HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-30, Page 4We are Selling - -
regardloss of cost the balance of
our stock of
Brief Town Topics.
Rev. Mr. Ford has missed several
oho ru'-heed chickens lately and believes
that a raccoon has carried them oft'..
BICYCLES. MlodgeAJ. No. 8 , A. la anW. M. of Uleis
n -
tun t3.1, A. k'. and A. M., leis
beset appointed grand steward fur
Everything futon be cleared out if Huron District.
prices will do it, you will tiud it Mr. (leu. Harland, of Detroit, last
much cheaper to buy now than week paid a visit to hie mother who is
wait till spring. ill, .end other relatives. Heals() visited
\VIngham friends.
sea- 'lee 1116.1•1111t. 'lb. TIM NN:wIs-RICct,ttL is indebted to
the Goderich Star and Secretary Mit-
chell for the prize list of the Creat
Northwestern xhtbition.
Emerson's Bicycle and
Music House The voters' list court for the town of
Clinton woos held in the Council Churn -
Clinton. her yesterday, Judge Masson pre: idiug.
There was very little change in the
s ileo.
The regular meeting of the Public
School Board was held iast Friday
evening. The business was of It routine
nature and the passing of several
small accounts.
The Clic ton Cricket Club are ar-
ranging for a grand concert, in the town
hall on the everting of 'Thanksgiving
day. The programme will be such that
it will merit a full hall.
There will be a cricket match here on
Tuur•sday and Friday between two well-
balanced local teams picked by Terry
and McMttrchie,thedefeated to pay for
an oyster supper for both.
Otte would almost be compelled to
arrive at the conclusion that 1)1.. Shaw
has just cause to recover damage
against some unknown person for the
Xray photo in Beesley's show window.
MEI b.
HOLD ON ----"P"
U ab
Mayor Holmes said the money grant
had been promised and that the Reeve's
word was a sufficient offset to Mr.
Plummer's argument.
Mr. Gilroy said Messrs. McTavish
and Innes were prepared to go on with
the grading of the new street on Tues-
day and Thursday of this week and
characterized the objections as the
most childish he ever knew.
Mr. Plummer said one might think
Mr. Gilroy controlled the whole Street
Committee if his talk were foll toyed.
The Mayor disrlaitued that he or bit.
(Missy had taken any of the duties or
work out of the hands of (he Chairman
of the Street Committee, and said the
necessary culverts were not insur-
mountable as the members were led to
believe by Mr. Plummer at the lust
Council meeting.
'1'1!It Rt),\1) 11'11.1. BE oreeit II.
Afterconsiderable r. slo n vas
A 1 disco � It \
moved by Reeve Kennedy and :secure'
ed by Deputy -Reeve Couper that the
Street Committee be uuthurized to
build the uecessitt y culverts for the
continuation of Isaac and Devon streets
to the Bayfield Road, and proceed with
the grading in conjunction with the
residents of Stanley and Goderich
tr w lsl
lit; as soul as they are ready to
Councillor Taylor objected to the
motion. The Council he declared had
already spent $250 in the purchase of
right of wily and this was all they
promised. The $60 granted by the two
townships should go towards culverts.
The Mayor---Ilttw are we to know.
Taylor -Let the delegates, Cooper
and Gilroy, wlio waited on:the town-
ship councils, reply.
The Mayor --That is simply nonsense.
After an existence of three months Gilroy --We cannot guarantee.
the ltlaitlnitd Observer, published at The 6lrtyor--1 ouare uureasuuatule.
Wroxeter by Allen M. Bock, has pass
ed to the great beyond. The cause of Plummer- •When the motion first
death was lack of financial food. came up to purchase this street I voted
against it. Those in favor said all they
Mr. and Mrs. A. Macderulott, of desired was to snake the purchase, and
Detroit, were last week on a wheeling finally 1 consented and voted for the
tour and spent Wednesday with Mr. purchase on the understanding that no
and Mrs. L. Kennedy. They left here more outlay 00 tilt, part, Of Clinton
fur Fordwich on Thursday morning. would be required.
The millinery openings were a great THE MAYOR IS LIBERAL.
Anxiously watch declining health of
their daughters. So many are cut off
by consumption in early years that
there is real cause for anxiety. In
the early stages, when not beyond
the Peach of medicine, Hood's Sarsa-
parilla will restore the quality and
quantity of the blood and time give
good health. `teed the following letter:
"It le but just to write about my
daughter Cort., aged 19. She was com-
pletely run down, declining, had that tired
feeling, and friends said she would not
live over three months. She had a bad
and nothing seemed to do her any good.
I happened to read about Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla and had her give it a trial. From the
very first dose she began to got better.
After taking e few bottles she was com-
pletely cured and her health has been the
best ever since." Mas. ADDIS Pam,
12 Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y.
4'1 will say that my mother has not
stated my case in as strong words as I
would have done. Hood's Sarsaparilla
has truly cured me and I am now well,"
CoaA PEcx, Amsterdam, N. Y.
Be sure to gout Hood's, because
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only by 0. I. (food & Co., Lowell, Mase.
are purely vegetable, re -
11 -1 cod s Pills liable and beneficial. Mo.
success. Our readers will make no The Mayor said if the Town could of I31t!Ers.-Mr. and Mrs. Felker were
mistake in calling on those whose an- ford it he would be willing to expend visiting friends in Stanley on Sunday.
nouncetnents appear in these columns. $15,000 in improving the roads leading --Great preparations are being made
They will he pleased to supply your to Clinton. Although a young man for our annual fall show, which is to
every want in all respects. he paid his share of taxes and would be held in the new agricultural grounds
T�% Messrs. Lack Kennedy, Ogle Cooper, even be willing to pay more. on Oct. 6th and 7th. Should tile
rr a�.l Paper and A. Morrish were at Seaforth Mon- Reeve Kennedy said the road was weather only prove favorable we ex -
r.,. dllyandwitnessed the champonshipbase not difficult to make ; there were no pact to see a bigcrowd present. --Don't
ball twitch between the Goderich and great culverts or expensive grading. forget the 'Tellman Co. concert in In-
Gorr•ie-Wroxeter clubs. A good nuui- He was surprised at Mr. Taylor, a bus- dustry hall on Wednesday the 7th Met.
now is the time to get it- ber of other citizens were pjesent from loess roan, objecting. -The crops and implements of W.
here. Levy were sold by the bailiff on Satur-
IiOW ABOUT TILE ELECTORS? dayafternoon. Prices did not rule
Don't be satisfied to let the old On Monday, October 5th, the S. A.
Seradhatic Braga Band, of London, Mr. Taylor at least knew the feeling high --Miss Mattie Watson is visiting
dingy paper remain on the wall will take part in the special meeting to of the electors in his Ward -St. An- friends in Clinton for a few days. -p g drew's. If the proposition was put to The regular monthly meeting of the
the Barracks here. Brigadier Margetts members of the I. O. F. was held in
-Don't permit the old figured of London and the officers of Stratford a vote three-fourths of the electors
, would vote against the expenditure in
district are expected to be presenting.-Holy Communion will be admin -
the temperance hall on Monday even-
to disturb your dreams opening the now street.
Thos. (Tab) Craig, who broke jail at Councillor Walker said that the istered in Trinity church on Sunday
any longer -Gilt something Goderichat few weeks ago, was last Council could not expect to please all morning. -Several of our citizens took
In the Goderich and 13e1ggcrave fall fairs
week recaptured at Niagara Falls. electors, If the money applied to
new and beautiful, get it now Deputy Gundry returned as far as street watering was put to a vote of last week,- There is no doubt that our
Holwesville with the prisoner. The the people it would go under. town will be well represented at the
while we are selling it so very train moved slowly up the grade and The motion was then ut and carried Clinton fall show this week. -Men are
the prisoner made a life leap and was busy getting out then foundation for
chew soon at liberty, hos pursuer losing6 to 2 as follows ;-Yeas-Kennedy, Mr. Elam Livingston's factory. -Our
P. sight it him, He has not sinbeen Cooper, Walker, Chidley, Gilroy and new grain storehouse having been cont-
igt of bine
recaptured. Taylor, the latter voting yea on the pleted, Mr. John McMillan, who carried
condition that the $60 from the town- on the grain business for rany years
Nice Bedroom Paper At an informal meeting before the ships he applied on the new street. in the other store houses in this town,
p Council met on Monday evening the Nays-Pluwuler and McKenzie. has been engaged by a firm in Toronto
marry -go -round was discussed, De- HOME HOT wimps. to buy for them this season. As he -is
from 5c to 8c. pity -Reeve Cooper thought it wrong to There was a warns passage at•arms well and favorably known we are sure
allow it here because of the evil in)u- between Plummmer and Cooper when he will do a good husiness.-Mr. Wil-
y once on the minds of children. Gimless the former char ed either Cooper or liar McElroy, enc er, has six or seven
Good Gilts from iOC opinion is that the sport is harmless g. 1 P
and should be encouraged. Taylor said Gilroy with being Inconsistent, because
coopers busy making apple barrels for
to 25c. he could speak from experience and one claimed the township grants could the season, a large quantity leaving his
that the money spent in such at way only he applied on gravel account, establishment daily. Billy is making
Slight just as well be thrown in the while the other said the money could money by the barrelful. More power
be put in celyerts. to hire. --We understand that Mr. Will
11 'All Paper trimmed free of charge, lake.
To this ( ooprr replied that Plummer Ernigh, rattle hover, has purchased
was only a retired farmer living in a the residence of Mr. James McGee on
•r •au tDosivatab.- Town Council. comfortable home, and although worse Dinsley street.
for the town, the cheaper he could buy fort Albert.
tartar.•\ 1, sreter'INO MONDAY NIOI1T TO the het ter he liked it. lie was not in-
! a.\'r1Nv 'rtlM PURCHASE of THE teresLed in town only his little Lorne. BnIFFs.-Mr, Henry James, of St.
Cooker s BooRi Store ROADWAY.
Plummer vigorously repudiated the Catharines, was in the Port most all
There was a special meeting of the charge and challenged the proof. His week, Ile roturne home with his
1unveil last blondny avenin}, record foryears was ott the minutes of family on Salurday next. -R• J. H.
Ther0 were present the Mayor, Reeve the Council and would speak as to DoLong atter;led the Northwestern
orKennedy, Deputy•Reeve Cooper, Conn -whether he was uunv interested in },air last week and took 1st prize for
c•illol•.i Plummer, Walker, Chidley, Mc- himself than the Town,
jet ,(1vel'tl etllet $, bit' e• Gilroy and 'Taylor. The Mayor did not, like personalities his coach horse, Royal Richard• -Oar
and asked to have theta dropped. enterprising millors are bringing to
Har$a.'n Week O, Olson. THE NEWHnAI)w•AV. their mill a carload of No. 1 hard
The I':alnce -11 t lRan.; Bros. The Si ;Lyre. explainer] that the ebjert sten BAND STAND.
of 1 he meet iii r way to 11tkP some action Walker and Chidley moved, on re- wheat from Manitoba -A large num-
Bicycles 1Ps (len. Emerson, 1 quest of Chairman Doherty of the Park ber of wagons loaded with apples
Spectacles -Allen & Wilson, to prncerd with the new roadway -a 8 I P
1\1li11 ot'ty W. If. Beesley & Co. cnn)iuunlinn of Isnnr street to t he ('urnrnittee to the Mayor, that the passed throngh the Port On Saturday
1lavtlelcl Road, The deed for the land band stand on the Market he 1enuived Iaet for Goderich station, Bold at 50e.
The Silver. Question -The W. 11, lair to the Park, the Council topayhalf
('c)• haul been registered, and Mr. Innes had Per barrel, The farmers will soon be
Special Announcement -Jackson inn it inert him that parties interested the expense carried.
Bros. who had volunteered work were ready stone 51DEWAr.E<N, rich. -Returning from the North-
to proce'e'd Deputy Reeve Cooper asked for a western show last Tuesday night,
THE 1,1.:(i.‘ I, Atr'r.cT. new sidewalk front McMurray &Wasp's Henry Otway's rig had a collision with
The Huron News -Record Mr. Plurnmer,'tsked if J. T. Gar•row, to the southern corner of the hlork, another rig the turn on the hill
Q• c., M. P.P., had not advised the and a new walk to lfenry Steep's• near the bridge, Harry wee thrown
1.15aYear--81,00 In Advance 7'"w•n as Solic•ilor• thata bylaw should Pltunmer said Cooper had promised against the iron bridge and had three
he passed by the Conned before the these and other walks during the elec- wise shaken up,
and otherwise purchase could he legalized, tion. (At this the members all smiled, Hribs brokene re uiree assistance to turn in bed.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ,30th, 18P6 The 1layot replied Yes, but that Mr. including Vi r. Cooper). Mr. Steep was Ile
Scot 1 had expressed the opinion that the satisfied with a drain and had accepted however, under the sk illful treatment
pas jug of a bp•laty was not neresixry this in preference to n walk. of Dr. Caae, of Dungannon,he may get
U(IRRieNT TOPICS, to rrt,lke the purchase legal. ('honey said the work 00 the street around in time.
Mr. Plummer dissented and urged to the station had twice been Potent:AI,.-It was through smiles
(%insetvnttstu is not. Grit 111. that the (Stencil shunted not, art. con, orders by the Council. but the ('ern
frau 1., for advice of the Town Soli-ntitt.Pe did not seen) 10 care whether it, and tears I read in last week's 158ne of
was done or not,. the Signal Daniel a epistle to the
11 would appear from the at.tHaute of e'i1"r.
Rn Ir1P of the tat e applicants: tor the The Mayor replied that the plan of McKenzie and Cooper proved that, Hardyites, the text Hurons Registrar-
nr\v strept had t,eavt registered and the sidewalk he conttnned along the ship," believing as I do that it is to
Registrarship of if'Iron that. there in the beat interests the TFP west side of McMurray& Wiltees store
y oown Lthe interest of every ratepayer in this
are many frits in politics simply fur q. ,r k should be prnee ah'rl with. to connect with the walk already laid
what there is in the business. t.reet.,llrid advo that.si sidewalk in county, Grit or Tory, to have a live
on that s
-i; - t '1117:nt•: DANGER.? athe vicinity of Mr. i liner's and Mr. man appointed to that very important
in .?Freferring tothe unt.t'nahlepovilion Councillor Gilroy craved the indnl- Leslie's he relaid to Miss lleltne-'. The office, a man of poets and brains, that ° genre of the ( seined for n moment,. '1'o motion carried. could help the town ee will as the
of 1 he OntnrioGovernmen tin appoint- prove the great chi tiger and loss to Mr. Plummer declared that he would
'1ne.411 leen frt,ral lite present crossing, country. Being personally acquainted
.ing a registrar for Huron one wigl'i. 1)11
not proceed with the work Until the
add AS a. great authority once said: fir. Innes hid illnst,rntrd to him the eerie:sexy memo; was provided by the with most all the applicants for the
"How like 1t serpent's tenth it is to rase of a party the' niter day who l nnnril,when Teylerrind (iilroymoved office in question, ye gods and little
was driving vinq R-ItIt 7I, hied of apples to the for all extra i�IlN1 141 )r (Pirie fur ex t ria. fishes I must saythe Hard -ROMs
have an ungrateful party". The line,- freight shed. (;a',vie] ElliutI WRY he- 1 3+' tation truthfully applies 1.o Huron. hind this pert v. The party got through The motion cart its!, Mr. I Innittu r /lie- faction have made a poor selection.
- "- because the train was divided, arrived Renting. They had plenty of time to give the
It will now be in order for the Gritti at his destine(ion, unloaded his ripples, Council then adjourned.
matter their serious consideration, I
and retort -ifs!
to explain how it. is that the Grit.
retort -ifs! before tor. i?Iliott gut see with Dan that "Salt Creek is not
through. Another instance was that Relief in Six Hours, -I)istreasinq agree „
Laurier GrmPrnlnenthas increased the of the postmaster at hayfield, Mr, (lar- Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved far distant, but my dear fellow,
estimates by something like eight diner, when two rigs Carpo in cv,Ilistiot in six hours by the tSorTrt AMER- yon who has tramped the Ashfield
"'' million dollars more than the ('unser- through cars being en the track, and Ic Ax Klnvxv t RE." This new ie roads for years poet, day in and day
vatives expended, and by eight mill- were suutshed. re-
medy is a great Rnrprise and delight out and Signaled all kinds of politi•
sli se ion dollars more than the revenue ofnn acrnnnt of its exceeding prompt- '
,., NO WINE? Hess in rebeivinq pain in the bladder, cal news from your office, should know
this country will meet. Mr. Plummer Raid there was no kidneys, back and every part of the the hardest workers for their politiorl
— money to proceed with the road. The urinary passages in male or female. party, Grit or Tory, are not tile men
?,. Rheumatism Cured in a Day, uutn procedure wag contrary to the resole- it relieves retention of water and pain who get the plum. Not much, some
American Rheumatic Cure, for rheu- tion of the Council and asked the Clerk in passing ital most immediately. ifyuur M P or M. P. P., or a fel low from
matism and Neuralgia, radically cures to rend a letter he received from the want quick relief and cure this is your
in 1 to 8 days. Ite action upon the Township Clerk of Stanley. In sub- remedy. Sold by Watts & Co. away back, goee to the front. Every
system is remarkable and mysterious. stance it said the money grant for the _ ___ _ time 1 You talk by the book touching
It removes at once the cause and the roadway proposed by Clinton Council
-r: disease immediately disappears. The ,night not pans the Township Council, The employees of J. McPherson &the matter in question and those Lords
fret dose greatly benefits. 75 center.-- as a by-law most be passed granting (,o., Hamilton, shoe manufacturers, of the Realm should be given to un.
Sold by Watts & Co. same before it would become raw. have decided to accept a cut in wages. detetand they don't own all this earth,
Millinery Opening,
Friday Evening, Sept. 25th, '96.
Miss Welsh has again returned and ready for business, having visit-
ed solve of the larger American cities, she has many new ideas to
introduce in 'Trimming. Since she has had charge of mu. Millinery
Departnieut it has steadily increased until we take the lead for
.00 -Fashionable Millinery. .
We expect to he able to show toll the leading Tines in English, French
and American hats and Bonnets, and Dur prices are always right.
Below we mention some other lines that we do exceedingly well.
1Ve have largely added to our stud. of Dress Goods We have the
newest Geode we could get and when wade up by our Dress Maker,
Miss Shipley, cermet. fail to satisfy•
'We make Clothing which we guarantee as to Price and Fit. We
catty one el the largest Stocks et Ready Made Clothing in town.
Shirts. Collars, Cuffs, Ties, &c,
Everybody welcome to the Opening.,---.
PLUIIISTEEL & GIBBINGS, - Olbert 31, Clirltari
Clinton, Sept. 16, 1890,
J. Biddlecombe,
-Established 1855
.Hake no Mistake
Purchase your
from a reliable firm.
See our immense display of Ladies' and
Gents' Watches. Prices to suit all bu ers.
By coming to us you will save both tim8'and
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
You can always Feel Gay...
Fliii` e,
1,laAr , .
no matter how cold or stormy
the day is -be you man, woman
or child -if you have your fall
and winter clothing interlined
with Fibre Chamois. This
popular style and warmth giver
SERs now far 25c, a yard
so that every one can afford to
enjoy the comforting, healthful
warmth it furnishes -no extra
weight or bulk, only a pliable
stiffness and a cosy warmth of
which the coldest winds or frost-
iest air cannot rob you. See that it is put in all ordered clothing,
and look for the label which shows that a ready-to-wear garment
has been interlined with it. You really can't afford to do without it.
Porter's 11111.
1'he Epworth Leagtto have at ranged
for nn At-Hntne to be held in the Meth-
odist church on Thursday evening, Oct.
1st,. An attractive programme is
being preptrred. Light refreshments
will be served during the evening . A
small admission fee is to he charged.
Rev. F. J. Oaten is to commence evano-
listie ttI'lees in Bethel Church Snn-
day evening Oct. 4th.
Political Points.
Hon. 11 rghJohn Mac 1)onald'selection
in Winnipeg will not be pro tested -
For some time, past, arrangements
h ave been on foot where by the
member for Winttipe;( was to bR kr-
mitte+l to rem ain in undisputed pos
session of Itis seat, These arrange
Stents have now been consumutat
If You want , e
to save money call and set
our selection of Roots and
Shoes which we believe
cannot be equalled outside
the cities., Our Ameriean
shoes have had a great run
and our customers have
been immensely pleased
with the style and finish.
011e increasing business is
good evidence that we are
getting the trade.
W. Jackson. Fred T. Jackson