HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-30, Page 7( DOCTORS KENNEDY&KERGAI Specialiste in the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Sexual an Pi Hate Diseases 17 Tura b 1)D1R1i. 200,403 ►Sri d e YOUNG MA IOU despondent; nervous aid despondent; weak and debilitated; ilitated; tire. mornings; no ambition: lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigued; excitable; eyes ,nnken, red and blurred; pimples on taco; droame and night It sees; dndns at stool; oozing on excitement; haggard looking; weak back; bone poi no; Iulcers; ha: rloose; sore thr.,at; varicocel want of confidence; impo- fenny; tack of energy and 1 aahaa�De 1,tren th. IARIAEE This important step In lite should never be on nAti l ion aro Positively cured if yon have been weakened or diseased. Remember Like/ether, like torr." Emies ions, yard eocefe, ,psrmatorrhren and syphilis endanger happiness in married life, Oar New Method cnree them per- manently. 1f you are mare _d consult ae at once, as we can restore your strengths vital energy and desires- Ifou wish 10 Marry, onr advice may be worth a fortune to you. Don't Lot be Drained AWS; The Now Vathadreatmont, Lb s f3y tem acd New Method was incover by ne several the nervous systemears ago. It ;restores loand rtnvitality to the sexual organ; stops all drains and loses; invigorates and roetoree loatma: hood. 1t never fails In During the results of Self Abuse, Later Excesses, Blood Dis- eases, or the effects of a misspent Life. cgrz CURES BUARAN7'EE OR NO PAY r. What we Treat and Cure Emissions Varl000ele,Syph1- IIs.Nervousbeblllty Strloture (hent, Impotency' UJnnatural Dlsohar es,LoetManhood,Kld- ney andB adderDlse ses.Con_ pultatlon Free. Books Illustrated) Free, writs for OUeetlonryBBt�iinn�k fn. or fid ntlal.ome ' Plain envelopeEsveN thing sent C. O. D. See teatimonlnls next week. Keays the largest assortment, new- est Goods, quality fig d Prices low in Groceries Crockery and Glassware TEAS.—Black, Green and Japans are unequalled in quality and prices; you will save Sc. and 100. pound if you buy troc me instead of Tea Peddlers; compare quality and prices. SUGARS.—We are headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal Refineries, keep beat qualit} and sell at close prices. NEWTRUITS and PEELS.—We have already disposed during Holiday season of over four tone and still have large stock on hand, different brands selling cheap ae to quality. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS.—We have got to make room for our Imported Goods and we have reduced our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea Seta, s Toilet S tad, Berry Sets, Water Sete, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lamp kin Call and see Goods and Prices; no trouble to show goods. Terms Cash or Trade., --- We Welcome you to them-►~- Httiron Central Exhibition, Sept. 29 and 30. p Ja OQDQ And will be pleased to have you call and inspect our complete stock of— ae aD Hardware, Lamps and &c., &c. Tinware, Stoves and Furnaces, Lamp Goods, Paints and Oils, Our Stores are the Place for Bargains. HARLAND BROS., Hardware Merchants, Clinton. There's man y -a slip • between cup and hp Wand there's many ajar of spoiled Pickles all on account of not using The best VINEGAR and SPICES We are headquarters for Pure Spices of all kinds, both whole and ground, Our Vinegar is the best on the market. -- THE CASH GROCERY Telephone 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. t� +i 'oO'c►' t♦: 4'? ten. P,igidity. Every Ma- i6,.+; a- i 6�: — . `, chir efullywarranted { 14, '`1 t' .' I': p+a ++ e+++++ ++++++++++++++++++ King of all Bicycles. Light Weight and v4 . '41 ♦ t+ 1++ 5 Styles + Absolutely 4 the Best. +1 t44 ii 1:+1 ►` b t+ F+� + Superior Material and Scientific Work- manship. Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition, Send twa cert stamp for our se. -page Catalogue—A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, iILL. Reta11 Salesroom, ego Wabash Ave. 4 WEAK MEN If suffering from Lost Manhool Nervous Debility Leek of Vigor Emissions. 10 days treatment sent free to anyone sending us ' --tete. in Postage stamps. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 5411 St. James Street,Montreal LADIES PRENCIU PILLS. Rafe t Sure. Act in 0e. to 48 boars. The only female regulator in the whole range of medioloe•. By Mali Pries $8 00. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 440 Bt. James Street, Montrea ted—An idea Who can think of some simpleo thing to patent?? Protect your Ideas; they may bring_Toa wealth Write JOHN WED15ERBVRN ft CO. Patent Actor. ways, Wubington, D. C., for their $1,800 pry otter and Int of two hundred inventions wanted. WORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay $8 to 110 per week for easy home work- Child can do it. No Scheme, Book' or Peddling This Ie Kona Ode. Send Stamp for work and portico - lora at once. THE SEYMOUR SUPPLY CO., Mason- ic Temple, Csmden, N T. 911-yly. AGENTS CAN EARN LARGE SALARIES weekly, canvassing for Pelham Nursery Co., who possess newest and improved methods for propagating hardy stock for all sections Of Canada; also new and tested varieties of seed potatoes; write us for terms and ex- elualve territory. PELHAM NURSERY CO., TorOntO. OId Dre Garden's Gemedy f or Men CURES POSITIVELY Lost Power,Nervou$ Debility, Failing Manhood, Secret i- seaseeicaused by the errors aadC,ttdeaseSOfouth, YouS middlee-aged or o(d menesteresing from theet%cts cif;follies and excesses, reatoretrto Health. mad tatiod and vigor. Prkfa six*. 6 boxes ftr.111.00. Stent try mail, t eettrel�r sealed. Write ibt oar book, "Startling .Pack,,t for Men Only, tells you how to get well and Stay Well. Address, QUtUN MEDICINE CO., Sox e4y, YONTRtAL Attcl4neat Cook's Cellos nest C.apeuad Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "Me hour and lime of need." Every lady who reads this is regnested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for tee and fn particulars, which we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 33 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY,' Room 3—No. 263 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Ur Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. SPECIFIC FOR SCROFULA. "Since childhood, I have been afflicted with scrofulous boils and sores, which caused me terrible suffering. Physicians were unable to help me, and 1 only grew worse under their care. At length, 1 began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, a n d very soon grew bet- ter. After using half a dozen bottles I was completely cured, so that I have not had a boil or pimple on any part of my body for the last twelve years. I can cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- parilla as the very best blood -purifier in existence." — G. T. REINiL&IRT, Myersville, Texas. YE THE ONLY WORLD'S PAIR Sarsaparilla Ayer's Cleary Pectanl cures Caupps aid Colds Canada. Written by Miss Alice Stout, Clinton. winning the silver Medal offered by Dr Shaw, and read at the Clinton Collegiate Com- mencement exercises, Sept -;18, 1896. Canada is a subject ever interesting to true Canadian hearts. Of all the vast and prosperous colonies belonging to the moth- er land, our own is the greatest and proud- est. Extending from the ice -bound seas at the north, to the centre of the temperate zone, on three sides -it knows no bound but that of the ocean waves. The name "Can- ada," which in the Indian language means "a cluster of buts," is hardly applicable now to the rich andprosperousland which bears it. A feature of the mining boom that is striking Canada is that while British Columbia mining stocks are now quot- ed and traded in, nothing has been heard of Ontario mines in the same way. If any one desires shares in the mines of the province, he has to go direct to the shareholders and then, as a rule, cannot get them. The truth is that Outerio possesses mineral depos- its which, while their "immensity is not Indicated by the size of the moun- tains," have rewarded those who have devel'dped them with greater returns 1n ropoAlen to the outlay ttian any ltx so Ooltrmbia Imine. This is proved i y hp omcidd statistics. The feet that peolile cannot pick up shares which are peddled in the market is another pprettyy sure indication of their. value. P'eoplb do not sell or give away a good thing. r-. the French, and again when the Americana wished to drive out the power of our moth- erland, her sone rose manfully to defend her rights, and invariably prevailed against her foes. Some of the most brilliant names on the pages of history, are of men who fought and fell on Canadian battle- fields. It other countries helve their Wel- lington, their Napoleon or their Washing- ton, we have our General Wolfe and Sir Isaac Brook. Bat while our counttymea have shown such determined courage In times of neoesaity, let us pray that the peace which we are now enjoying may be continued to as. to past years we have seen sufficient example in England of the contrast between times of peace and war, with regard to the prosperity of a country. Our nation has been very tortunatt in this respect, as she has yet been engaged in no very prolonged ware. In travelling through Canada one will not find many spots, such as we find in the cld country, immortalized by their connec- tion with history or romance. The coun- try is too uew for such. It is a land of the present, as the eastern Ianda are of the past- But for scenery it is not easily sur - passed. Here we may still see nature in all her beauty, unspoiled by the arts of man. There are spots in Canada which tourists from all countries 'reek. Chief among them is the Falls of Niagara, one of the wonders of the world. It is a scene from which the interest never dies one No matter how often one has seen it, he is ready again to gaze at it with wonder. Another e: ene renowned for its great beauty is the Lake of a Thousand Iolanda, at the toot of Lake Ontario. In fact all along the ohein of great lakes, which border the Do- minion on the south, are found snatches of scenery unsurpassed for beauty and variety. For mountain scenery, among the grandest in the world, one has just to take a trip on the Canadian Pacific Railway, across the continent to the Rocky Mountains. Here again Canada labors under the same di9i- cnitiea of climate, which ware mentioned before, as about halt of her territory is, a great part of the year, too cold for comfort- able travel. Turning our attention at lent to the soul of the nation, her political and educational condition, we arrive at that part which shows what a nation really is. The super- vision of the mother -land over this, her greatest colony, is wise and by no means Interfering, We are left to govern our- selves, and all Canadians know that our present political system has been tested and proven by the fire of experience, and has been found most trustworthy. Many methods were tried with indifferent enc• mese up till the time of Confederation. Since then the system by which all classes ofgpople are represented_ in Parliament, has eon satiafaotory to all who have the in et of the country at heart. The div- ision of duties between the Dominion and Provincial Parliaments is well arranged, a, is also the work left to the smaller bodies, the town and county councils. The educational system of Canada is re- garded as the beat in the world, and Cana- dians went to work the right way in found- ing it. They examined the methods em- ployed by other countries, and otiose what was beatend moat fitting in each. Making ase of these they built up the present School System, of which we are so justly proud. In this land of educational liberty, poor and rich may be taught alike, and the necessary retina is, that brsine and indus- try takes position above that of wealth. But amid all the progress and activity of our land, one subject, en important one, s^eme to have been neglected. Where are the great poets and writers of Canada? Some certainly have made very good efforts in both lines, but who is there to compare with Shakespeare, Tennyson, Longfellow, or George Elliott? Probably the reason is that when men's minds have been occupied by the more common, and more important matters, concerning the welfare of the state, they have not bad space in their thoughts for lighter subjects, Perhaps in the near future, when Sion have more time to turn their attention to literature, we many see the works of Canadians taking their places in the ranks with the produc• tiaras of other countries. And now, although we grant that there is still great room for improvement in our country, let na-be devoutly thankful to the Giver of all for the many blesaioge of nat- ure showered upon us, and also for the ci- vil and religions liberty won by our fore- fathers, and in which our beloved Queen leaves all her colonies unmoleated. I am sure all Canadians echo in their hearts what they speak with their lips, when re- peating one of our national songs; "Did kindly Heaven afford to me The choice where I would dwell, Fair Canada that choicewonid be; The land I love so well. I love thy hills and valleys wide, Thy waters' flash and foam: May God in love o'er thee preside, My own Canadian home.' When first discovered, about four centur- ies ago, this whole vast land was covered by forests and rich prairie lands, and abounded in rivers and lakes, but was wholly uncultivated and uncivilized. Now it is a strong end trosperons nation, able to hold up its head among the nations of the world. How mach we should honor the memery of those bold and adventurous discoverers, who emerged from the darkness of their own age, and endured hardships and ridicule in order to find the land which they knew must exist. We have also to thank our hardy forefathers, and the kind and patient ministers of religion who left the security of the mother -land, and by en- during the severest hardship, and dangers, laid for the deacendenta the foundations of this prosperous colony. It is not to wealth and rank that we Canadians owe our pres- ent condition, but to the etnbhorn endur once and unbending will of men ana wo- men who, whether in distress or prosperity labored in the interest of borne and coon - try. I know of no other people on the face of this globe who are so patriotic, or so ready to sacrifice self for country, as the people of Canada. We may not talk so much about it *sour neighbors on the other side of the border, but the motto of Cana- dians has always been "Doing," not "Say inBat however great the energy and enter- prise of man, not mach can be accomplish- ed without the aid of nature, and what country displays greater natural facilities than oars. From north to south, and from east to west, this beautiful land is lit- erally overflowing with the gilts of nature. Agriculture has always been the most im- portant industry of a new country, and the agriculturist could not hope to find bet- ter subject for his art than the rolling prairies, which 000urly the centre of the Dominion. With regard to this industry, Canada has disadvantages unknown to some other countries, the United States for example, as a greet part of her territory lies too lar north for vegetation. Hand in hand with agriculture goys the lumbering industry, which is still one of the most im- portant in the land. But notwithstanding the great and endless demand on the for- ests, the supply does not seem to be very materially diminished. Right here in On- tario, the farthest advanced of all the ro- vincee, an hour's journey from any of the large cities will lead one into woods almost as dense as were presented to the eye of the first settler. The other great industry of our land is mining. Nowhere else is there •a district richer in all valuable minerals than British Columbia. But although it is of such great importance already, the mining ihduatry of Canada is still in its in- fancy. Ai; the new member for Vancouver said in Parliament a few days ago, if Brit- ish Columbia only got fair play and was properly treated by the Government, she would astonish Canada by her rapid pro- gress. Half the wealth of the Rocky Moun- t/line is still unknown, but almost daily we boar of advancement in this lino. The vast stretch of country reaohing far towards the north, known es the North West Territory, la yet only partially ex- plored. Men ere continually opening it up, farther and farther northward, and ab- le and zealous missionaries are doing much to bring the people of this part into oon- neotio0 with civilization. The great rail- way, stretching from ocean to ocean morose the continent, has been an important agent in exploration, and in developing the com- merce and industries of our land. Manito- ba and the surrounding diatribe, which, not many years ago, were regarded as al- most unknown territory, have now flour- ishing towns and cities, and enjoy the same edaoetional and political advantages se our eastern provinces. The oommeroe of Canada, although not yet greatly developed, is yearly increasing in proportions. We have long passed the stage at which a country is able to product. only enough for its own use. Even now the exportation of grain, fruit and cattle from the Dominion is of world -aide impor- tance. Jost here it may be said that, while in times of pesos, Canada has melted in the arta of pesoe, yet at times when war has beep necessary to protect her houses, she has ever been to the front. Among the first dangers our forefathers had to encoun- ter, were the attsoke of savages. Some- times their little colonies were almost an- nihilated, and oftensines they mast hews almost given up in despair. 'later on when aimek- Canadian Morals. Editor Nems -Record DEAR SIR,—For some reason un- known to me 1 have received a marked copy of the Goderich Grit paper. The Stew marked I consider worthy only the pen of the lowest and most de- graded type of humanity. I aur sur- prised that obscene American publica- tions are prohibited from pawing through the mails of this moral coun- try while the Grit Government allow such a publication its the said Orit paper to pass as mail matter. Such immoral literature should he promptly confiscated by the authorities else the morals of the community will receive a setback. Yours, etc., MORALE TY. Blyth, Sept. 10, 1898. WISE WOMEN SPEAK. They Use Only the Diamond Dyes. Mrs. Thos. Miller, St. IH,elen's Ont., says : "I have used your Diamond Dyes for many years, and am delighted with them." Mrs. Ryan, Head Lake, Ont., says: "Entirely pleased with Diamond Dyes they give complete satisfaction. I would not use any other after my ex- periouce with the "Diamond." Mrs. A. R. Steeves, Meadow, N. B., says : "Diamond Dyes give lovely colors ; they are easy to use and very reliable ; I highly recommend them." Mrs. Charles Gagne, at. Chrysostome, P. Q., says :-"Your Diamond Dyes are splendid and should be kept in every home." Mrs. R. .1. Hannah Poplar Point, Man., says : "Diamond Dyes are a per- fect success and no trouble." Mrs. A. F. Davis, Knowlton, P. Q., says ; 1 used Diamond Dyes with great success. 1 can re -color old dresses and make them look as good as new ones." Mr. Wood has discovered that Sir Charles Tupper is not like Laurier. Sir Charles does not forget what he said in a speech in 1876. BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT and then go ahead. If your blood is impure, your appetite failing, your nerves weak, you may be euro that Hood's Sarsaparilla is what you need. Then take no substitute. Ipsist upon Hood's and only Hood's. This is the medicine which has the largest sales in the world„ Hood Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Purifier. HOOD'S PILLS are prompt,ef loient, always reliable, easy to take. easy to operate. M-411-eliellnelleno►1001 Wm. Radam Microbe Killer Chronic Diseases, Constipation, Eczema, Female Complaints, 1 All disappear before REll1uM' Miccohe K111e�. i BUILD UP THE SYSTEM—That'e our advice to everyone. No better Medicine on earth than MICROBE KILLER for purifying the blood, ton- ing up the nerves and building up the health. Send for circular. RADAM MICROBE KLLLER 44111-4111.4111411141114411110-010-40+1110-00410. Daniel McDonald, of at. Thoma aged 19 years, met with a. terrible ac cident which cost him his life. After getting through his day's work, young McDonald and a companion named Oat - man jumped on a freight train as it was pulling out of the yards about 7 o'clock. The boys rode on the bumpers till the juncton at Tilsonburg was reached, where young McDonald jumped off the train but instead of landing on the ground alighted in a big culvert. Oat - man heard his companion's moans and immediately notified the tiainrnen at Tilsonburg. The injured youth was picked up ttnd sent to St. Thomas and conveyed the Amasa-Wood Hospital on a stretcher. On an examination he was found to be terribly injured and died at the hospital about 9.30 Satur- day morning. Dyspepsia and Indigestion, common diseases, but hard to cure with ordinary remedies, yield readily to Manley'; Celery -Nerve Compound. ',V. H. Buckingham, 306 Kind Pt, Bast, Hamilton, Ont., says:—"l was troubled wl.h„ Dyspcptia and Indigestion for ■ long time, end could get no relief until 1 tried Manley'sCelery-Nerve Compound, which cured me, and 1 cannot speak too highly In its praise." Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe. It won't do to stop the parliamentary session until M. C. Cameronets a chance to make his speech on the Pa- cific scandal. your child You note the difference in children. Some have nearly every ailment, even with the best of care. Others far more exposed pass through unharmed. Weak children will have continuous colds in winter, poor digestion in summer. They are with- out power to resist disease, they have no reserve strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, with hypo - phosphites, is cod-liver oil partly digested and adapted to the weaker digestions of children. so. It Bowes, Belleville, Ont. sec. end SI.os Some days nothing will "come out right," from the time you rise till you retire. Ten to one, the trouble is in yourself. Your blood is in had condi- tion, and every organ suffers in conse- quence. What you need is the clean- sing, invigorating influence of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The firet brick on the new Grand Trunk car shops in London was laid Friday by Mr. John Street, of Hamil- ton, who laid the first brick of the o1d shops nearly twenty-five years ago. 40 GEMS, IO CENTS Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills Cure All Troubles. ARISING FROM TOPOR OF THE LIVER. EASY AND QUICK—BANISH SICK HEAD- ACHE—PURIFY THE BLOOD AND ERA- DICATE ALL IMPURITIES FROM THE SYSTEM. The demand i3 big. The pills are little, easy to take, pleasant results, no pain. 40 in a vial, and 10 cents at all druggists. McGill University, Montreal, has is- sued a notice refusing to accept in future any more U. S. silver or paper money in payment of scholarship foes. United States cheques will only he ac- cepted if one-quarter per cent. discount is added. The sense of security against sudden emergencies from croup and bronchitis, felt by those who are provided with a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,would be cheaply purchased at ten times the cost of that remedy. In all lung com- plaints it is prompt to act and sure to cure A deputation of the veterans of '66, who repelled the Fenian raid, waited upon Mr. Laurier, and asked for recog- nition of their patriotic services in the shape of a medal and a land grant. Mr. Laurier said he would lay the matter before his colleagues. FATAL RESULT OF DELAY. Sickness generally follows in the path of neglect. Don't be reckless i but prudently take a few doses of Scotts Emulsion immediately follow- ing exposure to cold. It will Rave you many painful days and sleepless nights. IAnLLYUIii CURHD—$WOIBN STATEMENT. Mrs Magpie McMartin, 27 Badenburst SL, Toronto Ont, swears that Ryokman's "Kootenay Cure" cured her of Paralysis which rendered ons side of her body entirely useless. Physicians said there was no chinos of her ever reoovng the use of her limbs. Hops deserted her, but to -day she is walking ground telling her Mends how R7okman's " Kootenay Cure" gave her life and happiness. Sworn to, July 10, 1890. bikini J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. SWORN STATEMENT OF ♦ GRATEFUL MOTHER. Louisa White, nine years old, who suffered with Enema shine her birth, has been entirely odied and her general system built up by Ryokmaa s "Kootenay Cunt" The above taste are riven in a worn state- ment made by her mother, Yrs George Whits, 1>N iunson lits. Hamilton, Ont, dated July 8, 1800, before J, F. Work. Notary Public. COHMINATIO1i DISTURBED — SWORE STATEiIENT MAD& Charles IC. Newman, 1S Marlborough it. Toronto Ont-, had a complication of blood troubles, Rheu- matism. severe Kidney trouble and constipation. WM frequently disturbed at sight, lost his appetite and was a eery sink man. His Kidneys are now in a beatth� condition, his appetitesleep until*.IcrDed and oonslbpstion oared; all this was don. by Ryckman's .toot nay Care" He make(eswom statement to the above facts beton J. W. Sey®oes Soder. July lo, 1800. A PERFECT TEA 013001 TEA THE FINEST TEA 1N THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in lb, t Ib. and g lb. packages, and never sold ie bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT:' If your groom does not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HATTER 6t 00. 11 and 13 Front Streit East. Toront, -1 'DRS. KENNEDY& KERGAI 148 Sh•lby St. Dorrott, Mlol • Tc Every honest, right-minded citizen will rejoice at the news flashed over the wires on Monday morning that Tynan, the infamous "Number One, murderer of Lord Frederick Cavendish, was a prisoner at last, and that now fourteen years after the cruel butchery of two innocent men in Phoenix Park, Dublin, the Avenging hand of justice bottle the leader of the hand of mis- creants In 1882,