HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-14, Page 8a=.
Et mor,
All sitdowu when Price rises
to speak. Price is the great
convincer — J.he invincible
salesman. It is the price
;khat sells so quickly. Our
Ten centlaapeterie.
A neat, attractive and useful
box in three designs and
several colors, each contains
a quire of fairly gtx d 'Writing'
Paper arid two packages; all
. Out 't.0 match, a few of
tt.heto are displayed in our
Ten Cent Window. While
looking at them note the
other articles iu the same
window at the same price,
they are not meant for char-
ity though they look so like
The W. D. Fair Co
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
The Huron News-Recora
61.28 a Year--81.00In Advance
In and Around the Nub,
gotvs Zath.
SNEEZINO.—A correepppdenp frayee 1
space for the following:—
Sneeze on Monday you sneeze for
kineette on Tuesday yell Mara stranger,
E3neeoe On Weduesday you sneeze fur a
Sneeze on Thursday for something
Sneeze on Friday you sneeze for sor-
Sneeze on Saturday your sweetheart
to -morrow,
Sneeze on Sunday your safety seek,
For the devil will have you the rest of
the week.
cKR&.—On Tuesday last Warden
Strachan was in Goderich and appoint-
ed officers for receiving nomination
under the new County Couucils Act,
which event will take place on Mon-
day, Dec. 21. The officers are as fol-
low, for the Divisions named :—No. 1,
comprising Goderich town, Colborne
and Ashtield, W, filt9t1lers, i3elfast ;
No. 2, Goderich township, Clinton and
Hullett, James Campbell, Londesboro ;
No. 3, Hay, Stanley and Iayfleld, Fred.
Hess, Zurich; No. 4, Stephen, Usborne
and Exeter, Chester Prouty, Hay; No.
5, Tuckersmith, Seaforth and Mc-
Killop, A G. Smillie, Hensall; No. 6,
Morris, Grey and Brussels, F. S. Scott,
Brussels; No. 7, East and West WTuawrn-
and Blyth, Peter
nosh, w
Porterfield, Marnock; No. .'
berry, Rowick and Wroxeter,Joseph
Cowan, Wroxeter.
CORD desires to call special attention to
its advertisers. No portion of a paper
should prove of more interest to the
reader than that occupied by 'business
men. The country is being froth time
to.time flooded with advertising liter-
ature by city sharks in order to gull
the most gullible. We want to repeat
once more that every advertiser in THE
NEWS -RECORD is doing a legitimate
and honest business, and money will
certainly he saved in securing your
needs from them. More, they are here
to stay. If goods are not as represent-
ed you have the remedy in your own
hands, but, if you buy from an outside
firtn it simply means a gambling game
and in nine cases out _of ten the pur-
chaser will he the loser. Those of our
readers who have had experience know
this to be a fact. Your every want
can be supplied to your every satisfac-
tion on consulting the advertising
columns of this journal. If not, we
will be pleased to look after your every
interest and ascertain the reason why.
paid.—CANTELON B.ROS., Clitctcw.
See the beautiful Wedding Stationery at
TliE does not NEWS-RECORDOffiIt
cost as much as you pay in superior
Those in need of Writing Tablets should have
a neat cardppprinted on there. Tule NEWS-RE-
lCORD can suou with ittle cost, tablet and ll combine& require at
Try Burma Tea --quality guatanteed, Can-
telon Bros.
Highest price for butter and eggs—CANTELON
STOVE Foa Satz—"Happy Thought" Range,
for coal or wood, about as good as new; a bar-
gain. Apply for particulars at THE NEWS -
an OMce.
FAST FALLING.—The leaves on the
shade trees are fast falling, and soon
the shade will have disappeared from
the branches. Just now wooded•nature
is in all its beauty dying.
ANIMALS ESTRAY. — Farmeis who
have any stray stock hanging about
their premises, or who have lost any
cattle or sheep, should promptly ad-
vertise them. It is the proper and
legal thing to do. THE NEWS -RECORD
has time and again saved a lc t of
trouble and expense, and a better me-
dium cannot be found in this section.
ouR 1
Still goes on and it i,13 one of the Most Successful Sales ever inaugurated iu this Sectiod.
Scerooes.--The sixth Diocesan Conven-
tion will he held in Clinton on Wed-
nesday and Thursday, Oct. 281,13 and
29th, in connection with the annual
meeting of the Huron Anglican Lay
Workers Association, when the follow-
ing programme will be carried out :—
Wednesday, Oct. 28th -3p. m., Opening
session of Convention; hymn, prayer,
organization ; address by His Lordship
the Bishop of Huron, who.wi l preside
at all the meetings. "The Teaching of
Elder Scholars." Mr. Thonlas:Scullard,
Chatham ; "The Child in ti}e Church,"
Rev. Rural Dean Sweeny..,. Full time
to be allowed for discGussion. Adjourn-
ment at 5.30. Wednesday even-
ing.—Divine service in ,St. Paul's
church, at 7.30; Lessons for the
Day. by Lay Readers. Preacher, the
Right Rev. the Bishop of Hurpn. Col-
lection to defray expenses ot,.conven-
tion. Thursday morning.—Holy Com-
munion in St. Paul's Church at 8.30
at, which all Lay Workers are earn-
estly invited to he present. 10—An-
nual meetmg of Huron Anglican Lay
Workers' Association ; annual report ;
election of officers. Address to ladies
—Subject, "A Higher Ideal of the Way
of Life," Mrs. A. J. Broughall, St.
Stephen's Rectory, Toronto, in the
School house, at the same hour, 10.46
— Convention again in Session —
"The Absolute Need of Lay Help,"
— Mr. Charles Jenkins. Full dis-
cussion ; adjournment at 12.30. Thurs-
day afternoon — "Women's Work,"
Miss Sadlier, Hamilton ; "The Train-
ing of the Young," Rev. Fred. E.
Howitt, as an introduction to open
conference on S. S. work; adjourn-
ment at 6.30. Evening Session—"The
Clergymen's Wife and the Parish,"
Mrs. A. K. Griffin. "Church Choirs,"
The Lord Bishop of Huron. Collection
to defray expenses of convention. Con-
cluding address by the Bishop ; prayer,
hymn, benediction. The meetings of
the Convention will he held in the
Town Hall, Clinton. All citizens and
others interested in church work are
invited to attend the several meetings.
It is particularly desired that all pres-
sent will participate in the discussion
of the various subjects presented. Am-
ple time will he allowed for this pur-
pose. The musical arrangements for
the Convention are in the hands of a
local committee. The invitation to
attend the Convention is extended to all
church workers, both men andwomen,
in the Diocese, and to the Clergy as
well as to the Laity. Entertainment
will be provided for all who intimate
their intention of being present to the
local secretary. This should be done,
if possible, not later than the 24th of
October, and is essential in order that
accommodation may be guaranteed.
The railroads will grant, reduced rates
to visitors to the Convention. Visitors
will purchase a single fare first-class
ticket from any point. They will, at
the time of purchase, requite the ticket
agent to give theta a eertiflcate, which
being signed by the Secretary of the
Convention, will entitle them to a re-
turn ticket for one-third fare. No re-
duction can he had without a certi-
ficate. The rates charged being de-
pendent on the number of certificates
Issued, delegates should secure certifi-
cates in all cases. In the selection of
Clinton, with excellent railway facili-
ties, as a place of meeting, the Com-
mittee have been largely influenced by
a desire to give to the members of the
Church in the northern part of the
Diocese, the most ready facilities for
attending and taking part in the Con-
vention. The Committee, therefore,
look to the Clergy and Laity of the
districts above indicated, for the most
active exertions to make the Conven-
tion a success. They believe the
Divine Blessing has attended former
meetings, that greater activity
and more earnestness in work for the
Church and Its Adorable Head have
been stimulated by men and women of
various gifts and experience thus com-
ing together. and they trust that, by
the aid of the holy Spirit, all who take
part in the ensuing conference will be
refreshed and edified. Mie. JOHN
RANMPORD, own, is the Secretary.
K�Iviv V �
"ms's• 'lb.•qb'ik,-.1b..4.-11's• 1 •�►
Our Stock of Clothing & Furnishings
Our $'7 and $10
of the finest description and at the Low Prices whip{, are quoting it is won-
der that we are having a Mil, The great hu�ic of our Rowdy -Made is
is manufactured by ourselves from reliable goods bought at half prices, and this is no com-
parison below our Stock and ordering Ready -Ma. es.��- -
have for years been the best value
1"ition on these lines, owing to .II th
" e
them the Greatest Barr^' - 01.711 GREAT
,sins ever offered.
market and the reduc-
All our stock ', •.arrrth $4 a pair, size 36 to 43, Removal Sale price. $ 2 45
All our $2 : sante size ;�', to 43, Removal Sale price 1 90
Ail our $2.00 Pants, si;e 36 to 43, Removal Sale price 1 45
All 1 ' ,Ir $1.50 Pants., size 36 to 43, Removal Sale price ] 1
d0 add youth's Pitatts, worth $2.50 1 200
These goods are our own make and are well knowu to you.
$12 00 Men's Suits, all sizes Removal Sale price
A Goon RECORD.—Joseph Atkinson,
the king gardener, has made a vet y
food record this year. Owing to hav-
ing an extra farm he has been unable
to take in all the Shows. He had ex-
hibits at Clinton, Seafoi th and Blyth,
and was awarded about forty prizes in
all, many of them being red tickets.
He is generally in the lend, and this
year would have been up in the hun-
dred mark if time had permitted.
NEWS -RECORD is pleased to chronicle
an increase in the business of any local
gentleman or firm. For several years
Capt. H. B. Combe has manufactured
for the wholesale trade a superior and
meritorious embalming fluid. While
we are not at all anxious for the cause
of the use of embalming fluid, which
in the first instance means the death
of our fellow creatures, we are pleased
to learn that Capt. Combe has tirade
decided inroads on the purchasing pub-
lic, for at certain times and seasons
such a preparation becomes a necessity.
At first the sale was very limited, but
has grown from year to year, until it
now amounts to several thousand dol-
lars annually. There is a constant and
growning demand for embalming fluid,
and we would not be sups iced to see
this yet become one of the leading in-
dustries of the Dominion located in
Clinton. The sales so far cover prin-
cipally Ontario and the Maritime Pro-
municipal matters will shape for the
coming election is hard to say,although
there is already murmurings and
rumors throughout the county. The
formation and election of the new
county council will doubtless affect the
representation of several towns, vil-
Uges and townships, as a county coun-
cillor cannot also be a local representa-
tive. So far there h3a not been a great
seal of speculation as far as Clinton is
concerned. Last week THE NEwe-
RECORD said :—"The rumen- is current
that Mr. J. C. Gilroy will contest the
Mayoralty at the coming municipal
elections.' Mr. Gilroy informs us
that the rumor is not well founded;
that it is not true. We do not know
that there are any aspirants in the
Geld, but we do know that many elec-
tors are desirous that Mayor Holmes
should stand for another term. Aar() the
Reeve and Deputy, they may possibly
be in the higher race, so that it is im-
possible at so early a date to give the
electors positive information.
Our 25c
$10 00 Men's Suits, all sizes, Removal Sale price
$7 00 Men's Suits, all sizes, Removal Sale Price
14 odd suites in Blue serge, in singwpayill you leand double b rt
It te o our Removal Sale
$9 00 Youths' Suits, Removal Sale price
$8 00 Youths' Suits, Removal Sale price
$7 W Youths' Suits, Rernoval Sale price
$6 (10 Boys' 3 Piece Suits
$5 00 Boys' 3 Piece Suits
$4 00 Boys' 3 Piece Suits
We have the Greatest Selection
-- in the County.
9 95
'7 95
5 95
6 05
6 95
5 45
4 95
3 95
3 45
Our Wonderful Frieze Overcoat At $550 worth
Is made from all wool goods, extra long, big collar, good linings, horn buttons, cannot be equalled.
Underclothing is selling like Hot Cakes. Our $1.00 Stiff Hats worth $3.00 is the greatest
seller of the age. Our 10c. Hoisery is selling by the dozens every day.
Watch this space for next week's announcement. It will be interesting.
The Famous Clothiers, Furnishers
S • 9 and Hatters, Clinton, Ont,
Uoigg The Business
Is a good reputation to have in times like these.
To do Business
Requires _, —
Complete Assortment
Styles up-to-date,
Right Prices.
To obtain the advantage of the above combination, place your order for
MILLINERY with us. One store is devoted exclusively to this line of Goods.
Stock assorted up with new styles during the busy season.
Our New Kid Glove for Fall
is a seller. New shades, 7 hooks, for $1.00.
Ladies' Cashmere Hose7''—'
in plain hose at 30c, 35c, l5c and 50c, are exceptional good
i You're
Insured ]I
Our Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose
at 50c, has no equal at the price, quality and weight
Boys' all Wool Ribbed Hose
all sizes, at 25c. You Should see this line, quality and
price do the talking here.
Ladies' and Children's Wool Vests
immense assortment.
Good Goods to begin with,
Low prices to conclude with,
what we offer you.
W. H. BEESLEY & Co.,
The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, Clinton.
"4 ,7
of perfect Pants when you buy
ours, made to order. As easy
and as free the first time you put
them on as though worn a month,
still fitting the way new pants
Fall Partings4 to
Just opened, the newest patterns,
proper colorings, right weights, at
any price you care to pay from
$7.00 clown to $3.00.
Warm ===
This changeable weather with its
chilly nights and mornings re-
minds one that it is time to change
from the light weight Underwear
to the warm comfortable sort.
Here are two lines that are extra
good value :—
Men's Shetland Shirts, all wool,
double breasted, good value at 75o, 50o
Men's pure wool Shirts, double
back and breast, worth 90c, special
value at 75o
Your-- --
Carpet Trade
Its of the ptmost importance to us.
We want it. Buy your carpet
here and you're saved all the
trouble and bother of sewing and
laying. You select the carpet, we
measure the room, sew and lay
the carpet without extra charge.
There's variety enough irur big
fel: atock to give you ample
choice, and values are as always --
Stove Line
Is here and it will save your car•
pet to put a square of Oilcloth
under your stove. We have just
opened up some very nobby pat-
terns in bordered squares for this
purpose together with brass and
zinc binding for Oilcloth.
This is the weather for these
goods, you can keep. dry in the
heaviest rain at a very small cost
by taking advantage of our sale of
these goods.
Dry -Goods and Clothing,