HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-21, Page 2'�.
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�r �� T fr 0 T T Y Y -t wasobseno
i1 that qua was ahattedY" The�M' D LIFE ON THE SEA, CLINTON SASH DOOR AND BL l ND FA C TO k Y
LAM` lr1 ir•--ji rLi was iso answer. What do they mean
t I by shooting at usl Wounds, but it ma r
b cap rapt Hofat away ass' colours sau t 1,KILLING SEALS IN THE ST$AITS c ��ii o
VII. Brod the @au'dhills to witness and be Five minutes later the stranger fir- OF BELLE ISLE. Se A.7eCOOPER, " Contractor.
In tlw #ayt} In which Jeremy Yank the issue of the apeotaale what It would, ed agala; but abeerving that no notice General Builder and COntraC�or.
,. there wan nothing to oint them OR
was takoq of the summunk►, she waited
Clour this gib t was a much less in the eaeatation ofdit � range, thenryawn- steep Is. the coal trusters—ttoagkest or
pr until she was within ran wegh work to the B1g ice Floes—
r oangentto 'al Wall of the oivUisation At the expiration of halt an hour 1i��pq�, let drive with such goad aim as to now Beau are tutted. This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owndr for ai h
& cent hale the time waa oval ed by cine of the men who brTug the West Indiamau's mizzen top- $
iuY gallows now la crowded round the motionless body ;the gallant -mast down with a run. The Capt. Haply, a young Newfoundland- years. We carry as extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give
Pirates and blood stained smugglers sheriff signed to the executioner, who, ;st ht of the wreckage struok� a Panlo estimates for and build all classes of buildingson short notice and on tht+cloaoat
�` g ag er, has followed the pea during much
r:% were, to be sure, hanged in chains upon syrtogmg forward, severed the rope, into the soul oP the Little fiery aaptaiu. prices. All work is suprrviesd in s mechanical ova and aatiafactiou
Sgallows ®tooted an Thames mud. Ex- and the body Pell into the outstretched I "Down stun'-sabls; man the braces[" the greater part of his life, and the in- Y
Al:`,,' arms of those about it. A minute after ho roared; "brim her or hold found silents hs desaribea ere full of genuine guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
ecution Doak and the lower reaches B t0.,
a small cart, containing a shell, was er us."
were fixed points in Jack $stab's pro brought to the gibbet, the body weal In s few momenta the City of Gla -5- �� Lumber, L&th, SIl1Ilg'ltis, Lima,&sll, DOOI'$ I�liutls, 1'.LC
,,� t'' 4IIamme when it Dame to maritime pLaced in it, five men of the group who ggoow lay with her foretopsail to the mast He declares sealing to be the hardest ,
F." -C 1L. tragediee or felonies committed In the had clustered about the pendant form deailely waiting for what was to hap- work ever heard of, &ad anyone knowing Agent for the CELEBRATED GIRAYBILL S(I OL L DESK manufactured
air'', home waters round about the coast op". into the cart, and within afew pen. will testily that the soatnan'e standard at Waterloo, Call and et prices �
t,,.' moments the vehicle was being driven It was not ten$ before the ship had
(; p ccs and estimates befcrc placing your order~
within aopvenient distance; but the or- rapidly in the direction of Sandwich. ranged aloniside, and she then proved of hardness of work is not that of a
;'. dLtary lard -going felon was again aril to be a great fifty -gun man -0f -war, an mail of fashion. No man dares at- y — _ --
Wit; ,„•: again "turned off” in places adjacent q Englishman on a West Indian cruise, tempt • sealing cruise until his en- Leshes
Carriage Factory.
•`++'; Eight months have passed, and the with crowds of ig-tailed beads looking dm � q, demonstrated ba-
g": to the scene of his wrong -doing. loin Thera
w;, 'A. ng- g soene is now on the broad a uinoctial• over her bulwar forward, and a quar-' rind all
s, seemed to be the old-fashioned [ntelli- ocean, with the fiery atmosphere of the terdeck brilliant with the quaint naval Y question. Work is not the
P j g- every $ Y g BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all or the beet iork.
p,. {encs a sort of Poetical justice in ban Antilles in eve cat's-paw that tarn- uniforms of that day -if indeed, it can only consideration. A afros man
, ,', lug a man within view of thea t ishes the poldshed heaving mirror let be said that any approao to a uniform need not dread labor so los as he is
-` P° the faint air blow whence it will; asky was then established. A stout man in g manship and material. SWAll the latest styles and mostmodernimprove-
L" where. according to the ferocious laws of co r br brightening into blindin daz- a cocked -hat, white silk stoekin hand- allowed time for the necessary restora- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting + rom ti attended
`� PPe g g tive-sleep'. But the conditions of a p B P G P P Y
, ; of those days, he had earned his bitter zle round about the aun,that at his mer- sorely laced coat, and a bdg w towtg P• to. Prices to Butt the times.
, title to the halter. Idian shines almost directly over )the mounting on to the rail of he man -or- seeding cruise are such that this, in a
,z In conformity, ds, and transforms the vast war, clapped a h cop pe �'pACTORY-corner Huron and Orange Streets, Minton.
r, y, with this practice, it must -hes p age dyer el eking- great measure, must be dented Add
spread of sea into a sheet of white fire, trumpet o his Ii s an tttiw ed out, the rigour of constant e —
was decided that Jere York should „ g exposure to the -`- --
, ;' inY trembling into the blas distance faint Skip shay ! What ship are you t" - _. --
ai�' be hanged on a gibbet ezeoted within with the haze of heat. The little peppery captain sprang on most extreme slid, and you have a par At such a day's end one Ie justified FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS
"''! "The Cit tiad summary of a sealer's discomforts. in 'looking forward to a aomfortablo
is musket -shpt of &wdown Castle • that There was a smalll West Indianan to a hencoop and answered, y
;'k la to say, within a mile or eo of the named the City of Glasgow that had of Glasgow, of London from Havana. ' In the latter part of February the tied. e But to the scalier this is denied. been laying stagnated on these fervid "Keepyour )t caul to the mast; I'll he bunks, limited in number, are air DUNN'S old wooden structure on to }vtiich he [taraldels for Lard u boa led great bard of about hofif a million seals totted to the men who have been with
pan four days. There send a t,' or the other.
'�.- had dragged the bleeding body of the was no virtue in awnings, in wetted "A boats" cried the little chap, turn- has comae south as fax as the latitude that ship on previous cruises. The re-
hapleas boatswain, and from which, with docks, m yawning akylights, in open fug to his mate. "What does he want of the Straits of Beale isle. rhe region ma[nder of the men are allowed the BAKINCA
x r portholes, and the heels of windaaU to to send a boat Porti Does he question between these narrows and Notre Dame liberty of the ship' which offers two
ecy, be had committed it to alternatives -a berth in one of the
reorder the atmosphere of the 'tween- my papersP-I.anandsl if there be any
the �� dboar and cabin tolerable to the people sort of law still agoing in ills old conn- �Y is the seeds' habitual breedese boats on lecke e a lases frigid bed bur- POW'
,; It was awLndy melancholy morning> aboard the ship, The air lovas sickly try, I'll snake him pay for that meso ground It is among the foe of these rowed elle coed in the hold. Con-
,lt' sombre with the with the smell of blistered int, the up there;" and he sent a fiery glance at waters that the steamship Mari osis of sideration of temperature make the lat-
toop of dusky weep P P ter choice the more popular. Even the
brass -work was Piero Lot, an took the Sus top-ga1t1 plunged
In8 clouds sweeping out of the north- iskin off the hand that for a moment The haat 1 from the man -of- Montreal is supposed to have met her rest first a Goin$ buhtket affords is al '
I , east, with an edge of frost in their oo- I umconseious touched it; the pitch was I war's side; a crowd of sturdy fellows recent fate. The seals produce their ways liable to interruption to the call THE COOKS BEST FRIEND
casional showering of wet. The sea! like putty between the seams; the fresh armed to the teeth jumped into her; • an deck to h the ship through the LARGtfi SALE IN CANADA.
j pe young upon the ice floes, or "pan,• foe, iP ug
water in the scuttle -butts was warm young' marine exquisite with a hanger within a few mines of the shore. The
fsk.; ran a dark hard green under their aha- se newly drawn milk, but q�i�� without on his hip and a cambric pooket,hand- In the latter part of the season the
-" L. low, with a ghastly glare of froth along dairy fragrance. It was time, indeed kerchief in his breast, his laced hat air- parent animals swim about is pursuit seals, by that tires well grown, spend THE WAY TO LEARNINO.
%. this horizon where the surf was boiling for the wind to blow. The mere de- lly cocked upon his head, and a flash of fish, and contentedily follow the* ice most of the time in the water. It then '-•-
upon the Goodwin Sands. The sand. tention was nothingg in those pleasant ! of jewels upam hie Fingers, took his place Wherever it drifts. The young grow becomes necessary to shoot them from some Instances or Bad Crammer and
r,;, hills were d with crowds of times of $raping. In cooter olimes the in the sternsheets, and With a few with surprising rapidity. At the boame' and the danger that a suialll worse Pronunciation b7 Teachers.
111, ",i. dusky Pao mate would have been satisfied to whir- sweeps of the 1 iirP g y'e undergoes in t midst of a fiend
p sag Dara, the boat was boater "� The well-known ignorance of some of
' ,.. p'le, who 'had assembled to witness the tie for wind for a month, and go be- alongside. The dandy lieutenant step- of three weeks they have attained about of grinding, broken ice needs no ez- g
+i' fine show of a hanged man • many full low every time bis watch was up with ped aboard. the size of a bwlLdog, and replaced the pilanation. Sometimes a storm outs off the rural school teachers of long ago
`1G a ~cella that he had done ever thin "W did ou sot heave, to" he ex- a watch frohn its she for a da at a
„is' of curiosity, congregated close about the g g Y white fur of infancy with the dark coat, P Y mwkes it a matter of surprise that so
that was necessary, and that alt was claimed in an affected drawl, "when you time. man bo who received no instruction
} Qibbet, that stood black and horrible µ„e11. But the heat made am enforced were summoned by our cannon t" CARRY BIG CREWS. Y
' Uke a hideous signpost pointing the restin lace off the Cuban heights in- "How did I know what you fired fort" — but that these schools offered went
} g° p g g -p Y 6ea1 chi from Newfoundland, Nova
:�`„ [cad to Death, with the rosy swayed sufferable cried the irritable captain. "Look how Ps out into the world to become the great
It was haLf- ast eight o'clock in the you've served me; ' and he ted aloft. Scotia and the neighboring coasts said CROPS IN THE TERRITORIES.
by the wind dangling tram the eztrem- P Y , � men many of them did become, A prom-
4�`"' morning watch; the hands had Dame up "Pon �htomourl" exclaimed the lieuten- eerily in March,, By that time the foe Lnent mea ss. that he well remem-
,,I sty of it, But the macs of the mob from breakfast and were distributed on ant, "you deserve that we should have Marked Progress Beim trade to mixed �
•' taraemed to Y is well on in file process of ltrealaing s g hers one of his teachers, who used to
„ give it a pretty wide berth, various jabs about ithe deck. There sunk you." He applied the scented up or "spawning abroa.d," and navi,• Farming in the Far west.
.' sin though it was an ob'eot to be best was not a breath of air- but there was pocket handkerchief to his now, aa say to the pupils:
7t11 " J a run of folds from the south- though he could not support the smell gation has become possible, About the About the amps of Manitoba the East
^'. admired from afar.? g PP "Coma, coma children; can't you eat
a west, whin within the past hour had of the hat pitch and blistered paint ris- middle of March the killing begins. As has been in receipt of regular advices
One ht have noticed however, that the up a little more erector f"
nig somewhat increased in weight; and up ling into atmosphere from off the ships approach the sealing grounds Li'�me up to the pre-
ttr amongst the people who lingered in the on these long -drawn heavin s, the chipp, Indiaman, and exclaimed in a voice ae sent season of threshin But this is not equal. to the awful
-It" that was a more tub in form, as all it he should swoon, "Muster our men, the fined preparations are completed_ g and market
?;• Immediate vicinity of what used to be Y Ii b slaughter of the English of which •
• vessels were in those days saving, per- sir, and for the Lud's sake be quick The long watch is begun, which is not f ng, but of those in the less settled, but certain western Coacher was / �u�flty.
owned the Petal tree was a knot of some hep the piratical baron 1'omgos, rolled about it." rellaxed until the active cruise is over. f wirier, area of the Territories our In-
�. eight or ten persons, whom the least las regularly as a i Some one asked him if he had ]�-to„.. reg y pendulum tswings, The little captain Pully, understand- This watch, tasting Pro® dawn till formation Las been meagre. Of course a lecture given a few ni his bef���RRRFFFFFFe:
observant eye might have ,suspected swelling out her canvas to one lurch ling the significance of this order, was g
1> Y P only to bring it into the masts again about to remonstrate, but seemed to dark of every day, is kept up by one in point of quantity the produce raised "No,” he replied; "I didn't know of
I r' were present from s motive that had at the next with sounds like the ex- p° g-
ahamge his mind on catching the glance u?ati �QqB• His importance is reco Ln Saskatchewan, Asainiboia, and All- it in time. If I had of knowed I would
1� but little reference to curiosity. They I plosions of ¢nine -pounders in the tops. that was shot at him from under the nized in his rank, which is next to that berta does not yet count far enough in of went l"
t,•.. were most of them young men, with a The captain of the Cit of Glasgow seemingly sleepy lid of the languid, per- of the captain. From the shape of his The writer once beard a somewhat
�. y g p Y ming Y py, and repeated the lieu- station of observation at the masthead, file country's fatal yield for a shortage The
teacher say to his pupils: "It
certain air of resolution in chair man- was a small fiery -faced man, with deep fumed sea -dandy, pe
x111. set eyes that glowed like cairngorms temant's order to his mate turning this individuaa is known as "the bar- or great abundance there to affect the does seem as if I can't learn you noth+
1f nor; they conversed very earnestly; under the shaggy thatches of the brows, sulkily on ,his heels afterwards, and red pian." He is rovided with as fine market or the general prospects ma- in'."
1 " they might have been observed to meas a nose that not a little resembled a started off linin a sharp fiery walk be- i► tedeseope as Dari iso procuredt and aki1Il terially, as a shortage os. abundance In The county superintendent of eohooif
ttre the height of the arm of the bbet stall carrot both in she and hue, and twist the binnacle and the mizzen r in its use is one of his most important says that he was once visiting a school
gi pe �- essentials, Manitoba does. For that reason Lela is when a reading class was called u
from the ground the length of the rope, a mouth with a est of the lips that in- ging. P to
, = and the space from where the noose dicated a highly peppery temper- He The boatswain's pi shrilled to the Another part of the preparation is heard of Its crop conditions during the recite. A girl stood up to read and
t would be when the end of it had been I walked to the ma who stood near the the the division of the ship's crow, 200 or period of growth. But the Territories after reading a line or two she cams
K �. �, silent hollows of canvas aloft; the
1. soiled about this neck to fire salad Ire- wheal fanning himself with a great men stood along the deck, and the lieu- 300 in number, into four watches. Each must be recognized as a great actual as to the word "saucer," whereupon she
t heath. Same time before the arrival of straw hat. is put tinder command of a master of hesitated because she could not pro-
fs:: the felam, a woman of slight figure, in "When is this tenant with six armed seamen at his watch, and is organized into boats' well as potential, factor in Canada la nounce the word.
s ig a gofn to end, sir t" book fell to pick' and choosin The g production. Amon the "What " f said the teacher, a W
deep mourning, her face concealed by "I dant knave, air.' ling crews and other amaIll divisions for the agricultural g
a veli, came to the seadfaat group of "Bl man -of -was wanted twenty men nom- performance of the various duties burl fellow with an Important and
I. gT P cod sir ! Is tilers no limit to Iete her complement, and of these the � settlers of that splendid country there � er
.,�;, man, conversed with them for a few, calms t, Thunder and ala a I If this pp aboard shf It is the perfection of ali-w air, "yon can't rnounoe a
6 Talisman must contribute ten. There is no lack of enterprise, as their telling pe
minutes, thein brake away sobbing pass- Das an, we must tow -d' a see tow these detest and orgarnization that little word like thatt Well, spell the
:E: g Y was no help for it; and the tittle cap and was seen to walk hurried- I ss. et the long -boat over and arow� brings a ship's weak to the frictionless Progress shows. They are not the triad word and let someone else in the alses
iy't, say -got gg twin find presently the martificatioc to system that is a landsman's constant of mem who keep the natural indus- ipernounce it for you."
L4 Ln �e direction of Sandwich. It her with men. What though they friz- w itmess feu of his best seamen descend P
i?_e,,. �a whispered amongst the crowd that I zle t] We must get out of this, or"- the side with their bundles and bags surprise. ' tries of a country Lingering long in a The girl spelled the word aloud, but
Ike.,_ ahs was JeaDm� Boz, the murderer's He was probabi about to launch in- rine no one in the Disse offered to "per -
• sweetheart' and several females who to a piece of Y and enter the boat, which forthwith L'1 S A ROUGH CHASL tory stags, To day their farm- nounce" It and the disgusted teacher
;H p profanity, but he was in carried them aboard the fifty -gum chip. When at length seals ase sighted the ins and stock -resets$ compare wonder- said:
rpeognized iter as she walked away, ex- terruptcd by a cry Doming down from O� these ten men was a tall Land- word is assed down from tis masthead
1-�;• c44lltmed that, Pau all her mourning and aloft, delivered by a nam who had been a fdlllow, whom no one who' p fully Weil with those of the most ad- it possible that I've got to per.
o* I ve Li she could not but 6e as unfeelin sent an iv the malar s.1 Young as quietly as possible. Old seals maybe nounce that word myself t I'm ashamed
s.9 yard to re- had before known him could have taid- disturbed by a shout at a distance of vaned countries, They have left far of
You. Well, now listen while I
i, nom to come and view the gibbe pais some defeat that the vigilant eye ed fatstantly to recognize as Jeremy resides; furt.har reason for caution ex- behidtd them the conditions under pernounoe it and don't you ever fergit
fi re her sweetheart was to be a rang- sof the boatswain had detected "Seib bol" York its of his um tion of the
�- Led, Dien u she had not made tr Ler The little boatswain
faced captain started � p ists if th.; obeerver [a within hearing which it was possible to produce it. The word is sasser I"
I P name o Join Marine, of his hair being of other ships. In the latter case the This same teacher, who was really
1�' ~mind to witness the whole scene from I and looked as if he scarcely credited his out short in front and rolled into a first ,ship edges around towards the I ONLY ONE STAPLE, regarded ee an excellent teacher, al-
t,.., behind one of those saudhiLls she waa hearing; then running to the rail, he tail down Pais back, and of the hue of , seals by a circuitous route, intended to: and are now not onlygrowing wheat was rebuked his
Nzr akirtin in such a hurry. I thrust his head clear of the awning and i that bad been a suns auburn, bo- g y pupils for leaving
t, Y throw others off the track. Meantime and grazing the door ajar b
i A lit le before eleven o'clock, a mar- bawled up to the fellow, "Where aweyt" � now whitened as though dusted orders are issued torbiddin an one to g g cattle, but are also produo- J y saying:
R tsar ran through the crowd Luce the "Ri'ght astarn," was the answer of the with der. He was the second of the, "Yoe go right straight back an'
or a wave breeJtitig safest along nam, awls with one hand from the show his head above the raid The Ing several: other foodstuffs and raising ehev that there door sbet."
M gid tem men to step on board. It was not s4,ghtest carelessness will cause the all the Varieties of feed needed for fat- It was but a g
V, a e shorn. The procession was in tie as he poaoted with the other direct- P gane to disappea toning animals in the stall. They have the writer heard as ruraltwo
school that
Iz« view I a horse and cart, in which were 1• over tdto taffrail tto the 1 of t that he, was the most cons icuoua r into the water. Per- ' branched out into mixed farming, with y Y
kfs'7 Y g caning aY them x1+1 by reaaom of hie stature ha the an" of scalls is sighted b a
seated York the malefactor, the chap- haze of sea -Lime there. F p g y cher ea to a bo who did not know
f and beauty -fat his frame had Igmg rival ship. In that case all round about g' his lesson :
K' fain of the jail exhorting him, and "Well,'• said the, skip r, "that should since exected Itself Into its old man the result that the are multiplying
it Pa 1J' tactics are dr and a race ensues.
;yt, he bamgman sitting behind, with his be a sign there's wind somewhere rt out of the stoop and depression of �> their production an increasing (their "Well, I'm plum ashamed of you. A'
`�'- over the edge, fortifying his p° P P The four watches, alined with gaff- body would think I hadn't teached
e� y ag spirits about." ill health; he was specially noticeable l rofita. Scientific methods are also lie-
, With a of dram from time to time from Pe 7 tipped clubs, stand t t far linea you a thin this whole t m. It's aw-
1 "It ie some craft," said the mate besides for an sir of profound indiffer- tions At the instant the sni >b �S adapted. Wheat, barley, oats, roots, Y g dt'
a ,', a flat bottle which he drew from hie 'that may be bringing a draw ht o� P vegetables,butter, cheese, cattle,sheep ful to be so ignerant I"
„+ t for this wa�•aaumt a cash i• g encs. Moet of idle others glanced in- among ice too slowly ked for her
wy a ry P B air along with her." solently and mutinouslyabout thorn, hpaacc an horses are all produced within the
Ki with nothing but rooks, and here and ai to proceed [urtlier, sill heeds are over-
7 "Don't talk of •draught of air, sir," env y resentful of this impressment mrd• Territories_ Live stock, wheat, and
^;.,; there a farmyard laborer, as sightseer; said the captain pasaionately;: what we and of their liberty as merchant seamen ,Awa the run, each master of dairy products ase the staples, and of
1: Ino crowded Qro esa, ouch ae that want is wind,air, a fresh breeze- ale mein abruptly ended without regard to thew the and one of which the surplus POLISHING WOMEN'S SHOES.
t [ram New ate to i��burn or NewoasUa _ o g y g watch Y picking a path for his camamnd, 9 p
•r;, g a howli,n'g hurrloa.ne, by than ert Wages, to cherished h to their i P g Is less than last year's is wheat, and An enterprising R,� jail to the town moor. On one side of H',m•t we had enough at is-pawgt bomb their wives, theirs sweethearts, Iwhich Lurrirs after Lint in aingils Pile, it dcee not appoar to be so far short �mg wdnian o[ New York
: the oast walked the sheriff, on the other ;Draw ht of airl" he muttered under Lia It is a route chaso; naw a c[im,b over oP last is air -ranging for the establishment of
(rn. three canatsbles, ane of whom was Budd ' gg their children aahore. A number of the wasbed-up ledge, of broken ice; again year's magnificent crop as the a place where women caro have their
",,,. breath with a leak of loathing in his ship's crew stood ricer the mainmast wheat crop of tiTawitoba is. From ems
❑:, and a small detachment of helpers after eyes as he made them meet i a P y a leap across a bllaek strip of water. polished. Her idea is to start a
�'. .4 the pattern of the one eyed man. ,Ter -'upon the compass acrd. squint watching
tnarahalledthe new andethe boatswain. falls Occasionally same unfortunate wretch b t hipedbeteremain
the close of thesea- small ipl re up -town where mwo> n
tiny York int call and silent, gray as falls in, and is fished dripping out on y g y,
t v. y I But the mate wan right on one side On a sudden Jaren York was seen to sort, an 1,700 head have already 'been an far l0a have their footgear c an-
totbacco ashes, 'habited in the clothes he tT Y fibs gaff of a comipaniat. His clothes d gee Js.
K",-.` - of his remark, at all events. What the come to a dead stand with his eyes fix- (are frozen stiff in a Pew seconds, but ttatit forward, altong with 442 horses. ed. If the establishment s be fi p
ty.,: wore Whoa taken; he held hie eyes bent Alameda district has already sent out
,,Vi downwards; his tips were compressed J fellow aloft had sighted proved to be ed uppam sae of these sailors; his bundle be doean•t stop, The walla by this time y branches will then be opened [n t mr
$, ... e a chi climbms the shining sLope to the fell from his hand, his face turned to are then'o &, alarmed, and it is im- TEN CARLOADS OF CATTLE districts and a new departure made
y ; .• Leto two lbloodlees linos : he ave no heed lig y Pel
r�$'"" In the chaplain who mumbled in his tmpuse of a breeze; but it was not un- a deathlike white, @hirer alter shiver portant to reach them as r)ufeklly as this season while from the Moosomin permanent -
a, -t ear; he had call spoken once since he if] her royals were trembling like stars chased his form, thay saw his fingers ibla. A seal's vital point is his nose.' district it is estimated 1 30,000 Worth
'•i had entered the Dart, and that was to I above the horizon, with nothing else un- convulsively working, and hie eyes, fill- �a on that orglan that the attack is will be shipped The Whitewood dis-
!��'F,. aaJ to fire ordinary' "Sir, before God der them showing, that the people of ed with horror, dismay, imoredullty,'made. On ~:flow of the "bat" usually trict will have Irom $30080 to #40,000
I am innocent." Ala the while he la the City of Glasgow caught at a of the seemed to start from their sockets with kills; sometimes, however, a.n old ani- worth toe Primm Albert district Q
'` Y ]due of the wind darkenin the waters the Intensity of his stare, The be-'' TO CONSUMPTIVEa7.
., waiting for the day of execution he Y Y mad Offers a Lard and dangerous fiexe- filly or sixty ca.nd so; L. Na[1 two The andrrgigned having been restored to health
had said no more. In the south -West, In hat as hour's ed he was seized with a fit 0md would The man burry about their vork of eze ',thousand head; and iso on. Nearly all i by simple means, after suffering ter several ream