HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-28, Page 5Daeirable Farm to Bent. The mother of invention started us experimenting in the hope' of producing a preparation far making and keeping the skin soft and smooth. This was easy enough but to produce one that would overcome the objection- able features of the several al- ready ou the market was our difficulty. Finale perseverance rewarded our efforts. Coca Cream aftesesserwessessiree was the Outcome. h does all the old preparations did and more. It makes the skin soft and smooth almost immedi- attel�„p�l application. Occasional use wards keeps it so, Sup- erior most preparations of Re kind and unlike them it is neither oily nor sticky, but on the con- trary dries right in, leaving a' pleasant, soothing sensation. 25e, only from us and returnable to us if you are not satisfied. Protect Yourself • ,mer front the cold, from sick- ness and expense. Our Fibre Chamois Chest Pro- tectors do it. Wind can- not pierce nor cold enter .through there. Single 25c. Double 50c. Double. extra fine $1. Ask to, see them. Allen & Wilson, 0PT CG1ANs Ayes tested properly and Spectacles fitted Right, WT' . Jackson Agent G. T. R. J. B. Rllfflbal!, The Leading Jeweler. Our Goods are the Best in the Market and our Prices the Lowest. Central Telephone Exchange. CANAbIA�N `0?ACIFIC The: best equipped railway on the American Continent. ---The hest route to— MontChicago, Ottawa, Detroit, Quebec, Manitoba, British Columbia and all Western Points. For low rates and full information ---consult with --- A. T. COOPER, 0. P. R. Ticket, Telegraph and Steam- ship agent, Clinton, Ont. Remember and call at Barlett's Furniture Warerooms, Huron Street, Clinton. Fall Stock in all • lines Undertaking a Specialty. Night and Day Calls promptly at- fidetl to. C. Barlett. ✓ E vro lit, men and .• w0 @ill (�'eaRVt458Qra y fet Pada an .Auptral " pass VICTORIA LIVE Asp; REInN." xptroduction by Lorca erltt r A thrilling now boo Sales marvelt- Tho peen ap girt, wl o; mother mon- Heads like romance..C4randly ill-str'at- • g .commieaIon. Books an tiMe. Pros - Co to canvatlsere,.I4zclnaite teri1tnr . mono in it. Bnabritv'-(Swam TsoN Co.. Lrn., 49Ilir hrild d 9t. W., Toronto, Ont. 1' ua{Jera)],gn d,QQtfprs Gq tit the splendid farm@n $lie 806 don,, Uallett township, bolus the north half ill tat 88, containing b6.aeres, Frame house, barn, stable and shod, young orchard bearing this year, a creek running throe the farm all the year round. A deehable firm for stook or grain, being only six tulles trout the town of Clinton. Apply to I1R8. JANE Dga)8woRnl. or JOHN FOUD, HoIxassville, 927 t( Property For Sale. A CIIANOE FOR GARDENERS. 10 consequence of my age and lank o1 help, I bare decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pro- perty consisting Olive and a nail tiered lu :piston, some of the beat laud in the oouoty of Huron, menus. Ing hot beds and other necessary requiremonte, There 1s on the premieea a frame home: with cellars soft and hard water, barn and other outhuitdingo Thu Baytl,(d river adjoins the property. Will sell at a reasonable price for half cath and balance secured by mortgage. As I desire to sell, Oita is a chance seldom wet with, Apply personally ur by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 894-t t. Clinton Farm For Sale. Being lot No. 6,� first concession, Ashfield township, comprised of 100 acres of clay loam, all cleared, iu first-class state of cultivation. Good dwelling and out buildings, splendid orchard. The property is well fenced. A spring creek runs through the farm. This farm has been in grass for ten years and is one of the most desirable in the county. Only seven miles from Goderich, five from *Dungan. non. Church, school and Post Odic° conven- lent. Terms to suit purchaser. Ptssession October let. GEORGE GRAHAM. Sheppardton P. 0. Blacksmith Shop for Sale or Rent, At Summerhill. That desirable property, the Blacksmith Shop at Summerhill, about four tortes from Clinton or any other blacksmith shop, along with comfortable frame dwelling, with stone cellar, good well water. &c. ; also driving house and other outbuildings : quarter acre garden, good land, with a number of fruit trees, grapes, &a. Will be sold or leased on favor- able terms to right party. Possession in Octo- ber. Good opening. Apply by letter or in per- son to WM. GRAINGER, Aug. 22nd, 1896. Londesboro P. 0.. Ont. 027—tf Money Wanted. Wanted, $300 or $100 on good security,_ For particulars, apply at THE NEWS -RECORD Whets House and Lot Wanted, Wanted, for cash a snug house and lot, con- veniently located, for from $300 to $500, Apply for particulars at THE NEWS -RECORD office. Man Wanted. Wanted, yonng married man, without family or with small family, to work on farm by the year, Must be good with team and board him- self. House conveniept. .Apply at THE News- REcoRO Office for particulars. Lot For Sale. A good .1 acre lot on Rattenbury St. West, for sale at a big bargain. Apply to 932 tf T. JACKSON, JR, Teacher Wanted, Wanted, female teacher, for School Section No. 8, (lode ob Townshipp. Duties to com- mencesat the NeW Year. Applications *III ile received for one month. The lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. Apply, giving testimonials and stating salary, to A. NAFTEL, Secretary, October 14th, 1896. Bayfield P. 0. 034.41. Properties for rent and for sale, House for rant opposite Ratentury SL church, Clinton. Also two Houses and Stables for sale. Apply to .1. H. WORSELL, tf Ooderich. STRATFORD, ONT. ARE YOU ANXIOUS to make a success of your life/ 1)o you know that now-wdays its Education thatmakes the man. Let nothing hinder you from getting a Business Education. Write for our new Catalogue, it will interest you. New students ran enter at any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Bargain Week ! Household Economy SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR. To every pun-haser of 100 lbs. we give 15 lbs of genuine Oatmeal for 2.5c, much less than the market price. Wo handle Wheat, Peas Barley, Oats, Buck- wheat Flour, Bran, Shorts. etc. We give 10 lbe. Oatmeal for a hnshel of new, clean oats and 11 for old. Our bargains are genuine. 0. OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton. games Steep &Co. Apple and Fruit Com- mission Merchants. Clinton, - - - Ontario. Owing to there being so much soft and early fruit in the market, prices are not as favorable this week. Good, red, hard fruit is in demand. Colverte and Holland Pippins will not pay freight. Farmers must be cautious in packing and not allow barrels to be slack, and to pack nothing but choice fruit, Total arrivals to date at Liverpool points 200,000, against 11,000 Iaet year. We would advise storing for winter market . Having made arrangements for cold storage we can handle ail apPle9 en- trusted to out care. James Steep &Go. JESSUP & CO., BLYTfl, November Price List. y Iu presenting you with this List we du so believing our many custom - toe erre will appreciate our efforts to meet their wants. We ask everybody to come and see our magnificent stock of Crockery and Glassware. All Departments are well tilled, but we are supreme in Tea Setts, Diuner Setts and Toilet Setts. This List is good for 3 weeks from Saturday, October 24111, 1806. Groceries, Confectionery, Fruits, Oysters, etc. WE ARE LOADED WITH NICE FRESH (3001)5. 6Ibs Ginger :Snaps. $ 25 Fine Mixed Gandy per ib.. . . ... 5 Essence Lemon or Vanilla per bottle 2 One pound tins B. Baking Powder. Sealers of Making Powder per sealer Large aealor of Baking Powder . Pept)errueut and Conversation Candy par Ib English Breakfast Coffee, 1 Ib tine. One pound jars Mustard, each.. .. . alb box Soda Biscuits .. 2 dozen Oranges or Lemons Cream Soda Biscuits per box Lemon or Orange Peel per lb ... . Fina Black Pepper, 1 lb palls. Magic Baking Soda, per package.. .. Blue Ribbon Black Tea gives good 130t18' faction, per lb 2.5 2 One pound boxes fresh crisp Soda Bis- cuits.... 15 Castor 011, 10c. bottles for 15 Bars Electric Soap 3 Bars of Ivory Soap 10 3 Large 15c bars soap ....... .. ..... . 23 Cocoanut very choice per Ib.. .. ... .... , 19 3 lbs Rice, Tapioca or Sago , 10 28 lbs light Coffee Sugar 1 00 22 lbs Redpath granulated Sugar 1 00 Mixed pickling Spice per ib.. .. , 20 Fine New Raisins, 4 lbs... . , _ ....... . _ . 25 Fine New Currants, 5 lbs... .... 2.5 Nuts, all kinds, 2 lbs...... .... 25 40o Japan Tea for 25 Clothes Pine, 5 dozen 5 Corn Starch por package . .. . . ........ .5 Laundry Starch per lb, • , .. • • • . • . • • 5 Wash Boards Globe, 2 for ......... ... . 15 lbs Rolled Oatmeal Finest fresh rolled Oats por sack, 90lbs. 1 46 Corn Meal, 16 lbs 25 Pot Barley, 5 lbs 10 Baking Soda 3 lbs 10 Sulpher and Halts, 3 His 10 Paas. Corn, Tomatoes, Pumpkins, Blue berrlea, 4 cans for Bottled Pickles, very choice, 3 for Eddy's Matches per box Windsor Salt 3 rive cent bags 3 Large bags 'Windsor Salt .... ......... . Buckwheat Flour per package Tobacco, McDonald's, 4 plugs for Nutmeg, Large size, 8 for Icing Sugar, 2 lbs 25c Bottles Castor Oil Pop corn, 7 packages for Bird Seed mixed, por lb Scribbling Books, 6 for Pins and Hair Pins per package Slate Pencils, 8 for Dates per lb Figs per ib Cheese per lb Side Meat boneless. per Ib Crown Gold Dust Washing Powder Cranberries per imperial quart Oysters, 15c pint, 2 for 25 7 20 10 19 20 19 25 22 15 15 5 5 25 25 26 25 25 10 10 25 10 25 5 15 15 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 10 6 6 10 25 XXX Vinegar, White Wine, per gallon Butter coloring, 2 bottles Soda Biscuits, loose, per lb. Scrub Brushes,2for Sunlight Soap per bar. Ono pound B. 1 owder and Tea put Crockery and Glassware A MOST MAGNIFICENT aret-,c, 25 Y55 5 .2e White and colored Bowie, each . Fancy colored pitchers, each.. $ 10 Cups and Saucer's per dozen 50 Plates, white Mild colored, all sizes . 50 Tea Pots, 10c, 150 20c, arid.. . Fancy Porridge Sets, 20c and 225 5 Individual Fruit Dishes, per dozen . 3,5 American find Tumblers, per dozen, 50 Goblets, assorted, per dozen . . ... 50 Medium Lamp Glasses 3 Large flint Lamp Glasses 5 6 piece Toilet Set, sold everywhere for $1.75, our price. ... ..... ... 10 piece colored relict Setts 10 piece semi -porcelain Toilet Setts, new- est shape, enamelled with gold stripe„ Combination Tea and Dinner Setts, send - porcelain, 07 pieces, regular price $7.22(1, our price 4 50 Gallon Jugs, regular price 25c, our price 10 44 Piece Tea etLs,regularprice $3.50, now going at 2 00 Gold stippled and flown blue Toa and Dinner Setts, regular price $12.50, our price ... 750 44 moss rose Tea Sot, stone china, a bar - 3 50 Tea Setts, from $2 to $10.50. Dinner Setts, 20 different kinds from $4.50 to 17 50 6 piece glass Tea Sett, regular price 40c, our price 25 Fancy Cups and Saucers, regular price 25c, our price 15 5 piece bottle Caetora, regular price $l,our price (15 3 piece glass Castors, regular price 30c,our price....,. ..,.. . 2(1 A lot of odd dishes at half price. Mitts and Gloves. HUNDREDS OF PAIRS TO SELECT FROM. Wo quote Men's fine Kid Gloves, 50c, re- gular price 1 00 Men's Wool Mitts, 20c. pair regular price 40 Moo's Wool Mitts,leatherfaced, 3.5c, worth 50 TRUNKS AND VALtSE8,—All sizes going at half price. Over 50 to select from. HATS AND CAPS.—In tills department wo have met with great success and you may expect bargains. BOOTS AND SHOES.—Last but not least, and as cheap as ever. Prizes for Everybody—Ask for a Ticket if you haven't one already. 14 cents for Eggs.- -Terms Cash. COME EVERYBODY. 1 50 3 50 M. Jessop & Co., - Blyth. HEALTHY DIGESTION. A BOON AND A BLESSING TO MANKIND. TETE LIFE OF A DYSPEPTIC ONE OF CON- STANT MISERY—ONE WHO HAS SUF- FERED FROM ITB PANGS POINTS THE WAY TO RENEWED HEALTH. From the Cornwall Freeholder. The life of the dyspeptic is prover- bially a miserable one, eliciting univer- sal commiseration. Not so much be- cause of the actual painfulness of the ailtnent, but largely because it projects its pessimistic shadows upon all the concerns of life, and here they sit like a deadly incubus upon every enter- prise. An irnpeired digestion gives rise to an irritability that exposes the person to touch annoyance. besides being extremely trying upon others. We are all aware) of the value of cheerfullness in life. It is a flower of the rarest worth and strongest attractions. Itis a tonic to the' sick and a disinfectant to the healthy. Those things that destroy a man's habitual cheerfulness, lessen his use- fulness, and ought therefore to be re- sisted by some drastic and efficient remedy. The duties thrttdevolve upon the average man and woman are in- vested in so much difficulty as to put a premium on hopsfuinese. The rela- tion between the prevailing moods of the niind, and the health of the diges- tive apparatus 1s close and vital. Hence it is not surprising that many would -he benefactors have caught the patronage of sufferers from indigestion. Judging by results I)r. William's Pink Pills is a remedy unique in its success, therefore it is confidently recommend- ed as 't safe and adequate cure for acute dyspepsia. This clairn is sub- stantiated by experience as the follow- ing facts will show. Mrs. I). McCrimmon, of Williams- town, Glengarry Co., suffered untold misery frorn a severe attack of dyspep- sia, which manifested inself in those many unpleasant ways for which dys- pepsia is notorious. Every attempt to take food was a menace to every feel- ing of comfort, until the stomach was relieved of its burden by vomiting. When not suffering from the presence of food in the etomnch, there were other syrnptorns more or less disagree- able consequent to the functional dis- turbance of the stomach, such as im- ppair'ed taste and appetite, unwonted languor, increasing apathy, a id failing ambition. Such an aggregation of the symptoms produced a t1 ying state of affairs, and relief was eagerly sought. One of the hest physicians of the neighborhood Ives consulted. He pre- scribed. His medicine was taken and his directions fsllowed, hut unfortun- ately three months of the treatment brought no substantial relief. When Mrs. McCrimmon expressed her inten- tion of trying Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tae doctor laughed and held the thought in detieion. However Mrs. McCrimmon decided she could not af- ford to leave untried such a well-re- e6mmended remedy as Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills. Hence she took a course of this medicine, which after a fair trial Was eminently successful. From being only able to take stale bread and milk or soda biscuits, she became:Able t4, take a hearty n'1etif of , ny %'avLet'y, without the • painflli &Ohl 0;1it t 4OC 3 asserted themselves Attat ter • noe(t, It only remgt 9 to The sap taffy Mia'. McC)rimmop ftinpMhved An flesh and ggeneral comfort frond the' #prat taking of the pills, and almost ail/thingQ going she could eat with impunity. °Uyspep- sia became a thing Less dresdedddd, and largely belonging to the past. It is little wonder therefore, that see urges the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills up- on others similarly affected. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. 1n hundreds of cases they have cured af- ter all other medicines had failed, thus establishing the claim that, they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes, bearing the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect yourself from imposition by refusing Itny)i11 that does not bear the regis- tered trade mark around the box. MARKET REPOR'T'S. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat 0 75 to 0 77 Barley ... 0 80 to 0 40 Oats ..... 0 18 to 0 20 Peas 0 38 tc 0 40 Potatoes, per hush 0 25 to 0 35 0 11 to 0 12 0 12 to 0 12 8OotoM00 300 to 350 Butter Eggs per doz clay Cordwood TORONTO Wheat, white.. do red FARMERS' MARKET. .....$ 81 to$£1;3 70 to 81 (to goose S», 11) (10 Peas 4,5 to 40 Rye 446 to 00 Oats 27 to' 28 Barley 30 to 4(1 Hay 1300 to 1450 Straw, bundled 10 50 to 00 do loose.. .. . .. 500 to Eggs, new laid 15 to Butter, ib. rolls do Tubs, dairy.. .., Chickens Ducks Turkey, spring Potntoes....... ... ... Dressed hogs Lamb,. 6 (10 to 700 F3eef, hindquarters 4 00 to 7 00 do forequarters 250 to 4 00 Mutton 4 00 to 5 04) Veal 500 .,,to 6 50 6 00 00 14 to 18 12 to 14 30 to 35 40 to 60 7 to 8 40 to 00 4 60 to 5 225 TORONTO [AWE STOCK MARKET. Milch cows, each $20 00 to $30 00 Export cattle, per cwt..... 3 50 to 3 75 Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 2 75 to 300 Butchers' gond cattle, cwt 2 25 to 2 50 Bulls, per cwt 2 50 to 350 Shipping Sheep, per cwt, 200 to 2 75 Butchers' sheep,per head2 50 to 2 60 Spring lambs, per head. , . 225 to 300 Calves, per head.. 3 00 to 7 00 Choice Bacon hogs,per cwt 8 75 to 3 86 Thick fat hogs, cwt 3 25 to 350 Light fat hogs, cwt 3 65 to 3 75 Sows per cwt 2 75 to 300 Stags, per cwt 200 to 2 10 Boars, per cwt 15010175 Medal Winners. it is a matter of universal interest that the Art House of Prang & Co., have consented to produce the great premium picture, "The Orphan's Pray- er," for the Family Herald and Weekly noir, Montreal. Prang & Co. may be said to he amongst the greatest medal Winners in existence. At all exhibi- ons they carry off honors, We hear that Prang & Co. admit that the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Mon- treal, have secured what is perhaps rbc finest premiurin picture extant— "The Orphan's Prayer." Repairs 4008 941 Repairs p Repairs ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••041001/ We are practical Machinists with a fully equipped Repair Shop. We repair and clean GUNS and SEWING MACHINES of all kind, makes and styles; if any of the parts are broken or worn out we can wakenew_ We grind, sharpen and polish all kind of KNIVES, sciswifi3. SKATES, &c., and reteruper if required. Remember we repair everything in the shape of Small Machinery, Household Uteusels, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of like naturae. Our prices are the lowest that are possible and we guarantee satiefmo, tion. "►GIVE US A TRIAL The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton. OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE. The New Furinfure Story Brick Bieck, Clinton. '�e•moo•a►.w� Broadfoot & Box are busy opening out one of the grandest Stocks of New Household Furniture and Undertaking Goods ever seen in this section. Reserve your orders and inspect the New Stock in the Brick Block. l!rlll ti�liyllt Nll/ c4c4:4ic BEAUTI ES. There are, -- Blankets and Blankets, Inferior Kinds, Better Kinds, and Best Kinds. People sometimes put up with the Inferior kind because they can'tsee their way clear to buy the better or best kinds. They often forego the pleasure of solid comfort for a trifle. We like to deal with that class of people who don't care to buy that which they feel they can't pay for, and In order to meet their necessities and to give them all the comfort possible we have placed a number of our best, warmest, snuggest bed comforters within their easy reach. Kindly notice the following prices :- 37 inch white Union Sheeting 35c a yard 72 ,. 0 ,. .. 50c ,4 ,r 72 .. " " 70c 36 " grey " " 35e Wool Blankets all the way from $1.25, $2.50, $3,. $3.50 and $4. We have a special line at $4.50 and $5. These are unusually large and are well worth examination by those who want something really excellent. , ,p e 14 A. C. Dufton, Opposite Mason House, Clinton. 3 Reasons 1 Why our Sales of Stoves this Season has been so much increased. 1 st We keep the largest assortment in the County to choose from. Our stock is composed of all the Leading Stoves manufactured in Can- ada such as the Happy Thought, Honor Bright, Welcome Pearl, Fam- ous Model, Grand Peninsular, Imperial, Radiant Horne, &e, We buy in large quantities direct from the Manufacturers and for Cash, securing the lowest prices possible. The very best grades 01 Coal constantly on hand and delivered to any part of the Town. See our new Lanterns'-- HARLAND BROS., Stoves and Hardware, Clinton. 2nd 3rd Wanted, An active young young to go on the road. Good position. Must be a hustler and reliable. Box 99, Clinton. 93.1-tf Owner For Dog Wanted. A fox terrier dog, fond of horse, followed rig from near Hayfield to Clinton on Oct. 15th principally dark In color. Owner to requested to ral)1 at THE NEws-Rrtconn Office, prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away, 925-tf Oow Bell Found. Found, toward Baytlnld, in t.hehu,h, a largo row hell. Owner can have same on application to Tag NEwsiREroan and reasonable proof of property, The only charge 1s this notice, 935-11 House and Lot for Sale or Rent. For sale or rent, the residence on Albert Street north, recently owned by J. B. Weir: thoroughly overhauled and new stone cellar. Seven rooms and pantry. Quarter acre ground, fruit trees, grapes, and good stable. Terms reasonable. Apply to ,1011N JOHNSTON, Rattenbury street, Clinton. 1)35-11 Farm For Sale, That excellent property known as the Sly Farm, (dmprised of 127 acres, on the fird con cession of Hnitett, two miles Iron) ('.ltnten ; about 110 acres cleared. Good clay loam, Good bearing orchard. fair fences and plenty of cedar. Log house and frame barn. Never tailing spring. Will be sold at a bargain as the owner is in poor health. For particulars apply to Wm. Smithson, W. W. Ferran or David Dickenson, Clinton. 934-11 Canvasser Wanted. Wanted, a reliable and active man to engage 1n easy work. Big commieaion and sure terri- tory. Call on or address TTun NEws-REcoan, Clinton. Property Wanted. Wanted to purchase, a property In Clinton for private residence, not to cost more than from 470010 51,000. Ground and stable requir- ed. egafred. For particulars apply at Prot NEws- REooan Office. Overcoats. We have a line of Double Breasted Ulsters made up in the latest style. lined with wool lining, storm collar and made out of good heavy frieze. Tho prices are:_. .$6.00, $7.50, $8.00, $9.00. The nicest thing in FUR OVERCOATS is the---- -- African Buffalo, It is a dark brown minr, and is the most durable ('oat, rnode in Fur floods. A Special line of BLACK WORSTED SUITJNGS has bean reduced to $20, •••••••• A. J. HOLLOWAY, CLINTON. The Halifax Chronicle, under date Oct. 21, publishes the following apol- ogy In double -leaded type :—"Referr- ing to the open letter which appeared in the Morning Chronicle of the 25th February last, the editor and proprie- tor of this newspaper desire to explain that it was not thereby intended to make any charge whatever against Sir Charles Tupper ; that they have no information or knowledge in their possession to justify the making of such charge. and that they regret the publication of the letter in question, so far as the same in any way reflects up- on Sir Charles Tupper.' This will Probably end the proceedings for criminal Tibet against Editor Miert MoOonnell and Publisher John Dunn, 0 fir