HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-30, Page 1TIIE 11LIION
T011U10-$1415per Annum, 1.001n Advance.
A. X TODD, Hdltor and Owner
Bead is the Siad of Life
fleeP* Lira Itself
A good pure article of beer such
in stock cannot help but he a
healthy drink. Nothing in it but
the best Hops and Malt.
Lack Kennedy.
The Clinton Liquor Store.
Brief Town Topics.
A Tale of The Sea."
Mrs. R. Holmes is visiting at St.
Cathay ines.
Now for the names of prize winners,
great and small.
Mr. A. C. Dufton was on a brief visit
to Exeter last Thursday.
THE NEWS -RECORD wedding sta-
tionery cannot be surpassed.
Conductor Parker, who had been ill
some time, is on duty again.
Mr. J. T. Garrow, Q. (1, M. P.P.,
was in town last Saturday.
Our esteemed friend, Mr. N. Robson,
is still suffering from bronchitis.
Rev. and Mrs. Ford leave this week
on a two weeks' visit to Chicago.
Service wits held in St. Joseph's (R.
C.) Church Last Sunday morning.
On many streets in Clinton the walks
should bbee (outside the shade trees.
The Wron Central Exhibition is in
full swing ne THE NEWS -RECORD goes
to press.
Harland Bros. have the contract for
a new iron roof for the' Dry Goods
A jolly party, handsomely Couch -ed,
were chaperoned to Goderich show and
It is whispered round about that
"Cap" knows a thing or two about
Mrs., Miss and Master Galloway, of
Goderich, spent Sunday with Clinton
Miss Nellie Smellie, of St. Thomas, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Grigg,
Huron street.
Mr. Wm. Taylor and family remove
this week to Walkerton, where they
will in future reside.
A letter from a strong "Grit" on the
appointment of Huron's Registrar will
appear next week.
"A Tale of the sea," Read it in THE
NEWS -RECORD. A continued story
now running in this paper.
Mr. Thos: O, Cooper, who has not been
feeling well for some time, was able to
walk up town on Saturday.
B. Thomlinson, V. S., will be one of
the judges on horses at Dungannon 'on
the 8th and 9th of Oc tober.
At tennis Clinton beat Winghain 5 to
1. Clinton also beat Goderich 5 to 3.
Such is fame and expert playing.
The merry-go-round pitched tent
here last Friday, the town to receive
820 for four days, including to -day.
Blyth Show, always one of the hest
in the county, will be held on Tuesday
and Wednesday, October 6 and 7.
Mr. Ogle Cooper has broken the
record. While out mushroom hunt-
ingg6� one day last week he secured a
puff -ball 43 by 4816 inches, and had it on
exhibition in his store window for
leve allays.
Additional locale on Editorial page.
The Great Northwestern Exhibi-
The Show et Goderich was a great
success in every respect, Lord and
Lady Aberdeen were drawing cards
and there was a big attendance the
second day. Below is the list of prize
winners :• --
Duplicates of registered pedigree to
be produced.
Thos. Gundry took all the prizes ex-
cept second for Aged Stallion, which
was taken by F. A. Elliott.
Stallion, 4 yrs old and over, W A
Colborne,lst and 2nd; stallion,3 yrs, old
Hall Routledge; yearling, Andrews
Bros. & Co.; fllly or gelding, 3 yrs old,
David Prouse; yearling, Thos Gundry,
Wm Straughan; brood mare, with
her foal, Dr J B Whitely,
Dr W F Clark; foal of 1896, Dr
Clark, Dr Whitely, pair of matched
horses, Dr Whitely, C A Howsen; sin-
gle horse, in harness Jas McManus,
O Johnson; female, any age, Dr
Saddle horse, mare or gelding, Thos
Gundry, John Porter; pony in saddle,
Robt McLean, John Porter; boy rider,
Frank Wright, John Porter.
Lady rider Mise Connolly; driver,
Mise Green, John Porter.
Stallion 4 yrs old and over, J P Fish.
er Coach Horse Co.; 2 yrs old, 11 J De.
long; any age, J P Fisher; fllly or geld-
ing, 8 yrs old. W C Potter; 2 yrs old.
Ed Shaw, David Prouse; yearling, rhos
Beaty, W U Potter; carriage horse,
McMurchie & Co., J W Salkeld.
Brood mare with her foal, J W Sal-
keld, Jas Davidson; filly or gelding, 2
years old, 0 W Taylor, S Bissitt; year-
ling, filly or gelding, 0 W Taylor,
Andrew Green; foal for 1896, Levi
Trick, A A Young; matched team,
Wm Elliott, A & J Taylor.
Brood mare with foal, Win Fisher,
J Salkeld; filly or gelding, 2 years old,
Hugh Chisholm, (: W Taylor; year-
lingg, filly or gelding, Hugh Chisholm,
Robt. Bean; foal of 1890, John Salkeld,
Wm Fisher; matched team, Chris
Dale. W J Miller.
Walking team, Andrew (.Green,
Jos Whitely.
Station 3 years old and upwards Thos
Inglis, Thos Gundry. Stallion any
age Thos Inglis; Jas Snell 1st prize for
brood mare with foal, foal of 1896.
Stallion, 3 years old and over, F J bd-
munaton 1st; Stallion, 2 years old Gro
Taylor let & diploma; hrocd mare
with foal, John F Dale, Jas Reynolds;
filly or gelding, 2 years old, Geo Dale
Jas Reynolds, gelding or fllly,yearling,
Geo Dale 1st; foal of 1890, Jas Rey-
nolds, Geo Dale; Span of heavy
draught horses, Chris Dale 1st; female
any age, John F Dale.
H & W Srnith took all firsts and Jas
Snell took five second prizes.
Wm Elliott took six first prizes, be-
ing the only exhibitor.
Mrs H F Attrill secured six first
John Varcoe took nine first prizes
and one second ; and W F Young got
first for bull 2 years old.
A. Drysdale took four first prizes,
and J L Aitken took first and a second.
Cow giving milk or in calf, J W
Salkeld, J Clark, Robt Bean; heifer 2
yrs old, J W Salkeld, Robt Bean;
2 and 3; l yr old, W M Knight, Henry
Uurwen, Jr W Salkeld; heifer calf, Jets
Snell, John Varcoe, Robt Bean; 2 yr
old steer, H & W Smith, J W Salkeld,
J Clark; yearling, Henry Curwen,lst &
3rd, J W Salkeld, 2nd; steer calf, Jas
Snell, J Clark, J W Salkeld; female,
any age, Jas Snell; herd, J W Salkeld,
Robt Bean.
Fat ox or steer -II & W Srnith, An-
drews Bros & Co; fat cow or heifer,
Wm Elliott, J %V Salkeld.
Jas Potter took all the prizes, being
the only exhibitor.
Jas Snell, 1st for ram, 2 shears and
over, and 1st and 2nd, for shearling
ram ; ram lamb, J C Henry, Jas Snell ;
Sair of ewes, 2 shears and over, Jas
nell ; pair of shearling ewes, Jas Snell,
H Curwen; pair of ewe lambs, J ((:
Henry, J Salkeld jr.; ram and ewe, any
age, Jas Snell.
Glen Bros took seven first prizes.
Jas Tabh and Thos H Tabb took all
the prizes but second, for aged ram
taken by J H Mallough.
Ram, 2 shears and over, Jas Cooper
& Son, J Salkeld; shearling ram, (i W
Sturdy, Glen Bros, ram Isiah, 0 W
Sturdy, Glen Bros ; pair of ewes, 2
shears and over, Jas Cooper & Son, 0
W Sturdy; pair of shearling ewes, 0
W Sturdy, Jae Cooper & Son; pair of
ewe lambs, Jas ('roper & Son, 1st and
2nd, and lst for pen of shropshire
downs; ram, any age, 0 W Sturdy;
ewe, any age, Jas Cooper & Hon.
Fleet fat sheep, ewe or wether, Jae
Snell, W T Murney.
Boar, 2 yrs old and over, Jas Chis-
holm, Jas Dorrance; over I year and
under 2 yrs, Wm McAllister, Jas Dor-
rance; hoar, littered in 1800, Jas Chis-
holm, Wm McAllister; any age, Jas
Chisholm; sow, 2 yrs old and over,
Chris Fahner, Wm McAllister; over 1
year and under 2 yrs, Jas Dorrance,
Wm McAllister; littered in 1896, Wm
McAllister, Jas Dorrance, any age,
Chris Fahner.
Boar, 2 yrs and over, W W Fisher,
Wm Sinclair; over 1 year and under 2
years, Chris Fahner, W F Young; lit-
tered in 1896, Wm Sinclair, W
Fisher; any age, Chris Fahner; sow 2
years and over, W W Fisher, Wm
Sinclair; over 1 year, under 2 yrs, Wm
Sinclair, W W Fisher; littered in 1896
Wm Sinclair, A Drysdale; any age, Aj
W Fisher.
Chris Fahner took all the first but
for boar over one, under two years
taken by W W Fisher.
Boar, any age, Robt Bean; sow. lit-
tered in 1890, (Glen Bros, John Salkeld;
any age, Glen Bros.
Boar,2 yrs old and over,Wrn Parsons,
Wilson Bros; over 1 yr, under 2, Chris
Fahner, Wui Bichan; littered in 1896,
Jas Tabb, Chris Fahner; any age, Wm
Parsons; sow, 2 yrs old and over, Chris
Fahner, Wrn Fisher; over 1 yr, under
2 years, Wilson Bros, J F Salkeld;
littered in 1896, Wrn Fisher, Win Sin-
clair; any age, Chris Fahner and Wrn
Fisher; pen of any breed, Jas Dor-
Bra hulas, light, Wm Carter,Geo Mc-
Kay; brahmas, dark, G W Irwin,
Wm Anstay; cochins, butt, J
C Lyons 1st; cochins, partridge,
J G Lyons lst; dorkins, silver
grey, G W Irwin, W W Fisher;
hamhurgs, spangled, Wm Carter 1st;
hambur s black and white A S Chry-
stal 1st; black spanish, white faced, (I
W Irwin 1st; leghorns, black, Win
Wallace 1st; leghorns, brown, single
comb,Postlethwaite 1st &2ud;houdans,
G W Irwin; polish, white crested,
black, Wm Carter; polish golden and
silver, Wm Carter; plymouth rocks, G
W Irwin, J U Lyons; wyandottes, J C
Lyons and Wrn Anstay both second;
wyandottes, white, Thos Beatty, E
Belcher; langshans, G W Irwin, J C
Lyons; andalusians, J E Whitely, Jos
Whitely; minarcos, G W Irwin, Wm
Wallace; game, brown -breasted red, O
A Wells; black -breasted red, U A Wells,
lst and 2nd; game pile, J C Lyons, black -
breasted red,Robt McLean, lst and 2nd,
brown -breasted red, E Belcher, 2nd;
pile, Robt McLean; duckwing, Robt
McLean, Mrs C Cain pbell ; Sea-
bright golden, J U Lyons; ban-
tams, any other variety, E Bel-
cher, 2nd; nekin bantams, E
Belcher; red caps, Wm Wallace, 2nd;
turkey, bronze, David Prouse, G W
Irwin; geese, embden, Jos Whitely, G
W Irwin; toulouse, W G Lamprey;
China, Jos Whitely, W F Young; any
other variety, John Salkeld; ducks,
pekin, G W Irwin, W G Lamprey; any
other variety, W W Fisher; guinea
fowls, Win Carter, Mrs C Campbell.
Brahrnas, light, Robt McLean, Wm
Carter; dark, G W Irwin; cochins,
white, black and buff 1st, J C
Lyons; dorkins, silver grey, W W
Fisher; Hamburgs, spangled, Win
Carter; black Spanish, Wni Carter;
leghorns, white, J C Lyons, E Belcher;
brown, Jas Postlethwaite,Wm Wallace;
Houdans, G W Irwin; polish, golden
and silver, Wm Carter; Plymouth
rocks, J U Lyons, 1st and 2nd; Ply-
mouth rocks, white, J C Lyons, Wm
Wallace; Wyandottes, Wm Carter;
Wyandottes, white, W G Lamprey,
Robt McLean; Langshans, Wm Carter;
niinorcos, Wm Anstay, 1st and 2nd;
game, black -breasted red, C A Wells;
Mawe pile, J C Lyons, 2nd ; bantams,
ack -breasted red, Jas Dickson, E
Belcher; bantams, pile, Robt McLean;
bantams, duckwing, Robt McLean, 1st
and 2nd; bantams seabright golden,
J U Lyons; any other variety, Jas
Postlethwaite, E Belcher; turkeys,
bronze J Salkeld. Jr., 2nd; geese, emir
den. Joe Whitely; geese, China, Jos
Whitely; ducks, Aylesbury, Wm Car-
ter; Rouen, Wm Wallace; Pekin, Wm
Carter, J C Lyons; any other variety,
(. W Irwin, F E Bingham; guinea
fowls, F E Bingham, Wm Carter; col-
lection rabbits, Mrs C Campbell; collec-
tion pigeons, Jas E Masotr, Geo Mc-
Brahmas, Roht McLean, Wm Carter;
cochins, J U Lyons; leghorns, W A
Ross, Jae Postlewhaite; wyandottes,
Jacob H Fisher 1st; games, 0 A Wells;
Haniburgs, Roht McLean.
Singing canary, W J Daniel, W G
Lamprey; collection birds, W J Daniel,
A 5 Chrystal.
Red Clawson wheat, Thos Beatty,
Jae Edmonstone; Democrat fall
wheat, Robt Bean, Henry Curwen; any
other variety fall wheat, white, Jno
Salkeld, John W Yoe; red or
amber, named, Stewart McDougall,
John Salkeld; spring wheat, Colorado,
5 Furze, H Curwen; any other variety
Si Furze; rye, Wm Sterling, Sheriff
Gibbons; six -rowed Barley, Henry
Curwen, Jno W Yoe; large peas, John
Salkeld, 8 Froze; small peas, 8 Fruze,
Henry Curwen; white oats, Henry Cur -
wen, James Edmonstone; black oats
James Davidson, Stewart McDougall;
flax seed, John Salkeld, 'i Salkeld,
timothy seed, John Salkeld, Walter
Hick; clover seed, Wal Swaflield:
white beano, John Salkeld; collection
grain in the straw, grown by the ex-
hibitor, Samuel Furze, John Salkeld.
JunoE--William Weir. Clinton.
Long red marigold, Henry Curwen,
John W Salkeld; globe mangold, Jno
Salkeld, W Warnock; intermediate
mangold, John Andrews, I Salkeld,
jr.; Swede turnips, John Porter, Wm
Parsons; fleld carrots, long red, John
Salkeld; white Garrote, Wm Warnock,
Henry Cnrwept onions W Warnock(
David Prouse; corn, field, H Curwen,
John Salkeld;largest Pumpkin, Wm
Warnock, Jno Salkeld; largest squash,
Wm Parsons, John Salkeld; largest
turnips, Henry Curwen I Salkeld, jr.;
largest and hest stalks field corn,
John Salkeld, Geo W Tompson.
Ten pounds table butter, salted for
use, Thos Hamilton, Mre Geo Nott ;
ten pounds table butter, salted for use,
Thos Hamilton, W F Young t tub or
Bank of Montreal. R H Sprung; W
F Young ; ten pounds salt butter, first
prize given by J W Smith, Thomas
Hamilton, 1 and 2; cheese, factory
rnade, Jas Connolly, Walter Fero ;
cheese, home wade, first prize given by
Bank of Montreal, L Syniiugton.
Judge-- Hugh Meerut ney, Brucefleld.
Ten varieties, S Furze, Walter Hick;
six varieties, Win Elliott, Henry Cur -
wen; six varieties, dessert, W Elliott,
Wm Edward; northern spy, J W Sal-
keld, A S Chrystal; Rhode Island
greening, John Stewart, W T Murney;
maiden's blush, Wnl Elliott, Wm Stir-
ling; Alexander, Jas Potts, Thus Ham-
ilton; wealthy, John Salkeld, Wm
Bichan; McIntosh red, A Sands,
John Stewart; Walbridge, John
Stewart; colvert, Wm Knight, 0 A.
Wells; baldwin, C A Naftel, John Ste-
wart; king of Tompkins county, Geo
Young, David Prouse ; spitzenberg
sasopus, G W Andrews, Jos Whitely;
fallawater, AndrewsBros.,Thos Beatty;
roxbury russett, Win Elliott, Wm Ed-
ward; hubbardson's non -such, B E
Davison, A Sands; American Golden
russett, T W Bell, Wm Bichan; ribaton
pi pin, John Stewart,W Hick;wagner,
W Elliott, T R Wallis; Blenheim pip-
pin, Wrn,Stirling, S McDougall; Ben
Davis, S McDougall, :Thos Beatty;
swear, Mrs Attrill, Jno Porter; Grimes
golden, T J Dickson, John Stewart;
Canada red,Jos Whitely, Jno Andrews;
swazze pomine grise, John Stewart,
Mrs Attrill; mann, W Elliott, W El-
liott; Ontario, Jos Beck, Henry Cur -
wen; snow, Jas Potter, Thos Beatty;
Gravenstein, Mrs Attrill, Jas Potter;
St. Lawrence, A McD Allan, A Bing-
ham; 20 -oz pippin or cabashea, A R
Anderson, henry Curwen; beauty of
Kent, John Salkeld, W T Murney;
fall pippin, E I Allan, A McD Allan;
Cayuga red streak, 20 -oz apple, Robt
McLean, J T Salkeld; Duchess of Old-
enburg, Wni Edward, T R Wallis;
Chenango strawberry, Wm Edward,
Jno Richards; Pewaukee, W F Young,
U J Naftel; phoenix, Thos Beatty, Win
Elliott; Tolman's sweet, Jno Richards,
W M Knight; Westfield's seek -no -far-
ther, Wm Elliott, Mrs M Morrish;
cranberry pippin, Jno Stewart, Thos
Beatty; seedling, E I Allan, Geo H Cox;
any other variety, A McD Allan, W
Hick; crab apples, J T Salkeld, Wm
Edward; quinces, Wm Stewart, John
Six varieties named, Dr Shannon,
John Stewart; three varieties, named,
C A Wells, Dr Shannon; Bartlett, W
Parson, Henry Curwen; Flemish
beauty, Henry Curwen, James Postle-
waite; Duchess of D'Angoulerne, W
Warnock, Walter Hick; President
Druard, E R Allan, A McD Allan; belle
lucrative and Louis Bonne de Jersey,
John Stewart, Wm Warnock; 13eurre
D'Anjou, S Furze, Dr Shannon; heurre
superfine, E 1 Allan, A McD Allan,
jr.; beurre hardy, E 1 Allan, A McD
Allan, jr.; beurre diehl, J H Williams;
heurre boss, Dr Shannon, S Furze;
Sheldon, Hy Curwen, W G Lamprey;
winter Nellis, second, A Bingham;
beurre Clairgeon, Dr Shannon, John
Stewart; Howell. Dr. Shannon, Mrs
Geo Evans; Seckel, A Curzon, John
Andrews; Clapp's favorite, S Furze;
Lawrence, W Hick, A McD Allan, jr.;
Josephine, De Matinee, A Bingham, A
McD Allan, jr.; Keiffer, NV M Knight,
Jas Dickson; any other variety, A McD
Allan, jr., Dr Shannon.
Washington, 8 Furze, A Bingham;
Bradshaw, C A. Humber, S Furze;
Pond's Seedling, Win Stewart, Wm
Warnock; Victoria, 8 Furze, W Hick;
Yellow Egg, Win Warnock, J Postle-
waite ; Duane's Purple, Jas Whitely,
W G Lamprey; Lombard, 0 A Hum -
her, S Morningstar; Raine Claude De
Bevay, J E Whitely, Jos Whitely Im-
perial Gage, A Curzon, General Hand,
0 E Holt, Win Warnock; Coe's Golden
Drop, 'Wm Stews) t, J E Torn ; peach,
Wrn Stewart; Niagara, .1 Stewart;
Shippers Prize, 8 Furze; any other
variety, Wm Stewart., 8 Morningstar.
Four varieties, \Vm Bichan; late
Crawford, W M Knight, Wtn Bichan;
Seedling, Win Bichan, 5 Morningstar.
White under glass, Mies M Cameron,
Mrs H F Attrill; black, under glass,Mrs
H F Attrill, Miss M Cameron; 12 varie-
ties, open air, Wm Warnock, A Bing-
harn; 8 varieties, W Warnock, A Bing-
ham; 4 varieties,Wm Warnock,S Mor-
ningstar; delaware, A Bingham, Mrs
Attrill; concord, 8 Morningstar, Wm
Warnock; Hartford, Wm Stewart,Wm
Warnock; Eumelan, Dr Shannon; Rog-
er's No 3, Dr Shannon, Mrs Attrill;
Rogers' No 4. Wm Warnock, Mrs At -
trill; Rogers' No 9, Mrs Attrill, 8 Mor-
ningstar; Rogers' No 14, Jas Wilkin-
son; Rogers, No 15, S Morningstar, A
Bingham; Rogers, No 19, Wm Warnock,
A Bingham; Rogers' No 44, Wm War-
nock, Mrs Attrill ; Ionia, W Warnock;
A Bingham; Salem. S Morningstar, Dr
Shannon; Moore's diamond, Wm War-
nock, S Morningstar; eaton, Wm War-
nock; virgennes, W Warnock; Clinton,
Mrs Attrill, Wm Stewart; diana, Jas
Wilkinson, Dr Shannon; Niagara, Rev
M Turnbull, S Morningstar; Jessica,
Wm Warnock; worden,8 Morningstar;
J T Salkeld' Moore's early, Wm Stew-
art, 8 Morningstar; Brighton, 8 Morn-
ingstar, Wm Warnock; winchell, Wm
Warnock; any other variety, Mrs At -
trill, W T Murney' Mills, Wm Sallows;
water melons, OA *ells, Wm War nock;
yellow flesh melons, Wm Warnock
Jas Wilkinson; green flesh melons J
Stewart, Mrs Attrill; citrons, Wm
crock of salt butter, prizes given by Warnock, Thos Hamilton.
Cut flowers, H L Watson, W T Kiely;
dahlias, U A Wells; verbenas, Mrs H F
Attrill, A Bingham; roses, J Stewart,
A Bingham; hand bouquet, H L Wat-
son, W T Kiely; table bouquet, J
Stewart, A Bingham; carnations, H L
Watson; dianthus, H L Watson, A
Bingham; floral design J Stewart, H
L Watson,- zinnias, doable, H L Wat-
son, W T Kiely; truss geraniums, single,
H L Watson, Jno Stewart ; truss ger-
aniums, double, J Stewart, H L Wat-
son; perennial phloxes, H L Watson;
phloxes, annual, Wm Stewart., H L
Watson; gladiolus, H L Watson, A
Bingham; Hix gladiolus, A Bingharn;
asters, Wm Stewart, II L Watson;
pansies, 11 L Watson, A Bingham;
balsam spikes, W H Webster, U A
Wells; stocks spikes, 11 L Watson, NV
Stewart; petunias, single, H L Watson,
Juo Stewart; petunias double, Jno Ste-
wart, H L Watson: coleus, Jno Ste-
wart, A Bingham, H L Watson; cox-
comb spikes, Mrs Walker, Wrn Stewart
tuberous begonias, single, A Bingham;
John Stewart; double, John Stewart,
begonias rex, A Bingham; fuchsias;
Wm Stewart; geraniutns, single, John
Stewart, H L Watson, A Bingham;
four geraniums, single, H L Watson,
W T Kiely, John Stewart; eight ger-
aniums, double, W T Kiely, John Ste-
wart, H T Watsou; four geraniums,
double, H L Watson, W T Kiely, Jno
Stewart; greenhouse plants, W T
Kiely, A Bingham, H L Watson; fol-
iage plants, A Bingham, W T Kiely;
hanging flower baskets, H L Watson,
Wm Stewart; hanging flower basket,
A Bingham, H L Watson ; native
ferns in pots, W H Webster, A Bing-
ham; collection native flowers, Mrs 0
M Elliott, W H Webster; collection
climbers, H L Watson, A Bingham;
varieties ver henas, H L Watson; palms,
H L Watson; varieties cauna.s, H L
Collection of cut flowers, Win Ste-
wart, 0 A Wells; six varieties dahlias,
Wm Stewart, 0 A Wells; collection
verbenas, Mrs H R Walker, W H
Webster; hand bouquet, John T Dick-
son, W H Webster; table bouquet, Jno
T Dickson, Rev M Turnbull; collection
dianthus,W H Webster, J H Williams;
collection zinnias, Mrs H R Walker,
W H Webster: collection truss geran-
iums, J H Williams, A R Anderson;
collection phloxes, J H Williams, W H
Webster; i:ix varieties gladiolus, C A
Wells, W H Webster; collection asters,
W H Webster, J H Williams; pansies,
Mrs H R Walker, 0 A Wells; petunias,
Single Wm Stewart, CA Wells petunias
double, Wm Stewart, J H Williams;
geraniums, single, Wrn Stewart, J H
Williams; geraniums, double, Wm
Stewart, J H Williams; foliage plants,
,Mrs H R Walker, J H Williams; four
varieties coleus, Wm Stewart; three
varieties tuberous begonias, C A Wells,
J H Williams; begonia, rex, Mrs H R
Walker; fuchsias in bloom, Wm Ste-
wart, J H Williams; hanging basket,
W H NN ebater, J H Williams; cactus,
Mrs Geo Evans, W H Webster; begon-
ias in bloom, J H Williams; Childish
gladiolus, W H Webster.
Judge -William Coats.
Burpee's early potatoes, C A Wells,
J Salkeld; white elephant potatoes,
Wilson Bros. Minnie Stokes; Beauty
of Hebron potatoes, A Binghani, 8
Furse; potatoes any variety named, 5
Morningstar, Sheriff Gibbons; Eng ve-
getable marrow, A Curzon, Wm War-
nock; summer squash for table, A
Binghani, Mrs Attrill; winter squash
for table, H L Watson, Thos Hamil-
ton; roots, white or golden celery, Wm
Swafficld, John Stewart; red celery, A
Bingham; winter cabbage named, U A
Wells, A Bingham; fall cabbage,
named, 0 A Wells, Geo Sheppard;
savoy cabbage, John Salkeld, Thos
Hamilton; red cabbage, John Salkeld.
C A Wells; long blood beets, table,
John Salkeld, David Prouse, turnip
blood beets, table, 0 A Wells, Wm
Warnock. radishes, U A Wells, J E
Tom; table turnips, Si Furze. John An-
drew; long orange carrots, John Sal-
keld; early horn carrots, Wm War-
nock, Frank Wright; scarlet carrots,
Nance, Wm Swaflield, Mrs. Attrill;
parsnips for table, Frank Wright,
Geo Sheppard; red onions, D Prouse,
Thos Beatty; yellow onions, I) Prouse,
C A Wells; silver skin onions, A
Hingham, 0 A Wells; collection sweet
corn, for table, Jas Wilkinson; 6 ears
corn for table, Wrn Warnock, Jaynes
Wilkinson; egg plant, 0 A Wells, W
Warnock; cauliflower, Mrs Attrill, Jae
Wilkinson; collection ripe capsicums,
(' A Wells; red tomatoes, Wm Stew-
art., A Bingham; purple tomatoes, W
Stewart; yellow tomatoes, Mrs Attrill;
collection garden herbs, 0 A Wells;
collection garden vegetatblee and herbs,
distinct from other entries, 0 A
Wells; A Bingham: collection 6 varie-
ties potatoes, Wm Wells, Thos Hood;
yellow Spanish onions, Wm Wells; red
Spanish onions, U A *elle.
JuncrE--John Johnston, Clinton.
Woven quilt, home made, Mrs Geo
Nott, Jas Edmunston ; patchwork
quilt, woollen,Mrs J Heale, F RWallis;
patchwork quilt, cotton Mr's Wm Mc-
Caughan, Mrs H R Walker; patch-
work quilt, silk, L. Symington; em-
broidered quilt, Mrs H F Attrill, Mrs
C Campbell; knitted quilt, L. Syming
ton Mrs Geo Nott; crochet work quilt,
J W Yeo, L Symington; smyrna rug,
Mre H R Walker, Mrs U Washington;
home made carpet, Mrs H R Walker,
Mrs Geo Nott' home made rug mat,
Wm Sallow% Miss L Buchanan; woolen
stockings, Miss L Buchanan, Thos
Hamilton; woolen socks, Mies L Buch-
auan, Mrs. Geo Nutt; woolenloves,
Mrs 0 Washington, Miss L Buchanan,
woolen mita, Mrs. C. Waelliugton ; Miss
L Buchanan; yarn, house made, 'Phos
Hamilton, %Int Sterling.
(:LASS 49.
Gents' shirt, hand rnade, Thus
Hamilton, Mies Buchanan; ditto,rnaeh-
ine rnade, Miss Buchanan, Win Sterl-
ing; gents' fancy flannel shirt, machine
made, Miss Buchanan, Thos. Hamilton
ditto hand wade Miss Buchanan, Thos.
Hamilton; night dress, L. Symington,
Mrs Geo Nutt; tatting, M L Sneyd,
Mrs C Campbell; crochet work, in wool,
M L Snevd, Mrs U Campbell; crochet
work in cotton, Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss
Cameron; macrame work, L Syming-
ton, M L Sueyd; crochet work and
novelty braid curubined,Miss Cameron,
MLSneyd,eutbroidery on linen orcot ton
Miss Uanieron,J E Torn; pointlaee, bars
Campbell, Miss N Nairn; honitun lace,
Mrs U Campbell, L Symington; silk
embroidery, .1 E. Turn, Miss Macara;
embroidery slippers, Mrs U Campbell,
Mrs Geo Nott; drawing -room screen,
Mrs C Campbell, M L Sneyd; piano or
table scarf, Mrs Geo Nott, M L Sneyd;
whisk -holder, Wm Hartry, Mrs Geo
Nott; parlor ratchet, H L Watson; sofa
pillow, Miss Cameron, MI's Campbell;
tray cloth, H L Watson, Miss Buchan-
an; table centre piece, H L Watson, M
L Sneyd; toilet set,Mrs H TAttrill,Miss
Buchanan; table mats, 11 L Watson,
Mrs Campbell; tea cosy, M L Sneyd,
Mrs Campbell; shawl, L Symington;
fancy braiding, Mrs 11 R Walker, M L
Sneyd; fancy knitting by hold, Miss
Macara; fancy patched wur k, Miss
Cameron, Mrs U Washington; etching
or outline embroidery, Mrs A. (' John-
stone, Mrs Geo Nott; Roman embroid-
ery, Mrs U Campbell, Miss Macara;
darned net, Miss L Buchanan, Mrs C
Campbell; patch on old garment, Miss
Stokes, Mss Buchanan; fancy netting,
Win Harts y, Mrs Campbell; drawn
work,, Wm Hartry,L Symington; darn-
ing on stockings, Wrn Sterling, Thos
Hamilton; carving on wood; 2nd L
Symington; painting on glass, L Sym-
ington, Mrs Campbell; painting on
felt, Mrs Washington, Miss Buchanan;
fire screen, Mrs Campbell; fancy tidy,
M L Sneyd, Mrs Campbell; novelty,
Mrs Jno Howrie, Mrs 11 R Walker;
crochet linen lace, H L Watson, Mrs
C Campbell; crochet cotton lace, L
Symington, Thus Harnilton; chenille
embroidery on felt, Mrs Uawpbell, Mr's
Geo Nott; etching, Mrs Campbell, Mrs
Geo Nott; arrasene work, L Symington,
M L Sneyd; crazy work in wool, Wrn
Hartry, Mrs Campbell; crazy work in
silk, Miss Buchanan, Mr's C Washing-
ton; antique on felt, Mrs Washington,
L Symington; ladies' shopping bag,
Mrs Campbell, M L Sneyd; fancy pin
cushion, Mrs Campbell, Miss Cameron;
crotchet or knit slippers, Miss Buchan-
an, M L Sneyd; button holes, W F
Murney, Miss Buchanan; handkerchief
sachet, Mrs Geo Nott, M L Sneyd;
glove box, Miss Cameron, Mrs C Wash-
ington; kitchen apron, Mrs H R Walker,
Mrs Win McCaughan; laundry bag,
Mrs H R Walker, Mrs Cameron; em-
broidery with linen floss, Miss Macara,
L Symington; embroidery with rope
silk, L Symington, Mrs Geo Nott ; col-
lection of ladies' work, Mrs°Campbell:
ottoman, W F Murney, commended.
in Classes 50 and 52 Professional Oils
and Watercolors, Mr, Robt Orochett,
of Hamilton, took all the prizes, being
the only exhibitor.
Any subject, Mre C Campbell, Jas
Lane; lanIscape, Mrs C Campbell, Jae
Dickson; marine view, Mrs ()Campbell,
Jas Lane; animals, Mrs (J Campbell,
Jas Lane; flowers or fruit, Mrs A U
Johnstone, Mrs Campbell; still life,
Miss J McKenzie, Mrs Campbell; ori-
ginal painting, Jas Lane, Misr J Mc,
Kenzie; painting on silk or satin, L
Symington, Jas Lane.
Any subject, Mrs A (' Johnstone,
Mrs C Campbell; landscape, ,Miss E
Fraser, Miss J McKenzie; marine view,
Mrs ('amphell, Miss E Fraser; animals,
Miss J McKenzie, Mrs Campbell; flow-
ers or fruit, Miss J McKenzie, Mrs A (:
Johnstone; still life, Miss E Fraser,
Miss J McKenzie; original, Miss E
Fraser; Sepia, Miss i. Fraser, Mrs
Campbell; pencil or crayon drawing,
Jas Lane, Miss M Macara; pen and ink
sketch, Mrs A (% Johnstone, Mrs Camp-
bell; painting on silk or satin, Mrs
Campbell, Miss E Fraser; penmanship,
plain, Mir,e M Stokes, Thos Hamilton;
ornamental, Thos Hamilton.
Honey in comp, Wm Hartry, (' A
Humber; jar of honey, Win Hartry. ('
A Humber; maple syrup, Mre Geo
Nott, Wm Sallows.
Collection home-made preserves, 8•
Morningstar, Mrs Warnock; 1 jar o4
jachee, W A Ross, C A Humber; 1
r pears, 8 Morningstar, Mrs Attrill; 1
jar citrons, Walter Hicks, W A Roes;
jar cucumber, Mrs C Washington, L
• ington; 1 jar quince, Mrs Humber,
Walter Hicks; jellies, 1 jar or pot, 3
kinds, Mrs John Howrie, Mrs H R
Walker; mixed pickles, Mrs G Nott,
Mrs Washington; home-made bread,
W M Knight, Andrew Green; home-
made br d, with yeast cakes, Percy
Stewart, ohri Porter; home-made
bread, made ith baker's hop yeast An-
drew Green,David Prouse; layer eake,A
Bingham, T R Wallis; tea biscuits Miss
N Nairn, W A Rosa ; collection of pies,
Mrs A D McLean, Wm Bichan; fancy
Cartes, Mrs A D McLean, Wm Stirling.
Judges -Mrs R J Whitely, Mrs J Mc-
Garry, Lucknow.