county councillors are elected for two years, so thaty ex- cept in the case of a vacancy occurring there will only be a county council election every other year. We have touched on every point in the act of interest to the voter. Itching. Burning Skin Diseases Cured for 95 Cents. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves) in y, an cures toter salt rheum, ecrtlgd?bead, ecze rber's Itleh, bio s, and I r'uptions• of tikin., soothing and quieting and acts 11 ke magic In the cute of ujl baby humors. 85 cents. Sold by •Watt` &Co. . A N•a-11artiznin Civil Service. Montreal Star. These are days of uucertainty for the civil service. A Pharaoh has arisen Who knows not Jeeepb—or rather, who knows him, Netter than Joseph quite lies. A new crime Nus arisen, too. They call it "offensive partizau- ehip," and, for the life of them, the civil servants cannot tell the ditfereace between it and the good behavior that formerly was legal tender for a juicy plush. Verily the times are out of joint. Right has become wrong; merit, de- merit ; and all because a certain num- ber of ballot papers were marked in a certain way last June. Now, is thisood for the civil service in the senseof helping it to do our work well for us P Does an employe who Neils that his hold upon his position is exceedingly precarious, and that it de- pends upon something quite apart from the way he does his work, generally make the best have kind of servant ? Is he likely to have it keen and undiv- ided interest in his work P These ques- tions suggest their own answers. It cannot hut be demoralizing to the ser- vice to attempt to follow its daily routine under a sword of Damocles—or under the axe of Tarte for that matter. Its effects upon the rnarole of the men can hardly be better than that of a be- lief that promotion depends upon par- tizanship more than upon official faith- fulness and technical ability. And hotb of these discouragement of good work have enol about as malign an in- fluence upon the service as the perpet- ual dilution of it by ,nen who have qualified by party services in the coun- try. "Offensive partizanship" and pleas- ing partizanship are the twin enemies of a good civil service. And the twins are one. the difference lying in the point ot view of the spectator. As long as elections are made to the body because of party servicee,and as long as the man with a party "pull'has the best chance for promotion within the service, there will be "offensive parti- zanship" to punish whenever a new party comes into power. It is strange that Canada, which takes the lead in governmental reform on so many lines, has not long ago es- tablished a non -partizan civil service, which would be in peril of neither - "stuffing" nor mutilation for party reasons. The people should he able to make a change in public policy with- out throwing the purely executive end of the national government; into con- fnsion. They have a non -partizan service—practically speaking—in Great Britain, and they are striving eagerly toward the attainment of the same ideal position in the United States. It has not proved an easy task to fight their way there from the "spoils" system to the merit system, and it has cost a good deal in patience and politi- cal courage and the preparation of machinery to bring about the progress they have made. But they are im- mensely better off than there were ; and it begins to look as if the American people would get their routine business done in a commonsense way by offi- cials commended by ability and exper- ience rather than by political services. Now why should Canada lag hope- lessly behind! A railroad man is not made a better by neglecting his work to help push a political camp'tign ; and he is not made a worse by a change of government at the national capital. Yet these things affect the standing of a rnan upon the Intercolonial, but not upon the Grand Trunk or the Canadian Pacific. Why should we permit our work to be done for us on so senseless • a basis ? No business house, no corporation, no private em- ployer would dream to applyiog such irrelevant tests of fitness to employes. Why should the country do so? Can the country afford to do so? This is neither a Grit or Tory ques- tion; hut a question of the use of our tax money in which we are all interest- ed. A Boon to Bicyclists. Woodstock Sentinel -Review Mr. C. J. Reeves. of this town, has Sest perfected and put in use aMetallic eting Tire for bicycles and vehicles which he has patented throughout the world. The advantages are: let, That there is no:pump required as there is no inner tube used. 2nd, Puncture proof. 3rd, Just as light as the pneu- matic tire and cheaper. 4th, That it is acknowledged to be the fastest tire in the world as those who have used it say they can make a mile in 8 to 10 seconds faster than they can on the pneumatic tire. Mr. Reeves has al- ready had some very good offers for his Canadian,patent by bicycle manu- facturers. He expects within the next two weeks to have records broken on this wonderful tire as 11 will be used in several road races. All Sorts. By the appearance of things in Can- ada, the golden agehascertainlycome. A coal mine, now, is of greater value than a gold mine. Laurier, the gentleman with the sunny ways ; Tarte, the wicked part- ner, with the shady ways; and Little 01, the Christian statesman, with the child -like and bland ways, make a great trio. The difference between civil service reform and the spoils system is that first guillotine partisans to make room for patriots and the other guillo- tines patriots to make room for parti- zans. Premier Greenway issued on Wed- nesday a statement over his own sig- nature, shdwing that the total wheat yield for Manitoba this year is 14,371,- 808 bushels, an average of 14.5 per acre. This report is based on the iittest re- plies from correspondents, as a result of threshing operations. According to the alleged settlement of the Manitoba school question, the Roman Catholics are to use up half an hour of the time itl the public schools for religious instruction. Now the Anglicans are announcing thabey would like a iimilar•,pprivflege. , The Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptiste; Lutherans, Unitarians and other sects have yet to be heard from. but they will no, dopbt insist on equal ,rights. Suppoalethey are alltaecorded them in Manitoba* . for instance, the entire school day will be .taken up and'tbe Pupils' parents will have .to engage private .tutors to teach them the tiu'ee Re. That Would he reductio ad ab- surdum with *vengeance. There is ease for those far gone in cor4e x, ption—not recovery—ease. There is cure for those not far gone. There is prevention for those who are threatened. e of Cod-liver Oil is for you, even if you are only a lit- tle thin. SCOTT'S EMULSION has been endorsed by the medical profession for twenty ears. (Abh your doctor.) Thiels because it is always !able—always wgibres—alwsys contain, the purest Insist on scow's & aaiINsya, with node -mark of -ea and fish. PAIEALrtns EURED—SWORN STATEMENT. Mrs Maggie McMartin, 27 Radenhuret 8t., Toronto, Out., swears that R kmen's "Kootenay Cure cured her of Para) sis which rendered one side pt her body entirely useless. Physicians said there was no .hence ot her Wer recovering the nee Of her limbs. ,lope deserted her, but t.o.iay uhe Is walkink around teliing her friends how Ryckinan'. " Kootenay Cure" Rave her Rio and happiness. Swore to, July 10, 1800, before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Punlia SWORN STATEMENT OF A CRATEFUL MOTHER.' Louisa White, nine years old, who suffered with Eczema duce her birth, has been entirely ou',•od and eral her gensystem built up by Ryckman a "Kootenay Cure." The above factt are given in a sworn state- ment made by her mother. Mrs. George White, 109 Stinson St., Hamilton, Ont.,, dated July 0, 1896, before J. F. Monck, Notary Public, A COMB/NATION DISTURBED — SWORN STATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman, 13 Marlborough IR., Toronto Ont., had a complication of blood trouble., Rheu- matism, severe Kidney trouble and constipation. Was frequently disturbed at night. loot hie appetite and was a ver stick man. His Kidneys are now In a health condition, his appetite good, sleep undis- turbed and constipation cured; all this was done by Buckman'. "Kootenay Cure." He make( " sworn statement to the above tact. before .1. W. goymoiu cedey. July 10. 1890. A PERFECT TEA THE F,NEST Tca 18 THC WORLD SOON TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA OUR 1N ITS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growlirivas a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that ie why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in y( Ib., r lb, ands Ib. packages, and never sold in bulli. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP iT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL, HAYTER A 00. 11 and 13 Front Street East Toronto*. to a, DOCTORS KENNEDY&KERGAN Specialists In the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Sexual and Private Diseases 17 Years in DEMI 201 00):uroz 10 M811 Yon are nso, and despondent; t; a unk and de ilitated; ti mornings; no ambition; lifeless; memory poor; sanely fatigued; excitable; eyes runken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams end night items; dreine at stool; oozing en excitement; haggard looking; weak hock; bone paine; ulcers; ha, rloose; sore throat; varicocele; want of confidence; impo- teney; lack of energy and k 8tidHUMt P ' etrength. MAURIAGE This important =ten In life should never be to n until you aro poeitively cured If yon hnvo been weakened or dienaned. Remember "Like father, like son." limise- tone, vnrieocele, , permatorrho a and eyyhill, endanger happiness in married life. Our New Mother cures thorn nor- manently. If you are Marrlyd oonenit ue at once, as we inn restore your strength, vital energy and desires. if you wish lo Marry, our advice may he worth a fortune to you. Don't tot Your Lilo bo Drainod Away The New Vothod Trontml�tt ' Salad 'I's Sa a - tem a New Method wne discover by vee several years ago. It builds up and strengthens the nervous system; restores 10-5 vitality to the sexual organa; stone all drains and lenges; lnvtgnrates and restores lost man- hood. It never falls in curing the results of Self Abuse, Later Excesses. Blood Ols- easee, or the effects of a misspent Life. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY What we Treat and Cure! Emlestone Vart000ele,Synhl- lit,Nervousbebllltyiptrloture Gleet. Impotency, UUrtnaturai Ulecharaes.LoetManhood KId- neyy and fladderDleeae'-e.Oons s'iritatlon Free. Hooks (Illustrated) Free. Write for CI ue stl on B j an k for Home Treatment.Erh sCon- fldential. Plain envelopes- othinng� C. 0. D. See testlenoaiale nest week., 'DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN 14d Shelby Bt . ISettrdrt, Mlah. 1' Mr. Tarte is showing bat he begins to understand that "bueinesa is busi- ness.' The clerk of the works on a public building now In course of erec- tion at. ...tr:npr or,: was it builder, but Mr, Tarte removed ,hurt and gave his 104 to a dry oode clef, ,- A sarcastic Amid *Oa .. Tarte trill t have heard the clerk ca ing out "Q -a -e -h 1" and could not resist the temptation. ski l,. '.i ,1. ..(0'