HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-30, Page 37'7 71 ,, 7.7777 .w.'u ..:- r. l.. ... o . r. ,r ,,. r ,.,. Y ,I,V' l w +a.. - A CITY REDEEMED 1 tie on enl great industries this awltt}}1 Ido not believe that it will steer b. I Us/ -Ess DIRECTORY' orsuat. _ TO THE FARMERS. loads Crime, Individual and official.! done in that way, by any ltir�shaniaa] We have to pa the !wards of the oil- I fora* or by any machinery that the O 4 �O lyy O Study your own interaeand go where i human mind can sit Into 1 It in J, / 1 lalana who am Derated In our Delo- p p e, • • I y°° dap get REV. DR TALMAGE PREACHES UPON one. We have to take care of the co be done by the Stoups! of the so of God—the omnipotent Maej►ill of 2` 8• I C7LINTON, MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. I their g of those who plunged into love and raoe and *2 ��� ! no Harness then raves through sensual indul g pardon and aalva- e9Meebs assns Monday of sural , g tiun. This in d em !radia* f the na- '' month. ikail end flat, McKay g!aiues. 000 have to support the Muni- P' ��814 ����e block. Visiting brethren .!ceps p governnienta, which are vast and tlurlq. Archimedes destroyed a fleet o! I manufacture some but she BatT or STOOK. me Gaya eke Castles of Slim Are All Bolus Di al 1•.°r S•. mads welcome. Bmar. of shops that se?? ehsay, as tory have to Be /.0 Lured i►Y the sunglass of the eZ slue just in s l>n coming u the harbor. You ...i,•. got to diva. Sw Call and get prices. Ordatm p a�'n j proportion as the '.''''i'j°, DR. J.B. FRRNBORN, w. M, Gospel Focussed U on wtcYeU)moss— orimival prualivities are vast and tee know haw he did It. He lifted agreat ,..,Y„ .. by mall prompt 1 - lnaorporated by Aoa—o1 PmrlLnaul 18titi. F. CANTiiLON, JR. J. P. BDEPPARI), D. M P P Yattanded to 1• mendoU*. Who support the almfs $m1g�s, history tells us, and when the JOHN BELL File IMxpecw to Ilvn to bee It. pin fleet sit chi rams u the harbor a, re�a■ —1 houses adid police stations, and all the im ti; , E2, 000,000 s Washington, Sept. 'Le.—So much that machinery of municipal goverument? °f Syrac use he Brough to bear this aAPPi']L,T 61,876,000 0110C11I16• HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ON'r sun lass, and he focused the sun's S is depressing is said about the wink- The taxpayers. rays upon those ships. Now the sails �t 1, • - /`iL1NTON Lodge, Na. 84, A. F. 6 A. M. meets But iu the glorious time of which I �j every Fdd.r, on or attar the mace• visit T� UTICE. ednerls of the cities that it will sheer are wings of fire, the masts fall, the i,,.{>' BY81t1 Office. - MONTREAL, ingbrethrenaordlanrrnvited Lv tie to read what Dr. Talmo has to coask grievous taxaticam will all have Talmage ceased. There will be no need of sup - I sink. Oh, my friends, by the "' `'- A. J. ROLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, eco, sayin this sermon about their eom- suliglasm of the gui 1 converging the `,„'"i, B. B, MOLBON Presldtnt. porting criminals, them coil'! n no righteousness (3 og tr"'`'' E. r. WOLBSBBTA-i lemoMAB,Oeneral Yana eco Clinton, Dec. 8, 1896. There being tome misundentwndtng with re. Ing redemption. The text is Zachar- a ivals.. Virtue will have taken the rays t he wk kedned9oftheo ild ofotsa discounted Collections made, Drafts issued, 8terfing and American eY• change bought and sold at lowest current rates. InsusaT ALLOwmD ON DoroelTS, F',A.RMHIRB- Money advanced to farmers on their own notes Nib one at more emdeners, No mortgage re• jefred as asWley. H. O. BRXW ER, Mangger, December, 1881. C1: Toa. G. Do McTaggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAOTAFD. Woke Diacounted. - - Drafts laaued, Interest Allowed on Deposita. Caton, June 8th, 1891 458y .s..._—.,er.�r DR. W. CUNN, FR. 10. P. agd L, R. O. S.,,Edinburgh. Office — ostario street Clinton. Night calls at front door of iestdense on Uttenbury street, opposite Presbyter- 1aa church. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto iniv. I M. D. 1 0. M., Victoria Univ. M. 0. P. b S. Ont, ; F"low et the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of adon, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Otflce:— Dr. Dpweley s stand, Ratteut ury sit. Night calls answered as Office. DR. SHAUN. Ogles m ¢ed en's Block, Rattenbury St., Clinton, Unt. N1It calls at same plaoo. Jag. S. Freeborn, N.D., H. 6 Q 0• P„ I., M. 0 P, a; S. O., Aa., bo, ra Is of Hang's 6 Qac' 1a College of Physiclane, tib! sa Lieent to of the General Medical ooano teat Rrlbalm. Member of College of khydateas and Surgeons, Ontario, Pormerly rest. ticks o the RNanda Hospital (Lying-in and Gyms' solo eety, Dubj % Special attention to diseases of Spa A abd ebilbran. Office and »ddence,Ratteubury EE next door to Ontario St. Mothodfst parsonage. 829-1y Drs Bruce, MOM Dentlst. OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Onb. Special attention to pre- dervation of natural teeth. N. B.—Will visit Blyth every Monday, and Bayffeld every Thursday afternoon during the Cummer. Be Agnew, L. D. S., D. De Se DENTIST. GradVate of Royal Coll e�gge of Dental Sur- Fiiii s of Ontario. Honor graduate of Trinity ersity, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic ainless extraction. Office opposite Town e o r Swallow a Stor . ve Night Bell artw'ered. Will visit Hensall ev )ry Monday, and Zurich the End Thursday cf each month Palo G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Conveyancer, ho. Offee—coiner Hamilton ana Aedrews-sta., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. ses•tf O• HAY0, Banister, Solicitor, Ac. Office, corner Ilorth Street and Square, inear Registry Office, arlch, Ohs. e7. AW Money 10 lend as lowed rates of interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, Ile., CLLIOTT's BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. 0-0 E. CAMPION, Q. C•, BARRISTER, - - • SOLICITOR. NOTARY, cf e. , G�oderilch, - Out, Omoe—OTer Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan; M • 0 • JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR COMMISSIONER, ETC., C3oderich, - - - Ont OtBoe—Oor. Hamilton Led St. Andrew's Sts. W. BRYDONE,, BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY P DBLIO, cf o., OFFIOB BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. 817-tf H. 0. T. M. - Hearns Tent No. 66, Knight" of the Maoeaboes o1 the Woridt $1,000, 82,000 and 88,000 Policies. klem- berehlp over 100,1100. Assessment prinoiple - has never exceeded le assessments to ■ year. Choapest i and safest in existence. Meet" in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, first and third Friday of every month. COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities, OIL CASE. LINSEED 'MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal forone Bushel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 782.tf HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately con• ducted by Mr. Jas. A. Ford, and will continue the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in Beason, cold at reasonable rates and dellTereffanywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N, WILSON. CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY. (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, end will supply oar customers with the beet meats at the lowest pap ng prices. FORD &MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANT,EDI Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton, 1798-tf. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURCEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary 001- age, 06 -age, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls Promptly Answers& Reaidenee—Rattenbury Street. West. Clinton, Ont J E. BLACKA�,L, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspect* Office on Isaac street,, next New Era office. Residence, Albert 8t., Clinton. �� ,— Geo" TrowMH, Horseshoer and General Black smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material as work guaranteed ; farm implements and machin rebuilt and repaired. ' Card of Thanks. • TO MY MANY PATRONS I I desire to tender my sincere thank for the very liberal patronage accord ed me In the past and to inform th ' publio .that I am still in the Carpe Weaving Busineeg on East Street Ooderich, next the Bicycle Faotory. Personal and mail orders will as vena receive prompt attention. All class” of work a apeoialty, at the lowest pea Bible prices, and satisfaction guaran ►eed . W. A. Ross, East Street gard to wreckage, let It be dietloctly understood that It any person takes possession of any hind Of wreckage and fails to report to we I shall at once lake proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I "ball glee. UAP'!. WM. BABB. Receiver of 1i'rncke, Ooderich, Goderich, Sept, 7th 1891. FOR SALE. The property at ppresent occupied by the un- dersigned as a roe dance on the Huron Road, In the Town of Goderioh, consisting of one half of an sore of land, good frame house—story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good atone cellar, stable, wood and marriage houses. There are also some good fruit trees. This pproperty to beautifully situated and l verysuitable forany person wikhingtoliveretlred- For further partioulare a ply to 119. CAMPION, 641-tf . Barristtr,Godertah. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, . Clinton, Ont GO TO THIS Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Poet Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. WATTS & CO.y CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, Clinton. PUMPS! PUMPS ! It you went a first-class, well made pomp, one that will, give you satisfaction, send your order to the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a flrat-class FORCE PUMP. JAMES F13IRGUSON Opposit Queen's Hotel - .'High Street Clinton. 809-tt F. We F RBNC OMB (MEMBER OF AS8'N OF P.L. 8.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, ONT, Orrice—At G. J, Stewart's Grocery Store, Clin- ton. Don't Build Without A Plan, J. ADES FOWLER & CO., Architects and Civil Engineers Are opening a parmanant office In Clinton and are prepsred to supply Plans, Specifications and detailf or asy *lane of work st,most reasonable rates. Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. • valuations and inspection& carefully made. 26 Years Expe'rieneein Ontario. ' Mall address—P. 0. Box 210, Clint on Inspector f�UAVWEATSS,TMDE 00 MMARKSOPYRIGHTS. CAN i OBTAIN A PATENT? For a brom°t answer and an boost opinlog, write to III N die CO., who have ad nearly fifty years' ezperlenoe In the patent business. Communion- tlom strictly oonfidentlal. A Handbook of la. formation concerningPatents and how to ob- taln them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechaak teal and ectentiec books sent free. Patents taken through Mann h Co. reoalve sp"mel notloetgthe Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with- no oat coat to the inventor. This splendid paper, Issued weekly, elegantlyIII ustratad hhasb�fvthe e. largest circulation of any actentlWe nor in the world. E3 pp year, Sample copies sent free. Building IDd�tlon monthly, 8a.60a year. Slagle apples, 526 cants. i8very number contains been- t1 1u1 plates 1p polos, and photpgraph■ of npw houses wits plata, eaabllhr DIDldere to show Cha latest beesgn ag and eecur9 ntrscts. Address XUNN i t0. Naw 7omr 991 BaoAnwA7 e A GORGEOUS HUNTING SUIT. e When the German Emperor goes Carpet hunting he arrays himself in such gor- geouBnem that. the game ought to be ' proud to fall before so magnificent a iconqueror. His hunting costume was designed by himself, and he is said to • be so much taken with it that he omits no opportunity of wearing it. It DOnsL4t9 of a bluish -gray tunic, with a short cloak of the same material, both garments having Speen facings and broad epaulettes. The Emperor has Street, round his waist a broad belt of green leather, from which hangs a buge hunting knife the handle' mounted with iah, viii. 5, " And the streets of the city shall be full of buys and girls playing in the streets thereof." Glimpses of our cities redeemed I Now boys and girls who play in the streets rum such risks that multitudes of them end in ruin. But in the coming time a'poken of our cities will be su safe in the public thoroughfares as In the nursery. Pulpit and printing press for the most part in our day are busy in dis- cusbbng the condition of the cities at this time, but would It not be health- fully encouraging to all Christian walkers, and to all who are toiling to make 'the world better if we should for a little while look forward to the time when otic cities shall be revolu- tionized by the gospel of the Son of God, and all the darkness of ain and trouble and crime and suffering shall lie gone from the world? Every pian has a pride in the city of his nativity or residence, if it be a city distiuguished for any dignity or prowess. Caesar boasted of his na- tive Nome, Virga of Mantua, Lycurgus of Sparta, Demosthenes of Athens, Archimedes of Syracuse and Paul of Tarsus. 1 should have suspiaual of base 'heartedness in al man who had no special interest in the city of his birth or residence—no exhilaration at the evidence of its ,prosperity or its artistic embellishments, or its intel- lecLuai advancement. I have noticed that ac man never likes a city where he has not behaved well. People who have had a free ride in the prison van never like the city that furnishes the vehicle. When 1 Lud Argos and ltlaodes and Smyrna trying to prove theiuselves the birth- place of •Homer, f conclude at once that Homer behaved well. He liked thein, and they liked bL-. We Must not war on laudible city pride, or, with the idea of building ourselves up at any time, try to pull othw,s down Boeton must continue to point to its E'aneuil Hail and to its Common and Lo Its superior educational advantages. Philadelphia must continue W point to its independence Hall land its mint and its Girard College. Washington must continue to point to its wondrous Capitoline buildings. It I should find a man conning Erol!} any city, having no imide in that city, that city having been the place of his nativity, or now Laing the place of his residence, f would feel like asking; " What mean thing have you done there'! What out- rageous thing have you been guilty of that you do not like the place?" I think we ought—and I take it for granted you are interested in this great work of evangelizing the cities and saving the woQld—we Ought to toil with the sunlight in our faces. We are not fighting in a miserable Bull N,in a defeat. We are on our way to final victor th'e are not follow- ing he rider on the black horse, lead- ing us dawn to death and darkness and doom, but the rider on the white horse, with the moon under his feet and the etas of ,heaven for his tiara. Bail, Conquerer, hail 1 know here are sorrows and there are sins, a.nd there are sufferings all around abuut us and in the dark winter night we look up and eee the northern lighrs, the windows of heaven illum- ina Led by soeat." great victory, just so we look up from the night of suf- fering and sorrow and wretcheduess in aur cities, and we see a light streaming through from the other side, and we know we are on the way to murning—mure than that, on the way to "a morning without clouds." I want you to understand, all you who are toiling for Christ, that the castles of sin are all going to be cap tut•ed. I'he victory for Christ in hese great towns is going to be so complete that not a man ou earth or an angel in heaven or a devil in hell will dis- pute it. How do I know ? f know •lust as certainly as God lives and that this is holy truth. The old Bible is full of it. if the nation is to be saved, of course all he cities are to be saved. It slakes a great difference with you and with me whether we are toilMg on toward a defeat or toiling on toward a victory. NrYW, in this municipal elevation of which L speak, [bave to remark there will be greater financial prosperity than our cities have ever seen. Some people seem to have a morbid idea of the mil•lenium, and they think when the better time conics to *lir cil.ies wad the world people will give their time up to psalm singing, and the relating of their religious experiencx, and as all social life will No. purifier! there will be no hilarity, and ass all bUSinea4 will be purified there will be no enterprise. p ce of viae. bare well be no orphan atUlums, for parents will be able to leave a competence to their children. There wild be no voting of large sura of money for some mtilli<ipal improve Ment, which muney, before they get to the improvements, drupe into the pockets Of those who voted it. No Oyer and terminer kept up at vast ex- pense to the people. No empaneling of juries to try theft and arson and murder and slander and blackmail. Better factories. Grander architecture. Filter equipage, Larger fortunes -Richer opulence, Better churches. In that better time also, comin to those cities, Christ's churches will be more nuMerous, and they will be larger, and they will be more devoted to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and they will accomplish greater influences for good. Now it is Mein the case that churches are envious of each other, and denominations collide with each other, and even ministers of Christ sometimes forget the bond of brother- hood. But in he time of which t Bpeak, while there will be oat as many differenom of opinion as tore are now, there will be no acerbity, no hyper- criticism, no exclusiveness, In our great cities the churches are not to -day large enough cc hold more than a fourth Of the population. The churches that are built—oomparatively few Of them are fully Occupied. The average attemdame in the churches of the United States to -day is not 400. Now, in the glorious time of which I speak, there are going to be vast churches, and they are going to be all thronged with worshipers. Oh, what rousing songs they will sing I Oh, what earneaL sermons they will preach! Oh, what fervent prayers they will of- ferl Now, im our time, what is called a fashi,omable cburch is a place where a few people, having attended very carefully to their toilet, come and sit dawn—they do not want to be crowded they like a whole seat to themselves— and then, if they have any time left, from thinking of their store, and from examining the style of the hat in front of them, they sit and listen to a ser- mon warranted to hit no man's sins, and listen to music which is rendered by a choir wurranted to sling tunes that nobody knows. And then after an hour and a half of indolent yawn- ing they 90 Lorne refreshed. Every man feels better after he has had a sleep. In many of the churches of Christ in our day the music is simply a mock- ery, i have nuL a cultivated ear, nor a cultivated voice, yet no man can do MY singing for me. 1 have nothing to say against, artistic music. - rllle $L or $5 1 pay to hear any of the great queens of sung is a good investment. But when he. people assemble in re- ligiow4 convocation and the hymn is read, and the angels of God step from their throne to catch the music on their wings, do not let us drive them away by aur indifference. I have preached in churches where vast sumo of mouey were employed to keep ,g the music, and it was as exqui4iw as any heard on earth, but I thought at the same time that for all matters practical I would prefer the hearty, outbreaking song of a backwoods Methodist camp meeting. Let one of these starveling fancy songs sung in church get up before the throne of God—bow would it seem standing amid the great doxologies of the redeemed? Let Lhe finest operatic air Chit ever went up from he church of Christ get many hours he start; it will be caught and passed by the hosanna of the Sabbath school chil- dren. 1 know a church where hechuir did all Llle singing save one Christian man, who, through "perseverance of the saints," went right on, and after- ward a committee was appointed to wait on him and ask him if he w-)uld nut ple;iyet stop singiug, as he bothered the choir, Let those refuse to sing, Who never knew our God, But children of the heavenly King Should speak their joys abroad. "Praise ye the Lord, Let everything wih breath praise he Lord." In the gloriu is tinie coming in our cities and in the world hosanua will meet ho - sauna and haileluiah, halleluiah. In that time also of which I speak all the haunts of iniquity and crime and squalor will lie cleansed and will be illuruinated, How iN it to be, done'? You say 1N,rhaps by one influenee. Per- haps 1 say by •another. I will tell you what as my idea, and I know I am right in it. Tne g(r;pel of the Son of God is the only agency tbal will over accomplish this. A gentleman in England bad a theory tbat if the natural forces of wind and tide and sunshine and wave wP.re rightly applied and rightly de- veloped it, would make tbis whole earth a 1mraditse. In a book of great genius and which rushed from edition to edi- tion, he said: "Fellow men, I promise toshow the mwLns of creating a para- dLsw within ten years where everyi bins de9iral le far bumau life may 1w bad by every man in superatnndanee with- out 1, lx)r and without pay; where the whole fa -A of nature shall be changed to the+ most 1wauliful farms and man may live in the most magnifioent pal- aces, in all imaginable refinements of luxury and in the in(kit delightful garden.+; where he may accomplish without labor in one year more Chan hitherto could be done in thousands of years. From he houses to IM l,ullt will be afforded the mrk4t cultured n i we will make them blaze and expirel In that day of which I speak do yotz believe there will be any wtdnighll Of the rooms Occupied by politicians and off fl -out the nfa, Ule steps of shivering mendicants? Will there be any un- washed, unfed, uncombed childrent Wal theta be any blasphemles in Oe streets? Will there be aay inebriates stagg-ing pastf No. No wine stores. No lager beer saloons. No distilleries. where they make the three X's. No bloodshot eye. No bloated cheek No instruments of ruin and destruction. No fiat pounded forehead. The grand- cli ddren of that woman who goes down the street with a curse, stoned by the I)oyv that follow bar, will be the re- formers and pphidanthro fists and the Christian men and the honest mer- ohants of our cities. Then what municipal governments, too, we widl have in all the cities. Some cities are worsethan others, but in many of our cit. a you flat walk down by the city hudla, and ?wk in at some of the rooms ocxyupI d by politicians see to what a sensual, loathsome, ignor- ant, besotted crew city politics is often abandoned. Or they stand around the city hall picking their teeth, waiting for same emoluments of crumbs to fall to their feet, waiting all day long and waiting all night long. Who are those wretched womeq taken up for dirunkenness and carried up to the courts and put in prison, ole coarse? What will you do with ocuree9 What will yOu do witbt the grogshops that snake them dr' Nothing. WW ho are those prisoners in ill One of thee!! stole a pair of shoes. tahat boy stole a dollar. This girl snatched a purse. All of them orimea damaging society lees than I$•LO or 030. But what will you do with the gamb- ler who last night robbed he young man of $1,0009 Nothing. What shall he done with that one who breaks through and destroys the purity of a Christian home, and, with an adroit- ness and perfidy that beat the strategy of bell, flings a shriukLng, shrieking soul to ruin? Nothing. What will you do with those who fleeced that young, man, getting him to ptirluin largo sum of money from his empdoyer—Che young man who came to an officer of my church and told the story and frantically askad what he should dol Nothing: ' Ah, we do well to punish small crimes, but 1 have sometimes thought it would be better in some of our cities if the officials would only turn out from the jails the petty criminals, the( Little offenders, $10 desperadoes, and put in their klaces some of the monst- ers of inigluty who drive their rain span through the streets so swiftly that honest men have to leap to get out of the way of being run over. Oh, tho damnable schemes that professed Christian men will sometimes engaga in until God put-, the fingers of Hw retribution into the collar of their robe of _hypocrisy and rips it clear to tdie bottom! But all these wrongs will be righted. O expect to live to see the day. I think I hear in the distance the rumbling of the King's chariot. Not always in the minority is that church of God going to be or ane good men going to be. The streets ase go- ing to be filled with regenerated popu- lations. Three hundred and sixty bells rang in Moscow when one prince was married, but when righteousness and peace kiss each other in all the earth, ten thousand Limes ten thou- sand be1Lv shall strike the jubilee, Poverty enriched. Hunger fed. Crime banishe i. Ignorance enlightened. All the cities saved. Is not this a cause worth working in? Oh, you think sometimes it does not amml_nt to much I You toil on in your different spheres, sometimes with great disururagerrient. People have no laith and say: "it does not amount to anything. You may as well quit that." ` by, when Moses stretched his hand over the I" Seta it did not seem to mean anything especially.People carne out, I suppose, and say, "Anal" Some of them found out what be wanted to do. He wanted the sea parte ed. It did not amount toan thing, this stretching out of his hand over the sea. But after a while the wind blew all night from the east, and the waters were gathered into a glittering palisade On elther side, a,nd the bit - laws reared as Gori ppulled back on their crystal bits. Ni'neel into line, O lanae!, Marchl Marchl Pearis crashed under feet. FlyinK spray gathers into rainlow arch of victory for the con- querers to march under. Shout of hosts on the beach answering the shout of tiDNts amid sea. And when the last line of Liraelites re.;wh the beach the cymbals; clap, and the shields clan and the waters rush over the pursuer,, and the swift -fingered winds on the white keys of the foam play thegragd mrtrch of twos! delivered and the awful dbrge of Egyptian overthrow, Se) ,you and Igo forth,and all the people of Gorl go forth, and they stretch forth their hand aver the sea, the ivAling coca. of crime and sin and w•retrheriness. "it doesn't arnount tq anything," people sax. Don't it? Goers winds of help will after a while lwgin to blow. A patch will be cleared for the army of Chrixtian'lfhila.nthrOp- iAts.The path will he lined with t.be t ma.4at res of Christian beneficence, and we shall he greeted to the other beach by the clapping of all heavem's cym- bals, while thrnae who pursued its and tried to destroy us will go down under the sea, and all that, will I)e left of the im rial crown of gold. He wears views that vAn be fancied. From the them will Ix, oi4t high and dry u The McKi/Iohl�ll Mutual Fire where is no ground for such an absurd the hPaco the splintered out wheel ot� lv very hig h lacquered boots, gold spurs anticipation. I❑ the time o[ which [ ' gallerie9, from the roof and from he chariot, or throat out. from the foam, "08ty to pad. and a Arolesse hat of gray felt, edged almak where now one fortune is made turret,i may be seen gardens av far as the breathless nostril of a riderless /nsuranee Company, with green and adorned with an en- there will be n hundred fortunes made. I the eye en.n aee full of fruil9 and charger. *jiONEY to land In large or small some ov good ormous plume of feathers, which quiv- The great. husimPss4 disasters of this ,flowers arranged in the moot 1>Pauti- iA-1, mortgages or personal security at the lowest ess at every step. country have tome from the work of fill order, with ivalkiv, rolonnade9, —1, mortgages H. HALE, Huron at. Clinton. godless speculators and infamous stock aquedurt9, canals, ponds, plain4, am- NFRVE-FOOTI[ING BELL. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- gAxnl'Nrs., The great toe. to business is phitheatres, terrace9, fountains, srulp , Money. ty only Insured, crime. When the right, shall have toren works, pavilions, gondolas, pirwe4 The I repulse &'irmre News" is auth- Moe�7 M lesson goo4seonrity •t S+•ed a per hurled back the wrong, and shall have of popular arnugencent to lure the ority for the announrement that. 'sen - teat. ApptytoO.BIDOUT,AlbertSt.,QNnton, orrfosae. " �'` purifitad the commeraal code, and shall Yr .and fancy, all tLis to 1p Anne. by sitive persrms who are annoyed by the 8524 George watt, President, Harinek P O.; Jerson have thundered down fraudulent es- urging the water, thA wind and the sharp, incisive sound of the electric bell CYNICAL. will 1)e gold L0 know that a French el- Broadfoot, Vice -Pros., eeaforth P. O ; W. J. Shen- I tahlishments, and shall bave put into sunshine to their full development." I ectrician has prcxluDed a bell which aen,Be.,.Treea., 8o►fortb P. O: k'�•hc.l Mnrdlt, Those who have reached a point in the hands ref• honest. men the keys of IIP goes on a.nd give9 plates of the 1 Cantelon Bros too eeteroflosses, SeaforthP n their journeying on a wrong road ma,chiner h whirh this work is to gives a continuous musieal sound. The P J g B business, blesser! lima far the+ 1)Arga.in Y y note is very soft and sweet., alf.hough nIR1aTORa, where (hey have Io.4t their pride in a markers. I am�not t.a.lking an ahstrac the done, and he says ha only needs at James Broadtoot, seatorth;MlrhaalMaraffe,gas. goal name are in a very dangerous tion. I am not making a gue,4s. I am the start a company in Wbleb !tie ag eratioig, And is said d y uh ex - James GIROUERS sit PROVI8e forth; Goo r aDeis, Seatortb;Ger ry,• watt Hadook position. 'they are not far from the telfing you God's eternal truth I share° shall he $LO each, and $100,000 aggedge o ,a that obtained by rubbing Thoma. e, aye,Seafortb; Aler fl •,1'.eedbup moral ctiae of a mrtai,n aileculAtor of In that day of which 1 speak taxes or $:300,0(111 shall >P rRlAel1 jUSt. t0 R1A.kA the edge 0f a la.4a with the Lager. In - ION MERCHANTS. Tbom^@Gsrbatt, Clinton; Jrhr , Ki¢pen. I whom one acquaintance saui to anoth- a N cvmen communis and then, this stead of a l)O with a hammer and a q will 1)e a mere nothing. Now our Pe Y spring interrupter, a steel hell L4 used, kasNT< les: business men am taxed for everything. IvinR formed, thn world will see the li rockery, (KlasseE Clainav�arE Tnomaa Noilans Rarloek; febsrf woMlllan,Sea• i don't. See how he can d0 a8 be City taxes, county taxes, state taxe.A, prictirnbilit y, and very soon $2,000,000 which is its own Interrupter.- forehand James &mmfnv, ,,,,,r,ndvnls. does • bn does not seem to think much United States taxes, stamp taxes, li- i or $3,000,000 can be obtained, and in ALBERT BT., CLINTON. ONT. parties desirous to r•P,r t Inennnee or trans of has reputation. cense taxes, manufacturing taxes— ten y'eArN the whole earth will be Why, my man, there used to be two sot other Auslnesn n•Il' be promptly .eseod• Well, answered the other man, I em aradi;Iwd. Tho, )tan is not 4o pre- mills there." "Yes, sir, they fD•tnd Big ort Cash Pries for Butter and Eggs ad to on application t any of th abort cars ad• taxes, taxes, taxes! Our business men P 1 i Ist•i are.eedtotheir respective post tfa9u. �'- don't see how he could think much of have t.o snake a small fortune every f0stermts as gone i have heard of. tut. there was only wind enough for one." Lt—it's so bad I year to pay their taxes. What fas- 1 will take no stork in that company. a ', , e., L ..'a ....:.; a .. , :. , .. • _--- ",- ... •.,.L�'.-Jet.... '..rt. -.r ' .f:, i-,.1.....JtiaA...w .,iiwr.. .."4L; ,�_!L R2r3.:.Y.ai:-u. •na,Y�.=' .i.l.I ....• .�. .. ..1;...-..-._. ..... ._ _ . ._.,,.....a..,a:.._tc....J.r a Y '. _ L'._ .. ,4,,,�,,,.0 x. .ma, ..,,�....v>=,.�.�.e:,..is.