HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-07, Page 8►
Bite 'skies,
Fragrant Flowers,
Chroit rr.—Tbe match last week
between teams pinked by Terry and
McMnrade was of considerable interest.
Terry's team won 52 to 88.
CHEESE SOLD. — Salesman James
Connolly bas disposed of the Septetn-
Weddinv Bells, ber make of Holmesville cheese to Bal-
lentvne of Stratford, for 10c per lb., in
alt about 320 boxes.
Nothing brings greater joy or
more sacred memories to the
happy bride on ber wedding
day than the gifts of her friends.
Wedding gifts are easy to select
from our stock because of its
variety ranging from the modest
and inexpensive article to the
handsomest and expeneive, we
can suit every one's puree.
Our Fancy Chinaware is an
attractive department. Five
o'clock Tea Sete, Salad Bowls,
Berry Sets, Platen, Jardinieres
which for delicacy, smoothness
and evenness have no superiors.
.Should your fancy go towards a
framed picture we have pretty
ones. A view of Our Stock will
euggeet many appropriate gifts.
We have what the average
buyer wants in our line and we
ask for it a fair price.
The W. D. Fair Co.
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
The Hiiren News-Recora
11.25 • Year—$1.00in Advance
In and Around the Nub,
See the beautiful Wedding Stationery at
THE NEWS -RECORD Office. It is superior and
does not cost as much as you pay in the cities.
Those in need of Waiting Tablets should have
a neat card printed oh them. THE NEws-RE-
wuD can supply you with all you require at
little cost, tablet and all combined.
SEVERE FALL.—Tbe other day Mr,
Win. Harland was descending a ladder
from the roof of the Dry -Goods Palace.
When about twenty-five feet from the
ground one of the rungs broke and it
was only by great presence of mind
that he escaped more serious results.
His bask and full weight came against,
a lower rung. He held on and was
able to reach the bottom. although he
has since bsen crippled, being only
able to move about.
THE APPLE TRADE.—The latest re-
ports of sales at Liverpool and Glas-
gow are not at all encouraging. One
late report says the market has col-
lapsed, and that green fall fruit, in-
cluding colverts and other swill is un•
saleable. A report later—Oct. 2nd—
says there is a thoroughly demoralized
market at former quotations. Owing
to the depreciating quality of fruit the
rejections are very heavy and in many
cases the freight will not be realized.
The same reports says "when there is
no money in Kings, Ribstons and 20 oz.
pippins at 60c. in the West, what can
you expect for Colverts and fall stuff ?"
During the past week Huron buyers,
we are credibly informed, have lost a
large amount of money on their ship-
ments during the past week.
several complaints have been made
about the roughness of school boys
toward each other.' In one case a buy
was struck by a stone who was in
conseqnence laid orf duty. Stone
throwing is in all cases unwarranted
and the guilty will in all cases, where
evidence is clear, he punished and we
are glad to know the authorities are
looking after. such cases. Another
trouble is the stronger boys pounding
the weaker ones until they are unable
to F. to school. In every case com-
plaint should be laid to the school
authorities and these abuses will be
checked and if possible prohibited.
A HAPPY BEE.—On Monday Dr.
Shaw invited a number of citizens to a
shingling bee. Among those present
were:—Messrs D. A. Forrester, W.
Paisly, George D. McTaggart, Ogle
Cooper, W. P. Spalding, Capt. Combe,
A. Porter, L. Kennedy, Fred Noble,
Ike Read, W. Jackson, M. I). Mc-
Taggart, A. J. Rollaway, W. Coats,
Barge and Stevens. The party, ac-
cording to experts, covered the build-
ing to their entire satisfaction and the
job is pronounced one of the hest in
town. The doctor will he in a position
to judge when the work is tested
by the fall and winter weather.
nesday at 2.30 p. m. a very interesting
event was solemnized at the residence
of the bride's mother, Mary Street,
when Miss Libbie M. Gauley was
united in marriage to Mr. Noble
Lovett, of the Base Line. Promptly
on time the bride appeared and looked
charming in a pretty dress of cream
lustre, supported by ber'lousin, Mies
Flora Miller, and the happy grootn by
Mr. Albert Mcfrien. The interestng
ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr.
Miltyard. of the 14ttenintry street
Methodist church. The bride was well
remembered by ber f"r'iw ride and'reila-
t ives as the beautiful array of preeen to
folly testified. The happy couple left
on the 4.17 train for London to apend
the honeymoon prior to takingup
their future home on the Base ine.
On behalf of their many friends we
extend congratulatidne to Mr. and
11$rs. Lovett.
e m
Registrarship of Huron seems to be
a vexed question. Up to date THE
NEWS -RECORD has received several
litters on the matter and three of them
are given this week.
—The Rev. M. Turnbull will preach at
St. Peter's, Summerhill, at 11 a. m. ; at
Middleton, 8 p. an. and Holrnesville at
7 p. m., on Sunday next. A liberal
offertory is looked for, in aid of church
funds, at each service.
DID You Know THIS P—The latest
postal laws Are such that news-
paper publishers can arrest any one for
fraud, who takes the paper and refuses
to pay for it. Under this law the man
who allows his subscription to run
along unpaid for some time,then orders
it discontinued, or orders the postmas-
ter to mark it "refused," and have a
postal card sent notifying the publish-
er, lays himself liable to arrest and
fine, sante as for theft.
I. O. G. T.—There was a large at-
tendance at the regular meeting of the
I. O. G. T. on Friday evening last when
a first class programme was given by
the single brothers as follows :—Instru-
mental, by N. Yellowlees ; reading by
D. Smith ; solo, by J. Foster ; instru-
mental duet, by J. W. Moore and W,
Shannon ; address on prohibition, by
Rev. Mr. Harris ; after which the
brothers provided the lodge with
grapes which was enjoyed by all. The
following were elected delegates to the
District meeting to be held in Blyth on
October 14th :—J. W. Moore, H. B.
Chant, Rev. Mr. Harris, A. J. Cooper,
Miss L. Graham, Miss L. Miler,
Miss 11. Dodd, Miss C. Barge and Mrs.
impossible to ascertain at the present
time who will he in the field for Huron's
new County Council. Among the
likely aspirants mentioned are W.
Proudfoot, P. Holt and Dr. Whitely,
of Goderich ; John Cox, Gabriel Elliott,
S. Sturdy, John Beacom and Thos.
Churchill, of Goderich township; D.B.
Kennedy, S. S. Cooper, D. A. Forres-
ter, Mayor Holmes and W. -Doherty, of
Clinton ; H. Eilher, of Crediton ; Reeve
Burne, of Bayfield; Robert Mcllveen,
of Stanley • John Torrance, Zurich ; A.
T. McDonald, James Snell, John Las -
ham, John Britton and John Brigham,
Hullett; Chas. Hamilton and John
Wilford, Blyth; R.C. Snarling, Wing -
ham. In addition to these will he a
large number of likely candidates from
other municipalities, but these names
will at least supply food ror present
CLINTON COUNCIL. — The regular
meeting of the Council was" held on
Monday evening. Present—The Mayor,
Reeve Kennedy, Deputy -Reeve Cooper,
and Councillors Plummer, Walker,
Cbidley, McKenzie, Gilroy and Taylor.
Plummer explained that the Street ap-
propriation was all taken up including
the extra $100, except some $20. The
Finance report was adopted as follows :
Street, J. Becker, $22.14; C. Carter,
$21.12; J. Ferguson, $5.50; Thos. Hil-
lock, $1.25; Davis & Rowlands $3; Oli-
ver Johnston, $2.50; Property — J.
Ferguson, cleaning closet, $3 ; Ceme-
tery—Thos. Hillock, $2; R. Reynolds,
$30; Charity, rent for Mrs. Devine, $2;
Fire and Water—freight and cartage
55c.; express on hose couplings 40c ;
hose, hoots and coats from Rubber Co.
$112.75 ; receipts from merry-go-round,
$20; station scales $5.55, hall $3; town
scales $2.1; cemetery lot, $3; work in
cemetery $4. The Treasurer's state-
ment showed receipts for October
$797.70 ; payments $560.42, leaving hal-
ance on hand of $231.28. The road
machine was granted inspector to re-
pair road to House of Refuge. The
Clerk was instructed to ask Stanley
and Goderich township Councils to pay
over the amounts granted for new
roadway, On motion of McKenzie
and Plummer the Council instructed
the Clerk to invite Ontario Commis-
sioner Campbell to come to Clinton
and give instruction on road making,
and it was also decided to invite ad-
joining municipalities. The Council
the,p adjourned.
Brief Town Topics.
"A Tale of the Sea." Read it.
New roadways are not all profit.
Mayor Holmes was in Toronto last
Mrs. (Rev.) Parke is on a three weeks
visit to Ohio.
1)r. Turnhnll lef' yesterday for Balti-
more and New York.
Mr. Lok Kennedy was on a visit, to
Londeshoro on Monday.
Miss Mav, Nile, is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Thos. Hillock,
Mr. R. Foster is taking in the sights
in the ('ity of the Straits.
The cricket season has come to a
close. Now for the concert.
Mr D. Cantelon shipped another car
load of live hogs last week.
Mrs. J. A. Fowler, who has been ill
for some time; is recovering,
Mrs. Corbett has removed to Detroit,
where she will in future reside,
A good number of Clintnniane will
attend the Blyth Show to -day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Worsell, of Gode-
rich, were in Clinton on Monday.
W ingham show was postponed to
the l$th on account of wet weather.
Mise Gretgg, of Petrolra, is a guest
at the residence of Mr. J. H. Combe. '
Thu News -RECORD is on ite own
merit. We do not club with any paper.
Mr. J. H. Worsell has a house for
rent and two houses and stables for
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller, of the
Hothi Clarendon, are on a brief visit to
Apples are not only dropping from
the trees. They have also taken a big
drop in price.
�-- Our,
Thua far our Great Removal Sale has been one big success and the good buyers in this section have been getting geode at prim that cannot be approaced.
We claim to have a record for giving Bargains when tee so advertise them, that is not possessed by any other house and the great success of our Special
Days ie good evidence of this fact. Oar Great Removal Sade will continue until we move to our new location, which will be when we fiuiah the many
improvements now under way and which will give us the finest Clothing and Furnishing House in Western Ontario. We want to thoroughly impress
our readers in referring to our change of quarters and the prioee which we quote on goods will do this in a thorough manner.
On Saturday Next
we wi:1 pay special attention to our Pant Departmont, and here are the figures:—
$1.10 will buy a pair of Pants which we sell at $1,50.
They are a splendid pattern and have sold wonder-
fully well at $1.50
$1.45 gives you a magnificent assortment in our famous
82 line of Pants. Hundreds of these goods have
been sold at $2 and they are the best -value in
5 is the price for all our fine $2 50 Pants. This is a
line well worth $3.50. We make them ourselves
from goods which were bought at half price.
$2.45 is the price ,,.fixed for our great standard line of
Pants which is known so well to good buyers at
83. We consider them the greatest value in Can-
ada and we know they arc not equalled under $4
by other people.
Men's Underclothing
Another Special Showing for Saturday will be No. 341
in Men's Underclothing. This is a line of goods sold
everywhere for $1 a suit or 50c a single garment. To
thoroughly impress the public our price will be 50
cents a suit or 25 cents a piece. No such figures havle
ever been quoted in Clinton, and buyers who pass this
line over without seeing it will make a great mistake.
Our --
Boy's and Children's Suits
are haying a tremendous sale at our Removal Sale
The Famous Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Clinton, Ont,
Our Showroom le now op n
and our Millinery as usual l
par -excellence ; it is not neces-
sary for es to tell you that our
assortment of Trimmed and
Untrimmed Millinery is large
and varied, that it is stylish.
The fact that the Trimming de-
partment is still under the man•
agement of Miss McDonald is a
guarantee that it is first-class in
every particular as that lady is
uneurpaased as a Trimmer of
stylish, wearable Millinery, bav•
Ing the knack and skill recqui-
+ite to trim to suit every face
and complexion. Hats sold
out during the Opening have
been replaced, so our stook is
again up to the uenal high tan
dard in which we keep it at
this season of the year. DO-
ING OVER DEPT , is still un-
der the charge of Miss Moore;
customers can have their last
season Felt hats made into the
leading shapes. Please leave
your orders early to avoid delay.
3 lines we do well—Ledie's \'eats, Gloves and Hoisery, we shall have more
to say about our imported Kid and Cashmere Gloves and Hosiery later. This
week we offer you 3 SNAPS—Boy's Ribbed Wool Hose all eizos, worth 35c for
25o, Boy'e Cashmere Ribbed Hose with double knees, 25c to 50c, Ladle's
Elysian natural wool Vests, elastin ribbed, all wool, 50c.
W. H. BEESLEY, & Co.,
The Ladles' Favorite IistnhlIshrnent
Brlcf Town Topics.
Mrs. R. Read, who has been ill, is
around again.
Mr, and Mrs. McMichael, of Mc-
Hillop, were on a visit to friends here.
Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Farquhar, of
Hillsgreen, were visiting friends in
town last week.
Mr. and Mrs, John Emerton, of
Goderich, spent last Wednesday with
their son here,
What can Life Insurance teach us,
is the subject at Baptist church on
Sunday evening.
The Methodist anniversary and tear
meeting at Holmesville this week was
a grand Success..
When a tramp comes along give him
the run cr put the Chief after him, Do
,not harbor tramps.
Mrs. G. T. I3lscox, of London, Who
has been the guest of Mrs.R.att.enbury,
Sr., will return to -day.
Mrs. N. Robson and son Norn>,an are
'on a visit to 11. R. Stanbury and other
relatives at Detroit. - -
It will soon be time to disensk, the
nner!!'te.of theapresent Council and Avho
shall compose the nelct. .
The fire eompariy had a sittisfp
ractice and test of working ap
} Motidety~links ' i=+
Brief Town Topics.
I)r, Mary Irwin left for far-off Ceylon
last Tuesday 'midst the good wishes of
a large number of citizens.
Fall shows and rain. with occasional
sunshine, seems to he the order for
September and October.
Tbe proceeds from the Ontario
Street Methodist Church birthday
party amounted to $63.90.
Mise Wilson, of Goderich, who has
been the guest of Miss Lilly Hunt the
past week, has returned home.
Mr. J. C. Stevenson is chairman of
the Executive Committee of the On-
tario Undertakers' Association.
Cooper Bros. are getting Broadfoot
& Box's new store in shape. The front
ie now ready for the plate glass.
The rumor is current that Mr. J. C.
Gilroy will contest the Mayoralty at
the coming municipal elections.
The Cricket Club concert on the
fetrufwirrIrrfignitVving Day promises
to be one of the best of the season.
Cooper Bros. will in a few days have
a large new bay window in Mayor
Holmes' private reeidence completed.
Mr. E. L. h'ivans, of St. Louis, Mo.,.
who has been absent from Clinton
seven years, spent Sunday with friends
A Decided Success
• • •
Has been our Millinery Opening. We were confident our
Millinery was what it should be, and the success of the opening
has proved we were right.
If you have not been able to come and see it, call at any time it
may be convenient for you and we will be pleased to show you
the newest and moot popular things in fashionable headwear for
During the past few days the stock has had added to it several
shipments of novelties in trimmings and two new lines of Sailor
Hata. They are called "The Prescilla" and "The Atlanta.''
They are very nobby and come in Black, Navy and Brown.
Are the prices of our three famous lines of ready Trimmed Hata.
This season you'll find them more stylish and batter value than
ever before.
Glove Novelties
Our fall Gloves Deme to hand this week. The values in staple
linea of Black Cashmere were never so good, while two lines of
Cream Ringwood Gloves and a line of Cream Cashmere with
leather finish and black embroidery, are very nobby and the
most fashionable glove for fall wear.
Handkerchief Sale
Watch for our announcement of a Handkerchief Sale next week.
We haven't had one since last Xmas, and this is going to be a
good one.
Hodgeus : —: Bros
Dry -Goods and Clothing,
al.I1N TON.