HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-30, Page 5Our small Window
Co 'tains a Display
of Spaotaclea, a sight of them
may servo to remind you that
you need glaasee and are per-
haps ruining your eyes by not
getting thew at once. Step
inside and have your sight test-
ed. We will do it for you
properly because we know how.
We know how because we !ave
learned /taw in the Optical In-
stitute of Canada. Teat free,
glasses if required at moderate
prices, guarauteed lu suit or
money refunded.
In passing - -
take a look into our largo win-
dow. RUBBER Goons.—When
you need anything in this line
won't have to think twice
as to where you are sure of
getting the beet. We do the
Rubber Goods trade. That i
why our stock is ao good and
that ie why we can beat suit you
in anything you may3need in
this line—Atomizers, Hotwater
bottles, Enema and Fountain
Syringae, lee bags, Rubber
bandages, Silk elastin atockinge
and anklets, Medicated cottons,
Chemical thermometers, Sick
feeders, Medicine glaseee, &c.
In Trusses we can suit you.
Call if interested and give us a
chance to prove it—Prices range
from $1.50 to $5.
Allen W Wilson, DRUGGISTS
•IrA Dull Season and
Business Good—
While this is recognized as the dull
season, our business is on the increase.
The past week has been the most
successful in our career. The way we
account for the increase is the fact
that we give superior value. We do
not pretend to give away Goods or
make Clothing at a direct loss, but our
prices have been cut so fine that the
people have come to realize that a
dollaved is a dollar earned. This
motto will be continued. Just now a
number of wearable Straw Hats are
on sale at close prices—not less than
cost price, but exactly at what they
cost. Our Ready-Mades are great
value and people who want anything
in this line should call—single suits go
at prices as though you wanted a car
We are ready for Autumn, Fall
and Winter Trade and can supply
your wants to perfection.
Eastern Excursions
Aug. 28, 29, 30, 31.
Single Fare for Round
—Trip --
Tickets good to return up to Sept. 21st.
For full particulars apply to
G. T. R.
J' B. Rllmba!1,
The Leading Jeweler.
Our Goods are the Best in the
Market and our Prices
the Lowest.
Central Telephone Exchanger
The; hest equipped railway nn the
American Continent„
—The best route to—
Montreal, Chicago,
Ut:awa, Detroit,
Quebec, Manitoba,
British Columbia
and all Western Points.
For low rates and full information
—consult with ---
C. P. R. Ticket, Telegraph and Steam-
ship agent, Clinton, Ont.
Desirable Fara to Bent.
The undersigned offers to rent the splendid tarty
en the 9th eon,, Hallett township, betas the north
half of lot 1116 containing 86 aures. Frame house,
baro, stable and shed, young orchard bearing this
year, a amok running through the farm all the year
round, A desirable farm for stock or grain, beteg
only six minor froth the town of Clinton. Appl) t,1
Holnreevule. 9.27 CI
Property For Sale.
le consequence of my age and lack of help, 1 Lave
decided to uf(or fur Bale wy splendid gardening pro-
perty consisting of five and a half erred In Clinton,
dump of the best land is the county of Huron, ivalud.
lug but beds and other nueeaeary requirements,
There le on the premise, a frame house with sallarn
silt and hard water, barn and other outbuildings
The Reytleld river adjoins the property. Will sell at
a reasonable priee for half sash and balance deured
by mortgage. Ae I desire to 0e11, this is a uLnnee
eoldom met with, Apply persouelly or by Icttcr to
the proprietor,
9944 L 'Juutm
Farm For Sale.
lieing lot No. 11, fir141 concussion, .A •.Illil•1lI
township, comprised of ion acres of clay loans,
all cleared, in first-class stats of cultivation.
Good dwelling told out buildings, splendid
orchard, The property is well ,meed. A
spring creek runs through the farm. This
farm has been in grass for ten years and is one
of the most desirable in the county. truly
seven miles from Goderich, five Promo lkwgan•
non. Church, school and lost Office eon
lel) 1. 'Perms to cult purchaser. Y osseseion
October 1st.
GEOit(iIC (ittdlidnt.
Sheppard ton 1'. 0.
Blacksmith Shop for Sale or
At Sulumerhill.
That desirable property, the Blacksmith
Shop at Suulmerlrill, about four miles from
Clinton or any other blacksmith shop, along
with comfortable frame dwelling, with stone
cellar, good well water, &e. ; also driving
house and other outbuildings: quarter acro
garden, good land, with a number of fruit trees,
grapes, &c. Will be sold or leased on favor-
able terms to right party. Possession in tete-
bor. Good opening. Apply by letter or 111 per-
son to
Aug. 22nd, 1896. Londesboru P. 1)., Out.
927 -11
WANTED 11 can employ
stem and 16100 Ind los
to work at and around !ionto. A good thing
with good salary tor pushers.
49 Richmond St. \V., Toronto, Out.
Estray Pig.
Strayed from the premises of the undersign-
ed, Lot No. 12, Base Lino, Goderich Township, on
or about the 21st of August, a large WHITE
SOW, aged throe years. information that will
lead to the recovery of the animal will be sui-
tably rewarded. Apply at TILE NEWS -RECORD
office or to the owner, Noble Lovett,
Sept. 4, 1896. Summerhill P. 0.
Money Wanted,
Wanted, 8300 or $400 on good security. For
particulars, apply at THE NEws•Itscolco Officer
House and Lot Wanted.
Wanted, for cash a snug house and lot. con-
veniently located, (or from $300 to $500. Apply
for particulars at Tine NEWS -RECORD ofnee.
WANTED At once, a few good
men to whom $10.00 or
$12.00 a week would bo an object. Send refer-
Brantford, Ont.
Man Wanted.
Wanted, young married man, without (amity
or with small family, to work on farm by the
year. Must be good with team and board him
self. House convenient. Apply at THE NEWS.
RECORD Office for particulars.
Lot For Sale.
A good I acre lot on Ratt.enbnry St. West,
for sale ata big bargain. Apply to
932 If T. JACKSON, JR.
A ltE YOU ANXIOUS to make a success of
your lifer Do you know that now -a -days its
h'duratioll that makes the man. Let nothing
hinder you from getting a Bnxiliega !education.
Write for our new Catalogue, it will interest
you. Now studonty can enter at any time,
W. J. ELLI01"I', Principal.
Bargain Week !
Household Economy
To every purchnserof 100 Ibo. we give 15 lbs
of genuine Oatmeal for 2,5c, much loss than the
market price.
We handle Wheat, Peas, Barley, Ontd, Ruck
wheat Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc, %\e give to
lbs. Oatmeal for a bushel of new, clean oats
and 11 for old, Our bargains are genuine.
0. OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton.
James Steep & Co.
Apple and Fruit Com-
mission Merchant.
Clinton, - - - Ontario.
Cable Report, dated Liver-
poo1, Sept. 12th.
Can ltd l lin 8111 pill 1'11 is :
King Pippins. ........ 11/- to 15/0
Coiverts. 7/0 to 12/-
('ravensteins 11/- to 15/0
Oreenings 10/3 to 12/0
Cahashaws, 20 07 11/- to 13/ -
Maiden Blush 10/- t.o 12/3
Jenetting. 7/6 to 10/ -
St. Lawrence. . 7/0 to 9/ -
Having made arrangements for cold
storage we can handle all apples en-
trusted to our care. At present we
are shipping 1,000 barrels a day on
commission and the above prices will
indicate the returns. Watch this space
every week.
James Steep & Co.
Goderielt. tion to the water work, and electric
A Himmel, TREAT..—The managers light building at the dock, ie finished.
of Knox Church have engaged the —The past week the contractor for
services of Harold Jarvis, Mies Amy putting in the intake pipe, waa
buoy clearing the trench that last
week', storm filled up.—Dr. Thowp•
son, recently of Exeter, hae put up his
sign in Goderich.—Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
Tilt, of Waterloo, were visiting the
gentleman's parenta the past week.—
Rev, Mr. and Mre. Wigle, and child-
ren, left last week on their return to
their home, Carman, Manitoba.—
Misses Parsons and Donough will, in a
few days re -open their hall for instruc-
tions in deportment and dancing.—
Mr. Geo. Porter may be occasionally
seen taking 'a carriage drive.—'The
Chosen Friende added two members to
the roll at laet meeting.—The Goderich
and Uorrio and Wroxeter Base 13a11
teams played a game in Seafurth on
Monday. The match, after a stubborn
pull, was won by Goderich, 13 to 5,
—Commercial fishing ie suspended but
the blaok base are fairly plentiful at
the mouth of the river and perch are
in the harbor and off the piers in great
numbers.—R. B. Smith', millinery
opening last week was very largely
patronized, the large show of the latest
in hate and bounete being mush ad-
wired.—The King's Daughters will
hold their annual entertainment on
the evening of Thanksgiving Day.—
Chautauqua Vesper service was held in
the North Street Methodist church on
Sunday evening.—On Sunday, ohild•
ren', day in Knox church, the child-
ren were specially addressed in the
Itobeort Jeifery and Arthur Depew for
a concert iu Knox church on Tuesday,
Oct. 6th.
A (7 )on Patem,—Seller Connolly
for tis Holmeeville cheese factory,
sold the August make to Ballantyne
for 91- cente. On Tuesday it was
shipped from Cliuton.
promotion exawinatione for the County
of Huron, will be held on 'Thursday
and Friday, 22ud and 23rd of next
mouth, October,
THE NEW BANK.—The new Bank of
Commerce, now nearing completion,
will be a nice addition to the Square,
its architectural points being excellent,
and its general style different to every
other building in the towu,
A TALL ONE —C. A. Humber has
put up a tall flag stall at the American
Consulate, so tali that the flag when
hoieted can be aeon over the large trace
iu front of the American Consul's re-
TBE BIG MILL.—rhe big mill
stopped running last week and a num-
ber of the hands were discharged,
though the establishment is not closed
yet. It is said, however, that as soon
as all the flour is cleared out the doors
will bo closed for good.
WAS AT HADD0.—At the instance of
the proprietor of the Signal Mre. Cox,
an old lady who was at Haddo house
some fifty years since, waa .introduced
to: their Excellencies by the aide-de-
camp. Mrs, Cox, who was most cor-
dially received, had a pleasant conver-
[ration with the earl and countess.
VISITORS —Tbe number of visitors
in Goderich the past summer was up
to the average of previous yeare,
though there were leas at the hotels,
the class of tourist, the present year
preferring private house accommoda-
tion. Ae, early in the year, it was
thought that "the hard times" would
prevent the usual influx, those keeping
boarding-houses have been pleasantly
TRH WERE ELECTED.—A1 the spec•
ial meeting of the Collegiate Institute
and Model School Literary Society
held on Tuesday afternoon, the follow•
ing were elected to office for the cur-
rent term ; President, Benson Guest;
let Vise Pree., John Howard; 2nd
Vice Pree., Mies Winifrede Ball ; Sec,,
Fred. Holmes; Treas,, L. Naftel ; Sec.
of Com., R. McMordie; Editreee, blies
L. Masson ; Councillors, J. C. Martin,
F. Clarkson and E. Coultee.
day there were large congregations at
St. George',, notwithstanding the fact
that there were special services in the
other town churches. The occasion
waa the Annual Harvest Thanksgiving
and Rev. Canon Dann, of London,
preached the sermons. The choir sang
a special programme, and the church
was prettily decorated with fruits,
flowers, vegetables, and grain in the
Skiwillga, the local poetess of Gode-
rich, presented Lady Aberdeen with a
pot of Shamrock in bloom, (and a rose
bud for His Excellency Lord Aberdeen)
which on account of the great crush,
one of Iler Majesty's 33rd Battalion
Cavalierscarriedit for her. Mies
Skiminge aleo presented Lady Aber-
deen with"a poem "Upward and On-
ward," which we publish below, and a
lace handkerchief to perpetuate the
visit of their Excellencies to the circu-
lar town :
Lines presented to Her Excellency Lady
Aberdeen, accompanied by aof of Shamrock
in bloom, on the visit of the Oovernor(eneral
awl Her Excellency to the North Western Fair
at Goderich, Sept. 23rd, 1890:
From proud Aberdeen's Halls to fant'd Old
Huron's shore,
Thou haat travcll'd fair lady with pride,
That. all those thou haat tnet thy grapes adore
For Lhy wisdom is known far and wide.
Let me then for the love you bear Erin's
Present you with this Shamrock green,
And a hope that the poet, by Huron's waters
Will bring "luck' to the House Aberdeen.
El.olart A. HEIMINCH.
Goderich, Ont., Canada, 23rd Sept., 1890.
the Centra: School took all but one of
the prizes offered by Inspector Tom,
for third and fourth forms for writing
end drawing —The students of the
Collegiate are getting ready for the
annual games which will lake place
before October passes away. — The
ltirycle Club held their Ball in the
skating rink kat evening,—The Hotel
Bedford is now in full running order,
—The store next the Hotel Bedford
is occupied by Rogers dr Co., with a
ehow of electric goods.—Our bo.vlere
play each afternoon when weather
permits.—Mr. S. Andrews shipped a
car load of hogs on Thursday.—Mr.
Jas. Clark is spending a few days in
Wroxeter.—The pupils attending the
Public School° in accordance with the
command of the Governor•General,had
a whole holiday on Thursday,—I).
Rose, a miller at the Big Mill, sold all
hia furniture on Saturday, preparatory
to moving to Sarnia.—The :$28,000
placed in the estimates should put the
breakwater in decent repair.—W. A.
Markle and A. Young, of Drurnbo,
were lest week the gne°te of Wm. Bur.
rows and family.—Dr., Mre, and Mise
Armstrong, of Fullerton, were the peal
week guests of Mr. and Mre. Joe.
Beek, Saltford,—Mr. D.H. Roes, West
Street, has built an addition to hie Orr
eidenoe,—The brick work of the addi-
Piles Cured in 3 to 6 Nights.—Dr.
Agnew's Ointment will cure all cases
of Itching Piles in from 3 to 6 nights.
One application brings comfort. For
Blind and BleedingPiles it is peel less.
Also cures Tetter, alt Rheurn,Eczema,
Barber's Itch, and all eruptions of the
skin. 35 cts.—Sold by Watts & Co,
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
Fall Wheat.... 0 62 to 0 64
Barley .., 0 80 to 0 40
Oats„ .,.. 0 18 to 0 20
Peas 0 48 tc 0 50
Potatoes, per bush 0 30 to 0 30
Butter , . 0 10 to 0 12
Eggs per dos .................. 0 11 to 0 12
day 9 00 to13 00
Cordwood 3 00 to 3 50
Beef , ...... 3 75 to 500
Wool 0 17 to 0 17
Wheat, white,,,- .....$ 68 to $ 00
do red
do goose
Straw, bundled
do loose
Eggs, new laid
Butter, lb, rolls
do Tubs, dairy
Turkey, spring
Dressed hogs
13eef, hindquarters
do forequarters
67 to 00
51i to 00
43 to 00
3(4 to 00
19 to 21
33 to 36
13 00 to 1550
9 00 to 10 00
5 00 to 6 00
14 to ;00
15 to 16
5 00
to 14
to 60
to 00
to 12
to 45
to 00
to 8 00
to 5 00
to 700
to 8 0()
to 7 00
Milch cows, each $20 00 to $30 00
Export cattle, per cwt..... 3 5(1 to 3 75
Butchers' choice cattte,cwt 2 75 to 8 oo
Butchers' good cattle, cwt 2 0(1 to 250
Bulls, per cwt 2 75 to 3 50
Shipping Sheep, per cwt..,, 3 00 to 3 10
Butchery' sheep,per (lead2 25 to 2 50
Spring lambs, per head175 to 2 50
Calves, per head 4 (111 to (i 00
Choice Bacon hogs,per c wt 3 (40 to 4 00
'thick fat hogs, cwt 3 211 to -1 25
Light fat hogs, cwt :i (SS to 375
Sows per cwt 275 to 3110
Stags, per cwt 1 75 to 2 00
Boars, per cwt 1 25 to 1 50
10 cts. Cures Constipation and Liver
Ills. •1:)r. Agnew's Liver Pills are the
most perfect made, and cure like magic,
Sick headache, Constipation, Billions-
ness, indigestion and all Liver ills, 10
rents a vial -10 doses,—Sold by Watts
& Co,
Hotmesvi Ile.
WEnnlNo.--On Saturday at nne
o'clock at W. Stanley's, 1t -v. .1. NV.
Andrews, of Londesboro, assisted by
Rev. G. W. Andrews, united in the
holy bonds of matrimony Mr. James
Stanley of Constance, and Mrs. Young
of Gristle, North Dakota. Their
friends wish them happiness and pros-
perity in Iheir new life.
t'ANNrvEltHARY. -1)o not, forget the
anniversary service in the Methodist
church on Sunday and the Harvest,
Flonle on Monday evening, A gond
time is looked for its there will be a
good programme.
i3oroHT. -Mr. J. Blackwell hos pur-
chased the house in which he resides
from Mr. 'r. C. Pickard.
NOTRrt.—Epworth League will be
withdrawn next, Monday evening on
account of the harvest Home. in
future it will meet at, 7.30 instead of 8
o'clock, so will the Wednesday evening
prayer meeting. Picking and packing
apples is the order of the day at pres-
American Eyes.
it is not strange that some of the
leading American newspapers are
wondering how it is possible to publish
so large and so excellent ty paper as
the Family Hearld and Weekly Star of
Montreal is for one dollar a year. it
'must he the enormous circulation of
the Family Hearld and Weekly Sear that
enables ire publisheae to issue it at the
price. Each issue of the Family Hearld
and Weepy Star contains one hundred
and twenty-eight full columna and by
actual count whateach subscriber to it
gets in one year is equal to the contents
of flfty hound volumes, each volume
Repairs Co Repairs elia Repairs
••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• o••o••••s••r-
We are practical Machinists with a fully equipped Repair Shop. We
repair and clean GUNS and SEWING MACHINES of all kind, makes
and styles; if any of the parts are broken or worn out we can make new.
We grind, sharpen and polish all kind of KNIVES, SCISSORS.
SKATES, &c., and retentper if required.
Remember we repair everything in the shape of Small Machinery.
Household Uteusels, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of like nature.
Our prices are the lowest, that are possible and we guarantee satisfac-
The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton,
Sept. 29 and 30.
v fr
The Woolen Mill Store will have on Ex-
hibition some lines of Goods which will
pay you to make an examination of. If
you don't see what you want at the
Fair, call at the Store on Albert street
We will during show week quote very
low prices on all lines of first-class
goods, including Wool Blankets and all
lines of Woolen Goods, Flannel Sheet-
ing, Flannelettes, Tweeds,Yarns,Ready-
Made Clothing, Caps, Socks, Under -
ware, Horse Blankets, &c., &c.
reinspect our display at the Show and call at the Store.
It will pay you during Show Week to come many miles to purchase.fromt
us if these
Goods are required.
A. C. Dutton.
llllroll Street;
Furniture Warerooms,
Huron Central Fair--
— will be held on
WEDNESDAY,SEPT 29, and 30,
And we extend a special invitation to
every visitor to call at the above prem-
ises and inspect our elegant stock of
LOUNGES, &c. &c.
The prices will be much lower than
usual during Fair Week, reduced to a
price that will mean a big saving to
every purchaser. The Stock is all new
and our values the very best in the
also a specialty with us. Night and day
calls receive proper attention, while -
our prices will merit your patronage.
Night calls answered at the store.
a 1je' C!i1.'=l
having two hundred and fifty pages,
and such talnable matter, tun. Every
line that goes into the Family Moral,/
and Weekly Star must cost )honey, for
its publishers seem to act as if they
would have none but the hest. We
would he afraid to estimate what the
publishers of the Family Herald must
expend each year to sustain the high
reputation of their paper. Its great
circulation tells the story.
Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes.
—i)r. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, gives
perfect relief in all cases of Organic
or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30
minutes, and speedily effects a cure.
it is a peerless remedy for Palpitation,
Shortness of Breath, Somthering
Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symp-
toms of a Diseased Heart. One dose
convitrces.—Sold by Watts & Co,
1 Hay Fever and Catarrh Relieved in ID
r to 60 Minutes- One short puff of the
breath thr-negh the Blower, supplied
with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's (:at-
atrhal Powder, diffuses thio Powder
over the surface of the nasal passages.
Painless and delightful to use. It re-
lieves instantly. and permanently cures
Catarrh, Hay Fever, (;olds, Headache,
Sore Throat, Tonsil itia and Deafness. -
Sold by Watts & Co,
Clinton Young People's Local
Topica at the several Young People's Society
meetings to he held during the week:
Rattechury Ht. Methodist E.L. of C.E. Topic
for Oct. 5th -Consecration service, roll call, col-
lection and monthly reports.
Rattonbury Methodist 01rle Junior. E. T. of
C. E. Topic for Oct. 2nd, Consecration, letter
Ontario St. E. L. of C. E, Topic for Oct 6th,
Consecration and Roll Call.
Willis Presbyterian C. E. Topic for OeL 7th,
Why 1 believe in the atonement. Heb. 9:11124
Catechism question, 106. Mies M. Weir.