HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-28, Page 3,� 'fix . C, ;'" . . 'y r i.. ; '. .,� n �• _ _ h t A ills 1 d i th t is th i Room 1 i EI the torohtss ) - i rT� A what ttau army of living drunkards t a A. ea el o ose regtwee a e — }mom y n ` /� /] p /{ p/ /{� /� n (� THE WORLD UJ41 �1 t implies, coming up from the whole Mi el the Arc angel, David saw just of 1t'ghtning that illuagalxAe the �ceue I / T1 N VA Hr f1�1,�/1 /I Nt . DL„/JVV t-A'V�•TUH earth to take their ,laces in the last one group of angels sweep wet, and ecce t- t the crisis of the Alrmaltedda f �••+» battle, especially as Che evil increases they were 20,000 ehariated. Paul, who hiss coque• It Is the tutsiing point of o REV. DR. TALMAGE DISCUSSES TETE ass,, the millions,, „ w stwering on ( do the Gamalean College had his fecal this last 'battle. The next• moment will S.S. 00O PER . - PROPR1 "�TO '" WORLD'S LAST BATTLE.. & �"'ay �1' be" ed by other mil. I ties so wonderfur,aly developed, oftfewas decide all. Aye, the forces of Apollyyou liths of }rear oropm ata. brigade after ;his incapacity to Daunt them by say- are breaking ranks. Bee, see t They (ener�,� Builder and Contractor. t--- • brigade, with drunkards' bones drum- ing, $e are some to Mount Zion ext fl�y. Sam on foot, (some on wing, they The Opposlua Fames Indicate toe 31ag:- ming on the ho of beer barrels the as Innumerable company of ongels." f_I:�. Back over the battlements of per- This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for at h nl4nde of the Great ' $truggle—The dead marph of sou I These millions o! each soul 4n earth has a tsar I ditiem they go down with infinite crash. P P g victims of alcohol, joined by the mil- angel, then there must be 1,600,000. 0 all the regiments diabolic Back to the years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and give Victory wilt Lie wuh the Great Com- lions of the ,victims of arrack the sPir- angels on earth to -day, Besides that, mountainei and eaves the armed hosts estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest wander, Christ, ituous liquor of China and India and heaven must kis full' of angels, those of earth, crying as they retreat to the rices. All work is au revised in a mechanical way and satisfaotioa Washington, Oct. 18. -In his sermon Arabia and Egypt and Ceylon and who stay there, Not only the 12 rocks and founkaine. "Fall on us and p P Y to -day Rev, Dr. Talmage discussed the Siam, a+ngeles, who, we are told guard the 12 hide us from the face of Him that guaranteed, We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. great conflict prophecy foreshadows as Other re lmonts who will march into + gates, but those angels who help in the sitteth upon, the throne and from the 1 the fight n the wrong aide will be I worship,on a��Qton on dmhel1pO to trailed k°hd ! Biba w the h come, tea greata. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lilne, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc the climax of the world's struggles- the regiments infidel. God gave but one hosannas and enthrone the hallela'abs be able to stand B" . Armageddon. His text was Revtila- revelation to the human race, and these and roll the doxol J And while po Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBiLL SCHO,'L DESK manufactured tion xvi, 16, "And he gathered them men have been trying to destroy it• that never ends. But ogles f t e Lf rice- war, is being drlagged t eche is ter of at Waterloo. Call and get Prices and estimates belcre placing your orders together in a place called in the He- i Many of the books, magazines aat Ind quired will be in the last fight be- dungeon, and our Conqueror is re - brew tongue Armageddon." newspapers, through perpetual scoff r- tweeu �holluess and sin. g mounting His throne, I look off upon B Christianity, and some of the univer- g Megiddo is the name of a mountain sities have become recruiting aggencies Heaven could afford to adjourn just the battlefield, and among the slain I 1• that loolm down upon Esdraelon, the i for those regiments. The greatest brig- Dna sic and empty pls all an temples and find theaism, a of Mohammedanism, Leslie's Carriage Factory.reatest battlefield that the world has adier of all those regiments, Voltaire, into t at and palaces and boulevards delia,dd paganism, and atheism. and land B , who closed his life of assault upon into that teats ,battle. T think all the delitx, and dissipation, and fraud, and ever seen. There Barak fought the Christianity by writing: "Happiness is angels of God will join in it. The one multitudinous wrong strewing the BUGGIES PHAETONS CARIB AND WAGONS -all of the best work, Canaanites, there Gideon fought the a dream, and only pain is real. I have that stood with the sword of flame at plain, and I hear the angel that stand- + t thought so for 84 ears, and 1 know no the gate of paradise. The one that eth in 'the sun crying, in the words of manahip and material. SWAll the latest Styles and most modern improve- Midianites, there Josiah fought the in- ug Y better plan than to resign myself to the Pointed Hagar to the fountain in the Revelation, to all the fowls that Ply in menta. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended vading Frtyptians. The whole region inevitable and to reflect that flies are wilderness. The one that halted Balaam the midst of heaven -the eagles, and to. Prices to suit the times. stands to,Xttle, and the Armageddon born to be devoured by spiders and than on the highway. The one that warned the vultures, and the hawks, and the of my text borrows its name from it, to be twnsumed by care. I wish I had Lot to flee the doomed city. The one albatrosses-" Come and gather your- --- a&-FAC•1'URY`eoruer Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. - and is here used not geographically, never been born." Oh, the God for- that took part with Joshua against, the selves tpgether unto the supper of the saken regiments of infidels, who, after Caaaanites. The one that informed great God, that ye may eat the flesh but figuratively, while setting forth the having spent their life in antagonizing Mary of the approach of the Nativity. of kings, and the flesh of captains, and pound shot is used. Attached to it ijo FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS idea that there is to be a world's clos- the only influence than could make the The one that wrestled with Jacob art the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh a plain wire, and by means of a pa- ing battle, the greatest of all battles. earth better, gather, with their low wit, the brook Jabbok. The one that sw�rnlgg of horses, and of them that sit on DUNN'S and their vile sneer, and their learned open the gate for the incarcerated thyme•" silt hook the shot is detached on strik- ing with which the conflicts of idiots and their horrible bl hemy, Apostle P,pter. The one that strength- The prophesied Armageddon of the ing the bottom. A thermometer is uau- this century and all other centuries to take part against God andri�teous- erred Christ in His last paroxysm. All, text has been fought, and Christ and ally attached to the wire, close to the'BAKINCa were insignificant, because of the ness in the great Armageddon 1 I think, will be there -their velocities His followers have won the day. The shot, to ascertain, for elecLxical bur - greater number of combatants ea- Other regiments who will march in Laconceivable, so that when Daniel was kingdoms of this world have become P the temperatuze of the water at on the wrong side in the battle will be Prayer, Gabriel, we are told, came the kingdoms of our Lord and His the bottom. White soundin the shot gaged, the greater victory and the the regiments Mohammedan. At the from heaven to speak to him. and LP Christ. All the Christian workers of g POWDER greater defeat. present time there are about 1,75,000,000 heaven a at tela centra of the ani- our time, you, my hearers, and you, er struck the bottom at 520 Fathoms (as The exact date of that battle we do Moslems. Their plain mission is to kill verse that angel must have travelled readers, and all the Christian workers was supposed), the strain being sudden - Christians, demean womanhood and thousands of millions of miles in an of all the ages have helped on the mag- 1y taken off the wide, leaving it all net know, and the exact locality is take possession of the earth in the in- instant. Talk of earthly regiments orf nificynt result and the victory is ours slack. After heaving in about 100 THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND uncertain. It may be in Asia, Europe, tercet of ignorance, superstition and double quick march! What will be the as muehl as theirs. This moment in- fathoms the Shot apparently was still ,Africa or America, but the fact that moral filth. Their massacre of 50,DOU speed of the regiments angelic when vitrogg' all outsiders, through the ran- on, as the straits increased rapidly. Af- LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. such a battle will take !place is as Armenians in the last two or three at the command of the Archangel, aomed blood of the everlastingcove- ter taking Im 320 fathoms of wire the --- -- "Down to earth! Forward into the rant, to get into the ranks of the con- wire was seen to shoot rapidly in dif- certain as God's eternal truth. When Years is only one chapter in their battlel" those regiments angelic, light- querors, and under the banner of our ferent directions, and then suddenly THE BRITISH NAVY. I use the superlative degree in regard effort to devastate the earth of every- g - P g thing but themselves. So determined f.g-winged, rainbow girdled, fay- leader, I shall not close the service with inamon It if assumed that a she ar- +--�+ to that comm conflict, I do not forget are the in their bad work that all footed, shall sweep into the greater prayer, as we usually do, but imme- ins monster -for the depth of the wa- Cou,plLnenfed toy the Caar-A iltrterwiued that there have been vans all along on the rations of the earth put together Armageddon! diately gave out the Moraviam hymn ter was sc great that a fish accustom- t,nt,rt to pnprove it -A large Vote will dare not say to them, "Stop, or We The next regiments that I see march- by James Montgomery, appropriate ed to surface waters could not stand be Put in the E,ittwutrs. stupendous scale. As when at Mara- will make you stop a My hope is that ing into the fight will be the regiments when written in 1819, but more appro- the pressure -had taken a fancy to the then, Miltiades brought on his men, long before that last battle of which I ecclesiastic. According to the last ac- priate an 1896, and ask you, with full sounding apparatus and had swallowed A despatch from London, says: -Since not in ordinary march, but in full tun, speak the Turkish Cattle off, and count, and practically only in the be, voices, as well as with grateful hearts it entire. This idea, is quite in conson- the Czar cAnpkmented the "very fine with it Mohammedariism, may be wiped ginning of the great gospel movement to chant it: anoe with what is known of the habits escort," which the Channell squadron af- upon the horsemen of Persia and the out of existence. The Turkish power which proposes to take the whole See Jehovah's banner furl'd ; of some species of fish. For instance, black archers of Ethiopia and scatter- for the last 400 earth for God, there are 4,600,000 Meth- West Indian native fishermen, who very forded him in CTDBalatg from Portsmouth years has been the Sheathed His sword. He speaks; 'tis often fish over moderately shallow coral to Cherbourg increased interest has ed them and crying: "Bring fire i Bring mightiest hindrance an earth to relig- odtsts, 3,725,000 Baptista, Lutherans Pres- done, reefs at some distance from the shore, ions liberty and moral improvement. b teriana, 1,230,000 Lutherans and And the kingdoms of this world been taken in the condition of the Bti- fire 1' set into flames the ships of the y • will carry m their canoes gourde, pieces ,. invaders. As when Pizarro overcame Her extermination is prophesied to the 6 0,000 Episcopalians, Are the kingdoms of His Son. of wood or cocoanut husks. The negroes itch navy, Mr. Caoschtsa, First Lord of Book of Revelation in the figure of the But the present statistics of churches care little for the smaller kinds of shark the Admiralty, has been devoting much Peru. As when Philip 11. triumphed drying up at the river Euphrates, and , wi1Q be utterly awaxnped when, after all, - which feeds, near the land, -but when thought during the recess to the whole . over Portugal. As when the Huns met she is goLng rapidly, thank God 1 In the great denominations have done SOME QUEER INDUSTRIES. the great ocean shark shows his fin the Goths. As when 300 Spartans sac- 18`.x.0, by the Greek insurrection, she re- their best work, the slowest of all the in the neighbourhood of the canoe they question of naval' defence, and he is rificed themselves at Thermopylae. As ceived the first destructive blow. In sects will have more numbers than the Odd Ways of Making a Livens Disclosed are half scared to death, and throwing credited with the intention, in next PY 18'23 the Turkoman army of $0,000 was present enrollment of all denominations out a of the articles named r dng when the Carthaginians took Agrigen- destr ed and the cause of liberty ad- throughout Christendom. You see, by by the Latest Cru,~. y year's naval estimates oil very consider- -(7 tract the attention of the fish, paddle ablyincreasing the auan at resent pro - turn. As when Alexander headed the vanced. In 1827 England, France and ghat time, an atheist or ah infidel will Occupations open to the thrifty in- for shore with all speed Whatever ob- . g P P P since be been,aso tNevar u humiliated the have be Look curiosity, and he will b lookeha t dividuals of both sexes have eatl in- ject, be it wood, or lead, or even Lron, vided for subsidizing merchant vessels Macedonian balani. As when Hanoi -gr Y to act as armed cruisers m time of war. g is thlrown overboard, is immediately bal invaded Italy. Battle of Hastings I Turkish fleets, and Greece was free. reaching bellow his shoulders and long creased during the last two decades. swallowed by the shark. The present amount set apart for this Battle of Valmy 1 Battle ,of Pultowa I Weaker and weaker the Turkish power finger nails that are never out and a The extraordinary progress of science purpose is £48,700, and rumor has it has become, and it has lost AlgLers and stare in the eyes indicatingincipient that the sum Will be increased to at Battle Arbela ! Battle of Tours l Wallachia, and, more than all, during lnlnacy-not to be ued wth, but tis during the time specified and the nppli- least £80,000 in miler to allow bf nine Battle orodino 1 Battle of Lucknow i the past decade, through her cruelty, lie pitied; while it will not be any ua• cation of its principle to the practical LIKE A TORTURE CHAMBER. more vessels participating in the sum Battle of Solferino 1 Battle of Foutenoy, has lost the sympathy of every good usual thing to see men as much de- problems of human life have not only r:.: ; an,ntrsllp set aside. Among the new where 100,000 were slain'L Battle of man and woman'^ in` al'1 the cartel, and voted to their religion as Francis 'X.a- had the effect of greatly increasing the conditions imposed will be not merely if William E. Gladstone were Prime vier was devoted to his religion 'where Queer Prison Cell in Arizonas Capital- an increase in the number of ships, but !Chalons, where 300,000 were massacred) Minister of ,England the Turkish -Gov- he went through the streets asking all capacity for production in the trades al- Studded with Natlis, greater efficiency in their manning and Battle of Herat, where, Genghis Khan °ernment• would very soon either quit to came to hear his faith expounded, ready firmly established, but have open- The town of Phoenix, the capital of equipmonL It is repeated that the destroyed 1,600,000 lives I Battle of her outrages or go down under the' in ten years planting the gospel in 50 ed hundreds of queer side alleys which rice to be aid for the hew first class bombardment of the men-of-war from nations and baptizing over 1,000,000 Arizona, has many strange and inter- p Neishar, where 1,747,000 went down to mats lead direct to the avenues of trade. cruisers isZ446,000Messrs. eAr ZThe s, their y nations now Lovering near the souls. And the groat boats of believ- est ing sights. It i9 noted for its safe- tender was Messrs. Armstrong's, their death 1 One million eight hundred and Bosphorus. But if the Bibles prophecy era will fill the earth, making the 2,317; There are, of course, dozens of these keeping of criminals, too. Not since price being about £500,0001 evidently sixteen thousand slain at Troy 1 And otincerning the drying uupp of the Eu- 000 combatants that Series reviewed a new and remarkable occupations with 1880 has there been a hanging in the showing that they did oat want the American battles, too near us now to Phrates is not fulfilled byfore the battle corporal's guard in comparison. I sea which science does not deal oven in the work. allow its to a predate their awful mentionsA in my text„ Mopawmedanism them, the regiments ecclesiastic, mov- county, and, as a rule, its police force P will march in with s'tvard and poison ing into that laat battle. The Luther- remotest sense. In this class we find has a sinecure. Nevertheless the grandeur and significance, except you and tpm h to take her pari in the great ans dreaded by some groat Martin the rat catcher, the skunk farmer, the county has the finest steel jail between MAN'S BEST FRIEND• Who were there, facing the north or Armageddon Luther yet to be born. The Methodists man who makes his living by picking Denver and San Francisco, and the city -- f"ing the south 1 But all the battles Yea, 'to show the magnitude of the, beaded by some George Whitefield yet up last things in depots, theatres, hotels, forces om the wrong side, I have to tell to comae. T'he Presbyterians, headed by has a prison with unique features that Rome Intrrcating Facts About the t'nnluc I have named put together will not you that what is left of heathenism at some John Knox yet to came. The etc., and returning them to their own- more than compensate for any lack nitre I equal in number endstedor fierceness that time will march into the conflicts. Episcopalians beaded by some Bishop era with the expectation of being re- The taste of the dog is exceedingly or grandeur or triumph or rout the here are 150,OOD,000 fetish idalators; Charnock yet to be enre>bed Baptists headed by some Missionary The 'l warded: the clock winder, the man who of strength. I coming Armageddon contest. Whether 2`21,000,000 Brahmins, 41I.A00,000 Budd- collects orange and lemon peels: and The city lockup is in the basement dolt and perverted. Even the most lux- it shall be fought with printers' type hilts. Through the subinmest move- Carey yet to bless the world. The Con- the Lake Michigan ayndica.te, which is or the City Hall, the larger portion of uriously Led pate often resort to a diet or keen steel, whether by brain or ment of this century, the missionary regatumal, church headed by some Dr. now engaged in raising black cats for the main floor above being occupied of offal or carrion. 1.muscle, whether by pen or carbine, movement all the time gathering in k of Pentecostab power yet to take their fur. They are not raising these b the Governor and Territorial offi- The most famous St. Bernard dog whether by booming cannon or thun- momentum, I believe all or nearly all tongue of firs. I see them moving into tilts on water. as might be inferred from y tiers or Christian eloquence, i do not of that 770,000,000 of Mathendom will the ranks, carrying& standard striped the title, but have leased an island in cials, the upper story Being used by was named "Barry." He saved forty ` know, and you may take what I say be converted to God. But that which and starred; strtdred as ".westing Him the great lake, which is now plentifully the Legislature. The cellar, cement lives and his stuffed skin is now pre- -" as figurative or literal, but take as is not converted wiUl come into the by whose stripe we are healed, and stocked with both sexes of screeching floored and spacious, with iron -grated served in a Berne museum, certain what St. John, in his vision Armageddon on the side. starred as with the promise that those lilies• Everywhere in the Bible the d isl Pe Other r menta an t�lie wrong 'side who turn man to righteousness shall 'There are atilt others in the non-sci- windows, is deemed secure enough for Yx °g on the rocks of the Grecian archi la- y mentioned in terms of contempt, thf go, is leased to call Armageddon• will be made u of offenders of all whine as the stars, forever and ever entific category of queer occupations, the average "hobo" or "plain drunk," � P p Into that battbe on our side will. roll but it will oxly•be necessary to men- and the double steel cage that atands in reason being probably Lound in the My sermon will first mention the sorts -the defrauders, the libertines, t.diose mighty engines of power, the tion a few. One is a "rattlesnake farm- character of the Orienta•1 dog• i; regiments that will be engaged in the the dynamiters, the *anarchists, the op- printing presses of Christendom. Into a corner is rarely used. i. conflict, then will say something of the pressors sad the foes of society, the P g ex who lives in the Ozark Mountains The cage is of historic interest. It Zoidus, the famous Greek grammarian, commanders on both sides, and then that battle will also move the might- and makes the product, of hi -s farm" criminals of all nations, by whatever -eat telescopes, that shall brio the s of the battle itself and the tre- g br' monsy from three different di- was made by the blacksmiths of Yuma was surnamed "The Dog," on acooun peak name they are now cal.ed or shall then stare in their courses to fight for our recttiians The oil he disposes of to in the fi0's, and was freighted by a of his snaraing criticisms of Homer an , mendous issues. Beginning with those be called• They may not, before that, God, druggists, who have regular customers other Greeks poets. , who will fight on the wrongaide, I first have o nil taken sides, but then they gg g mule team to the then infant town The Sulioce of German also called �:- - mention the regiments dabolio. In wide beaompelled to take esidos. With Again, the regiments elemental will that believe it to be a panacea for a of Phoenix. 1c has held many a des- the boas hound, is one ofythe largest this very chapter from which my text what venom. with what violence, with come into that Rattle an the right side. hundred different ills; the eking he sells rate criminal. and never was succeas- is taken we are told that the spittle what desppeeration they wiill tall into The winds! God showed what he could to would-be cowboys, who use them as Pe dogs known. Many specimens are 4 1" • of devils will be there. How many mil- line at the eat Armage L Is it do with them when the splintered tim- hat bands, and the akeletons are alwaya tuUy broken. In the early days its feet high at the 'shoulders lions °f them no one can tell, for the the accommodations were supplemented by Man varieties of wild doge have been not a addict these uncounted xe i- here of the ships of the Spanish ar- x ready sale, the purchasers being `' statistics a the satanic dominions. made were strewn on the rocks of Scot- I curators of the natural history de art- several adobe cells, facia the high- crosse with wolves, jackals and Loxes. PP g. ments of the earth to be joined b the court house. and thus have produced great numbers have never been reported, and the roll uncounted regiments from perdition? ]hod, Norway, and the Hebrides. The meats of the different college and so- walled enclosure of the old p '' of that hast has never on earth been Can an war cope with them? E a- waters] He showed what He could do ciety museums. The man who wakes so- Each of these earth -floored cells had of hybrid varieties. Y Po p sp imbedded in its centre a great gran- The 'lower canine teeth of the dog i( called, but from the direful and con- ciald when I tell you who their com- with them when he put the whole earth ple up in the morning, the old cock coN:1.11_ y y its boulder. Into this was firmly set in front of the upper, give that tinental and planetary work: they have mander for so much in all! wars de- s►mint them, leaving ►t subaqueous 150 tore, and the dog catchers are well- done, and the feat that every a ring, and to this ring desperate cram- animal the tightness of grip so remarks h pends upon the chieftain. Their leader days. The earthqunkeal He showed known characters in every large city. inale were chained. But this was be- man and woman and child on Bart will not be a political accident or what He could do with them when He The individuals w1w gains livelihood ably, in the species. po Lore the days of chilled atesyi jails. The Alpine, or St. Bernard, is believ- has a temper there must be at least military "ha n so." B tadent and let Caracas drop into the open mouth in pursuits that are strictly a seawho y p y One cell about ten care ago was :7. 1,600,0110,000 evil spirits familiar with adroitness and tours and unceasing of horror and the islands of the sea are equally as numerous as those who Y g ed spaniel, some mile others to he i variety went to entombment. The lightningsl follow the more humble callings. In Planked with soft pine and boarded for of apanie3 while others consider it a our world. perhaps as many more are industries he has owns to the bad ami- use as a dark cell. Into it were thrown descendant of the Newfoundland. engaged in special enterprises of abom- nence. He disputed the tbaone of He showed what ap could Mount with the list o[ occupations mans that are qtr tlfi- the "tourists" and petty malefactors The bulldo has less brain in pro - ",r; • inatiom among the nations and em- heaven with the Almighty, but no one them when He wrapped se nt Sinai cial egg is the manufacture of afalse � bites a earth. Besides that, there hag ever disputed the throne of eter- in flame, and we have all Been their tial who reused to work at street cleaning portion to his weight than an other �i P eggs, artificial Duffey, and Latae in the chain ggaa or who were insolent variety g y mustkin inconceivable number oP nal night with this monateAi, who will flashing lanterns moving with the char- diamonds. Also the industry of making to the cit officials. variety of a dog, a tact which renders inhabitants ii rearms panumber a f in the last battle take the h, in pert iots of the midnight hurricane. All the buttons, combs, penholders, and other Y his training almost Lmpeeeib1e ��staying there to keep the great capi- son. Milton calls him Lucifer, Goetbe regiments elemental will came in on our articles of a similar nature from blood Hundreds of brogans wore away the Pn the bulldog the condyles of the *;. tale of sin going from age to age. Many calls him Meplzistophelea, the ]Hebrew see in the great Armageddonl Come collected at the slaughter houses. The soft pine long ago, and now from the yaµr aboae the line of the upper of them once lived in heaven; but, en- calls him Abaddon, the Greek tolls him and let us mount and ride along the man who makes billiard balls, buttons, floor of the cell protrude the heads of grinding teeth, causing the hold of this ' gaging in conspiracy to put eaten on' Apo6lyon. He is the impyrsonatio❑ of Lids and review the troops of Emman- and rings, from potatoes which have a thousand or more twelve.penny nails, anima to be very severe. the throne, they were hurled out and all malevolence of all oppression,of all rel and find that the regiments terrys been treated to a solution of nitric so thickly set that the feet cannot be The native wild dog of South Am- �1111down, and they are now among the aruetty, the summing up of still false- teal and celestial that come into that and sulphuric acids is also the pro- Placed between them. erica is called the "Aguara" and in some worst thugs of the universe. Having hood. In bis make up nothing find was lnttle on the right side are as com- I prietar of an "industry" wherein the Into this dark cell obstinate or disor- Brazil is as dangerous to trtt- 11, been in three worlds -heaven. earth and left out and nothing good evils 1•at in pared with those on the wrong side fundamental principles are strictly set- derly prisoners are thrown, in a bread yellers as the wolves of Siberia. lisle -they have all the advantages of and be is to Tis the gener.il, Lha com- two to one, a hundred to one, a thou- entifLc. and water diet. They have no stool or ,t: great experience. Their power. their mander in chief of al,l the forces on the Band to one. But the queerest of all Is carried on beard to sit on, and are without even two o Pennsylvanians, who are a blanket upon which to lie. The experi- TO CONSUMPTIVES. • speed, their cunning, their hostility, wrong aide in t.he. great 1rrn,Aeddon. But who Is the commander in chief by young ence of the prisoners is not perhaps to ,r, wonderful beyond all statement. In the Ile has been in more battles thzsi you on his side? Splendid armies have making a regular business of extrsating p The pic meano. her s bran re.torea t� health Armageddon they will, I doubt not, Ixs have ever read about, ani by has been ruined, caught in traps, flung over the poison from honey berg. Accord- be compared to that of a martyr upon by eimpto mean., seer aunering tar eeverel yenta present in full array. They will have gained more victories than have ever precipices and annihilated thro b the ing to the accounts, they have two dif- the gridiron or of the beloved t the with s severe lung wipton, end that Arend d;eense - P P U$ ]fon Maiden of Nuremberg," but it is Cnrune,npt on, ie an a,naa to make known to his fellow g ferent ways of collecting their crop of no reserve corps, but all will be of the guess celebratedtrewill in this an world. But I incompetence or treaLhery of their gen- ya g such that. a "dose" of more than 12 aoRnrer„ the manna of enre. To those who dealre it, }',', front. There will not only be soldiery Qtiesa there will he an army to die- ' Pra). Who commands on our side I venom. In the first the bases arycaught he wit{ ehe9rtnliy send (free nt chargef atopy of the fr that battle who can be seen and ate with his forces. I have mention- � Jehovab-JLreb, so called in one lace. and held with their abdomens in small hours is never needed. presnrlption n.ed, whlnh thn•v Will and a au•ecnre for p P The victim cries for mere be be aimed at, but troops intangible, and ed the supremacy of this world. i Captain of Salvation," so-called in an- glags tubes until the poison sacs have y' tn.,x,An+prin,+, Asrn,,,a, Cnlarrk, Rrntonch+tix an p ever so hardened. His existence is a all th,oat ,nil Lnn Mala lies. tie hn a without capureity, and weapons may guess our trDaps will not have to run other ace. Iain of kin s. Lord of been emptied. In the second they are >� g g laced to a bottle on wire netting and torture, for only in an erect position all anfrerera will try h e remedy, as it le invain- ,� strike clear through them without giv- when on the day mentioned in my text lords. Conqueror of conquerors. His p can he find an degree of comfort, aMn. 'rho.n anairing , ne preeartption, which will Boat , ug t enraged until the tiny drops of venom 8 g V _!,, ing them hurt. With what shouts of all the inferno batteries shall he un- i eye omniscient. His arm omnipotent tall into the alcohol which fills the low- "We need just such a cage," grimly them nothing, and n,ey prove a *tesaing, will pleaBe �q defiance will they climb up the ladders limbered. We have been reviewing He will take the lead. He will draw er third of the bottle. This venom is remarked the chief of police to a vis- address, z of firs and leap from the bettlementts the troops diabolic. We have been the sword. He will give the command. itor. "If we didn't have it we mi bt I Rev • WARD A. WxG$O1tt, Rrooklyn,New of asbestus into the last campaign of measuring the calibers of their guns. And when He lents His foot for the mid to be a sovereign remedy for can- York. was We have been examining the ammu- P ser, rheumatism, snake bite, and a have to do worse. This ain't a bo el, `' dell l Paul, the bravest of men, g camlxit, the foundations of the earth' hundred others of the more terrible ills to be sure, and thht lock box ain't a 'S• impressed witk their might for evil nitron wagons. Now let us look- at the will gwtke and when He shall give the of humsuity. bridal chamber for luxury, and the DOMESTIC ECONOMY. when he said "We wrestle not against forces to be marshaled in the Armaged- hat.tle shout, all the gates of hell will thieves and hoboes know what we have Mrs. Bomburater-3 len coodness, ''... flesh and blood, but against principal- don on the right side. tremble. in here, and avoid the town all the I Yachob, vy you Puy dot dude clothes. `" it3es and against powers and against First of all, I mention the regiments But iia not let us shout until after A FISH STORY. more on account of it." eL/ :;. f g j we have, sees the two armies clash in this rulers o the darkness in this world, angelic. Alas, that the subject of de- ` Mr. Bonrburster (noted anarchist)L-I ''r agadsrst sppirritual wickedness in high monoio�y seems better understood than the last struggle. Oh my soul I The i,Vhwt was It That $wallowed the Fttty• play me dot zummer flannel shirt, JKR_ daces," Oh, what as agitating mo- the subject of angelology. But the glo- battle of all tune ant eternity opens. trina, not pecause, it tab vashlonable, ment, when the ranks diabolic move rious spixita around the throne and all ; "Forward 1" " Forward )" is the com- $Ix-1'oand weight. THF. VAGARIES OP LUCg. bad peosuse id metier need vttalling. < asp and take their places for conflict in the bright Immortals that fill the gal- nand on both sides given. The ion A somewhat extraordinary story has tilt don 1 ]sties and levyla of the universe are I g sent w time ago an American peae 2'a ,' a Armageddon linea of both armies waver and swing been received from an officer on board sant who arae cleaning an old picture For over Flay Years Other regiments who wide march iota bo take part in that least great fight, two and fro, Swords of truth against the cable ship John Pander, now on for his aunt, found 50,000 florins in pa- MRs, WIN -LOW'S 800Trrrnn BTnOr has been used by the fiait`t lvUl be the resgimynts Of alcoi%' hnd the regiments angelic are the only : engines infernal. Black horse cavalry 'ick ,1':3;i fiblia. y will be made up of the lxrew- rE;glmeafita capable of meeting the regi- I of perdLti® against white horse fav- the coast of West Africa. The author- Per money in it. He claimed the usual rolllione of ronthera for their children while teething. `„ , 9ta' companies, distillery owners and li- mentis eutonic. To show you some- ' air of heaven. This redemption of this it however, is good. and it is Insisted It i ddisen feribed at nd ryinarid broken of sof Ctit ur t bye eet ttdr dealers' distillery and the j Ii. pp �e ower, I ask you e- y P y, ib per cent. an reward and got it, child enRering and Drying with pato of ontting Teeth qq titing of a'n an eI p Y world and the honor of the throne of that the yarn is perfectly true. The There were two aunts, and as each Bene st once and get a bdttte of "Mrs. winslow's *,' dlredfi It milli of their patrons. They conadder that �juat oily of Lhem ®iew God to vend�a,te-how tremendous is soothin B rn tnrUhildrenTeethintr. Itwillreiieve ;: vrt11 iriltYve into the ranks with what the 186000 of 8onnaehmb'a hosts in a than battle I T}re army of ri hteoumess final Splice In a deep water repair was rolatmed the picture as her own, RII the the poor lly•te sufferer Immediately. neyycud neon It. $ibje calla the "sang of the drunkard," t, and it is not a tough arithmeti- I g beteg made. The third officer was tag- pensive lawsuit resulted. Finally the mothers, there la no mistake about It. It Dares Dear n�h ug seems giving way, but no 1 It is only staters decided to go helves, but when rhoas, re fates the Stomach and Boaele, antesq� d slid What a bloated and soaked and cal gneestian to !solve, if one angel can !apart of the mmrueirver bi the tnPinite ing the soundings with the Kelvin ap the being nota were examined they collo, Sons the soros, rodnoes tnnammatiort�and `blgaTdd blasted and hiccoughing gay 1$6,000 troop in a night,lww tight. It is a deplary of the host wales- �ratua, usually uses}, the Captain look- wyre Lound all and vofd, the Govern- glues tone and ene.gr to the ahcle e.�itaM, 'tMrs. iBYi ba ating host I If now, acootid,Lng Mani ban 6904000 of tbem ala The tial. Whht a meeting In this field of do vvineloW's Bootieing yyrnpp" for children toev,in to ' ' aeieatiat, in En land there are old books says khat "the excel in lender and wratik of the aingelLc and Ing 0°' a quartermaster at the bX eek meats term for re ing them having I avant to the taste aha is the preseriptinat of a of a dth0b mob, but , sp expired. The poi Refused to return heoldost and beet fomale+pliplc:aae•and imimesiii B ,50,900 dyatha annuelFp iramu stro�hg AtrytLgT I It Is knot h, M43 of clic diri,bolic, of hosanna and _blares and the than who tells the story stand- the 6,W0 floi7lob tphioh be received in the United States. Price twenty five cents a bot"o and in the. LJn ted $fates, so- a Iry bbst and they know � ]rem of Me and curse, of the divine over the stern. With h I to other eatimhte; 98,0000. ' p 1'{' hug by, 1oO�ag onxreY,t rsfone+ wherefore his sante Bola b all drnggiate thronghaat the world. Be baro ax53:dtn9 l tElair an rlibimi, seraphim, and matan The thustletbolts of this sounding apporatua a fifty-six- heave now lt1141 .I 4101 ': I.I _' ii laLg1 Andas tor' Mns. wr.atrow' $pOTBrao $vaUP." _,; tttlta amually from atl.ng drink, thrones, pslpoi alattga and powers l: the Almighty burst and blaze' upon r 1 L,_,"