HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-14, Page 3h 5;e irl a Keeps the largest assortment, the new- est Goods, quality fine and price low in Glroceries Crockery and CxlassWttre ,`-�. TEAS. -Black, Green and Japans are uuequalled iu quality and prices; you will save 5e. and • IOe, pound if you buy front um instead of Tea Peddlers; compare quality and prieee. SUGARS. -We are headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal Refineries, keep beat quality and sell at close prices. NEW FRUITS and PEELS. -Wo have already dispoeed during Holiday season of over, four tune and atilt have large stock on hand, dilTerent brands Belling cheap as to quality. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS. -We have got to make room for out Imported Goods and we have reduced our prices ou Dinner Sete, Tea Sete, Totiet Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sete, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lamps, all kind* Call and see Goods and Prices; no trouble to show goods. Terms Cash or Trade. We Welcome you to the- HtWron Central Exhibition, Sept. 29 and 30. Bogs %000 2;a vapv And will he pleased to have you call and inspect our complete stock Hardware, Tinware, Stoves and Furnaces, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Paints and Oils, &c., &c. A Our ,'Stores are the Place fur Bargains. HARLAND BROS., Hardware Merchants, Clinton. I here's many a slip • between cup and lip • 'and there's many ajar of spoiled Pickles all on account of not using The best VINEGAR and SPICE S We are headquarters for Pure Spices of all kinds, both whole and ground Our Vinegar is the best on the market. THE CASH GROCERY OGLE COOPER & CO. Tele hone 23. + + + + +++++ +' +' +, Light Weight and 41 rigidity. Every Ma- r� 4+e- chiuefuliywarranted King of all Bicycles. k+ .+ 4+ r++ r+' Absolutely the Best. 4. � „ i' Superior Material and Scientific W ork- manshlp. 5 Styles Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. Send twa•ema stamp for our ad -pate Catalogue -A work of AtL Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom. Seo Wabash Ave. Lake aria Halsted Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. WEAK MEN If Buffering from Lost Manhoo Nervous Debility, Lack of Vigor Emissions. 1C days treatment sent tree to anyone sanding ns 'Sete. In Postage stamps. STANBARD MEDICAL CO., 246 St. James Street,Montreal LADIES PRENCII PILLS. Safe at Sure. Aot In 86 to e-8 honre. The only female regulator in the whole range of medicine.. By Mail, Prise es 00. bTANDARD MEDICAL CO., 246 St. James Street, Montre• a anted -An Idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protectour mesa; the may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDISERBURN & CO.. atent Atter. nays, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 pr1Ye otter and list of two hundred Inventions wanted WORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay 03 to 510 per week for easy home wnrlj. Child eon ,to It. No Scheme, Books or Peddling This is bona Ede. Send stamp for work and particu- lars at •ince. THE SEYMOUR SUPPLY CO., Mason- ic Temple, Camden, N 1. 011-yly. AGENTS CAN EARN LAMB SALARIES weekly, canvassing for Pelham Nursery Co., who possess newest and Improved methods forropagating hardy stock for all sections Of Canada; also new and tested varieties of seed potatoes; write us for terms and ex- Illusive territory. PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto. Md llr. Gordon's Remedy f or Men 8411111111114 MIST Koala MONO 01011T11 CURES POSITIVELY Lost Power, Nervous Debility, railing Manhood. Secret Di- seases, caused by the errors end excesses of youth. Young, middle-aged or old Men, suffering from the effects restored j , tit,' maw follies andel excesses, hood and vigor. Price ft .00. tS seas for 15.00. scatty mail, 'securely seated. rite for Our book, ' Sldrtltkr Farb," for Mea ly. tells you how to gel will s,ildytaYarRli y� goalti!1 M1toiCISE co.. use- 947. M81s1'RUt. ^rti.u;ie.s. t. The Only One To Stand the Test Itev. IV Whim Copp, whose father was a physician for over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subse- quently entered the ministry of the M. E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that I have had analyzed all the sarsaparilla prepara- tions known in the trade, but AYER'S is the only one of them that I could recommend as a 6 YAC blood-puritler.Ihave given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well es the best to be liad."-WM. COPP, Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. E THE ONLY WORLD'S PAIR Sarsaparilla When In doubt, askforAyer's Pills The Blyth Show Prize List. HORSES .- HEAVY DRAUGHT. - Team, C Dale, John Shortreed. Brood mare having raised foal in 1896, foal by her side, J Dale, Peter Brennan. Mare foal, Geo Dale, Jno Dale. Horse foal, P Bren- nan, Neil ilunoanson. Two year old geld- ing, Geo Dale. Two year old filly, Jno Shortreed. One year old gelding, Geo Dale. Best four cotta, Menzies and McGavin. GENERAL PORPosE.-Team, David Taylor let and 2nd, James Coulter. Brood mare, George Stevenson, Neil Duncan- son. Mare foal, George 8tevenl;on 1st and 2nd. Horse foal, Wm McGavin. Two year old gelding, C W Taylor, C H Taylor. Two year old filly, C W Taylor, J Mason. CARRIAGE . -Team, R Lewis. Taylor, Tub butter not less Tubthan ba, Mrs T Hamilton, R Sprung.tter. 68 Ibe., Mrs T Hamilton. Crook butter, A Carr, R Sprung. Butter in prints, J Brigham, J 1NoCallum. Faotory cheese, D MoKellar. Dairy obeene, Mies Syming- ton, Mrs D Stewart. Extracted houey, J B Tyerman, M Richmond. Honey in comb, W Hartry. Home made bread, W Knox, W Tbuell. Plain tea biscuits, R Sprung. Mrs L Taylor. Maple augar, W H MuCracken, J McDowell. Msple syrup, J McDowell, Mrs O Nott. Canned fruit, Mrs G Trott, W H McCracken. Grape wine, Miss Wise, R G McGowan. Tomato oateup,l 0 Moffatt,1 Mra J M Hamilton. Mixed Vicklca. Mre C Washington, Maffatt. Pickles, any other kind, G Mcf- lett, W H McCracken. Jelly Dake, Miss Symington;, T Bradnook. FRUIT. -Winter apples, Jas Potter, J B Tyerman. Fall apples, let not known, arid Jas Potter. Baldwin, R G McGowan, G W Taylor. King of towpkins, Ww Clark, G W Taylor. Northern spy, Jae Potter, 3 McDowell. Rhode Island green - Lugs, 8 Furse, Jae McCallum. Ribeton pippin, D Paterson. Geo Quinn• RusSSet golden, 8 Furse, J McGregor. Sweet roiboro, J B Tyerman, A Carr. Seek -no - further, R B Laidlaw, 11 Corley. Swear, J MoDouell, M H Harrison. Wagner, J Brigham, Jae Jackson. Bendavis, Wm Paterson, John Parrott. Vandervere, J Brigham, Jaa Potter. Mammoth pippins, D Patterson, M H Harrison. Spitzeuberg, Geo Henry, R Cr McGowan. Fallawater, Miss Wise, J Barr. Taltnau sweet, W Taylor, A Carr. Mann, W Clark, Jae Potter. Maiden blush, Mrs G Nott, Geo Quinn. Snow, Wm Tbnell,- Jae Potter. Dutobess of Oldenburg, CW Taylor,Mrs R Shortreed. Pewankee, R Corley, Jas Jack- son. Wealthy, B Furse, J B Tierney. Canada red, J B Tyerman, W H Mc- Cracken. Calvert, R G McGowan. Alexander, A Carr, Jno Sherritt. 20 oz. pippins, H Rose, W Paterson. Any ober variety, D Paterson, A Carr. Collection of apples, J Brigham, A. Carr. Winter Tease, Er' Carr, D Paterson. Fall pears, J Brigham, Jas Jackson. Plums, S Furse, W H McCracken. Tomatoes, F Metcalf, J Stafford. Collection of fruit, R Corley, Mrs Geo Nott. Collection of grapes, R B Laidlaw. Fifteen orabe, Mrs R Shortreed, F Metoalf. ROADSTER. -Brood Roadster horses, C Howson. Brood mare, T H Taylor, A Govenlock. Mare foal, A Govenlock, A Knox. Two year old gelding, R Cardiff, Wm Straughan. Two year old filly, Geo Quinn, R Cardiff. One year old gelding, J Brigham, Geo Ballenger. Single driver in buggy, Oliver Johnston, Jno Mellville, CATTLE-THORO'IIRED DIIItHAMS. - Mitch oow, R Corley, T H Taylor. 2 yr ofd heifer, Jas Webster, R Corley. One year old heif- er, Jas Webster, R Corley. Heifer calf, Jae Snell let and 2nd. Bull, 2 yrs and un- der, R Corley. Bull calf, R Corley, W Snell. ANY OTHER REGISTERED BREED. - Milch oow, J Denho:m, Jno McGregor. Two yr old heifer, Jno McGregor. One yr old heif- er, R G McGowan, A Jacobs. Heifer calf Jno McGregor, R C McGowan. Bull, 2 yrs and ander, R C McGowan. Bull calf, R C McGowan. GRADE. -Milch cow, R B Laidlaw, Jno Parrott. Two yr old heifer, Jas Webster, M H Harrison. One yr old heifer, M 11 Marrison, sR Corley. Heifer calf, R Fer- ree, R Corley. Steer calf, M H Harrison, Jas Snell. Two yr old steer, M H Harrison Jno Shortreed. One yr old steer, T Ross, Jno Barr, Fat ateer, T. Rose let and 2nd. Fat cow or heifer, T Ross, M H Harrison. SHEEP-corswoLD.-Aged ram, J Potter. Shearling ram, J Potter. Ram lamb, 3 Pot- ter let and 2nd. Aged ewes, Jas Potter 1st and 2nd. Ewe lambs, Jae Potter let and 2nd. Shearling ewes, Jae Potter let and 2nd. LEICRSTER.-Aged ram, Jas Cumming, Jas Snell. Shearling ram, Jaa Snell, Jno Cocltes. Ram lamb, N Cumming, Jno Coultas. Shearling ewes, Jae Snell, Jno Coultee. Aged ewes, Jas Snell, Jno Cocltes Ewe Jambe, N Cummings,Jno Cocltes. SHROPSHIRE DOWNS. - Shearling re Cooper & Sons, Wm Snell- Ram lam Cooper & Sons, Wm Snell. Aged ew Cooper & Sons, Wm Snell. Shearling ew Cooper & Sons. Peir ewe lambs, Cooper Sons, let and 2nd. Aged ram, Cooper Bone. ANY OTHER BREED NOT NAMED. -Aged re Jas Tabb. Shearling ram, L Tasker. Re lamb, Jas Tabb, L. Tasker. Aged ew having Iambs in '96, Jae Tabb lat and 2n Shearling ewes, Jae Tabb 1st and 2 Ewe lambs, Jae Tabb, L. Tanker. F eteep, Jno Barr, Jas Snell. Pins, -Chester White. -Aged boar, 11 ry Edwards. Brood sow, '1' H Tayl Boar, Wrn Deer. Sow, Geo Henry, T Taylor. ANY LARGE BREED. -Aged Boar, W Fisher. Brood Sow, W W Fisher. B littered in '96, W W Fisher, 2nd known. Sow ltttertd in '96, W W Fish Geo Henry. IMPROVED Bitaxeinere-Aged boar, W Tbuill, Geo Quinn. Boar littered in Henry Edwards. GRAIN. -Fell wheat, Geo Moffatt, Thoill. Fall wheat, white, J Stafford Moffatt. Spring wheat, red, 8 Furse, McCallum. White wheat, spring or t B Furse. White Fife spring wheat, McGowan, 8 Furse. Fall wheat, Laidlaw. 6 -rowed barley, A Edward Furse. Large white oats, M H Barri G Moffatt. Bleck oats, 8 Furse, G M fat. Small white oats, 8 Furse. 8 peas, 8 Faree G Moffatt. Large pea Moffatt, R G McGowan. Golden peas, 8 Faroe. Timothy seed, 8 Furs Carter. Flax seed, 8 Fame, R G MoG an. RoOTS.-Lrmpire State potatoes, R vie, R G MoGowan. Rose potatoes, J B D Marsh. Elephant potatoes, 3 Be Furse. Potatoes, any other kind, Paterson, J Stafford. ' Collection of toes, Walter Taylor, Ed Haggitt. parrots, P Willows, J McCallum. Ga red carrots, J Stafford, 1' Willows. 8 turnips, J McCallum, A Carr. Bee Allaneon, W Taylor. Mangold wort W H MoCreckan, 1 Haggitt. Pump H Edwards, Jaa Jackson. Squseb H McCracken, Mrs T Hamilton. Red ions, W 11 McCracken. W Taylor. low onions, W H McCracken, Q Alla Silver akin onions, J Allanson, W, H Cracken. Potato rational J Herr, J Al son. White field beans, J Barr, W tor. Corn, W A McCracken, W T Citrons, W H McCracken, P Willi Collection of roots, J -A.Ilansnn, W S Crackan. DAM AND P*b'naroxs.--Factory b "lab of butter, G Marab; 1117 Cask's Gotta' Rol C. paae Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "Me hour and lime of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for jitt&qcoloAl Yin n h�C and full particulars, w h we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Room 3 --No. 253 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Com' Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. Another Fraud Cancelled. m, b, es, e8 & & m, m a nd. at en - Or. H oar not er, m '96, Wm J6 all, RG RB e, S son, of - mall 8, Vine e, R 0w- Fer- arr, rr, 8 Wm ilyta- ?ield rden weed te, J zeta, kine, ea, W on- Tel - noon. Mo- lan- Tey- aylor. ams. Mc- utter OVi Mail and Empire. Mr. Mulock is busy in his depart- ment. He cancelled Mr. Dixon's stamp lict.nee, and when brought to hook said that he did it in order to find a place for a man who is needy. Down in New Brunswick he is can- celling mail carrying contracts. One at Woodstock, N. R, has been held by a; poor widow, and it is the only enpport of herself and daughter. The contract has been taken from the needy in order that it may go to a well-to-do party friend recommended by a defeated candidate. „ no annctall cattlefair Wan hold at Mutat' yesterdity. Miss BYmlagton, Mrs U Campbell. Tea °obey, Mrs;tele, Mre fin Walker. Picture throw, Mire G Nott, Mrs U Campbell. Ber- lin wool work fiat, Mrs G Not Mrs U Campbell. Berlin wool work, raised, Mre Dr Carder, Mrs C Uampbell. Lamp screen Miss Symington, Mrs Dr Carder. Best case stuffed birds, Mrs Dr Carder. Laun- dry bag Mrs P R Walker let and and. tlbokaping bag, Mrs Hele, Mrs 0 Campbell etching on any material, fine or coarse Mrs Dr Carder, Mrs G Nott. Notted bed spread, T Bradnock. Mantel drape, T Bradnook, Mise Symington, collection of lapses work, Mrs 0 Nott, Mrs Campbell. QumDa a's DEPARTafYNT. - Ilemmed handkerchiefs, Mary Barr, Kate Barr. Darning On sooke or stockings, Mies Har - try, Jennie Sprung. Crochet work in wool. Miss Hartry, Clara McCracken. Crochet work in cotton, Clara McCracken, Mise Hartry. Pencil drawing, C W Campbell, Mies Hartry. Dreseed doll, Mies Hartry. Woodwork, O W Campbell, Mies Hartry. Plain sewing, Mies Hartry. Fres Anxe.-Collection of oil paintings, Misr' Lane, Mrs C Campbell. Collection of water colors, Mrs L Campbell, Mise Lane. Figure painting in oil, Mrs Hele. Mies Lane. Animals in oil, Miss Lane, Mra C Campbell. Single picture in oil, Mies Lane, Mrs Hele. Crayon drawing, Mies Sutherland, Miss Lane. Pencil drawing, Mrs Hele, Mra Campbell. Pas telle. Mrs Campbell, Mrs Hele, Collec- tion of pen ann ink sketches, Mre Camp- bell, Miss Lane. Painting on pottery, Mre He!e, Mrs Dr. Carder. Hand painting on silk, satin or plush, Mrs Campbell, Miss Symington. Oil painting on glass, Mier' Symington, Mrs C Campbell. Oil paint- ing, Mrs C Cernpbell, Miss Lane. Collec- tion of photographs, Miss Sutherland. PLANTS AND FbowEns.--Foliage, Mrs Dr Carder. Gerariume in bloom, Mrs D Marab. Fuschiain bloom, Mrs D Marsh Hanging basket, Mrs D Marsh let and 2nd. Display of plants in flower, Mrs LrCarder, Mrs Marsh. CIIT FLOWERS. -Hand boquet, W Taylor, Mre 1) Marsh. Floral design, Mre D Marab let and 2nd. Collection of pansies, Slater & Sims, Mrs Elder. SPECIAL ATTRACTI'Ns.-Bagpipe competi- tion, David McDonald, Wingham; Duncan Malay, Kintail; Jno Dingwall, Blyth. Or- gan competition, Mise E Anderson, Mies Elder, Miss Hamilton. The Blyth Stan- dard offered a special prize cf 85 to the Blyth merchant reeking the best display at the Agricultural Hall during theswo days of the fair; Frank Metcalf was the winner. POIILTRY.-TUrkey9, D Showers, Geo Irwin. Geese, D Showers, Geo Irwin, Rouen duck, Geo Irwin, W J Irwin. Any other kind, Geo Irwin, Wm Carter. Brown legborns, J Melville, Walter Taylor. Light leghorna, W Taylor, Walter Taylor. Hoodans, Fairservice Bros, Geo Irwin. Light brabmas, W Carter, Geo Irwin. Blank Spanish, Geo Irwin, W Carter. Micorcas, Geo Irwin, W J Irwin. Dark brahmas, Geo Irwin tat and 2nd. Ham - Surge, W Carter, Ed Haggitt. Langshans, J Fairservice, Geo Irwin. Dorkine, Geo Irwic, W Cuming. Black breasted red game, Ed Haggitt Ist and 2nd. Buff °°chine, Ed Haggitt. Partridge cocbins, Wm Wallace. Bantams, Walter Taylor, Mrs C Campbell. Poland., Ed Haggitt, W Carter. Red caps, Wm Wallace, Pair - service Bros. Plymouth rocks, Geo. Irwin 1st and 2nd. Pigeons, E Haggitt, George Henry. Collection of fowl, W Carter, G - Irwin. Guinea fowl, W Carter, E Haggitt. IMPLEniENTs.-Lumber wagon, 8 Brune - don, Slater & Sims. Bob sleighs, Slater & Sims 1st and 2nd. Iron beam sod plow, U Hamaton, 8 Sutton. Iron beam gener- al purpose, Slater & Sims, C Hamilton. Gang plow, B Sutton, J Brunedon. Iron harrows, J Phillipe, 8 Sutton. Single op- en buggy, J Ferguson, Single covered buggy,J Ferguson, 3 Brnvsdon. Docble buggy or jump seat, covered, J Ferguson. Cutter, Slater & Sims, C Hamilton. Horse shoes, Slater & Rime, J Phillips. Trotting horse shoes, J Phillipe. Cabinet work, J H Chellew. Wooden pump, D Showers, P Wiliowe. Farm gate, Slater & Sims. Stove and fnrnitore, Denstedt Bros. Lend roller, C Hamilton. Turnip drill, Slater & Sims. Cooper's work, W Taylor. Scuf- fler, J Brnnsdon & Sou, Stater & Sims. Churn, C Hamiiton, W Taylor. Reaper knife sharpener, J B Tierney• Assorted tiles, M H Hammond. MANUFACTURES. -Home made all wool flannel, Mrs G Nott, Mier 1 Hamilton. Flannel, anion, Mre C Washington, Mra D Stewart. Home-made all wool blankets, Jae McCallum, Miss Wise. Blankets, un- ion, Miss Wise, Mre D Stewart. Horse blankets, home span, Jas McCallum, Mrs D Stewart. Coverlet, home spun, Miae Wise Mrs G Nott. Rag mat, Mrs H R Walker, Mrs G Nott. Yarn mat. Mrs H R. Walker, R Sprang. Rag carpet, Mrs H R Walker, Mies Wise. Stocking yarn, Mrs T Hamilton, W H McCracken. coarse boots, J Sherritt let and 2nd. Hand -made gent's boots, J Sherritt let and 2nd, Set single harness, J T Carter. Lames Woax.-Gent's flannel shirt, Mrs T Hamilton, Mrs G Fott. Gent's white shirt, Mre T Hamilton, Mre G Nott. Gent's mitts, Miss Symington, Mrs G Nott. Pillow ahams,Mrs C Campbell,Mrs C Washington. Patch quilt in -cotton, Mrs G Nott, Mrs D Stewart. Patoh quilt in cloth, W H MoCraoken, Mrs G Nott. Silk quilt, crazy, Miss Symington, Mrs G Nott, Crochet quilt, Mies Symington, Mise Lane Knitted quilt Miss Symington, Miss J Faireervice. Woollen socks or stockings, Mrs Geo Nott, Mise Wise. Braiding on wool, Miss Symington, Mrs Dr Corder. Aragene work, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs 0 Nott. Embroicery on bolting cloth, Mrs 0 Nott, Mrs C Campbell. Embroidery on silk or satin, Mrs Hele, Mre 0 Camp!), II. Kensington embroidery, Mrs Hele, Mrs I) Stewart. Roman Embroidery, Mre 0 Campbell, Mrs bele. Parlor screen, Mrs C Campbell, Mies Symington. Sofa buehion, Mies Symington, Mrs G Nott. Fancy pan- el, Mrs C Campbell, Mies Symington. Beet piano or table scerf, Mrs G Nott, Mre Hele. Drawn work, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs C Washington. Honitoaor point lace, Mrs C (�',pmpbell, Mrs G Powell. Best novelty in fancy work, Mrs Dr Qarder, W Hartry. Crochet work in silk, Miss Symington,Mrs Hele. Crochet work in cotton, Mise Bym- tngton, Mise Wise. Bedroom slippers, band made, Mrs Dr Corder, Mrs Geo Nott. Fan- cy toilet set, Mra (% Campbell, Mre G Nott. Best foot stool, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mre 11 R Walker. Antique work, Miae Symington, Mrs G Nott. Fancy pin cash• in, Mae C Campbell, Mre Hele. Fancy handkerohief case, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs G Nott. Mould work, Mre 0 Campbell, IIdise Symington. Snit of ladies underwear Mies MoQuarrie, Mies Symington. Knitted lace in cotton, R Sprung, Mrs D Stewart. Knitted ora D Stewart, Mrs C fancyw l shawl One set of crochet table mate, Mre Dr Carder, Mae Symington. One set table D'Olj'ias,not more than 8 pieces, Mrs C Campbell Mrs D Carder. Bottenburg lace, Mre C Comp - bell, Mrs Dr Carder. Fancy glove case, Mrs C Campbell, Mra C Washington. Tatting, lira G Nott, Mre C Campbell. Fancy netting, Wm Hartry. Mies Syming. Ion. Queen Anne darning, Mra 0 Camp- bell, Miss Symington. Fano Akan, Luis Symington, Lura 0 Campbell. Table oentre pians, Mrs Hele, Mrs G Nott. Tray cloth, 0 Watt. Emulsion The cream of purest Norwegian cod-liver oil, with', hypophosphites, adapted to the weakest digestion. -Almost as palatable as milk. JUDGES -Pigs -Edward Bell, Londesbo- ro; Jno Hunter, Londesboro. Ladies work and fine arts -Mrs G B Ferguson, Wing - ham; airs Alex Brown, Toronto; Mrs Dr Graham, Brussels; Mrs Ranco, Clinton. Grain -A. Taylor, Thos Vanstone, Blyth. Manufactures -P Purvis, Blyth; R Morris- on, Auburn. Dairy and produce -R C; Sperling, Wingham; T W Scott, Blyth. Flowers and fruit -J Morton, Wingham. Roots and vegetablea-G Ruddell, Londes- boro; R Hughes, Blyth. -heep-C Proc- tor, Thos Anderson, Belgrave. Liget horses -A Forbes, Seaforth; D 13 Kennedy, Clinton Cattle --(leo Johnston, Londes- boro; Jno McLean, Dungannon. Poultry -O C Wilson, Seaforth. Merchants' dis- play -M Y McLean, M P P, Beaforth; A M Todd, Clinton: 8 G Brown, Wingham. Heavy horses-Jno Boarlett, Leadbury; W H Cruickshank, Turnberry. Implements -Geo Snell, Londesboro; John Cowan, J P Brown, Auburn, Two Slues --i0 Darts taad 11.00 SCOTT & BOWNE. Belleville. Ont. Dairy Notes. BY THE SECRETARY WESTERN DAIRY- MEN'S ASSOCIATION. It is gratifying to know that out of the 28 prizes given at the Western Fair for cheese, six went to makers be- longing to the cheese factory syndicate started by the Association last spring. The silver medal was awat ded to Frank Bayes. a maker in one of the Syndicate factories. As there are only 17 factories in the group it speaks well for the good work that is being done by this organ- ized system of instruction. The dairy exhibit at the Western Fair this year was a very creditable one. There were over 20(1 cheesew on exhibition from the various cheese centres of Western Ontario. The flavor of some of the exhibits was not up to the mark, due perhaps to the very unfavorable weather during the time when Show cheese had to be made. The exhibit, as a whole,showed off to good advantage, though some exhibitors should take a number of lessons yet in finishing up their goods. The maker has this under his control and there is no excuse for cracked faces and projecting edges. The butter exhibit was larger than ever, especially that ot the dairy but- ter. The commodious refrigerator built this season was hardly large enough to accoinodate the display. The quality was also better this year. Last year the butter was weak in grain, a fault, that was not so noticeable this year. Some of the dairy butter wee; ot very floe quality. The dairy exhib- it was in bright new quarters this year, and was so arranged as to show otT to advantage. PARALYSIS CURED --SWORN STATEMENT. Mrs. Maggie McMartin, 27 Radenhurat St., Toronto Ont., swears that Ryokman'a "Kootenay Cure" cured her of Paralysis which rendered ono side of her body entirely uselees. Physicrann said there was no chance of her ever recovering the use of her limbs. Hope deserted her, but to -day ,the is walking around telling her friends how ltyckman's " Kootenay Cure" gave her life and happiness. Sworn to, Judy 10, 1890, before J. 1Y. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. SWORN STATEMENT OF A GRATEFUL 1ROTnt:R. Louisa White, nine years old, who suffered with Eczema since her birth, has been entirely ctfed and her general syalem haat up by Ryckmau s "Kootenay Cure." The above facto ere given in • sworn state- ment made by her mother, Mrs. George White, 139 Stinson St., liarnilton, lint., dated July 8, 1896, before J. F. Mouck, Notary Public. A COMBINATiON DISTURBED - SWORN STATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman. 13 Marlborough St., Toronto Ont., had a complication of blood troubles, Rhea - mutism, severe Kidney trouble and oonstipatton. Was frequently disturbed at night, lost his appetite and was a very sick man. His Kidneys are now In a healthy condition, hie appetite good, sleep undis- turbed and constipation cured ; all ibis was done by Ryckrnan's "Kootenay Cure." He maket•awora statement to the above facts beton J. W. Seymour t$orley, July 10, 1890. Inspector Millar assisted in conduct- ing a test of dairy cows at the Brant- ford Fair, on Sept. 23rd and 24th. He also had charge of a similar test at the Ripley Fair on Sept. 29th. A milking test of dairy cows is becoming one of the chief features at scene of the Fairs and must tend to stimulate the keeping of better cows. Applications for milk inspection have been more numerous lately and several applications are awaiting visits from the Inspector. Factory men are re- quested to make frequent teats them- selves and to keep suspicious samples if a visit from the Inspector is expected. By visiting more than one factory in a day, inspector Muir is ehle to visit each factory in the Syndicate once a week. This is Netter than spending a day at each factory when it is riot. necessary. THE FINEST Tu IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection. of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby accuring its purity and earrUenos. Put up in ,i lb., r Ib. and S Ib. packages, and never sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP 1T. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to • STEEL, HATTER & 00. rt and 13 Front Street East. Torontee. County Currency. Municipal matters at Seaforth are beginning to hoom up and the local political pot will soon be boiling. The Hurons of Seaforth went to Detroit to play a game of football with the team of that city, who are the champions of the Western States, and succeeded in defeating the Detroit boys by a score of 3 goals to 2. ParisiI and boat a. Neveaid htralkes. DOCTORS KENNEDY &KERCAN Specialists In the Treatment ot Nervous, Blood, Sexual and Pilvate Diseases 17 'Ilan in DEiBt 1'1 204 041 farad Y1IUND MA�1 des nervous and " despondent; areonweak and - de ilttated; ti mornings; no ambition; . Melees; memory poor; easily fatigued; excitable; eyes .anken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and n igh t losses; dr.,ins at stool; oozing on excitement; haggard looking; weak hack; bone pains: ulcers; ba'r Lose; eoro throut; varicocele: . want of °oafs lance; imp°- tency;lack of energy and oa. jj btrength. MARRIAGE Tblo imprtannevter-:bne token until you aro positively cored if yon have been weakened or disease. Remember "Like father, like son." Lmiea- lone, varieocelo, tporinittorrheeti and eyphills endanger hnppiness in married tits. Oar New Method cures thorn per- manently• It you are MarrlA consult as at once, as we can metro a your strength, vital energy and denirre. 11 you wish to Marry. Dor advice may be worth a fortune to yon. Don't Lot 'iota :ifo ba Braila! Aral; This 8ye- Tha Vivi Vothoa Triat�cont, tom and New Method was discovorod by ne several years ago. It builds np and strengthens the norrous system; restores lo t vitality to the sexual organa; stops all drains and losses; invigorates and rest°: ee lost man - of Selt Abuse, never terfails results in coring the Ercessea. Bloodis- eases, or the effects of a Misspent Life. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY What we Treat and Cure! Emlaelona,Varloocele,Syphl- 11e,NervoueDeblllty Strlature sleet, Impotency, Unnatural DleCharlrea,LoatManhood,Kid- noy and Bladder Dlseaa a.Con- per)th(B1)l)netra n ktdor) err:a.WttriOten tFoxreQeueHolnken }eme Te'rfldnttial.Plaiin neloe.Nothing eq l 0.0. D. See te8timonials next w 'DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN 148 Shelby St.. Detroit, Mich. The Bank of Sherburne, Minn., Wild robbed and assistant earthier Thorburn and another man shot dead. The rob- bers escaped on bicycles. Police Court proceedings in connec- tion with the prosecution of William MgVornab and Hattie Gardner, charged with the murder of the woman's hus- band, are in progress at Woodstock.