HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-21, Page 6• Well Satisfied with Ayer's Hair Vigor. "Nearly forty years ago, after home tvecks of sickness, my hair turned gray. 1 began using Ayer's Bair Vigor, and was so well satis- fied \Nall the results that 1 have never tried any other kind of dress - in;;, llregafresonly an occasional appli- cation of AYER'S Ilair Vi::or to keep Ill 1::: r of good color, to remove demi ruff, to heal itching rumors, p•::tt prevent the hair from falling out. 1 never hesi- tate to recommend -leer's medicines to my friends."—\Ic'S. 1!.M. IIAIUIaT, Avoca, Nebr. Prepared by Dr. J. C. A ye r & Co., Lowell, Masa, - ..----- �' Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexion. . The Huron News -Record t.26 a Year—$1.00 in Advance WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1806. A Tragic Misprint. He wrote a poem to his Kate; He called her his red rose, Alas—the cruelty of fate. The printer tnttde it "nose !" OUT OF THE TOILS. PHYSICIANS FAILED CURE-ALLS FAILED —BUT THE GREAT SOUTH AMERI- CAN KIDNEY CURE, .\ SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR A SPECIFIC TROUBLE, CURED MRS. A. E. YOUNG, OF BARN• STON, Y.Q., QUICKLY AND PERMA- NENTLY. This Viler testtmony : "i was taken sick in January, 1893. 1 employed several of the hest local physicians and was treated by them for kidney disease until the autumn of the same year without receiving much benefiL I then began using your South American Kidney Cure, and derived great bene - almost fit immediately. 1 feel now that I ant quite cured. I have taken no medicine for some length of title and have not, had a return of the slightest symptoms of the disease."—Sold by Watts & Co. Great Bodies don't get a Move on. Bobcaygeon Independent. It gives the taxpayer a weakness beneath the waistcoat, when he thinks that under our boasted representative system, it took nearly three hundred men at Ottawa, at a cost of a gtittrter of a million to do what any thirty of them would have done in ten days, had it been their own individual husi- ness. A Message to Men. PROVING THAT TRUE HONESTY AND 'i'RI'i' Ptt1I.ANT1tOPY .STILI. EXINT. If any roan, who is weak, nervous and debilitated, or who is suffering front any of the various troubles re- sulting froin youthful folly, excesses or overwork, Will take heart and write to me, i will seed hits c•nnfidentially and free of charge the plan pursued by which I was completely restored to perfect. health and manhood, after years of suffering from Nervous Debility, Loss of Vigor and Organic \Veakness. i have nothing to sell and therefore want no inoney,but its 1 know through my own experience how to sympathize with sash sufferers, i aro glad to he able to assist any fellow -being tet a c'ur'e. I am well .t litre of the pr'evalenc'e of quackery, for f thyself was deceived and imposed upon until f nearly lost faith in mankind, but i rejoice to say that i ion now perfectly well nnd hnp- py once more and tun desirous there- fore to make this certain means of Cure known to all. if you will write to )tie you can rely upon being cured and the proud satisfaction of having been of great service to one in need tvIII be sufficient reward for my" trouble. Ah - solute secrecy essnr'ed. Send 6c silver to cover postage and address, Mr. Geo. (3. Strong, North Rockwood, Mich. E)t•Detective'John Fahey, who, wit h Louis Nnegele and Bureau had been condemned in 188>1 for the Bonavent are robbery, was liberated on Saturday weak. Ile had 20 months yet to serve. Sir Oliver Mowat appears to he doing a great deal of patdoning just. now. "1 HAD NO FAITH." BUT MY WIFE. PiERSUADEr) ME TO TRY THE ORF.AT SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC ('URE ANT/ MY AGONIZING PAIN WAS GONE IN 12 HOPRA, AND GONE FOR GOOD. J. D. McLeod, of Leigh Ont., says: "I have heen a victim of rheumatism for seven years—cortflned to my bed for months at a time; unable to turn. myself. Have been treated ny many physicians wincom'Anybenefit. I had no faith in rheuttiE mires i saw ad- vertised, but nit induced me to get a bottle of Sots merican Rheu- matic Oure from M a.T('4y'lor, druggist, in Owen Sound. `:4:t that time 1 was in agony with pairs. Inside of twelve hours after I had taken the first dose the pain bad ail left me. I continued until I had used three bottles, and I .r,:,, now C(instder myself completely cur - 'ed.'.' ---Sold by Watts & Co. Robert James .:ones Salted. STUCK FOR A THOUSAND DOLLARS BY THE GIRL HE WENT BACK ON. Miss Florence Hartley, a sprightly blonde, 24 years of am who was for- merly cashier for R. Walker & Sons, Tot onto, is $1000 richer this week than she was last week by the verdict of the civil assize court jury. In 181)2 Miss Hartley met Reber t Jautes Junes, aged50, who, according to his counsel, Mr. Osler, has a game leg and no teeth. Robert James was the defendant in the case. 111r. Osler put hint iu as an exhibit, but he was not numbered. He proved to be lame, as stated by counsel, but his teeth were not examined; James fell dead in love with her, altruist at first sight. He told her be was wealthy, would give her to nice home, give up eating onions and take her on a bridal trip to California. She refused him twice, but the third tittle she weakened and promised to be his for worse or worst. But, alas! Robert James wits fickle, as changeable as the sands of the sea, or "wildcat" alining slack prices. He kept Florence on it string for smile time, and then mar- ried his housekeeper, Miss Melds, without saying it word to anyone, atilt that is the cause of the suit for breach of promise, which resulted itt a verdict fur the fair plaintiff. IflaKe No JT1!take. Your ("ase Demands The Use of Paine's Celery Compound. 1311'1'ATIONS AND SUBSTITUTES ARE DANGERS TO YOURSELF ANi) OTHERS. See that you slake no mistake when you are making efforts to regain lost health. At this particular time safety, care and vigilance will insure a large measure of your success. Your case demand the use of the best medicine I hart science has pro- duced. The acknowledged triumph of medical research is Paine's Celery Compound, the only sure and perma- nent cure for all nervous diseases, ner- vous prost ration, sleeplessness, dyspep- sia, run down system, rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles, and blood diseases. An error made at this time by the use of common medicines. imitations and vile substitutes may lead to compli- cated troubles and serious results. Thousands in this land of ours have thrown of the shackles of disease and suffering by the use of Paine's Celery Compound. It waits to do she same good work for you. There is no ex- perimental work with Paint's Ce•lety Compound ; do not fear defeat or dis- appointment: the great medicine cures and builds up every man and woman even atter the doctor's have given them up. See that you get the genuine Paine's ('elety Compound tr'ont your dealer ; look for the name "Paine's" and the stalk of celery. At 12.30 o'clock the other morning Philip Zimmer, a bl>tckshtitb of St. Louts, fatally shut Ostia, Wertz, his stveeetheart, shot his sister slightly, and then n)ntruitted suicide by shoot- ing himself through the heart. 'Zim- mer and his sister called tin Miss Weitz, and tt quarrel over another young ratan led the tragedy, Travelled Half the Globe to Find Health, Without Success. Tt)1)K Tits: ADVICE OF A FRIEND AND NOW PROCLAIMS 1'r FROM TIIE HOUSETOP "SOUTH AMER- ICAN NE)it'1NE SAVED MY ',IF E. rs. 11. Stapleton, of iS1nghnrn, writes: "i have been very much trou- bled for years since 18711 with nervous debility and dyspepsia. Had been treated in Canada and England by same of the hest physicians without permanent. relief. vits ad 0150(1 about Three motif he ago to take South Amer- ican Nervine, and i firstly believe I owe my life to it to -day. I can truth- fully say that, 1 have derived more benefit, from it than any treatment I ever kid. I can strongly ret ommend it,and will never he without it myself." — Sold by Watts & Co, Three or four years ago the Conser- vative government changed Thanks- giving day to a day different from that on which it is celebrated in the United States on the pr'inc'iple that there is no necessity for Canada to follow in the wake of our neighbors in every- thing. At Monday's meeting of the cabinet it was decided to proclaim Thanksgiving day in Canada for Thursday, Nov. 20, the same date as observed in the neighboring republic. The ground on which the change Is made is that, as there is a total sus- pension of business in the United States, which correspondingly affects Canada, there may as well be uni- formity. tni- formity. AS OLD AS ANTIQUITY. Either by acquired taint or heredity those old foes Scrofula and Consump- tion, must he faced generation after generation; hut you may meet them with the odds in your favor hy the help of Scott's Emulsion. MONEY SAVES FOR FAMILY'S W110 DESIRE TO ECONOMIZE. 1)IA.MOND DYES THE AUEN'rc. it would require roan targe volumes to give a complete record of all the strong testimonial letters written by the women of the countty in favor of 1)iamuud Dyes. 'These iedipensable :rids in good housekeeping are gaining in public favor every week, -and once tried, they become perumuenl home favor'ite's. Just think of it ! One package of Diamond 1)ye will cover from one to six pounds of goods, according to shade desired. This is wonderful work when the small expense fs Considered. Voir last year's jacket, snit, cape, chess, and your husband's suit and children's c t es may be soiled, faded and unsightly ; but with a Leu rent package of Diamond Dyes you can work wonders, and make the old things look like new for this season's weal'. Have you ever tried this work with I)iantond Dyes? One effort in this direction of true econtony will con- vince you that Diamond Dyes are money saver's to the family. Joseph Speers, jt'., of Goderich, has appealed to the Divisional Court against the judgment of Judge Doyle, of Goderich, declaring that the will of Joseotl Speers, sr., father of the ap- pellant, made in 1893, is valid. The appellant inherited more under the will of his father, atade in 1890, than he did under the later will, made in 1893, and he wants the former reinstated on the ground that when his farther made the second wilt he was not mentally capable of doing se. The appellant also claims that Judge Doyle had no Surisdiction, not being a judge of the urrogate Court. The estate is worth about $10,000. Judgment was reserved. NEVER WORBY TAKE THEM AND GO AROUT YOUR BUSI- NESS—THEY DO THEIR WORK WHILE YOU ARE DOING YOi1RS—DR. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS ARE PURELY VEGET- ABLE AND ACT UPON THE LIVER WITHOUT DISTURBANCE TO THE SYS- TEM, DIET, OR OCCUPATION. 10 CENTS A VIAL, They are system renovators, blood purifiers, and builders' every gland and tissue in the whole anatomy is benefited and stimulated in the use of them. 40 doses in a vial, 10 cents. There now floats off the dockyard at Halifax, N. S„ the strangest fleet of modern war ships ever seen at that port. The latest addition is the cruiser Talbot which develops the extraordin- ary speed of twenty-three knots. She has more powerful armament than the flagship Crescent and her hull is highly protected. A distinctive new feature on the Talbot is the revival of the obso bete fighting top for cruiser's. in a few days more the war ships Buzzard, Mohawk and Cordelitt will arrive from Newfoundland. The further addition of the battleship Renown to the mirth Atlantic squadron will undoubtedly raise it to the designed level of size and strength to offset the power of the "White Squadron" ttnd expected strengthening of the French fleet next year. A POPULAR C. P. R OFFICER. ADDS 1115 'TESTIMONY TO THE 31EHiT9 OF DR. MINIM'S CATARRHAL POW- DER FOR. CATARRH AND ('OLD) IN TiIE HEAD. IIE SAYS 1'r IS PEERI.ESH. Mr. John McEdwar•ds, the genial purser of the U. I'. R. liner "Athbas('a" says, "I used 1)r. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder for coli in the head. it is very effective, easy to apply, mild and pleas- ant. Fur catarrh its no equal. i have testod near'ly evecatarrh core made, and found none to compare with it., 1 recommend it first, last and al- ways." Sold by Watts & Co, Mr, A. J. McColl, barrister -at -law, of New %Westruinster, has been appointed judge on the Supreme Court, bench of British Columbia. Duman life is held too cheaply when the individual who needs a tonic for his system, seeks to cover his wants by purchasing every new mixture that is recommended to him. Itemterntier that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has a well- earned reputation of fifty years stand- ing. The contract. has been let for the eontttruction of the. Manitoulin and North Shore railway, to run from 1.ittis Current tt) a junction with the Canadian Pacific railway. Itching, Burning Skin Diseases Cured for 36 Cents. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day and cures tetter, salt rheum, piles, scald head, eczema, harpers' Itch, ulcers, blotches and all eruptions of the skin. it is soothing and quiet- ing and arta like magic in the cure of all hahy humors. 35 cents. Sold hy Watts & Co. Woman suffrage, which had its herth in the antipodes, seems to be spreading northward. New Zealand gave women the franchise and the ex- perience has been so satisfactory that now Australia is deciding to fallotd`fhe example. At the last general election in New Zealand there were 153,638 men end 109,461 women on the lists, and the proportion of votes polled hy each sex was about equal. OURR.ANT TOPICS. Hamilton Spectator :, What fighting Joe Martin really did telegraph from Ottawa to Winnipeg was this: I'rn condo', I'm cornin', But without de punt-fu•li-o, I heah youah angel voices calhu', "Poor yellow Joe." Ayer's Hair Vigor, which has out. lived and surperseded hundreds of similar preparations, is undoubtedly the most fashionable as well Its reil. ornical hair -di essing in the market. By its use the poorest head of lair soon becomes luxus iatit and heautife!. At present there are 031) convicts in the Kingston penitentiary, the largest number that huts been confined at tine time in the institution since the uper)- ing of the St. Vincent de Paul peniten- tiary, when a number of convicts were removed filet the local m 1an11 to re- lieve the congestion. liaising Si. Vincent de t'>tul penitentiary, there are more convicts in the Kingston, I)etlitentiar'y than in any two in the hmmiuion. A few extra guards hate been taken on the surf temporarily, and will be kept on only while the con gestion lasts. A VICTIM OF SCIATICA. UNAULE Te) WORK TIM)(JO1I 101'ttON(t ANI) WILLING. THE SUFFERING OF A WELL KNOWN GUELPH CITIZEN—COULD N(IT 3105'IE ABOUT w)THOL"I"THE AID OF A STICK --AGAIN AS STRONG ANI) IIEAL'rlly AS EVER. t•'ron> Lho Guelph Mercury. There is perh;fps no business or occu- pation that any loan could follow that Is more trying to the hetLltti—partiet;- lardy in the winter --than that of moulding. A workman leaves the shop with his clothing wringing tet from perspiration, and a cold wind chills hint to the marrow, slaking hint a ready mark for lumbago, sciatica and kindred troubles. A moulder requires to be it star of more than ordinary strength, and to continue at his work roust always be in good health, for the moulding shop is no place fur an in- valid. Sciatica is by no means an un- common affliction for men of this craft, and once the dread disease has blared a victim he seldom shakes himself free from it again. In fact some people de- clare that it in incurable, but that, it is not we are able to testity by_it personal interview with one once afflicted with the trcuhle, but who is now in perfect health, thanks to his timely use of the famous remedy. There rine few work- men Netter known in Guelph than Chas. W. Waldren, perhaps better known as "Charley Waldren," for he has lived in Guelph almost contntously since he was three yetu•s of age, and he has now passed the 38th mile post. Mr. Waldren is it moulder, and has worke-d at that business for 22 years; and be- ing noted as a steady workman. he is a man whose veracity is unquestioned. It is a well known tact here that Mr. Waldren had to quit work in January, 1890, on account of a severe attack of sciatica, and for eleven weeks was un- able to do a tap. Knowing that he WAS again at work a Mercury reporter called at his residence one evening to learn the exact facts of the case. Mr. Waldren, when spoken to on the sub- ject, replied quite freely, and had no hesitation in crediting I)r. Williams' Pink fills with his remarkable recov- ery. "I ain not one of those people who are seeking newspaper notoriety, said Mr. Waldren, "neither have 1 been snatched from death's door, but front the day 1 quit work, until March 30th, when 1 started again, I was con- fined to the house with sciatica. It located in my hip and would shoot down my leg to my foot and was very painful. I could not move about the house without the aid of a cane, and then only with great pain, 1 was totally useless as far as doing my work was c•oucet nog!, wits never free from pain, and it tu: 1e tine feel very much depressed, fear beyond that I felt st•rtng Inti anxious to be shout. 1 tun tc ment- hes of Three benefit societies, Um:: which I drew tipsy, viz: The 'Three Links, the Iron Moulders' Association, and Lire Raymond Benefit Soviet y. People cause to see ate, tend of course overybedy recommended a sure care. i didn't try half of thein. It was nut possible, but 1 trie.l it great many - particularly remedies that i had been in the habit of using for lumbago but i found no relief. I tried Dr. W illiaitts' Pink Pills. After using two boxes i noticed at) improvement, and 1 (Sept 00 using thein. When 1 had used six hoxrs 1 was brink at work again. i kept on until I had finished the 811t box, and I never felt, better in sty lift.. "}lave you noticed any recurrence of trouble since i" q.tteried the reporter. "i have not," he replied, "suffered it single twinge since." Mr. Waldren has worked to all the moulding shops in the city, and was never in his life laid off sick as long as he was from the attack of sciatica, He hardly knew what it was to he sick, and is of that, tough wiry nature that he can stand tench greater physical strain than most people would margins. Almost, any person in the city can verify his story. Dr. Waldren said, its '.he re- porter got tip to leave, "I only hope some poor fellow who hest suffered as i did may notice my case and get relief as I dirt." Dr, Williams' Pink Fillsereate'sew blood, build up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. In hundreds of cases they have cured after all medicines had failed, thus establishing the claim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes, hearing the frill trade mark, "Dr. Williams:' Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that does not hear the register- ed ,rade mark around the box The night operator on the C. P. R. at Oak Lake, Man , ran away with $3,000 of money in charge of the Do- minion Express Company. The impurities in the blood which cause scrofulous eruptions are tho- roughly eradicated by Hood's Sarsap- arilla. Tty DR. SPINNEY 8c CO. The Old Reliable Specialiste. 83 Year Experience In the treatment of the Throat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dis- eases of men and women. Lost Manhood restored—Kidney and Bled - der troubles permanently cured—Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicocele and stricture cured without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without mercury, Young an Suffering from the effects of youthful follies or indiscretions, or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory. Despondency, Averston to Society, Kidney Troubles, or any disease of the Genital•Urinary Or- gana, can here find safe and speedy cure. Charges reasonable especiallyy to the poor.■CURES GUARANTEED. Middle -Aged Hen—There are many troubled t¢ LL II with too frequent evacu- tione of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight sruarting or burning sensation, and weakenin of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. Th. doctor will guarantee a per- fect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Con- sultation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and have medicine sent by express, with full Instructions for use. Mention this paper when writing. Office hours: From 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m. 0 WODWARD DR. SPIT 1! 1 & On V4 (Side Entrance No. 9 EE.NEliizabeth st.) DETROIT, MICH. Bargains ! Bargains ! At the Cheap Casal Store. $1,500 WORTH OF GROCERIES and CROCKERY Must be sold to make room for Stock to arrive. 1)uu't miss this chance to buy Goods cheer, CASH PAIL) FOR. (7C .)1) BuT'1'Elt AND EGGS. --- G. J. STEWART. Agent for ltlunseen and Kuzma Tea. Touches the spot"' MacLeod's System Renovator 00909e00009000099000 00911/00et0000,90909009909000. — — —FOR —_.— Weak and Impure Blood, .. Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write di, eet to J. M. MacLeod, (i'onr;Rtrll, Ont. 922.y STATIONERS and OFFICE SUPPLWPS. THE NEWS -RECORD has placed in stock a full supply of Stationery and Supplies suitable for the Business Man, Mechanic and Labor- er, either printed or plain. THE LOT WILL CO FOR A LITTLE MORE THAN THE ASKiNC0000000 OUR WEDDING STATIONERY is up-to-date, the Printing Super- ior, ttnd the price lower than most people charge. Those JOB LINES OF ENVELOPES are going fast but more are nn the way. A printed Envelope is the correct thing for 1u>iuess and private people. If your letter goes astray it is sure to roue Mack once THE NEWS -RECORD presses touch the surface. Call and See us. We have something neat and 01 11C In in M EMOR I AM CARDS. Ask to see them. THE NEWS -RECORD, Clinton. Before Taking. Wood's P1osp11odJne.—The Great English Remedy. Is the result of over 85 years treating thousands of cases with aA known drugs, until at last we have discovered the true remedy and treatment—a combination that will effect a prompt and permanent cure in all stages of Sexual Debility, Abuse or Excesses, Nervous Weakness, 'Emissions, Menial Worry, Excessive Use of ()tiara, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Stimulants, all of which soon lead to Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's Pbosphodine has been used successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed almost hopeless—cases that had been treated by the most talented physi- cians—cases that were on the verge of despair and insanity --caves that were tottering v+or the grave—but with the continued and persevering use of Wood's Phosphodine, these cases that had been given up to die, were restored to manly vigor and health—Reader you need not despair—no mat- ter who has given you up as Incurable—the remedy Is now within your reach, by lis use you can be restored to a life of usefulness and happiness. Price, one package, $l; eta packages, $5; by mall free of postage. One Tug( 'lease, six guaranteed to cure. Pamphlet free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Wood's Pbosphodlne Is sold by responsible wholesale and retail druggists In the Dominion. Albert !honker, of %Winchester, (int., aged twenty, who was ;t prisoner in the (Newty gaol ttt Cornwell, atvnitit>f�r, trial fur am indecent, assault., escape(l Wednesday, and is believed to have readied. 1 he 1 "natal Slates. OLD WAR HORSE. A ORANI) ARMY MAN CROSSES SWORDS w'ITFI HEART DPtFASE AND WINS A (tl t)itIoUR VIt TORY WITH THE AID OF lilt A(4NEW'R ('URE FOR THE HEART. Dr. Agnew's cure for the Heart ran not he over estimated, says H. M. Museelmnn, a well-known (4, A. R. man of Weissport, Pe., and he con- tinues, "My ailments were palpitation and flat tering of the heart. i used two bottles of your valilahle cure and feel like a new man. i have taken bottles and bottles of other medicines without help. 1 introduce it to my friends at every opportunity possible. it is a creat medicine. inside of 30 inimutes after the first dose i had relief." Sold by Watts k Co. Nominations were made Wednesday at Kingsville, Ont., for the vacancy in the Ontario Legislature for South Essex. The candidates are Mr. John A. Auld, Arnherstburg, Liberal; Mr. Edgerton Scratch, Conservative. , ('hat les Patterson, sent to Cobnurg gaol fur insanity from Pott, Hope, tried tried to )c•rpetr'ate a massacre on Sat- m(lay. The gaol routine provides that the prisoners must rise at six o'clock, make their bears and be ready for breakfast at. 6.30. Higgins, the turn- key, went down the corridor at six o'clock and unlocked all the cells and aroused the prisoners. As soon as he left the corridor Peterson rushed from his cell and succeeded in locking all the other prisoners before they had their beds made. He then wrenched the handle off the pump and proceeded to open it cell at a time with the de- termined object of killing the inmate thereof. The defenceless prisoners be- came alarmed and raised a great noise, which attracted the tninkey. Peter- son smashed Higgins over the head with a brass kettle from off the stove, and the turnkey brought his club down on Peterson's cranium, felling him quicltlyy to the floor. The craze man was then put where ho could do no harm. Ask your grocer for Por Table and Dairy, Purest and Beat Jj 1