HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-10-07, Page 21. t a et�sjnEs olRcroRr oraugs. T4 THE t"ARMERS: A TA L o� 1 rI SA w t - - 4a You want in tho left-hanri gook, I. 0 L No 710 et-„ r_: Study your own Interest 4µd go when Yark felt, amid found the tbin�a, plan- ... L. . L. . � . you can ger ed them near the rush ht, ext gttleh- �`''��' Reliable ed it, ' (7LINT0N, Beach 6treet cess In those days much She, " send sell for what you will whilst Theyttalking [m a N laJltl, Meats eacean Monday of evorl Harnesat as it in now, the quaintest, saltest, im- I fiord out if the WOrkaa It q I gentlafiusn will re p, seems, had been boatswain �� HUM IANK. month, hall 9nd Sae, always I m►gntaoture none but the Baal or tree agla*ble tharcou hfartl on the Wast of -'ve yoll (A aWest in.1i teri n for thwee vq agcy, block, Visiting brethren always 4. g y made welcome. Beware of that sell cheap, as to Aare He emitet•ed, and found himself in the 13e lord been Inajd off in 1 ondoL p yet to rive. AW Call and et prices. Great Britain ; littered with anchors of week or two he owe ; off DR. J.8, FRENVORN, W. M. b rdcn Otampany sof some score and a half of "ViA been incorporated by Lot of parliament 180- P. CANTELON, JR.8eo. J. P. 811EPPARD, D. M y mall plumply attended 10 all sizes, with huge coils of hemp cable, WAlf-1 1 of all denominations, with a boon at Deaal, had run down to d ,— JO with odd taatastia rapstans Pur the apl1miklin of soldiasis and a Pew a few da Ys at I mild . "40ouir. CLINTON Lodge, No. A. F. a A. M. meets every Friday, on or atter tho moon. Visit C brethren cordially invited A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, 8&a Clinton, Dec. 0, 1896. K. 0. T. M. Kearns Tent No. 66, Knlgbts of the M•eeabee. Of the World; $1,000, $9,000 and 06,000 Policies. Mom - berehlp over 100,000. Assessment prin0plo—has never eieeoded 19 assessment* in a year. Ohosepcet ad melt In existence. Meets In orange Hall, CUn- ton, first and third Friday o1 every month. COOK'S FLOUR FEED STORE, c1inton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large of Small Quantities, OIL CAKE. LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal forone Bushel Oats D. COOK. CLINTON. 762-tt HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first -clogs Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron at., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. OOUCH & WILSON Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately con- ducted by Mr. Jas. A. Ford, and will continue the wine ander their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywbere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N, WILSON. CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, we Intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply our customers with the beet meats at the lowest pay- ng apng prices. FORD &MURPHY. LICE HOGS 'WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 998 -ti. B. THOMLINSONI VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Cob ,*ge, Toronto. Tresta all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Boieuttfie Principles. Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered_ Residence—Rattenbt ry Street, west. CHetoa, Ono J E, BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary inspector Office on Isaac street, next New Era office. Residence, Albert SG, Clinton. Geos Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed end first class material and work guaranteed ; farm Implements and machines rebuilt and repalred. Card of Thanks, TO MY MANY PATRONS 1 I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord ed me in the peat and to inform the public that I am still in the Carpet Weaving Business on East Street, Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will as usual reoeive prompt attention. All Classes of work a specialty, at the lowest pos ible prices, and satisfaction goaran- eW. A. Ross, East street, GODERICH. JAPITA� - - $2,000,000 REST, - - $1,1175,000 19ead Offioo. - MONTREAL. H. R. MOL80N Preoldfht. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Man& or. jfotaa d;scounted Colleotions made, Drafts issued, Sterfdng and American ex. change bought and sold at lowest current rates. IXTaa■■r ALLOwaD on Darosw& :W A.RZ&1MRE3_ Oaey adva❑ced to farmers on their own notes r1 one or mora endorsors. No mortgage rs• a as security, H. C. BREWER, Mans or, Dsoomber, 1896. MIAT0a. G. D. NeTaggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, OLINTON. L GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TBANSAOTED. Noeeo IHsootmted. - - Draft* Issued. Intered Allowed an Deposita. QHntoe, June8th, 1891 668y t4#t l� - -DR. W. GUNN$ IB -'0. P. and L, R. 0. S.,,Edinburgb. Office — Ontario .trees Clinton. Night oalls at front door of voetdence on Rattanbury street, opposite Presbyter- " resbyter alL LaaohurDR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Vnly. ; M. D. ; D, M., Vlosaris Uniy- M. C. P. 1' S. Out, ; "low low of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late ,f ((pp¢don, EDK., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:— e.12 fitce:- 0n DoVoley s stand, RattcaDary St. Night calls answered at Once. DR. SHAW. 00" in Hodgen4 Block, Battepbury St., Clinton, jul. Night calls as same place. Jae. So Freeborn. X -D, L. K. A Q. O. p., I., M. 0 P, d: S. O, dao., &a Gradeat* of $'1 g's A Queen's College of physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Liesgtlate of the General Medical Coun.il, Gmat Britain. Merober of College of tkyloiaas std Suraebns, Ontario, Formerly real- dsnt o the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynn ,olpdteall. Dnbl'n. Spoplal it esti.. to disease. of wo,aen and a ldnn. Omoe an residonee,Rattenbury 9t., neat door le Oatarto Bt. athodiel paroonage, 039-1y Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, i lintop, Ont. Special attention to pre- gervabfon of natural teeth. N. B.—Will visit Blyth ovary Monday, and Bayyfield every Thursday afternoon during the su 1 Amer. Be Agnew, L. D. S., De De S. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal Collage of Dental Sur- 400na of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity Jniversity, Toronto. B(st Loc►1 Anaesthetio ;r parolees extraction. Office opposite Town :fall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell arowered- W111 visit Hensall et pry Monday, and !urieh the 2nd Thursday cf each month Irtgal. M�/� 0. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, . Oonv.yanoer, to. oiDos—corner Hamilton aDd 6t. Anddrew.-.t.., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 868•tf Pt.O. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, Go. Office, cornet 11• North Street and Square, , near Reglstry Oma*, Godorich, oat. e7• AW Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. J, SCOTT, Barrister, ¢o., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON, Money to Loan. E• OAMPION, Q. 0., RARRI8TER, - - , SOLICITOR., NOTARY, ¢o., Giroderlich, - Ont. Omce—Onr D►vls' Drug Store. Moneyto loan. M• 0• JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Ooderioh, . . - Ont. Omoe—Oar. Hamilton and St, Andr.w'. St.. W. BRYDONE•, BARRISTER - - SOLIOITOR, t NOTARY PUBLIC, ¢e,, t OFFlon BmAvan BLOCK - - CLINTON. 817 -If �� 111 i3 EL L, g ®pa and to to wi4ding-up of boats, with tall poles for women. The room was unpleasantly a short cruise about the district. He HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTIll, 06114 P full; the height of it was no taller than was too sleepy to talk much' but It the spreading of nets, lines from win- a small ship's tweeu-deoks, and it had was plain, from the little be set fall NOTICE. dew to window for the easy drying something of the look of a 'tween-docks, ,hast he Wa& a man who had used the of flutes, with its substantial joints or rafters, far man ears, and had much - queer dusky alleys leading at its small porthole -like windows, and that was moviing and interestins, to night-time into a true smuggling black- walls resembling bulkheads. A few of tell, whenever he should feel dispoe- There being come misunderstanding with re. ness of atmosphere; beorhouse after the nearer Pollen stared at him on his ed to deliver himself of his experiences. geld to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood entrance, and a couple of the women Protsentl Tui that if &ny person takes poeseasion of any kind beerhouse In friendly' juxtaposition,with ( y began to wander, then to of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at a perpetual seething and hissing of surf giggled a bit at his hair ; but the com- snore. York 'lay awake for some time, once take proceedings. Remember this is the Pauy were on the whole rather too listening to that hum and roll of he last warain 1 shall give. CAPT. WM. BASS. upon the steep shingle, as a regale to drunk to give him much heed. It was volaxxa of the d-riukars in the room Receiver of recka, Godoriob, the ear; and miles of sand plains be- an old-world scene that, for its utter- low. There wan an oil lamp asst eu Oodnrtah, Sept. 7th 1891. ly vanished qualities of colour, atmos- side the window, which throW a dbA yond billowing to Sandwich, and sweet pphare, attire, is scarcely imaginable in illtmiLriaatiafi duffdclentl clear to fro FOR SALE and musical Into late autumn daytime these days; unsnuffed rushligbts flar- "I, faintly visible theyoy�llnee of e SALE, with wild -flowers of fifty different sorts ing on the tall narrow chimney -pieces jects, The young fellow 1ted lost and birds of all kinds. and on the tables; men mahogany- thought, with his mind sgol g to hid The property &t present 000upiad by the an- cheeked with weather, some wearies sweethea.l•t, froua whom had, Fi�e11 denigned as a roe deuce on the Huron Re 11 It was now Mout nine o'clock in the thou own hair in tails, some with wi i3 t h In the Town of 4oderioh, ooueietlhg of one halPot g ; g ii'ted lout"teen iii ntliri I Bien e id evening; there was no moon, the star- with here ¢three cornered hat tucked EE>ruspec is in life ; the Of �,e him an &ore of land, good frame house --story and a light made no sheen, and the sea brim- over its owue-r,s nose, there a round k>y he ball—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and med in tremorless ebony to its con- tarpaulin perched on nine hairs, with of t ng theain of the Jane, hk9 eharteea soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and a fathom of ribbon down the back ; getting the money clue to h11ai rill carriage houses. There are also some good fruit fines. The few oil lamps in Beach most of the the uwneas of the Coelia, and the ll}�e g people smoking long clay ¢fid then the noises below qule iq trees. This property is beautifully situated and Stxeet thl,ow a feeble gleam upon the Pipes and arguing with drunken ani- the departure rrztu by and o� ttlewre- very suitable for any person wibhingtolive retired- sbj,ngly road; but how full of people mation, with now and again the added vellere, he closed his oyes av yyae pod For further partioul&ro a ply to Dead was an thus particular night, bullabaloo of one who would set up srntly asleep. CAMPION, his throat for a song; the women in p• 648_tt Barris to r,Goderloh. York might have gathered from the colotilts which made one think of a He was awakened t)y a 8e�nppe pt nE- groups of men showing through every crockery shepherdess; and visions of f(rratloii and foLind himself bathg � - tavarn window he d ; drinking, copper -nosed salts looming out in os- Irersplratirxn and punting for breath no - J J. C. STEVENSON, Psi g' tures of wrangling at the tables p in der the weight rating bedclothes the arguing, singing, oapercuttiu9, as Jack *make-ok)scttred corners. Nxitswalui was snoring heavily. All waa will when new! tomo ashore, amid mo- allealt out of doors, saving a� interval9 Furniture Dealer, df C. Y York took a chair near the door and the maw of a gentle gust o1 wind, like tionless fogs of tobacco -smoke. The called to the drawer for a glass of a long human sigh, running through TNF LEADING UNDERTAKER AND first sign his eye caught was that of spirits. After a little the landlady the stealthy seething sound of the mid - the Kentish Sickle. Ile entered the came to him and said that she had night waters pp+oruring upon the shingle, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. lace and found it crowded with boat- knocked at Mr. Worksop's dopy and He sat upi•Lght for the relief of the Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Out P asked if he would object to a bedfellow ; ptxstuse ; but whether it was that the men and seamen. The landlord, a pup- and that his answer was the gentleman Valparaiso fever was not yet out of GO TO THE pie -facer! man who had removed his was welcome if so be he would contrive to ride with an up--and-down cable; b �' or that his condition o ratmospheric tmosp epic wig for air, and yet looked Half dead which she understood Mr. Worksop to particularly seafoun e to e meratu e Union Shaving Parlor with heat, stood behind a little bar or mean that he ex ted the P of theans, he Pound the temperature Pco gentleman of the roam insupportable. Indeed1the counter drawing ale out of a cask, the to keep to his sine of the bed. York little compartment was nearly all d - For first-class Hair-Cuttingtop of which was on a level with his thanked her, and said he should be glad stead. The lungs of the boatswaln, to to go to rest at once. and Shaving. hand, York inquired if he could have "1 shall be quitting your house be- judgeire h his of the hop' seemed to le- a bed; the landlord shook his head, fore you're u said he, "and will quire the air of the open ocean to Pill Smith's block, opposite Post OMce Clinton p1 P3Y them. There Was an odour of flue, too, J. EMEETON, Proprietor, with a glance at the tall youth, as Yo1. u for the bed now, if you PIP -ase." along with a tepid flavour of bedclothes, As ou will, sir," said she: it will WATTS� though he suspected a kind of irnper- be a shilling." thaat was as sttftrrtg in its way as the YY ATTiJ ( CjO� tinenw in ,such a question in the face He gave her the money. atmosphere of a bakehouse. v 1 of the crowd of people simo"Ig and '"'There will be no difficulty," he ex- The young fellow quietly got out of claimed, "in letting myself out in the bed with the design of opening the win - CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS win - drinking beyond. morning? 1 do notwishto disturbthe drnv but found the casement, Its the " Can you name me a house in which house by a stiff wrestle with harsh dear had been, a sort of fixture, whose Great Northwestern Telegraph office, I'm Likely to obtain a bed for tho bolts and difficult locks." dislocation must result in the waking Albert Street, Clinton. night?" said York. '"That'll be your door, sir," said she, of the whole house. He pined for a painting to the street entrance at the drink of water; but there was no jug M " No," said tkie purple -faced man, con- end of the passage. "There is but one ea" washing apparatus in the room, and PUMPS 1 PUMPS! tinning to draw ale into thick glass, bolt, and it shoots easily. We fear It was manifest that gentlemen who one -Legged tumblers, which, as fast as nothing but the foreign invader at Put up at the Lonely Stas were to ex - It you want a dret-olass, well -made pump, on that he fillod them, he pushed to a couple Deal, sir. The latch will fall whenyou Peet no better convenience than an out - will •give you satisfaction, send your order to the P pull the door afterr you.- Y door Pump for their ablutio Now, undersigned. He will dig ■❑d clean walla and do it at of fellows, who carried them to the y the Lonely Star was sure >*iave a the closest prices. He also handles a first-olau He thanked her, took his bundle, and FORCE PUMP. tables. " It'li be odd if ye ails a i)ed followed her up -stairs. She knocked at Pump o[ its own as well is a backyard to Lois; in to-nigbt, mate, in Deal. Whey, a little door painted stone -colour, lean- `tad the fancy of a drink of cold water JAMES FERGUSON it'Ll be endingin the boatmen having ing as with age in its frame. A voice coupled with a chart spell of bso ir- 0pposit Queen's Hotel High Street Clinton. res the dewy night -air worked so n to turn their boats' keel up for lodg- ricanered, "Come in," in a muffled hur- ricane note. resistibly in the feverish yours$ t1o8-tt lugs;'• at which observation a large "it's the gent, blr. Workso is is mom' that he resolved at all bean man in a round hat and a groat to lie with you," res P' liefhazards to explore for the re - F■ F A D 0 B y lad y responded the land- lief is ported far. of put be - belt round his waist, tit for Clue snug- Y + and then, putting the pus good- tore his fancy a figure of the house, ging of a horse i fol Or two, burst into York's hand, she bid him good- and kept in his mind the bearings of (MEMBER OF AS8'NOFP.L. B.) P night with a pleasant wish that he into a loud laugh" would find his sweetheart ha and the enstatered. and the public room he Provincial Land Surveyor York walked out, and entered an- in gay health next morning.PPY had entered, late icould recall that, whilst seated in that roam, he had tak- other tavern hard by. This, too, was The latch of the door appeared to en notice of a lass door screened and Civil Engineer, t be jammed ; York struggled with it with red curtainsatthe extremity pf LONDON, ON'I', full, its five bedrooms crammed, for some time, but could not succeed it, with a white Sceg between it and Orrlwa—At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Ston, Clin- state -bed aP the place to be occupied Workin sop, iwhot. Mwaswhmanif'esthe teara Mx. the sea- the floorya This he made sure he should ton, by no fewer than four men, to lis P. heel to heel, whenever it should suit faring man, calling from theybed sev- not meet with a pump, he was certain Brat varieties of eca-blessings upon the to obtain fresh air, them to withdraw to it; as the per- eyes and limbs of his disturber, until, He partially clothed himself; but, on Don't Build Without A Plant sir dried- little landlord inform- losing all patience, he bawled out in y ng P the tones of a a tri the door, found he could not lift Oct York with a grin of exquisite sat- your shoulder togthe latch and heave the latch with his fingers He felt in his pockets, but was without anything isfaction. . it up i Thunder and blood 1 ain't it to enable him to pry open the jammed He tried a third, a fourth; tramped plait that prising's your only tack?" and rusty arrangement, The boats- tI. ADE3 FOWLER & CO., York did as he was told, and by up wain snored heavily in the soundest Architects and Civil Engineers °mi' to than Cat o' Nino 'fails alehouse doing lifted the crazy old dour off its but to no purpose- Had every house Latch, and entered. perpshoul•d ]ieeawiakc:nhhfineillowwa d Aro opeDing a permanent oma* in Clinton and are had Its forty beds to let, they He found himself in a little room, soft! to the man's clothes, and, b the prepared to supply Plans, Specifications and detail+ would not have a"ppau'ently mel. the de- with the ceiling trot a ver 3 Y for any a,ae. of work at most reasonable rates. wand that night Lar accommodation y few inches feeble light that shone upon the lit - above his head. The apartment was tle window, d for Patent Drawings prepared andpatents obtained. from the Capt -airs, mates, Passengers, almost entirely filled by a large, black, any contrivance hats should P serves him Valuations and Inspections oarefuny made. sailors who had come ashore On spe- funereal four-poster, undraped, ane, as a 7,ever. The acket cial business, or who had deserted, or furnished with a perfect Atlantic Ocean tained nothin J Pockets can - 25 Years Experieneein Ontario, whrr bac., to take the coach next day of blanket, mattress, and coverlet. On pipe, and some apors. He elt inthethe to London or wherever they might live, the left side of this immense bed la lefthand breechesp ed Mail address—P• O. Box 210, Cant oa counting (as passengers) upon mays and a man, of whom nothing more was vis a quantity of pie,oas of moneand y, the p.,haps weeks of detention i.f they ible than a curiously elongated face, as weight of which proved them to be gold, . .tuck., to the craft lying out in the though his countenance had been apparently guineas and half -guineas. In Downs had npw reached the Sundown stretched, lengthening the lineaments the other pocket was a large clasp - out of all proportion to their breadth. knife, such as sailors carry, with a ring extsemity of Deal ; he retraced his steps This odd face was crowned with a large through the end of the haft for a la i- ICAVEATS, and passing the hooses he had visit- red handkerchief, so twisted over the iard. ed, he arrived at much such another heart as to serve as a nightcap. The one as they, called the Lonely Stas, clothes ofda nautical man of that age d000rran ssucceededbis in knillifLing theoln the TRADEMARxs into which he walked• At the end of y Pe pose a chair under the and this done, he strife forth, leaving a tolerably tang narrow passage was very little window which gave light the door ajar; then putting Lhe knife in OPYRIGHTS. an open door, out of which floated and ventilation to thio room. CAN I ODTAIN A PATENT f For a clouds of tobacco-sma 4 along with the "Sorry to break in upon your rest, his pocket, he groped his way down- Qro�mDptt answer and an Iso est optnton write to incense of the punch -bowl. A little on Mr. Worksop," exclaimed York ; ",rut stairs all very quietly, as he did not 1n11NNdaCO.,whobayadnearl7 eityyears' this side the door was a stai case, and needs must, you know.—But for our `°esti to disturb the house. The street exp¢rienco to the patent business. Commun•c&- lamp that had helped him i'n the bed- ttonsatriotlyconadential. AHandheoltotln. nearer yet to flit entrance, a recess, kindness, my bed to -night might have roam served him below wherever there formation concerningPatents and how to ob- in, which sat a plump woman of fifty, beer. on the cold ground, I fear.—Deal's Wn them sent tree. Also a catalogue of mochma. was a seaward -facia window, and he lost and Wentifio boob sent free. with sloe black eyes and red cheeks amazingly full, certainly." Patents taken through Munn a Co. ,receive and treble chins. Ovor her head hung "Very welcome, very welcome," mad. his way without difficulty tlmnlnotioetnthol3ciontiocAsnericao sed through the long, low-ceiled uWw are brought eScbefore the ican,an an old-fashioned lantern, the light of growled Mir. Worksop in a somewhat p �e widely p room, reeking and sickening with out cost to the inventor This sn11endid aper which was comfortably reflected in softened voice, staring over the edge lingering fumes of toixwco and rum Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated hwab ?arthj rows of bottLes on shelves behind her of the bedclothes, with small, wind largest O@rawlation o[ AM Wentlio work m the y' punch; and pulling track the single bolt world. 63 a ear. Santyyl coDte*sonttree. filled with liquors of various dyes. deep-set eyrss at the long hair and tall of the glass door he bad taken notice Build) E�tion montbPy bs's n' Bthgls, Can 1 flava a bed in this house?" figure of the young fellow. "There's f 00yle•,2 cenm Oarynum er con Deaw of, he ound himsAf in a little back- tlfnl plates, in colors, aha Dotogn s of now asked Yark of this plume, good -humor- ruum enough ; only be .o good as to yard with, sure enough, the outline of bonne with plans. enablina�uildentoshowthe ed woman, who at .his approach let bear a hand and tumble aboard, for I facet t sW d oa eonte�ot� eadrms a pump in the corner faintly touched Y �rImCO. t�iw'lrowtc gal BaoxDwAt. fall some knitting she was at work don't foal up to tht knocker to -night, by the starlight. u�- and there's been row enough going on _____ _- She ran her bright black eyes aver down -stairs since I've lain here to make He drank and bathed his hands and him with an eTea9ion as though she a dead man get up and shoulder his face, and felt himself greatly refresbed. WOMEN IN PROFESSIONS. g coffin for a cruise arter phaco," There was an inverted tub close to the found pleasure in thea ht of his lou York fell to undseesin Bump, upon which he rested himself, The London Daily News draws atter- weanamiy 'hair and pale handsome face g as expedi- purl here a continued to linger for tion to the greatly increased number and manliness of stature, and answer- ti usly &9 poasible sono time, roluctant. d quit the sweet - of women in England who are now, ao- after a minute's thinking: I'm in aired Mr. Wur orksop, Iumbloouf nese and freshness of the cool air that afraid not, sir. livery bed in the house Inquired with his mouth half con- was breathing direot from the sea for cording to the last census paper, en- is taken. I never remember Deal so q the oven -like ressiveness of the lit - gaged in various professions. In the frill of strangers." ered with bedclothes. ei P g'e tale txsdroom. Maybe bo dazed, for be was civil service the number of women offi- "I shall have to leturn to the shipP "A sailor," was the answer• cera and clerks nae risen from less than then," be exclaimed. " Yet I wrnild What ship, Sir?" suddenly startled by the near drowsy voice of a watchman callling the hour. * 9,(100 in 1871 to 8,548 in 1891. There rather not. Plying betwixt the Downs "Well, I was Seoond-mate of the two o'clock. On hearing this, he arose, was no return of women doctors in 1871; and the shore is costly work to a poor Coolia, but sickened at Valparaiso of re-entered the house, quietly holted the n 1881 they were returned as 25 in man --at least your boatmen make it some pestilenoe there, and was left be- glass door after him and returned to number, but in 1891 they were 101 in so. A spare sofa would serve me. I hind )y the master. I was down six his bedroom. England and Wales" Besides over 53,- have been ill in South America, and montlin; with the malady, and nearly 000 sick nurses, there are 887 women am not yet well, and durst not lie in a dead man. Then the captain of the (To be Continued.) engaged In 'subordinate medical ser- the open. A pillow and a roof for my brig Jane offered to carry me home vice.' Under the heading of 'author, head would suffice. I must be up by on condition of my helping him in the —` " editor, Journalist,' we find 880 women daybreak, ha before. before. My sweot- navigation of the vessel—I mean, tak- he D1 Ba lives Vother ing observations and key in th LAMPS, AND CANDLESTICKS, to 1891, as compared with 452 ten years heart s mot r, rs. X. p g e rw,A- J before, and 25 in 1871. Fifteen was side of Sandwich, moue Minsterway than oning and the like ; for he had lost his One piano ]amp is useful, but to tKputy to Ktud. The McKillop Mutual Fire the total number of women reporters) that town.—D'ye know her, ma'am?" chic[ -mate; and hilt second, who was multiply that and ataind them about for England and Wales in 1881, but in "By name, air: a very decent good the ship's carpenter, couldn't read or write. a thou ht u in the Downs AS if they had walked out to take insurance ompany. 1891 thele were 127. In 1881 there lady, Ire sure." g P ONEY to land In targe or small sums ov good were 1,9('i0 lady painters, engravers or " There's a bead for me there ;bit, it this evening; and as may sweetheart their places in a waltz, or to see how mortgages or personal Hursecurity d bon. u/ scul tors; in 1891 the number had risen too far to reach it on foot to-nigbt. livor within a few hours walk of tbis many intruders into a half -darkened rtent falces s MALS, Huron et, at ,bn. p Farm and Llolated Town Proper- to 8,092. For the first time In 1894 Besides, my sweetheart, Jenny, will not Ior her came oe ashore, meaning to at rt there were lady architects on the cen- expect me till to -morrow, by noon, or room they could trip up in a day, id Money. ty only Insured. sus. Lady musicians and music In is- thereabouts. Now, what am f to do for Small chance of myy disturbing yoil, rather too muoh. Then, tbeir pagoda Money to lendon security at 6 and d per tresses numbered over 19,000 in 1891, a bed? There will be other houses of Mr- Worksop; you'll find me aft -like, tops of monstrous girth deluged the teat. ADplyte a flit OUT, Albert Bt.,�untoe, ontaau. They were 11,000 ten years before. In entertainment in this town besides tbase and iv°n't. know I'm gone till you turn room with boisterous color and set 964•tt. Geo watt, President Harlook P. O.• Jamas commercial pursuits the increase of wo- I have visited In this street?" to look." P C `oo P "Ri ht , everything else Cut of e,oumtenance. If Broadfoot, vice -Pre.., Seat<ortb P. O.i W. J. aA.n• mon workers is not so striking. " There's n gentlel'nah," said the land- g you are. sir; right you are,' anything they are more perverse and Doe, Ssey. Tress., 8eaforth P. O.; Michael Murdle, lad after a short spell o1 tbougbt, rumbled the other: "there's room Cantelon Bros .--__._- 9 who ungainly than the corner easel. The tn■pector of leen, 8eatorth P, O. lying u atalre w has used mq enough here. Why, boil me alive, Ohl DlaaoTOla, y g but this must have been in a royal banquet lampmodestly rears its light ! house for some years running. 'Tis but bed °[ state in its da y at the right place a table or GENERAL GROCERS PftOVI$» James Broadtont, s•atorth;Mtehael MnNfa,so&. NOT WHAT SHE EXPECTED. a bit of aroom ho's in, air ; but he "I'll blow out this light," S3Id York. ��pom a HH piano, and may be olothed in a man - Thomas George ys,Ro 9eath; A' Oeerae Watt, "lock rests im a great big bed, broad enough B nor at once simple yet distingue Thomas6,Hay.,snfoeth; Ate:Gaedfe•r,Leadbuq Four yeart3 more, Mrs. Cros9lyI and to house a large family. If you would- —But have you a tinder -box bandy, With a standard of Japanese br�npe ION MERCHANTS. Thomas Garbutt, Clinton. John McLean,Kiften: you will have your wooden wedding, n't mind Sharing it wtth him, he'd ao Mr- Wmi�p? I'm without that con- or teras Latta, and a delicate shade G'ock/1� aeatrra. said her friend, who was Ca11inQ coxnmodate you at my request, I don't. venience—without a good deal that the banquet lamp Ifs beautiful. BuE ery, Man& ClhinaWare Thoma Nation. Harleck; Robert M•lilllah,8ea- I'm beginning to think I had it a doubt. Whist do you say 9" should have been mine but for "Val- a Wawa horror threatens a that is i forth and J■mia (%aetminp,Egmehdyttb. " You axe ver good, ma'am; 'twould 'Para'-, It's well to be able to strike ALBERT ST.. CLINTON, 0111'(`• EVERYBODY PENSIONED. Y a light; ; one never knows what ma tall Candlestick, gcmerally ,,Ade of PrrUes destrdats to ill Inenn.te or trend be a godsend I assure you. I aiuld not. g y enameled wood and of $fa1�Nt altsh Prltli for Batgr and ERgs set other bcaton cent f pab**6 p ws ,A. Denmark allows evat subject, male, feel more weary had I been tramp- happon." Profusely decor- a9.1� ed to on application to any of the aboyA offieare eG• Y j cited in colOa s, often Of tM DrMden dressed to their re.pactive post omens, or female, who is 80 cora of age, a Ln Deal all day e T hero's m. acket on that cheer,' Small pension. Y g Step into the end room, then." said anewPaed Mr. �or]r»o style. It is made to s'aand either all P , "You'll fled the [lour or on the table. ( i i �, �M1 - IOW d dl w. '6'-_ , alrilltin.5,a _..�..P .ot..;s••af-e. s,- �-...r.,. —. sews...,.-�£,rr.4os ur(r _�.w� � . r..ti«rat — '+.y am- _>`=� .LT - ' to 1891, as compared with 452 ten years heart s mot r, rs. X. p g e rw,A- J before, and 25 in 1871. Fifteen was side of Sandwich, moue Minsterway than oning and the like ; for he had lost his One piano ]amp is useful, but to tKputy to Ktud. The McKillop Mutual Fire the total number of women reporters) that town.—D'ye know her, ma'am?" chic[ -mate; and hilt second, who was multiply that and ataind them about for England and Wales in 1881, but in "By name, air: a very decent good the ship's carpenter, couldn't read or write. a thou ht u in the Downs AS if they had walked out to take insurance ompany. 1891 thele were 127. In 1881 there lady, Ire sure." g P ONEY to land In targe or small sums ov good were 1,9('i0 lady painters, engravers or " There's a bead for me there ;bit, it this evening; and as may sweetheart their places in a waltz, or to see how mortgages or personal Hursecurity d bon. u/ scul tors; in 1891 the number had risen too far to reach it on foot to-nigbt. livor within a few hours walk of tbis many intruders into a half -darkened rtent falces s MALS, Huron et, at ,bn. p Farm and Llolated Town Proper- to 8,092. For the first time In 1894 Besides, my sweetheart, Jenny, will not Ior her came oe ashore, meaning to at rt there were lady architects on the cen- expect me till to -morrow, by noon, or room they could trip up in a day, id Money. ty only Insured. sus. Lady musicians and music In is- thereabouts. Now, what am f to do for Small chance of myy disturbing yoil, rather too muoh. Then, tbeir pagoda Money to lendon security at 6 and d per tresses numbered over 19,000 in 1891, a bed? There will be other houses of Mr- Worksop; you'll find me aft -like, tops of monstrous girth deluged the teat. ADplyte a flit OUT, Albert Bt.,�untoe, ontaau. They were 11,000 ten years before. In entertainment in this town besides tbase and iv°n't. know I'm gone till you turn room with boisterous color and set 964•tt. Geo watt, President Harlook P. O.• Jamas commercial pursuits the increase of wo- I have visited In this street?" to look." P C `oo P "Ri ht , everything else Cut of e,oumtenance. If Broadfoot, vice -Pre.., Seat<ortb P. O.i W. J. aA.n• mon workers is not so striking. " There's n gentlel'nah," said the land- g you are. sir; right you are,' anything they are more perverse and Doe, Ssey. Tress., 8eaforth P. O.; Michael Murdle, lad after a short spell o1 tbougbt, rumbled the other: "there's room Cantelon Bros .--__._- 9 who ungainly than the corner easel. The tn■pector of leen, 8eatorth P, O. lying u atalre w has used mq enough here. Why, boil me alive, Ohl DlaaoTOla, y g but this must have been in a royal banquet lampmodestly rears its light ! house for some years running. 'Tis but bed °[ state in its da y at the right place a table or GENERAL GROCERS PftOVI$» James Broadtont, s•atorth;Mtehael MnNfa,so&. NOT WHAT SHE EXPECTED. a bit of aroom ho's in, air ; but he "I'll blow out this light," S3Id York. ��pom a HH piano, and may be olothed in a man - Thomas George ys,Ro 9eath; A' Oeerae Watt, "lock rests im a great big bed, broad enough B nor at once simple yet distingue Thomas6,Hay.,snfoeth; Ate:Gaedfe•r,Leadbuq Four yeart3 more, Mrs. Cros9lyI and to house a large family. If you would- —But have you a tinder -box bandy, With a standard of Japanese br�npe ION MERCHANTS. Thomas Garbutt, Clinton. John McLean,Kiften: you will have your wooden wedding, n't mind Sharing it wtth him, he'd ao Mr- Wmi�p? I'm without that con- or teras Latta, and a delicate shade G'ock/1� aeatrra. said her friend, who was Ca11inQ coxnmodate you at my request, I don't. venience—without a good deal that the banquet lamp Ifs beautiful. BuE ery, Man& ClhinaWare Thoma Nation. Harleck; Robert M•lilllah,8ea- I'm beginning to think I had it a doubt. Whist do you say 9" should have been mine but for "Val- a Wawa horror threatens a that is i forth and J■mia (%aetminp,Egmehdyttb. " You axe ver good, ma'am; 'twould 'Para'-, It's well to be able to strike ALBERT ST.. CLINTON, 0111'(`• EVERYBODY PENSIONED. Y a light; ; one never knows what ma tall Candlestick, gcmerally ,,Ade of PrrUes destrdats to ill Inenn.te or trend be a godsend I assure you. I aiuld not. g y enameled wood and of $fa1�Nt altsh Prltli for Batgr and ERgs set other bcaton cent f pab**6 p ws ,A. Denmark allows evat subject, male, feel more weary had I been tramp- happon." Profusely decor- a9.1� ed to on application to any of the aboyA offieare eG• Y j cited in colOa s, often Of tM DrMden dressed to their re.pactive post omens, or female, who is 80 cora of age, a Ln Deal all day e T hero's m. acket on that cheer,' Small pension. Y g Step into the end room, then." said anewPaed Mr. �or]r»o style. It is made to s'aand either all P , "You'll fled the [lour or on the table. ( i i �, �M1 - IOW d dl w. '6'-_ , alrilltin.5,a _..�..P .ot..;s••af-e. s,- �-...r.,. —. sews...,.-�£,rr.4os ur(r _�.w� � . r..ti«rat — '+.y am- _>`=� .LT - ' ( i i �, �M1 - IOW d dl w. '6'-_ , alrilltin.5,a _..�..P .ot..;s••af-e. s,- �-...r.,. —. sews...,.-�£,rr.4os ur(r _�.w� � . r..ti«rat — '+.y am- _>`=� .LT - '