HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-21, Page 3.. , : _ r , 3 r� : � , ,,n.r, I, . , .. , . T ' A'I - I 1. - � � I - - I I -_1 — I . ­ - . 11 1. I I IISINIERS DIRECTORY' ilautuo. Wi0i a lnoorperafad by Lot 01 Parfiamdnl 1866. IF M,PITAL, . $2,000,000 a. RES7f, 61,87b,000 til (wed Office. - MONTREAL. in A. . H. It. MOL80N President. , 11POLF%MTAN 11'HOMAS, General Mans ON. C [otos discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and Hold at tt lowest current rates. b, Invsalssr ALLOwsv ot( Dsroslvs, a. _ al �'A.�M:Hl1RS- t( Money advanced to twalere on their own notes C Pith or more audorsars- No mortgage re- (ult, cousity. H. 0. BREWER, Man=T01'. 18116. C1 insole. G, Do McTaggart 1 BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. ( 1 GENERAL BANKING B USINESS TRANSACT TIED. FOS" Disootatted. - - Draft# Issued. 1 Interest Allowed on Deposits, Olinton, JuneAth, 1891 My >t I ____ , DR. W. GUNN, in, 00. F. and L. U. 0. S.,,Edlnbargh. 011106— i Ontario street Clinton. Night calls at front door of residence on tiattenbary street, opposite Presbyter- t �church. DR. TURNBULL. I J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto t uly. ; M. D, ; 1 3.9" Victoria Unly. M. C. P. a g. Out, ; ►'(low of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late ,l London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:— Dr. Doweley's stand, Ratteuhury St. Night calls answered at Oflce. DR. SHAW. Office In Hodgen's Block, Battenbnry Bi., Clinton. "Jai. Night calls at same plana. Jas. S. Freeborn( �-D d Q C. P„ I., M. 0 P. d: a. O. so., se. ►s of BIDf('a t Qaaen'@ OORege of �hyslolan■ lreland. j.loentlate of the Gen.ral Median 0 all, (}real Erlbain. Menber 0f College of rlystoisso and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly real- deat o 'h• Refunds Ho.pital (Lying-in and Gynw- iologfeal), Dnbl'n. Special st►ention to disosse. 01 �,rramen and chi laren. Office and residence, Rattenbury 91., neat door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. B'ze-1y ptatiorm. Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentlst. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pr, servation of natural teeth. N. B --Will visit Blyih every Monday, and Hayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. Be Agnew, L. D. S., D. D. Se DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur - DA of Ontario. Hong- Graduate ofTrinit University, Toronto. Beet Local Anaesthetlo for painless eatraction. Office Opposite Town hall, over Swallow's Store. - . , .,,... � -_ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ Will visit Hensall et )ry Monday, and turich the 2nd Thursday c each month �tgal. O. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Conveyancer, 8.a. Oc oli—ool ter Haraltton ►ori i. Andrew@ -da., opposite Colborne Hotel, Ooderich. sw-to J. SCOTT, Barrister, ¢c., ._ &Ltorr's BLOCK, - CLINTON. Monet/ to Loan. E • CAMPION, Q • 0, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., NOTARY, ¢c., *P ' oderl,oh, - Ont, Office --Over Devii Drug Store. Money to loan. M. 0 • JOHNSTON$ . BARRISZ ER, - - SOLICITOR, . COMMISSIONER, ETC., C�oderloh, - - - Ont. Omoe—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts. W. BRYDONK, BARRISTER . - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, (fc., OirvicH BBAYER BLOCK - - CLINTON. 817-tf t•oatg to Tea. M*,{ONEY'to lend In large or small sums or good mortgagee or yyerwnal security of the lowest sorre.6 rates. H. BALE, Huron at. Clinton. � A,� , - ,PIW"I- M � . ,{ �,�,,,7 ,,�: % ,,,, , . ! I ,- , W ..,.'_A"­.�'­'� 11'' '.� - ,� Ie •.. - -�_ - �: ­­ --m!" 0,!*� : I -...__ - ...»„+ - - . yes.-.�.--.�.. _ ....... - r aver Ivtlnted to he called r drankilyd 1 We do not want so)':. one x � th1. o�No. To THE FARMERS. DIVINE INIZA1tS�IPr IBut Christ wag called one. What re- o soy: "Thur 6 not your t•o°m tB tl , _ i Bpegt4r of the Lord's day wants to be house of many mansions, and )uu , „ v°aw"�"0 T� ll/udyyourqwa laeeressasd do �>,(tn ...- calleda Sabbath breaker. But He was have on an attire thitt you ought not3de ''0O. gel y REV. DR. TALDZA(IE X'REACHES IIPON tu►1•lad Lula. Wlrat Luau, careful of the to Ittrve taken from the htlavealty ward- CILINTONe �loliable Harness. CELESTIAL CHIROGRAPHY. (he asy he keeps, wants to be sailed robe 'and book. If not really your name , the Ilsscwittte of profli aloe Y But He on the kook. It you had Miura wre- Meets eraoaD Monday of avaq �- was go called. What loyal man wants Pully examined tine writing in t' re - mouth. -all Sud bat. !t°Say I manufacture onus but Ile Basroveroea Ho 1R►ret UlaonBaes Htanaun Baadlwrlting to be ohur ed with treason Y But H0 gictter at they gate. you would have block. Villins brethrsn always Betoare oJaAo a tAat�all oAca age th Aaw Be t madawelcome- P P, sy awd Tbeu Ue YroceedH to the ImDur was char with it What man of de found that the name was not yours :Pt pot to line. ,87Y Oa11 atld got prices. Otdera vout speech wants to be culled a blacr 41, but snide. Now, move out, w lt.le ��n DR, J.8- FREEBORN, W. M. by mail promplyattended to tuned of the Wrltlntl In Lhe Book of t>e ELON. III. 8ee. J. P. 8H EPPARD, D. M Life phemof Y But He was so termed. What I move ice Oh what caret 1w,ty illy JC>JU1-N _"���� Iunamn of self rI But wants to he a they attar outxr wars'hflppirlg o L(•:tv(•uly 1, t• Washington, Oct. 11. -We send out Ln the mouth? But that is where they temples, to be compelled to turn yriur 11I 111, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLTTH, ON this wank cue of the mast unique ser- i struck Him. Or to be the victim of back on the music, and after :a-v(nt4 LINTON Lodge, Na. a, A. F. a A Y. meets mons Mr. Talmage ever preached. It Vilest expectoraLfon Y But under that oirled the society uP the bleand.sed to be oil or callus the moon. Visit NUTICE. He stooped. Oh, He was a worn out Oroed to quit it turever and after every Friday, LV is as novel as wide, sweeping and prao-, Christ I That is the reason He died so heaving (:lits}ked nus luctg Inst kilt tlyd ; brethrea cordially' lnvltdd in J.HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, Baa tical. His subject is "D1Y1ntl GhiTO- lrtoD Upon the CTUIra.h,erit �dly embrace h�antu It)lgu 1V&1W'Ullld Minton, Doc, 6, 1896. I There being some misunderstanding with re- gra h the taxi being Luke x, 2t- Many viatupa of he crucifixion lived day _ - gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood "Rejoice because our names are writ- after day court the dross, but Christ Glory re be in Ruch goal -by to at u 1 I that it soy person takes postesslon of any kind J y was in the court rewm at 12 o'clock of G1Ot•y Ire l God plainly high that our 1K. 0. T. M. of wreoksgo and take to report to me I shall at tan in heaven." noon, and he had exi)Lred at 3 o'elouk names will 1>e so plainty writnt in once take proceedings. Remember this is the Chirography, or the art of handwrit- in the afternoon of the se,me day. those volumes that neither saint uulr Kearns Tent No. 68, Itnlgbta of the Maooabeeao! feet warning t shalt tvn. oAP'r. WY- RBBB• Subtracting from three hours between cherub nor sera.pli nor arcllan •el yhull RR ing, like the science of aeooustics is g doubt it for one moment, for :')0� etern(- e World, $1,000,11%, )o and 1)0.000 Polloica. Mem- Receiver of N'reoke, 00 or'uh, Il and 3 dOIOCk the time Laken t0 whip over 100.000. Aeanarment principle -hs$ Ooderleh, Bepb.7th 1891. Ln a very unsatisfactory state. While travel from the court room to the plactl ties, LS there were cairn for so many ; res exceeded 19 s$aee A-00"' m a year• Ohaspeat - - - - y of execution, and the time that Lutist The Oldest inhabitant of heaven caro d safeaC (n es9t.tenoe. Moats In Orea8- Hall, Olin' ry constructing a OhLLTOh and told b some o, Bret and third Friday c! ovary mouth. FOR SALE" architects that the voice would not be have been taken Lri getting ready fur react it, and the child that left its _ ____ heuird in u building shaped like that `the tragedy, there couldd not have been mother's lap last night fur, heaven can Pe much more than two hours left. Why read it. You will not -just look at your 1o0�,A7 FLOUR The property at present occupied bytbeun- proposed, 1 came in much anxiety to i did Christ live only two hours upon name and close tL:, buck, but you will f L derslgued as a residence on the Huron road, this city and consulted with Pro- the cross, when others lived 48 houral otand and soliloquize and say; " Is it FEED STORE, in the Town of Qderioh, consisting of one halfol Ah, Ile was worn out before 130 got not wonderful than my name is there Cul sora of land, good frame house -story and a fessor Joseph Henry of the Smithson- there, and you wonder, oh child of at all? flow mui h it cost my Lord to half -#even rooms, inoludingltttohen, hard and Ian Institution a%)ut the law of ac God, that, looking into the volumes het there? Ilnwarthy rim k to have Clixkton, soft water, good stone cellar stable, wood and eoustiCs. He quid: "Go ahead and of heaven for your zlaine, you find it it m the sumo book with the sons and carriage houses, There aro A�s0 eomq good fruit build our church in the shape pro- was written with a trembling panmum- daughters of pnart rdurn and with the RAN and SHORTS in Large or trees. This pro err is beautifully situated and y chi treuiblitig with everylatter of choice spirits of all time I But there it g verya ltablet'oranypersonwithingtoliveretired• posed, and I think it will be all right. your name, if it be your erthly name, is, aJid so plaid the word and so plain Small Quantltlea. For further particulars a ply to it have studied the laws of sound per- Or tremblLug with ever yy letter of your all the letters 1" . CAMPION, haps more than any man of my time, heavenly name, if that be different and And you will turn forward and back - IL CAKE. LINSEED MEALS 142-tf Barriator.iioderlori. and I have come so tar as this. Two cnoTe euphouiotisl That will nut be the ward the leaves and nee other names first time you saw the mark of a quiv- there, perhaps your father's name, and lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Buehel J. �'s. $TEVENSON auditoriums may seem to be exactly ering pen for did you not, oh, man, your mouser's name, and your brother's Oats I alike, and in one the a(:cousties may yeara ago sea your name so written on name, and your sistor's name, and I= back of a letter, and you o Dad it, Furniture Dealer, &C. g°Ori aIId in lbs other bad•" Y Pe your ay: name, root apostolic names. CLINTON. suymg. "Why here is a letter from and say; •' I re not surprised that 1. ryooTT, In the eama unsatisfactory stage is mother t" or "Why,,, is a letter from tlu;s® mimes are hers rec;Orcl(ld. They COOK, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND chirography, although many declare father I" and after you opened it you were better than I ever was. But ]r77my 762-tf they have reduced it to a science. found all the words, because of old astonishment overwhelming that . 1111L'S FEED STORE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. These are those who say they can read age, were traced u wul111 h and un -read ,ams In the book l" And turning aartaiw re that you wuld hardly read pack to the page O which n inscribed Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Out character by handwriting. It is said it at all Y But, after much study, you your name you will stand and look a0 TO THE that the way one writeo the letter "1" made it out -a lettar from home, tell- at it until seeing that others are wait- SURON STREET, CLINTON. declares his egotism or modesty, and ing you how much they missed Yuu, ing' to examine the records with ren Union Shaving Parlor the way one writes the letter "O" de- and how much they prayed for you, and faience to their own names, you alai► y how much they wanted to see you, and back into the ranks of the redeemed, tides the height and depth of his emo- if it might not he on earth that so it with them to talk over the wonder -- The Boat Early Seed Potatoes, and all tions. It is declared a cramped hand might be in the world where there are meat. inds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field For first-class Hair -Cutting no partings. Yes, your name is writ- A aim, Lf you are so 'ba as t and Shaving. means a cramped nature, and an easy, ten m heaven, if written at all, with t3 fid Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all flowing hand a facile and liberal spirit, trembling chirography. Find your name in the volume o but if there be anything in this science Again, 1n exaulnaLson of your name eternity yyou wkly find t written Ln- inds. Closest living pricers for cash. GALT Smith's block, oppposite Post Proprietor. Clinton in the heavens archives, if you find del this Go na to c the state depethe of ll a etoalr and for sale TEA of the choicest J. EMERTON, Proprietor. there must be soma rules not yet an- Y in this national capital and seethe old it there at all, you will find it written treaties signed b the rulers of foreil arleties and blends. Excellent value. �[7 ^ mt� tCt noun oed for some of the boldest and with a bold hand. You have own many nations just before or just after tilp WATTS C11 1 IJ CO.?�/ most aggressive men have a delicate a signature that because of sickness r. W. HILL, Huron $t., dliIIton and small penmanship, while some of or old age had a tremor in it, yet it be inning of .this century, and you A CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS was as bold as the mean who wrote it. will find that .,me of the docuaalread the most timid sign their nam(ss With Many an order written on the battle- are so faded out that you can read Central Butcher Shore Great Northwestern Telegraph office, the height and width and scope of the field and amid the thunder of the can- only here and there a word. From the Albert Street, Clinton. name of John Hancock on the Lmmor- nonade has had evidence of excitement paper yellow with age, or the parch- OOUCH WILSON ment unrolled before you, time has Q �'( tul document. Some of the cleanest he speed w with which t wletteras an and effaoed line after line. You have to subscribers desire to notify the public tbai they PUI4IPS I PUMPS I m' Person and thought present their handed to Lbe officer as he put his foot guess at the name, and perhaps guoas lave bought on, the butobori.gbueiness lately con- blotted and spattered page, and some in the swift stirrups, and yet that com- wrongly. Old Time is represented as I aded by Mr. ism. A. Ford, and will continue the earryLua scythe, with which he cuts alma under their persan►1 supenlsion. Orders will It you want a first -Blase, well -made pump one that of the roughest put before us a l Lm- h� er,in�OgtWa1L)LSOti D�dt ess p oT b it down the generations, but he carrier rave prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of will. give you satisfaction, send your or&r W the maculate chirography. Not our char- also chemicals with which he eats out 111 elude will n kept In ttentiseason, sold at reasonable undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at shows ltseQf in every word written. ;►t°►snd detlrered anywhere in town, the closest prides. He also handles a first-class atter, but the copy plate set before us You do not need to k>d told that n whole paragraphs from important AftTHUft COUCH, CHAS N. WILeON. FORCE PUMP. documents. \Ve tel about Lndelibls in our schoolboy (Lay, decides the gen- trem Win hand dors not always mean Lnk, but there is no such thing as in- CLINTON. JAMES FERGU$ON eral style of our handwriting. So also a caward,ly hand, It was wit,h a very delibl ink It is only a question o� penmanship, and trembling hand Charles Carroll, of Car. time, ythe complete obliteration of all tJpposll Queen's Hetet •) fHigh street 171fatoa. there is a fashion in pe P• rolltola signed his name to the Declara- earthly signatures and engrosamentr, CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP tlo9-t, for one decade the lottetb are exag- tion of American Independence, but no y i8li -- gerated, and in the next minified, Dow signer had mora courage, and when But your name, kat in i the heavenly FORD &MURPHY. W some one said, "There are many record, all the Millenniums of heaven __ F. 11 a (i j� (� B erect and now aslant, now heavy and cannot dim it. After ou have been it U L1 Ghnnles Carrol.ls, and it will fiat Lo did you not (Successors to J. W. Langford.) now fine. An autograph album is al- known which one it is," lie resumed the ao long in glory that (MEMBER OF AS&W OF P.L. B.) on find the pen- and wrote Charles Carroll, of Car- paysess LmperL-hable memory you Haying bought out the above bndnns, we intend ways a surprise, and y Pen would have forgotten the day of your no sign of to conduct it on the ealh principle, end wilt supply Provinoial Land Surveyor manship contradicts the Character of !im Tremblingihand defiance seen entrance your name on that Page will our customers with the beat meats at the lowest pay. Civil •� the writers. But, while the chirogra- 3•• °'g low as vividly as on tine instant it ng prices. and Civil Engineer, h the way your name is written in g y FORD &MURPHY. � phy of the earth its uncertain, ottt' heaven is a challenge to all earth and was traced there by the finger of the T_(DNX)C), C:) 'r, blessed Lord in our text presents the hell to came on Lf they can to defeat Great Atoner. LIVE HOGS ��NTEDa Omen G. J. Stewart's (imoery Stora, alln ing ography celestial. When address Your ransomed e scull. The way Your But there is only one word on an ton. the 70 disciples standing before name is written there is as murA1 as to this subject of divine chirography nay: "I have redeemed him; I died heaven that confuses me, and that ie Him, He said, "Rejoice because your for hi,m; I am going to crown and en- the small adverb which St. John adds Don't Build Without A Plaof llation names ° written in heaven." throne down in thatNothing world where heevnlivhappen awndapeahe ksotof the whose v of the Highest Market Price Paid. Of coulee, the Bible for the most to defeat my determination to keep are written in the book of life of the part, when speaking of the heavenly him to ahelter him, to save him. By Lamb slain-" Oh, that awful adverb D. CANTELON, Clinton. J. ADES FOWLER & CO. world, speaks figuratively while talk- my AllnighLyy grace I am going to Petah "notl" By full sllbmL991001all to Christ 7911-� 1 ing about the book and about trum- him here. He may slip and slim omt thebetLord,een have the hewaublime cleared Architects and Civil Engineers pets and about wings and about gates h0 has Bot to come here, By y and about olden pavements and about nireni;L sword, by the combined tra y n aP your name this moment. B. THOMLINEONg Are opening • pewmenml cmc. in Clinton and are orchar(is W1Ch twelve crops oP fruit- atrongth of sal ha>aveu'e principalities Why not look up and sea that they are prepared to supply Plana, Bpe°itlestions and detail( and owers and dominions, by •the 20,- all ready to put your name am(mg VETERINERY SURGEON, for any clans of work at most reasonable rates. lc crop each month -and about the 000 chariots of the Lord Almighty I the blissful immortals? There is the Honorary Graduate of tile Ontario veterinary O"PatentDrawingspre prepared and obtained• white horses of ileavell's davaily, bu' am goingto see him 'through." Bald mighty va:'ume; it is wide open. There p we do well to follow out these 10801red it is from the wing of the tege, Toronto. handwriting! It is the lrotdest thing is the pen; Treats .II dls$s$ee o! Domestic Animals oa tke Valuations and inspections carefully made. metaphors and reap from them (.our• ever written t0 write my name there "angel of the new coveDaDt." There LB moat modern of A age and sublime expectation and con- and your name there. He knows our he fink; it is red from Cahverean, Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. 25 Years Experience in Ontario. solation and victory. We are told that weaknesses and bad propensities bet- sacrifice. And these is the diving Day #nee -Rat Calls Py Street, West, Clinton, Onf, Ma11 addreN-P. O. Boa fDO.OIinL on in Lhe heavenly library there is a book ter than we know them ourselves. He Scribe -t he glorious Lord who wrote 7 _ of life. Perb,, 8 there are many vol- kg;ows all thv Apollyonic hosts that your father's ,name there, and your J E�BLACKA.i'JL, um in it. When we say a book, we are sworn to down tis iP they can. He mother's name there, and your write me,A,n all written by the author on ;mo,ws all the temptations that will as- name there,and who is ready tawrite that subject. I cannot tell how large sail us between now and the moment of your name there. Will you consent Veterinary Surgeon those heavenly volumes are, nor Lhe our last pulsation of the heart, and that he do itl Before Isay "Amen" and Veterinary Inapeetor splendor of their binding, n(u the yet He dares to write our name there. to this service ask Him to do it, I number of their pagan, tor whether I3oldnessl Nothing at Saragossa or wait a moment for the tremendous Office on Isaac street, next New Era office. *IPEWAVEATURADE they are pictorialized' wit hh some excit- Chalons or Marathon or Thermopylae action of your will, for it L- only am Residence, Albert St., Clinton. ing scenes of this world. I only know to equal it. Nothing in the soak of action of your will. Here some one that the words have not been impress- gun powder which one English soldier says, "Lord Jesus, with pea plucked MARKS ed by type, but written cut by some carried under the blazing artillery of from angelic wing and dipped in the Geo Trowblll GHTs. blind, and that all those who, tike the thrl Mahammeciane and knew up the red ink of Golgotha, write there either t i �AIY I OBTAIN PATSNTtt Fora 70 disciples to whom the text was gate of I?alhil Can you not see the that, which Is now my earthly name p( toptt answer and annonoet opinion write to ep(ooken, repent and trust the Lord for lrol(lneas in the penmanship that has or that which shall be my heavenly Horseshoer and General Blank- AI11PN&co..whohavebadnearl flit ea", their eternal salvation, surely have already writton our names there Apos name." L pause a s(cxrnd longer that e xperlenne In The patent buslneea. mmunlca,. Bmlth, tlonsscrtatly oonsaentlaL A Hand ook of lam•• their names written in heaven. It may tale Peter, what do you think of it? all may oonlent., The pen of the formation concerrim■ Patents and how to ob not be the same name that we carried And be answers, "Kept by the p(rvyer divine Se rilro is in the fingers and is tatnthnmsent tob AIgo atfree. eoimochaa on earth. We may, through the incon- f God throu h faith unto com ,eta lifted and Is lowered, incl it tauc;haa Albert Siren North Clinton. lacy ands taken books gent tree. y. ° g Iy Street, Patents taken through Mnnn h Co. renal+! siderateness of parent-, have a name salvation." Oh, blrsagexi Christ, what ttus ahinang page, and the word is� JOBBINO A SPECIALTY. a eaalnotleetntheHcleotlncA»tericaD,aa that is uncouth, or that was afterward (lost Thou mean by lies And He an- traced in trembling and bold and un - thug are brought widely before the public wlth- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, dishonored by one after whom we are swers, "•they shall never perish, neither mistakabr:e letters. Ile has put it Woodwork ironed and first thea material and issuedweeklT.eiaeantlyalustrated,heeb farthe called. i do not know that the 70 en- shall any man pluck them out of my down in the right plame work guaranteed; farm implements and machines largest W4roulation of anT rolentlffe work in the h;inr4" "Your Dames are written in 'Tis donPl 'rh,� great. tran`a'ict ion's donel rebuilt and repaired. world. E3 •� )ear. Aump a eq ptea gent tree. tranos of the names of the 70 disci- Bandin(( )nttl6 monthly, tF.. year. Single pies correspond with the record in the � heaven." I am, my Lord's and Ile is mine. eoCtee, 2S cents, kvery number contains bean. ane, ic' I table. It may not be Again, it, u ,cording to the promise Of —__j --- Card of Thanks. ttfnl plates, na,ea ppppd puilderapha o new g caste with plane enabling bmlders the thin the name by which we were called on �I i h•s text, you are permit ted to look eetdedgnsandsecureoontrac Address earth, but. it will be the name by which into the voilumes of eternity and shall UNN /c Cu Naw Yea¢. SO • BROADWAY. heaven will know us, and we will have' sere NOVEL BUSINESS. see your nears there, you will find ib it announcerd to w4as we pas- in,and writtzn in lines, in words, in letWrr Mies Edna Waymack, of Cleveland, TO ides MANY PATRONS: we will know it so certainly that we unmistakatile. Some people have come will not. have to fm, called twicon e by it, t° consider indist.inct and almost un- Ohio, does all aorta of outdoor adver- I desire to tender my einCer thanks (Ls in the Bible times the Lord calleid readakle penmanship a mark Of goo- rising work, such as painting on barn 1 for the very liberal patronage accord- � A ITFL WITH PILIS. some people twice m&I by nae: "11I I ius, and so they affect it.. Ea'causp ev- sides, signboard% roofs of houses and ed roe In the poet and to inform the An e:xtraordinAry duel, which at the Saul i" Samuel, Samuel 1" "Martha, i ery paragraph that 'Phomas Chalmers the like. 5pe is not. afraid of scaffold publio that I am still in the Carpet time cresat.*A an immense sensation, was Martha I" anu an orateStany aur! bard Myron and or ladder, and will scale a rope ladder When you Crnne up and look for your itufus Choate curl othesr potent me❑ Weaving Bnaineea on East Street, one un which the decision waa arTived name in the mighty tomes of eternity wrote was a puzzle, imiLators snake up a mountain side and work ttvre at Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. at, Dot by swards or pnsiols, but by a,rid you are so happy as to find it. )h,•ir penmanship a puzzle. Alexandre her trade. for hours at a time if her Pereonel and mail orders will as neual me'ins of a deadly Ixlison Tho men there, youwill notioethat. the penman- Ihtma,a Rays that plain penmanship is Rhip is Christ'R and that, the letters the brovet of incapacity. I'hr+n there contract. tills for it.. She is fearless receive prompt attention. All claaaes -who, it Li hardly neceavn.ry to say, were written with A tremtrlinq hand- are some who, through too much de- and enjoys her work. Shp engaged with of worst a specialty, at the lowest poe lend fallen out. over a Indy-had left not trembling wit h old age, for He had wand upon t.h(sir energies and througgh a local Lobaceo coinpany, and with a only passed threedecades whenhe ex- lack of t.imf+, lose the capacil,y of me k- rule pencil, brushes and bucket she as- sihle prices, and satisfaction guaran- the Arrangement of details to their pired it was soon afler tho thirtieth ing the pen inte9ligible., and much of teed. seconds, and until tht'y faced eachoth- annive.r.-ary of Itis birthday. book tbr, writing of this world is indecipber- sumed command of t,be side of a brick �/I%, A. Ross East Street er tJaksy did not know try what method truer all the hu• -ince- a counts you able, We have even ))ills of inexptir building and carnmrnc0d her work. thrsy wea•e to settle their differences. kept. or the letterR you wrote at 30 able chirography, an(1 we. ourselves During the day hundreds °t people btop- GODGRiCIi. tiara of age, and if you were ordinar- have helped augment the magbitude. ped and discussed her-ituation. She One of the seocln4A wa.- a doctor, and y We have not been sure of the name ave the onlookers not. the slightest at- lu+ bad made far the occasion four tip Sir°in and well then there oris he g g uu,,pp tremor in th•s chirography. Why the si np(I, or the sexltim•'nt. expressed, or tendon but continued work in a purt'i The McKillop Mutual Fire black pellet , all ident-ical in size and tremor L'n the han(1 that. wrote your 1tiethor ilia reply call- affirmative or ly buxineas-like manner until 5:30 shape. In Cale df t -hese," he said, '"I na-mn in heaven? Oh, it was a com- negative.,Through indistinct penman- I o'cfoek, when she surveyed the result have placed a suffirie.nt quantity of pression of more. troubles than ever ship a,Vt wills and testaments have Of her day's latior, and Lunda ready to Insurance Company. prussicacid to cause thn almost Lnatan- smote anyone vise, and all of them )ee•n defeated, widawa and orkhanst return to her hotel. tanPOU_9 dea.t,h of any one Who sway- trou151es assumed for others. Christ robliod of Their inheritance, railroad I Her working c(xitume conafaty of a , lows it. We, will decide by the teas I was prematuroly old. He had been irams brought into collision through servimahle skirt., a juniper of blue Farm and Isolated Town Proper• of a coin whibch of you is to have first expcL-(d to all the weathers of PAles` the dim words of a telegram put Into , cloth and a cap which she manages to t only IIlBllTed. ' cirlim, and you will alternately draw i tine. He had slept out of doors -now tho hand of a conductor, and re.Fiments � ppull well down over her face in order y y and swallow n pill until the poison In the night. dow and now in the t.em- in this wise, mistalidng their lnstrurr'to keep off sunburn. Her mittens ,,nil its effects." Two of the pellets , pest. He, tical leen soaked in the surf tions, have been sac.rificod in battle. conceal a it of dainty bands, and her orrl(RRa, weare then taken as the boas had de- I of Lake GaWee. Pillows for others, but I h>Tve SomptimA- been tempted to fret, which Are incased in patent, lPa- George W&M, Presldent, H►rlook P. o.; Jams@ cided, but without effect in either case. f He had not where to lay His head. think that, there will be so many of us' t.her boots correspond in neatnea•s. Broadfoot, Vice -Pres., Senforth P. O.; W. J. 8h.u• � " This time Baid the doctor, gpe'nking Hungry, He could not even get n fig In heaven, that, we will be lost in the She was interrupted in her work and nos, Reay. Tres$., Beatartb P, O 1 Michael Mardis, of the two pellets remnining you ayi wliioh to break or leave you asked a few questions. Inspector of towns, eaaforth P. 0. ! must both swallow the ll at then name misses( the thos of that verse, In as distinctly No. Eked one of tis will z- „YAy it is rather an odd calling for instant." This chndCe was made and in was He returned unto the as dfetlnct.ly picked out and recogn)x- a woman " said she. "but it i- lucrative. Dfane" a, the morning Lr James ibroadfoot, Beaforth;Michael Mur4'e,Ree• � a few seconds (me of this men lay dead city, He,, hungered, and when He saw ed earth. was Abel when ha encored om And people with whom I come In con - forth; Ocorgge Dole, Reafortb; George Welt Harlo.k I on tbo grass. a f'tg tree in the way He came to it at t.h, the of first sinner procession and tack always give me the beat of con - Thomas E, ilaye,eea,forth; Alex Gardiner, )♦ Sodbury and found nothingg �thereon Y" Oh, He at the head of that long pu•cmesR)on of sideration anI have never been made Thoma G•rbwtl, Clinton; john McLean, Elppen. was a hungry Christ, And nothing sinners saved in all tbl) Centuries. My the subject of amy insults while upon aoaxrs. deax healers, If we onoo get there, I Thoma. Neltaos Harl1INT Robert MoMt1Lo, fie. makes the haau( tremble worse th do not want It left uncertain an to ladder or scaffold." forth and Samoa atimmingp, Egmondvtlle. DRIVEN OUT. hunger, for It oils upon the stomach, whether we are to stay there. After she began sign -painting more than and the stomach pulls upon the or ou and I t fairly settl(sd there In three yeah- ago, and has traveled over Parties datrou# to effect In#1lrsnee or Crena So Claude has given up courting that and the brain pulls upon the nerves, i y got n, eat deal of the Western country in act other business will be promptly attend. Jones girls Was it anything less than and the agitated nerves make the band , our heavenly home we do not want our company witH her uncle, who is also • ed to ad application to any of ►be abov(1 ofifoera ad• a all gun that discouraged himt ,lake. On the torp of all this exaspera- I title piroved defective. We do not p' y drnsesdtot elzrespeatfyepoatoffioea. was A parrot. ( want to be ejected from than heavenly n sign painter. If +lon came abuse. What sober man Money. Mone to lend on good peearity at 6i end a yea tent. Apply to C. BIDOUT, Albert St., Clinton• 864 tf, , Cantelon Bros, GENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT IST.. CLINTON, ONT. Higileet Cash Price for Butter and Eggs 110.11 Documents and nta:ps found In tb( arehivee of the Capuchin Order t.enc' to Support the British ela.(m in th( Venezuelan dlSprite ":. ' Flirlfi�tY►4s. ( . w ...a.a ".n aide t L4 — ire k a. _ = w - �a sail r►ti.�l - - c r ariii l mg le . ek. .6